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Kids Do Well

If They Can
Kids with behavioral challenges are not attention-seeking, manipulative,
limit-testing, coercive, or unmotivated. But they do lack the skills to
behave appropriately. Adults can help by recognizing what causes their
difficult behaviors and teaching kids the skills they need.


160 PHI DELTA KAPPAN Photo: Photos.com


K challenges lack important thinking skills.

Now theres an idea that can take some
getting used to. Lets begin by
considering your philosophy of kids: what kids are
about, why they do what they do, what theyre up
to (if theyre really up to anything).
Many adults have never given much thought to
their philosophy of kids. But if youre trying to help
kids with behavioral challenges, youre going to Excerpted from Lost at
School by Ross Greene,
need one, because its your philosophy of kids Ph.D. Copyright
2008 by Ross Greene.
thats going to guide your beliefs and your actions Reprinted by permission
of Scribner, an imprint
in your interactions with them, especially when the of Simon and Schuster,
going gets tough. The philosophy that serves as
Ross W. Greene is
the foundation of what youre about to read is kids associate clinical professor
in the Department of
do well if they can. Psychiatry at Harvard
Medical School and the
This philosophy may not sound earth-shattering, author of The Explosive
Child. He is also
but when we consider the very popular alternative founding director of the
Collaborative Problem
philosophy kids do well if they want to the Solving Institute, a
program based in the
Department of Psychiatry
significance becomes clear. These two disparate at Massachusetts General
Hospital. Greenes research
philosophies have dramatically different has been funded by the
U.S. Department of
ramifications for our assumptions about kids and Education, the National
Institute on Drug Abuse
how to proceed when they do not meet our (NIDA), and the Stanley
Medical Research
expectations. Institute.

NOVEMBER 2008 161

When the kids do well if they want to philoso- You see, theres a spectrum of things kids do when
phy is applied to a child whos not doing well, then lifes demands exceed their capacity to respond adap-
we believe that the reason hes not doing well is be- tively. Some cry, or sulk, or pout, or whine, or with-
cause he doesnt want to. This very common assump- draw that would be the milder end of the spec-
tion is usually wrong and causes adults to believe that trum. As we move toward the more difficult end of
their primary role in the life of a challenging kid (and the spectrum, we find screaming, swearing, spitting,
hitting, kicking, destroying property, lying, and tru-
ancy. And as we move even further toward the ex-
Behind every challenging treme end of the spectrum, we find self-induced vom-
iting, self-injurious behavior, drinking or using drugs
behavior is an unsolved to excess, stabbing, and shooting. But all of these be-
problem or a lagging skill (or haviors occur under the same conditions: when the
demands being placed on a kid exceed that kids ca-
both). pacity to respond adaptively. Why do some kids re-
spond at the milder end of the spectrum while others
the goal of intervention) is to make the kid want to are at the more severe end? Some kids have the skills
do well. This is typically accomplished by motivating to hold it together when pushed to their limits and
the kid, by giving him the incentive to do well, by re- some dont.
warding him when he behaves in an adaptive fashion
and punishing him when he behaves in a maladaptive With this new perspective on challenging kids, much
fashion. of what we say about them no longer makes sense.
By contrast, the kids do well if they can philoso- Take a look:
phy carries the assumption that if a kid could do well.
he would do well. If hes not doing well, he must be >> He just wants attention.
lacking the skills needed to respond to lifes challenges We all want attention, so this explanation isnt very useful
in an adaptive way. Whats the most important role for helping us understand why a kid is struggling to do well.
an adult can play in the life of such a kid? First, as- And if a kid is seeking attention in a maladaptive way,
sume hes already motivated, already knows right doesnt that suggest that he lacks the skills to seek
from wrong, and has already been punished enough. attention in an adaptive way?
Then, figure out what thinking skills hes lacking so >> He just wants his own way.
you know what thinking skills to teach. We all want our own way, so this explanation doesnt help
LAGGING SKILLS us achieve an understanding of a kids challenges.
Adaptively getting ones own way requires skills often found
If you know what thinking skills a kid is lacking,
lacking in challenging kids.
youll be in a much better position to teach those
skills. Youll also be in a better position to anticipate >> Hes manipulating us.
the situations in which challenging behavior is most This is a very popular, and misguided, characterization of
likely to occur. If you dont know what skills a kid is kids with behavioral challenges. Competent manipulation
lacking, they probably wont get taught, it will be requires various skills forethought, planning, impulse
much harder to anticipate his worst moments, the control, and organization, among others typically found
kids challenges will linger (or get worse), and he will lacking in challenging kids. In other words, the kids who are
become increasingly frustrated, hopeless, and alienat- most often described as being manipulative are those least
ed, just as most of us would if we had a problem no capable of pulling it off.
one seemed able to understand and were being treat- >> Hes not motivated.
ed in a way that made the problem worse. This is another very popular characterization that can be
When is challenging behavior most likely to occur? traced back to the kids do well if they want to mentality,
When the demands being placed on a kid exceed his and it can lead us straight to interventions aimed at giving a
capacity to respond adaptively. Of course, thats when kid the incentive to do well. But why would any kid not
all of us exhibit maladaptive behavior. The problem want to do well? Why would he choose not to do well if he
for kids with behavioral challenges (and those around has the skills to do well? Isnt doing well always preferable?
them) is that theyre responding much more mal-
adaptively than the rest of us, and much more often.


