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414 IINA ":Jctober i 9x5'

Object vision and spatial flew 1~'2z. In previous iorlntllatlons, how-

ever, these two types of visual perception
were attributed to the geniculostriate and
vision:two cortical p hways tectofugal systems, respectively, rather
than to separate conical pathways diverging
from a common striate origin. The shift to
Mortimer Mishkin, Leslie G. Ungerleider and Kathleen A. the present view is in keeping with the
Macko cumulative evidence that, m primates a~
least, all forms of visual perception, as di~
tinguished from visuomotor functions, are
Evidence is reviewed indicating that striate cortex in the m o n k e y is the source o f two more heavily dependent on the geniculo-
multisynaptic corticocortical pathways. One courses ventrally, interconnecting the striate than on the tectofugal system.
striate, prestriate, a n d inferior temporal areas, a n d enables the visual identification o f
objects. The other runs dorsally, interconnecting the striate, prestriate, a n d inferior Object vision
parietal areas, a n d allows instead the visual location o f objects. H o w the information The anterior part of inferior temporal cor-
carried in these two separate p a t h w a y s is reintegrated has become an important tex, or area TE in Bonin and Bailey's ter-
question f o r future research. minology2, is the last exclusively visual
area in the pathway that begins in the striate
Thirty-five years ago Lashley concluded synaptic occipitoparietal projection sys- cortex, or area OC. and continues through
that visual mechanisms do not extend tem that follows the course of the superior the prestriate and posterior temporal areas,
beyond the striate cortex. He was led to this longitudinal fasciculus. This pathway, OB, OA and TEO (Fig. 1). This ventrally
view after finding that 'None of the lesions which interconnects the striate, prestriate, directed chain of conical visual areas
in the prestriate region of the monkey has and inferior parietal areas, is critical for the appears to extract stimulus-quality informa-
produced symptoms resembling object visual location of objects ~. Subsequent tion from the retinal input to the striate cor-
agnosia as described in m a n . . . Uncom- links of the occipitoparietal pathway with tex 2, processing it for the purpose of iden-
plicated destruction of major portions of the dorsal limbic~6 and dorsal frontal cortex ~s.26 tifying the visual stimulus and ultimately
prestriate r e g i o n . . , has not been found to may enable the cognitive construction of assigning it some meaning through the
produce any disturbances in sensory or per- spatial maps, as welt as the visual guidance mediation of area TE's connections with the
ceptual organization' ,4 of motor acts s that were initially triggered limbic and frontal-lobe systems ~2. Accord-
We now know, of course, that Lashley's by activity in the ventral pathway. In con- ing to this view, the anal~?sis of the physical
conclusion was wrong. Tissue essential for trast to the ventral pathway, which remains properties of a visual object (such as tts
vision extends far beyond striate cortex to modality-specific throughout its course, the size, color, texture and shape) is performed
include not only the prestriate region of the later stations in the dorsal pathway appear in the multiple subdivisions of the prestri-
occipital lobe but also large portions of the to receive convergent input from other ate-posterior temporal complex44 and may
temporal and parietal lobes. Neurobe- modalities and so may constitute polysen- even be completed within this tissue. Such
havioral studies since Lashley'ss,6,2-~.", sory areas x,32. a proposal gains support from the striking
together with converging evidence from The notion that separate neural systems loss in pattern-discrimination ability that
physiological 1'6'1'24'3''~ and anatomical mediate object and spatial vision is not follows damage to the posterior temporal
studies 5"31'39'41~3, indicate that these
extrastriate regions contain numerous vis-
ual areas that can he distinguished both
structurally and functionally. Moreover,
recent work from our own laboratory 4 sug-
gests that these multiple visual areas are
organized hierarchically into two separate
cortical visual pathways, one specialized m

for 'object' vision, the other for 'spatial'


