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Paraxarattein to nomisma, falsificar moneda:

Navia, Classical Cynicism:

p.88: counterfeiting, a term which can be understood in various senses: (1) to counterfeit or
fabricate false currency; (2) to change the 'character' or inscription of circulating coins; and
(3) to blunder the stamping of a coin, so as to produce a bad impression for the purpose of
rendering it valueless.

Bywater and Mirne, :

Baywater diferencia tres definiciones posibles: p. 10: 1: to blunder the stamping so as to

produce a bad impression (). P.11: 2: to change the , and so metaphorically
= mutare. 3: to stamp with a counterfeit stamp as a fabricator of base money does. If
Diogenes himself acknowledged the crime, it was probably on the principle 'the greater the
sinner, the greater the saint'. Orculo: The point consists in the language of the oracle being
(as was the way with oracles) ambiguous. P. 12: admitting a good as well as a bad sense.
might bear the second rather than the third of its three possible meanings
might be interpreted as 'to stamp one stamp by the side of another on the coin',
which is what constitutes countermarking: and on this assumption it comes very close to
Bywater's meaning 2, as the type-the -was frequently used in Greek coinage, at any
rate from the fifth century B.C., to show the denomination of a nomisma, which, in the strict
meaning of the word, was a coin current at an artificial value, not as bullion. There are many
instances in Greek city coinages, especially of the fourth and third centuries, where series of
coins have been countermarked by the authorities of the cities which issued them,
presumably to alter their values. Such countermarking, however, would not be a criminal act,
if done by a monetary magistrate with the authority of the city: it was as easy for a state to revise
currency values in the time of Diogenes as it is to-day. The charge against Hikesios was
presumably connected with Bywater's meaning 3- that he had stamped bad money. Hikesios
appears as monetary magistrate on drachms of type 22 of the Recueil, which is dated as
from 360 to 320 B.C.: and as monetary magistrate he would have control of the city dies. If he
used these wrongfully to stamp plated coin, he would have committed an offence which, in the
agreement between Phocaea and Mytilene relative to the joint issue of coinage (Michel,
Inscriptions Grecques, 8), was punishable by death. It is true that the known coins of Hikesios
are all apparently of good metal, but plated coins of the same series exist, and that the fear of
plating was a very present one in the minds of merchants who handled the coins of Sinope in the
fourth century is shown by the fact that many of them (including some of those of Hikesios)
are chisel-cut to test their goodness. The suggestion that this chisel cutting was the
paracharaxis of the story does not appear tenable: it was simply a test, not a stamping in any
sense, and was not, so far as can be traced, a criminal offence. The net result of this application
of numismatic considerations to Bywater's notes is that, while some details of his argument
require revision, his conclusions are fully justified.
Fernandez-Galeano, Digenes y el cinismo primitivo:

p.49: si no fuera porque algunas piezas conocidas

p.50: de Sinope llevan el nombre de Hicesias, que sabemos que fu el del padre de nuestro
cnico, habra que entender que la leyenda se basa, como tantas veces, en una torpe interpretacin
materialista de hechos filosficos.

Juan Rivano, Digenes. Los temas del cinismo:

p.15: Unos sostienen que el padre de Digenes falsific la moneda de Snope; otros sostienen
que no, que no la falsific, sino que la reacu, que no es lo mismo, porque reacuarla es hacer
la anterior ilegtima y la nueva vlida; otros dicen que ni falsific ni reacu nada, sino que a
golpe de cincel puso fuera de circulacin monedas que los persas echaron a circular por los
puertos del Mar Negro con los sellos de Snope.

A. D. Dudley, A History of Cynicism:

p.3: Los estudios numismticos de Seltman de las monedas de Sinope demuestra que Digenes
lleg a Atenas despus del 340 a.C..

p.21: Para von Fritz y Schwartz: the case is palpably one of invention se basa en que Digenes
mismo us la paradoja paracharattein to nomisma y por lo tanto dio pie a las historias. As
como la madre de Scrates era una maia, una partera, y l se senta orgulloso de su tcnica
mayutica, el padre de Digenes cuadra en esta historia como falsificador de dinero. La historia
del orculo tambin fue inventada para imitar a Scrates. Esto lo contradice el artculo de Mr.
Seltman en el Cambridge Philological Society, (resumen en la nota 3 al final del cap. II). El
artculo establece que hubo un magistrado monetario sinopense llamado Hicesias en una poca
en la que la moneda de Snope fue sujeto de parachraxis a un nivel sin paralelo en otra ciudad
griega en cualquier poca. Sugiere que Digenes lleg a Atenas mucho despus que la fecha
tradicional. Mr. Seltman considera que la ancdota del orculo est basada en hechos.

p.31: VI 71, respecto a la falsificacin y el carcter de Heracles: usada de esta forma es

una metfora numismtica. La frase sugiere que podemos estar frente a las verdaderas palabras
de Digenes. The probability is increased by the fact that the sentence occurs in the
doxographical section of the biography, which seems to depend on the writings of Diogenes.
A. A. Long, Digenes, Crates y la tica helenstica, en: Los Cnicos:

p. 53: Nunca sabremos si realmente falsific la moneda junto con su padre. Parece cierto, sin
embargo, que el relato circulaba cuando resida en Atenas y que, lejos de negarlo, contribua a su
difusin. La mxima de su propio estilo de vida y de su discurso, invalidar la moneda, esto es,
tratar de retirar de la circulacin la mala moneda, ejemplifica perfectamente las peculiaridades
que acabamos de sealar en sus aforismos.

