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(An Astrological Treatise )

Chandrakant R. Bhatt
Shri Chandrakant R. Bhatt B.A.LL.B, is a zealous research student of Astrology.
He has written several books on Astrology. Originally he was an advocate of Saya
na system of Astrology popularly known as Western system. Some seven years back
during his frequent visits to me, We had a good deal of discussion about the bea
uties and accuracy of Niravana system of Astrology or Indian Astrology, He gradu
ally turned his atiention to the study of Nirayana system of Astrology and to-da
y he has become an ardent advocate of Hindu Astrology.
*1Sakshatra ChintamunV is his further contribution in the field of Astrology. Na
kshutras (Constellations) play important role in the field of, not only predicti
ve side of Astrology but also in ail the religious ceremonies of the Hindus.
The Vimshotlary Dasha system in liming events advocated by the great Parashar is
based on constellation and its sub divisions. For perfectly judging the strengt
h or weakness of a house and its lord the Astrologer has to take into considerat
ion the sign and the constellation and its sub division, for then only he can ev
aluate the physical (Sthula), the astral (Sukshma) and Casual (Karan) strength a
nd weakness of the sign and its lord, Thus the 12 signs of the Zodiac arc divide
d into 249 divisions of the 27 constellations. The effect of any planet can be j
udged well if we know the placement in tf horoscope, of the lord of the house, t
he lord of the consie*,ation and the lord of the sub division of the constellati
on it is placed in. Thus a planet is controlled by the lord of the sign, the lor
d of the constellation and the lord of the sub division of the constellation* Fo
r the last thousand years or more the Northern part of India was constantly inva
ded by the invaders from Central Asia. Great centres of learning in the North we
re plundered and valuable literatures were reduced to ashes. Fortunately the rem
ote Southern part of India was saved from the plunders of these invaders and the
families of the great scholars of the South preserved the rich heritage of know
ledge including knowledge of Astrology propounded by great Rishes of India,
Will) the passage of lime constellation al Astrology he came a family secret of
the Astrologers in the South and there was little literature in the form of book
s available for the general mass of the students of Astrology.
Shri Gopal Krishna Rao of Madras has written three parts of Nadi Astrology* Shri
Seetaram Shartrm of Bangalore has also written a hook entitled eA Gateway to As
trology". The family members of the great Shri B. Suryanarayana Rao of Bangalore
the founder of * Astrological Magazine and particularly Shri B, V. Raman the pr
ince among Astrologers and the present editor of % Astrological Magazine who ha
s established the genuineness of Hindu Astrology as a perfect science not only h
i India but also in the world have brought Astrology to the reach of the student
s of Astrology,
The late Jyotish Martand Shri K. S. Krishnamurti of Madras has also contributed
greatly to the spread of the knowledge of consicllaiional Astrology not only by
publishing books and Hie ma/razinc "Astrology and Athrishta but also by moving i
n every important corner of India and lecturing on constellations! Astrology. He
has termed this const e national Astrology as
Krishnamurti Paddhati and which according to him is the onlv perfect Paddhati (s
ystem). This claim of the late Jyotish Martand
Shri K. S, Krishnamurti has created a good deal of controversy regarding its eff
icacy and perfectness, But in my humble opinion the Paddhati (method) is the acc
umulation of the essential preachings of the great Parasher, Gaimini, Mantreshwu
r, Gancsh Divagnu, Ram Java I u Varahmihir* Kalidas and host of other astrologer
s of the past and ii deserves considerations and further research to eradicate i
ts short comings.
Much hidden knowledge of Astrology yet remains to be dug out. Shri B* V, Raman,
the learned and the world renowned editor of * Astrological Magazine has been d
oing great service to the world of Astrology by procuring manuscripts of this sc
ience and making them public.
Shri Chandrakant R. Bhatt inspite of his failing health has been
ceaselessly researching on the constellational Astrology and this book
Nakshatra ChintamanV is the fruit of his sincere labour and
research. He has evolved and discussed only those principles of
predicting which he has found workable in giving correct predictions. It is for
the readers to judge the merit or otherwise of this book,
Shn Vivek Education Trust, Maninagar, Ahmedabad has undertaken to publish this b
ook with an humble view to contribute to the spread of knowledge of Astrology wh
ich has its roots in Vedas.
Cjo Shri Sardar PatcJ &
Swaini Vivekanand High School, Maninagar, Ahmedabad
Sliambhuprasad M. Patel
Managing Trustee Shri Vivek Education Trust,
We only request the readers neither to accept nor reject the principles of predi
cting discussed by Shri Bhatt in this book but examine them.
There is ample literature published on Hindu Astrology
depicting various systems of prediction by learned Astrologers. But every studen
t of Astrology has his own likes and dislikes, he
therefore follows the predictive system of his choice. Each system
of prediction, has its own peculiarity and merits too. So far as l am concerned,
t liked the sub disposition theory of prediction in
the Naksftatra depositor system of Astrology. Accordingly I have
selected some typical birth horoscopes and example horary maps
on different important topics oT life as experienced and observed by me and I Im
ve in this book made an humble attempt to discuss these horoscopes on the practi
cal application of this sub disposition
theory of prediction, for the knowledge of the reader who desire^
to know about it,
2. This book is meant for the reader who is conversant with
the basic principles oT Hindu Astrology, It is expected that the
reader should know how to make use of Raphael s Tables of Houses and Fphemerides
. He should possess the knowledge of
Casting the Horoscope- He should know about the Characteristics
of Signs, Planets. Houses, Planets in Signs, Planets in Houses, General
Principles of Judgment, Judgment of lhe 12 Houses, Calculation of Vinshottari Da
sha (period) rulers Sub period rulers. Inter period rulers and Sookslimn period
rulers and their judgment {Hindu Predictive
Astrology b\ Pundit CopeshKumarOjhfl, 93, Darvaganj, Delhi 6. and
A Students Text Book of Astrology by Vivian E Robson arc worth
reading for the basic knowledge of Astrology).
3 (a) The original Hindu method is what is known as the
equal house division. The sign ascending is the first house and any
planet therein is said to he in the first house. The sign next
the ascendine sign will constitute the second house and any planet therein will
be said to be in the 2nd house and so on, This is the
principle followed by the old Hindu Astrologers. Thus the sign and the house wer
e deemed synonymous.
(h) [n Western Astrology the cusp of a house is the
commencing point and the first house is constituted by space covering about ?0 b
eyond the cusp; but in Hindu Astrology the
cusp is the mid point or the centre of the house and extends to
15 on either side.
ft) la Mils book first of all you have to erect a horoscope
according to the Western (Sayana) system with the aid of Raphael s
Tables of Houses and Ephemeras, Then you have to deduct ayanamsa for the require
d year from Sayaua positions of the cusps
and planets: and you will get Nirayana positions of the cusps and planets. You s
hould write the cusps and planets in the manner of
a Western Horoscope. For the purposes of this book the cusp of a
house is to be considered as the commencing point.
Further it may be remembered that the question of ayanamsa is a controversial su
bject, but for the subject matter of this book
ayanamsa adopted for each A. D. year is given on page 168.
(d) In the Western system it is usual to write down signs and
degrees on the cusps of the bouses in a circular blank map and
to place the planets in the map in Lhcir correct positions* For the purposes of
this book and for the sake of convenience l have made
a device to write the horoscope in the form of a ladder by drawing
one vertide line in the middle and five horizontal lines intersecting the vertid
e line. The ends of the vcrticle line and the ends of the
horizontal lines will serve as the cusps of houses and the signs have been writt
en thereon and the planets have been writen either
below or above the cuspal sign as the case may be*
4. The Zodiac of 360 is divided into 27 Nakshatras or
Constellations or Stars for the purpose of Astrology, Each Nakshutra
contains 13" 20 , It begins from O Aries* It is subdivided into 9
parts totalling 243 and each sub division is known as Sub
Nakshatra or Sub Constellation or Sub Star or Sub. So each degree
and minute of the Zodiac is jointly ruled by three planets
out of which one becomes the sign lord, the other is the siar
lord and the third is the sub lord.
The sum and substance of the sub disposition theory of
prediction is that the euspal sub lord of a house indicates whether
the matter signified by the house is promised or denied. If the cuspal sub lord
promises* then only during the joint period of the
significators of that matter the results of that matter are experienced:
otherwise not.
The significator planet always gives the results of the house occupied and owned
by its star lord during the significator planet s period, sub period and inter
period. If the sub lord of the significator
planet is harmonious 10 the matters indicated by the star lorcf, Ihe signifkator
planet gives favourable results. This system equally applies both to the birth
horoscopes and horary maps- The details are illustratively explained in the book
5. Whatever is essential to know prior to the practical application of the
principles has been explained by way of illustrations. Each topic has been metho
dically presented in nut. shell, according to, my view point and observation in
several cases. It is in the manner I wish the reader to understand the subject m
atter- So it needs little mention that ihc presentation^ expression and interpre
tation may vary with personal equation. Conclusions drawn are logical and natura
l. They are neither abrupt nor twisted, Vhere is no sham show of predicting an e
vent correct to the date,
6. In my humble opinion, (he science of Astrology is best learnt by experie
nce and observation. The more you observe the more is the scope for modification
. The main object of this book is to make this system of prediction easily acces
sible to every student of Astrology who only possesses workable knowledge of the
English language- So the language used is simple and lucid-This book is only il
lustrative and not exhaustive. Lovers of Astrology in different regions of the c
ountry may publish this book in their own regional language for the benefit of t
he student world of Astrology if they so desire; and they would be rendering ser
vices in the cause of the wide spread of this Nakshatra system of Astrology.
7. My frsend Shri Sr M, Patel made me switch over to this Nakshatra system
of Astrology. He constantly inspired me to write this book in English. He moved
the board of Trustees of Shri Vivek Education Trust to bring out this publicatio
n and to give me patronage. I therefore owe a deep debt of gratitude to them aU,
I hope all my readers will enjoy tins text book.
Chandrakant ttatnesHwar tihatf
64, Jay an agar Society Ahmed a bad 22.
\ Basic Principles 1-42
1. Horoscope explained* 2. Sub in Naksliatra system. 3. Grouping of houses. 4. S
igmficators, 5. Significators in their order* 6, Rahu & Ketu and their significa
nce. 7, General strength of a planet. 8. A planet or house connected with , 9. A
planet or house harmonious or detrimental* 10, SignificiUor and its sub lord, II
. A planet or house and its two sided effect. 12, Elimination of signi(Icators^
I?. Cuspid sub lord and its subject matter, 14. Joint period rulers. 15. Transit
and Joint period rulers, 16. Cuspid matter and Joint period rulers. 17. Cusp an
d Aspects. 18. Sub sub in each suh,
II Mystery of Ruling Planets 43 55
L Ruling planets 2. Ruling planets & Rectification of birth time
3, Ruling planets and significators
b Significators and Ruling planets at the lime of judgment,
2) Significators and Ruling planets at the time of event*
3) Ruling planets at tSic time of judgment and event*
4\ Joint period rulers of one and the Ruling planets of another.
5) Ruling planets and Affinity,
4. Ruling planets and Fulfilment of a queition.
HE Planets in TrunsiJ 56-59
Transit in Nukshatra or si.ir. Tram it in sub NTkdntra or sub. Effects of transi
ting planers in the example birth horoscope no. 1,
IV Example Nativities 60-99
Good or bad sub period. Longevity- Eye sight. Attempt to Commit suicide. Educati
on. Scholarship. Earning. Transfer in Service. From Bar to Judiciary. Partnershi
p business Purchasing the building. Mystery of 6, 8 & 12. Marriage and Divorce
. Foreign Travel.
Child birth.
V Example Horary Maps
Erecting the Horary map. Judging the Horary map. Longevity. Disease. News about
the missing wife. Publication of a book. Constructing the building. Selling the
house. Lease Licence for Mines. Success in Examination. Scholarship. Employment.
Leaving the job. Independent business. Marriage. Overseas for Studies. Foreign
Travel. Return of Absconding Son. Lost Documents.
Cricket Match. Pregnancy. Table- Stars, subs and sub subs.
Ayanamsa (1901-1999).
Page Incorrect
166 2. Sub Kent
Sub Sub
Me 19 13 22
Me 19 13 23
19 20 no
19 20 20
Basic Principles
1. Horoscope explained
Example Birth Horoscope No. I
M ile. Birth Date 7-7-1912. Sunday; 8-42 P.M. l.S.T; 23 N 2 , 72J E 35 ; Aynnanua
22 32 .
Capricorn 12-25
Uran 9.37 R
2 A fimriUs W.44 i Sitgiitcfrius 15.44 12
Moon 21.49
Rahu 24.3 $
3 Pisces 25,44 Scorpio 21.28 n
Aries i np 14.2 R 10
4 25.44 Libra 25.44
Sai 7.30
5 Taurus 21.28 Virgo 25.44 9
Gemini . Ketu 24.36 +
ft 15.44 f.eo 19.44 8
Su n 22.33 Mars \A0
Von 210
Nc,i, 0.39 Mer 13*2
Cancer 12-25
So Sun, M* Moo-1, Ma, Mars* Me. Mercury* J. Jupiter* V. Venus, Sa. Saturn* R+ Ra
hu. K. Ketu. Ar. Aries, Tr. Taurus, Gni. Gemini-Cil Cancer, Le. Leo, Vg; Virgo,
Li* Libra, Sc. Scorpio, Sg. Sagittarius, Cji Capricorn* At). Aquarius, Pi. Pisce
First of all a horoscope for the time of birth should be erected according to th
e Western (Sayana) system with the aid of Raphaels Ephemeris and Table of Houses,
Deduct ayanamsa for ihe required year of birth from the Sayana positions of the
cusps of the houses and from those of the planets* So that the birth horoscope a
ccording to the Indian (Nirayana) system will be prepared. This horoscope should
he written in the manner of a Western Horoscope-
Ayanamsa adopted for the A, D, year 1901 is 22: 23 , Then go
on adding 50 seconds every for any required year viz. year and
you will get the ayanamsa
Year Ayanamsa Year Ayanamsa Year Ayanamsa
1901 22 23 1941 22 56 1981 23 29
1911 22 3! 1951 23 04 1991 23 38
1921 22 39 1961 23 13 2001 23 46
1931 22 48 1971 23 21 2011 23 54
Inserting the Signs and Ihe Planets