Two pathways
The two cortical visual pathways are
schematized in Fig. t. One of them consists
of a multisynaptic occipitotemporal projec-
tion system that follows the course of the
inferior longitudinal fasciculus. This path-
way, which interconnects the striate, pre-
striate, and inferior temporal areas, is cru-
cial for the visual identification of objects=L
Subsequent links of the occipitotemporal
pathway with limbic structures in the tem-
poral lobe3~and with ventral portions of the Fig. L Lateral view of the left hemisphere of a rhesus monkey. The shaded area defmes the cortical visual
tissue in the occipital, temporal and parietal lobes. Arrows schematize two cortical visual pathways, each
frontal lobe TMmay make possible the cogni- beginning in primary visual cortex (area OC), diverging within prestriate cortex (areasO B and OA), and
tive association of visual objects with other then coursing either ventrally into the inferior temporal cortex (areas TEO and TE) or dorsally into the
events, such as emotions and motor acts. inferior parietal cortex (area PG). Both cortical visual pathways are crucial for higher visual function; the
The other pathway consists of a multi- ventral pathway for object vision and the dorsal pathway for spatial vision.
TINS - October 1 983 415

Fig. 2. Behavioral tasks sensitive to conical visual lesions in monkeys. (A) Object discrimination. Bilateral removal o f area TE in inferior temporal cortex produces
severe impairment on object discrimination. A simple version o f such a discrimination is a one-trial object-recognition task based on the principle o f non-matching
to sample, in which monkeys are first familiarized with one object of a pair in a central location (familiarization trial not shown) and are then rewarded in the choice
test for selecting the unfamiliar object. (B) Landmark discrimination. Bilateral removal o f posterior parietal cortex produces severe impairment on landmark
discrimination. On this task, monkeys are rewarded for choosing the covered foodweU closer to a tall cylinder, the 'landmark', which is positioned randomly from
trial to trial closer to the left co ver or closer to the right co ver, the two covers being otherwise identical.

area z. But the synthesis of all the physical leaves a trace against which a subsequently ways has come from our studies of posterior
properties of the particular object into a presented stimulus can be matched. If it parietal cortex.
unique configuration appears to entail the does match, i.e. if the original neural trace In the initial study of the series, Poh128
funnelling of the outputs from the prestri- is reactivated, there is immediate recogni- demonstrated a dissociation of visual
ate-posterior temporal region into area tion, as demonstrated by the monkey's deficits after inferior temporal and posterior
TE a~. This postulated integration of the highly accurate performance. The area in parietal lesions. That is, whereas the tem-
coded visual properties of an object within which the neural trace appears to be prefer- poral but not the parietal lesion produced
area TE would make TE especially well entially established is area TE, since severe impairment on an object-
suited to serve not only as the highest-order lesions here - but not lesions elsewhere in discrimination learning task, just the
area for the visual perception of objects but the cortical visual system - nearly abolish reverse was found on tests in which the
also as the storehouse for their central rep- the monkey's ability to perform the recogni- monkey had to learn to choose a response
resentations and, hence, for their later tion task. Apparently, area TE contains the location on the basis of its proximity to a
recognition. traces laid down by previous viewing of visual 'landmark' (Fig. 2B). These results
That area TE is important for the reten- stimuli, and these serve as stored central provided compelling evidence that 'the
tion of some form of visual experience has representations against which incoming inferior temporal cortex participates mainly
been suspected for decades TM. Numerous stimuli are constantly being compared. In in the acts of noticing and remembering an
behavioral studies 6 have demonstrated that the process, old central representations may object's qualities, not its position in space.
bilateral removal of inferior temporal cor- either decay, be renewed, or even be Conversely, the posterior parietal cortex
tex in monkeys yields marked impairment refined, while new representations are seems to be concerned with the perception
both in the retention of visual discrimina- added to the store. of the spatial relations among objects, and
tion habits acquired prior to surgery and in It is significant that by virtue of the not their intrinsic qualities' 20.
the postoperative acquisition of new ones. extremely large visual receptive fields of The effective lesions in Pohrs study were
This impairment, which is exclusively vis- inferior temporal neurons 8 this area seems large, since they included not only inferior
ual, appears in the absence of any sensory to provide the neural basis for the parietal cortex, or area PG, but also dorsal
loss and thus has long been considered phenomenon of stimulus equivalence prestriate tissue within area OA. To test for
a higher-order, or 'visuopsychic', dys- across retinal translationT; i.e. the ability to the possibility of a further localization of
function. recognize a stimulus as the same, regard- function within this region, additional
But that the impairment is in fact a visual less of its position in the visual field. But a experiments were performed with more
retention disorder was demonstrated only necessary consequence of this mechanism restricted lesions 22. The results, however,
later when it was found that area TE lesions for stimulus equivalence is that within the failed to reveal any evidence of a cortical
impair performance on visual tests that tax occipitotemporal pathway itself there is a focus serving spatial vision; rather, the sev-
memory even more than they do on visual loss of information about the visual location erity of impairment on the landmark task
tests that tax perceptual ability3. Now, hav- of the objects being identified. was found to depend on the amount of tis-
ing examined the ability of monkeys with sue included in the lesion, completely inde-
TE lesions simply to remember the visual Spatial vision pendent of the lesion site. Since damage to
appearance of newly presented objects, we The neural mechanism that enables the the same region, no matter how extensive,
have uncovered what is perhaps the most visual location of objects also entails the failed to produce any impairment in the
dramatic impairment of all 21. After just a transmission of information from striate acquisition of a visual pattern discrimina-
few days of training, normal monkeys through prestriate cortex; however, the pre- tion, it appears that the entire posterior
shown an object only once will demonstrate striate route in this case, as well as the rest parietal region, including dorsal OA cortex,
that they recognize that object when it is of the pathway for spatial vision, appears to participates selectively in the processing of
presented several minutes later (Fig. 2A). be quite separate from the pathway for visuospatial as distinguished from visual
Thus, somewhere in the visual system the object vision (Fig. 1 ). Evidence in support object-quality information.
single presentation of a complex stimulus of this dichotomy of cortical visual path- Our findings support the accumulat-
416 'ITN,5 . ~:ctober : g&~

