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: 406, Airen Heights,

Opp. Orbit Ma , AB 8oad, INDRA INDUSTRIES LTD.
lndore - 452 010, MP, lNDIA.
Tel:+ 91 73'l 2553791 , 2553732, 2553793
E-mail: inlo@indraindustries.in
Web, i www.indrainduslries.in
CIN : 174140MP1984P1C002592

To, 13tn February 2017

The Secretary
Corporate Relationship Department
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited
Phiroze f eeieebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street, Mumbai

Sub: - Outcome ofthe Board Meeting held on Monday, 13th February 2017
Reft Indra Industries Limited (BSE Security code: 539175; IslN: INf924N01016)

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Pursuant to the Reguiation 33 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing
obligations and Disclosure RequirementsJ Regulation zols, we are enclosing unaudited
Financial results for the third quarter and nine month ended on 31"t Decemb er, z6t6
with a Limited Review Report of the statutory Auditors as required under above said

The Results shall be uploaded on Stock Exchange website at www.bseindia.com

and on the
website of the company at www.indraindustries.in Copy of u"-i"ait"a ri"uncial
along with limited review report is enclosed with this ietter.

This is for your inJormation and record.

Thanking you.

Yours Faithfully,
rDRA !Tll).

Virendra Kumar Jain
Managing Director

We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results of Indra

Industries Ltd. for the quarter ended 31't December, 2016. This statement is the
responsibility of the Company's Management and has been approved by the Board of
Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements based on
our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE)
2400, engagements to Review Financial Statements issued by the.Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India. This.standard requires that we plan and perform the review to
obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material
misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and
analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an
audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our notice that causes us to
believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared in
accordance with Accounting Standards and other recognized accounting practices and
policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation
33 of (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 including
the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.

For P. K. Shishodiya & Co.

Chartered Accountants

,, 'r(
, ',{/,/,
/' ' /

Indore: February I 3, 20 17 P. K. Shishodiya

M. No. 036015
FR No. 03233C

HO : 206-Airen Heights, Opp. C-2'l Moll, A.B. Rood, INDORE - 452 O1O
Phone : +9 1 -73 l -2 555 O22, 2555 922 F ox + 9 1 -7 3 1 -2555 7 22
E-moil : co.pksondco@gmoil.com
BO: 406 - Monos Bhowon, I I - R.N.T. Morg, INDORE ' 452 OO1
Regd. Otl. : 406, Airen Heights,
lndore - 452 010, MP, lNDIA. FERTILIZER POLYMER
Tel: + 91 731 255379'1 , 2553792, 2553793
E-mail: into@indrainduslries.in
Web. : www.indraindustries. in

oudiled Finonciot Resuls forthe eu@

Conosponding Yeorlo dole Yeor to dqie
3 Monih ended figurer for lhe figures lor
in lhe prev,ous cufienl period
ended ended

I lncome from Ooerotion

o. Net soles/ income from operolions (Nel of Excise duiy)

798.66 957.49 803.95 2,16A.12 2,371 .21 3,416.22
b.Oiher Operoiing tncome
Tolol lncome fiom Operotions (Net)
798.66 957.49 803.95 2.16A.)2
2 Exoenses 2.371 .21 3.416.22
o. Cosl of MoieriotConsumed
7 48.19 554.72 601.15 '|,445.7
b. Purchose of Stock-in irode 6 1,799.A1 2,644.79
c. Chonges in inveniories of finished goods ond work-in_
progress ond slock_in-irode 1s22.98) 277.O8 (r 33. r7) l0.t 2 (r 36.0s) (t 57. r5)
d. Ernployee Beneiii Expenses
43.90 33.20 29.41 'to4.21
e. Deprecioilon & ornorlisotion Expenses 99.65 128.73
it.se 24.34
f. Oiher expenses(Any ilem exceeding tO% of lhe lolo 24.51 71.26 72.99 96.50
expenses reoling lo conlinuing operolions lo be shown
seporoley) 196.39 t40.95 185.26 434.95 447.4A 495.34

Totol Expenses
690.08 1,030.29 747.16 2,061.74 2,28A.44 3,208.21
Proflt / (Loss) from operotions before other Income,
3 finonce
costs ond exceplionot itemr (l-2) r08.58 172.8O) 96.79 r06.38 82.77 208.01
4 Oiher lncome/(Los,
0.33 3.54 112.26) r9.56 4.73 244.84
5 / (toss) from ordinory octivities before finonce cosls ond
exceptionol ilems (3 + 4) r 08.9r (6e.26) 84.53 12594 87.s0 412.85
6 Finonce Cosl
128.82 72.93 53.78 188.97 271 .7 4 402.19
7 Prolil/(toss) from ordinory octivllies ofter finonce cosls but
before exceptionot items (5+6) (r e.9t) 1142.t?l 30_75 (63.03) |84.241 10.66
I Excepliono ttems