U The beginning point of each house is called the Cusp, The signs and degrees sh
ould be written down on the cusps of the houses in the blank map. In the example
birth horoscope no. I Capricorn 12 25J is placed on the cusp of the 1st house i\
e. Asc. Aquarius 19 44 on the cusp of the 2nd house and so on. In this wiy the
signs and degrees on all the 12 cusps of the houses have been written down,
2, (a) The cusp of the 3rd house begins with Pisces 25 44 .
Hut the longitudes of Moon and Rahii in Pisces are 21 49 and 24 36 respectively*
They are less than the cuspal degree of the 3rd house. So they are placed behin
d the cuspa! degree of ihe 3rd house and they maybe considered as poshed in the
2nd house. If a planet is within 5 of the cuspal degree of a house, it exerts its
influence on both the houses. In this case Moon and Rahu are within 5 of the cus
pal degree of the 3rd house* So they can be said to be on the cusp of the 3rd* h
ouse and they Will exert some influence both on the 2nd and the 3rd house.
Similarly Saturn in Taurus 7 30 is placed behind Taurus 2LJ 28 the cusp of the
5th house and it is said to be in the 4th house,
Mars in Leo ]40r is placed behind Leo 1944f the cusp of the 8th house and it is sa
id to be in the 7th house*
Kctu in Virgo 2436 is placed behind Virgo 2544 the cusp of of the 9th house and
it is on the cusp of the 9th house. So Ketu will exert some "influence on the 8t
h house and some on the 9th house.
Jupiter in Scorpio [4^2 R is placed behind Scorpio 21 28 the cusp of the llth ho
use and it* is said to be in the lUthliouie.
(b) The cusp of the 6th house begins with Gemini 1544\
But the longitudes of Sun and Venus in Gemini are 2233 and 23W
respectively. They are greater than the euspal degree of the 6th
house* So they are placed in front of Gemini 15"44? and they are said to be in t
he 6th house.
Similarly Mercury in Cancer 132 is placed in front of Cancer
12 25 the cusp of the 7th house and it is said to be in the 7lh house,
3* All the houses in the horoscope are not of equal dimensions.
The house may be less or greater than 30 degrees, Sometimes one
house may contain more than one sign. Such a sign is termed as Intercepted*,
In the example birth horoscope no, l the 5th house commences
from Taurus 21: 28" and extends upto Gemini 15 44\ So the 5th house is of 24^ 16
The 7th house begins with Cancer I2Q 25 and ends at Leo 19 44J. So the 7th house
consists of 370 19 and so on with other houses.
House Cuspal Sign Planet Sign House
Sign owner occupied occupied owned
Asc Cp Sa Sun Gm 6 8
2 Aq Sa Moon Pi 2/3 7
3 Pi J Mars Le 7 4,11
4 Ar Ma Mer Cn 7 6,9
5 Tr V Jup Sc 10 3,12
6 Gin Me Ven Gm 6 5,10
7 Cn M Sat Tr 4 L2
8 Le S Rahu Pi 2/3 3,12
9 Vg Me Ketu Vg 8/9 6,9
10 Li V
11 Sc Ma
12 Sg J
Particulars in the example birth horoscope no* 1*
Rahu m Pisces represents Jupiter and Ketu in Virgo represents Mercury.
Planets in Houses
Angies ; Saturn in the 4ths Mercury and Mars in the 7th and Jupiter in the IOth
are placed in the Angles or Angular houses*
Succeedent Houses : Moon and Rahu in the 2nd, and Ketu in the 8th are in the Suc
ceedent houses.
Cadent Houses : Sun and Venus in the 6lh are in the Cadent
houses. Moon and Rahu on the cusp of the 3rd and Ketu on the cusp of the 9th.
In Hindu astrology aspects are counted from sign to sign. All planets aspect the
7th sign counted from the sign1* occupied by them. In addition Mars aspects the
4ih and the 8tli $ignt Jupiter aspects the 5th and the 9th sign* while Saturn a
spects the 3rd and the IOlh sign counted from the sign occupied by it.
Sun in Gemini is in conjunction (Conj,) with Venus, It also aspects the 12lh cus
p by its 7th aspect.
Moon in Pisces is in Conj. with Rahu, It also aspects Ketu in Virgo by its 7th a
Mars in Leo aspects Jupiter in Scorpio by its 4th aspect. It aspects the 2nd cus
p by its 7th aspect. It aho aspects Rahu and Moon in Pisces by its 8th aspect*
Mercury in Cancer aspects ilie Asc by its 7th aspect.
Jupiter in Scorpio aspects Saturn in Taurus by its 7th aspect* If aspects Rahu a
nd Moon in Pisces by its 5th aspect and it aspects MercuVy in Cancer by its 9th
aspect. It also aspects the 5th cusp by its 7ih aspect and aspects the 3rd cusp
by its 5th aspect.
Venus in Gemini is in Conj* with Sun and it aspects the 12th cusp by its 7th asp
Saturn in Taurus aspects Mercury in Cancer by its 3rd aspect. It aspects Jupiter
in Scorpio by its 7th aspect. It aspects the 2nd cusp by its 10th aspect and th
e 11th cusp by its 7th asnect.
In this horoscope the native was born during the period of Mercury with balance
of 10Y 5M 6D.
2. Sub in Nakshatra System
The Zodiac of 360CI is divided into three equal parts. Each part contains 120, It
consists of nine equal Sections* Each section contains 13" 20 or 800\ It begin
s from (T Aries. Each section is known as Nakshatra or Constellation or Star. Th
ere are 27 Nakshairas or Constellations or Stars in the whole Zodiac.
According to Vimshollari Dasha System each Nakshatra or Constellation or Star is
ruled in turn by the nine planets in ihe order of Kent, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars,
Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. This order is fixed and not changeable.
Each planet rules three Nakshatras or Constellations or Stars and the ruling pla
net is called the Nakshatra Lord or Constellation Lord or Star Lord. In short we
may use the term "Star instead of Shir lord etc through out this book,
in Nakshatra system each Nakshatra or Constellation or Star is subdivided into n
ine parts. This Subdivision is called Sub\ It is based on the following formula
^Dasha year of each planet The total number of Vimshottari Dasha years x Star ar
ea - The longitude or extent or area of the Sub for each planet in any Sfctr or
Constellation or Nakshatra"
The planet ruling ihe longitude or extent or area of the sub1 in any Nakshatra or
Constellation or Star is called the Sub Nakshatra Lord or Sub Constellation Lor
d or Sub Star Lord or Sub Lord. In short we may use the term bSub instead of Sub
Lord through out this book.
Ihe above formula of deriving the ltsubJ1 is illustrated as under:
Kctu 7/120 x 800 - 0 46 4o"
Venus 20/120 x 800 2 13 20
Sun 6/120 x 800 s 0 40 00
Moon 10/120 x 800 1 06 40
Mars 7/120 x 800 = 0 46 40
Rahu 18/120 x 800 2 00 00
Jup iter 16/120 x 800 ~ 1 46 40
Saturn 19/120 x 800 2 06 40
Mercury 17/120 x 800 1 53 20
13 20 00
Sub Area
The order of subs in each star is shown in the accompanying Tables A, B, C, and
D on page 6, 7, 8,and 9.
Each table shows the star lord and the sub lord for erch degree of the Zodiac. T
he star lord is similar to I he Dasha (period) Ruler, while the sub lord corresp
onds to the Sub-period Ruler.
Ketu 0 0 to 13 20
* Venus 13 20 to 26 40
Sun 26 40 to 30 0
1 2 3 4
Sign, i Sign Lord & Serial no. Star Lord Sub Lord Commenci
Aries Leo Sagittarius Position
Mars Sun Jupiter D M S
l 84 167 Ketu Ketu 0 0 0
2 85 168 ft Ven. 0 46 40
3 86 169 t s Sun 3 0 0
4 87 170 II Moon 3 40 0
5 88 171 tt Mars 4 46 40
6 89 172 II Rahu 5 33 20
7 90 173 J1 Jup. 7 33 20
8 91 174 II Sat. 9 20 0
9 92 175 It Met. It 26 40
JO 93 176 Venus Ven. 13 20 0
u 94 177 i ? Sun 15 33 20
12 95 178 ** Moon 16 13 20
13 96 179 IT Mars 17 20 0
14 97 180 t) Rahu 18 6 40
15 98 18! II Jup. 20 6 40
16 99 182 1* Sat. 21 53 20
17 100 183 II Mer. 24 0 0
18 101 184 | t Ketu 25 53 20
19 102 185 Sun Sun 26 40 0
20 103 186 ft Moon 27 20 0
21 104 187 15 Mars 28 26 40
22 105 188 *1 Raliu 29 13 20
30 0 0
No. Lord Srgn.
Star area in Aries or Leo or Sagittarius
Star area in Taurus or Virgo or Capricorn
Sun 0& O to 10 O
Moon 10 0 to 23 20
Mars 23 20 to 30 0
1 mm 3 4
Sign, Sigft Lord & Serial no, Star Lord Sub Lord Commenci
Taurus Virgo Capricorn Position
Venus Mercury Saturn D M S
23 106 189 Sun Rahu 0 0 0
24 107 190 11 Jup. I 13 20
25 108 191 i* Sat* 3 0 0
26 109 192 M Mer* 5 6 40
27 110 193 t Ketu 7 0 0
28 111 194 Ven* 7 46 40
29 112 195 Moon Moon 10 0 0
30 113 196 ** Mars 11 6 40
31 114 197 *< Rahu 11 53 20
32 115 198 ** Jup# 13 53 20
33 116 199 Sat, 15 40 0
34 117 200 Mer. 17 46 40
35 118 201 ** Ketu 19 40 0
36 119 202 11 Ven. 20 26 40
37 120 203 1 M Sun 22 40 0
38 121 204 Mars Mars 23 20 0
39 122 205 ii Rahu 24 6 40
40 123 206 It Jup, 26 6 40
41 124 207 it Sat, 27 53 20
30 0 0
No* Lord Sign
Mars 0 0 to 6 40
Rahu 6 40 lo 20 0
Jup. 20 0 to 30 0
1 2 3 4
Lord & Serial No. Star L >r<t Sub Lord Commencing
Gemini Libra Aquarius Position
Mercurv * Venus Saturn D M S
42 125 208 Mats Mer. 0 0 0
* 4.1 126 209 ? J Ketu 1 53 20
44 127 210 V Ven. 2 40 0
41 128 211 3 Sim 4 53 20
46 129 212 1 3 Moon 5 33 20
47 130 213 Raltu Rah ii 6 40 0
48 131 214 1J Jup. 8 40 0
49 132 215 J 3 Sat. 10 26 40
50 133 216 J 3 Mer. 12 33 20
51 134 217 J ? Kent 14 26 40
52 135 218 3 ? Ven. 15 13 20
53 136 219 3 * Sll n 17 26 40
54 137 220 f 3 Moon IS 6 40
55 138 22] Jr Mars 19 13 20
56 139 222 Jupiter .Jup. 20 0 0
57 140 223 3 J Sat, 21 46 40
58 141 224 3 Mer, 23 53 20
59 142 225 J 3 Ketu 25 46 40
60 143 226 3 3 Yen. 26 33 20
61 144 227 }i Su n 28 46 40
62 145 228 ? 3 Moon 29 26 40
30 0 0
No. Lord Si
Star area in. Gemini or Libra or Aquarius
Star area in Cancer of Scorpio or Pisces
Jup 1. 0 0 to 3A 20i
Sat . 3 20 to 16 40
Mei\ ifi 40 to 30 0
1 2 3 4
Sign* Sign Lord & Serial no. Star Lord Sub Lord
Cancer Scorpio Pisces Position
Moon Mars Jupiter D M s
63 146 229 Jupiter Moon 0 0 0
64 147 230 Mars 0 33 20
65 148 231 3 t Rahu 1 20 0
66 149 232 Saturn Sat. 3 20 0
67 150 233 Mcr, 5 26 40
68 151 234 i % Kctu 7 20 0
69 152 235 n Ven. 8 6 40
70 153 236 IP Sun 10 20 0
71 154 237 I * Moon li 0 0
72 155 238 Jt Mars 12 6 40
73 156 239 PI Rahu 12 53 20
74 157 240 M Jup. 14 53 20
75 158 241 Mercurv - Mer. 16 40 0
76 159 242 Ketu 18 33 20
77 160 243 n Ven. 19 20 0
78 161 244 tJ Sun 21 33 20
79 162 245 Moon 22 13 20
SO 163 246 ** Mars 23 20 00
81 164 247 it Rahu 24 6 40
82 165 248 it Jup. 26 6 40
S3 166 249 *1 Sat, 27 53 20
30 0 0
No. Lord Sign
tables A, B, C & D explained
The table A is meant for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; the table B for I aurus, Vi
rgo and Capricorn: the table C for Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and the table D fo
r Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces,
In the beginning of each table the Star area of each planet in each sign is give
n e.g, in the table A Ketu star area extends from 0" to 13 20 in Aries or Leo or
Sagittarius and in the tables B anj C Mars star area extends from 23 2T Taurus
or Virgo or Capricorn to 6 40 Gemini or Libra or Aquarius and soon with other st
ar areas.
Each table contains four main columns. The column I contains Sign, Sign Lord & S
erial no,, Sign viz, Aries is written first. Sign Lord viz. Mars is marked below
Aries. Serial no. viz. 1 to 22 is mentioned below Mars and so on with the other
Sign, Sign Lord & Serial no, .
The Column 2 shows the Star Lord. The Column 3 the Sub Lord and the Column 4 con
tains the commencing position of each Sub Lord irt the Star area of each planet.
Example* In the table A in the Star area Ketu in Aries or Leo or Sagittarius the
Sub of Ketu begins from 0" (V 0" and ends at 0 46 40 H So the Sub of Venus sta
rts at 0 46 40", add 2 13 20" (Sub area of Venus) and you get the starting posit
ion of Sun Sub at y 0r GO", add 0J40 0" (Sub area of Sun), then the Sub of Moon
starts a! 3" 40 O in Aries or Leo or Sagittarius. Repeat this procedure and t
he commencing position for all Subs in each star in each Sign will be obtained,
249 Subs and their Serial no.s
27 stars have been sub divided into 243 subs. Refer to the tables A, B, C and D;
in six cases the same star and the same sub will be found in the adjoining sign
s e+g, Sun Star Rahu Sub in Aries or Leo or Sagittarius 29 13 20" to 30 (Table
A) continue in Taurus or Virgo or Capricorn upto 1 13 20" (Table B).
Jupiter star Moon sub in Gemini or Libra or Aquarius 29 26 40" to 30" (Table C)
continue in Cancer or Scorpio or Pisces upto 0 33 20" (Table D),
Take ihes<? six subdivisions into account and you will get 249 subdivisions in a
ll. Thus the Zodiac is divided into 249 parts. Each part has been given a serial
In Aries the serial no. starts from 1 and ends at 22; in Taurus from 23 to 41: i
n Gemini from 42 to 62; in Cancer from 63 to 83 and in Leo from 84 to 105 and so
on. Each serial no. mentions the sign, the sign lord, the star lord, the sub lo
rd and the commencing posh ion of each sub- The sign lord remains constant for t
he whole sign. These ntus arc very useful in erecting horary maps, This will be
discussed later on,
From these tables you can say that each degree and minute of [he Zodiac is ruled
by the sign lord, the star lord and 1 he sub lord, la other words, it can be sa
id that each degree and minute is jointly ruled, governed or operated by ihree p
lanets, out of which one becomes the sign lord, the other is the star lord and t
he third is the sub lord.
For instance in the Table A the serial no. 6 shows that Aries 5J 33 20 is jointl
y ruled or governed or operated by Mars (as the sign lord); by Ketu (as the Mar
lord) and by Rahu (as the sub lord).
The serial no* 98 indicates that Leo 20c 6 40 is jointly operated by Sun fas the
sign lord), by Venus (as the star lord) and by Jupiter (as the sub ford K
The serial no. 187 denotes that Sagittarius 28" 26 40r is jointly go\c&Lcd by J
upiter (as the sign lord), by Sun (as the star lord) by Mars (as the sub lord).
The serial no,s in die Tables B, C and D may be understood in the same way as ex
plained above.
Example birth horoscope no. I. .
In this birth map the i lth cusp is Scorpio 2V 28 . Now refer to the Table D on
page 9 and you will imd that this cusp falls between 19 20 0 and 21J 33; 20* Hen
ce it may be said that the 11th cusp Scorpio 21 28 is jointly ruled by Mars (as t
he sign lord). Mercury (as the star lord) and Venus (as the sub lord)* To put in
other words live J Uh cusp is in the star area of Mercury or in the star of Mer
cury or in the star Mercury or in Mecury star. It is in the sub star area of Ven
us or in the sub star of Venus or in the sub star Venus or in the sub of Venus o
r in the sub Venus or in Venus sub. The other cusps and each plane* may be under
stood from the Tables A, B, C and D in the same way, -
House Cuspul Sign Star Sub Planet Sign
Star Sub
Asc Cp 12J 25 M R Sun Gm 22" 33
J Sa
5 Aq 19 44 R Ma Moon Pi 21 49
Me S
3 Pi 25 44 Me R Mars Lc 1 40
4 Ar 25 44 V Me Mer, Cn 13 2
Sa R
5 Tr 21 28 M V Jup. R Sc 14 2R
Sa R
6 Cm 15 44 R V Ven* Gm 23 00
J Sa
7 Cn 12 25 Sa Ma Sat* Tr 7 30
s K.
8 Le 19 44 V R Rahu Pi 24 36
Me R
9 Vg 25 44 Ma R Ketu Vg 24 36
Ma R
10 Li 25 44 J Me
11 Sc 21 28 Me V
12 Sg 15 44 V S -
The following table shows the star and the sub of each cuspal sign of 12 houses
and of each planet in this birth map.
3* Grouping of houses
t Consider the houses I, 8 and 3 for longevity,
2 (a) Maraka houses. The 12th to any particular house denotes non-existence of t
he matter signified by that particular house. So the houses 12 (12th to 1)* 7 (I
2tii to 8) and 2 (12th to 3) are known as the Maraka (death dealing) houses.
(h) Badhaka houses. The house 11 is badhaka (harmful to life) to those born in M
ovable signs as their Ascendants: the 9th for those bom in Fixed signs and the 7
th for those born in Common signs.
3. Death. The Badhaka houses are more harmful than the Maraka houses. So for dea
th consider first the Badhaka house and then the Maraka houses. Saturn is the ch
ief governor of longevity.
Consider the Ascendant for health.
Disease and Cure
Consider the house 6 for sickness or disease.
For cure consider the houses J, 5 and M (1st. health, 5th is 12th to 6. absence
of sickness, 11th is 12th to 12. absence of bedridden sickness).
Consider the bouses 8 and 12 for accident (Sth-serious illness, accident, suicid
e; l2th-self-undoing, confinement in bed or hospital).
Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu cause an accident.
(a) Consider the houses 4, 9 and 1 I for education (4tH is the main house fo
r education, it denotes preparation for examinations, academic qualifications, r
egular attendance in school or college; 9th deep study and higher education; 1 Uh
-fulfilmcnt of desires). The 6th house shows Competitive examination (it is 12th
from 7 Le. loss to others and gain to you).
(b) Completion of education : Consider the houses 3, 5 and 8 (being 12th fro
m 4, 6 and 9 respectively).
Mercury and Jupiter are the chief governors of education.
Building or land
(a) Consider the houses 4, 11 and 12 for purchase or construction of a build
ing (4th is the main house for building, 11th- gain, 12th-payment to the seller
of the building or investment of money).
(b) Consider the houses 3, 5 and 10 for disposing of the building or selling
It (3rd is 12th from the 4th i.e. losing the house; 5th is 11th from the 7lh f\
e. gain to the purchaser: IOth is 4th from the
7th i.e. building to the purchaser)
1 *
Mars is the natural significator of buildings and Saturn is that of land, mines
and estates.
\a) Consider the houses 2, 7 and 11 for marriage {2nd-addilion lo the family; 7t
H-wife or husband, legal tie. It is the main house for marriage; 1 I Uv-permanen
t tie of friendship).
(b) Consider the houses I, 6 and 10 for separation or divorce (being I2lh from 2
r 7 and H respectively), i hese houses denote absence of married life
Venus is the chief governor of marriage.
(a) Consider the houses 2, 5 and 11 for child birth (2nd-increase in the number
of the members of Family due lo birth, of a child: 5th* first conception or preg
nancy, progeny or child; 11th is the 5th from the 7th), The Sih for females and
the 3 Ilk for males are important.
<b) Consider the houses 1, 4 and 10 for absence of children or for separation fr
om the children (being 12th from 2, 5 and 11 respectively),
Jupiter is the natural signiTicator of child birth. In females Moon is fertility
and Mars is menstruation. In males Venus is fertility and Sun is vitality.
Foreign travels
(a) Consider the houses 3. 9 and 12 for foreign travels (3rd is 12th from th
e 4th Le* away from the permanent place; 9lh-tong journey, foreign travel. 12th-
life in an unknown place or completely unfamiliar atmosphere)
(b) Consider the houses 3, 9 and II for returning to home country from foreig
n land (11th- meeting one s own kith and kin, reunion of relatives)
Moon is the chief governor of journey.
Finance and Prosperity
/< {a) Profession!service : Consider the houses 2, 6 and 10 (2nd-bank balance, s
elf-acquisition.; 6th- services rendered, day to day attendance on duly and ther
eby earning; being 12th from the 7th denotes loss to others and gain to self hen
ce receiving money from others; I0th-profession, either in independent vocation
or irv service).
Sun is the chief governor of profession.
(b) Consider the houses 1, 5 and 9lh for change of profession or service (be
ing J 2th from 2, 6 and 10 respectively),
(c) Consider the houses 2, 6, 10 and 11 for promotion, rise in career or for
tune: or for re-instatemcnt in service.
(d) Consider the houses 3, 10 and 12 for transfer in service with charge of
place (3rd-joumey; being 12th from the 4th shows absence of the present residenc
e i.e. change of place; lOth-employment; 12th- life in completely unfamiliar atm
(e) Consider the houses I, 8, 9 &12 for suspension, from service (1st is 12t
h from the 2nd-absence of self earning; 8th- suspension is one form of penalty;
9th is 12th from the lOth-absence of status, position, power and name; !2th- los
s in general),
(f) Consider the houses L/5, 9 and 12 for retirement froth service or dismissal;
or loss of status in arty walk of life (5th is the 12iIi from 6 i.e. absence of
regular attendance or duty); also consider the house 8 if the native comes unde
r the scheme of gratuity and provident fund,
2 Finance : Consider the houses 2, 6 and 11 for gain of money in any manner,
(b) Consider the houses 2, 3, 0 and II for gain of lottery (3rd-loLlery and help
from others).
(c) Consider the houses 2, 5t 6 and II for gain from speculation and race (5
th- inclination for speculation). Jupiter is the chief governor of money.
3. Independent business - Consider the houses 2. 7 and 10 (7th
dealings with others, purchase and sale of production; it is the main house for
4, Significators
The affairs or matters signified by any house arc judged from the significators
of that house* So the occupant, the owner, a planet in the star of the occupant
and a planet in the star of the owner of that house become the significators of
that house. Hence note the significators.
Example birth horoscope no. 1
The significators of each ho vise are shown in the accompanying :ahles A. B and
Planet Occupant of the house Owner of the house Star Lord
Occupant of the house Owner o the housi
Sun 6 8 Jup. 10 3, 12
Moon 2 7 Mer. 7 6, 9
Mars 7 4, 1 1 Ketu 8 6, 9
Mer4 7 6, 9 Sat. 4 1, 2
Jup. 10 3, 12 Sat. 4 I, 2
Vcn. 6 5, 10 Jup, 10 3, 12
Sat. 4 1, 2 Sun 6 8
Rahil 2/3 3, 12 Mer. 1 6, 9
Kelu 8/9 6, 9 Mars 7 4, II
Explanation : Sun is the occupant of 6, the owner of 8: Sun is in the Star Jupit
er the occupant of 10 and the owner of 3 and 12. So Sun is the significaior of t
he houses 6, 8; 10, 3 and 12; it signifies the matters of these houses and so on
with other planets.
Table B Table C
House Significaior Planets Planet Houses signifie
1 Me, , J, Sa Sun 6, 8, 10, 3, 12,
2 M, Me, J, Sa, R Moon 2, 7. 6, 9
3 S, J. V, R M a rs 7, 4, 11, 8, 6. 9,
4 Ma, , Me, J, Sa, k Mer, 7, 6. 9, 4, 1, 2,
5 V Jup. 10, 3, 12, 4, l, 2,
6 S, M. Ma, Me, V, R, K Ven. 6. 5, 10. 3, 12
7 M, Ma, Me, R, k Sat, 4, 1, 2, 6, 8
8 S. Ma, Sa, k Rahu 2, 3. 12, 7, 6, 9
9 M. 10 S, 11 Ma 12 S, Ma, Me, R. J, v , K J, V, R k
Ketu 8, 6. 9, 7, 4. il
Table A
Explanation : The tables B and C have been prepared from the table A.
The tabic B shows the significators for each of the 12 houses, The signifkaiors
of the house ! are Me. J, Sa, The significaiors of the house 6 are S, M, Ma, Me,
V, R, K; hence they signify the matters of that house and so on for other house
The table C shows the houses signified by each of the 9 planets, Moon is the sig
nificaior of the houses 2, 7, 6, 9. Saturn is the signilicator of the houses 4,
I, 2 6, 8; hence it signifies the matters of these houses and soon for oilier pla
5* Signifis&tors in their order
In the horoscope the sign is on the cusp of each house, A planet Always occupies
[lie sign, and its strength is determined according as it. occupies its own. si
gn, exalted sign, or debilitated sign. So the occupant in a sign is stronger tha
n the owner of the sign.
The sign is the 1/I2lh part of the Zodiac, while the Constellation
or Star is the I/27th part of the Zodiac, So the Constellation, or
Star is stronger than the sign,
Hence the planet in. the star is stronger than, its Star lord (which may be eith
er the occupant or the owner of the sign).
The occupant (planet) in a sign, mostly gives the results of the house occupied
by it. So the planet in the star belter gives the results of the house occupied
by its star lord.
Keeping these principles in mind the order or strength oT the sigmficalors of ea
ch house should be determined as under :
Planet in the occupants star
A planet in the star of the occupant of a house is stronger than the occupant. S
o it should be given iirst prefcren.ee as a signi flea tor of that house, becaus
e it is strongest to give the results of the house occupied by its Star lord. Th
e occupant remains as a weak significator of that house.
In the example birth horoscope no. h Saturn is the occupant of the 4th house. Me
rcury and Jupiter are in the star of Saturn the occupant, So they arc stronger t
han their star lord Saturn, because they are the strongest to give the results o
f the 4th house. Hence Mercury and Jupiter are the strong signifieators of the 4
th and Saturn is a weak significator.
If there is no planet in the occupant s Star, the occupant becomes the strong si
gnificator of that house and it is strong to give the results of that house. So
the second preference should be given to the occupant of that house.
In the example birth horoscope no, 1, Moon and Rnhu are the occupants of the 2nd
house. There is no planet in their stars. So they are the strong signi (ica tor
s of the 2nd house and they arc strong to give the results of the 2nd house,
Planet in the owners star
If the house is vacant, the planet in. the star of the owner of a house is stron
ger than the owner. So it becomes a strong significator of that house and it is
strong to give the results of that house. Hence the third preference should be g
iven to the planet in the owner s star and the owner remains a weak significator
of that house.
Tn the example birth horoscope no. I, the 3rd and the 12th houses are vacant. Ju
piter is the owner of these houses. Sun and Venus are in the star of Jupiter the
owner. So they are stronger than their Star lord Jupiter to give the results of
the 3rd and the 12th. Hence Sun and Venus are the strong significators of the h
ouses 3 and 12, while Jupiter is a weak significator.
If the house is vacant and if there is no planet in the owners star, the owner it
self becomes the strong significator of that house and it is strong to give the
results of that house. So the 4th preference should be given to the owner of tha
t house.
In the example birth horoscope no. I, the 5th house is vacant. Venus is the owne
r of the 5th. There is no planet in the star of Venus the owner. So Venus become
s the strong significator of the 5th house and it is strong to give the results
of the 5th house.
Planet In Conj, or Aspect
(a) A planet in conj. or association with, or aspected by a significator giv
es the results of the house or houses denoted by that significator So the last p
reference should be given to the planet in conj. or aspect with that significato
In the example birth horoscope no, 1* Sun is in conj. with
Venus the significator of the 5th house (as discussed above). So Sun
will give the results of the 5th house as denoted by Venus the significator
Moon and Rahu are aspected by Jupiter the significator of the 4th house {as alre
ady discussed). So both Moon and Rahu will give the results of the 4th house as
denoted by the significator Jupiter.
(b) A planet aspecting the house may be considered as the significator of th
at house.
In the example birth horoscope no. 1, Saturn aspects the 7th, Hth and 2nd cusps.
So it becomes the significator of these houses. Similarly Jupiter aspects the 3
rd, 5th and 7th cusps. So it becomes the significator of these houses and so on
with other planets.
Hence it may be said that planets e.g. Mercury and Jupiter in
the Star of Saturn will indicate the matters of 2, 7 and 11 and so on with other
Example Birth Horoscope No. 1.
House Planet in the Occupant Planet in Owner Planet in Conj.
occupants of the the owners of the aspect with the
star house star house strong significator
(a) 1 2 3 4 5 *
Asc None None (Me.J) Sa ; Sa, M, R
2 None (M,R) Me, J Sa K; ;
3 None None ( S, V) J
4 (Me, Sa K Ma ; Sa, M, R
5 None None None (V S
6 (Sa) S Me, J
None (V) M, R Me S
7 (M, R Me K: ;
(K) Ma None M
8 (Ma) K Sa S J, M, R
9 None None (M, R) Me K;~;
10 (S, V) J None V p _ .
11 None None w Ma
12 None None (s, V) J
Table-House wiseSignificators their order
This table is prepared according to the rules discussed above. It is self explan
atory as under i
Explanation : The planets in ( I) are the strong significators of the house show
n against them in the column (a), while the other planets remain as weak signifi
cators of that house; e.g. (5, ij are the strong significators of the houses 3,
10 and 12, So they arc strong to give the results of these houses and so on.
6. Rahu & Ketu and their significance
I. Rahu-Ketu as agent
Rahu or Ketu is not allotted the ownership of arty sign. It only occupies the si
gn in a house. So Rahu or Ketu works as an agent or representative of :
(a) the planet with whom it is in conj. or aspect.
(b) the owner of the sign in which it is placed.
Example birth horoscope no. 1 : (a) Rahu occupies the house 2, it is in conj, wi
th Moon which owns 7 and occupies 2. So it will w ork as an agent of Moon and it
will signify the matters of the houses 2 and 7.
? i +
Rahu is aspecled by Mars which owns 4, 11 and occupies 7. So it will indicate th
e matters of the houses 4, 7 and 11 as an agent of Mars.
Rahii occupies Pisces the sign owned by Jupiter and it is also aspected by Jupit
er which owns 3, 12 and occupies 10. So as an agent of Jupiter it will denote th
e matters of 3, 10 and 12.
(b) Ketu occupies the house 8, it is aspected by Moon which owns 7 and occup
ies 2. So it will signify the matters of 2 and H as an aacnt of Moon and also of
Kctu occupies Virgo the sign owned by Mercury which owns 6, 9 and occupies 7. So
it will signify the matters of 6, 7 and 9 as an agent of Mercury.
2. Rahu-Ketu as Planet
Keeping in view the above rule and the rule that a planet gives the results indi
cated by its Star lord, we may say that Rahu or Kctu gives firstly, the results
of the planet in conj. w ith it; secondly, the results of the planet aspecting i
t; thirdly, the results of its own star lord and fourthly, the results of the ow
ner of the sign occupied by it.
Example birth horoscope no. I : (a) As Rahu is in conj. with Moon, it will first
ly denote the results of Moon the matters signified by the houses 2 and 7.
Suppose Rahu is not in conj. or aspect with any planet, then Rahu will indicate
the results of its Star lord Mercury i.e. the matters signified by the houses 6,
7 and 9.
(b) Ketu is not in conj. with any planet, but it is aspected by Moon. So it will
give the results of Moon.
3. Rahu-Ketu as Star lord
If any planet is in the Star of Rahu or Ketu, that planet will signify the matte
rs of the house occupied by Rahu or Ketu; that Manet will indicate the matters o
f the house owned and occupied t>ythe Star lord of Rahu or Ketu; that planet wil
l denote the matters of the house occupied and owned by the owner of the sign oc
cupied by Rahu or Ketu.
Example birth horoscope no.I : (a) The planet Mars is in the star of Ketu which
occupies 8. So Mars will give the results of the house 8.
owns.,4 houses ix3
(b) The Star lord of Ketu is Mars which occupies 7, and 11. So the planet Ma
rs will give the results of the 4, 7 and 11.
(c) Ketu occupies Virgo the sign owned by Mercury whjch occupies 7, owns 6 a
nd 9, So the planet Mars will give the reMm& ofntlronhouses 6, 7 and 9, vo 10
4. Rahu-Ketu as Significator
Rahu or Ketu is stronger than any planet. So, if Rahu or Ketu represents any sig
nificator planet, Rahu-Ketu should be given first preference as a significator i
n place of that significator planet.
Example birth horoscope no. 1 : Rahu represents Moon, Mars and Jupiter. So when
we have to consider Moon, Mars or Jupiter as a significator of the matter under
consideration, Rahu should be given first preference as a significator in place
of Moon, Mars or Jupiter.
Similarly, Ketu represents Moon and Mercury. So Ketu should be preferred as a si
gnificator in place of the significator Moon or Mercury.
5. Rahu and Ketu are not to be treated as retrograded planets, because thei
r natural movement is in the opposite direction.
7. General Strength of a Planet
Strength by house
1. A planet mostly gives the results of the house occupied by it and its ow
ner comes next in order,
2. Of the houses the angles stand first in strength, next the succeedents a
nd then the cadents.
3. The owner of the house 6, 8 or 12 (as counted from any particular house
to be judged) becomes weak, evil or malefic in effects.
Strength by sign -
1. A planet is strong when it is in its own or exalted sign. It is weak or
afflicted in its detriment or fall (debilitated) sign.
2. The nature of the sign (e,g. cardinal or movable, fixed, or common or mu
table; fiery, earthy, airy or watery; fruitful or barren; human or bestial; mute
or voice; masculine or feminine etc) on the cusp and that occupied by a planet
influences the affairs of the house and the planet.
Strength by aspect
1. A planet in conj. or association with, or aspected by a alefic (i.e. the
owner of 6, 8 or 12) becomes weak or afflicted.
2. An aspecting planet modifies the results of the house matters according
as it is a natural benefic or malefic, friendly or inimical.
Example birth horoscope no. 1. -
1, Tn the horoscope where the results of a house are to be offered by an oc
cupant or owner itself, the strength of the occupant or owner may be examined, a
nd where the results of a house are to be offered by the planet in the occupant
s or owner s star, the strength of the star lord may be examined.
2. Sun and Venus are in the star Jupiter which is in the 10th angle. So Sun
and Venus become strong by house and they are powerful to give the results of t
heir star lord Jupiter.
The results of the 2nd house are to be offered by the occupant Moon (because the
re is no planet in Moons star). Moon is in conj. with the natural malefic Rahu an
d it is aspected by the owner of 12 (Jupiter). So Moon becomes weak in offering
good results of the 2nd house to the extent desired.
8. A planet or house Connected With
1. A planet connected with another planet
(a) Suppose Jupiter occupies Capricorn or Aquarius; or
(b) it is in the star or sub of Saturn; or
(c) it is in conj. with or aspected by Saturn, then it may be said that Jupi
ter is connected with Saturn.
2. A planet connected with any house
(a) Suppose Jupiter is the owner or Star lord or Sub lord of the ascending d
egree (the cusp of the 1st house or Asc): or
(b) it occupies the 1st house; or
(c) it aspects the 1st house; or
(d) it is in the star or sub of the occupant of the 1st house; or
(e) it is in the star or sub of the owner of the 1st house; or
(f) it is in conj. with or aspected by the owner of the 1st house, then it m
ay be said that Jupiter is connected with the 1st house.
3. A house or Us owner connected with the house 6, 8 or 12.
(a) Suppose the owner of 6, 8 or 12 occupies or aspects the 4th house, then
it may be said that the 4th house Is connected with the house 6, 8 or 12.
(b) 1. Suppose the owner of the 4th house occupies the house 6, 8 or 12; or
2. it is in the star of the owner of the house 6, 8 or 12; or
3. it is in conj. with or aspected by the owner of the house 6, 8 or 12, then it
may be said that the owner or the 4th is connecte J with the house 6, 8 or 12.
Thus the term Connected with in any manner is very wide in its meaning.
4\. Example birth horoscope no. 1*
Generally speaking the occupant or owner of the house, the* planet in the star o
f the occupant or owner of the house and the planet in conj. or in aspect with t
he significator of that house come under the category of the significators of th
at house and these significators are termed as connected with that house.
In this birth map Jupiter is the occupant of 10 and the owner of 3 and 12; the p
lanet Sun is in the star of Jupiter the occupant of 10 and the owner of 3 and 12
; and the planet Venus is in conj. with the significator of 10, 3 and 12 (Sun).
Thus Jupiter, the planet Sun and the planet Venus come under the category of the
significators of 10, 3 and 12. So they are termd as with the houses
10, 3 and 12. The term connected has been used in this sense throughout the bo
Broadly speaking Jupiter, the planet Sun and the planet Venus are the significat
ors of 10, 3 and 12, but strictly speaking the planet Sun (which has to give the
results of its star lord Jupiter) is the significator of 10, 3 and 12. However,
the term significator has been used in both the sense according as the case may b
e throughout the book. -
i i
Lastly, Sun is in the star Jupiter owning 3, 12 and occupying 10; it is in the s
ub Saturn owning 1, 2 and occupying 4. Now to facilitate distinction between the
matters of the star lord and that of the sub lord, it may be said that Sun is t
he significator of 10, 3 and 12; and connected with 1, 2 and 4. This procedure m
ay be adopted for all planets.
9* A planet or house harmonious or detrimental
1 Harmonious and Detrimental Houses for different subject matters are shown belo
w ;
Subject matter
aril TO SOiv*
ivc boJosonoo ai sen oil ru,
l, 8, 3
guoH dJ-T- -aci 1
2 1, 12,
6, 8, 12
6, 8, 12
4. Education 4, 9, 11 3, 8 .
& Cdnstrafcttoitfexfodbirf Mifrg 3/!j 5J 10
\&1h ion wo ortl ?d
Jrftfc 3 rfj io i on wo
oreign travel
q Service
m wm. EMl jLSMH* a
Mb dliw djlyo 6vi 10 si X
ffUltfiaa od viLjt , I 10 8 rd
" a. KI
9, 12
to 2, ,d8psLbri ori 1 dJiw
7 7 v ^7 t ^ ^ T
filll ^vwO ippll aurlT > o, 11 o, 12 wninaom *)i
It will be clear from the above table that the hoiiieslM ife -considered for a p
articular subject matter are harmdnStf^3^r that subject matter, e.g. the houses 2,
6 and 10 are harmonipd^ to the matters of service and so on with other houses,
mol tBta erii
Similarly the houses which denote negation or deniali&f Ihe inatters of the house
s to be considered are detrimental to thefh@Asf^toe>fl> considered, e.g. the houses
1, 5 and 9 being 12th fr respectively denote negation of the matters signified S
o the houses 1, 5 and 9 are detrimental to the housesaZ}A and so on with other hou
f i i
i *1
A planet harmonious or detrimental
ff j
Jr I V.U J
.nhub 3,\) loiieq
ta zti
L A planet harmonious to any house : In abqe
table the occupant or owner of 2, 6 or 10, thejgpkMb iilulbt fer of the occupant
or owner of 2, 6 or 10 ancLthe c or in aspect with the significator of 2, 6 or 1
0 *
the category of the significators of 2, 6 * harmonious to the houses 2, 6 and 10
; and didd dqmnxSL
2. A planet detrimental to any house : (a)j /pipeu^af\vner of 1, 5 or 9, the pla
net in the star of the ^gguf^filg
n conj,
of 1, 5 or 9 and the planet in conj. or in asgectfc\|;ith the of 1, 5 or 9 which
come under the categoTV 1, 5 and 9 show negation of the matters sig So the sign
ificators of 1, 5 and 9 are te. houses 2, 6 and 10. r

07 Ig
_ oiasmova
jitanimeio aid giriaaaq
(b) A planet in 6, 8 or 12 sign (hou^^
sign (house) becomes detrimental to Uie niattacs house
(owned by the planet). JfSfe * % 1
. (c) A planet placed in 6, 8 or ^ ag^oiH^jf^Hfrcirii ^oi^se
under consideration becomes detri^| ptaJsj^pJj2thni51fl)|fS aflfjg^^e house under
consideration. . -Q1 adt ni wbJ ni zaibuls
(d) The owner of the house 6, 8 or 12 house under consideration become? !Mtters(
of the house under consideration}nBqU^0 lo isla oil! ni
; : ibiaoilingii orlt rliiw jooqaa ni ro
6 To aionxmi orb oi lalnomhlab
Significance of the Significatoj/a01
od) Tl 12 odj ni
Fia^oi rfliw tooqaa ni to .[noo horil oJ auoinonnad sd
1; The significator showfcTdh^!uSO|w!cel<pfe&fiol^vQMtrTb? matters especially of
the house or hfe^scsopw^ktdi^iiti s^vojasi^h^isfprpp.
2. The significator gives the results of its star ifclrd^fSo^thfe Jt&r lord beco
mes the indicato^oarfottieigiaiaMfrai ctfio6uhIpccupicd and owned by it and alsi
j ii| o)
3. (a) The sub lord of the significator is the deciding factor regarding th
e matters of the star lord.
(b) If the sub lord is harmonious to the matters indicated by the star lord,
the significator gives favourable results,
(c) If the sub lord is detrimental to the matters indicated by the star lord
, the significator gives unfavourable results.
4. The significator gives during its period, sub period or inter period the
results of its star lord.
Or, the results of the star lord are experienced during the joint period (i.e. d
uring the period, sub period and inter period) of the significator, its star lor
d and its sub lord,
5. In short, the significator denotes the time when it will give the result
s of its star lord.
The sub lord of the significator shows whether these results will be favourable
or unfavourable,
Example birth horoscope no. 1
Education. The houses 4, 9 and 11 are for education or studies; while 3 and 8 fo
r completion or negation or denial of studies.
(a) Moon is the significator of 9 (in the Star Mercury owning 9). Its Sub lo
rd Sun is the owner of 8 (12th from 9), so it is detrimental to the matters of 4
, 9 and 11. Hence the significator Moon cannot give favourable results regarding
studies. Thus the native after passing his B.A. examination in the year 1934-35
during the joint period of Venus and Moon, gave up his studies
(b) Rahu is the significator of 9 (in the Star Mercury owning 9). Its sub lo
rd is also Rahu which is harmonious to the matters of 4, 9 and 11, Hence the sig
nificator Rahu will give favourable results regarding studies. Thus the native p
rosecuted his further studies in Law in the year 1939 during the period of Venus
in the sub period of Rahu.
(c) In short if the sub lord is the owner or occupant of 3 or 8; or is in th
e star of the occupant or owner of 3 or 8; or is in conj. or in aspect with the
significator of 3 or 8, it is said to be detrimental to the matters of 4, 9 and
If the sub lord is the occupant or owner of 4, 9 or 11; or
is in the star of the occupant or owner of 4. 9 and U; or is
conj, or in aspect with the significator of 4. 9 or 11, it is said to be harmoni
ous to the matters of 4, 9 and 11.
In other words, if the sub lord is the significator of 4, 9 or 11 it is said to
be harmonious to and connected with the matters of 4, 9 and 11.
If the sub lord is the significator of 3 or 8 it is detrimental
to the matters of 4, 9 and il and it is said to be connected with 3
and 8.
Marriage. The houses 2, 7 and II are for marriage; while 1, 6 and 10 for denial
of marriage.
(a) Moon is the significator of 7 (in the Star Mercury in 7). Its sub lord S
un occupies 6 (12th from 7), so it is detrimental to the matters of 2, 7 and 11.
Hence the significator Moon cannot give favourable results regarding marriage.
Tims the native could not marry during the joint period of Venus and Moon,
(b) Rahu is the significator of 7 (in the Star Mercury in 7). Us sub lord is
also Rahu which is harmonious to the matters of 2. 7 and 11. Hence the signific
ator Rahu will give favourable results regarding marriage. Thus the native could
marry in the year 1937 during the period of Venus ill the sub period of Rahu.
(c) In short if the sub lord is the significator of !, 6 or 10 it is detrime
ntal to the matters of 2, 7 and 11 and it is said to be connected with 1, 6 and
If the sub lord is the significator of 2. 7 or 11 it is said to be harmonious to
and connected with the matters of 2, 7 and 11.
Government loan. The houses 2. 6 and 11 are for gain of money in any manner; whi
le 8 and 12 for repayment of money or loss of money in any manner.
Moon owns 7 (Govt, or Co-operative Society).It is the the significator of 6 (rec
eipt of loan) and 7 (money lender), because it is in the star Mercury owning 6 a
nd occupying 7. The star lord Mercury is aspccted by Saturn owning 2 (money) and
Jupiter owning 12 (investment or repayment of money). So Mercury is connected w
ith 2 and 12. Hence Moon, signifies the matters of 2, 6,7 and 12.
Its sub lord Sun owns 8 (repayment of loan) and occupies 6 (receipt of loan). So
Sun is harmonious to the matters of 2, 6, 7 and 12 as indicated by the star lor
d Mercury.
Hence the significator Moon shows Govt, or Co-operative Society as the source of
an event and it will give during its period favourable results of the star lord
Thus during the period of Moon in the year 1958-59 the native could receive loan
from Govt, through the Co-operative Society for constructing a building on the
plot of the Society subject to its repayment.
Retirement from Service : The houses 1,5, 9 and 12 are for retirement from servi
ce. The native retired from service on 8-6-1970 during the joint period of Mars.
Mercury and Saturn the significators of 1, 5, 9 and 12.
Sub lord V. owning 5 /?.represents ./.owning 12 K. denotes9
Star lord
K.represents Me. owning 9 5a. owning l
5. conj. V.owning 5
Period ruler A/a. owning 11 Sub Period ruler owning 6
Inter Period ruler 5a. owning 2
Thus the joint period rulers Mars, Mercury and Saturn are respectively the owner
s of 11, 6 and 2. So they denote service as the source of retirement.
The period ruler Mars is the significator of 9, the sub period ruler Mercury is
the significator of l and the inter period ruler Saturn is the significator of 5
Their Sub lords are also the significators of 5, 12 and 9
respectively. So they arc harmonious to the matters indicated by the star lords
Hence the significators Mars, Mercury and Saturn could during their joint period
effect the event of retirement.
11. A planet or house and its two sided effect