ing neurobiological evidence that parietal peripheral vision are equally important for striate cortex, each belt contains a top(~-
area PG, rather than being a purely tactual the visuospatial functions of posterior graphic representation of the visual field.
association area as was once thought, is a parietal cortex. Area V2 corresponds to prcstriate area
polysensory area to which both the visual In summary, interactions with striate cor- OB, while V3 and V4 are both contained
and tactual modalities contribute ~'24"3. tex are critical for the parietal just as they within prestriate area OA. exclusive ot
The findings are thus consistent with the are for the temporal area, but the striate its dorsal part. Area V4 in turn projects
proposal 33that area PG serves a supramodal inputs to these two cortical targets are to both areas TEO and TE in the inferior
spatial ability that subsumes both the mac- organized differently: relative to inferior temporal cortex s.
rospace of vision and the microspace temporal cortex, posterior parietal cortex The second major system begins with
encompassed by the hand. According to receives a greater contribution from inputs both striate and V2 projections to visual
this proposal, visuospatial and tactual dis- representing both the contralateral and the area MT 31.35,39,41-43, which is located in the
crimination deficits, as well as the inac- peripheral visual fields. These differences, caudal portion of the superior temporal sul-
curacies in reaching that also follow inferior which are seen also in the visual receptive cus, mainly within dorsolateral OA. Area
parietal damage, are different reflections of field topography of inferior temporal vs. MT in turn projects to four additional areas
a single, supramodal disorder in spatial per- posterior parietal neurons ~,3, presumably in the upper superior temporal and the
ception. reflect differences in the sensory processing intraparietal sulci3L Although the total
Polysensory area PG is presumed to required for object vs. spatial vision. extents of these four areas are not yet com-
depend for its visual input on the modality- pletely established, the more anterior one in
specific prestriate area OA, which appears Metabolic and anatomical mapping the intraparietal sulcus clearly falls within
to serve visual spatial functions selectively. The evidence from our behavioral work area PG. Thus, one major system of projec-
Such a hierarchical model for spatial per- demonstrates that the neural mechanisms tions out of striate cortex is directed ven-
ception suggests, in turn, that the source of underlying object and spatial vision depend trally into the temporal lobe, while a second
the critical visual input for the entire dorsal on the relay of information from striate cor- is directed dorsally into the parietal lobe.
prestriate-parietal region is, again, the tex through prestriate cortex to targets in Furthermore, the divergence between these
striate cortex. The alternative possibility, inferior temporal and inferior parietal areas, two systems appears to begin almost
namely, that the source of the critical input is respectively. We have now mapped the full immediately after striate cortex, i.e. in its
the superior colliculus, found no support in extent of both cortical visual pathways initial projections.
a study of the effects of tectal lesions on per- combined, using the 2-[t4C]deoxyglucose The two multisynaptic projection sys-
formance of the landmark task; even com- method 15. By comparing a blinded and a tems that we have traced provide not only
plete bilateral destruction of the superior seeing hemisphere in the same monkey we the anatomical substrate for our two func-
colliculus failed to produce a reliable loss in have found that the entire visual system can tionally defined visual pathways but also a
retention. We therefore examined the con- be outlined on the basis of differential partial solution to the puzzle that was pre-
tribution of stliate inputs to the visuospatial hemispheric glucose utilization during vis- sented at the outset, namely, why extensive
