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Universal Laws

DESBICS Vice and Virtue

Provisionary Manuscript
Integrational Draft for
The Universal Laws for Mankinds

1. In accordance with this statutes lawful and safety oriented purpose-s. You shall not solicit a cross
member act of lude and or lascivious fornication in any way shape or form in as arduously a pre
cursor to mutations. You shall not reach for a penis in an act of lude and or lascivious intents.

(b). In as we test, when a man or young man, or boy commits in as we suggest a first question that
may arise to the areas of those accountable for an decision in after-lifes realms and other areas of
evaluations need.

(b)..In as we side accurate in our observation of legal remands in as I Supernal Authorities

expressly forbid, forbade and will see fit to exact a vengeance requisite and/or against any such
predication of stimulation or chemistry manipulation.

2. In accordance with this statutes lawful and safety oriented purpose-s. You shall not commit rectal
fornication in any way shape or form. In as a founding supportive measure this Statue calls for the
safety and enforcement of previously identified extra ordinary circumstances common causes, did
arise as to revise as credible measures in as such You shall not: by consensual terms or other terms
engage in acts of homosexuality likeness as did describe not to lay with man as with womankind.
enticements, Noting as forbidden to prostrate ones penis, receptacles, dna advantaged rapes, rapes
of any, enticements, such-like areas of:

(a). rectum, anal cavitys, oral, mouth, tonsils, body areas, cavitys, bodily innards,, oral or and
mouths, mouthards, kidneys, livers, spleens, gizzards, brains, ears, faces, in accordance with this
measure as to protect and serve our/the interests of Provisionally accepted United States Doctrines
in Constitutionally defined Providence of Man and interest that of Nature and Natures Gods.

(b).protracting of any size dimensions of your penis or likeness, in any areas such as: rectal or anal
fornications, in any chemistry areas known to demean or counter our natural-like evolution
intending a phase advancement or Gods to say right authorities.

(c). In as such to side this provisional subparagraphs intends on so protecting and enforcing the
stately safety cordons in as never partake in as legible and noted as neither hyperbole exclamation
of conquest or neither identifies: a climax, an orgasm, of fore play or any such irregular activities, or
any sensual accord or fornications of rectal, anal, or oral appeasement in any such manner.



In as so many words can never described, in an effort to emerge far and free away from abuses of
chemistry by inferior dna advantaged predicators of not one iota of Laws in place, The Manuscripts
intended purposes is to bring about conscionable regard to they who pretended to be Americans
and in disguise planted a Human decoy who is here to talk of the supposed men women mental
health and every persons in invisible realms chemistry.

An end times areas of dna infused advantaged lessor advanced inferior evolution using replica

So the star coordinates of Charles Schofers superior offices put a Charles Schofer areas of flushings
got an ideas, using Charlies spermicidal dunders a Creations to trick all the rest of star people and
colonies in to thinking no worries no fears, the subjects that of infused dna universal like oneness so
enormous each and every police officer with a guns to deceive along with every esoteric citizens
conniving indifferences to talk have been are still dundering simply stated anal rape jobs that when
universal oneness dna advantaged allowed to grow this far to alloy become invisible and no one has
a chance as my enemies the police and phony families used me for bait as to imply nice simple
So the phony people all replicas of a mankind depictions are really alloy dna mitochondria so
volatile, and dense as could never allows has my certifiably correct blessings take action like end
Charles Schofers exitences and some areas of a fractions of the workload will be treated in as we
stipulates rapist killers dundering every living things in Creations is not ok with mes us Steven.

So the areas of Charles Schofer I boss or suppliers in making a bust one would need to end the
supplys of fuck over Cosmos and planet makers assemblys.

In as we talk and even warn others if they can take out Charles Schofer first, but before this be
forewarned the masses here are dna infused replicas of a very nice and simply stated phony civil
societys doing ok. When this 1950s era of Stevens fathers doing brought forward Steven Van
Schofer aka Arroyo, he also b5rought forward 4.5 quadrillion same set ups.

One apparently would enjoy the what appears to be not a worry in a phony impressions of
Communities complete with shopping malls, toilets commodes, televised luxurys, shipping,
commerce all what may appear to others in Stevens esoteric being used as bait in every liars got an
answers to stipulated kill mes fors.

