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Second Semcstcr of First Year B. E.

(Regular) Examination

Course Code : GE 103 Course Name : Engineering Chemistry

'I'irne : 3 I-lours ] [ Max. Marks : 60

Instructions to Candidates :-
(I) All questions are co~npulsory.
(2) All qi~estions carry marks as indicated.
(3) Due credit will be givcn to neatness and adequate dimensions.
(4) Assu~ne su~table data wherever necessaly.
(5) Diagrams and chemical equations should be given wherever necess,kry.
(6) Illustrate your answers whet-ever necessary wifh the help of neat skctches.

1. (a) Solve any Two questions :-

(i) Explain the principle of Zeolite process. What are the limitations
of this process ?
(ii) What is caustic cmbrittlcment ? I-low can it be avoided ?
(iii) An cxhausted zeolite softener was regenerated by passing 300
liters -of NaCl solution having strength of 75 gm/litre of NaC1.
How many litters of hard water sample having hardness of 600
ppm can be softened using this softner ? -I 2-2I

(b) Solve any Two questions :-

(i) Explain the electrochemical theory of corrosion.
(ii) Discuss any one type of corrosion that you commonly come

(iii) What is "Cathodic Protectiony' fbr controlling corrosion ? How

is it controlled by sacrificial anode method ? 2'+2-L
2 2

2. (a) Solve any Two questions :-

(i) Explain the nuclear fusion and Nuclear fission reactions.
(i) State any five principles of green chemistry.
(iii) Write short note on fucl cell. 2-1
+ 2-2I
ORB/2Kri"?'/EORT-578 Contd..
(b) Solve any Two questions :-
(i) What is cracking ? Mention the atlvanragcs of catalytic cracking.
(ii) Writc the significancc of ultimate analysis of coal.

(iii) A coal sample has the following percentage conlposition C = 84 %.

N,= 3.5 %, 0 2 =3 % , S =0.5% N2= 0.5% and ash 5 % . Calculate
the theortical weight of air required for complete con~bustionof
1 kg. of coal. I
2,+2T 1
- -
3. Solve any Five :--
(a) What happcns when temporary hard water is boilcd ? Give equations.
(b) Hoiv many grams of MgSo4 should bc dissolved ro gct 500 p p n ~ of
hardness 1

(4 IVhat is pilliilg bcclworth rule ?

(d) 'Wire mesh corrodcs faster at joints.' Give scientific reason.
(c) What is doping of oil ? Name sonle doping agents.
(f) Give any four a.pplicantion's of ~SCCII chcrnistr)~.
(g) Dcfine :-
(a) Power Density
(b) Elcctricity storage density.

4. Solve any Two :-

(a) Discuss thc importance of following tcsts which arc applied on lubricant
(i) Cloild and pour point
(ii) Drop point.

(b) What are the microscopic constituents of cemcnt ? Mention two propcrtics
of each of them.
(c) Write Notes on (any Twoj :-
(i) Aniline point
(ii) I-Iigh alumina cement
(iii) Ilydrodynamic Lubrication.
0112.R/2KTTIEORT-578 2
5. Solve any Two questions :-

(a) Explain the usc if nanolnatcrials in the ficld or any two of the following
(i) Medicine
(ii) Electronics
(iii) Environment.

(b) Writc short notcs on :-

(i) Graphene.
(ii) Optical fibres.

(c) What arc conducting polymcrs ? Explain any two conducting polymers.
5 +5

6. Solvc ally 1'"

I V C :-

(a) Nitinol wircs arc used in orthodontic applications. Give reason.

(b) Use of conducting polymers in place of simplc thermoplastic can avoid da~nagc
lo computer. Givc reason.
(c) Name any two commercial applications of biodegradable polymers.

(d) A Lubricating oil has the same saybolt universal visocitp as standard ~lapthcnic
and paraffinic type oil at 2101;. Their viscosities at 100" F arc 220 SUV
430 SUV and 250 SUV respectively. Find the viscocity index of the oil.
(c) Exp1,ain why percentage of lime has to bc maintaincd carefi~llyduring cement
(0 Write any two applications of laser bascd technique.
(g) What is soundness and hcat of hydration of cement ? 2x5

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