functions of posterior parietal cortex 23, ual stimulation. Reduced glucose utiliza- removals of prestriate cortex in monkeys
using a disconnection technique analogous tion in the blind as compared with the have repeatedly failed to yield the expected
to the one used originally to examine the seeing hemisphere was seen cortically losses in either object or spatial vis-
contribution of striate inputs to the object- throughout the entire expanse of striate and ion 14'29"4. If prestriate cortex constitutes an
vision functions of inferior temporal cor- prestriate cortex (areas OC, OB and OA), essential relay in both a striate-temporal
tex TM. Our results suggested that the pos- inferior temporal cortex as far forward as and a striate-parietal pathway, then dam-
terior parietal cortex, like the inferior tem- the temporal pole (areas TEO and TE), and age to this relay should yield effects at least
poral, is totally dependent on striate input the posterior part of the inferior parietal as severe as damage to both its target areas.
for its participation in vision; but unlike the lobule (area PG). These results, which are Yet such dramatic effects have not been
inferior temporal, the posterior parietal cor- in remarkably close agreement with our found. The reason appears to be that no pre-
tex does not seem to receive a heavy visual neurobehaviorally derived model of the two striate lesion to date has produced a total
input via the corpus callosum. It therefore cortical visual pathways, have allowed us visual disconnection of the temporal and
appears that each posterior parietal area to delineate the exact limits of the entire parietal lobes since all removals have
may be organized largely as a substrate for system TM (Fig. 1). spared varying extents of prestriate tissue
contralateral spatial function, which could To trace the flow of visual information that could continue to relay visual informa-
account in part for the symptom of con- within each system we undertook a series of tion. Comparison with our anatomical
tralateral spatial neglect that has so often studies using autoradiographic and degen- maps indicates that the portions of prestriate
been reported after unilateral parietal injury eration tracing techniques. Our goal in cortex that have consistently escaped dam-
in m a n 4.a,17. these anatomical investigations was to iden- age are those parts of both the belt areas and
A second difference in the organization tify the multiple visual areas within the pre- the MT-related areas that represent the
of visual inputs to posterior parietal and striate cortex, explore their organization, peripheral visual fields. Thus, just as we
inferior temporal cortex was uncovered in and map their projections forward into both had found from sparing in striate cortex,
an experiment that compared the effects of the temporal and parietal lobes. sparing of peripheral-field representations
selective removals of stliate cortex 2a. In this The findings indicated that the striate cor- in prestriate cortex will protect both object
experiment, monkeys received bilateral tex is indeed the source of two major corti- and spatial vision from serious losses.
lesions of the striate areas representing cal projection systems. The first system
either central vision (lateral striate) or begins with the known striate projection to Objects in spatial locations
peripheral vision (medial striate). The the second visual area, V23L35'42"43. We A major question posedby the present
results indicated that while inputs from cen- found that V2 in turn projects to areas V3 analysis is how object information and spa-
tral vision are the more important ones for and V438. These three prestriate areas are tial information, initially carried together in
the object-recognition functions of inferior arranged in adjacent 'belts' that nearly the geniculostriate projections but then
temporal cortex, inputs from central and surround the striate cortex, and, like analysed separately in the two cortical vis-
T I N S - October 1983 417