>> Hes making bad choices. Difficulty considering a range of solutions to a problem.
Are you certain he has the skills and repertoire to Difficulty expressing concerns, needs, or thoughts in
consistently make good choices? words.
>> His parents are incompetent disciplinarians. Difficulty understanding what is being said.
This, too, is a popular way of thinking, but it fails to take
Difficulty managing emotional response to frustration
into account the fact that most challenging kids have well-
so as to think rationally (separation of affect).
behaved siblings. Blaming parents doesnt help anyone at
school deal effectively with the kid in the six hours a day, Chronic irritability and/or anxiety significantly impede
five days a week, nine months of the year that hes in the capacity for problem solving.
building. Difficulty seeing the grays; concrete, literal, black-
and-white thinking.
>> He has a bad attitude.
He probably didnt start out with one. Bad attitudes tend Difficulty deviating from rules, routine, original plan.
to be the by-product of countless years of being Difficulty handling unpredictability, ambiguity,
misunderstood and over-punished by adults who didnt uncertainty, novelty.
recognize that a kid was lacking crucial thinking skills. But
Difficulty shifting from original idea or solution; difficulty
kids are resilient; they come around if we start doing the
adapting to changes in plan or new rules; possibly
right thing.
perseverative or obsessive.
>> He has a mental illness.
Difficulty taking into account situational factors that
While he may well meet diagnostic criteria for a psychiatric
would require adjusting ones plan of action.
disorder and may even benefit from psychotropic
medication, this description is a nonstarter. Fifty years ago, Inflexible, inaccurate interpretations; cognitive
a psychiatrist named Thomas Szasz understood that distortions or biases (e.g., Everyones out to get me,
mentally ill was a limiting (and potentially inaccurate and Nobody likes me, You always blame me, Its not
derisory) way to describe people with social, emotional, and fair, Im stupid, Things will never work out for me).
behavioral challenges. He advocated for reconceptualizing Difficulty attending to and/or accurately interpreting
these challenges as problems in living, a more fitting and social cues; poor perception of social nuances.
productive way of viewing things. Difficulty starting a conversation, entering groups,
>> His brother was the same way. connecting with people; lacking other basic social
Ah, so its the gene pool! Alas, we cant do anything about skills.
the gene pool, and its likely that his brother was lacking Difficulty seeking attention in appropriate ways.
some important thinking skills, too.
Difficulty appreciating how ones behavior is affecting
other people; often surprised by others responses to
The following list is much more useful. Its the list his or her behavior.
of many skills frequently found lagging in challeng-
ing kids: Difficulty empathizing with others, appreciating another
persons perspective or point of view.
Difficulty handling transitions, shifting from one mind-
set or task to another (shifting cognitive set). Difficulty appreciating how one is coming across or
being perceived by others.
Difficulty mustering the energy to persist on tasks that
are challenging, effortful, or tedious.
Difficulty doing things in a logical sequence or You may have noticed that this list contains no di-
prescribed order. agnoses. Thats because diagnoses dont give us any
Poor sense of time. information about the cognitive skills a kid may be
Difficulty reflecting on multiple thoughts or ideas lacking. All too often adults get caught up in the quest
simultaneously. for the right diagnosis, assuming that a diagnosis will
Difficulty maintaining focus for goal-directed problem
help them know what to do next. The reality is that
diagnoses arent especially useful for understanding
kids with behavioral challenges or for helping adults
Difficulty considering the likely outcomes or
know what to do next. Plus, kids dont generally ex-
consequences of actions (impulsive).
hibit challenging behavior in a vacuum. It usually