9 Profit / (toss) from ordinory octivities before tox (7 +8

) 1142.19) 30.75 (63.03) |84.24) 10.56
'10 Tox Expense
r0.t r

Nel Profit/(toss) trom ordinory octiviles ofter tox (9+10) (r9.9r) 1142.19) 30.75 i63.03) 1184.24) 0.55
i2 Exiroordinory iem (Net of Tox Expense)
13 Nel Profiv(Loss) For the period ofier tax (I I +t 2)
(r 9.9r ) 1142.19) 30.75 (63.03)
l4 Shore of Profit/Loss of Associotes 1t84.24) 0.55
15 Minorily tnterest

t6- Net Profii/(loss) otter toxes,minorily inierest ond

profit/([os, ol ossocioles ofier tox (t3+t4+i5)
shore of
o e.el ) (142.1 30.75 (184.24) 0.55
i7 Poid up Equily Shore Copiiot
{Foce votue of Rs tOl_ Eoch ) 647.71

l8 Reser"e e'c,uokg Re\o _otion Rese,ve o- per the Bolonce

)heel oi previo!,9 occouniing yeor
l9 Bosic & DitLrted EpS {Noi onnuotised)
(l) Eorning PerShore (EpS) before Extroordinory tlem
lnoi onnuotised)
-Diluted-Rs.(not onnLrolised) 12.20) lo.9/) 12.84)
Eornlng Per Shore (EpS) ofler Extroordinory 12.2a) la.e7)
llem 12.84)
-Bosic-Rs. (no1 onnuotised)
-Diluied-Rs.(noi onnuotised) 12.2a) la.e7) 12.84]
1o.97) 12.B4l


Hegd. 0ft
Oll.:40tj, Arren Heighls,
Opp. Orbit Mall, AB Road,
lndore - 452 010, MP, lNDlA.
Tel:+ 91 731 25537 91 , 2553792,2553793 @) l\?Tf. hr,q
E-mail: inlo@indraindustries.in
Web, i www.indrainduslries. in

|PART-I -- --------
lo. ro*r,arro* or rroorroro,*o
I l. Public 5horehotdino
40,59,59s 40,59,59s 44,59,595
| * ."*.n.,o.o 40,59.se5
| 40 s9,595 40,59,s95
62.68 62.68 62lA 62.68 I 62 68 62_68
2. Promolers ond promoler croup Shoreholdino
Pledoed / Encumbered
- Number ofShores
- Percenloge of shores os o % of iolo promoler ond
- Percenioge of shores os o % of toiol Shore Copilot of ihe
- Number of shores
24,17,47 5 24,17,475
- 24,17,475 24 17.475
| 24 17 475 24 17.475

Percenloge of shores os o % of loiol promoter ond t00.0( 100.00 r00.0(
- Percentoge of shores 100 00

os o % of ioioj Shore Copitot of ihe
37 32 '::::l ,, ,r)
Pending oi the beginning of ihe euorter 3l -Dec" l6
Recelved during ihe euorier
Disposed off during the euorier
Rernoining llnresotved oi the end of the euorter


hove been reviewed bv lhe oudii cornr.illee ond ioken on the

' I::rt"3i;JlT"t ' 'esull record by ihe Boord of Directors in their meeiing hetd on i3ih

3 The Above Un-oudiied Finonciol Resutis subjeci lo review report

of stoiLrtory oudiiors.
4 Figures of the paevious period/yeor hove been regrouped
orreononge wherever
For & on beholf of ttre boord of direitoi-
f oRr.*,,*tt
Ploce: lndore
Dole: t3-Feb t7
Regd. Orf. : 406, Airen Heights,
lndore - 452 010, MP, lNDlA. FERTILIZER I
Tel:+ 91 731 2553791 , 2553792, 2553793
E-mail: inlo@indraindustries.in
Web. : www.indrainduslries.in
CIN : L74 l 40MP1984P1C002s92

Reporiing Segmentwise revqnue. Results ond copilol employed olongwilh lhe Quorlerly result
(Rs. in Locs)
s.N Porticulors 3 Monlh Preceeding 3 corrospondin Yeqr lo dqle Yeor lo dqle Previous yeqr
Ended Monlh ended g 3 Monlh ligures for figures tor ended
ended ln lhe Previous currenl
previous yeor period ended period

3l -Dec- 16 30-Sep- 16 3l -Dec-15 3I -Dec-15 31-Dec.16 31-Mor-16

tlnoudiled undudlled Undudlled Unoudiled Unoudiled Audited
L Segmenl revenue ( Net Sqle/
lncome from eqch segmenl should be
disclosed under lhis heod)
{q) Ferlilzer 508.9s 699.04 563.85 1383.97 1526.98 2255.27
(B) Polymer 249.77 258.45 240.7 744.15 444.23 1161.01
(C) Unoliocoied
Less lnter Seqmenl revenue

Net sqles/lncome lrom opreolions 79a.66 951.49 803.9s 2168.72 2377.27 3416.22

2 Segmenl resull profit(+)loss(.) bef ore

lox ond finqnce cost from eqch
(o) Fertilzer 750.17 -40.77 155.99 247.59 742.67 364.42
(B) Polymer -47.8 -28.49 -41.46 -127.75 -55.11 48.43
(C) Unollocoied

Finonce Cosl 724.42 72.93 53.78 188.97 277.74 402.r8
Oiher unollocote Expenditure net off
[Jnollocoble incom-o
Profil Before lox -19.91 -1.42.79 30.75 -63.03 -784.24 70.67
3 Copitol Employed
io) Fertilzer 1235.86 7784.82 7363.91 7363,97 1235.86 1288.91
(B) Polymer -855.54 -784.59 -852.96 -862.96 -855.s4 -724.34
(C) Unollocqled
Tolol 380.32 400.23 501.01 501.01 380.32 564.57

For & on beholf of lhe boord of direclors

.-l q9r
Ploce: lndore / unecrot't^
(Vrlendro Join)
Do'le : l3-Feb-17 DIN:00326050
Monoqinq Direclor

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