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Evaluation of porosity changes in a granular material undergoing particle

crushing using DEM

L.E. Vallejo & S. Lobo-Guerrero

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA, USA

ABSTRACT: Granular materials forming part of natural slopes, embankments, subgrades of foundations
and pavement structures are subjected to both static and dynamic loads during their engineering lives. As a
result of these loads, particle crushing occurs. The present study uses the commercial code PFC2D based on
the Discrete Element method (DEM) to analyze how the porosity of a simulated granular material changes as
a result of particle fragmentation. Even though DEM does not normally consider particle breakage, the code
can be modified to allow particle crushing. This can be accomplished by replacing a particle that has failed in
tension with a combination of many particles of different sizes. DEM was used since it allowed to visualize
and to quantify the changes experienced by the granular material when undergoing granular fragmentation.
The simulated granular material was subjected to two different geotechnical tests: a uniaxial compression test
and a direct shear test. The results from the two simulated tests showed that granular crushing produced an
important change in the porosities of the samples. However, these porosity changes were not uniform throughout
the samples, being concentrated in certain regions. This was further studied by analyzing amplified snap shots
of these critical regions. Initially, the particles that crushed formed isolated dense zones, but as crushing evolved
these dense zones became interconnected. These results can be used to understand and explain the effect of
particle crushing on the hydraulic conductivity of a granular material such as a granular base in a pavement
structure. If this granular material reaches a similar state to one of those obtained at the end of the simulations
where the dense zones became interconnected, excess pore water pressure and permanent deformations could
be generated as a result of inadequate drainage.


Granular materials forming part of embankments, Previous research has shown that granular crushing is
foundations and pavement structures are subjected to influenced by grain angularity, grain size, uniformity
both static and dynamic loads. As a result total or par- of gradation, particle strength, initial porosity, and
tial particle breakage occurs. Particle breakage causes creep [Lee and Farhoomand, 1967], [Hagerty et al.,
settlements and a reduction in hydraulic conductiv- 1993], [Lade et al., 1996], [McDowell and Bolton,
ity. Changes in the original properties of a granular 1998]. The effects of these parameters were deter-
material affect the stability of engineering structures mined from triaxial or uniaxial compression tests.
supported on it. Therefore, granular crushing is a Studying crushing of granular materials has some
detrimental phenomenon that deserves to be carefully how been limited by the machines needed to develop
examined. the considerable loads that can lead to grain frag-
The main focus of this study is to understand and mentation. One way to sidestep this is to use stan-
produce a visualization of how the porosity of a simu- dard geotechnical equipment with weak materials
lated granular material changes as a result of particle [Mandl et al., 1977], [McDowell and Khan, 2003],
fragmentation. For this purpose, a simulated granular [Lobo-Guerrero and Vallejo, 2004]. However, the stan-
material was subjected to two different geotechnical dard geotechnical equipment does not allow for a
tests: a uniaxial compression test and a direct shear continuous visualization of the evolution of crushing.
test. Porosity changes due to crushing are important Computer simulations in the form of DEM present
for a granular material since they affect its drainage the option to continuously visualize the evolution of
capacity and deformation. crushing in granular materials. Since the original DEM

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
developed by Cundall and Strack [1979] did not con- a) P2 P3
sider particle breakage, different solutions have been
proposed in order to overcome this constraint. One
solution to this problem is to treat each granular parti-
cle as a porous agglomerate built by bonding uniform
smaller particles [Jensen et al., 2001], [McDowell and
Harireche, 2002], [Cheng et al., 2003]. Another solu-
tion is to replace the particles that are fulfilling a
predefined failure criterion with an equivalent group
of smaller particles [Tsoungui et al., 1999]. This study P1 > P2 > P3 P1
uses the second solution and a new simplified ten-
sile failure criterion that can be easily implemented on
DEM in order to study the changes in porosity that b) P1 c)
a granular material experiences as a result of particle


