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Comparison of Lecture and Audovisual Method Efficacy in Clinical

Clerkship Socialization in Medical Students of Sriwijaya University

Muhamad Mardian Safitra1, Mohammad Zulkarnain2, Rizma Adlia Syakurah2

1. Medical Education Program, Medical Faculty, Sriwijaya University, South Sumatera, Indonesia
2. Department of Public Health and Family Medicine , Medical Faculty, Sriwijaya University, South
Sumatera, Indonesia

E-mail: muhamadfitrah7@gmail.com


Introduction : The infomation about clinical clerkship determines the students process and
preparation on facing the stage. Direct clinical clerkship socialization will be much of help with the
right method. Lecture method and audiovisual media method for sosicialization have few differences
in process and accomplishment on student comprehension.
Objective : The aim of this study is to see difference between audiovisual and lecture method efficacy
in clinical clrekship socialization.
Method: A total of 70 medical students of Sriwijaya University class of 2013 were divided into two
groups, the first group was the audiovisual group (n = 35) and the second group was the lecture
method group (n = 35). Clinical clrekship socialization had been implemented on two group at same
day and same time. Students comprehensions were examined by the result of pretest and posttest with
Likert scale. Students comprehension was divided into three levels; a good comprehension (score
>75%), a medium comprehension ( score 65%-80%) and a low comprehension (score < 65%). This
research used quasi experimental with nonequivalent pretest-posttest techniques (O X O).
Results : Of 70 respondents in both group, 70 (100%) had a low comprehension in a pretest results.
The audiovisual group had an average score of 62,4% and the lecture group had an average score of
59,55%. After the intervention, there was a significant improvement in both group, from 62,4% to
85,17% (p value <0,05) in the audiovisual group, and from 59,55% to 69,37% (p value <0,05) in
lecture group. The posttests average scores between audiovisual and lecture group were significantly
different (p value < 0,05)
Discussion : High comprehension on audiovisual group indicated that audiovisual media delivered a
better understanding in students. Audiovisual media that was used as intervention in this study could
affect the reception of information through the senses of sight and hearing at the same time so that the
student comprehension increased.
Conclusion : Clinical clerkship socialization using audiovisual media is significantly more effective
than lecture method practice.

Keywords: Audiovisual media, Lecture methods, comprehension.

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