A planet favourable to one and adverse to another

1. The native of the example birth horoscope no. 1 was gradually promoted t
o higher posts in service during the period of Sun (13-12-1949 to 13-12*1955). S
o Sun proved a benefic planet to him; while Sun proved a malefic planet to his f
ather because it caused his death during its period on 1-10-1955.
2. (a) The houses 2, 6 and 10 are for service. Sun is in the star Jupiter i
n the 10th. So it is the significator of 10 (promotion in service and status) th
e house of desirable or agreeable matters to the native. Its sub lord Saturn own
s 2 and it is harmonious to the mailers indicated by the star lord (Jupiter). He
nce Sun gave favourable results in service during its period and proved benefic
to the native.
(b) The badhaka and maraka houses show death. Counted front the 9th cusp (As
c for the natives father) Sun is in the star Jupiter which becomes the owner of t
he badhaka and maraka house 7 and the occupant of the maraka house 2. So Sun bec
omes the significator of the badhaka and maraka houses for the natives father; th
ese houses signify undesirable and adverse matters to the father. Its sub lord S
aturn becomes the owner of 6 (sickness) and the occupant f 8 (death) and the sign
ificator of the maraka house 12 (being in the star Sun owning 12) as counted fro
m the 9th cusp, so it is connected with the matters of the badhaka and maraka ho
uses to the father as
indicated by the star lord (Jupiter). Hence Sun. gave adverse results in respect
of longevity during its period and proved malefic to the natives father,
3. Thus it may be said that the significator which is favourable to you, ma
y prove unfavourable or malefic to your father, mother or children etc. Similarl
y the house which shows desirable, agreeable or favourable matters to you, may d
enote undesirable, adverse or unfavourable matters to your father, mother or chi
ldren etc.
A planet both favourable and adverse to the native
1. In the example birth horoscope no. 1 the native suffered from chronic as
thamatic condition every now and then during the whole period of Moon (13 -12-19
55 to 13-12-1965). So it proved malefic in respect of health; while it proved be
nefic in service because the native was promoted to the highest post carrying re
sponsibilities, status and position with powers during his service career in thi
s period of Mcon.
2. (a) The house 6 denotes sickness and disease. Moon is in the star Mercury whi
ch owns 6 and occupies 7 (maraka). So it is the significator of 6 and 7 the hous
es of undesirable and adverse matters in respect of health, Its sub lord Sun own
s 8 (chronic ailment and troubles) and occupies 6. So Sun is connected with the
matters indicated by the star lord (Mercury). Hence Moon gave unfavourable resul
ts in respect of health and proved malefic.
(b) The house 6 also shows service matters. Moon is in the star Mercury whic
h owns 6. So it is the significator of 6 the house of desirable, agreeable or ad
vantageous matters to the native. Its sub lord Sun occupies 6 and it is the sign
ificator of 10 (being in the Star Jupiter in 10). So Sun is harmonious to the ma
tters of the star lord (Mercury). Hence Moon gave favourable results in respect
of service and proved benefic
3. Thus it may be said that neither any planet nor any house is wholly bene
fic or wholly malefic. But a planet is benefic to you if it is in the star of th
e occupant or owner of the house signifying desirable matters which you expect;
and if its sub lord is connected with with the matters of that house, so that yo
u may enjoy the results in full.
12 Elimination of Significators
1. An event happens during the joint period (i.e. during the period, sub pe
riod, inter period and sookshma period) of the significators of the houses under
2. In cases where the signifieators of the houses under consideration excee
d more than four, the unimportant signifieators should be eliminated as under :
(a) Preference should be given to Rahu or Kelu if it represents any signific
. (b) The planet whose sublord is the significator of the house
detrimental to the house or houses under consideration should be
eliminated first.
3. The order of the period rulers becomes fixed according to the sign posit
ion of Moon at the time of birth in each case. So one cannot avoid this. Hence i
f the period ruler is in any manner connected with the matter of the house under
consideration or if it be the chief governor of the matter under consideration,
it is to be considered as art important significator of the matter under consid
Example birth horoscope no. 1
Longevity of the native s mothev House Planet in Occupant Planet in
Owner Planet in conj.
occupants owners or aspect with
star star significator
2 (11 from 4) None M,R Me, J Sa K
5 (2 from 4) None None None V S.
10 (7 from 4) SyJ None V
3 (12from 4) None None s, y J
As Ketu represents Moon, omit Moon and retain Ketu. AsSun s sublord Saturn occup
ies the 1st house of the mother omit it. So Ketu, Venus and Rahu become the fina
l signifieators of the badhaka and maraka houses as counted from the 4th for the
native s mother.
The native s mother died on 1-1 1-1923 during the joint period of Ketu. Venus an
d Rahu.
House Planet in Occupant. Planet in Owner Planet in conj.
occupants owners or aspect with
star star significator
9 u1 None M,R MeJ Sa K
7 M,R Me K
K Ma None M
11 None None ii Ma
M arriag
Moon is in the sub Sun which occupies the 6th, so omit it.
Mercury, Ketu, Rahu and Jupiter are in the sub Rahu which occupies the 2nd and w
hich is the significator of the 7th. So retain, them.
ll may be noted that the native passed (he periods of Mercury ,mh! Ketu in his c
hild hood. The period of Rahu will start in his old age and there is no scope fo
r the period of Jupiter. So these significator planets will work as sub period,
inter period or sookshma period rulers.
The native was running the period of Venus since 13-1-1929
" and it continued up to T31 1949. Venus is the chief governor of
marriage. It is in (he star of Jupiter and in the sub Saturn owning 2.
The star lord Jupiter aspects the 7th cusp, Moon owning 7,
Mercury in 7 and Rahu in 2, So Venus is a strong significator of
The native got married on 13-12-1937 during the joint period of Venus, Rahu, Jup
iter and Rahu.
13. Cuspal sublord and its Subject matter
Significance of the cuspal sub lord
The cuspal sublord of a house indicates whether the matter signified bv that hou
se is promised or denied.
W- i-i
If the cuspal sub lord of that house is the significator of that house or any on
e of the houses under consideration, the matter signified by that house will be
As each house denotes several particular matters, the chief governor of the matt
er to be judged, may be taken into consideration. If it be connected with the ho
use or any one of the houses under consideration, especially with the star lord
of the cuspal sublord, it is desirable.
The principle regarding chapter, Smiiifi color in their
(he significalors as order should always
explained in the be kept in mind.
Time of event
Jf the cuspal sub lord of a house promises the matter of that house, then only d
uring the joint period of the significators of the matter signified by the house
or houses under consideration, the results of that matter arc experienced; othe
rwise not.
Cusp Sub Planet House In owns Significator of Star Houses I
n owns Connected with Sub Houses 1 n o wns
Asc R Sun 6 8 J 10 3.12 Sa 4
2 Ma Moon 2 7 Me 7 6,9 S 6
3 R Mars 7 4,11 K 8 6,9 V 6
4 Me Mer 7 6,9 Sa 4 1,2 R 2
5 V Jud 10 3,12 Sa 4 1,2 R 2
6 V Ven 6 5,10 J 10 3.12 Sa 4
7 Ma Sat 4 1.2 S 6 8 K 8
8 R Rahu 2 3,12 Me 7 6,9 R 2
9 R Ketu 8 6,9 Ma 7 4,11 R 2
10 Me Rahu being in coni. with Moon
denotes the house
For reference in the example birth horoscope no. 1.
11 V 7; it being aspected by Mars denotes 4, 7 and II; and
12 S being aspected by Jupiter denotes 10.
Ketu being aspected by Moon denotes the houses 2 and 7.
Cusp and subject matters
Longevity ; I. If the sublord of the Asc (ascending degree) is the owner of
(a) the house 6, 8 or 12 a short life (up to 33 years) is indicated.
(b) the house 1, 5, 9 or 10 a long life (beyond 66 years);
(c) the house 6, 8 or 12 and 1. 5, 9 or 10 a middle life (up to 66 years) is
Besides, if this sublord is the significator (i.e. in the star of the occupant o
r owner) of the badhaka and the maraka houses, it is not a good sign for long li
Likewise, consider the sublords of the 3 rd and the 8th cusps also,
2. (a) In the example birth horoscope no. 1, the longevity of the native s mothe
r may be examined. Consider the sublord of the 4th cusp (the Asc for the mother)
. Its sublord Mercury is the owner of the 6th counted from the 4th cusp. It is i
n the star of Saturn which is the owner of the badhaka house 11 counted from the
4th cusp. So the sublord of the mothers Asc (Mercury) is the significator of the
badhaka house. Hence the longevity of the natives mother is short.
(b) Venus is the sublord both of the 8th and the 3rd cusps counted from the 4th
cusp. It is in the star of Jupiter which is the owner of the maraka house 12 and
which is the occupant of the
maraka house 7 couni ed from the 4th cusp. So Venus is th
significator of the maraka houses for the mother. Hence the life
the natives mother is short.
(c) The native s mother died on I111923 during the joint period of Ketu, Venus
and Rahu the significators of the badhaka and maraka houses as the counted from
the 4th cusp.
Health : If the sublord of the A sc (ascending degree) is in the
star of the occupant of the house 1 or 11, health is normal.
If it is in the star of the occupant or owner of 6 (sickness or disease), 8(dang
er to life) or 12(bed ridden sickness), it is not good for health.
In the example birth horoscope no. 1 the sub lord of the Asc is Rahu. It is in t
he star of Mercury owning 6 and occupying 7. So it becomes the significator of 6
and 7 (maraka). Hence the native will suffer from disease or sickness.
Disease : If the sublord of the 6th cusp is in the star of the occupant or owner
of 6 or 1 the native may suffer from disease.
(a) In the example birth horoscope no. 1 the sublord of the 6th cusp is Venus. I
t occupies the 6th (there is no planet in its star, so it is the strong signific
ator of 6). It is in the sub Saturn owning the Asc, Hence it is the significator
of 1 and 6. So the native will suffer from disease.
(b) The native became susceptible to asthamatic condition since 1951 in the
joint period of Sun and Rahu. The sub periods of Moon, Rahu and Saturn indicate
ii 1-health, because they are the significators of 6 and connected with 1. 8 and
12. In fact they proved evil to the native for health.
Accident : If the sublord of the Asc or of the Klh cusp is in the star of the oc
cupant or owner of the 8th or 12th the native will meet with an accident.
It the sub lord is in the star of the occupant or owner of 8, 7 or 2 the acciden
t will prove fatal.
If it is in the star of the occupant or owner of 2 or 7 and 11 the native will s
In the example birth horoscope no. 1 the sub lord of the Ascand of the 8th cusp
is Rahu. It is not in the star of the occupant or owner of 8 or 12. So the nativ
e will not meet with any accident in life.
Education : If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is Mercury or Jupiter; or it it is i
n the star of the occupant or owner of 4? 9 or 11 and if its star lord is connec
ted with Mercury and/or Jupiter the native will get academic qualifications.
(a) In the example birth horoscope no. 1 the sub lord of the 4th cusp is Mercury
owning 9. Moreover this sub lord is in the star Saturn which occupies the 4th,
so it is the significator of the 4th and its star lord (Saturn) aspects both Mer
cury and Jupiter, hence the star lord (Saturn) is connected with them. The nativ
e will therefore get academic qualifications.
(b) The native could receive education during the periods of
Mercury, Ketu and Venus th.c signjftcafiors of 4 and 11 up to 19
He got degrees in the sub periods of Moon and Jupiter the
signjficators of 4 and 9 during the period of Venus.
BiAlding : 1, If the sub lord of the 4th cusp is in the star oT the occupant or
owner of 4, 11 or 12 and Mars or Saturn is connected with this house, the native
will have his own building.
(a) In the example birth horoscope no, 1 the sub lord of the 4th
cusp is Mercury. It is in the star Saturn which is in the 4th.
it is the significator of the 4th. Hence a residential house of
own is promised to the native.
(b) Mercury owns 6 (loan) and occupies 7 (Government or Co-operative Society
). Its star iord Saturn occupies 4 (land or building), owns 2 (money) and 1 (sel
f). Its sub iord Rahu occupies 2; Rahu is in conj. with Moon owning 7, is aspcct
ed by Mars owning 4 and 11, is aspected by Jupiter owning 12 (investment).
Mercury is the source of an event i.c. loan from Government or Co-operative Soci
ety Wilt be the source.
Us star lord Saturn indicates the results regarding money and land or building f
or self.
Its sub lord Rahu being connected with 2, 4, 7. II and 12 (the same matters of t
he star lord) shows that the results will be favourable.
In short. Mercury indicates that the native will get money as loan from Govt, or
Co-operative Society, and will invest it in constructing a building for him,
(c) The native could occupy his newly constructed building during the joint
period of Moon, Jupiter and Mercurv the signjficators of 4, 1J or 12 in 1959.
2. If the sub lord of the 10th cusp is the significator of 3 or 10 the native wi
ll be required to sell his building.
In the example birth horoscope no, 1 the sub lord of the 10th cu^p is Mercury. I
t is not in the star of the occupant or oyner of 3 or 10. So it is not the sign
ificator of 3 or 10. Hence \\itf native
will not be required to self his building.
Marriage : If the sub lord of the 7th cusp is the significator of 2, 7 or 11 the
native will marry.
If it is the significator of 1, 6 or 10 the native will not marry.
(a) In the example birth horoscope no. 1 the sub lord of the 71 h cusp is Ma
rs. It occupies the 7th. It is in the star Ketu; Ketu reiirosents Moon owning 7,
Mercury in 7 and its star lord Mars owning 11 and in 7; thus Ketu has to give t
he results of 7 and 11. lienee Mars is the significator of 7 and 11. So marriage
is promised (o the native.
(b) The native got married on 13-12-1937 during the joint period of Venus, R
ahu and Jupiter the significators of 2, 7 and 11.
Children : if the sub lord of the 5th cusp is the significator of % 5 or II chil
d birth is promised,
If it is the significator of I, 4 or 10 child birth is not promised.
In case of females the 5th house and in case of males the 11th house should be e
xamined first.
(a) In the example birth horoscope no. I the native is male. The sub lord of the
I 1th cusp is Venus. It is the owner of the 5th. There is no planet in its star
and the 5th house is vacant. So it is the strong significator of the 5th.
Further Venus is in the star Jupiter the chief governor of child
birth and
Jupiter aspects the 5ill cusn. Hence Venus
1 ! X J
child birth.
(b) The sub lord of the 5th cusp is also Venus.
(c) The birth of children took place during the joint period of the signific
ators of 2, 5 or !1 Venus, Mercury and Mercury in 1946; Venus, Ketu and Mars in
1949; Sun, Jupiter and Ketu in 1952; and Moon, Moon and Jupiter in 1956.
Profession -Service : If the sub lord of the 10th cusp or the 6th cusp is the si
gnificator of 2, 6 or 10 the native will earn money either in profession or serv
(a) fit the example birth horoscope ivi. I the sublord of the 10th cusp is M
ercury. U is in the star Saturn owning 2. So it is the significator of 2. Hence
the native wall earn,
(b) The sublord of the 6th cusp is Venus. It occupies the 6th
and owns the 10th. There is no planet in its star. So it is the
strong signifieator of 6 and it being in the star Jupiter in 10, is the strong s
ignifieator of 10 also. Hence service is promised.
(c) The native got his first employment during the joint period of Venus, Ma
rs and Rafiu the significators of 2, 6, 10 or II in 1936.
Lottery : If the sub lord of the 11th cusp is in the star of the occupant or own
er of 2, 6 or 11 and not in the star of the Occupant or owner of 8, 12 or 5 (i.e
. 2, 6 and 11 from the 7th-gain to the opposite party) and if it is connected wi
th the house 3 the native will gain through lottery.
In the example birth horoscope no, 1 the sub lord of the 11th cusp is Venus. It
is not in the star of the occupant or owner of 2, 6 or 11. .
On the contrary it is the owner of 5, the house 5 is vacant, there is no planet
in the star of Venus, so Venus is the strong signifieator of 5.
Venus is in the star of Jupiter owning 12 which is vacant. So it is the strong s
ignifieator of 12.
Hence there is no likelihood of winning lottery.
SignifieatorThe phrase a particular planet is the significatoi
of a particular house is commonly used throughout the book. In stellar astrology
a planet has to give the results of its star lord. So the term signifieator in it
s strict sense is to be understood as a planet in the star of the occupant or ow
ner of a house under consideration.
General Instructions
1. For judging any matter in the horoscope pertaining to any
particular house, bear in mind the general principle that a planet gives the res
ults of its star lord.
2. Give importance to the cuspal sublord of the house to be judged; treat i
t as an ordinary planet.
3. Note its star lord, note the sign and the house occupied by the star lor
4. Remember the general rule that each sign corresponds to a particular hou
se e.g. Aries to the 1st house, Cancer to the 4th and so on. Also bear in mind t
hat each house corresponds to a particular sign e.g. the 1st house represents Ar
ies, the 6th house to Virgo and so on.
5. Remember the characteristics e.g. personal appearance,
disposition, disease, occupation and matters governed or dominated by each sign
and planet.
6. Combine the influence of the star lord, that of the sign occupied by it
and also of the house occupied bv it suitably as the case may be; and follow the
suit in respect of the cuspal sublord also.
7. The strength of the cuspal sub lord of a house should also be examined f
or the affairs or matters of that house,
14. Joint Period Rulers
1. The period or sub period ruler gives the results according to its natura
l rulership over certain affairs of life e.g. Venus is the chief governor of pea
ce or harmony, marriage, vehicle or happiness etc.
2. It gives favourable or unfavourable results of its star lord according a
s its sub lord is favourable or unfavourable.
3. The period ruler, the sub period ruler or the inter period
ruler each may signify matters of different houses i.e. different subject
matters both desirable and undesirable. So during their joint period
they will give the results of the common subject matter either desirable or unde
sirable as the case may be.
Suppose the period ruler is the significator of 2, 5 or II and
I, 4 or 10 (child birth and also its denial), then during the sub
period of the significator of I, 4 or 10 there will be no child birth
and if there be any child already, separation from the child is
likely; and during the sub period of the significator of 2, 5 or II the birth of
a child will take place.
4. If the star lord (of the period ruler etc) occupies 6, 8 or 12
as counted from its own sign (house), then the period or sub period
ruler will not give favourable results of this house (owned by its star lord).
5. If the planet and its star lord arc in 6, 8 or 12 sign from
each other, the native will not get results to a desired extent during their joi
nt period.
In the example birth horoscope no. 1. the planets (Sun and Venus)
and their star lord (Jupiter) are in the 8th and 6th sign from each other.
So during the joint period of Venus and Jupiter (13-2-1940 to
13-10-1942) and during the joint period of Sun and Jupiter (1-1-1952
to 19-10-1952) the native got only an ordinary temporary rise in service and not
a good rise to a desired extent.
6. If the star lord of the period or sub period ruler He retrograde, the na
tive will experience ups and downs in general.
In the example birth horoscope no. J, Sun and Venus are in the star Jupiter in t
he 10th, so the native was gradually promoted to higher posts carrying position
and powers. But the star lord Jupiter is retrograde, so reversions and promotion
s continued till he retired from service.
7. The joint period rulers generally give the results of the house or houses own
ed by their star lords, so their strength will depend on the strength of their s
tar lords.
8. If the joint period rulers are in reception (in each others sign), in con
j. or aspect with each other, they influence the affairs of each other. This is
based on the principle that a planet in conj. with or aspected by a signiOcator
gives the results of the house or houses denoted by that significator.
In the example birth horoscope no. !, the period ruler Mars is the significator
of printing and publication of books on astrology (Mars is in the star Ketu on t
he cusp of 9 and in the sub Venus owning 10. Ketu in 9 denotes astrology, it bei
ng in Virgo represents Mercury which shows writings, it also represents its star
lord Mars which indicates printing. Venus being in the star Jupiter owning 3 in
10 is the significator of publications). The sub period ruler Rahu is aspected
by Mars. So Rahu will give the results indicated by Mars, 3n view of this, durin
g the joint period of Mars and Rahu the natives book on astrology was printed and
published in lhe year 1966-67.
The activity of writing books on astrology and their publications was continued
throughout the period of Mars and it was also being continued during the period
of Rahu which commenced on L3-12-197?,. During the joint period of Rahu, Rahu an
d Ketu, the printing of this book was started from 3-9-1974, Ketu being in the s
tar Mars and in the sub Rahu is also the significator of printing and publicatio
Rahu is in the star Mercury owning 9 and in its own sub. t he star lord Mercury
is aspected by Jupiter owning 3 and the sub lord Rahu is aspected both by Mars a
nd Jupiter.
15. Transit and Joint Period Rulers
1. An event generally happens during the joint period of the significators
when the transit agrees.
2, At the time of event Sun, Moon or/and joint period rulers are generally
found to be transitting in the star or sub of the same joint period ruler or rul
ers (i.e. in the star or sub of the period, sub period, inter period or/and sook
shma period ruler.)
Example birlh horoscope No. 1. : (a) The native s mother died
on 111-1923 at about 2-0 P,M. LS.T during the joint period of Ketu, Venus, Rahu a
nd Jupiter.
At that time Sun was transitting in Libra 1521 in the star
Rahu (the inter period ruler); Moon in Cancer 849 in the
Venus (the sub period ruler); Ketu in Aquarius 15c,32 in the
Rahu; Venus in Libra 28c46 in the star Jupiter (the sookshma
period ruler); Rahu in Leo ]532 in the star Venus; Jupiter in Scorpio 2Q8 in it
s own star.
(b) The native s father died on 1-10-1955 at 7-30 P.M. LS.T during the joint per
iod of Sun. Venus, Saturn and Jupiter.
At that lime Sun was transitting in Virgo 14n29 in thesub Jupiter
(the sookshma period ruler); Moon in Pisces IT"30 in, the
Saturn (the inter period ruler); Venus in Virgo 22*37 in
the sub
Venus (the sub period ruler) and Saturn in Libra 25 27 in the star Jupiter.
16. Cusps! Matter and Joint Period Rulers
1. (a) In the example birlh horoscope no. 1, thesub lord of the
2nd cusp is Mars, ll is in the star Ketu and in the sub Venus. After retirement
from service the native received a good amount towards
gratuity on 27-6-1970 during the joint period of Mars, Ketu and Venus.
(b) The houses 2, 6 and 11 are for monetary gain. Now the
cuspal sublord of the 2nd (Mars) is the owner of the 11th house
which is vacant. Its star lord Ketu represents Moon in 2, Mercury
owning 6 and Mar.s (Kctu s star lord) owning If; so Mars is connected with 2, 6
and 11 and it promises finance to the native. Us sublord
Venus owns 10 and occupies 6; so it is harmonious lo the matters indicated by th
e star lord (Ketu). Hence Mars wall in its period give
monerary gain to the native; and it may be realised during the joint
period of the planet Mars, the star lord Ketu and the sublord Venus.
(c) It may therefore be said that if the cuspal sub lord of a
house is the significator of the matter signified by that house, this matter wil
l be materialised during the period etc of this cuspal sublord.
(d) On 27-6-1970 Moon was transiting in Pisces 24in the
sub Mars (the period ruler), Venus in Cancer 190 in the sub Kctu (the sub period
ruler) and Ketu in Leo 1233 in its own star.
2. (a) In the example birth horoscope no. 1, the Asc is jointly
ruled by Saturn, Moon and Rahu. They all are the signjficators of
1 and 6 (Saturn owning 1 in star Sun in 6; Moon and Rahu both are in star Mercur
y which owns 6 and aspects the Asc).
So the native suffered from asihaniatic condition and kept
bad health during the joint period of Moon, Ranu and Saturn
(16-10-1957 to 12-1-1968), also during the joint period of Moon, Saturn and Rahu
(1-5-1961 to 28-7-1961),
(b) It may therefore be said that if the joint rulers of the cusp of any hou
se are the significators of the matter signified by that
house, the combined period of these joint rulers inter se gives the results of t
he same matter.
(c) The native may suffer from sickness or disease during the sub periods of
the significators of 1 and 6 or l and 8 or J and 12
in the period of the significator of 6. He recovers during the sub
periods of the significators of 1, 5 or 11. He becomes a victim to
to the disease in the sub periods of the significators of the badhaka and muraka
The sign and house occupied by the star lord of the sub period ruler show the se
nsitive part of the body and the nature of the disease.
In the example birth horoscope no. 1, the period ruler is Moon and the sub perio
d ruler Rahu is in the star Mercury in Cancer; while the sub period ruler Saturn
is in the star Sun in Gemini.
Gemini governs lungs, it shows bronchitis and asthaina etc. Cancer denotes stoma
ch, it is a watery sign, so it indicates weak digestive power, cold, cough and a
sthama etc.
17. Cusp and Aspects
Asc. (a) In the example birth horoscope no. 1, the Asc is in
opposition (180) aspect to Mercury the owner of 6. So the planet in the star of M
ercury will cause sickness to the native.
Both Moon and Rahu are in the star of Mercury. So during the sub periods of Moon
and Rahu the health of the native was
much disturbed every now and then.
(b) The Asc is in trine (HO15) aspect to Saturn and in sextile
<605) aspect to Jupiter. So the planets in the star of Saturn and Jupiter will p
rotect the health of the native.
Both Mercury and Jupiter are in the star of Saturn: while both Sun and Venus are
in the star of Juoiter. So during the sub
periods of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and Sun the native could
maintain his health.
Me. The Me (10th cusp) is in trine aspect to both Venus and Sun. So the planet i
n the star of Venus and Sun will be favourable to the native in maintaining his
position in service. There is no planet in the star of Venus, but Saturn is in t
he star of Sun. Hence during the sub periods of Saturn and Venus the native coul
d maintain his position in service,
18. Sub sub in each Sub
1. Formula of Sub sub
(a) Each sub is further divided into nine parts. This sub division is termed a
s sub sub . It is based on the following formula:-Dasha years of each planet 4- the
total number Vhnshottari
dosha years x Each sub area - The longitude or extent or area of Sub suh for eac
h planet in each cSub\
(b) The above formula of deriving Sub sub in each Sub* is illustrated as unde
1. The sub area of Ketu is 0 46 In sub Kelli
i j
Area of sub sub Ketur A () x = 0 T 43
Area of sub sub Venus JL. x 3-^- - 0 7 47 on.
2. The sub area of Sun is CT40 0" -40 . In sub Sun
Area of sub sub Sun 4 x J\iL O 2 0"
1 211 1
Area of sub sub Jupiter J^L x O 5 20 and so on,
3. The sub area Rahil is 2 0 0"- 120 . In sub Rahu Area of sub sub Saturn 1 & x
# 19 0"
Area of sub sub Mercury 4JL, v 0 17 0 and so on.
4. The sub area Area of sub sub
of Saturn is 21 6 40"=T5O\
I enus
20 v 3 sii ..Q 21 7 T; _u *1
* t
In sub Saturn
I 2 U 1
Area of sub sub
Obtain the area this way. A table given here under :
Moon ry*n x = 0 10 33 and so on.
of Sub sub for all planets in each sub* showing Sub sub area1 in each ksub area
L Sub Ketu 2. Sub Venus
3. Sub Sun
Area Area Area
sub sub sub
sub D M S sub D M S sub D
K 0 43 V 0 22 12 S 0
2 00
V 0 7 47 s 0 06 40 M
0 3 20
s 0 2 20 M 0 11 07 Ma
0 2 20
M 0 54 Ma 0 07 47 R
0 6 00
Ma 0 2 43 R 0 20 00 J 0
5 20
R 0 7 00 J 0 17 47 Sa
0 6 20
J 0 6 13 Sa 0 21 07 Me
0 5 40
Sa 0 7 23 Me 0 18 53 K
0 2 20
Me 0 6 37 K 0 07 47 V
0 6 40
0 46 4o 2 13 : 20
0 40 00
4. Sub Moon 5 . Suh Mars
6 . Sub Rabu
Area Area Area
sub sub sub
sub D M S sub D M S sub D
M 0 05 33 Ma 0 2 43 R 0
18 0
M a 0 03 54 R 0 7 00 J 0
16 0
R 0 10 00 J 0 6 13 Sa 0
19 0
.1 0 03 53 Sa 0 7 23 Me 0
17 0
Sa 0 10 33 Me 0 6 37 K. 0
07 0
Me 0 09 26 K 0 2 43 V 0
20 0
K 0 03 54 V 0 7 47 s 0
06 0
V 0 11 07 s 0 2 20 M 0
10 0
S 0 03 20 M 0 3 54 Ma 0
07 0
1 06 40 0 46 40 2
00 0
7. Sub Jupiter 5 Suh Saturn
9. Suh Her cur
Area Area Area
sub sub sub
sub D M S sub D M S sub D
M s
.1 0 14 14 Sa 0 20 03 Me 0
16 02
Sj 0 16 53 Me 0 17 58 K 0
06 37
Me 0 15 07 K 0 07 23 V 0
18 53
K 0 06 13 V 0 21 07 S 0
05 40
V 0 17 47 s 0 06 20 M 0
09 26
s 0 05 20 M 0 10 33 Ma 0
06 37
M 0 08 53 Ma 0 07 23 R 0
17 00
Ma 0 06 13 R 0 19 00 i
0 15 07
R 0 16 00 J 0 16 53 Sa 0
17 58
1 46 40 2 06 40 1
53 20
Sub sub area in eacli Sub
Tabic explained
in the Chapter 2. Sub in Nakshalra system the tables of subs
arc given. So refer to the table D on page 9, you wilt find that
Mercury star area extends from I6J 40 to 30s 0 in Cancer or Scorpio
or Pisces: and in the star of Mercury the sub of Mercury commences from 16J 40 an
d it extends upto 18 33 20 .
Now the longitudes of Sub sub for all planets in the sub Mercury in the star Mer
cury are explained below :
Sign Area
Star -Mercury Cancer or Scorpio or Pisces /6 40 00 to 30 00 00 Sub-Mercury 16 4
0 00 33 20"
In the sub area of Mercury in Cancer or Scorpio or Pisces the Sub sub of Mercury
commences from 16 40 00 , add 0 16 02
(sub sub area of Mercury) and you will get the commencing position
of the Sub sub of Kclu at 16 56 02 . Repeat this procedure and the commencing po
sition of the Sub sub for all planets in the Sub
of Mercury in the star of Mercury in Cancer or Scorpio or Pisces will be obtaine
d thus,
Sub sub Sign Commencing position Area of
in sub Cancer or Scorpio or sub sub in sub
Mercury Pisces Mercury *
Me * m Kr 40 00" - 0 16 02"
K H % 16 56 02 0 06 37
V m * 17 02 39 0 18 53
s * 1 17 21 32 0 05 40
M ^ 17 27 12 0 09 26
Mu * 17 36 38 0 06 37
R l l J 7 43 15 0 17 00
J 18 01) 15 0 15 07
Sa * 18 15 22 0 17 58
18 33 20 1 53 20
From the above table it wi li appear that the Subsub of Mercur
commences at 16 40 00" and c.ids at 16 56 02". The Subsub
Kclu begins at 16r 56 02" and extends upto 17 ; 02 39" and so
Now prepare a detailed table for the longitudes of Subsub for
ali planets in all nine Subs in each Star for all nine Star lords
this manner.
3. Significance of Sub sub
(1) In Vimshottari dasha system the Star lord of Moon denotes
the Period mler, its Sub lord shows the Sub period ruler and its Sub sub indicates
the Inter period ruler.
In the example birth horoscope no. 1, Moon is in Pisces
21 49 . So it is ruled by the star lord Mercury, the sub lord Sun and
the Subsub f Jupiter. Hence it may be said that tlie native was
born during the period of Mercury, in the sub period of Sun and in the inter per
iod of Jupiter.
(2 ) When two planets are in the same sign and/or have the same Starlord and the
same Sublord. it happens that the period and sub period of one proves fortunate
, while that of the other planet is not fortunate. In such cases the t Sub sub 5
of these two
planets will help us in knowing which of the two planets will be
In the example birth horoscope no. 1, Sun and Venus both
are in the same sign Gemini 221 33/ and 23 00 respectively. They
have the same star lord Jupiter and the same sub lord Saturn.
Out of them Sun proves favourable, while Venus does not prove to be so. Because
Sun is in the Sub sub1 of Venus which owns
good houses 5 and 10; while Venus is in the Sub sub of Sun
which is the owner of an evil house 8. Hence the native prospered more during th
e period of Sun than in the period of Venus.
Similarly, Mercury is in Cancer 13J 2 and Jupiter is in Scorria
14 2 . Both have the same Star lord Saturn and the same Sub lord Rahu.
Mercury is in the * Sub sub Rahu in the 2nd{ being in conj. wj.h
Moon the owner of 7 represents Moon ). So Mercury gave more
concrete monetary benefits during its sub periods, than Jupiter which is in the S
ub sub Mercury the owner of 6.
(3) The Sub sub is very useful in finding out the day or hour or minute of an ev
Ascendant takes about two hours to move from one sign to
the other. It remains in one star for about 52 minutes. It remains in one sub fo
r about 5 to 8 minutes. So the exact minute can be noted with the help of the Su
Moon takes about 24 hours to move from one star to the other.
It remains in one Sub for about three hours. So the exact hour can be noted with
the help of Sub sub .
Mystery of Ruling Planets
1. Ruling Planets
Note the time and day when a question is put to you or when you take the horosco
pe for analysis and judgment.
The day begins from Sunrise. Sun governs Sunday, Moon Monday, Mars Tuesday. Merc
ury Wednesday, Jupiter Thursday, Venus Friday and Saturn rules Saturday.
The sign lord of the A sc, the star lord of the Asc, the sign
lord of Moon, the star lord of Moon, at the time of query or judgment and the da
y lord are called the Ruling Planets.
If Rahu or Ketu is in cpnj. or aspect with the ruling planet;
or if it occupies the sign owned by the ruling planet, Rahu or Ketu should be in
cluded as the ruling planet.
The ruling planet which is in the star or sub of a retrograde planet should be o
Among the ruling planets the Asc s star lord; the Ascs sign lord,
Moons star lord. Moons sign lord and the day lord are in order of preference
2. Ruling Planets & Rectification of Birth time
J The ruling planets at the time of judgment correspond or agsee or tally with :
(i) the ruling planets at the birth; or
(it) the sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord of the Asi at the birth
The sian lord, star lord, sub lord, and subsuo lord of the Asc at
Example . Male. Birth 7-7-1912. 72 E35. Sunday; N 42 P. M. l.S.T; 2
3"N2 ,
Ruling planets at the birth Day lord S i g n lord Star lord
Dav. S un da v H * Sun
Asc, Capricorn 12 25 Sat. Moon
Moon. Pisces 2D 49 Jnp. Mer.
the birth are found either in the star or sub of the ruling planet or planets at
the time of judgment.
Rahu in Pisces represents Jupiter. Ketu in Virgo represents Mercury, so the ruli
ng planets are Sun, Moon, Mercury. Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. .
Time of Judgment : 8-9-1969, Monday, 7-45 A.M. I.S.T; 23N2 , 72.E35 .
Ruling planets at the lime of judgment
Star lord
Day lord Sign lord
Day. Monday Moon
Asc. Virgo 83 41 Mer.
Moon. Cancer 9 5S Moon
At this moment Rahu was in Aquarius. So it represents Saturn. Ketu was in Leo. S
o it represents Sun. Hence the ruling planets are Sun, Moon, Mercury, Saturn, Ra
hu and Ketu.
The ruling planets at the birth tally with the ruling planets at the time of jud
gment. Jupiter at the birth is in the star of Saturn the ruling planet at the Li
me of judgment.
Arc. ai the birth is Capricorn 12 25 , it is jointly ruled as under:
Sign lord Slar lord Sub lord Sub Sub lord
Sat. M oon Rahu S up*
The sign lord, star lord and sub lord of the Asc at the birth
agree with the ruling planets at the time of judgment; while the sub
sub lord of the Asc at the birth is in the star of Saturn the ruling planet at t
he time of judgment.
Thus in this case the ruling planets both at the time of judgment
and birth tally. The joint rulers of the Asc at the birth also correspond
to the ruling planets at the time of judgment. So the birth time is correct.
for lho birth arc civcu
2. In. doubtful cases where two times _
proceed thus :
fa) Note the sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord of the Asc at t
he birth for two given times.
fb) The case in which the sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub
lord of the Asc agree with the ruling planets at the time of judgment,
accept the time in that case as the correct time of birth and reject the other.
Example: Male. Birth 15-6-1944, Thursday; 9-0 A.M. I.S.T. (New) or 9-0 A.M. I.S.
T. (Old); 22: N 44 , 72 E 29 .
At this time due to the 2nd world war. the Indian Standard
time was made faster by one hour and it was called the New Indian Standard time.
The birth time was 9-0 A.M., but it was not certain
whether it was recorded according to the new I.S.T, or the old I.S.T.
Birth , Asc Sign lord Star lord Sub lord Sub sub
Time Gemini Mer. Jup, Ven. Sat.
7.0 A.M. 28 7
I.S.T. (New) y_0 ,\.M. Cancer Moon Sat. Moon Rahu
I.S.T. (Old) II3 18
Time of judgment. 31-7-1970, Friday; 10-30 P.M. 1.S.T; 23 N2 , W E 35.
Ruling planets at the lime of judgment
Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day. Friday Ven -
Asl\ Pisces 15J 2s Jup. Sat.
Moon. Gemini 27 47 Mer. Jup.
Thus the ruling planets are Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The sign lord, s
tar lord, sub lord and sub sub lord of the A sc Gemini 28 7: for 9-0 A.M. I.S.T.
(New) agree with the ruling planets at the time of judgment.
So take 9-0 A.M. I.S.T. (New) as the correct time of birth and reject 9-0 A.M. I
.S.T. (Old).
3. In cases where ihc approximate interval of birth time viz.
2 AM to 3 A.M., 10 A.M. to 12 noon; 7 P.M. to 8 P.M.and so on is given, proceed
as under:
(a) Note the ruling planets at the time of Judgment.
(b) According to the date of birth, you should fix the probable sign of the
Asc in which birih could have taken place.
Generally the sign owned by any one of the ruling planets will be rising in the
Asc; or the sign occupied by Rahu or Ketu if it is a
ruling planet, will be rising in the Asc.
(c) Then select the starlord and sub lord etc., suitable to this
sign from the ruling planets. Bear in mind the order of preference among the rul
ing planets, also the importance of Ralui or Ketu.
(d) Find out the Sensitive degree of this sign on which the
sign lord, star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord operate jointly. This
degree will show the exact position of the Ascendant at the birth.
The time when this degree rises in the Asc. should be considered as the correct
time of birth.
(e) It should be remembered that each planet governs three
Nakshatras, Constellations, or Stars e. g. Venus governs 13 20* To 26 40* in Aries
, Leo and Sagittarius as its Stars. So the ruling
planei of any particular moment will operate as a star lord in three
different signs. So it will be difficult as to which sign should be
selected for fixing the time of birth. Hence it is necessary that the
approximate time of birth should be ascertained as to whether it is between the
Sun rise and Noon or between Noon and the Sun
set or between the Sun set and Midnight or between Midnight and
and the Sun rise.
(f) At the time of judgment if any planet is found in the
ascending sign or if it is in opposition to the Asc, then this planet
plays an important role in fixing the time of birth. It should be given importan
ce as a ruling planet, especially if that planet be in conj. with or aspected by
any ruling planet. Of course, discretion
has to be used in such cases.
Example : Male. Birth 23-11-1911, Thursday; 22s N 463 73 E 40 .
It was said that the ascending sign at the time of birth is Gemini and the appro
ximate time is between 7-30 p.m. 1,S.T. and 8-30 p.m.l.S.T.
Time of judsment. 31-1-1970, Saturday; 4-15 p.m. l.S.T; 23 N2 , IT E35\
Ruling planets at (he time of judgment
Day lord Sign lord Star lord
Day. Saturday Sat. --
Moon. Libra 28 1 Ven. Jup.
Asc. Gemini 11* Mcr. Rahu
At this time Rahu was in Aquarius. So it represents Saturn. Hence Rahu may be pr
eferred to Saturn, Thus the ruling planets
arc Mercury, Rahu, Jupiter and Venus.
At the time of judgment the Asc is Gemini. So it is certain
beyond doubt that the ascending sign at the time of birth is Gemini. Now we have
only to fix the degrees and minutes in Gemini.
Out of the ruling planets Mercury has already become the sign lord. So we have n
ow to select the star lord, sub lord and sub sub lord out of Rahu, Jupiter and V
In Gemini Mars, Rahu and Jupiter can become the star lords.
Mars is not the ruling planet. So it is to be rejected. Hence the selection is t
o be made out of Rahu and Jupiter. Rahu or Ketu is to be considered stronger tha
n any planet. So take Rahu as the star lord.
Then out of Jupiter and Venus we have to select the sub lord. Jupiter is the sta
r lord of Moon, while Venus is the sign lord of Moon. So select Jupiter as the s
ub lord.
Venus automatically becomes the sub sub lord.
Now find out the degree and minute in Gemini on which all these ruling planets v
iz. Mercury, Rahu, Jupiter and Venus operate jointly.
Gemini 9 32 27" to 9 50 i4" is the area on which all the
ruling planets operate jointly viz. Mercury becomes the sign lord,
Rahu the star lord, Jupiter the sub lord and Venus the sub sub lord. Or. the dat
e of birth, the time at which this degree of Gemini rises on the A sc should be
taken as the correct time of birth.
On 23-11-1911, Thursday; 22* N 46 , 73 E 40 at 7-57 p.m. I.S.T. Gemini 9 33 ris
es on the A sc. So this time should be taken as the
correct time of birth.
Re-verification ; On 13-7-1970, Monday; at 5-45 p.m.
23: N 2 . 72" E 35 there was a keen desire to re-verify the above time. Ruling
planets at that time were as under.
Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day : Monday Moon
Moon : Libra 17-1 7 Vcn, Rahu
Asv : Sagittarius 3" 5(r Jup. Ketu
Thus the ruling planets are Moon, Jupiter. Venus, Rahu and Kctu.
The star lord Rahu, the sub lord Jupiter and the sub sub
lord Venus of the Ase Gemini 9 33 at the time of birth correspond to the ruling
planets at the lime of re verification. Hence 7-57
p.m. I.S.T. the time of birth which is fixed is correct beyond doubt.
Obtaining time from the ascending degree
9 33
Male. Birth 23*1 l-i9Jl, Thursday; 22;?N46 ,73TE40 ; Asc. Geminir.33 . (a) Birth
Asc (a) Gemini
Add avanamsa
22 31
for 1911 and yet j
Birth Sayan a Asc Cancer 2 4
Refer to Raphaels Table of Houses and open the page of Lat.
22 N 33 for the birth place Lat 22 N 46 .
Birth Asc Cancer 2 4 falls (b) between ;
(i) Sidereal Times 23H 26M 56s
23H 30M 37s
(ii) Ascending degrees in the Cancer L 57
Tabic of Houses Cancer 2 44
(C) Subtract the lesser from the (c) 23H 30M 37s
greater shown in (b) and 23 26 56 - s
reduce the difference to 0 3 41=221
seconds and minutes Cancer T 44
respectively. Cancer - - 1 57
0 47=47T
(d) Subtract the lesser Asc in (4) Cancer 2 4
the table of houses shown Cancer - - 1 57
in (b) (ii) from the birth Asc. t
shown in (a) and reduce the 0 II
difference to minutes.
(0 Obtain the proportionate (c) 47 : : : 221 s = 33S
movement for the Sidereal
time by the Rule of Three
from (c) and (d).
(0 Add this proportionate (0 23 h 26 M 56s
movement of (e) to the lesser + 0 0 33
Sidereal time in the table of
houses shown in (b) (i) and 23 27 29
get the Sidereal time at
the biilh.
(g) Get the Side real time at the <g) 16H 4M 33S
birth place 73 E40 for the
Noon on 23-H-I9H.
(b) Subtract the Sidereal time of (h) 2:>h 27M 29s
the birth place shown in (g) 16 4 33
from the Sidereal time at the jmm A -
birth shown in(f). 7 22 56
(i) Deduct the correction of lime (i> 7H 02M dm* 56s
at the rate of 10 seconds for 0 01 14
every hour from (h). 7 21 42
This time is the interval between the noon previous
to birth
and the local mean time of birth.
In the case of p.m. birth this interval will be less
than 12
hours and in the case of a.in. birth this interval will be more than 12 hours.
Here 7H 2lM 42s is P.M. local mean time of the birth and it is the exact time of
(j) Add difference in time for 73e40 (j) 7m 21m 42s
to the local mean time of birth + 0 35 20
, ^ . r . j
in (i) and get the birth time 7 57 2
in I.S.T.
Thus the birth time for the Asc. Gemini 9 33 on 23-11-1911
is 7H 57M 2 P.M. l.S.T.
3. Ruling Planets and Significators
Male, Birth 22-6-1916 Thursday; 12-3-0 P.M. I.S.T; 23 N 2 , 72 E 35 ; Ayanamsa 22 3
5 ,
VI 2 Virgo 2S.6 Leo 0.6 Rem 7,59 12 IV
VII 3 Libra 28,6 - Cancer 0.6 11 III
Ven 25.11 R
Sat 24.55 Sun 7.54 Gemini
VIII 4 Scorpio 29.6 Taurus 29.6 10 II
Sagittarius Mer 18.50 Fathers Asc
IX 5 Capricorn 0.6 1 Aries 28.6 9 I
Rahu 7.59 Jup 6.49
X 6 A quariu 0.6 Pisces 28.6 8 XII
Moon 4,24
Leo 29-4
Mars 19-50
Aquarius 29.4 7 XI
(1) Significators and Ruling Planets at the time of judgment
Elimination of Significators : If the birth horoscope or a horary map indicates
more than three or four significators regarding the
matter to be judged, unimportant significators may be eliminated with the aid of
the ruling planets.
Note the ruling planets of the moment when you begin to analyse and judge the ho
The common planets between the significators (of the matter to be judged) and th
e ruling planets may be considered as the final significators and the rest may b
e eliminated 7
Fathers death : In this birth horoscope we may judge
the death of the native s father. Consider the 9th house cusp Aries
28 6 as the Asc. for the father. For convenience the roman letters
Ruling planets at the time of judgment
This birth horoscope was taken up for analysis Monday at 3-50 p.m. I.S.T., 23&N
2\ 72 E 35 .
Day lord
Day. Monday Moon
Asc. Cancer 20 10"
Moon. Aquarius 1 41 -
on 13-3-1972
Sian lord
Star lord
are given to each house counted from the 9th cusp. Now find out
House Planet in the Occupant Planet in the Owner
occupant s star owner s star -
>41 Badhaka Mer Moon Ketu . Sat
II Maraka Rahu Sun Mars . Ven
Mars Ven
Ketu Sat
VII None None Mars Ven
XII Ven, Sat Jup Ven, Sat Jup
So the significators are Mercury, Rahu, Mars, Ketu, Venus and
the significators of the badhaka and maraka houses fof the father. Significators
of death
Saturn. Rahu in Capricorn represents Saturn.
Rahu in Capricorn represents Saturn. Ketu in Cancer represents
Moon and as Ketu is aspected by Mars, it represents Mars. So take
Rahu and Ketu in place of Moon. Mars and Saturn. Thus the ruling planets will be
Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
The common planets between the significators of death and the ruling planets are
Mercury, Ketu and Rahu. So they may be considered as the final significators of
death and the rest may be eliminated.
Joint Period. The native was born with balance of Saturn dasha 17Y 5M 23d. His f
ather died during the joint period of Mercury (the period ruler), Ketu (the sub
period ruler) and Rahu (the inter period ruler) on 1-11-1936.
Transit. On that day Sun was transiting in Libra 16 in the
L l . j 1
star of Rahu (the inter period ruler); Rahu in Sagittarius 3 52^ in the star of K
etu(the sub period ruler) and Ketu in Gemini the sign owned by Mercury (the peri
od ruler). ;
Conclusion. From the above it will be clear that the ruling planets at the momen
t of judgment agree or tally with the significators of the matter under judgment
or consideration.
(2) Significators and Ruling Planets at the time of event
In this case the lather of the native died at about 9.30 p.m. 1ST. on Sunday 1-1
1-1936; 23 2 , 72e 35 .
Ruling planets at the time of death
Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day. Sunday Sun
Asc, Gemini 10 13 Mercury Rahu
Moon. Taurus 201 50 Venus Moon
At this moment Ketu was in Gemini. So it represents Mercury. Hence the ruling pl
anets are Mercury, Rahu, Ketu, Venus, Sun and Moon.
Out of them Mercury, Ketu and Rahu are the significators of
death during whose joint period the event of death occurred. Thus
it may be said that the ruling planets at the time of event will tally or agree
with the significators of that event.
(3) Ruling Planets at the time of judgment and event
From the above it may also be concluded that the ruling planets at the time of e
vent will be the same as at the time of judgment.
(4) Joint period rulers of one and the Ruling planets of another
(a) Example birth horoscope No. 1: The native of this horoscope
came in contact with one genius friend for the first time on 17-10-1973 during t
he joint period of Rahu, Rahu (the period and sub period ruler) and Saturn (the
inter period ruler).
(b) Ruling planets at the birth of the friend
This friend was born on 26-7-1925 at about 5H 2M A,M. 1,S.T. before Sun rise on
Sunday (i.e. Saturday); 22N 4F, 72F. 55 .
Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day. Saturday Saturn
Asc. Gemini 24; 52 Mercury Jupiter
Moon. Virgo 5 45 Mercury Sun
At the moment of birth Rahu in Cancer was in conj. with Sun
and aspected by Saturn in Libra. So Rahu represents both Sun and
Saturn, Ketu is in Capricorn and aspected by Sun. So Ketu also
represents both Sun and Saturn. Hence the ruling planets are Sun.
Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu. Out of them Rahu and Saturn agree or ta
lly with the joint period rulers in the natives horoscope.
Hence it may be said that the ruling planets at the moment of birth of your marr
ied partner or your child or your friend or your business partner etc., will agr
ee with your joint period rulers (i.e. the period, sub period and inter period r
ulers) during which you got married or you got a child or you met a friend for t
he first time or you joined in the partnership business.
These ruling planets may either be in the star or sub of, or be in conj. or aspe
ct with the joint period rulers in your horoscope. (5) Ruling Planets and Affini
If the ruling planets of one be the rignificators of 6, 8 or 12
and not of 1, 5 or 11 in the horoscope of the other, then during the period of t
he significators of 6, 8 or 12, the latter will not feel
happy with the former. But during the period of the significators
of 1,5 or 11, the latter will feel amicable with the former.
In this case the friend s ruling planets c.g. Rabu and Saturn
become the significators of 6 and 8 in the native s horoscope; while
the remaining ruling planets are not so. .
The native was running the joint period of Rahu, Rahu and
Saturn from 18-9-1973 to 22-2-1974. So in February 1974 an
atmosphere of ill feeling between the two was created.
But the joint period of Rahu, Rahu and Mercury (the significator
of 1) commenced on 22-2-1974 and subsequently amicability
was restored. _
4, Ruling Planets and Fulfilment of a Question
(a) At times (not always) in horary the ruling planets show the
time of fulfilment of a question asked. The question may relate to a minor or ma
jor event, it matters little.
When there is a strong desire, keenness, anxiousness, eagerness
or urge from within to know the result about any matter, then and
then only you may predict with the help of ruling planets alone; and you may pro
ve correct.
The ruling rianets which are in the star or sub of retrograde planets should be
avoided. .
. , A retrograde ruling planet shall give the results only when it
becomes .direct in motion
The sensitive degree of any Zodiacal sign in which aillhe ruling planets jointly
operate is important for fulfilment of any question.
The question is fulfilled at the time when all the ruling planets operate jointl
In joint operation one or the ruling planets becomes the Sign
lord, the other one becomes the Star lord, the third one the Sub
lord and the fourth one becomes the Sub sub lord.
(b) If an event is likely to happen within 24 hours take the transit
of the Asc. and count from the ascending degree of the moment
of the query. -
If it is to happen within a month consider the transit of Moon
and count from the Sign transitted by Moon at the moment of the query.
If it is to happen after a month but within a year look to the
transit of Sun and count from the sign transitted by Sun at the moment of the qu
Generally ruling planets arc five in number. The three ruling planets which you
come across earlier in joint operation should be considered first. From the rest
of the two that which is earlier in joint operation should be considered as the
Sub sub lord. Of course, no hard and fast rule can be given. The reader may for
m Itis own rules according to his experience.
Examples :
(I) Question - When shall we stop discussing the subject ?
Time of judement- 28-8-1969, Thursday; 3-25 P.M. l.S.T,;
2T72E35 .
Day lord Sign lord Star lord
Day : Thursday J Lipiicr
Moon : Aquarius 24 47 Saturn Jupiter
Asc : Sagittarius 13 20 Jupiter Venus
Ruling Planets
At this moment Ralm was in Aquarius. So it represents Saturn. Thus the ruling pl
anets are Jupiter, Venus, Saturn and Ralm.
As the question is a minor one, it is a matter to be fulfilled
within a few minutes or an hour. So lake the transit of the Asc.
and count from the ascending degree of the moment i.c. Sagittarius
13 20 and get the degree on which all the ruling planets operate jointly.
Sagittarius 18 6 40" to 2011 6 40 is the area on which Jupiter, Venus and Rahu
operate jointly.
Sagittarius 18 40 40" to 18 59 40" is the area on which all
the ruling planets viz. Jupiter (as sign lord), Venus (as star lord),. Rahu (as
sub lord) and Saturn (as sub sub lord) operate jointly.
So at the time when Sagittarius 18 40* 40" rises in the Asc.
the discussion will be stopped.
This degree was on the Asc. at about 3-50 P.M. I.S.T. and
immediately a female relative entered tile house and we stopped the discussion.
(2) Question - Two of my children have gone to the hospital in the
early morning. They have not yet returned home, when will they come back ?
Time of judgment, 10-4-1970, Friday; 11-7 A.M. I.S.T; 23 N Z\ 12 E 35.
Ruling Planets
Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day : Friday Venus
Moon : Taurus 17 47 Venus Moon
Asc : Gemini 11 4 Mer. Rahu
Thus the ruling planets are Mercury, Rahu, Venus and Moon.
As the question is a minor one, take the transit of the Asc.
and count from the ascending degree of the moment he. Gemini
11 4 and get the degree on which all the ruling planets operate jointly.
Gemini 15 13 20" to 17 26 40" is the area on which Mercury, Rahu and Venus opera
te jointly.
Gemini 15s 42 12" to 15 53 19" is the area on which all the
ruling planets viz. Mercury (as sign lord), Rahu (as star iord), Venus (as sub l
ord) and Moon (as sub sub lord) operate jointly.
So at the time when Gemini 15 42 12" rises in the Asc, both
the children might have returned home.
This degree was on the Asc. at about 11-30-8 A.M. I.S.T. It was
11-32 A.M. I.S.T. when both the children returned home.
(3) Question - Probable date when the examination results will be declared.
Time of Judgment- 22-11-1969, Saturday; 6-28 P.M. I.S.T; 23 N 2 f 12 E 35 .
Ruling Planets
Day lord Sign lord Star lord Day : Saturday Sat,
Asc. : Taurus 16 10
Ven. Moon
Moon ; Aries 19 40 Mars Ven.
At that moment Rahu was in Aquarius. So it represents Saturn. Hence prefer Rahu
to Saturn. Thus the ruling planets are Venus, Mars, Rahu and Moon.
As the matter is to happen within a week or so, take the
transit of Moon and count from the sign transitted by Moon at the
moment i.e. Aries 19r 40 and get the degree on which all the ruling planets op
erate jointly.
Taurus 11 6 40" to 11 53 20" is the area on which Venus Moon and Mars operate jo
intly. But this degree is not favourable, because Moon is in conj. with Saturn a
t the moment of judgment. The matter will therefore be delayed and we have to re
ject this degree.
Taurus 24 6 40" to 26 6 40" is the area on which Venus, Mars and Rahu operate jo
Taurus 25 49 40" to 25 59 40" is the area on which all the ruling planets viz. V
enus (as sign lord), Mars (as star lord), Rahil (as sub lord) and Moon (as sub s
ub lord) operate jointly.
So at the time when Moon transits Taurus 25 49 40", the examination results will
be declared.
Moon was transiting this degree on 25-11-1969, Tuesday at about 3-30 P.M. I.S.T.
and the examination results were received in the press after that time and the
querent could know his result.
Planets in Transit
Transit in Nakshatra or Star -
The slow moving planets in transit denote the period in general e,g. Saturn take
s about 13 months in one Nakshatra or Constellation
or Star; Rahu or Ketu 8 months; while Jupiter takes about 5 months
and 10 days. Mars signifies a few days viz. 20 days or so. Mercury