NOVEMBER 2008 163

takes two to tango: a kid whos lacking skills and an native solutions, or anticipating likely outcomes.
environment (teachers, parents, peers) that demands Approaching problems in an organized, planful
those skills. Diagnoses dont reflect that reality, they manner, considering a variety of solutions, and re-
simply pathologize the child. flecting on their likely outcomes are crucial develop-
Lets focus on a few of the lagging skills on the list mental skills. Most 2-year-olds dont yet possess these
for the purpose of making clear the connection be- skills. Neither do a lot of challenging kids who
tween lagging skills and how they can contribute to chronologically, at least are a lot older.
challenging behavior. Clearly, we have some skills to teach. But if the
school discipline program emphasizes formal conse-
quences, theyre not going to get taught. Conse-
Difficulty reflecting on multiple thoughts or ideas quences only remind kids of what we dont want them
simultaneously (disorganized). to do and give them the incentive to do something
Difficulty considering a range of solutions to a more adaptive instead. But they already know what
problem. we dont want them to do, and theyre already moti-
Difficulty considering the likely outcomes or vated to do something more adaptive instead. They
consequences of ones actions (impulsive). need something else from us.
When youre faced with a problem or frustration,
your primary task is to solve the problem that caused Difficulty expressing concerns, needs, or thoughts
your frustration. To accomplish this task, these three in words.
skills will be absolutely essential. Thats because prob-
lem solving requires a great deal of organized, planful Most of the thinking and communicating we do
thinking. involves language, so its no accident that many kids
Lets ponder that for a moment. To solve a prob- with language delays also have trouble handling the
lem, you must first identify the problem youre trying social, emotional, and behavioral demands that are
to solve. Then youll need to think of solutions to the placed upon them. For example, many kids have trou-
problem. And then youll need to anticipate the like- ble finding the words to tell someone whats the mat-
ly outcomes of those solutions so as to pick the best ter or what they need. This can present a big problem;
one. Thats how people make decisions. lifes a lot easier when you have the linguistic where-
Many kids are so disorganized in their thinking withal to let people know you dont feel like talking,
they have so much difficulty sorting through their that somethings the matter, that you need a
thoughts that theyre unable to figure out whats minute to think, that you dont know what to do,
frustrating them, in which case the process of prob- that you need a break, or that you dont like that.
lem solving comes to an abrupt halt, the problem The reminder use your words wont help at all if a
doesnt get solved, and their frustration heightens (of- kid doesnt have the words. Its the lack of words that
ten setting in motion one of the behaviors on the often sets the stage for challenging behavior.
spectrum). Many are so disorganized that even if they Some kids cry or become withdrawn when they
can manage to figure out what problem theyre trying lack the language skills to successfully manage inter-
to solve, they cant think of more than one solution actions with classmates and teachers. Of course, thats
to the problem. Many are so impulsive that even if the mild end of the spectrum. Other kids express their
they can think of more than one solution, theyve al- feelings or needs with Screw you, I hate you,
ready done the first thing that popped into their Shut up, Leave me alone, and other more color-
heads. The bad news? Our first solution is often (not ful expressions (now were a little further down the
always, but often) our worst. Good solutions usually spectrum). And still others vault right past these in-
come to mind after weve inhibited our less optimal appropriate verbal options and wind up expressing
initial impulses and considered our better options in themselves physically (shoving, hitting, throwing
a more organized fashion. Many kids often the dis- things, destroying property, running out of the class-
organized, impulsive ones are notorious for put- room).
ting their worst foot forward. In other words, there A crucial developmental leap occurs when kids be-
are many kids who are responding to lifes challenges gin to use words to let the world know whats bug-
in a maladaptive fashion because they arent very ging them, what they need, and what theyre think-
skilled at organizing their thoughts, thinking of alter- ing. The social, emotional, and behavioral challenges


