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On the effective dynamic properties of inhomogeneous poroelastic medium

V.M. Levin & J.M. Alvarez-Tostado

Instituto Mexicano del Petroleo, Mexico, D.F., Mexico

ABSTRACT: An arbitrary anisotropic micro-inhomogeneous (composite) poroelastic medium, containing a

random set of ellipsoidal inclusions with different poroelastic characteristics, is considered. The properties of
these constituents are described by Biots linear poroelastic theory. One of the self-consistent schemes named
effective field method (EFM) is used to develop explicit expressions for the effective dynamic poroelastic
characteristics of such materials in the long-wave approximation. The obtained results are used for consideration
of the long-wave propagation in the poroelastic medium containing randomly distributed and aligned inclusions.

1 INTRODUCTION composite materials was developed by Kanaun (1982,

1983, Kanaun & Levin (1994), Markov (2001). The
The poroelastic theory developed in the middle of last aim of this work is to apply the EFM for the calculation
century [Biot, 1941, 1962] found a wide application in of the effective constants of inhomogeneous poroelas-
geomechanics for modeling of the static and dynamic tic medium in the low-frequency approximation. Such
behavior of real rocks filled with fluids. Such geolog- medium consists of poroelastic matrix, containing ran-
ical materials are often highly inhomogeneous, con- dom set of regions (inclusions) with other poroelastic
taining regions with different poroelastic properties. properties. For inclusions of the ellipsoidal form these
As a rule a microstructure of these materials is ran- constants are calculated explicitly.The obtained results
dom because of randomness of the shapes and sizes are used for consideration of the long wave prop-
of inhomogeneities as well as their distribution in agation in poroelastic medium containing randomly
space. As result all physical fields that appear in such distributed spherical and align spheroidal inclusions.
a medium are random even in the case of determin-
istic external action. The main problem that arises
for such a medium is the theoretical determination 2 THE POROELASTIC EQUATIONS OF
of its macroscopic (in large scale) behavior on MOTION
the base of appropriate and available microstructural
information. The usual approach for the solution of The equations of motion of a homogeneous poroelastic
this problem is based on the methods of microme- medium have the form
chanics (see Markov, (2001)). The standard problem of
micromechanics is the estimation of the average values
(mathematical expectations) of the physical fields in
the medium with random microstructure under some
deterministic external action and relations between
them (homogenization problem). Here ij are the components of the total stresses, ui
The main difficulty in finding the solution of the are the displacement components of the solid, wi is
homogenization problem for a medium with random the average fluid displacement relative to the solid,
microstructure is the necessity to take into account which is related to the absolute fluid displacement
the interaction between many randomly placed inho- Ui by wi = (Ui ui ), where is porosity, = f +
mogeneities. The exact solution of this problem is (1 )s , f , s are the densities of the fluid and solid,
impossible and only some approximate solutions are mij are the components of the tensor introduced by
available. In theoretical physics there is a group of Biot, rij are the components of the tortuosity tensor, is
methods known as self-consistent methods that allow viscosity of the fluid and p is the pore pressure.To these
constructing appropriate solution of the homogeniza- equations we have to add the constitutive relations
tion problem. One of this methods named effective
field method (EFM) in application to the mechanics of

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Here = i wi , Cijkl (tensor of the frame elastic mod- (4) if we neglect all terms proportional to frequency
uli), ij and are the material constants of poro-elastic (quasi-static approximation)

and inertial characteristics in (7), (8) are found as


Consider an homogeneous fluid-saturated porous

medium described by Eqs. (1)-(2) with characteris- Because we consider the composite poroelastic
tics which we will denote by index 0 (C 0 , 0 , . . .). medium containing the inhomogeneities of only one
This host material (matrix) contains a random set of kind (two-component poroelastic material) tensor
inhomogeneities (inclusions) of another porous mate- and scalar are no independent quantities. As was
rial described by the same equations but with different shown in [Berryman & Milton, 1991, Norris, 1992,
coefficients (that will be denoted by the same let- Levin & Alvarez-Tostado, 2004], these characteristics
ters without any indices). We assume that poroelastic are interconnected with the tensor of the frame (or
inclusions have sizes large enough compared with unconfined) elastic moduli C by expressions
pores so it makes sense to speak about their poroelastic
If the shapes and sizes of inclusions as well as their
distribution in space of the matrix are random then the
characteristics C(x), (x), . . . for such a medium are
random functions of coordinates. All field variables where it is denoted
are also random functions even under deterministic
external actions and Eqs. (1), (2) take the form
Hence, the only unknown characteristics remain under
the accepted above assumptions are the tensors C and
. These quantities can be found with the help of some
homogenization procedure applied to the equations

Below it will be done by one of the self-consistent

scheme named effective field method (EFM). Note,
that the analogous approach to the problem was used
In result of some homogenization procedure this in a recent publication [Tod, 2004] for the dilute con-
system of equations is transformed into centration of the inclusions. In there it was supposed
that not only the pressure but the pressure gradient is
the same in the inclusions and the matrix. Here the
pressure gradient in the inclusions may differ from
that of the matrix and has to be found during the
homogenization procedure.