So by introducing phantom like replicas of Steven or as many as several trillion worlds a dunder a
heaven scam the dna advantaged infused replicas have a advantage property some would never
concur and to late is already a dreaded integers. Now when a dna disadvantaged person is
preparing an descriptive of universal oneness giant creatures untold invisible light who have
multiplied by anal rape jobs without a fight by other victims which result in the accorded Stars called
binarys and planets to their assigned to emulsify like words dont have time to describe ending
every living thing in Creation in cosmos started by altogether lying protective services in nows the

So if Stevens supposed father brought Stevens Van Schofers by a phony fathers altogethers pre-
planned end every living things advantaged dna mechanics the subjects of either warning others to
possibly figure out a way of ending Charles Schofer existence who is really altogether identities he
assumes in as we see a helpful assessment and work ethic made may be detrimental in an esoteric
display of what could be noted as their weakness.
Abut if Charles Schofer is able to withstand an try the Star or Celestial possible police may wind up
victimized beyond consensus could afford to described.

So by clarified esoteric need for dialog we see infused dna knows no laws and are considered to be
in the element of metals associated to time ending for altogether works.

So this set out at first to be a universal laws draft to use as reasonable accord against these phony
peoples desires to rape a rectal massacre to every living organism may only be treated and ended
by an esoteric depletion of replicas in as we see the cosmos machines are located to some extents
as well, and in suggesting other nice star beings to risk their lives in deputies lying conniving esoteric
police radios a units to gun down our appreciated but bait they used..

So in so re-deciding Charles Schofer has us seems to be the problem. As if to cite poulter geist
reasoning to accuse us and take Steven into custody.

So bad examples of phony liturgys can be assumed as actually more live ones for the Charles
Schofer regimes stated trillions of marbles this way we captured the other days. (if applicables).

If not badly enough to sided come over and see.

But as you know we shared our observation of commonly understood presences at another Cosmos
maker machines or worlds machines back two or four months agos.

So badly enoughs going to not sell short our a Lords may be time to clean up the shops and
resituate the cantankerous got vehemently denied can kill, when he/ we suggested this identities
along with HB Westminster police chiefs debriefed to in as Charles Schofer identities with no
individual capacity as police or mental health worker can be deceiving to this potential alter
consciessnous behavior modification ploys.

When as we see seated got wind of never knows in so may words is trying to call us to bring about a
death to mes is obvious needs to remind whatever Steven is planning on working ten more years
and the sudden extinction of Charles Schofers the worst theres ever been is certainly a no love lost
consensus. This and the Asian huge super market right across the street like my /our other set ups
will have the whole areas food, water and generators, gas, to standby and survive and or allow us to
introduce possible other people or help as to make opportune use of the apparent worldly escrows.
So if Charles Schofer thinks the faulty constraints ideas are Supernal authorities side or maybe
Supernals authorities have consensus of the end and sudden death of altogethers most never
needed skulduggerys evilest regimes is going to ends.

So in so standing by the /a/ our Gods and Supernal authorities invoices. In as I see even if Antzee
needs to end Stevens esoteric life ending and in so thinking Antzee can do what he wants with our
or Stevens Matrix that even if its applicable which it may be, better being placed or part of an
Antzee pool of energy and not know anything about anything in terms of next areas of Antzees own
business. So if the predatory phony familys thought Id be in an areas of cemetery haunt tortures so
bad, or if Id be a spirited type of individual existing in a Earth with no people or nada, Antzee would
probably adopt whatever His grand plans may be. But it kind of looks though I like the 4.4 quadrillion
alike myself and if we see right the numerical integers discussed in his there Cosmos mechanisms
are a flip of the switch coming closely to day of liberations, theyll be able to use the resources of
everyone is gone in order to at least not fall victims to the evilest sinfulest conniving deceptions of

So with these notice to they and Charles Schofer his replica and assumed identities nearbys the
subjects of some odes and a few recitals will be the mindset we feel is suitable in areas of expecting
a death decrees at any moments.

As documented accurately in so being mindful to take a hard line stance on this and all of its Allies
predicated needs to ends.

As certified, testified to this invoiced inter-planetary monitored by Antzee Dancee who as and alongs
with Supernal Navigates Judges, William P. Williamson and Justices Anton also gave ear and
communication servitude with Steven in altogether ears could not care less.