The PFC2D program produced by Itasca was used

to visualize the evolution of crushing in a granu-
lar material subjected to a uniaxial compression test P1
and a direct shear test. In the PFC2D program, par-
ticles are idealized as disks that interact with each
Figure 1. Idealization of the induced tensile stress and
other at their contacts. This interaction is mainly gov- arrangement of the produced fragments.
erned by three models: the stiffness model, the slip
model, and the bonding model [Itasca, Theory and This value was arbitrarily chosen by the authors.
Background, 2002]. Only the first two models were It represents the strength of the virtual material.
used in this simulation. Since the PFC2D program does By changing this value, the necessary stresses to
not allow particle breakage, a new subroutine using produce crushing will also change. It is assumed
the FISH language [Itasca, FISH in PFC, 2002] was that the tensile strength of a particle with a radius
programmed in order to allow this to happen. The sim- r, max (r), is related to max1mm according to the
plified failure criterion adopted during the simulation following relationship (where r is expressed in mm):
Only particles with a coordination number equal to
In this way, particles with a radius greater than
or smaller than 3 are able to be broken. Particles
1mm have a tensile strength smaller than max1mm ,
break more easily when their coordination number
and particles with a radius smaller than 1mm
is low [Tsoungui et al., 1999], [Lade et al., 1996].
have a tensile strength greater than max1mm . Other
For those particles having a coordination number
researchers have reported experimental results in
smaller than or equal to 3, the real loading con-
order to describe the change in tensile strength
figuration such as the one presented in Fig. 1(a) is
as a function of size for different materials such
assumed to be equivalent to the one obtained in a
as quartz fibers and sand grains [Billam, 1971],
diametrical compression test such as the Brazilian
[Nakata et al., 2001]. They found that the experi-
test, as shown in Fig. 1(b). By using this sim-
mental results could be described using an equation
plification the induced tensile stress, t , can be
similar in form to Equation (1). As it is expected, the
approximated with the expression presented on
values of the two constants in Equation (1) depend
Fig. 1(b), where P1 is the value of the highest con-
on the analyzed material.
tact force acting on the particle, L is the thickness
Every particle with a coordination number smaller
of the disk (unit thickness for the simulated case),
than or equal to 3 is allowed to break if t > max (r).
and D is the diameter of the disk. The induced ten-
sile stress in Fig. 1(b) could be more severe than the It has been found that the distribution of fragments
stress induced in Fig. 1(a), but the authors believe produced by a tensile failure depends on the nature
that the implemented simplification is justified due of the tested material [Nakata et al., 1999], [Takei
to the simplicity in the calculation of the induced et al., 2001]. For the purpose of this simulation, it was
tensile stress. assumed that if a particle is fulfilling the previously
The tensile strength of a particle having a radius established failure criterion, it is allowed to break into
of 1mm is predefined as max1mm = 3 106 Pa. a group of 8 particles having 3 different sizes, as shown

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Original particles

First generation of
Second generation
of crushing

Third generation
of crushing



Porosity, n



0.14 lower part n(1)

upper part n(2)

1E+03 1E+04 1E+05 1E+06
Applied force (N)

Figure 2. Porosity and crushing evolution during the uniaxial compression test.

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
in Fig. 1(c). This distribution of sizes resembles the one
a) 7.5x104 N
observed by the authors when crushing gravels in point
load tests.
In order to implement the failure criterion, a new
subroutine was programmed using the FISH language.
This subroutine automatically checks if a given particle
is fulfilling the failure criterion. If it does, the simu-
lation stops, and the particle that broke is deleted and
replaced by the set of particles shown in Fig. 1(c).
The subroutine does not restrict smaller particles from
continuing to break. Thus, different generations of
crushing can coexist inside the sample. The different b) 1x105 N
generations of crushing can be distinguishing by the
color of the particles as shown later.


4.1 Preparation of the sample

The first step was the construction of the rectangu-
Figure 3. Details of the pore structure at different values of
lar container. This had a width of 5 cm and a height vertical force.
of 10 cm. It was composed by 4 different walls hav-
ing all a friction coefficient of 0.7. The normal and the upper row was broken. After these first stages,
shear stiffness of these walls was set to 1 109 N/m. crushing started to spread in to the middle region
After the construction of the container, 120 circular and ultimately into the lower region. This behavior is
disks with unit thickness and a uniform radius of 3 mm explained by the fact that the upper particles had to
were generated inside. Their positions were randomly bear large loads and their coordination numbers were
chosen by the program, having the limitation of no low since they were closer to the walls.
overlaps between particles. The density of the particles The porosity curves present two different regions.
was set to 2500 kg/m3 , their normal and shear stfiness The first one is characterized by a small decrement
were set to 1 108 N/m, and their friction coefficient in porosity while the second one is associated with
was set to 0.7. an important decrement. In other words, small val-
After the particles were generated, they were ues of deformation are associated with the first region
allowed to settle and reorganize under the action of and large values are associated with the second region.
a normal gravity field (9.8 m/s2 ). In this way, the The transition between these two regions corresponds
sample had a loose structure at the beginning of the to an applied vertical force between 2 104 N and
test. After this, the upper wall of the container started 3 104 N, and is related to the starting of the crushing.
to move with a constant velocity of 1 107 m/step. In this way, the change in porosity in the first region can
After some displacement, it made contact with the par- be explained by the rearrangement of the original par-
ticles initiating the uniaxial compression conditions. ticles while the change in porosity in the second region
The velocity of the upper wall was constant during the is the product of particle breakage and the produced
test. This slow vertical velocity was chosen in order to rearrangement of the original particles and fragments.
guarantee that particles did not crush as a result of a As shown in Fig. 2, the values of porosity in the
rapid movement of the wall. upper part of the sample were always smaller than the
values in the lower part. This is consistent with the fact
that most of the crushing and consequently the reduc-
4.2 Evolution of the crushing and porosity changes
tion in volume of voids took place in the upper part.
After the loading stage started, the particles reorga- Engineering properties such as the hydraulic conduc-
nized and started to crush in response to the applied tivity of a crushable granular material will be affected
load. Fig. 2 shows the applied force vs porosity curves differently depending on the analyzed region of the
for the upper and lower regions of the sample. Also, sample.
some snap shots of the sample are shown at differ- Fig. 3. shows some amplified details from the sam-
ent values of applied load. The first two particles that ple at different values of applied vertical force. It
crushed were located in the middle and upper regions can be observed how the produced fragments reor-
of the sample, and in general crushing concentrated in ganized forming a dense structure. If several of these
the upper region during the first stages of the simula- dense zones interconnect with each other, the drainage
tion. It can be seen that almost every particle from capacity of the granular material will be severely