and Venus are not uniform in the*r motion. Sun is very regular in motion and sta
ys in one Nakshatra or Constellation or Star for about 13 days. Moon takes about
24 hours in one Star. Hence
the effects of Sun and Moon in transit should be observed in the first instance
for future guidance, because they show day to day results.
Transit in Sub Nakshatra or Snh
Amongst the slow moving planets Saturn while transit ting through one Nakshatra
or Star remains in one Sub Nakshatra or Sub for
many weeks, Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu remain in one Sub for many days. So their eff
ects will be felt in general during these times.
Sun remains in one Sub for a period from one to three days; while Moon for about
three hours. Sun and Moon show specific
effects for a particular day and hour. So they are most important.
Example Birth Horoscope no. 1
1. We may now observe the effects of the transitting planets in this birth
map. The table showing the significator planets for each house and that showing
the houses signified by each planet are given on the page 15.
2. In this birth map Sun is the significator of 6, 8, 10, 3 and 12. So when
ever any planet transits in the star area of Sun (Aries, Leo or Sagittarius 26 40
to Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn 10c O ), it
wil[ influence the matters signified by the houses 6, 8, 10, 3 and 12; and so on
with other significators as shown in the following table.
/. Star Area Star 3. Houses
Aries, Led or Sagittarius 0 0* - 13*20* Kctu 8, 6, 9, 7, 4,
^ 11 yH 13 20 - 26 40 Yen, 6, 5, 10, 3, 12
^ * i > 71 26 40 - 30 0 Sun 6, 8. 10, 3, 12
Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn 0 0-10 0
^ * 15 T* J 10 0-23 20 Moon 2. 7, 6, 9
^ f 1 1 1 > 23 20 - 30 0 Mars 7, 4,11, 8, 6, 9
Gemini, Libra or Aquarius 0 0 - 6 40
6 40 - 20 0 R a h u 2, 3,12, 7, 6. 9
7 * , , , , , ^ 20 0 - 30 0 .)up. 10, 3,12, 4, 1, 2
Cancer. Scorpio or Pisces 0 0 - 3 20
y *31 * ? i s i k t 3 20 - 16 40 Sat. 4, 1, 2, 6, 8
9 16 40- 30 0 Me r. 7, 0. 9, 4, 2
Lxpianation. When any planet transists in the star area of fCetu as shown in col
umn I, it will influence the houses shown in column 2 against Kctu. When any pla
net transists in the star area of Saturn as shown in column 1, it will influence
the houses shown in column 2 against Saturn and so on.
3 (a) In this birth horoscope general bad health is indicated; and Moon. Rahu an
d Saturn arc the Sisnificalors of ill health (i.e.
of the house 6).
So the planets transitting in the star area of Moon, Rahu or/and Saturn will aff
ect the health of the native.
(b) In this birth horoscope Moon, Saturn and Rahu arc the significators of i
ll health and their Sub lords are also malefic in effect (being connected with t
he houses 6 or S). So Moon, Saturn and Rahu are strongly evil for henlh.
S jf
Hence the planets Iran sitting in the star area of Moon, Saturn, or/and Rahu wil
l have worse effects on the health of the native.
(c) In this birth horoscope the native is running the joint period
of Rahu, Rahu and Saturn from 18-9-1973 and it continues upto 22-2-1974,
So the planets iransiiting in the star area of Rahu or/and Saturn will give the
same results as indicated by the joint period of Rahu. Rahu and Saturn, if the S
ub lords of these tnmsitting planets are not detrimental to the matters indicate
d by the joint
period rulers; e.g. the joint period of Rahu, Rahu and Saturn is not favourable
for the health of the native. Hence between 20-11-1973 and 2-12-1973 when Sun wa
s transinig in Scorpio 3 20 to 16 40 in the Star of Saturn and in the Subs of
Saturn (the significator of 6 and 8), Mercury (the sigrticater of 1 and 6) and K
etu (the significator of the maraka house 7 and the badhukn house 11). the nativ
e sulfered much from asthamatie condition.
On 23 11-1973 at the time when Moon was traitsitting in Libra ZZ5 41 in the Sub o
f Saturn and onward, the native suffered from acute asthamatie condition. It con
tinued till Moon in Scorpio crossed the star area of Saturn.
Further as soon as Sun in Scorpio crossed the star area of Saturn and entered th
e star area of Mercury on 2-12- 1973 the native was getting better.
(d) In tliis birth horoscope the native is running the joint period of Rahu,
Rahu and Ketu from 10-7-1974 ppto 7-9-1974,
So the planets transimng in the star area of Rahu or/and Ketu will give the same
results as indicated bv the joint period of Rahu Rahu and Ketu, if the Sub lord
s of these transit ting planets are not detrimental to the matters indicated by
the joint period rulers; e.g. these joint period rulers indicate the printing an
d publication work. Hence thejprinting work of this book was started on 3-9-1974
during the joint period of Rahu, Rahu, Ketu and Mercury. On that day the positi
on of some planets in transit was as under :
Planet il Sign Star Sub
Mars Virgo 0" 37 Sun Rahu
Jup, Aquarius 19 47 Rahu Mars
Ven. Leo 0 31 Ketu Ketu
Rahu Scorpio 21 31 Mer, Ven.
Moon Pisces 9 8 Sat. Mer.
The above transitting planets are either in the Star or Sub of the period, sub p
eriod, inter period or sookshma period ruler.
None of the above planets is in the Sub of a planet which is detrimental to the
matter (printing and publication) indicated by the joint poriod rulers.
4. It mav he remembered that the sub lord of the transit ting
planet should he connected with or it should not be detrimenlnl to the matters i
ndicated by the star lord of the traitsitting planet.
(a) In this birth horoscope it was observed that whenever the native receive
d money from others Sun or/and Moon were transiting in the star area of Mercury
or/and Jupiter (the slgnificators of 2 ), and also Ketu {the significatcr af II)
. These luminaries were at that time in the sub area of Mercury or Jupiter or Ke
tu or any planet connected with the matter of the houses 2, 6, 10 or 11.
(b) In this birth horoscope it was observed in the past that whenever the wo
rk of writing books was going on, the planets were transiting in the star area o
f Moon or/and Rahu (the tsignilicaiors of 9). It was also continued during the t
ime when the planets were transiting in the star area of Venus or/and Sun (the s
igniticators of 3. 10 and 12 ).
The work of writing was active during the days when Sun or and Moon were transi
ting in the star area of Moon or/and Rahu
Many communications and contacts with different persons were made during the da
vs when Sun or/and Moon were transiting in the star area of Venus or/and Sun (th
e signiticators of 3 and ID).
It .was also observed that when the printing work of books was going on, the pla
nets were transiting in the,star area of Ketu or/and Mars (the signiheators of 9
and II).
Sun or/and Moon were transiting in the star area of Ketu or/ and Mars during the
days when the printing work was in full swing.
(c) In this hinfp horoscope it was observed that whenever the health was bad
the planets were transitting in the star area of Moon or/and Rahu and in the su
b area of Saturn. It wras especially so when Sun or/and Moon were transitting in
the star area of Moon/Rahu and in the sub area of Saturn. Sun or/and Moon gener
ally transited in the star and sub area of Saturn when the health ras worse.
Example Nativities
Good or Bad Sub Period
Male. Birth 9-4-1949 Saturday; 1. 18 P.M. S. T.; 233 N T 12*E 35 Ayanamsa 23s 3\
V A sc
Cancer 10.10 Pint a 21.8 R t
M o o n 2.17
VI 2 Leo 4.48 1 Gemini 10.48 12 IV
Sat 6.41 R Uran 4.0
VII 3 Vireo Nep 3.48 20.36R Taurus 8.48 11 III
VIII 4 Ketu Libra 3.7 5.48 Aries 5.4S 10 II
Rahu 3.7
Sun 26.5
Ven 24.8
Mer 21.48
Mars 21.11 Father
IX 5 Scorpio 8,48 .. _ .Pisces 3.48 9 1 Asc
X 6 Sagittarius 10.48 _ Aquarius 4.48 8 XII
Jup 6.33
Capricorn 10.10.
7 XI
This native was born during the period of Ketu with balance of 5Y 9M 18D. The pe
riod of Venus started from 27-1-1955. So the effect of the inter period of each
planet during the sub period of Venus were observed for future enlightenment of
the happenings that might occur during the sub period of the same inter period r
uler in the major period of Venus,
These effects were observed concerning the future of the Natives father. It was f
ound that if the inter period ruler showed favourable results, say for service,
then during the sub period of the same planet (inter period ruler) favourable re
sults in respect of service were experienced to a greater extent and degree. Sim
ilarly if the inter period ruler proved unfavourable, say regarding health or di
sease, then the sub period of tite same planet ( inter period ruler) proved wors
e regarding health and disease.
A comparative note of events of happened (I) during the inter period of each pla
net in the sub period of venus, and (-) during the sub period of Lite same plane
t (as in the inter period) in the major period of Venus is given here under for
In this birth chart consider the 9tit cusp Pisce 3 48 as the
Asc. for the native s father and Judge the houses accordingly. For convenience t
he roman letters are given to each house counted from the 9th cusp and a table s
howing the signUicators in respect of the native s father is as under :
Planet House C1 S/ znijicatur < Connectt
d i vitli
In Owns Star Houses Sub Houses
In Owns In
Yen. I 111 , VIII Me I IV, VII R l
Sun i VI Me. l IV, VII R 1
11, IX
M o o n V V X VII III VIII V 1 MI,
Ma rs i 11, IX Me. I IV, VII V I
nit VIII
R a h u I ir, IX K VII III. vm S I
.1 u p. X j X S 1 VI Me . 1
Sat VI XI . Xll fv VII III, VIII R 1
Ketu being aspected by Saturn denotes VI,
XI A XII: ; and
being aspected by Mars, Ketu denotes I, II & IX.
M ars Mercury, Venus and Sun are in conj. with one another, so each of them deno
tes, L. 11,111, IV, VII, VIII & IX.
Event happened Inter Period
Yen, IV Land, building
Sub Period
21-1-1955 to 17-8-1955 27-1-1955 to 27-5-1953
Movement to purchase land for Purchased the plot in 1956 building
Sun Ditto
17-8-1955 to 17-10-1955 Ditto
27 5 1958 to 27-5-1959 Constructed a building and occupied in 1959
Moon VI Sickness
VIII Severe sicknes VII, XU Maraka
Mars II Money VI Service
Rahu II Money XI Gain
17-10-1955 to 27-1-1956 suffered from severe attack of
>ii - V oV : r Tf oi1 . p 1 r." ...
Asthama 27-1-1956 to 7-4-1956 Promoted to a higher post in service on temporary
7-4-1956 to 7-19-1956 Further promoted temporarily to a post highgr than the per
manent post 27-5-1959 to 27-1-1961
Constantly suffered from asthamatic
condition 27*1-1961 to 27-1-1962 Appointed permenemly on this very post in Janua
ry 1962
27-3-1962 to 27-3-65 Appointed on a further higher post than that held during th
e sub period of Mars, with great powers and high salaries, as good as permanent
in June 1262.
Event happened during
Jup. VI Service X Position
hpcr Period
7-10-1956 to 17 3-1957 Continued on tlie post heid during the inter period of Ra
Sub Period
27-3-7965 to 27-11-1967 Continued on the higher post of honour held dtiring the
sub period of Ralm.
VII Bndhaka
VIII Severe sickness Provident fund & gratuity on retirement from service
II! Shifting from the existing position in
17-3-1957 to 27-9-1957 Reverted from the higher post held durina the inter perio
d of
*- l
Mars, to the orieinal permanent
\-m 1
post; and suffered from asthamatic condition
IX Chance of position proceeding on leave II Money
27-11-1967 to 27-1-1971 in November 1968, was reverted to the next lower post th
an the higher post held during the sub periods of Rahu and juniter;
Proceeded on leave;
Suffered from asthama;
Retired from service on 8-6-1970 dne to superannuation;
Received gratuity and provident fund money.
The native of this horoscope is a qualified M.R.B.S Doctor and he runs his own d
Female, Birth 19-9-1973 Wednesday; 7-50 A.M. I.S.T; 23N 51 : 72nH 10r; Ayanamsa 2
3 23 .
Vireo 20.15
Uran 2S.21 Mer 15.43
P J u to 10.33
Ven 13.18 Sun 2.37
2 Libra 19.26 ..-Leo 22.26 12
Nep. 11.36 1
3 Scorpio 19,26 _-Cancer 21.26 11
Rahu 10.2
4 Sagittarius 20.26.. Gemini 20.26 10
Sat 10.38
Ketu 10.2
Jup. 9.2R M oo n 25,4
5 Capricorn 21.26 _-Taurus 19.26 9
6 Aquarius 22.26 _ Aries 19.26 8
M a rs 15.53
Pisces 20.15 7
Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet S tar Sub
Sun S J Mer. M Sa. Sat. R Sa.
Moon Ma. R Jup. S V Rahu K Sa.
Mars V S Ven. R Me. Ketu R J
Hints If the cuspal Sub lord of the Asc. be the sign
ificator of the
badhaka and maraka houses, there is danger to the life during the joint period o
f the significators of the badhaka and maraka houses. IF these significators be
the cuspal joint rulers of the Asc. or the Sih cusp, their joint period is very
Cuspal Sub lord
Asc. (a) The cuspal sub lord of the Asc. is Ketu. It is in the star Rahu (which
is the signjficator of the badhaka house 7 and the owning 7. So Ketu is the sign
ihcator of the badhaka and maraka houses.
(b) We may also examine the strength of Ketu s star lord Rahu and its sub lo
rd JupiLer. Rahu is the significator of the badhaka and maraka house. Jupiter ow
ning 7 is in the star Sun owning and occupying 12, and in the sub Venus owning 2
; so it is also the significator of the maraka. house 12 and connected with the
maraka house 2 and the badhaka house 7. Thus both Rahu and Jupiter are evil. Con
sequently, the cuspal sub lord of the Asc. ICetu becomes evil and it denotes sho
rt life.
8th Cusp and Joint Period Rulers
1. In this birth map the 8th cusp is jointly ruled by Mars
(sign lord), Venus (star lord) and Rahu (sub lord).
From the very birth this child is running the joint period of
Mars (the cuspal sign lord of 8) and Rahu (the cuspal sub lord of
8); and the joint period of Mars, Rahu and Venus (the cuspal star lord
of 8) will be current from 20-11-1973 upto 23-1-1974. So there is
danger to its life if they are the significators of the badhaka and maraka house
2 (a) The cuspal sign lord of 8 Mars occupies 7. It is in the
star Venus owning 2. It is in the sub Sun owning and occupying 12.
So Mars is the significator of the maraka house 2 and connected with the badhaka
house 7 and the maraka house 12.
(b) The cuspal star lord of 8 Venus owns 2. It is in the star
Rahu (being in Sagittarius represents Jupiter owning 7 and being
aspected represents Saturn which aspects 7 and 12 and owns 6).
It is in the sub Mercury in 12. So Venus is the significator of
7 the badhaka house and the maraka house 12 and connected with 12 and 2 th
e maraka houses.
(c) The cuspal sub lord of 8 Rahu is in the star Ketu (.being in Gemini repr
esents Mercury in 12 and being in conj. represents Saturn which aspects 7 and 12
and owns 6). It is in the sub Saturn. So Rahu is the significator of the badhak
a house 7 and the maraka house 12 and connected with the same houses.
(d) Thus the cuspal joint rulers of the 8th house are the
significators of the badhaka and maraka houses and they are the joint period rul
ers current from 20-11-1973 to 23-1-1974. So this time
is very critical for its life; because the cuspal sub lord of the Asc. denotes s
hort life. 9
3. Further all these three joint period rulers are inter related. The perio
d ruler Mars is in the star of and in aspect with the inter period ruler Venus.
The inter period ruler Venus is in the star of the sub period ruler Rahu. The su
b period ruler Rahu is in the star of the cuspat sub lord of the Asc. Ketu. This
is the strongest testimony which points out that the child will not at all survi
ve this joint period of Mars, Rahu and Venus.
T ransit
This child died on 10-12-1973 at 7-0 p .m. I.S.T. At that time Sun was transitti
ng in Scorpio 24 56 in the Sub Rahu (the sub period ruler): Moon in Gemini 1 57
in the Star Mars (the period ruler); Mars in its own sign Aries 3 15 ; Rahu in Sa
gittarius 5 41 in its own Sub; and Venus in Capricorn 8 30 in its own Sub Venus
(the inter period ruler). Thus the transit agrees with the joint period rulers.
Eye Sight
Male : Birth 12-1-1918, Saturday; 7-40-0 A.M. I.S.T.; 235N2\
Jup. 9.12 R
Taurus 11.36
Virgo 14.36
Mars 7.34
72E 35 ; Ayanamasa 22 37 .
Uran 29.19 j K Sun 28.28
Moon 17.12
Mer. 11.13R.
Vcn. 4,34 Rahu 7.50
Aquarius 7.36 Sagittarius 636 12
P\se 14.36 Sc orjfio 11.36 //
Aries 15.36 Libra 15.36 10
Capricorn 1.43
Gemini 6.36
Planet Star Sub Planet 7 Star Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun S Ma. Mer. K Sa. Sat. MeR V
Moon V M > J LI p. S V Rahu K j
Mars s K Vcn, Ma. V Ketu R R
Ketu 7.50
- . Leo 7.36 8
Sat, 20.1 R Nep. 13.29 R
Cancer i.43
1. Sun, Moon and Venus denote vision; while Mercury go vents the nervous sy
2. Consider the houses 2 (vision, right eye), 12 (left eye; defect), 6 (dis
ease) and 8 (danger).
3. J.2th cusp. If the sub lord of the 12th cusp be the significator of 6, 8
or 12, then only during the joint period of the significators of 2 and 12 the e
ye sight becomes defective.
4. If Sun, Moon or Venus be :
(a) the sub lord of the 12th cusp and
(b) the significator of 2 or 12
there is a greater possibility of defective vision.
5. Eye sight, may be lost during the periods of Sun, Moon or Venus if :
(a) Sun, Moon or Venus be the significator of 2 or 12, and
(b) its sub lord is the occupant or owner of 12, and
(c) its sub Lord is connected with Sun, Moon or Venus.
6. Eye sight may be lost during the periods of a planet A if :
(a) its star lord be Sun, Moon or Venus, and
(h) its sub lord is the occupant or owner of 12, and
(c) its sub lord is connected with Sun, Moon or Venus.
Cuspal sub lord
12th Cusp. The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Rahu. Its star lord Ketu is in 6, it
being aspected represents Sun, Moon and Mercury which are in 12. So Rahu is the
significator of 6 and 12.
Significators of 2 and 12
All planets expect Venus are the significators of 2 or 12. So select the signifi
cators which are in the sub of the occupant or owner of 2 or 12. Thus Moon (in i
ts own sub in 12), Mercury (in the sub Saturn owning 2), Rahu (in the sub Jupite
r owning 12) and Ketu (in the sub Rahu in 12) may be considered as the final sig
nificators of 2 and 12.
Joint period
1. As the cuspal sub lord of 12 (Rahu) is the significator of 6 and 12, the
joint period of the significators of 2 and 12 (Moon, Rahu, Mercury and Ketu) wi
ll cause defect in eye sight or vision.
2. The native was bom during the period of Venus with I4Y 2m !2 in balance.
During the period of Moon (2431938 to 24-3-1948), in the
sub periods of Rahu (24-8-1939 to 24-2-1941), Mercury $54-1941 to 24-6-1945) and
Ketu (24 -6-1945 to 24 l l946) his eye sight was
gradually getting weaker.
I ne period ruler Moon is the cuspal sub lord of 11 (cure) and it is also
the significator of I and 5 (being in the star Venus in 1 and owning 5). Th;s de
notes remedial measures rind hence his eye sight did not become worse during the
period of Moon.
3 (a) During the period of Rahu (2A 3-1955 to 24-3-1973),
in the sub periods of Rahu (24-3-1955 to 6-12-1957), Mercury (6-3-1963 to V 9-19
65), Ketu (24-9-1965 to 12-10-1966) and Moon (6-9-1970 to f-? 1972) he was gradu
ally losing his vision.
(b) The period idler Rahu is the cuspid sub lord of 12 and it is the signifi
cator of 6 and 12. his denotes disease and defect in \ision and hence th;s is a
very bad period for eyesight.
(c) Moon is the significator of 12, ils star lord is Venus, its
sublord is the occupant of 12 and connected with Moon. So the sub period of Moon
will prove dangerous for vision.
Hence duilng the joint period of Rahu and Moon he lost
vision in the year 197!, due to detachment of Retina.
(d) Ilth Cusp (cure). Moon is the cuspal sublord of II and
it is the significator of 1 and 5. So it denotes remedial measures for improving
the Retina! detachment. Hence in this very sub
period of Moon he will gel treatment for regaining vision. Moon is in its own Su
b and it is aspected by Mars (operation) owning
11 (remedy) and occupying 8 (surgery). So eyes will be operated and he will
get vision.
(e) The period ruler Rahu is in the sub Jupiter which owns
12 and aspects Mars. Hence Rahu indicates hospitalisation and surgical oper
ation for curing eyesight. His eyes were operated thrice
during the joint period of Rahu and Moon on 28 ! -1971* 4-8-1971 and 2-2-1972. H
e regained a slight vision in one eye, the other eye is without vision because o
f the Cataract.
4 (a) 8th Cusp (danger). The sublord of the 8th cusp is
Jupiter. U owns 12, it is in the Star Sun owing 8 and occupying 12, it is in the
Sub Venus owing 5 and occupying 1, So it is the significator of 8, 12 and conne
cted with 1 and 5. Hence Jupiter shows danger, defect and cure. Further its star
lord Sun is aspccted by Mars owning II and occupying 8; while its sublord. Venus
is in the Star Mars. So Jupiter also denotes operation and cure.
(b) In view of this he will lose eyesight during the mint period of Rahu, Moon a
nd Jupiter (13-2-1971 !e 25-4-1970 * "e lost vision on 10-4-1971 when Sun was tr
ansitting in Pisces 26 8 in the Sul* Jupiter (the inter period ruler); Moon in
Virgo 17 O in its own Star (the sub period ruler); Rahu in Capricorn 27 22 in
the Sub Jupiter.
5. His eye was operated during the joint period of Rahu,
Moon and Saturn on 28-4-1971. Saturn owns 2 (vision), it is in the
Star Mercuiy (nerves i. e. Retina) owning 6 (disease) and occupying
12 (hospitalisation), it is in the Sub Venus owning 5 and occupying
1 (cure), So Saturn is the significator of 6, 12 and connected with
2; 1 and 5. Further its starlord Mercury is aspected by Mars and
its sublord Venus is in the Star Mars. Hence Saturn shows Retinal operation for
On 28-4-1971 Sun was transitting in Aries (eyes), the sign
of Mars (operation), in the Star of Venus (vision); Moon in
Taurus 23 in the Star of Moon (the sub period ruler); Saturn in Taunts 0 5 in the
Sub Rahu (the period ruler).
Attempt to Commit Suicide
Female : Birth 26-2-1945 Monday, 5-0 P, M. [. S. T. (New): 22N43J, 74n E 39 ; Aya
natnsa 22 59 .
Cancer 10-59
2 Leo Moon 6.1 8.10 Rahu Gemini Sat 22.50 11
.! 10.54 R. 12
Jup- 1.29 R Uran Taurus 16.10 10.1
3 Virgo Nep 12.48 R 11
4 Libra 7.1 Aries 7.1 10
5 Scorpio 10,1 - - . Ven Pisces 28.53 5.1 9
6 S ag it Ketu 111 22.50 - Sun Mer Aquarius
14.30 12.32 6.1 8
Mars 16 20
Capricorn 10.59
P Janet S tar Sub Planet Star Sub Planet S far Sub
Sun R K Mer. R Sa. Sat. R Sa.
Moon K J Jup. S J Rahu J Sa.
Mars M Cuspal Sublord. Sa. Ven. Me. Sa. Ketu V
Asc. (a) The Asc. is jointly ruled by Moon, Saturn and
Moon is the significator of 6 (sickness or disease-being in the Star
Ketu in 6 which also represents Jupiter owing 6), The starlord of
the Asc. is Saturn which owns 8. It denotes long life. The sublord of the Asc. i
s Sun which owns 2. Hence life is long,
(b) The mental trend of the native is shown by the cuspal
sublord of the Asc. which is Sun. Sun occupies 8 (suicide), it is
in conj. with Mercury the chief governor of reason and the owner
of 12 (self-undoing) and aspected by Moon the owner of the Asc.
(self) and the chief governor of mind. This denotes self undoing nature and suic
idal mentality.
(c) Sun the sub lord of the Asc. is in the star Rahu in 12 (representing Sat
urn owning 8 on the cusp of 12) and in the sub Kctu (representing the aspecting
Saturn). Thus the sub lord, of the Asc. is the significator of 8 and 12. So it d
enotes an accident.
8th Cusp. The sub lord of the 8th cusp is Moon. It owns the Asc. (self), it Is i
n Leo (fiery sign), it is aspected by Mars (accident by burning or fire). Its st
ar lord Ketu is in Sagittarius (fiery sign), it represents Saturn owning 8 on th
e 12th Cusp, Ketu denotes an accident by burning. Thus the sub lord of the 8th c
usp is connected with 8 and 12; fiery sign and an accident by burning.
Significators of Accident
1. In this case the cuspal sub lord of the Asc. denotes suicidal mentality
and an accident; while the cuspal sub lord of the 8th shows an accident by burni
2. An accident generally happens during the joint period of the significato
rs of 8 and 12. If the cuspal sub lord of the Asc, 8 or 12; or if the cuspal joi
nt rulers of any of these houses be the significators of 8 and 12, the accident
occurs during their joint period.
In cases of sickness, disease, serious injuries or accident the joint period rul
er or rulers form an evil aspect by Square or opposition to the Asc; or forms se
xtile or trine to the 6th, 8th or 12th cusp; or to the owner of 6, 8 or 12; or t
o the planet in 6, 8 or 12.
3. In this case Sun and Mercury are in the star Rahu in 12
(representing Saturn owning 8). They are the significators of 8 and 12. Mars is
in the sub Saturn owning 8 and on the cusp of the 12th. so it is also the signif
icator of 8 and 12. (Mars is in the star Moon which is aspected by Hie significa
tors of 8 and 12 i.e. Sun, Mercury and Saturn, hence Mars is the strongest signi
ficator of 8 and 12).
Sun and Mercury are in trine both to the 12th cusp and Saturn owning 8. Mars is
in opposition to the Asc.. Sun, Mercury
" l
and Mars are aspecting the owner of the Asc. and the cuspal sub lord of 8 (Moon)