So if caller id doesnt pick up the phone can cite our lip servers etiquette and if radio frequency
assuagement brought about propertys in question are going to end with the terminations of Charlie
so what do we wanted to knows. That and or reminded altogether committed to set fires here ten
individual times whereby all managerial staff afforded to witness Wills testimony at Westminster
Courts and Police attention. So its in Stevens own very qualified opinions to commence with the
Charles Schofer execution and well all be just fine.

Stevens Van Schofers aka Arroyo allegiance goes out to the Supernal Deitys and always Gods
side even if sudden and unexplained outcomes arise.

And if by some mistake the phony people are still around well take it from there.

Undersigned as true and certified correctly satisfied to the best of my/our knowledges.

Steven Van Arroyo aka Steven Van Schofer an active duty agent/liaison/host/witness/relay and
communication assuagement earned higher ranking secret service in as when altogether defaulted
their oaths. Steven Van Schofers aka Arroyos with Supernal flight navigates at first as situated a
test and phased up to Gods thereat began as we say around December 11 1989 where as we see a
due diligent efforts were given in as the teams stepped up to the work ethics in self education
desires in Computer, psychology, Law School Credits, and areas of foul play never transpired as
sorry to be the bait is very sad to see the Charles Schofer regime is expected to be done at any
moment. Done in every language as all speak and understood the English language and followed
this telepathic accounting when typed and as submitted and MAKE TO ALL YE MEN BY THESE
PRESENTS noted in areas when a public posting is noted to signify a legal accountings.

Done 19 July 2016 Calif time PST in Midway City California 92655 USA


In as we see we sided not to be a murderer and as suchly the people inferior dna have been
criticized by animals of extinction long agos demeanors and in so identifying their colors as black or
brownard or Navy assassins inventories of marbles to force a fight to our windows areas the
subjects of inscripted vice concepts that of not too allow rectal insemination is obsolete in as we see,
these pretend to be a decoy like friend and familys are indeed full blown rapists in as we described
the worser of enemies than a lit soul bad ass can berserk.

undertake any policy of Human or other beings becoming tortured, raped, killed in a way to insure
thet never want to re live or in a demeaning, or regression oriented manipulation or enticements,
Noting as forbidden to prostrate ones penis, receptacles, dna advantaged rapes, rapes of any,
enticements, such-like areas of:

3. In so saying this legislation outlaws any infusion by Womankind as well of rectal and oral
pacification and emission of semen or other areas of the revisionary accord protects the safety of it
consensus by eliminating a degree of compounding mutations and said gateways of dangerous
outcomes and in so seeing complications that did arise.
(a).So by enacting on this intended legislations defining Womenkind too are bound by this Provisions
emphasis of unlawful and regarded counterpoint safety predications, no women, gal, child, assumed
identitys of a women, shall engage in any suchlike rectal orientations or anal pleasures and / or
tricks to regress men, or rectal body functions to allow a penis protrusions, an ejaculation, or a side
of hell so called advantages hereby.

(b). This referendum calls for the illegalization of any oral or mouthard predications of sexual acts or
any enticement of any such acts even if it was stated to be mutually consented to. In accordance
with this Chapter intended purpose, No person of age or not of age consented or not be appeased or
gratified by any oral or mouth oriented gratifications in so amended terms. The two offenders will be
subject to fines or imprisonment or both so stated.

. In so saying neither a loophole to concert nor a child, or boy or kids. This and prohibits any and
all likeness of rectal infusions to or in or on an Alien-like being-s, nor Extra-terrestrial-like being
hereby in any or what so ever an areas known as abominable to Mankind denoted:

(d). rectum, anal cavitys, oral, mouth, tonsils, body areas, cavitys, bodily innards,, oral or and
mouths, mouthards, kidneys, livers, spleens, gizzards, brains, ears, faces, in accordance with this
measure as to protect and serve our/the interests of Provisionally accepted United States Doctrines
in Constitutionally defined Providence of Man and interest that of Nature and Natures Gods.

(e). In as such to side this provisional subparagraphs intends on so protecting and enforcing the
stately safety cordons in as never partake in as legible and noted as neither hyperbole exclamation
of conquest or neither identifies: a climax, an orgasm, of fore play or any such irregular activities, or
any sensual accord or fornications of rectal, anal, or oral appeasement in any such manner.