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

0.20 Original particles

0.18 First generation of


Second generation
of crushing
0.14 porosity (left)
Third generation
porosity (right) of crushing
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Horizontal deformation (nm)

Figure 4. Porosity and crushing evolution during the direct shear test.

affected. If a granular material in the field such as Only 48 disks were used in this simulation. The
a granular base or a sub base forming part of a pave- disks were generated inside an area that measured
ment structure reaches the condition shown in those 6 cm in width and about 3.5 cm in height. This area
snapshots, excess pore water pressure and perma- was slightly bigger than the final dimensions of the
nent deformations could be generated as a result of shear box before shearing (6 cm in width by 2.86 cm
inadequate drainage. in height).The positions of the particles were randomly
chosen by the program. By using a gravity field
(g = 9.8 m/s2 ) the particles were allowed to settle and
5 DIRECT SHEAR TEST rearrange. After this, the horizontal wall of the shear
box was moved downward until it made contact with
5.1 Preparation of the sample the particles and then a normal load equal to 3 104 N
Porosity changes due to granular crushing in a direct was applied to the sample. After this, shearing was
shear test were also evaluated using DEM. The same induced in the sample. The shearing stage started by
virtual material used on the uniaxial test was used in moving the upper section of the shear box with a con-
this test. The first step was the construction of a virtual stant velocity of 5 105 mm/step, and it was ended
shear box. The top part of the box was made of two when its horizontal displacement was equal to 5 mm.
vertical walls that were kept separated by a distance This slow horizontal velocity was chosen in order to
equal to 6 cm and a movable horizontal wall. The lower guarantee that particles did not crush as a result of a
part of the box was fixed. The box had a width of 6 cm rapid movement of the walls.
and a height of 2.86 cm before shearing took place. The
5.2 Evolution of the crushing and porosity changes
shear and normal stiffnesses of the walls forming the
box were set to 1 109 N/m. The walls were assumed Fig. 4 shows the porosities of different regions of the
to be frictionless. sample at different values of horizontal deformation.

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Also, Fig. 4 shows snap shots of the sample during Cheng, Y.P., Nakata, Y., Bolton, M.D. (2003). Discrete ele-
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during the simulation. The porosity of the left part of Code in Two Dimensions) version 3.0: Theory and Back-
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the sample did not significantly change during shear. It tional Journal of Geomechanics, 1(1), 2139.
seems that contractive changes in volume due to crush- Lade, P.V.,Yamamuro, J.A., Bopp, P.A. (1996). Significance
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6 CONCLUSIONS crushing of granular soil in anisotropic triaxial compres-
sion, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 4(1), 6886.
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using DEM. In order to allow particle breakage, a sim- Mandl, G., Jong, L.N.J., Maltha, A. (1977). Shear zones in
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subroutine that interacted with the course of the simu- McDowell, G.R., Bolton, M.D. (1998). On the microme-
lations. For the uniaxial compression test, it was found chanics of crushable aggregates, Geotechnique, 48(5),
that particle crushing and the associated particle rear- 667679.
rangement caused a significant reduction on porosity. McDowell, G.R., Harireche, O. (2002). Discrete element
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the effect of particle crushing on the hydraulic conduc- Nakata, Y., Hyde, A.F.L., Hyodo, M., Murata, H. (1999). A
tivity of a granular material such as a granular base probabilistic approach to sand particle crushing in the
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Takei, M., Kusakabe, O., Hayashi, T. (2001). Time depen-
as a result of inadequate drainage. dent behavior of crushable materials in one-dimensional
Contrary to the results obtained on the uniaxial compression tests, Soils and Foundations, 41(1), 97121.
compression test, the results of the direct shear test Tsoungui, O., Vallet, D., Charmet, J.C. (1999). Numeri-
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tive changes in volume due to crushing were offset
by dilatancy during the shear process.


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Cambridge University, 6980.

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