4. Hence an accident will occur during the joint period of Sun,

Mercury and Mars. _ . . ,
Joint period
This native was born during the period of Ketu with balance of 2y 8M 1?d. The jo
int period of Sun and Mercury will start from 1-9-1971.
In this case the native attempted to commit suicide. So the accident occurred du
ring the joint period of Sun, Mercury and Sun (Sun is the sub lord of the Asc. a
nd it denotes the native herself and her own initiation) which commenced from 23
-12-1971. As she burnt herself the accident happened in the Sooksbma period of M
ars (the star lord of the 8th cusp) which commenced on 25-12-1971. Hence she att
empted to commit suicide by pouring kerosene over her body and she suffered seve
re burns during the joint period of Sun, Mercury, Sun and Mars on 25-12-1971 Sat
urday at 9-15 p.m. l.S.T.
At that time Sun was transitting in Sagittarius 9 5T the fiery sign through the
6th house; Moon in Pisces 17; 42 in the star Mercury (the sub period ruler); Me
rcury in Scorpio 19" 12 in its own star. Thus the transit agreed with the joint
period ruler at the
time of the event.
In this case Ketu is the sub lord of the period-inter period ruler Sun, it repre
sents Jupiter (being in Sagittarius) which aspects the 11th cusp (recovery), it
also represents Venus (its star lord) the owner of 11. The sookshma period ruler
Mars owns 5 (recovery), it is in trine to the 11th cusp and sextile to the 5th
cusp. So the native could recover from serious injuries and her life was saved,
because the Asc. promises long life as already discussed,

Female. Birth 28-3-1956 Wednesday: 1-15 P.M. I.S.T.: 72CE 35 ; Ayanamsa 23 9;

Uran 5.4 R
2 Cancer 23.38 Taunts 28.51 12
Jllp 28.5SR Kent 18.19
PI LUO 3.20 R Ven 29.31
3 Leo 2038 Aries 26.38 11
4 Vir go 22,38 - Pisces 22.38 10
Sun 14.28
Nep 6.29 R Mer. 5.41
Moon 6.31
5 Libra 26.38 - - Aquarius 20.38 9
vSilL 9.26R
Rahu 18.19
6 Scorpio 28.5 i - j Capricorn 23.38 8
M rs 25.24
Planet Star Sni< Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun Sa. R Mer. Sa. Me. Sat. Sa. V
Moon M a. M J Ll p. Me. Sa, Rahu Me. Me.
M ars V M e. Ve n S l< Kcui M Me.
Gemini 29.20
Cuspul Sub lord
4thCusp : The sub lord of l he 4th cusp is Venus, il occupies the 11th. !t is in
tSic slur Sun which occupies the 9th and winch is in conj. with Mercury the own
er of the 4th. Thus Venus is connected with 4, 9 and i ]. So the native will acq
uire school as well as college education timing the periods of the significators
4. 9 and l I.
Joint period.
(a) The native was born daring the period of Mars with balance of 29 days. Then
runs the period of Rahu from 27-4-1956 and continues upto 27-4-1974. From 27-4-1
974 the period of Jupiter
Rahu is in the Star and Sub Mercury the owner Of the 4th and the occupant of the
9th. So it is the signifies} tor of 4, 9 and connected with 4 and 9. 10
Jupiter is also in the Star of Mercury in 9 and owning 4, it is in the Sub Satur
n owning 9 in 5. So it is also the signiiicator of 4, 9 and connected with 5 and
Hence the native has to receive education during the periods of Rahu and Jupiter
(b) The native will complete her studies during the joint
period of Jupiter {the signifieator of 5) and Saturn the signifieator of 5 (bein
g in its own Star in 5 and in the Sub Venus owning 5).
Female. Birth 23-2-1946 Saturday; 4-15 P.M. 23K2 ,
72E 35 ; Ayanasma 23* O .
Cancer 9.59
Pluto 17.10R
Sat 25.31R
Mars 21.7
2 Leo 4.34 Gemini 10.34 12
Rahu 3.39
Uran 20.25
3 V 3.34 Taurus 8.34 11
Nep 15.6R
Jup 4.8R
4 Libra 5.34 Aries 5.34 10
Moon 4.5
J Scorpio 8.34 Pisces 3.34 9
Mer 21.30
Vcn 16.32
Ketu 3.59 Sun 11.13
6 Sagittarius 10.34 Aquarius 434 S
Capricorn 9.59 7
Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun R Sa. Mer. J J Sat. J Me.
Moon Sa. Sa. Jup. Ma, V Rahu Ma. V
Mars J J Ven. R V Ketu K s
H ints
If the cuspal sub lord of the 11th is the significator of 2 (money), 6 (scholars
hip) or 11 (gain) and connected with the house 4 (studies), the native gets the
scholarship for studies during the joint period of the signiflcators of 2, 6 and
tl which are connected with the 4th.
Cuspal Sub lord
llih Cusp, The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Venus. It owns 4 and 11; its star lo
rd Rahil is in 11; its sub lord is Venus itself. The star lord Rahu and the sub
lord Venus both are aspected by
wk ;; Vv! 1 jli\I At- tij- ? CJj;
Jupiter which is on. the 4th cusp and owns 6. The sub lord Venus is in conj. wit
h Sun owning 2. So the cuspal sub lord of 11 is the significalor of 11, 4, 6 and
connected with 2, 4, 6 and 11, Thus the scholarship for studies is promised to
the native and she will get it during the joint period of the signiflcators of 2
, 6 and 11.
Joint period
The native was born during the period of Saturn with balance of 17Y 11M 5D. Duri
ng her studies she used to getthe scholarship in the joint period of Saturn and
Jupiter (16-7-1961 to 28-1-1964) and in the joint period of Mercury and Mercury
(28-1-1964 to 5-7-1966).
Saturn is in the star Jupiter which is on the 4th cusp, owns 6, aspects Venus ow
ning 4 and 11 and Sun owning 2; it is in the sub Mercury (the significalor of 2,
4, 6 and 11). So Saturn is the significator of 2, 4, 6, 11 and connected with 2
, 4, 6 and 11.
Jupiter is in the star Mars and in the sub Venus owning 4 and
The star lord Mars and the sub lord Venus both are aspected by Jupiter owning 6
and on the 4th cusp. The sub lord Venus is in conj. with Sun owning 2. So Jupite
r is connected with 2, 4, 6 a nd 11.
Mercury is in the Star and Sub Jupiter which is on the 4th cusp, owns 6. aspects
Venus owning 4 and 11 and Sun owning 2. So Mercury is the significator of 2, 4,
6, 11 and connected with
2, 4, 6 and 11.
6th cusp (scholarship). It is jointly operated by Jupiter, Ketu and Saturn. Satu
rn and Jupiter are the signi flea tors of and connected with 2, 4, 6 and 11 as d
iscussed above. We have seen that the native used to get the scholarship during
the joint pcr|od of Saturn and Jupiter, So it may be said that if the cuspal joi
nt rulers of the 6th house be the significators of scholarship, the native gets
scholarship during the joint period of these cuspal joint rulers.
Female. Birth 17-5-1952 Saturday; 7-39 p.m. I.S.T; 2.T N2\ 72E 35 ; Ayanamsa 23 5
2 Sagittarius 9.19- -Libra 15.19 12
Mars 11.46R
Nep 26.20R
3 Capricorn 11.19 -Virgo 17.19 11
Sut 15.35R
Rahu 3.6
4 Aquarius 15.19- -Leo 15.19 10
Moon 16.15 Ketu 3.6
Pluto 26.3
5 Pisces 17.19- Cancer f 1.19 9
Jup. 11.20
Mer 11.25 U ra n 13,21
6 Arm 15.19- -Gemini 9. \ 9 S
Yen 23.10
Sun 3.31
Tam US 9.4\
Planet Star S uhPlanet Star S Planet S tar S ub
Sun S Sa. Mer. K Sa. Sat. M J
Moon R V Jup, K Sa. Rahu M a. V
M ars R Sa. Yen. V Sa. Ketu K s
Cuspal Sub lord
6til & \0th cusps. The sub lord of the bih find the JOth cusps
is Venus. It is in its own. star Venus in 6 and in the sub Saturn in 10. So Venu
s is the significator of 6 (service or money from others) and connected with 10
(occupation). Hence the sub lord of the 6th and the 10th cusps promises earning
to the native.
2mlcusp. The sub lord of the 2nd cusp is Jupiter, (t is in the star Ketu (being
in Leo represents Sun in 6 owning 10) and in the sub Saturn in 10. So Jupiter is
the significator of 6, 10 and
connected with 10. Hence the sub lord of the 2nd cusp promises earning to the na
House Vianet iu the star Occupant Planet in the Owner
of occupant of owner
None None None Jup.
6 Sun Sun Rahu Mars
Ven. Ven.
10 None Sat. Sun Sun
11 Rahu Mars None Mer.
Sign i Hi ca tors of 2, 6 10 and II.
Jupiter. Sun. Venus, Saturn and Rahu are the significators of money or service.
Among them Sun and Venus arc in the sub Saturn in 10; Rahu is in die sub Venus i
n 6. So Sun, Venus and Rahu are strong $ignifcators; among them Rahu is stronger
than Venus.
Joint period
This native was born during the period of Rahu with balance
of 5Y 0M 23d. The period of Jupiter will start from 10-6"1957 and will continue
upto 10-6-1973,
Jupiter is the cuspal sub lord of 2 and it is the significator of
2, 6 and 10 as discussed above. So the native will be able to earn during its pe
Rahu is among the signihcators of money, so it should be
given preference over other significators. Hence Rahu should be selected as the
sub period ruler.
Venus is among the strong significators and it is the cuspal sub lord of 6 and 1
0. So it should be selected as the inter period rider.
Thus during the joint period of Jupiter, Rahu and Venus
(30 7-1972 to 2^! 12-1972) the native will get service and will begin to earn.
The native got her first employment on 12-10-1972, when Sun was transitting in V
irgo 25 24 in the sub Rahu (the sub period ruler); Moon in Scorpio 19 20 in the
sub Venus (the inter period ruler); Jupiter in Sagittarius 8 29 in its own sub
Jupiter (the period rnler); Rahu in Sagittarius the sign owned by Jupiter; Venus
in Leo 14 38 in the star and sub of Venus itself. Thus the transit agrees with
the joint period rulers.
Transfer in Service
Male. Birth 10-11-1932 Thursday; 9-0 p.m. I.S.T: 23N2 , 72e 35; Ayanamsa 22 J 49 \
Gemini 12.5
2 Ca 6.21 Taurus 10.21 12
n s Leo 1.21 Aries 5.21 n
Mars 5.35
Nep 17.5
Ketu 20.49
Jtip 25.31 Uran 27.3 3 R
Moon 26.14 1
4 Virgo 1.21 Pisces 1.21 10
Ven 17.20
Ralui 20.49
5 Libra 5.21 Aquarius 1.21 9
Sun 25.14 Silt 6.32
6 Scorpio 10.21 Capricorn 6.21 8
Met 17.16
Sag it tar. <j ius 12.5 7
Vianet Star Sub Vianet S tar Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun J Me. Mer. Me. Me. Sat. S Me.
Moon Me. J Jup. V Me, Rahu J J
Mars K R Ven. M Sa. Ketu V J
Jf the cuspal sub lord of 3 or 12 be the significator of 3 or J2 and connected w
ith IQ, the native if in service, will get transferred from the present place to
another place during the joint period of the significators of 3, 10 and 12.
Cuspal Sub lord
3 rdcusp. The sub lord of the 3rd cusp is Venus. It owns 12;
its star lord Moon is in 10 and aspected by Inc owner of 12
(Venus); its sub lord Saturn, (being in the star Sun owning 3) is the
significator of 3. So the cuspal sub lord of 3 (Venus) is the
significator of 10, 12 and connected with 3 and 12.
1 2thcusp. The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Moon. It is in 10;
its star lord Mercury is in 6 and aspects the 12th and aspected by
the occupant of 3 (Mars); its sub lord Jupiter owns 10 and occupies
3. So the cuspal sub lord of 12 (Moon) is the significaior of 6, 12, 3 and
connected with 3 and 10.
1 0thcusp. The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Rahu. It is in the star
and sub Jupiter owning 10 and occupying 3. So the cuspal sub lord of
10 (Rahu) is the significator of 3, 10 and connected with 3 and 10.
Joint Period
The native was born during the period of Mercury with balance
of 4Y 9M 19. So he has to pass the periods of Ketu, Venus, Sun,
Moon and so on.
The periods of Mercury, Ketu and Venus were passed in early
years of life. He started his career during the period of Sun
(29-K-I9ft to 29-S-1970). Sun is not among the cuspal sub lords of 3, 10 and 12.
Then starts the period of Moon (29-8-1970 to 29-8-1980). Moon,
Rahu and Venus are the cuspal sub lords of 12, 10 and 3
respectively. They are the signilieators of and connected with 3, 10 and 12.
The native is an officer in the Bank at Ahmedabed. Now in
the period of Moon, the sub period of Rahu will start earlier than
Venus (29-1-1972 to 29-7-1973), So during the period of Moon, in
the sub period of Rahu and in the inter period of Venus (16-1-1973 to
16-4-1973), he will be transferred to some other city. Actually he was transferr
ed to the Bombay office in the month of March 1973.
He took charge in the Bombay oiTice on 15-3-1973. On that day
Sun was transiting in Pisces H O on the cusp of the 10th; Moon in Cancer 13 0 in
the sub Rahu (the sub period ruler) and it was in sextile to the 12th cusp as w
ell as the owner of 12 (Venus- change of place in new environments); Rahu in Sag
ittarius 20 0 in the star Venus (the inter period ruler); and Venus was in Aquar
ius 24 21 in the 9th in trine to Sun owning 3 (change of place).
From Bar to Judiciary
Male. Birth 6-12-1931 Sunday; 10.55 A.M. T.S.T.; 23N 2 , 72 E 35; Ayanamsa 22 48 \
Capricorn 15./3
Sat. 28.8
2 Aquarius 23 A 2 - Sagittarius 18.12 12
Vcn. 12.50
Mer. 1J.12
Rahu 8.50 Mars 4.16
Uran 22.48 R
3 Pisces 28.12 - Scorpio 23.12 14
Sun 20.20
4 Aries 28.12 Libra 28.12 ! 0
M oon 7.1
5 Taurus 23.12 -- Virgo 28.12 9
Kelli 8.50
6 Gemini .18.12 __i ; Leo 2 3.12 8
Nep. 15.11
i i i Jitp_ 29.49
Cancer m i3
Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star
Sun Me. V Mer. K Sa. Sat. s M
Moon M : ! | u p. 4c. Sa. Rahu Sa. V
Mars K M Yen. i C Me. Ketu S Y
Cuspal Sub lord
1 Olhcusp (a) If the sublord of the 10th cusp is the significalor
of 2, 7 or 10, an independent profession is promised during the joint period of
the significators of 2, 7 and 10.
In this map the cusp.il sub lord of 10 is Venus. It is in the star Ketu which re
presents Sun in 10 (Kctu being in the star Sun). It is in the sub Mercury in 11,
So Venus is the siguificator of 10 and connected with 11. Hence it promises an
independent profession during the joint period of the significators of 2, 7 and
(b) The 10th cusp is jointly operated by Venus (sign lord), Jupiter
(star lord) and Venus (sub lord). The profession in this case will be
shown by the combination of Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter denotes legal profession;
wiiilc Venus deals with the function of a Judge who harmonises law. Hence the n
ative may practise as a Lawyer or serve as a Judge.
Joint Period
(a) This native was born during the period of Rahu with balance of i7Y 6M 10
D. The period of Jupiter was current from 16-6-1949 upto 16-6-1965.
(b) He completed his studies in Law in the month of February 1953 during the
joint period of Jupiter, Saturn and Moon the significators
of 3 and 8.
(c) He started his career as a Lawyer in the month of June 1953 during the j
oint period of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu the significators
of 2, 10 and 11.
The period ruler Jupiter governs law and dignity. It does not
like subordination. So it denotes an independent practice as a Lawyer.
Jupiter owns 3, so the intellectual abilities of the native will
serve as the source. Its star lord Mercury in 11 is in association with Mars own
ing 11, Venus owning 10 and Saturn owning 2. Its sub lord Saturn owns 2. So Jupi
ter is the significator of 2, 10 and 11.
(d) The influence of the sub periods is to be interpreted in concurrence w i
th the influence of the period ruler. In this case the sub
period ruler Saturn and the inter period ruler Rahu both are in
harmony with Jupiter the period ruler. Further, the next following sub period ru
lers current during the period of Jupiter concur with Jupiter, because they all
are connected with 2, 10 or 11. Hence he
successfully practised as a Lawyer throughout the period of Jupiter upto 16-6-19
(e) The period of Saturn started from 16-6-1965. The houses 1, 5 and 9 denot
e any sort of change in the professional activities. Saturn owns 1 (change) and
2 (income); so the change in income
will be the source. It is in the star Sun (Govt.) in 10 (professional activities
). It is in the sub Moon owning 7 (contract or dealings
with Govt.) and occupying 9 (change in the existing set up of activities). So Sa
turn is the significalor of 10 and connected with 7, 9: 1 and 2. Thus Saturn ind
icates that the professional activities of the native will be connected with Gov
t, by way of contractual
dealings and he will derive income thereby. This amounts to to entering into a n
ew sphere.
(f) Further, Saturn denotes permanency, steadiness, responsibilities and inc
lination for service.
So during the joint period of Saturn, Saturn and Saturn in the
month of October 1965, the native was appointed as a Special Govt. Pleader in ad
dition to his private practice. Thus Saturn effected a change in the professiona
l activities of the native.
(g) Now in the period of Saturn the sub period of Mercury
will be in progress from 19-6-1968 upto 28-2-1971. Mercury owns
6 (service) and 9 (change). So another change in the professional activities in
the form of service will become the cause of an
event in the life of the native. It is in the star Ketu (being in the star Sun)
representing Sun in 10 (Govt). It is in the sub Saturn owning I and 2. So Mercur
y is the significalor of 10 (position & power) and connected with 1 (change), 2
(income), 6 (service) and 9 (change).
The influence of the sub period ruler Mercury is to be
construed in concurrence with the influence of the period ruler
Saturn as discussed above. So Saturn and Mercury both indicate service, position
, power, relations with Govt, and income thereby. Hence it may be inferred that
the native might accept a post in Govt service carrying position and power durin
g the sub period of Mercury.
(h) Mercury is controlled by its sub lord Saturn which is both
the period ruler and also the cuspal sub lord of 2 (income), 3 and 9 (change). S
o the joint period of Saturn, Mercury and Saturn (25-9-1970 to 28-2-1971) indica
tes that the native will give up the the independent practice as a Lawyer and he
will join Govt, service.
(i) In fact he was offered the post of a Judge in the Small Causes Court dur
ing this time. He accepted it and he took charge
of the post on 19-12-1970 during the joint period of Saturn, Mercury,
Saturn and Sun. Sun is in lO(Govt., position, power); it is in the star Mercury
owning 6, 9 and occupying 11; it is in the sub Venus owning 5, 10 and occupying
11, The star lord Mercury is in association with Saturn owning 1, 2; Mars owning
11 and Venus. So Sun is the significator of 6 (service), 9 (change from a Lawye
r to a Judge), 11 (success, prospects) and connected with 5 (change in activitie
s), 10 (position, power); 1 (change of profession) and
2 (income from Govt.). Thus the native ceased to be a Lawyer and became a
Judge in Govt, judicial service.
On 19-12-1970 Sun was transiting in Sagittarius 3 30 in the
sub Sun (the Sookshma period ruler); Moon in Leo 16 0 in the sub Sun and Saturn
in Aries 23 8 R in its own sub (the period and inter period ruler). Thus the tran
sit agrees with the joint period rulers.
Partnership Business
Male. Birth 13-10-1935; Sundav; 1-51 A.M. I.S.T; 23N 2 , 72E 35 ; Ayanamsa 22,J 51
. .
Cancer 20-33
Ketu 24.19
Leo 15.59 Gemini 2 0.59 12
Vcn, 16.50
Nep. 22.42
3 Virgo 15.59 Taurus 19.59 11
Sun 25.43
Mer. 7.3 R
4 Libra 17.59 A rie s 17.59 10
Uran. 1I.16R
Moon 4.54
Jup. 1.24
5 Scorpio 19.59 Pisces 15.59 9
Mars 25.31
6 Sagittarius 2 0.59 Aquarius 15.59 8
Rahu 24.19 Sat 11.14 R
Capricorn 20.33
Vianet House Significator of Connected
House House
In Owns S iar In Oirnj Sub In Owns
Sun 3 2 Ma. 5 5, 10 R 6
6, 9
2 4,
Vert. 0 4, 11 V 2 4, 11 M 9 1
Moon 9 1 K 12 3, 12 Ma. 5
5, 10
4 6, 9
Sat. 7 7, 8 R 6 6, 9 Sa. 7 7, 8
2 4, 11
Ketu 12 3, 12 J 4 6, 9 Me. 3 3,
Rahu represents its star lord Venus in owning 4, 11; Ketu represents its star lo
rd Jupiter in 4, owning 6, 9. Balance of Ketu Dasha 4Y 5 4.
I. Cuspal Sub lord
2nd Cusp (self-earning). 1. If the cuspal sub lord of the 2nd be the significato
r of 2, 6, 10 or 11, the native will have an independent earning during the join
t period of the significators of 2, 6, 10 and 11.
2 (a) In this map the sub lord of the 2nd cusp is Sun. As seen from the above ta
ble it is the significator of 5 (betting, gambling, risky enterprise), 10 (ambit
ions, business activities) and connected with 2 (self-earning), 4 (land, factory
, possessions), 6 (loans, debts, gain from others), 9 (changes in business activ
ities i.e. more than one business), 11 (friends, supporters, gain, success) and
3 (self-abilities). Hence the native will earn in so many ways as mentioned.
(b) As the cuspal sub lord of 2 (Sun) is the significator of 2,
6, 10 and II, he will earn money during the period of Sun from 17-3-1960 to
(c) The 2nd cusp is jointly ruled by Sun, Venus and Sun, As seen from the ab
ove table Venus is also the significator of 2 and
II. So during the joint period of Sun and Venus from 17-3-1965 to 17-3-1966,
he will earn much.
1th Cusp (business). 1. If the cuspal sub lord of the 7th be the significator of
2, 10 or 11, the native will gain in business during the joint period of the si
gnificators of 2, 10 and 11.
2 (a) In this map the sub lord of the 7th cusp is Venus. As seen from the above
table it is the significator of 2 (seif-earning),
4 (land, factory, possessions), 11 (gain) and connected with 1 (self) and
9 (changes in business activities i.e. more than one business). So the native wi
ll do many types of business
(b) The cuspal sub lord of 7 Venus is the significator of 2 and 11; it is also t
he star lord of the 2nd cusp. So he will gain in business during the joint perio
d of Sun and Venus (17-3-1965 to 17-3-1966).
Joint Period
In view of this the native started an independent business during the period of
Sun the significator of 2, 6, 10 and 11 (17-3-1960 to 17-3-1966) and he earned m
uch during this time. In the sub period of Venus the significator of 2 and 11 (1
7*3-1965 to 17-3-1966) his
earning was substantial and to his satisfaction.
2. Cuspal Sub lord
7th Cusp (partnership business). ]. If the cuspal sub lord of
the 7th be the significator of 8 or 12, the native will lose in business during
the joint period of the significators of 8 and 12.
2. In this map the cuspal sub lord of 7 (Venus) is no doubt the significator of
2 and 11. But iis star lord (Venus) and sub lord (Moon) are aspected by the owne
r of 8 (misfortune) and the natural malefic Saturn which owns and occupies 7 (pa
rtnership business). Moreover, the sub lord Moon is also aspected by the owner o
f 12 (loss) Mercury. Thus the cuspal sub ford of 7 Venus is connected with 7. 8
and 12 and it denotes loss in the partnership business. So the
native will lose in the partnership business during the joint period of the sign
ificators of 8 and 12.
llih cusp (out come). The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Ketu. As seen from the ab
ove table it is the significator of 6 (debts,
separation of the partner) and connected with 12 (loss, native separating from t
he partnership, liabilities). So the cuspal sub
lord of 11 denotes Joss and separation of the partners. This will happen during
the joint period of the significators of 6, 8 and 12.
Joint Period .
The 7th cusp is jointly ruled by Saturn, Moon and Venus; while
the 11 til cusp is jointly governed by Venus, Moon and Ketu.
As seen from the above table and as already discussed in the
previous paras Moon, Venus, Saturn and Ketu are connected with 6, 7, 8 and 12.
Saturn is the significator of 6 and connected with 7 and 8.
Moon is the significator of 12; its sub lord Mars is aspected by
Saturn, so Mars is connected with 7 and 8; consequently Moon is said to be conne
cted with 7 and 8.
*fj: : " V i1" .v . | Vr V1 . =
The next after Sun the period of Moon starts from 17-3-1966
and the sub period of Saturn commences (earlier than Venus) from
17-6-1970, In the sub period of Saturn the inter period of Ketu
begins (earlier than Venus) from 8-12-1970. All these three planets are the sign
ificators of and connected with 6, 7, 8 and 12. So
during the joint period of Moon, Saturn and Ketu (8-12-1970 to
11-1-1971) both the partnership and the partnership business will come to an end
due to loss, heavy debts and increased liabilities when the transit agrees.
The native closed the partnership business in the last week
of December 1970. By this time Sun was transitting in Sagittarius
7 to 11 in the star Ketu (the inter period ruler); Saturn in Aries
22 59 R to 22 44 R in the sub of Saturn (the sub period ruler); Ketu in Leo 3 IT to
3J 0 in its own star.
Purchasing the Building
Male. Birth 9-12-1922 Saturday; 0-45 A.M. I.S.T, 22N 10 ; 71CE 42 Ayanamsa 22 40
Leo 11.45
Rahu 2.55 Moon 16.14
2 Virgo 9.20 Cancer 12.20 12
Sat. 25.3
3 Libra 9.20 Gemini 12.20 11
Jup. 16.20
Vcn. 2.51R
4 Scorpio 11.20 ~ Taurus 11.20 10
Sun 23.16
Mer. 24.23
5 Sagittarius 12.20 Aries 9.2 0 9
6 Capricorn 12.20 P \sces 9.2 0 8
Kctu 2.55
Mars 5.20 Uran 17.10
Aquarius 11.45
k 7
Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun Me. M Mer. Me. R Sat. Ma. R
Moon Sa. J Jup, R V Rahu S J
Mars Ma. S Ven. J R Kctu J R
Nep. 25.26R
If the cuspal sub lord of the 4th be the signiticator of 4, II or 12 and if Mars
or Saturn is connected with the house 4, then the native will have his own buil
ding during the joint period of the significators of 4,, 11 and 12.
Cuspal Sublord
4th cusp (a) The sub lord of the 4th cusp is Moon. It owns 12. Its star lord Sat
urn aspects the 4th and II th and is as pec ted by Mars owning 4. Us sub lord Ju
piter aspects the 11th and Mars both. So Moon is the significator of 4, 11 and c
onnected with 4, 11, 12 and Mars. Hence the cuspal sub lord of 4 promises the na
tive a building of his own to dwell in.
(b; The cuspal sub lord of 4 Moon owns 12. It is in the star Saturn owning 6. 7
and occupying % It is in the sub Jupiter owning 8 and occupying 3. So Moon is th
e significator of 2 (money), 6 (money by loan or in any manner), 7 (money lender
or bank or the transacting person) and connected with 3 (bargain), 8 (sudden ga
in) and 12 (investment). Hence the sub lord of the 4th cusp promises that the na
tive will have a sudden gain of money. He will bargain with the transacting pers
on in connectiion with the building (because the star lord Saturn and the sub lo
rd Jupiter both arc in aspect with Mars owning 4) and will get money. He will al
so borrow money from the money lender i.e. Bank and he will spend money for purc
hasing a building.
2nd cusp. As the cuspal sub lord of 4 show s sudden gain of money, the 2nd cusp
which is the principal house for money should be examined. It is jointly ruled b
y Mercury (sign lord), Sun (star lord) and Venus (sub lord).
Mercury is in its own star owning 2 and 11 in 4. So it is the significator of 2,
4 and 11.
Sun is in the star Mercury owning 2 and 11 in 4 and in the sub Moon owning and o
ccupying 12. So it is the significator of 2, 4 and 11; and connected with 12.
Venus is in the star Jupiter owning 8 and occupying 3 and aspecting 11 and Mars
owning 4. It is in the sub Rahu (Rahu in Virgo represents Mercury owning 2, 11 a
nd occupying 4; it is in association with Saturn owning 6, 7 and occupying 2; it
is aspected by Mars owning 4 and occupying 6). So Venus is the strong significa
tor of 3, 8, 11 and connected with 2, 4, 6, 7, 11 and
Mars. Hence the cuspal sub lord of 2 promises an unexpected gain of money by way
of bargain in connection with the building.
Joint Period