5. In accordance with this statutes lawful and safety oriented purpose-s. You shall not taint, or plant
semen emission, fecal enzymes, or bodily fluids, or any what so ever concoctions in any like manner
in any way shape or form. In so identifying either a poisoning attempt and or in areas of foul play
(a).foods, beverages, snacks, facial creams, shampoos, pills, stash or pot or so called items of
anothers being personal use or a likeness.

(b) In as we side accurate in our observation of legal remands in as I Supernal Authorities expressly
forbid, forbade and will see fit to exact a vengeance requisite and/or against any such predication of
stimulation or chemistry manipulation.

(6). In accordance with this statutes lawful and safety oriented purpose-s. You shall not lay with any
animal or beast. In accordance to this paragraph you shall give seed nor appeasement, nor receive
an animal ejaculation or protrusion of penis of any animals beasts, pets, nether boast or incite a
need for attention. If this Provisionary safety oriented purposes to the lawful and supposed efforts to
protect and serve its constituencys is not enough to remove the temptations; the subjects that of
mitigated circumstances likes: Government obscurity in Gods Existences, or they who were lead to
believe no God or atheist contentions to believe, or they who not had a relationship with the Lord, or
the fantasy seekers ambitions the subjects that of hell or regression repercussions that may result
cannot be ignored. In accordance with this Statutes intention to protect and serve the wellbeing of
the Communities, a notable fine-s or lengthy incarceration term will be instituted hereas.

(7).In as such to describe you are not to lay with an Alien or Extra-terrestrial within your capabilitys
to deter an advance. If such an unison did transpire the police department or Sheriff department in
Accordance with this Sup-paragraphical are to take a report, and insure the victim of their freedom
and rights not to be compromised. In furtherance a subsidized nurse and medical checkup will be
invited in as such a way as to cover all costs that may arise should an anomalous or other finding be
given. In as we see this Provision calls for the Police and Sheriff Departments to provide care and
medical assistance in a times of new challenges and awareness where space traveler reported inter
actions may occur.

(8). So in accordance with this Chapters safety oriented revision oriented drafts, in as we re-situate
an vice or virtue element in these areas of 2016 amending principles in accorded respects for other
authors efforts to believes a policy perspective in a Universal Laws An noted Drafts and our the
peoples Manuscripts. When the presences of a noteworthy likeness to what is being touted as a
Supernal Creators Presences, and as well stipulates worthy details of applicable policys in as we
Our subjects that of an more suitable Accorded revision-ment of safety oriented and whos it may
be to consider in its own rights to inscribed a decencys regard for the Laws of Nature and Natures
Gods, The New Accorded Laws a Variance of a Vice and Virtue Drafts hereas either our U S
Attorneys can amend appendages and or as we stipulated our personally having a relationship with
a Deitys associated to Supernal and Omnipotent classifications.

In so saying by whose authorities a draft and or a submittal in areas Universal Laws can use a Vise
and Virtue supplement and in so recognized high lights of Biblical points of references in as we see
may be ridiculed at first, in as may be concerted are still young or believes still coming of age and
ten years further ahead areas of built on the shoes of predecessors may not be the worst ideas
when in a times in as reported Cosmos machines and evilest Lucipherian-like reported Reptilian-like
saucer crews may be believed to be involved in a breach of U S. International, and Celestial areas of
known to be a Gods oath to say.

Having seen the light and having witnessed the vision of Gods in my very own regard for a record
and in accordance with this measure as to protect and serve the our/the interests of they not a
Presidents who does fornicate a rectal answer to call members of secret service to fight against my
wellbeing in as we the police in our areas are refuted to had tried to bust/kill/ catch/ us twenty times
a letter, the need for parity in as Provisionally accepted United States Doctrines in Constitutionally
defined Providence of Man and interest that of Nature and Natures Gods cant be ignored. So

Not to undertake any policy of Human or other beings becoming tortured, raped, killed in a way to
insure thet never want to re live or in a demeaning, or regression oriented manipulation or
enticements, Noting as forbidden to prostrate ones penis, receptacles, dna advantaged rapes, rapes
of any, enticements, such-like areas of:

(a) In as we side accurate in our observation of legal remands in as I Supernal Authorities

expressly forbid, forbade and will see fit to exact a vengeance requisite and/or against
any such predication of stimulation or chemistry manipulation.