Sayre, The Greek Cynics:

p. 52: Nine coins have been found bearing the letters and the name of the father of
Diogenes was said to be . Of the coins minted in 350 B. C. () Diogenes was then fifty-
seven years old

An apologist for Diogenes explains that the expression Adulterating the currency was used in
a figurative sense, meaning that Diogenes changed customs or standards of conduct and not that
Diogenes had counterfeited money (Herman Diels, Aus dem Leben des Kynikers Diogenes). But
this explanation does not account for the flight or exile of Diogenes from Sinope.

The oracle story seems to have made its appearance in the 2nd century A. D., for earlier writers
make no mention of it.

Paraxarattein to nomisma, alterar los valores

Navia, Classical Cynicism:

p.90: The meaning of the legend, therefore, must be interpreted allegorically, as it merely points
in a certain direction. What the alleged Pythian statement about Diogenes' 'alteration or defacing'
of the currency means is simply this: "Test or re-strike all current usages and views to see if
they are genuine; if they are, make them part of your own life.

p.91: the most distinctive 'fact' of Diogenes' biography and philosophy is his
uncompromising stance of rebelliousness against the world at large There is even the
possibility that the story of Diogenes' connection with the defacing of the
currency may have been invented by himself. His exile from Sinope, therefore, if it was an
actual exile, could have been occasioned by factors unrelated to any currency affair, possibly as a
consequence of the accession to power of a Persian satrap named Datames between 370 and
365 B.C. But this possibility constitutes a mere supposition for which no substantive evidence
can be adduced.
p.109: it is a polity in which the 'currency' that circulates everywhere else has been eliminated,
in which all restrictions have been removed, and in which all ordinary laws have been

Bywater and Mirne, :

p.12: might bear the second rather than the third of its three possible meanings, and thus stand
for 'to change the stamp', 'to put a new stamp on things'. too might
easily bear the meaning it so often has of 'custom' or 'established institution'. So that the
command of the oracle might be said to mean this, 'Put a new stamp on the custom or
ordinary ways of life'. And, oracle or no oracle, this was precisely what the Cynic sought to do-
his whole life was a protest against the ordinary ways of man in society as he found it. In
thought, speech, dress, eating, drinking-to say nothing of certain other functions of human life-he
aimed at being unlike other men and kept telling people that the world and its convenances are
absurdly wrong.

Kristen Kennedy, Cynic Rhetoric:

p.28: In its figural enactment, "reminting the coinage" became the mantra of Diogenes and his
followers as they attempted the transvaluation of values.

Fernandez-Galeano, Digenes y el cinismo primitivo:

p.49: si no fuera porque algunas piezas conocidas

p.50: de Sinope llevan el nombre de Hicesias, que sabemos que fu el del padre de nuestro
cnico, habra que entender que la leyenda se basa, como tantas veces, en una torpe interpretacin
materialista de hechos filosficos. lo mismo que a Scrates se le invent una madre comadrona
porque practicaba el gnero mayutico de indagacin, se forj tambin la leyenda de una
supuesta falsificacin monetaria porque Digenes haba afirmado en una de sus obras que l se
dedicaba a alterar los valores de la moneda. Pero esto habra que entenderlo en sentido
puramente metafrico. El filsofo querra decir con esto que su misin consista en una
deliberada y sistemtica demolicin de la escala de valores ticos por que se rega un mundo
frvolamente burgus.

p.51: tambin l ser otro tbano que intranquilice a los atenienses, que los traiga
constantemente a la razn y a la recta valoracin de las cosas desorbitadas.

Jos Martn Garca, Los filsofos perros y la literatura moral serioburlesca:

p.67: devaluar los valores tradicionales establecidos en pro de una revaluacin al alza de otros
nuevos anticonvencionales.

Robin Hard, Sayings and anecdotes

p. XIV: he was setting out to restamp the currency by rejecting conventional values to
embrace those more in accord with nature, at its most basic level.

Paul Elmer More, Hellenistic Philosophies

p.291: The coinage is

simply the mass of current customs and conventions; and these the Cynic must disregard,
stamping a private currency for himself, so to speak, with the image of his own inner nature.