(a) In this map the native was borii during the period of Saturn with balance of
0Y 7M 12. The sign lord, star lord and sub lord
of the 2nd cusp ti.e. Mercury. Sun and Venus respectively) ail these
three are the signifiealors of 2, 4 and II. Among them Sun is the
strongest signifieator of 2. 4. 11 and connected with 12: and its
period starts from 21-7-1967 and continues upto 21t7-1973.
(b) So during the period of Sun he w ill gain money in connection
with the building, he will take a loan from the Bank and he will
have hts own building. This will happen during the joint period of Sun and Mercu
ry: and Sun and Venus.
^ i
(c) hi fact, during the joint period of Sun. Mercury and Moon in October 197
1: and during the period of Sun and Venus in 1972
" i j,
he got more than one lac of rupees in all from his land lord for vacating the bu
ilding in which he resided as a tenant.
(d) He could purchase a new building with this money during
the same joint period of Sun and Venus in 1972. He occupied the
building in October 1972 during the joint period of Sun. Venus and Sun. :
. . . . .
(e) Ho also received a loan from the Bank in connection with
this building during (he joint period of Sim. Venus and Mercury in June 1973.
" ft *
* t
In this map the sub lord of the !Oth cusp is Mars (printing).
Its star lord (Mars) is aspected by Jupiter (publications): and Mars occupies th
e 6th and aspects the 2nd & the 10th cusps (the houses
of occupation). Its sub Lord Sun (the chief governor of occupation) is in conj.
with Mercury (paper) the owner of 2 in Scorpio (ovvned
* in ,
by Mars). So the sub lord of the 10th cusp is closely connected with
Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and also the houses of occupation. Hence this

native is a printer and he runs his own printing press. 12

Mystery of 6, 8 aud 12
Male. Birth 24-2-1908 Monday; 2-10 A.M. I.S.T; 23N 2 , 72E 35 ; Ayanamsa 22 29\
Ketu 19.10
Uran 23.4
2 Sagittarius 2 3.31 Libra 29.31 12
Moon 25.37
3 Capricorn 27.31 Libra 2.31 11
Sun 11.23
Mer 21.21R
4 Pisces Ul~ Virgo 1.31 10
Sat 4.30
Ven 19.14 Leo
5 Aries 2.31 Cancer 27.31 9
Mars 8.1 Jup. 13.2R
6 A Ties 2931 Gemini 23.31 8
Nep 19.49
Rahu 19.10
Taurus 22.57 7
Planet S tar Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun R Sa. Mer. Jr Jr Sat. Sa. Sa.
Moon Jr MeR JupR Sa. R Rahu R M
Mars K Jr Ven. MeR K Ketu V R
1, The native of this horoscope is a double graduate, a very intelligent and a w
idely read man. But he is penniless and not steady in life. Because the planets
are peculiarly connected with the houses 6, 8 and 12 in general. We will discuss
some planets dealing with the houses 2 and 10.
2. The planel Moon is in the star Jupiter which owns the 2nd, occupies the
8th and is retrograde, it is in the sub Mercury which owns 8 and is retrograde.
Thus Moon is the signiheator of 2 and 8 and connected with 8.
The star lord Jupiter occupies the 8th from its own sign Sagittarius which is on
the 2nd cusp. So Jupiter becomes weak to give the results of the 2nd house. Hen
ce the planet Moon automatically becomes weak to give the results of the 2nd hou
se. Moreover its sub lord Mercury owns 8, consequently the planet Moon cannot gi
ve desirable results regarding money matters.
3. The planet Mercury is in the star and sub of Jupiter. So it is the significat
or of 2 and 8; and as discussed above Mercury is also unable to improve the mone
tary condition of the native.
4. The planet Venus is in the star Mercury which owns 10 and
8 and is retrograde. It is in the sub Ketu (which being in the star Venus
owning 12 represents Venus) in J. Thus the planet Venus is the signifiaitor of 8
, 10 and connected with 1 and 12.
The star lord Mercury occupies the 6th from its own sign
Virgo which is on the 10th cusp. So Mercury becomes weak to give
the results of the 10th house. Hence the planet Venus automatically
becomes weak to give the results of the 10th house. Moreover its sub
lord Ketu being connected with 12, the planet Venus cannot give
desirable results regarding advancement in service or profession, status or hono
urable living etc.
5. In this horoscope Rahu in Gemini represents Mercury the owner
of 8; and Ketu represents Venus the owner of 12. Except Saturn
all the planets have to give the results of 8 and 12, because they
are either in the star or sub of Rahu, Ketu, Mercury or Venus. So they bring pov
6. The native was born during the period of Jupiter with balance of 9Y 3M 4
D. At present he is runnig the period of Venus since 28-5-1960.
In fact in the periods of Saturn. Mercury, Ketu and Venus
during the sub periods of Moon and Mercury the native suffered
hardships in finance and during the sub periods of Venus he could
not build his career, but he experienced difficulties and he is a pauper through
out his life.
Parental building sold off
1 (a) The 4th house is occupied by the owner of 12 (Venus). The
owner of 4 (Jupiter) occupies the 8th and it is aspected by the
owner of 1 and 6 (Mars). So the house 4 is connected with the
house 12 (loss) and the owner of 4 is connected with the house
1 (self), 6 (debt) and 8 (gain to others). This denotes that the native will hav
e to lose the building on account of debt.
(b) The sub lord of the IOlh cusp (building to the buyer)
is Jupiter. Jupiter owns 4, it is in the star Saturn owning 3
and in the sub Rahu (representing Mercury which owns 10 and
occupies 3). So Jupiter is the significator of 3 (absence of building,
it being 12 to 4) and connected with 3 & 10 (building to the
buyer); and it indicates selling away of the building. The star lord
Saturn is in conj. with the owner of 12 (Venus-losing the building).
2. The building was sold off during the period of Venus in
1960 or so. Venus owns the ,12th and occupies the 4th, it is in the
star Mercury owning 10 and occupying 3; and in the sub Kctu
(representing Venus owning 12). So Venus is the significator of 3, 10 and connec
ted with 12. Hence the native lost his building.
The ascending sign Scorpio (which corresponds to the 8th
house), its owner Mars (in the star Kctu representing JupiterR
in 8), its star lord Mercury (owns 8. in the star and the sub
Jupiter** in 8) and its sub lord Moon (in the star JupiterR in 8
and in the sub Mercury^ owning 8) are closely connected with the house 8.
His out look on life, his mentality, his way of life and his
personal attributes centre round the 8th house. So he leads
sbabbv and uncleanly life and he is the architect of his own
Marriage and Divorce
Female. Birth 30-4-1951 Monday; 7-30 p.m. I.S.T.; 23N 2 , 72E 35; Ayanamsa 23* 4".
A sc
Libra 22.24
Scorpio 21.46 Virgo 2 6.46 12
Nep 24.31 R
Sat 3.^ R
3 Sagittarius 22.46 Leo 26.46 11
Ketu 23.23
4 Capricorn 24.46 Cancer 24.46 10
Moon 12.20
Rah u 23.23
5 Aquarius 26.46 Gemini 22.46 9
Tran 13.17
.kip 1.54 Ven 24.51
6 P S 26.46 Taurus 2J.46 S
Mer. 7.36R
Sun 16.21
Mars 21.48
Lies 22.24
Ptanci Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun V M M cr. K J Scitpg S SaR
M oo n R SaR J up. S< JR ^ Rahu J Sm
Mars V J Yen. Ma. R Ketu V SaR
Cuspal Sub lord
7ih cusp (Marriage). The sub lord of the 7th cusp is *
It is in the star Sun owning 11 and occupying 6. It is in the sub Saturn owning
5 and occupying 11. So Saturn is the significator of 11 (permanent friendship),
6 (separation) and connected with 5 (love affair) and II. Hence the c us pal sub
lord of the 7th (Saturn) promises marriage hut denotes separation.
llth cusp (Permanent relationship). The sub lord of the llth
cusp is Sun. It is in the star Venus owning 1 and 8 and occupying
8. It is in the sub Moon owning 10. So Sun is the significator of
1 (separation). 8 (disappointment) and connected with 10 (separation).
Hence the cuspal sub lord of the llth (Sun) denotes disappointment and separatio
n in married life.
5th cusp (Love affair). The sub lord of the 5th cusp is Venus. It is in the star
Mars owning 2, 7 and occupying 6. It is in the sub
Rahil representing Moon (being in conj.) owning 10 and occupying
4. So Venus is the significator of 2, 7 (marriage), 6 (separation) and conn
ected with 4 (disappointment in love-it being 12 to 5) and 10 (separation). Henc
e the cuspal sub lord of the 5th (Venus) denotes choice marriage but indicates d
isappointment and separation in married life.
Significators of Martiage
House Vianet in the Occupant s star Occupant Planet in the Owner s st
ar Owner
2 None None V Ma.
7 None None V Ma.
1L J SaR SaR S
Thus Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are the strong significators of marriage. Hence m
arriage will take place during their joint period.
Joint Period
The native was born during the period ol Rahu with balance
of 10Y 4M 6. The period of Jupiter starts from 6-9-1961. Jupiter
is aspected by Saturn a natural malefic which causes delay. So
there is no possibility of marriage during the joint period of
Jupiter and Saturn. Hence marriage will lake place during the joint
period of Jupiter. Venus and Saturn which will commence from 4_41971 and will con
tinue upto 6-9-1971. The native will get
married when the transit agrees with the joint period ruler or rulers
! |
within this time. .
Sun will transit in the star Venus in Aries from 28-4-1971 upto 12-5-1971. This
is a favourable period for marriage. Actually marriage took place on 3-5-1971 wh
en Sun was in Aries 19= 0 in the star Venus (the sub period ruler); Jupiter in
Scorpio 10 42 R
in the star Saturn (the inter period ruler).
(a) Jupiter, Venus and Saturn are both the significators of
marriage (2, 7 and 11) and separation or divorce (1, 6 and 10). Venus and Saturn
have been discussed earlier; while Jupiter owns
6. it is in the sub Venus owning 1 and so it is the significator of 1 and 6
(b) The cuspal sub lords of the 7th and i Ith denote separation
in married life. So during the joint period of the significators of 1,
6 and JO (Jupiter, Venus and Saturn the same planets and during the same time fr
om 4-4-1971 to 6-9-1971 as previously discussed),
the husband suspected the character of the native; and she was
asked to leave the house of the husband on 15-7-1971 and to have
her own way. Hence separation in married life.
On that day Sun was iransitting in Gemini 28 32 in the star Jupiter (the period
ruler); Moon in Pisces 27 0 in the sub Jupiter; Jupiter in Scorpio 3 24 R in th
e star Saturn (the inter period Tuler); Venus in Gemini 16" 32 in the sub Venus
(the sub period ruler) and Saturn in Taurus 9C 34 in the sub Venus.
During the joint period of Jupiter and Moon (the significator of 6 and 10; its s
tar lord Rahu in conj. with Moon owning 10 and its sub lord Saturn the significa
tor of 6) in the year 1973, separation resulted into divorce.
Foreign Travel :
Female. Birth 16-3-1941, Sunday 5-25-0 A.M. I.S.T.; 23N 2 72E 35 : A van am s a 22
56 .
* m
Aquarius 4.6
Mer 7.1 !
Yen 23.21
2 Pisces 12.34 Capricorn 3.34 12 -
Mars 24.59 * 1
3 Aries 16 .34 Sagittarius 7.34 11
Sat 18.37
r.i Jup 21.3
Uran 0.5 | f
4 Taurus 13.34 Scorpio 13.34 10 r
Moon 7.2 m-
5 Gemini 7.34 Libra 1634 9 * * V
6 Cancer 3.34 1 irgu * 12.34 s * * t* 4
Rahu 9,20
( * Nep 3.16
* * Leo 4.6 7 . : -- 1 p f
Planet S tar Sub m Vianet f * Star / Sj//> I * i Planet
Star m ** m 1 Sub :
Sun J R Mer. * R R Sat. V R
Moon R R Jup. V J Rahu S V;;
Mars V Me. Ven. J Sa. Ketu Sa. V F
Hints i
If the sub lord of the 12th cusp is the signifiea
tor of 3, 9 or
Sun 2.5 Ketu 9.20
12 and especially of 9 foreign travel will be promised during
+ -
the joint period of the significators of 3, 9 and 12.
and 12. Hence it promises foreign travel to the native.
Signilicators of 3, 9 and 12.
House Planet in (he Occupant Planet in the Owner
Occupant \v star Owner s star
a K Sa. None Ma.
S. V .1
9 None M Mil,, J, Sa. V
12 None None K Sa.
Ciispul Sub lord
12th cusp. In Urn birth map the sub lord of the 12th cusp is Saturn. It owns 12
and occupies 3. It is in the star of Venus which owns 9. So Saturn ts the signif
ied tor of 9 and connected with
So the signilicators arc Sun, Mars, Jupiter. Venus, Saturn and Kelt). Out of the
m Jupiter is in its own sub in 3: Venus is in the sub Sal uni in 3 attd Ketu is
in the sub Venus owning 9. Hence select Jupiter, Venus and Ketu as the strong si
gnificalors of foreign travel. The native will go abroad during the joint period
of these three planets.
Joint Period
The native was born during the period of Ralm with balance of 17Y 6M 2D. The joi
nt period of Jupiter. Venus and Ketu will start from 4-2-1969 and will continue
upto 30-3-1969. so she will go abroad during this period when the transit agrees
with the joint period ruler or rulers.
Sun will transit in, Aquarius in the star Jupiter from 4-3-1969 upto 16-3-1969 a
nd Venus will transit in Aries in the star Ketu from 3-3-1969. So she will be ab
le lo go ubroade before lg-3-1969.
Actually she started for London bv aeroplane on 14-3-1969 at about l -0 A.M, l.S
.T. Friday, At this lime Sun was in Aquarius 29 44 in the star Jupiter (the peri
od ruler): Moon in Capricorn 2 43 in the sub Jupiter; Jupiter.in Virgo 8 53 in th
e sub Venus (the sub period ruler); Venus in Aries 3 4- in the star Ketu (the in
ter period ruler); ana Ketu was in Virgo 30 in its own sub.
Child brith
Female. Birth II 9-1941 Thursday: 6-0 A.M. I.S.T; 22 N 41 , 72*E 55 ; Ayanamsa 2
2J 56 .
Lea 1X45
24,57 |
- Cancer 19.39 12
Pin 12. It
-Gemini 19.39 11
.1 LI p 27.8
- Taurus 1839 10
Uran 7.24R
Sat 5.37
Moon 24.25
-Aries 17.39 9
Mars Q.39R
-Pisces 16.39 8
Kent 29.50
Ven 2.10
Libra 17.39
Scorpio 18.39
5 Sagittarius 19.39
6 Capricorn 19.39
Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun V Me. Mer. M R Sat. S Me
Moon V Me. Jup. MaR J Rahu s R
MarsR K K Ven. MaR K Ketu J M
Aquarius 18.45 7
Cuspal Sub lord
5//> cusp. The sub lord of the 5th cusp is Rahu. Rahu is restrictive and malefic
: it occupies the barren sign Leo in the 1st: it is in the star Sun which owns a
nd occupies the 1st in Leo; it is in its own sub Rahu which is in conj. with Sun
. So Rahu is the signiticator of 1 (absence of child birth). Rahu, its star lord
and sub lord all lit esc three are in the barren sign and in the 1st,
Hence the cuspal sub lord of 5 (Rahu) does not promise child birth to I he nativ
ll(h susp. The >ub lord of the Mill cusp is Mars. Mars is a natural malefic plan
et, it occupies the barren sign Aries in the &th; it is in the star and sub of R
efit. K.etu is in the 7th, it being aspecled by the owner of the 1st Sun in Leo.
has to give the results of Sun. Thus the cuspal sub lord of 11 (Mars) is connec
ted with the barren sign, the 1st house and Kefu (which is both
preventive and malefic); so it docs not promise child birth to the native.
Period Planets
The native was born during the period of Venus with balance of 3Y i5D. T he peri
od of Mars uas current from 16 1-1961 to 16-1-1968. But there was no birth of a c
hild during this time, because Mars as mentioned above is not favourable for chi
ld birth. The period of Rahu is current from 16-1-1968, it also does not promise
child birth as already discussed above. Hence there is no possibility of any ch
ild birth.
- Example Horary Maps
Erecting the Horary Map .
(a) When a person consults you. ask him to give a number out of 1 to 249. Th
e number aiven is taken as the Asc. Then from the number find out the oign, star
and sub. Note the commencing position in degree, minute and second of this numb
er. You have to erect the map and calculate the other 11 cusps for the latitude
of the place from where you ludge the query. Work out the position of the planet
s for the time at which you start erecting the map for judgment, The method of f
inding out the position of the other II cusps of the houses is explained in the
example given here under.
(b) If you do not want to erect a horary map according to
the number out of 249 subs, you may cast a horary map for the
moment of judgment in the usual manner of an ordinary horoscope. This horary map
should be erected for the latitude of the place of judgment and it may be judge
d according to the rules given in this section.
Example .
Suppose you want to find out the position of the cusps of the houses for the num
ber 145 out of 249 for the year 1970.
Now look to the Table C for Subs in the chapter 2. Sub in Nakshatra System on page
8. Note the particulars about the No. 145 as under :
Serial No, Sign Sign lord star lord Sub lord Commencing position 145 Libra Venus
Jupitar Moon 29D 26M 40s
Take 29 26 40" Libra as the Asc, according to the Nirayana
We have to calculate the other 11 cusps for the latitude of the place from where
we judge the querl^ from Raphaels Table of Houses which is according to the Saya
na system. So proceed as under:
(a) Asc, for ihe No. 145
(a) Libra 29 26 40"
-f 23 20_ 00
Scorpio 22 46 40
Add Ayanamsa for 1970 and get
The Sayana Asc.
Asc 2
Sc. Sg. Cp
23-1 19 j.y 24"
22 28 *2 23
0 51 01 01
51 60 60
Refer to Raphaels Table of of Lai. 23" N J2 for Ahmedabad
(b) Asc. Scorpio 22" 46 40 falls between the ascending degrees.
(c) Write down the cusps given in the row of Scorpio 23 19 and 22 28 .
Subtract the lesser from the greater and reduce the difference to minutes.
Houses and open the page 23 N 2 the place of judgment.
(b) Scorpio 22" 28
Scorpio 23" !9
(c) 10 11 12
Le. Vg. Li.
277 297 28
- 26 78 27
01 01 01
= 60 60 60
(d) Scorpio 22 46 4GV
- Scorpio 22 28 00
00 18 40 =19
(d) Subtract the lesser Asc. in the table of houses shown in (b) from the re
quired Asc. shown in (a) and reduce the difference to minutes,
(e) Get the proportionate movement for the (e) 51 : 19 : ; 60 =/ 22
other cusps fexcept the Asc.) from (c) and
(f) Add the proportionate movement of (e) to the degree of each cusp of the
houses (except the Asc.) corresponding to the lesseer Asc. in the table of house
s shown in (c).
(f) 10 11 12 Asc. 2. 3
Le, Vg. Li. S3. Cp.
26 00 28 00 27 00 22 00 23 00 + 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 22 0 22
26 22 2872 2T2T 2222 23*22
(d) by the rule of Three. . .
There are the Sayana cusps for the number.
Prepare cusps of 12 houses for every number between 1 and
249 in this manner. These cusps will be the Sayana cusps for the
__ -
houses 10, 11, 12, 2 and 3. So far as the Asc. is concerned keep
the commencing position of the Sub according to the Nirayana
System as it is e. g. for the number 145 keep Libra 29" 26 40"
as it is,
The Sayana cusps (for the houses lo, II, 12, 2 and 3) for all 249 numbers will r
emain constant for any year. For getting the Nirayana cusps you have only to ded
uct the Ayanamsa for the required year. So Lt is desirable to keep a ready recko
ner for the place of your permanent stay. This will save much of your time.
(g) Deduct Ayanamsa 23J 20 from the Sayana IS) 10 11
12 Asc. 2 s i
Cusps shown in (f) and get the Niravana Le, Vg. k Li.
Sg. Cp.
Cusps. 2622 28- VV 27 22 - 229zy 23 22
- 23 20 23 20 23 20 - 23 20 23 20
10 11 12 As c. 2 3
Le. Vs v o Li. Li. Sc. Cp.
3 2 5: 2; 4 T 29L26 40" 29 2 0-2:
(h) The remaining Cusps will bear the same m4 5 6 7
8 9
degree of the opposite sings in each case. Aq. Pi. Ar. Ar.
Tr. Ch.
* 3 2 5- T 4 J 2 29 26 40 29 32 0 T
These are the Nirayana Cusps of 12 houses for the number 145. Thus a horary map
of the Cusps is ready.
You have only to work out the position of the planets for the time of judging th
e query and to insert them in the map. Then the horary map is ready for judgment
Judging the Horary Map
Moon arut the Querents Mind
Moon is the mind. So in the horary map the mind of the querent is shown by the p
osition of Moon and it helps in knowing the nature of the question asked.
Generally Moon or its Star lord or its Sub lord occupies or owns the house under
query; or Moon is connected with the house of query by conj. or association wit
h, or by aspect, from the owner or occupant of that house or from the chief gove
rnor of the matter asked.
Fulfilment of a Query
Planet direct or retrograde. Ordinarily in the horary map a planet in direct mot
ion gives results, so a retrograde planet can give results only when it gets dir
ect in motion and when it crosses the point from where it turned retrograde. How
ever this is subject to modification according to experience in individual cases
. Further, the meaning of a retrograde planets is to be interpreted according to
the nature of a query in each case.
Cuspal Su blord. i. (a) The cuspal sub loard of a house under query indicates wh
ether the matter signfied by that house is promised or not.
(b) The matter is promised if the cuspal sub lord is the significator (i. e.
in the star of the occupant or owner) of that house or any one of the houses un
der consideration.
(c) If the cuspal sub lord or its sub star loard is retrograde; the matter i
s promised when they get direct in motion.
(d) If the Star lord (of this Cuspal Sub lord) is retrograde, the matter is
not denied but it will not materialise during the period, subperiod or inter pe:
iod of this cuspal sub lord. However it materialises during the period, subperio
d or inter period of another signficator (of the matter under query) whose star
lord is direct in motion.
(e) As each house denotes several particular matters, the chief governor of
the matter under query may be taken into account and it should be connected with
the str lord of the cuspal sub lord of the house under query.
2. In the horary map the Asc. indicates; the efforts of the querent; while the 1
1th cusp shows the fulfilment of desires or success in general.
So if the cuspal sub lord of the Asc. or the Kill cusp be the significator of th
e matter asked, the querent gets success in general.
If the cuspal sub lord of the Asc. or the 11th cusp be the occupant of the house
1, 2, 3) 6, 10 or 11; or if it Is in the star of the occupant of the house l, 2
, 3. 6, 10 or 11 the querent gets success, in all undertakings (The Asc. denotes
success in ones efforts; 2nd. monetary gain; 3rd. help from others; 6th. being 1
2 to 7 loss to the other and gain to the querent; 10th. reputation and 11th. sta
nds for profit. So these houses are beneficial to the querent in general).
Significators. 1. The significators show the time of an event.
2. So note the significators of the house or houses which signify the matte
r asked.
3. Reject that significator which is in the star of a retrograde planet (be
cause it cannot during its period or sub period etc., give the results of its st
ar lord).
4. Out of these significators give preference to those significators which
are found among the following planets ;
(a) Ruling Planets.
(bl The sign lord, star lord and sub lord of the cusp of the house under query.
(c) The cuspal sub lords of the houses under consideration.
(d) The joint period rulers at the time of judgment. Discretion should be us
ed while selecting the significators from the above planets.
5. The query will materialise during the joint period of these significator
s when the transit agrees.
Transit. At the time of event Sun, Moon and/or the joint period rulers will be f
ound in the star or sub of the same joint period ruler or rulers.
The rules for judgment given in the previous chapters may be applied also in the
horary map. 14
Question. When will my son recover from bad health ? Number. ] 19 (out of 249)
fpce of Judgment. 23N 2\ 72E 35%
Tipne. of Judgment. 23-3-1970, Monday; 10-25 p.m. I.S.T.
IX Asc
ti * 1 . * * -4 * Virgo 20. 26, 40
>1 * * * J w
* Moon 16.29 i
Jup. 1I.7R * J <
. X 2 Libra - > * r ! 19.30 Leo 22.30 12 VIII
h- -r _ 1 :* ,. , . 1 i * Ketu 17.38
i 4 i
XI 3 Scorpio 19.30 Cancer 27.30 11 f VII t " * " #
XII 4 Sagittarius 2030 Gemini 20.50 10 VI
! * 1 * Sons Asc
; : . 15 Capricorn * f * . * 21.50 Taurus 19.30 9
* * X ~ ^ r Rahu 17.38 L J, *
, II 6 Aquarius * * f f * i * . 22.30 ii . Aries i Mars .
19.30 18.31 8. IV f 1
Sat. 13.48
Sun : Mer. 9.18 9.25 Ven. 23.15
- Pisces 20. 26. 40
A * 7 III
1 * Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun Sa. V Mer. Sa. V Sat* V V
Moon M Sa. JupR R Sa. Rahu R s
Mars V R Ven. Me. M Ketu V Ma.
* I
. *
If the cuspal sub lord of the Asc. be the significator * of the