emotion, and thats good. But kids who lack skill in
this domain tend to respond to problems or frustra-
tions with more emotion and less (or no) thought,
and thats not good at all. Learning how to put your
emotions on the shelf so as to be able to think ra-
tionally is an essential developmental skill, and one
many challenging kids have failed to develop.
At the milder end of the spectrum, kids who are
having difficulty separating thought from emotion
may become highly anxious over, for example, an up-
coming test, a new social situation, not understand-
ing an assignment, or being embarrassed in front of
their classmates. They may cry over a bad grade, at not
being picked first for a team, or when they feel social-
When lagging skills are invoked ly excluded. At the more extreme end of the spectrum,
as excuses, the door slams their emotions may burst through in such a powerful
way that they scream, swear, throw something, hit
shut on the process of thinking somebody, or worse. These kids may actually feel
themselves heating up but often arent able to stem
about how to teach the kid the the emotional tide until later, when the emotions have
skills he lacks. subsided and rational thought has returned. Natural-
ly, the heating-up process will be greatly intensified if
of many kids can be traced back to a developmental adults or peers respond in a way that adds fuel to the
lag in these and related domains. Regrettably, lan- fire.
guage-processing problems are frequently over-
looked. Adults often dont think to assess language
skills when theyre trying to figure out why a challeng- Difficulty seeing the grays; concrete, literal,
black-and-white thinking.
ing kid is challenging. And sometimes the testing in-
strumentation used in standard language assessments Difficulty deviating from rules, routine, original
doesnt pick up on some of the finer-grained language plan.
issues that may be involved; in such cases, the test re- Difficulty handling unpredictability, ambiguity,
sults may not only fail to pinpoint the kids difficul- uncertainty, novelty.
ties, but also erroneously conclude that the kid has no Difficulty shifting from original idea or solution;
language difficulties at all. difficulty adapting to changes in plan; possibly
Can kids be taught to articulate their concerns, perseverative or obsessive.
needs, and thoughts more effectively? Absolutely. But Inflexible, inaccurate interpretations; cognitive
not until adults understand that its the lack of these distortions or biases.
skills that is setting the stage for challenging behavior.
Young kids tend to be fairly rigid, black-and-white,
IN FOCUS literal, inflexible thinkers. Theyre still making sense
Difficulty managing emotional response to of the world, and its easier to put two and two to-
frustration so as to think rationally (separation of gether if they dont have to worry about exceptions to
the rule or alternative ways of looking at things. As
kids develop, they learn that, in fact, most things in
Separation of affect refers to the ability to separate life are gray, that there are exceptions to the rule and
the emotions (affect) youre feeling in response to a alternative ways of interpreting things. Sometimes we
problem or frustration from the thinking you must have a substitute teacher, a field trip needs to be
do to resolve the problem. While emotions can be rescheduled because of the weather, someone is sitting
quite useful for mobilizing or energizing people to in our usual seat in the cafeteria, recess has to be in-
solve problems, thinking is how problems get solved. doors instead of outdoors.
Kids skilled at separating affect tend to respond to Unfortunately, for some kids, gray thinking does-
problems or frustrations with more thought than nt develop as readily. Though some of these kids are

Photo: Photos.com NOVEMBER 2008 165

tions to a world where few such rules apply. Some sulk
or become anxious when events dont conform to
their original configuration or when theyve inter-
preted an event in a distorted fashion. Some scream.
Some swear. Or throw things. Of course, those are the
things they do. All that tells you is where they are on
the spectrum of challenging behaviors. Now you
know why and when theyre doing them. Thats
where the actions at.

Kids who havent responded

to natural consequences dont
need more consequences.

Can black-and-white thinkers be helped to think

more flexibly? To move from an original way of think-
ing and adapt to circumstances or perspectives they
may not have taken into account? Most definitely . . .
so long as adults recognize that its hard to teach kids
to be more flexible by being inflexible themselves.
Theres a big difference between interpreting the
lagging skills described above as excuses rather than
as explanations. When lagging skills are invoked as
excuses, the door slams shut on the process of think-
ing about how to teach the kid the skills he lacks.
Conversely, when lagging skills are invoked as expla-
nations for a kids behavior, the door to helping
swings wide open.
diagnosed with disorders such as nonverbal learning
disability or Aspergers disorder, its more useful to UNSOLVED PROBLEMS
think of them as black-and-white thinkers stuck in a So far, youve read about a sampling of the lagging
gray world. Predictably, these kids are most likely to skills that can set the stage for challenging behavior,
exhibit challenging behavior when the world places but theres another piece of information missing. We
demands on them for gray thinking. can learn a lot about a kids social, emotional, and be-
Many such kids are quite comfortable with factual havioral challenges, and identify potential avenues for
information because its black-and-white but grow intervention, by noting the situations in which chal-
uncomfortable when life demands problem solving lenging behavior is most likely to occur. A situation-
because its gray. These kids love details (black-and- al analysis can give you invaluable information about
white) but arent so adept at handling ambiguity the circumstances or unsolved problems some-
(gray) and often miss the big picture (gray). They times called triggers or antecedents that precipitate
love predictability (its black-and-white) but dont do social, emotional, and behavioral challenges.
so well when things are unpredictable (gray). They For example, if a kid is having some of his greatest
love certainty (black-and-white) and routines (black- difficulties during circle time, then circle time is a cir-
and-white) but dont handle uncertainty (gray) or cumstance precipitating challenging behavior. If a kid
changes in plan (gray) very well. is having difficulty getting along with other kids dur-
These black-and-white thinkers often present sig- ing recess, then getting along with other kids during
nificant challenges to their teachers and classmates as recess is an unsolved problem precipitating challeng-
they struggle to apply concrete rules and interpreta- ing behavior. And if a kid is refusing to work when