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the hippocampal formation and that one of Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiatry 32, 73-81 40 Ungerleider, L. G. and Mishkin, M. (1982) in
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memorization of the particular locations Brain Res. 13, 13-36 Goodale, M. A. and Mansfield, R. J. W., eds),
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227-239 42 Weller, R. E. and Kaas, J. H. (1981) in Cortical
frontal lobe could throw new light on some
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Reading list G. B. (1978)J. Neurophysiol. 41,910-932 43 Zeki, S. M. (1969)Brain Res. 14, 271-291
1 Allman,J. M., Baker, J. F., Newsome,W. T. and 3 i Rockland, K. S. and Pandya, D. N. (1981) Brain 44 Zeki, S. M. (1978) Nature (London) 274,
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Organization, Vol. 2: Multiple Visual Areas 32 Seltzer, B. and Pandya, D. N. (1980) Brain Res.
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Press, Clifton, NJ 33 Semmes,J. (1967) in ,Symposium on Oral Sen- Ungerleider and Kathleen A. Macko are Staff Felo
2 Bonin,G. yon and Bailey, P. (1947) The Neocor- sation and Perception (Bosma, J. G., ed.), lows at the Laboratory of Neuropsychology,
tex of Macaca Mulatta, The Universityof Illinois pp. 137-148, Thomas, Springfield, IL National Institute of Mental Health, Bethesda, MD
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7 Gross, C. G. and Mishkin, M. (1979) in Lateral-
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R. W., Goldstein, L., Jaynes, J. and Krauthamer, During rhythmical locomotory and scratching movements the cerebellum receives
G., eds), pp. 109--122, Academic Press, New information both about the current state o f the peripheral m o t o r apparatus and about
York the activity o f the spinal rhythmical generator. Comparison o f cerebellar input and
8 Haaxma, R. and Kuypers, H. G. J. M. (1975) output signals suggests that the cerebellum 'selects' essential information concerning
Brain 98, 239-260 the activity o f the m o t o r mechanisms. O n the basis o f this information, the cerebellum
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Raven Press, New York co-ordinates different m o t o r synergisms and adapts them to the environment.
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11 Ingle,D., Schneider,G. E., Trevarthan,G. B. and The spino-eerebellar loop studies. Studies of the scratch reflex were
Held, R. (1967) Psychol. Forsch. 31,42-348 Recently, a new approach to the study of especially fruitful. This reflex can be easily
12 Jones, B. and Mishkin, M. (1972)Exp. Neurol. cerebellar functions has been developed evoked in immobilized cats ('the fictitious
36, 362-377 scratch reflex') TM, and immobility of the
which involves recording cerebellar input
13 Kuypers, H. G. J. M., Szwarcbart, M. K.,
Mishkin, M. and Rosvold, H. E. (1965) Exp. and output signals accompanying move- animal facilitates microelectrode record-
Neurol. l 1,245-262 ments. This approach is based on two dif- ings. In addition, by comparing the activity
14 Lashley, K. S. (1948) Genet. Psychol Monogr. ferent methods. In chronic experiments the of neurons of the cerebellum (and of other
37, 107-166 activity of cerebellar n e u r o n s is recorded structures) during actual and fictitious
15 Macko, K. A., Jarvis, C. D., Kennedy, C., in animals which are awake and which scratching, one can estimate the relative
Miyaoka, M., Shinohara, M., Sokoloff, L. and roles of central and peripheral factors in
have been trained to p e r f o r m certain
Mishkin, M. (1982)Science 218,394-397
movements 11. Alternatively, neurons in the generating cerebellar inputs and outputs.
16 Macko, K. A., Kennedy, C., Sokoloff, L. and
Mishkin, M. ( 1981)Soc. Neurosci. Abstr. 7,832 cerebellum and structures related to it are Fig. 1 illustrates the main structures in
17 Mesulam, M.-M. (1981) Ann. Neurol. 10, recorded from acute decerebrate cats decerebrate cats concerned with the control
309-325 'automatically' performing locomotor or of hindlimb movements during locomotion
18 Mishkin, M. (1954)J. Comp. Physiol. Psychol. scratching movements2-7'x'~7'~s. Thoug h and scratching. Spinal structures generating
47, 187-193 this second technique limits investiga- rhythmical movements are'switched on' by
19 Mishkin,M. (1966) in Frontiers of Physiological signals arriving either from the supraspinal
tions to brain-stem-cerebellar and s p i n a l
Psychology (Russell, R., ed.), pp. 93-119,
mechanisms, it has the advantage of provid- structures or from the upper spinal cord.
Academic Press, New York
20 Mishkin, M. (1972) in Brain and Human ing greater possibilities for analytical When these spinal mechanisms are opera-
~t~1983,ElsevierSciencePublishersB.V..Amsterdam 0378 5912/83/$01.00

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