badhaka and maraka houses, the life is short.
If the cuspal joint rulers (the sign lord, star lord and sub lord) of.the Asc. o
r the 8th cusp be the significators of the badhaka &hd maraka houses, their join
t period is very critical for life.
Moon - s
. + . 7 . ! *
In this horary map the mother asked the question about her
. .r i
ion. Moon occupies the 12th (worries to the querent). So consider
the 5th cusp as the Asc. for the son and proceed. For convenience the roman lett
er is given to each house counted from the 5th cusp.
Moon is aspected by the owner of VIIi (Sim) and the owner of VI (Mercury). It is
in its own star owning VI! and occupying VIII. It is in the sub Saturn owning I
the Asc. of the son and II, and occupying III. So Moon is the significator of V
II (maraka), VIII (longevity) and connected with I (health), II (niaraka), til (
longevity) and VI (sickness). Thus Moon clearly indicates that the querent is wo
rried about the health, sickness and longevity of her son. .
Son s Asc. . * 1

It is jointly ruled by Saturn (sign lord), Moon (star lord) and Venus (sub lord)
. The sub lord of the Asc. is Venus. It is jn the
.. , y - * -
star Mercury owning VI and occupying li. It is in the sub Moon
- 1
owning VII and occupying VIII. So it is the significator of the niaraka house 11
and connected with the maraka house VII.
We may now examine the strength of the star lord and the sub lord of Venus. Venu
s s star lord Mercury is in conj. w ith the owner of VI11 (Sun) and aspected by
the owner of the niaraka house VII (Moon). Venus s sub lord Moon is the signilic
ator of the maraka houses as diseased above. This both the stat lord and the sub
lord of Venus are cvi!. Consequently, the cuspaf sub lord of the son s Asc. (Ve
nus) becomes evil for the son s longevity and it denotes short life.
It is jointly operated by Sun (sign lord). Venus (star lord) and Saturn (sub lor
(a) The cuspal sign lord of VIII Sun is in the star Saturn owning lie son s Asc.
and H; it is in the sub Venus which is the maraka dgnificator. So Sim is the si
gnificator of the maraka houses It and /II. Sun s star lord Saturn is in coni, w
ith Mars the owner of the
badhaka house XI and aspected by the owner of XII (Jupiter); so
Saturn becomes evil. Suns sub lord Venus is in association with the owner of VI (
Mercury) and the owner of VIII (Sun); so Venus becomes evil, i , *
_ ^ ? 4 I
Consequently, the cuspal sign lord of VIII Sun becomes
! M
connected with the badhaka and maraka houses; and it becomes evil for the sons lo
. j, . , . _ %
(b) The cuspal star lord of Vlll Venus is the significator of the
/ i i - - . i "
ft * t "
maraka houses II and VII as previously discussed,
* 4 *
(c) The cuspal sub lord of VIII Saturn is in the star and sub
of Venus which is the maraka significator of II and VII; so Saturn is the maraka
* fa ?
t - *
Thus, the sign lord, star lord, and sub lord of Vlli cusp all
the three are the significators of the badhaka and maraka houses.
. , H * jt .
Joint period
1 .,1 j *
At the time of judgment (Moon Dasha balance 5Y 1M 19) the
querents son is running the joint period of Moon (the star lord of the sons Asc,),
Saturn (the sign lord of the sons Asc. and the
sub lord of VIII cusp) and Venus (the sub lord of the sons Asc. and the star lord
of VIII cusp). This period expires on
11-6-1970. They all are the significators of the maraka houses as
1 ii , i _i
discussed above. So they denote danger to the sons life.
Now the joint period of Moon, Saturn and Sun (the sign lord
of VIII cusp) starts from 11-6-1970 and lasts upto 9-7-1970. Moon and Saturn are
the maraka significators; while Sun is both the
badhaka and maraka significator as previously discussed. So this
period will prove fatal to the life of the querents son.
Transit . *
The querents son expired on 18-6-1970 during this very joint
period of Moon, Saturn and Sun. Moon was transitting in Scorpio 12 54 in the sta
r Saturn (the period ruler).
Question. I am bed ridden since Jong, when will there be an end to my disease ?
Number. 90 (out of 249) .
Pface of Judgment. 23N 2 , 72CE 35
Time oj Judgment. 17-5-197], Monday, 8-30-0 P.M. I.S.T.
Leo 733.20
Kctu 25.23
2 Virgo 4.55 Cancer .39 n
3 Libra 4.55 Gemini 7.55 u
4 Scorpio 6.55 Taurus 6.5 10
Jup. S.59R Sun 2.42
Sat 2.35
Mer. 7.33
Ven. 5-33
5 Sagittarius 1.55 Arid 4.55 9
6 Capricorn 8. 39 i r Pisces 4.55 8
Mars 13.28
Rahu 25.23
Moon 29.53
Aquarius 7.33.20
Plane t Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star S lib
Sun S Jr Mer. K R Sat. S Jr
Moon Ma. Sa. Jup.R Sa. V Rahu Ma. R
Mars Hints M R Ven. K Ma. Ketu Me. R
If the cuspal sub lord of the 6th be the signiricator of 5
the dis 5 and case is M. cured during the : joint period o
f the significalors
In this horary map Moon occupies the 6th. It is in the star Mars owning the badh
aka house 9 and occupying 6: it is in the
sub Saturn owning 6 and 7. So Moon is the significator of 6 (sickness*
: - , p i , V-1
disease), 9 (danger to life) and connected with 6 and 7 (maraka),
f * * i t ;
Thus Moon indicates that the query refers to the serious sickness*
+- - > i i
or disease. .
Cuspal Sub lord
* * . t i *
- 1" H |
6th cusp.... Jhe sub lord of the 6th cusp is Venus. It occupies,
* *i j
the badhaka house 9. It is in the star Ketu in 12 and in the sub Mars owning 9 a
nd occupying 6. So Venus is the significator of 12 and connected with 6.and 9.
It is. not the significator of 5 or 11. Hence the cure of the. disease is not pr
omised. . ;
llth cusp. The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Rahu. It occupies 6. It is in the st
ar Mars owning 9 and occupying 6. It is
in its own sub in 6. So Rahu is the significator of 6, 9 and connected with 6. I
t is not the significator of 5 or 11. Hence1 the disease will not be cured.
- a. I
Disease < .
6th cusp. The cuspal sub lord of 6 is Venus. Venus occupies the movable sign Ari
es- Its star lord Ketu also occupies the movable sign Cancer. The movable sign g
overns head; stomach; kidney, skin and the functional system of the body. So thes
e parts of the body will be affected by the idisease. . . :
The cuspal sub lord of 6 (Venus) is in conj. with Mercury; so the disease wilt b
e of the complicated nature. It is aspected by
I * .-1 -
Mars; so the disease will be acute, inflammatory and painful.
Venuss star lord Ketu is aspected by Saturn; so the disease
will be chronic in its nature. It is also aspected by Mars; so there will be pai
nful, acute, sudden and inflammatory diseases.
In this case the querent girl was suffering frorh many diseases
viz. kidney was not functioning, the whole body was getting swelled and so on. E
ven the expert Doctors could not diagnose the disease.
f 4 *
Asc. The sub lord of the Asc. is Jupiter. It is retrograde and
owns the 8th. It is in the star Saturn owning the maraka house 7
and occupying the badhaka house 9. It is in the sub Venus in 9.
So Jupiter is the significator of the badhaka and maraka house and
connected with the 8th and the badhaka house 9. Hence the cuspal sub lord of the
Asc. denotes short life.
Now wc may examine the strength of the star lord and the sub
* _ ,
lord of Jupiter. The star lord Saturn is a spec ted by the owner of the 8th (Jup
iter); it is the significalor of the badhaka house 9; so it becomes evil for lon
The sub lord Venus is aspccted by the owner of the badhaka
house 9 (Mars); it is the significator of the maraka house 12; so it also become
s evil for longevity.
Both the star lord and the sub lord of Jupiter are evil, so it is natural that t
he euspal sub lord of the Ase. (Jupiter) becomes evil for longevity. Thus the li
fe of the querent is too short.
RuMne Planets
Day lor if S/ipj Ion! S tar lord
Day. Monday Moon
Am. Scorpio 19 54 - Mars Mercury
Moon. Capricorn 29J 53 Saturn Mars
Rahli in Capricorn and in conj. with Moon and Mars represents
Saturn. Moon and Mars respectively. Kelu being aspected by Moon
and Mars represents them both. Saturn being in the sub of retrograde
Jupiter may be omitted. Thus the ruling planets are Moon, Mars, Mercury. Rahu an
d Ketu.
Significators of Death
Douse Planet hi Occupant Planet In the Owner
Occupant s star Owner s star
2 None Non65 K M e.
7 None None Jr Sa.
9 K Me. R, M M a.
Jr Sa.
S. S
12 V, Me. K Ma. M
The common planets between the ruling planets and the significators are Moon, Ma
rs, Mercury, Rahu and Ketu.
Out of them Mars is in the sub of the ruling planet Rahu; and Mercury is in the
star and sub of the ruling planets viz. Ketu and Rahu respectively. So Mars and
Mercury are to be given preference over other significators and they should be c
onsidered as the final significators for death.
Joint Period
At the time of judgment (Mars Dasha balance 3y 6m 22d) ihe querent is running th
e joint period of Mars and Saturn which expires on 9-6-1971. r
As discussed above the joint period of Mars, Mercury and Mercury (9-6-1971 to 29
-7-1971) will prove fatal to the life of the querent when the transit agrees.
Sun will be transiting in Taurus 24~ 11r to Gemini 6Q 39 in the star Mars (the p
eriod ruler) from 9-6-1971 to 22-6-1971 and Mars will transit in Capricorn 23 20
and forward in its own star (Mars) from 11-6-1971, so the querent will not surv
ive this period.
The querent girl died on 14-6-1971 Monday at 1-0 A.M. J.S.T. At that time Sim wa
s in Taurus 28 47 ; Moon in Capricorn 29 23 and Mars in Capricorn 24 11 , all thes
e three were in the star Mars (the period ruler). Mercury was in Taurus I9C 36
in its own sub Mercury (the sub and inter period ruler).
It may be noted that in this horary map Pisces is on the cusp of the 8th; while
at the time of death the Asc. was also in Pisces 2 28 .
At the time of judgment Moon was in Capricorn 29 53 and at the time of death a
lso Moon was in Capricorn 29J 23 .
News About The Missing Wife
Question. My wife went to the market on 3-11 1974. She is missing since then. 1$
she alive or dead. When shall ! get the news about her ?
A lumber. 185 (out of 249)
Pface of Judgment. 21 N 2\ 72E 35
Time of Judgment. 8-11-1974. Friday; 4-0 p.m. I.S.T.
Asc vn Sagittarius 26 AO Capricorn !
m\ 2 f \quarius 2.3/i Sagittarius 1.31 12 VI
iup. 14..VS
Rahii 18.1
IX 3 Pisces 5.3I Scorpio 7.31 11 V
Ven 22.4:
Sun 22.14
Mars 14.7
X 4 Aries 10.31 Libra 10.3! 10 IV
Mer 3.2
XI 5 Taunts 7.31 17rgo 5.31 9 111
Ketu 18.1
Moon 9.41
XII Gemini /.3l Leo 2.3! 8 II
Sal 25.27R Cancer
Gemini 26.40
I Asc i of wife
Planet Star Sub Vianet Star Sub Vianet Star Sub
Sun J Saa Mer. Ma. V SaiR J Me.
Moon K SaR Jup. R K Rahu Me. Me.
Mars R Me. Ven. J Sasj Ketu M Me.
If the cuspal sub lord of 3 (news) is the significator (i. e. in the star of the
occupant or owner) of 3 and 1L the querent will hear the news. -
The querent will hear the news when the transiting Moon passes over the same deg
rees as that of the significators of 3 and 11; also when Moon transits the same
degrees as that of the significator of the 3rd house of the missing person.
Moon -
In this horary map the husband put the query about his wife. So consider the 7th
cusp as the Asc. for the wife and proceed. For convenience the roman letter is
given to each house counted from the 7th cusp.
Moon is aspected by Jupiter from VIII. Its sub lord Saturn which owns VIII (life
) is in XI! (missing) and on the cusp of the wifes Asc. Thus it clearly shows tha
t the query is about the wife who is missing and it is about her life.
Cuspal Sublord
Wife s Asc. The cuspal sub lord of the wifes Asc. is Venus.
It is in the star Jupiter owning VII. So it is the significator both of
the badhaka and maraka house. This means that the wife of the querent is dead.
Querent s 3rd cusp. The cuspal sub lord of the querents 3rd
house is Venus. It is in the star Jupiter owning 3. So it is the
significator of 3. Further, this star lord Jupiter aspects the owner
of 11 (Mars) and the cuspal sub lord Venus is in conj. with the owner
of 11 (Mars). Thus the cuspal sub lord of the 3rd house Venus is
connected also with the house 11. Hence the querent will hear the news about his
wife. ,
Querents Significators of 3 and 11
Sun, Venus and Saturn (being in the star Jupiter owning 3) are the significators
of 3.
Mars -and Jupiter (being in the star Rahu in 11) are the significators of 11.
Wife s Significator of III
Rahu (being in the star Mercury owning and occupying III) is the significator of
Transit of Moon
The querent will hear the news that his wife is dead when the transitiing Moon p
asses over the same degress as that of Mars, Sun and Venus on 13-11-1974 or on 1
5-11-1974 when Moon pusses
over the same degrees as that of Rahu which is in the 11th house of the querent.
On 15-11-1974 the querent got the news that his wife was dead.
Publication of a Book
Question, When will my booh be published ?
Number. 97 (out of 249)
Place of Judgment. 23eN 2\ 72E 35
Time of Judgment. 6-11-1970. Friday; 4-55 p.m. I.S.T.
Leo IS.6.40
Keen 5.34
Virgo 15.58 Cancer 18.58 12
Mars 17.29
"i hi Libra 16.5(5 Gemini 18.58 11
Sun 20.19
Jup 22.32
M e r 26.2X
Vcn 2(U2R
4 Scorpio 1 7.58 Taurus 1 7.58 10
Sat 26. ( 4ft
5 Sagittarius 1 S.58 Aries 16.55 9
6 Capricorn 18.58 Pisces 15.55 8
M otm 19.34
Ralm 5.34
Aquarius 1
Planet S tar Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star
S u n J J Mer. J K Sat.R Vr K
Moon M Me. Jup. J SaR Rahu Ma. M
Mars M SUr VenR J K Ketu 1C R
(a) Consider the houses 3 and 11 for writing and publication of books.
{b? fl the cuspal sub lord of 3 and 11 be Mercury (writings) or Jupiter (publica
tions) or if it be the significator of 3 and 11 and if the star lord of this cus
pal sub lord be connected with Mercury and Jupiter the querent can write a book
and publish it.
(c) During the joint period of the significators of 3 and 11 the book will be wr
itten and published. These significators are generally connected wtth Mercury, J
upiter and Mars (printing).
In this horary map the sub lord of Moon is Mercury (writings), it owns the lllh
(sucess) and occupies the 3rd (publications). So Moon is connected with 3 and 11
. Hence it indicates that the querent desires to have success in getting his wri
ttings published.
Cuspal Sub lord
3rd Cusp. The sub lord of the 3rd cusp is Venus. It is in the star Jupiter (publ
ications) in 3. The star lord Jupiter is in conj. with Mercury and Venus owning
3. So Venus is the strong significator of 3. But as the cuspal sub lord of 3 (Ve
nus) is retrograde, the movement for publication of a book will be made only aft
er 3-12-1970 when Venus gets direct in motion.
11th cusp. The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Moon. It is in the sub Mercury; Merc
ury is direct in motion, it owns 11 (success), it is in conj. with Jupiter, the
owner of 3 (Venus) and Sun (name).
Thus Moon is connected with 3 and 11; and also with Mercury
, j 1 .
i , * f * -f
and Jupiter. Hence the querent will be successful in getting his book published.
Ruling Planets Dav ioni * Sfg/I lord Sub lord
Day. Friday Ycnuspt
.4.vc. Aries 2 IT Mars K c l u
Moon. Capricorn 19 34 Sat urn?t Moon
Mars is iii the sub of retrograde Saturn.. Satuni is in the star of retrograde V
enus. So Mars and Saturn may be omitted. Hence the ruling planets are Moon, Venu
s and Kent.
Joint Period
At the time of judgment (Moon Dasha balance 9M 27D) the querent is running the j
oint period of Moon and Mercury which expires on 3-12-1970.
I he ruling planets viz, Moon and Venus are the euspal sub lords of 11 and 3 res
pectively; and they are also the strong signiticators of 3 and 11 as previously
discussed. So the book will b
published during the joint period of Moon and Venus which
commences from 3-7-1971. Venus is very strong, so its inter period
which continues upto 13-10-1971 will be very favourable. Hence
during the joint period of Moon, Venus and Venus the book will be published.
The querent s book was completely printed during September 1971 when Sun and Ven
us both were transitting in Leo in the star v enus (the sub and inter period rul
erK The book was published luring October 1971 w hen Sun was transitting in Virg
o in the star vloon (the period ruler).
Constructing The Building
Questton. Will I be successful in constructing a building in a Co-operative soci
ety ?
Number. 15 (out of 249)
PI ace of Judgment. 23N 2 , 72E 35.
Time of Judgment. 26-5-1971, Wednesday; 8-46 A.M. I.S.T.
Aries 20.6.40
Mer 17.3
Ven 15.51 #
Sat 3.45
Sun 10.54
2 Taurus 15.24 Pisces 17.24 12
-1- Moon 1.57
3 Gemini 13.24 Aquarius 6.24 11
Rahtt 24.55
i Mars 17.18
4 Cancer 8.24 Capricorn 8.24 10
Ketu 24.55 *
5 V Leo 6.24 Sagittarius . 73.24 9
6 Virgo 11.24 * T ... Scorpio 15.24 8 i
* Jup p 7.53R i * -
Libra 2 0.6.40
Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star P Sub
Sun M M Mer. V M Sat S Sa.
Moon Ma. K JupR Sa. K : Rahu Ma. R
Mars M Sa. Ven. V S , Ketu Me. R
Hints . .
If the cuspal sub lord of the 4th be the significator of 4, 11 or 12 one will ha
ve his own building during the joint period of
the significators of 4, 11 and 12.
The querent was trying to have a plot in a Co-operative society hut lie was hesi
tating to invest money in the society. Hence he made a query.
In this horary map Moon owns 4; its star lord Mars aspects the 4th; its sub lord
Ketu is in 4. So Moon is the signifieator of 4 (building) and connected with Ma
rs Hand or building) and 4. Hence it clearly shows that the query is regarding t
he building or house.
Cuspal Sub lord
I!th cusp The house II denotes society. So if its sub lord is connected with the
4th house, the querent will be successful in constructing a building in the Co-
operative society.
The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Moon. It is the signifieator ot 4 as mentioned
above. Its star lord Mars is direct in motion. Moon is the fastest mo\ing planet
. So the querent will be succesful in constructing his building in the Co-operat
ive society very soon.
4th cu sp.The sub lord of the 4th cusp is Venus. It is in its
own star Venus in 12 and aspected by Mars. It is in the sub Sun the signifieator
of 4 (being in the star Moon owning 4) which is aspected by the owner of 12 (Ju
piter). So Venus is the signifieator
of 12 (investment) and connected with Mars (land or building), 4 (house or build
ing) and 12. Neither the cuspal sub lord Venus nor its star lord is retrograde.
So it promises a building to the querent.
Day Wednesday
Are. Gemini 19 16
Moon Gemini ]a 57
Day lord Mercury
Sign lord
Star lord
Ruling Planets
Ketu being aspected represents Mars. None of them is in the star or sub of a ret
rograde planet. So the ruling planets are Mars, Mercury, Rahu, and Ketu.
Significators of 4, 11 and 12.
All these ruling planets are the significators of 4, 11 and 12. Mars is in the s
tar Moon owning 4. Mercury is in the star Venus in 12. Rahu is in the star Mars
(land). Ketu is in the star Mercury in 12.
All these planets are in cardinal or movable signs. So they will hasten the matt
er of construction during their joint period.
Joint Period
At the time of judgment (Mars Dasha balance 2Y 5M 21D) the
querent is running the joint period of Mars, Ketu and Venus. All these planets a
re the significators for investment of money in
constructing the house as discussed above. Mars and Ketu are among the ruling pl
anets. Ketu is the sub period ruler and its
sub period has started from 14-5-1971 and continues upto-11-10-1971. In between
this time the inter periods of Mars, Rahu
and Mercury will pass through. Rahu being stronger than any planet should be con
sidered as the inter period ruler.
Mars, Ketu and Rahu will jointly operate from 15-7-1971 to
7-8-1971. So the querent will be successful in constructing the house in the Coo
perative Society during this time.
By this time Sun will be transit ting in Cancer through the 4th
house and Mars will be in Capricorn 28 31 R to 24 3i R in its own star Mars (the p
eriod ruler).
It was learnt from the querent in August 1971 that the
construction work of the house had reached upto the plinth level.
Selling The House
Question. When shall I be able lo sell mv house ?
t *
Number. 25 (out of 249)
Place of Judgment*22! N 41 , 72 E 55 .
Time of Judgment.24-1-1972, Monday: 4-35 p.m. I.S.T
Sagittarius J up.
2 9.48
Taurus 3.0
Sat 6.16 R Moon 24.1
A rtes
2 Taurus 29.48 J Pisces 25.48 12
M u rs 25.22
3 Gemini a 23.48 Aquarius 19.48 11
Yen. 16.14
Ketu 12.1
4 Cancer 19.48 - C apricorn 19.48 10
Scorpio 3.0
Planet Star Sub 1 lane! Star Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun M M Mer. V Me. SatR S Me.
Moon V Me. Jup. K M Rahu M R
Mars Hints Me. R Yen. R V Ketu SaR M
% 1
I!" the cuspal sub lord of 10 be the significator (i. e. in the star of the occu
pant or owner) of 3 or 10 the house can be sold off during the joint period of t
he signtficators of 3, 5 and 10.
In this horary map Moon owns 4 and occupies 12. It is in the
star Venus owning 1, 2 and occupying 10; and in the sub Mercury owning 3 and 6.
So Moon is the significator of 1 (self), 2 (money),
10 (house to the buyer) and connected with 3 (parting with the house), 6 (gain f
rom others), 4 (house) and 12 (losing the house).
Hence it clearly indicates that the querent intends to sell his house and to gai
n money therefrom by parting with the house,
Cuspal Sub lord j
10th Cusp. The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Ketu. Ketu
occupies 3. It is in the star Saturn owning 10, So Ketu is the
significator of 10 and connected with 3; and it promises the sale of the house,
As the star lord Saturn is retrograde, Ketu (if it be among
t I
the joint period rulers of the srgnificators of 3j 5 and 10) cannot give the res
ults of its star lord regarding the sale of the house.
So let us make sure by examining the Asc. (efforts by the querent),
I 1 ;
the 11th cusp (success or fulfilment Of desire) and the 4th cusp (building of th
e querent), if they promise the sale of the house.
Asc. The sub lord of the Asc. is Saturn. It is in the star Sun
owning 5 and in the sub Mercury owning 3. So Saturn is the
significator of 5 and connected with 3. Hence the querent is sure to sell his ho
! * 1
But Saturn the sub lord of the Asc. is retrograde. So the
querent has to wait till Saturn gets direct.in motion and crosses the original p
oint of retrogradation from where it turned retrograde.
Saturn turned retrograde on 13 11 Taurus and it crosses this point on 5-5-1972 b
y direct motion. Hence the event of sale will
happen only after5-5-1972 during the joint period of the significators of 3, 5 a
nd 10. . , . , *
.11th Cusp. The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Mars. It;is in the
star Mercury owning 3 and in the sub Rahu (representing Saturn
ownihg 10 and Sun owning 5 because Rahu is in conj. with Sun in Capricorn). So M
ars is the significator of 3 and connected with
5 and 10. Hence the querent will be able to fulfil his desire by selling t
he house.1 . .
4 th. Cusp. The 4th cusp is jointly ruled by Moon (sign lord).
Mercury (star lord) and Venus (sub lord). Moon is the significator of 3 and 10 a
s previously discussed. Mercury is in the star Venus
hi 10 and in its own sub (Mercury owning 3). So it is also the
significator of 10 and connected with ?. Venus is in the star Rahu
(representing Saturn owning 10 and Sun owning 5) and in its own
sub (Venus in 10). So it is also the significator of 5, 10 and
connected with 10. Al! these three planets indicate the disposal of the house.
Sign lord
Sfar lord
Ruling Planets
Day. Monday Moon
Asc. Gemini 18 28 Mercury Rahu
Moon Aries 24 13 Mars Venus
Kctu is in Cancer, so it represents Moon. Thus the ruling
planets are Moon, Mars. Mercury,1 Venus, Rahu and Kctu.
Significators of 3, 5 and 10,
Moon, Mars, Mercury. Venus and Ketu are the significators
of 3. 5 and 10 as discussed above. Ketu being in the star of retrograde Saturn m
ay be omitted. Mars being in the sub Rahu
which is not a significator of 3, 5 or 10 may be omitted. Thus Moon, Mercury and
Venus remain as the final significators of 3, 5 and 10. 1
2 a - *
Joint Period
At the time of judgment (balance dash a of Venus 3y gw 3D)
the querent is running the joint period of Venus, Mercury and Mercury the signif
icators of 3. 5 and 10.
As seen from the earlier paragraphs the event of sale is to
occur only after 5-5-1972. So by this lime the joint period of
Venus. Mercury and Venus will be current from 21-4-1972 upto
1-10-1972 and during this interval the sookshma period of Moon
the significator commences on 27-5-1972 and lasts upto 12-6-1972.
Hence the querent will be able to - sell his house during these days when the tr
ansit agrees with the joint period ruler or rulers.
It was learnt from the querent that he received a cheque of
full amount from the buyer on 28-5-1972 during the joint period of Venus, Mercur
y, Venus and Moon. - ;
On that day Sun wt_i transiting in Taurus 14 in the star
Moon (the sookshma period ruler); Moon in Scorpio 18" in the star Mercury (the s
ub period ruler) and Mercury in Taurus 5 15 in its own sub. . .
- - ii # _ , * *
Lease Licence for Mines
* . . t 1 M
* . * * , p i
Question. When shall 1 get the lease licence for mines from the State Govt. ?
* i i , . f t <
* f , 1 * ff * V f ** * **
Number. 86 (out of 249) .
Place of Judgment. 23N 2 , 72 E 35*. :
- i *
* *
Leo 3.0
Sun Mer.
0.1 Cancer 0.7
+ * i *.
f p
Libra 0.1
Scorpio 2.1
Sagittarius I , 3.37 -|
Rahu * 1 * 1 ! * t 11.59 I * 1. * I
1 i Capricorn 4.1 -1
Jup t 12.3R [
Moon p 21.49 I
A ries
3.37 11
2.1 _ m - 10 : *
0.1 1 9 + i * p
i , fl.l 8
Time of Judgment. 13-8-1973, Monday; 8-10 p.m. I.S.T. .
Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun Me. Jr ii Mer. Sa. V Sat. R K
Moon M V JupR M R Rahu K Me.
Mars K R Ven. S R Ketu R Sa.
The house 6 denotes a tenant or lessee: the 12th shows parting with the possessi
on of land or building or mines and the 11th indicates success or fulbtmet of de
sire or gain. So for getting the lease of mines from the other person, consider
the house 1 1 from the Asc.; and 6 and 12 as counted from the 7th (the other per
son s A sc).
Asc. and /or the lllh is become a lessee during 11 and 12.
If the cuspal sub lord of the signilicalor of 6, El or 12, you can joint period
of the signitieators of 6,
In this horary map Moon is in its own star owning 12 (fith from 7 i.e. lessee) a
nd occupying 6 (12th from 7 i.e. parting with the possession of mines by Govt ),
it is aspecled by the owner of 11 (Mercury), So Moon is the signilicalor of 12,
6 and II. Thus it indicates that the querent desires to become the lessee to Go
Cuspal Sul) lord
Asc.The sub lord of the Asc. is Sun, it occupies 12. It is in the star Mercury o
wning II and occupying 12; it is in the sub .lupiter in 6. So Sun is the signifi
cator of II, 12 and connected with 6 and 12. Its sub lord Jupiter in 6 denotes p
arting with the possession of mines by Govt. But it is retrograde, so the lease
licence from Govt, will be promised only when Jupiter becomes direct in motion i
.e. after 29 9-197?.
II/// cusp. 1 he cuspal sub lord of the 11th is Venus. It is in the star Sun whi
ch is in conj. with the owner of It (Mercury) in the 12th. It is in the sub Rahu
(being aspected represents Saturn in 1) and owning 6). So Venus is the signilic
alor of If, 12 and connected with II and 6. Hence the querent will surely get th
e lease licence of mines from Govt.
Ruling Planets
Day Sign lord S lord
Day. Monday Moon
Rahu M oo n
A$c. Aquarius 16" 27 Sat.
Moon. Capricorn 21J 49 Sat.
None of them is in the star or sub of a retrograde planet. So the ruling planets
are Moon, Saturn and Rahu. Saturn is in the star and sub of the ruling planet (
Rahu), so Saturn gets stronger than Rahu. Moon and Saturn are the significators
of 6 and 11.
, , + T 1 -
f i + J , , 1 - 1 ,
Joint Period . .
i .
. At the time of judgment (Moon Dasha balance lY 1m 19) the
querent is running the joint period of Moon, Venus and Jupiter.
if " m-
The period ruler Moon is among the ruling planets and it is the significator of
6, 11 and 12 as previously discussed.
m fi |
. * - c
The sub period ruler Venus is the cuspal sub lord of 11 and it is also the signi
ficator of 6, 11 and 12. as discussed earlier, m
So the joint period of Moon and Venus is to be considered as favourable for gett
ing the lease licence. 1
1 -1 1 i . + J
The inter period ruler Jupiter is retrograde and as discussed
1 ,: j- * V 1
earlier we have to omit Jupiter. The next after Jupiter thej inter
period of Saturn will start from 27-8-1973 and will continue upto
. " .
2-12-1973. Saturn is among the ruling planets and it is also the
* r- ial f
significator of 6 and 11.
- 4 ^ , , 1 , 1
Hence during the joint period of Moon, Venus and Saturn, the querent will get th
e lease licence after 29-9-1973 when the transit
* - 1
.. K
Sun will transit in Virgo from 12 to 23" in the star Moon
* J . \ i. +
(the period ruler) from 29-9-1973 to 11-10-1973; Venus wilj. ..be in Scorpio 4 to
9 in the star Saturn (the inter period ruler); and,;
Saturn in Gemini ilQ to 11 20 in its own sub Saturn,-So the
- - I*: . - -
querent will get the lease licence before 11-10-1973.
It was learnt from the querent that he could secure the lease, licence of mines
from. Govt, before 11-10-1973. No exact date was mentioned in the letter by the
querent. , . / ,
Success in Examination
Question, Will my son get success at the examination in Vl.B.B.S. Number, 5 {out
of 249)
Place of Judgment. 23N 2\ 72E 35
Time of judgment 13- 4-197!. Tuesday; 6-12-0 P.M. l.S.T.
IX Asc Aries 4. 46. 40
|j Sun 29.34
j Pisces
X 2 Taurus 6.27 Aquarius 26.15 12 VIII
j Vert. 24.29
Rahu 27.1 I
X! 3 Gemini 2.27- j Capricorn 23.27 1 1 VII
XU 4 Gemini 26.27 - Sagittarius 26,27 JO VI
\1;irs 25.34
Asc 1 5 Cancer 23.27- Sagittarius 2.27 9 V
Kctu 27 11 .1 ti p, 12.25R
11 6 Leo 26. /5 Scorpio 6.27 8 IV
Virgo I
Moon 29.44
9 40R 28.18
Libra 4. 46. 40 7 111
Plane t Star S ub Vianet S/ar Su6 Planet S tar Su b
Sun MeR Sa. McTr K Sa. Sat. S M
Moon Jr M JupR Sa. Ma. Rahu Ma. Jr
Mars Hints V MeR Yen. Jr Wm Ketu MeR Jr
if the sub lord of the 4th cusp is the significator of 4, 9 or
II, the success irt examination is promised, when at the time of
examination (i. c. during the days of examination) the joint period of the signi
ficators of 4, 9 and II is current.
Moon , . : . ,
In this horary map the father put the query about his son. So