Michael Onfray, Cinismos:

p.138: La tarea filosfica por excelencia consiste en realizar la transmutacin de los valores.

p.139: Su repudio de las grandes prohibiciones de la civilizacin no se corresponde con la

negacin de todo orden cultural. El cnico quiere hacer estallar las estructuras culturales
caducas en nombre de lo que, desde una perspectiva nietzscheana, podra llamarse una
supercultura definida como una civilizacin ms exigente y ms rigurosa en el sentido de la
liberacin de las necesidades naturales: Digenes quiere promover el Desarraigo contra el Suelo,
el Exilio contra la Patria, la Mezcla contra la Raza, la Inteligencia contra la Sangre.

p.143: La falsificacin de moneda es poner en marcha una empresa destinada a producir nuevos
valores, nuevos imperativos.

p.145: Nietzsche considerar la fiesta del Asno como un smbolo de la transmutacin de los
valores, al igual que la ancdota cnica de la falsificacin de monedas.

William Desmond, Cynics:

p. 78: sinnimo de razn crtica y del rechazo a vivir de acuerdo a meros hbitos y opiniones.

p.125: frase fundacional. equates nomisma and nomos: to deface a citys coins (nomismata) is
tantamount to rejecting all that it buys, sells, sanctions and values,- that is, its values, customs
and nomoi
Bracht Branham, Invalidar la moneda en curso, en: Los cnicos:

p.126: La consigna cnica invalidar la moneda en curso (paracharattein to nomisma)

implica chanza, parodia y stira no simplemente como una herramienta retrica til, sino
indispensable, constitutiva de la ideologa cnica como tal. El humor es el punzn del discurso

A. D. Dudley, A History of Cynicism:

pp. XI-XII: Tres aspectos del cinismo: a vagrant ascetic life, an assault on all established values,
and a body of literary genres particularly well adapted to satire and popular philosophical

Marie Odile Goulet-Caz, Introduccin, en: Los cnicos:

p. 19: Invalidar la moneda en curso la razn de que el filsofo fuera desterrado iba a
convertirse en una metfora central de la actividad filosfica de Digenes: rechazar la falsa
moneda de la sabidura convencional para dejar paso a la autntica vida cnica.

p.40: Tal como lo presenta la tradicin, el propsito de Digenes era demostrar con su propio
ejemplo la superioridad de la naturaleza sobre la costumbre, y dedic toda su vida a tratar de
invalidar los falsos valores de la cultura dominante. En cada mbito de la actividad humana,
esta invalidacin condujo a los cnicos a adoptar posiciones escandalosas.

Francesc Casadess Bordoy, Digenes Laercio VI 20-21: En qu consisti la falsificacin de la

moneda (to nomisma paracharattein) de Digenes de Sinope?:

p. 300: Aunque, en un principio, se ha convenido en traducir esta expresin como falsificar la

moneda, esta traduccin resulta demasiado vaga porque no explica en qu pudo haber
consistido esa falsificacin

p. 301: la expresin se vio sometida a un desplazamiento de su uso ms concreto y particular al

ms abstracto y simblico. El verbo paracharattein es un compuesto del preverbio para y el
verbo charattein que significa propiamente grabar y en este sentido se usaba para describir el
hecho de grabar, imprimir o acuar una moneda, siendo el character la marca de acuacin
que la caracteriza e identifica. Con el preverbio para el verbo adquiere el sentido de aadir
junto a, de modo que paracharattein significara aproximadamente volver a grabar,
regrabar, o grabar paralelamente, es decir imitar la impresin de la moneda de curso legal.
Esto se puede interpretar de dos maneras: cambiar, alterar el charakter de una moneda por otro, o
acuar moneda falsa.
p. 307: De lo que se trataba, en definitiva, y a eso se dedic Digenes en cuerpo y alma, era de
introducir elementos de la naturaleza o physis en las costumbres sociales de la polis regidas por
el severo nomos ateniense, como si se mezclara el vino con el agua, con la intencin de rebajar
su poder.

Olimar Flores Jnior, ou as varias faces da moeda:

p. 21: tornou-se, a partir de Digenes, quase proverbial e logo se converteu no principal lema do

p. 23: O episdio foi bastante explorado pelos autores antigos, que viam nele o fundamento de
toda a prxis cnica.

p. 26: Diels, depois do estudo de Weber que insiste sobre o valor moral que a expresso adquire,
sobretudo em Juliano, nega a historicidade do episdio, sustentando que toda a construo tem
no Povrdalo" de Digenes, em que j constava com sentido figurado exprimindo uma reverso
dos valores.

p.30: o campo semntico do verbo frente aos correlatos e

, carecendo de ressalva a traduo de por falsificar nesse contexto:
como expe P. Gardner, os termos que tecnicamente indicam a falsificao so ,
e, principalmente, , enquanto pode significar tanto
falsificar (to stamp wrongly the coinage), quanto remarcar ou sobre-imprimir um outro
, ou alterar o j existente

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