4.In as we say these Provisional amendments where as we see and set aside these areas as we
noted in accordance to the outcome and safety oriented purpose of laws in place, in as we
understand why safety consensus can neither be denied or repealed the legitimate areas of this
referendums propensity and long term effect here by, supersedes and strikes down Supreme
Courts previous assertions in as we discovered anomalous objectives by the Presidents friend
Stevens regard for protecting and defending those who may have politely errd, in as we see the
dreaded integers supposedly associated with shape shift aliens and said thought to be reptilians
who rape and manifest by way of rectal insemination behaviors, rapes, manipulations, and as
reasonable to predicate the changes in policy here noted.

5. In accordance with this statutes lawful and safety oriented purpose-s. You shall not taint, or plant
semen emission, fecal enzymes, or bodily fluids, or any what so ever concoctions in any like manner
in any way shape or form. In so identifying either a poisoning attempt and or in areas of foul play

(a).foods, beverages, snacks, facial creams, shampoos, pills, stash or pot or so called items of
anothers being personal use or a likeness.

(b) In as we side accurate in our observation of legal remands in as I Supernal Authorities expressly
forbid, forbade and will see fit to exact a vengeance requisite and/or against any such predication of
stimulation or chemistry manipulation.

2..In as we side accurate in our observation of legal remands in as I Supernal Authorities expressly
forbid, forbade and will see fit to exact a vengeance requisite and/or against any such predication of
stimulation or chemistry manipulation.

(b) ny and all previously known decisions. In sfoods, beverages, snacks, facial creams or a

(c) or any protractible units of a penis enlargement or resize not allowed means death
sentence remands cannot by reversed.

Federal Institution Antics, Prisoner of War Commanding Officers, Inter-planetary Monitoring Device,
In our atmosphere, Inner Crusts of Vehicles, Saucer Manipulations, Cosmos and or Planetary
Creation Mechanisms , Each and every accorded beings Cosmos, r any lustful regarded approach.
(a). In recognition of these above and safety oriented- illegal and immoral acts shall define above, 1.
And 2. You shall neither Fornicate and or lie with Mankinds, Womankinds, inferior dna knowledge
abuses not, nor any children or Alien beings, or Extra-terrestrial like or Star persons, beings.

(b) In as we described, You shall not if as so ever, shape shift or change your appearance in every
esoteric may ridicule neither a rape, an anal rape jobs, on dry land, its noted firmaments whether it
be atmospheric dimensional, nor Subsoil United States of America or any areas, regions, invisible
realms in space and / or space.

This means you shall not suchly ridicule this paragraphs intended purpose to protect and serve the
laws of Natures Gods as I see. In so defining: you shall not as engage, solicit nor entertain any such
acts a rectal insemination act, fornications to another Man, Men, Mankinds, Child-like, ibeing,
whether it be an Extra terrestrial type origins, or Mankind and even women kinds or facsimiles in any
or as suchly describing:

(a) Protractions of any size dimensions of your penis or likeness, in any areas such as: rectal or
anal fornications, in any chemistry areas known to demean or counter our natural-like
evolution intending a phase advancement or Gods to say right authorities.

. accurate in our observation of legal remands in as I Supernal Authorities expressly forbid, forbade
and will see fit to exact a vengeance requisite and/or against any such predication of fornications to
another being, whether it be an Extra terrestrial type origins, or Mankind and even women kinds or
facsimiles in any or as suchly describing:

4.In as we say these Provisional amendments where as we see and set aside these areas as we
noted in accordance to the outcome and safety oriented purpose of laws in place, in as we
understand why safety consensus can neither be denied or repealed the legitimate areas of this
referendums propensity and long term effect here by, supersedes and strikes down Supreme
Courts previous assertions in as we discovered anomalous objectives by the Presidents friend
Stevens regard for protecting and defending those who may have politely errd, in as we see the
dreaded integers supposedly associated with shape shift aliens and said thought to be reptilians
who rape and manifest by way of rectal insemination behaviors, rapes, manipulations, and as
reasonable to predicate the changes in policy here noted.

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