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Boss: Dire Wolf

The past three weeks weve been uncovering the ways the Shadow Clan has contaminated
Americas environment in 2017. And theyve placed another obstacle in our way to stop us.
They have sent a dire wolf to prevent us passing...We will have to defeat it. We have until
Friday to do so. Best of luck to us all!

Produce an analysis essay of at least 750 words. The topic can be any environmental /
animal rights / water ISSUE that has been happening the past five years: pollution, limited
drinking water, bottled water, limiting ocean biodiversity, factory farms, etc. Pick an issue,
discuss the basics of the issue, discuss the different sides of the debate, and analyze it in
your own terms.

If you pass each of the criteria, you beat the boss! Try to work on training missions the rest
of the week. By the end of the week, you should have at least 14 MP (when you add your
vocab level and grammar level, it should equal or exceed 14), in order to be on track to make
an A by the end of the semester.

Five criteria you will be judged on:

Length: at least 750 words?
Strong analysis: valid points and discussion of the issue, shows critical thinking rather than
surface level thought
Strong thesis: makes a clear argument
Strong language: spelling, grammar, punctuation, and style
Organization: follows a logical organization, and doesnt seem rantish
Note: plagiarism from this point on yields a 0 and being reported to the Dean; even if you
summarize a source, credit it appropriately!
Rewards: 165 XP; 35 Gold; 1UP; Repair powder

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