166 PHI DELTA KAPPAN Photo: Photos.com

paired with a particular classmate, then working with isnt especially effective for the challenging ones be-
that particular classmate is a circumstance or unsolved cause it doesnt teach any lagging skills or solve any
problem precipitating challenging behavior. A lot of problems.
adults nominate the word no as a trigger. But its not
specific enough. Its what the adult is saying no to
going to the bathroom (yet again), sharpening a Theres a big difference
pencil (yet again), excessive talking or teasing that
helps adults know the specific problem they need to between interpreting the
solve (so they dont have to keep saying no so of- lagging skills as excuses
ten). We know these problems havent been solved yet
because theyre still setting the stage for maladaptive rather than as explanations.
What option invariably kicks in next? Those very
There are many lenses through which challenging powerful, ever-present, and inescapable natural con-
behavior in kids can be viewed. Heres the mantra that sequences: praise, approval, embarrassment, being
encapsulates the view of this author: Behind every scolded, being liked or disliked, being invited to
challenging behavior is an unsolved problem or a lag- things (or not), and so forth. Challenging kids expe-
ging skill (or both). rience lots of natural consequences but are far more
Whether a kid is sulking, pouting, whining, with- likely to experience the punishing variety than their
drawing, refusing to talk, curling up in a fetal posi- less challenging counterparts. While natural conse-
tion, crying, spitting, screaming, swearing, running quences are inescapable, they dont teach lagging
out of the classroom, kicking, hitting, destroying thinking skills or solve problems, so for many chal-
property, or worse, you wont know what to do about lenging kids they arent especially effective at reduc-
the challenging behavior until youve identified the ing difficult behavior.
lagging skills or unsolved problems that gave rise to If the first two options dont achieve the desired ef-
it. Lagging skills are the why of challenging behavior. fect, adults usually turn to a third option and add
Unsolved problems are the who, what, when, and more consequences, those of the imposed, logical,
where. unnatural, or artificial variety. These include pun-
Once you have a decent handle on a kids lagging ishments, such as staying in from recess, time-out
skills and unsolved problems, youve taken a major from reinforcement, detention, suspension, and ex-
step in the right direction because the kids challeng- pulsion; and rewards, such as special privileges. Of
ing episodes are now highly predictable, which is course, the kids who are on the receiving end of most
good news if youre a teacher and have a class full of imposed, logical consequences are the ones who havent
25 other students. You dont have to wait until the kid responded to natural consequences. But imposed,
is disrupting the class before you try to teach skills or logical consequences dont teach lagging skills or help
solve problems; you can do it in advance because the kids solve problems any better than natural conse-
disruption is predictable. A lot of adults find it hard quences do. Indeed, when logical consequences are
to believe that a kids challenging behaviors are high- being liberally applied but are not effectively reduc-
ly predictable, believing instead that such behaviors ing a kids challenging behavior, I think theyre prob-
are unpredictable and occur out of the blue. But thats ably more accurately referred to as illogical conse-
not true, not if you know what skills the child is lack- quences.
ing and what his triggers are. My view is that kids who havent responded to nat-
ural consequences dont need more consequences,
they need adults who are knowledgeable about how
Before moving on, lets consider why consequences challenging kids come to be challenging, who can
may not be an effective way to teach skills or help kids identify the lagging skills and unsolved problems that
solve problems. There are a variety of ways to address are setting the stage for maladaptive behavior, and
a kids challenging behavior. One common option is who know how to teach those skills and help solve
to simply tell the kid you dont approve of his behav- those problems. Weve learned a lot about childrens
ior and to suggest alternative behaviors. While this brains in the last 30 years. Its time for our actions to
can be an effective approach for a lot of kids, it often reflect our knowledge. K

NOVEMBER 2008 167

File Name and Bibliographic Information
Ross Greene, Kids Do Well If They Can, Phi Delta Kappan, Vol. 90,
No. 03, November 2008, pp. 160-167.

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