The homogenization procedure named the effective

field method is based on the following main hypothe-
sis: every inclusion in composite poroelastic material
Here <> means the mathematical expectation of can be considered as isolated in the main material
random functions, C , , . . . are the effective (over- (matrix). The fields of strain e and pressure gradi-
all) characteristics of the inhomogeneous poroelastic ent t that act on this inclusion (effective fields) are
medium which are deterministic quantities. Gener- composed of the external fields and disturbances
ally these characteristics are functions of frequency. In of the fields due to surrounding inclusions. Hence,
the low-frequency limit that will be considered below the many-particles problem is transformed into one-
all effective characteristics can be considered as con- particle one. It is assumed that the fields of strain e
stants (i.e. independent of frequency). In this case the and pressure gradient t are constant in each regions
quantities C , , and can be found from the occupied by the inclusions and inclusions have ellip-
solution of the equations which follow from (3) and soidal form. In this case the one-particle problem can

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
be solved explicitly and the expressions for the strain describe by two- rank tensor bij . This tensor determines
field and pressure gradient in arbitrary inclusion have the liner space transform, which transforms function
the form (x) into a spherically symmetric one

In this case P  and p are the tensors P(b) and p(b)

for the ellipsoid with semi-axes b1 , b2 , b3 .
The obtained formulas allow writing the explicit
expressions for the effective tensor of the frame elastic
Here P(x) and p(x) are the tensors coincided with ten- moduli C and permeability coefficients
sors P(ak ) and p(ak ) with constant components when
x is in Vk , where Vk is the region occupied by k-th
inclusion (ak is the set of parameters characterizing
the shape and orientation of the k-th ellipsoid). These
tensors are determined by the expressions
where the averages are on the random aspect ratios and
orientations of inclusions.
Let us consider some special cases.


in which Gik (x) and g(x) are the Greens function of ISOTROPIC POROELASTIC MEDIUM
the equations of equilibrium and stationary diffusion
for the unbounded main medium with characteristics If the main medium (matrix) is isotropic, then
C 0 and 0 .
The effective fields are the main unknowns of the
problem. They can be expressed via the average fields
in the material under some assumption about the geo-
Let all inclusions be spherical and also isotropic with
metrical structure of the random set of inclusions. The
bulk and shear frame elastic moduli K and , tensor of
details of derivation can be seen in [Kanaun, 1983,
effective stress coefficient ij = ij and permeability
Kanaun & Levin, 1994], we represent here only the
tensor ij = ij . We suppose that any texture is absent
finite results
and therefore function (x) has spherical symmetry.
In this case tensors P and p are coincided with ten-
sors P  and p . These tensors are determined by the

Here c is the volume concentration of inclusions and

it is denoted

Tensors Aijkl and aij are also isotropic

Vi (x) is the characteristic function of the region Vi

occupied by the i-th inclusion and <|x> denotes
the ensemble mean under the condition that point x
belongs to the region occupied by all inclusions.
If the random set of inclusions possesses some The inhomogeneous poroelastic medium is in this
symmetry (in the statistical sense) it influences the case isotropic and equations of poroelasticity in x,
symmetry of function (x). In the case when this set -domain can be written in the form [Tod, 2004]
is statistically isotropic, function (x) is spherically
symmetric, i.e. (x) = (|x|).The inclination from the
isotropic properties of the random set of inclusions can
lied to the texture. In many cases such texture can be

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
where it is denoted poroelastic matrix. If all inclusions have the same ori-
entations, the average operation is absent in (23). We
suppose that the material of all inclusions is isotropic
with the same poroelastic characteristics as above. If
we assume in addition that function (x) characteriz-
ing the shape of the correlation hole has the symmetry
of spheroid concentric with the each inclusion and hav-
ing the same aspect ratio, then tensors P  and p are
coincided with P and p. These tensors have hexagonal
(transversally isotropic) symmetry.
The expressions for tensors C and are simplified
considerably and take the forms

This composite porous medium is macroscopically

transversally isotropic and is characterized by five
independent elastic moduli

and two permeability coefficients

Let us consider as an example the plane longitudinal
wave propagation in the poroelastic medium. The wave
number of this wave q can be found from the solution These quantities are characterized by the follows
of the dispersion equation that follows from (26) explicit expressions

As it is well known two longitudinal waves can prop-

agate in the poroelastic medium: the wave of the first
kind (quick wave) and the second kind (slow, diffusive
wave). For the low frequency and additional condition
that << 1 the wave number of the quick wave q1
can be written in the form


is the effective velocity of this wave and is the

attenuation coefficient that is proportional to 2 and
is determined by the expression


Let us consider a set of spheroidal inhomogeneities

with equal aspect rations, embedded in isotropic

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
Here it is denoted with wave number q and wave normal n, then
polarization vector Ui and scalar P satisfy to the system
of homogeneous algebraic equations

Here tensor  can be represented as

where is the angle between the vectors n and m that

is unit vector of the medium symmetry axes. Scalar
Function g of spheroids aspect ratio is equal to is determined by the expression

Let us suppose that vector Ui is normal to both vectors

for the oblate spheroid ( = a/a3 > 1, where a and a3 n and m (shear wave). As it follows from (43), the wave
are spheroid semi-axes) and of pressure in this case is absent and the wave number
of the shear wave is determined by the equation

For the low-frequency limit with addition assumption

for the prolate spheroid ( = a/a3 < 1). that
Tensor is also characterized by two components
which are determined by the expressions

the solution of equation (46) takes the form

where K, K0 are the volume frame elastic moduli of

the inclusions and the matrix. Scalar in this case is
determined by the expression


The explicit expressions for the tensor of effective

The other effective characteristics are determined by frame elastic moduli C and tensor of effective perme-
the same formulas (28). ability coefficients were obtained for a composite
If in such a medium the plane waves propagate poroelastic medium using one of the self-consistent
schemes named effective field method (EFM). For
two-components medium the expressions for the

Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK
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Copyright 2005 Taylor & Francis Group plc, London, UK

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