consider the 5th cusp as the son s Asc. and proceed. For convenience the roman l
etter is given to each house counted from the Jth cusp. ,
Moon is in the star Jupiter in IV. So it is the significator of
IV (examinations). Moon is aspected by Mercury owning XI (success) and occupying
IX (higher studies). Thus Moon clearly
indicates that the query refers to ihe examination results of the querents son,
Cusp a I Sub lord
Cusp IV. The sub lord of IV cusp is Mercury. It is in IX and
retrograde. It is in the star Ketu in I and in the sub Saturn in IX. So Mercury
is the significator of I and connected with IX.
The examination of the querent s son commenced on 12-4-1971
and it is to continue upto 23-4-1971. The cuspal sub lord of IV (Mercury) remain
s in retrograde motion during these days. So the querents son will not get succes
s in the examination for the lime being.
* + B ; i
Cusp XL The sub lord of XI cusp is Ketu. It is in the star
Mercury owning XI and occupying IX. It is in the sub Jupiter in IV. So it is the
significator of IX, XI and connected with IV.
But both the star lord and the sub lord of this cuspal sub lord remain in retrog
rade motion during the days of the examination. So the querents son will not get
success in the examination for the time being. . ; . . .
Joint Period ;
At the time of judgment and during the days of the examination
(Jupiter Dasha balance 4Y 3m 25D) the querents son is running the joint period of
Jupiter, Moon and Rahu.
All these three planets are the significators of IV, IX and XI.
1 * . , .
But Jupiter the period ruler, Jupiter the star lord of the sub period ruler (Moo
n) and Jupiter the sub lord of the interperiod ruler (Rahu)
remains in retrograde motion during the days of the examination.
So the querents son will not get success in the examination for the time being.
Thus, in this case the point of retrogradation comes in the way of success in th
e examination at every stage.
The results of the examination were declared on 27-5-1971 and
JF g - p
unluckily the querents son failed in *he M.B.B.S. examination.1
Question. Will up, son get scholarship ?
Number. 45 (out of 249)
Place of Judgment. 23 ,JN T,72 35 .
Time of Judgment. 19-1-1970, Monday; 10-17 A.M. I.S.T
Gcinitti 4.53.20
M oo n 28.57
X 0 Jh Gemini 2S.54 Taunts 1.54 12 VIII
Sat 8.5?
XI nj J Cancer 23.54- -Pisces 2 6.54 li VH
Mars 2.27
KCU! 20.58
XU 4 Leo 22.54 Aquarius 22.54 10 VI
Ralui 20.58
Asc 1 5 Virgo 2 6.54 Capricorn 23.54 9 V
Libra Sun
Jtlp 11,8 Ven 4.1
IX Asc
II 6 Scorpio ! .54
Sagittarius 2 5
. Mer 22.45R
Spa i ttari us 4.53.20
Planet Star
Sun S Mc-
Moon M a. Sa.
Ma rs J R
Planet Star Sub
M e V Sa.
-lfp. R Sa,
Ven. S Sa.
Planet Star Sub
Sat 1 " K p I V
Rah u $ J
Retu V J
7 m
If the cuspal sublord of the 11th be the significator of 2 (money), 6 (scholarsh
ip) or 11 (gain) and connected with the house 4 (studies), one gets scholarship
for studies during the joint period of the significators of 2, 6 and 11.
If the cuspal joint rulers (the sign lord, star lord and sub lord) of the 6th an
d/or llth be the significators of 2, 6 and 11 and
connected with the 4th, one gets scholarship during their joint period.
j., ij
In this horary map the father asked the question about his son. Moon is in 12 (w
orries to the querent). Consider the 5th cusp as the Asc, for the son and procee
d. For convenience the roman letter is given to each house counted fron the 5th
Moon owns XI, its star lord Mars owns II and occupies VI. So Moon is the signifi
cator of II (money to the son), VI (scholarship to the son) and connected with X
I (gain to the son). Hence Moon clearly indicates that the querent is worried ab
out the scholarship to his son. 1 Cusp XI
The sub lord of XI cusp is Mars. It owns II and occupies Vi; it is direct in mot
ion. Its star lord Jupiter is direct in motion, it owns IV and occupies the Asc.
of the son. Its sub lord Rahu (being in Aquarius) represents Saturn owning VI.
So Mars is the significator of IV and connected with II and VJ. Hence the schola
rship for studies is promised to the querents son.
Cusp VI
It is jointly governed by Saturn (sign lord), Jupiter (star lord)
and Saturn (sub lord). Saturn owns VI; it is in the star Ketu in
XI and in the sub Jupiter owning IV; so Saturn is the significator of XI and con
nected with IV and VI.
Jupiter owns IV; it is in the star Rahu which represents
Saturn owning VI and in the sub Saturn; so Jupiter is the significator of VI and
connected with IV and VI.
Thus Mars (the sub lord of XI cusp), Jupiter (the star lord
of VI cusp) and Saturn (the sub lord of VL cusp) are the significators of and co
nnected with II, IV, VI and XI.
Ruling Planets .
Da\ lord * Sign lord Star lord
Day. Monday Moon
Asc. Aquarius 25 9 Saturn Jupiter
Moon. Taurus 28 53 Ven us Mars
None of these planets is in the star or sub of a retrogra
planet. So the ruling planets are Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Venus and
The common planets between the ruling planets and the
signiiicators of II, IV, VI and XI (mentioned above) are Mars, Jupiter and Satur
Joint Period
(a) At the time of judgment (Mars Dasha balance 4Y !M ID) the querents son is run
ning the joint, period of Mars and Saturn. They both are the ruling planets as w
ell as the significators of scholarship. So it is certain that the son will get
scholarship during their joint period.
The final significators as discussed above are Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. So the
son will get his scholarship during the joint period of Mars, Saturn and Jupiter
(276197(? to 20-8-5970).
(b) The sub lord of VI cusp (scholarship) is Saturn. It is a slow moving pla
net. So he will receive the full amount of scholarship gradually.
Actually, he first received a part amount of scholarship on 19-2-1970 when Moon
was transiting in Cancer in the star of Saturn (the sub period ruler).
There after, he received part amounts of scholarship regularly everv month and t
he final amount was received in the month of
July 1970 during the joint period of Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter. Transit
In July 1970 Sun was Iransitting in Gemini in the star Jupiter (the inter period
ruler); Mars in Cancer in the star Saturn (the sub period ruler) and Jupiter in
Libra in the star Mars (the period ruler).
Employment 1
- * t f | j ^ ft
Question. When shall 1 get a job ?
t i * J * -
Number. 4 (out of 249)
Place of Judgment. 23N 2 , 72E 35
Time of Judgment. 22-5-1970, Friday; 7-15 A.M. l.S.T.
=* Aries i . i * i 3-40 I * l r
Mer 19.52 j Pisces <
Sat 21.IS P P
t , ^ , / 2 ^ ; * i, j Taurus $ | f b * .
J .39 if w f i Aquarius i < * i 24.39 f 12
. * * , Sun 7.14 Rahu 14.29 Ai
* < f > 1 i . 1 Mars i 29.13 f \i (. * * l * f i
# * .
3 Gemini 1.39 Capricorn 22.39 11
* * i * i * 1 * Veil 6.3 , . | * * i
M * t
* h i * * ,4 r * * ! Gemini m . i 25.39 * ! i Sagitta
rius 25.39 A 10
* * * * * * 5 . itu Cancer 22.39 f * i- Sa
A 1.39 * 9
Ketu 14.29 Moon 19.16 j mm
* * i * 1 6 . Leo 24.39 Scorpio 5.39 8
* j Virgo t
Jup. 4.13R
* * * 1 fe V Libra 3.40 * 1
# * 1 i 7 * 4 |
Planet Star , . * Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star 1 * t
t 11 i * * 1 -Sun S v K * * Mer* V R t i Sat. 1 |
. V
Moon Me. K Jupg Ma. V Rahu R
Mars Ma. Sa. Yen. Ma. M Ketu V
2, b or tO
y >
Vi <
.:n:i!iL is promised during the joint period
If the co-pal sub lord of ihe 6th or lOlh he the sigmficator of
o( the si etftllcai or- of 2. 6 and 10.
hi this horary nan Moon is aspected by the occupants of
the 2nd (Sun and Mar-) and the owner of the 6th (Sun). Thus Moon clearly indicat
es -hat the query refers to service or job for money.
Cospal sub lord
Cusps 2, 66: I HfhTire sub lord of the 2nd, 6th and 10th cusps is Mercury, it is
direct in motion. Its star lord Venus owning 2 is also
direct in motion, ho Mercurv is the siunilicator of 2. Hence service
will] be promTscd -,oon to the querent because Mercury is a fast moving phi net.
Cusp } 1thThe sub lord ot the 11 th cusp is Venus. It is direct
in motion, Its star lord Mars the occupant of the 2nd is also
direct. So Venus is the signilieator of 2. Hence the querent s desire will he fu
lfilled soon because Venus is a fast moving planet.
RaStuii planets
D.7V !i>rd * Sfgtf lord S/r// lord
Venus Venus \ l a rs
- Ma rs M c rc u r v
Mar or sub of a retrograde planet.
VI ars. Thus the ruling
Da;, . Friday A sc. Taurus 24 40
Mncn. Scorpio 191 } o
None of them is in the
Mars aspects Ketu, so K.etu represents planets ore Mercury, Venus and Kctu.
Significators of 2, 6 and 10
House Vianet in Occupant Vianet Owner
Occupant s star Owner s star
2 S S Me. Sa, K V
Ma, Jr, V Ma n
6 None None s S
10 None None None Jr
Ketu in Leo iepresents Sun, so take Ketu in stead of Sun.
The common planets between the ruling planets and the significators are Mercury,
Venus and Ketu.
In this case Ketu is a significator and is only considered as a
ruling planet (representing Mars); while Mercury and Venus are the significators
, the ruling planets and also the cuspal sub lords of the
houses 2, 6, 10 and 11. So Mercury and Venus may be considered as the final sign
Joint Period
I l . , , r | t . r
At the time of judgment (Mercury Dasha balance 13 8m 7d) th-e querent is running
the joint period of Mercury and Ketu. The
, * . i r
sub pariod of Venus will commence from 23-6-1970.
So the querent will get service during the joint period of Mercury, Venus, Venus
and Venus at the earliest i.e. between
23-6-1970 and 21-7-1970, The reason is that both are connected
with the 2nd, 6th, 10th and 11th cusps: both are the ruling planets and both are
fast moving planets.
The querent got his first service on 10-7-1970 when Sun was
transitting in Gemini 24 O in the sub Mercury (the period ruler);
Moon in Virgo 6 0 in the sub Mercury: and Mercury in Gemini 21 0 in the sub Venu
s (the sub, inter d sookhmana period ruler).
Leaving the Job v
Question. Whether 1 shall be able to leave the job, if so when ? Number. 135 (ou
t of 249)
Place of Judgment. 23L N 2\ 72 !: 35
Time of Judgment. 19-4-1972. Wednesday; 3-55 p.m. l.S.T.
Asc <1>
<1> 5 or 9, the querent can leave service during the joint period of the
significators of 1, 5 and 9. These slgnificalors are generally connected with t
he houses of service 2, 6 or 10.
Libra 15 .15.36)
"> Scorpio 14.4th { Trego 1 SAf) 12
3 Sagittarius 14 M Leo \<3AQ 11
-f Lip 14.54
Ra ho 7.28
4 Capricorn 16.46)- rCancer 16.467 10
Ketu 7.28
\1 oon 22.34
5 Aquarius 18.40- Gemini 14.4(7 9
Mars 21.47
Mer 11.30 Vcn 21.22
6 1S. 40 Taurus 14.4(7 8
Sat 11.22
Sun (\i0
Aries \5.13.20
m }
Planet S/ar Sub Planet S tar Sub Planet Star
Sun K R Mer. Sa. M Sat. M Ma.
Moon J Sa. Jup. V V Rahu S
Mars M V Ven. M V Ketu Sa.
If the sub lord of the 10th or 6th cusp be the sianific
alor of
The querent desires to leave service because he does not keep
| + +
good health. In this horary map Moon occupies the 9th and owns the 10th. it is i
n the star Jupiter owning 3. 6 and occupying 3. It is in the sub Saturn owning 5
. So it is the significator of 3
(change), 6 (service) and connected with 5 (absence of service),
- ;
9 (absence of occupation) and 10 (occupation). Thus Moon clearly indicates
that the query refers to leaving of service or occupation. Further Moon is aspe
cted by Jupiter the owner of 6. So it indicates ill health.
Cuspal Sub lord
10th Cusp. The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Mercury. It is direct in motion. It
occupies 5. Its star lord Saturn is direct in motion, it owns 5. Its sub lord Mo
on occupies 9. So Mercury is
the significator of 5 and connected with 5 and 9. Hen.ce it signifies
k *
leaving of service.
6th Cusp. The sub lord of the 6th cusp is Ketu. It occupies
9. Its star lord Saturn is direct in motion, it owns 5. It is in its
9 . { * ....
own sub. So Ketu is the sisnifichtor of 5 and connected with 9.
i , , ; J V
Hence it denotes leaving of service.
11th Cusp. The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Raliu. Its star lord Sun owns 11 and
occupies 6. Its sub lord Ketu occupies 9.
j t K i . a
So Rahil is the significator of 6, 11 and connected with 9. Hence the querent s
desire to leave service on account of ill health will be fulfilled. *
i -
r t
Ruling Planets
a <2> * f
Day lord Mercury
( F
Sign lord
T i
Star lord
. V -
Venus Jupiter
Day. Wednesday Asc. Leo 24 40
Moon. Gemini 22 34
r # i
None of them is in the star-or sub of -a retrograde, planet. .So
the ruling planets are , Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and ;Venus. .
- *
<2> 5 or 9, the querent can leave service during the joint period of the
significators of 1, 5 and 9. These slgnificalors are generally connected with t
he houses of service 2, 6 or 10.
Joini Period
(a) At the time of judgment (Jupiter Dasha balance 12* IlM ID) the querent i
s running the joint period of Jupiter, Saturn and Venus.
Jupiter owns 6, it is in the star and sub Venus owning t which is in conj. with
Saturn owning 5. So it is the signiticator of 1. 5 and connected with 1. 5 and 6
Saturn is in the star Moon owning 10 and occupying 9; it is in tiie sub Mars own
ing 2 in coni, with Sal urn owning 5 and Venus owning I. So it is the significal
or of 9, 10 and connected with l, 2 and 5.
Venus is in the star Moon owning 10 and occupying 9; it is in its own sub Venus
owning 1 in conj. with Mars owning 2 and Saturn owning 5.So it is the signiiicat
or of 9, 10 and connected with J, 2 and 5.
(b) Jupiter and Venus are among the ruling planets and Saturn being in conj.
with the ruling planet (Venus) is connected with the ruling planet Venus.
(c) These joint period rulers are the significators of 1, 5 and
9. They all are connected with the houses of service and also with the ruli
ng planets. So the querent will leave service during their joint period (5-4-197
2 to 7-9-1972) before 7-9-1972.
(d) The querent is a teacher in the school. So he can leave service at the b
eginning of the term when the school reopens in the month of June 1972 after sum
mer vacation,
The sookshma period of Rahu starts from 3051972 and lasts upto 22-6-1972. Rahu is
the cuspal sub lord of 11 and denotes the fulfilment of the querent s desire as
previously discussed. So the querent will leave service before 22-6-1972 during
the joint period of Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Rahu.
The querent left service on 15 6 1972. On that day Moon was
transiting in Cancer 20 O in the sub Venus (the inter period ruler); Venus in Ge
mini 4 46 in its own sub Venus; and Jupiter in Sagittarius 1 ! 20 iff the sub S
aturn {the sub period ruler).
Independent Business
rjp I P
Question. Shall I be successful in an independent business ?
Number. 125 (out of 249)
Place of Judgment. 23N 2 , 72E 35 .
Time of Judgment. 26-7-1970, Sunday; 10-50 A.M. l.S.T.
J f
. Libra 0.0.0
Jup 4.19 I
Libra 29.18 Virgo 2.18 12
3 Scorpio 29.18 Sagittarius Ven Ketu Leo 22.10 u.i 2.18
d 1 4 Capricorn 0.18 Mer. Mars Sun Cancer 28.40 11.8 9.29
0.18 10
5 1 Aquarius Rahu i + 2.18- u.i \ Gemini Taurus 29.18 9
6 * ^ i * P n P 1 1 k 1 Pisces : 2.15 Aries Aries Sa
t Moon 0.0.0 29 A 8 27.54 19.1 8
7 a
Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun Sa. V - * Mer. Me. Sa. Sat. S M
Moon V* R - Jup. Ma. V Rahu R Sa.
e -SMars , M i Yen. V Sa. Ketu K Sa.
If the cuspal sub lord of the 10th be the significator of 2, 7 or 10 an independ
ent business or profession is promised during the joint period of the significat
ors of 2, 7 and 10.
If the cuspal sub lord of the 7th be the significator of 2, 10 or 11 gain in bus
iness is promised during the joint period of the significators of 2, 10 and 11.
In this horary map Moon occupies the 7th (business) and owns the 10th (professio
n). It is in the star Venus which owns the Asc, 2 and occupies 11. So it is the
significator of the Asc (self), 2 (self-earning) and 11 (gain and fulfilment of
desire). Thus Moon clearly shows that the query refers to self earning, professi
on or business dealings with others and gain there from to fulfil the desire of
the querent.
Cuspal Sub lord
10th Cusp. The sub lord of the 10th cusp is Moon. Its star lord Venus is direct.
It is the significator of 2 and 11 as discussed above. Hence an independent bus
iness is promised.
1th Cusp. The sub lord of the 7th cusp is ICetu. It is in its own star Ketu whic
h is in conj. with Venus owning 2 and occupying 11. So Ketu represents Venus and
it has to give the results of Venus. Hence the cuspal sub lord of 7 (Ketu) is t
he significator of 2 and 11 and it shows gain jn business.
11 ih Cusp. The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Venus. It is the significator of 2
and 11 being in its own star. Hence the querents desire will be fulfilled.
7th House
Moon the owner of 10 (profession) is in conj. with Saturn the delaying planet in
7 (business). It is in applying conj.. So this position denotes that the queren
t has to keep patience for long.
But Moon is the significator of 2 and 11; and Saturn is the significator of 10 a
nd 11. So the querent will be successful in the long run. : /
uri). 1 * . 1 1
Dasha Period .
* i i i 1 1 1 ^ .
1 . 1 .
At s the time of judgment the querent is running the period of
Venus with 11Y 5M 2ID in balance.
All the planets are the significators of 2, 7, 10 or II; and the
I- i i"
joint period of Venus, Rahu and Mercury is current from 14-7-1970 and continues
upto 17-12-1970. So the querent will begin his
r .
business activities during this very period. Actually he started his business in
the month of November 1970.
t j. , *. T * >
...Jj .
. The period ruler Venus is the cuspal sub lord of 11 and this period continues
upto 17-1-1982. So the querent will continue his business activities throughout
this period.
He has to pass the sub periods of Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Ketu in the
period of Venus.
7 /
, t/j ; - - * t
Rahu, Mercury, Ket^ and Venus are in the sub Saturn. So the querents progress wil
l be slow and steady.
-: ( ^ ^ 1 . J t ,. n,- > 1 , , *
. * 1
Jupiter is in the sub Venus and Saturn is in the sub Moon.
- ,iJ ~ p 1 -1 1 ^ -
So their sub periods (17-3-1972 to 17-1-1978) will be favourable for making prog
ress in business. .
Ketu is the sub lord of the 7th cusp and its sub period starts
^ , l i i h i i
from 17-1-1980 and continues upto 17-1-1982. As Ketu has to give
the results of Venus owning 2 and occupying 11, it will be better than other sub
period rulers.
( i I i l
r f
It was learnt from the querent in the month of December
n rill
1974 that he was conducting his business on a small scale with a
j i . f " t 11
slow progress.
Quextkw, When will my daughter get married ?
Vumber. 145 (out of 249)
Place of Judgment. 23 IN 2\ 72 IZ 3S
Time of Judgment 27 6 1970, Saturday: 5-30 P.M. l.S.T,
A sc
29. 26. 40
Libra 4.2 12 Will
| Jup. 2.46
i t - - lir go * .5.2 11 VII
. Ketu 12.33
Leo 3.2 10 VI
i : 1 ven, 1 i u, 18
- -Cancer j 0.2 9 V
1 M*irs 23.1 3
; Sun 12.5
$ Mcr. 0.56
(inn ini f % Taurus 29.1 S IV
29. 26 . 40
1 HI
S ta t Su h Planet Star Su6
M n. Me. Sat. V M e.
M a. V Ralui R Sa.
Me. K K e t u K Me.
X 2 Scorpio
XI 3 Capricorn 0.2
Xti 4 i(juariits 3.2
Rnlui 12.33
Vsc, 5 Pisces .5.3
OaufthfiT nUhmi
II (i Aries 4.2
Sui. 25.2fi tries
Planet S far Plane!
Sun It Sa. Mer.
Moon Me. Sa. .1 up.
Murs .! Sa. Ven.
If the cuspal sub lord of the 7th be the significator of 2, 7 or 11 marriage tak
es place during the joint period of the significators of 2, 7 and 11.
In this horary map the father put the query about the marriage of his daughter.
So consider the 5th house as the Asc. for the daughter and proceed. For convenie
nce the roman letter is given to each house counted from the 5th cusp.
Moon occupies the Asc. of the daughter. It is in the star Mercury owning VII and
in the sub Saturn owning XI and occupying II. So it is the significator of VII
(marriage of the daughter) and connected with II (family life) and XI (permanent
relationship). Thus Moon dearly indicates that the query refers to the marriage
of the querents daughter.
Cuspal Sub lord
Cusp VII. The sub lord of VII cusp is Saturn. It owns XI and occupies II. It is
in the star Venus (the natural significator of marriage) and in the sub Mercury
owning VII. So Saturn is connected with II, VII and XI. The cuspal sub lord Satu
rn and its star lord Venus both are direct in motion. Hence the querents daughter
will get married
Ruling Planets Day lord Sign lord Star lord
Day. Saturday Saturn
Asc. Scorpio 16 42 Mars Mercury
Moon. Pisces 29 3 Jupiter Mercury
Rahu in Aquarius represents Saturn. So the ruling planets are Mars, Mercury, Jup
iter, Saturn, and Rahu. None of them is in the star or sub of a retrograde plane
11 ouse PJanet in Occupant Vianet in Owner
occupant owners
star star
11 None Sa. Me, J Ma.
VII Ma. J M, V Me.
XI None None None Sa.
Rahu represents Saturn. So take it as the significator.
The common planets between the ruling planets and the
Significators of Marriage
significators are Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, and Rahu.
Joint Period
At the time of judgment (Mercury Dasha balance 1Y 2M 16) the querent s daughter i
s running the joint period of Mercury and Saturn. They are among the significato
rs. Now we have to select the inter period ruler out of the remaining significat
ors Mars, Jupiter and Rahu. Rahu being stronger than any significator should be
considered as the inter period ruler.
Thus we have to consider the joint period of Mercury, Saturn and Rahu which star
ts from 8-12-1970 and lasts upto 3-5-1971.
Mercury owns VII, Saturn is the cuspal sub lord of VI[ and Rahu is the cuspal su
b lord of XI. So the querent s daughter will get married during their joint peri
od when the transit agrees.
During the time from 8-12-1970 to 3-5-1971 Sun will first transit in the star of
Rahu from 19-2-1973. So the marriage will take place in the month of February 1
Actually Lhe querent s daughter got married on 19-2-1971, when Sun was transitin
g in Aquarius 6 50 in the star Rahu (the inter period ruler); Moon in Scorpio 1
8^ Qf in the star Mercury (the period ruler); Mercury in Capricorn 24 58 in the
sub Rahu; Saturn in Aries 23 19 in its own sub Saturn (the sub period ruler); an
d Rahu in Capricorn 29 59 in the sub Saturn.
Overseas For Studies
Question. When shall I be able to go to America for studies ? Number. 56 (out of
Place of Judgment. 23 N 2 , 72E 35 .
Time of Judgment. 17-5-1970, Sunday; 8-30 A.M. I.S.T.
# * Ven. 0.5
4 * Mars 25.55
Cancer 14.9 Taurus 19.9 12
Sun 2.28
Mer. 20.50R
i Sat 20.38
3 Leo W.9 A rie s 15.9 11
K.etu 14.44
4 Virgo 11.9 P/SCCS US 10
Moon 13.23
Jup. 4.44 r Rahu 14.44 *
5 Libra 15.9 Aquarius 10.9 9
6 Scorpio 19.9 Capricorn 14.9 i 8
Sagittarius 20.0.0
Planet Star Sub
Sun S JR
Moon M R
Mars Ma. R
Star Sub Planet
V Jr Sat.
Ma. V Rahu
Ma. MeR Ketu
: Gemini 20.0.0
If the cuspal sub lord of the 12th be the significator of 3, 9 or 12 the foreign
travel is promised during the joint period of the significators of 3, 9 and 12.
In this horary map the sub lord of Moon (Rahu) occupies the 9th. Thus Moon in 4
shows that Yie query refers to the foreign travel and studies.
Cuvpul Sub lord
fit It Cusp. The sub lord of the 12th cusp is Werturv. It is retrograde. but it
gets direct in motion from 22-5-1970 and crosses Aries 29 9 the point from wher
e it turned retrograde, on 7-6-1970. Its star lord Venus is direct in motion, it
owns and occupies the 12th. So Mercury is the signiheator of 12. Hence the fore
ign travel is promised and the querent will go abroad after 7-6-1970 as the cusp
al sub lord Mercury is a fast moving planet.
Ihh Cusp. The sub lord of the 11th cusp is Venus. It is direct in motion. It occ
upies the 12th. Its star lord Mars is direct in motion, it owns II and occupies
12. So Venus is the signiheator of ll and 12. Hence the querent s desire to go a
broad will be fulfilled soon because Venus is also a fast moving planet.
Joint Period
At the time of judgment (Moon Dasha balance 7Y I6D)
the querent is running the joint period of Moon, Rahu and Venus. This period con
tinues upto 20-6-1970.
The querent desires to go to America for higher studies. So
the joint period rulers at the time of judgment should be the
signilicators of 3, 9. 12 and they should be connected with 4,
and 11. If so, the querent will be able to go abroad for studies.
The period ruler Moon is in its own star(Moon) in 4 and in
the sub Rahu in 9 (Rahu in Aquarius represents Saturn owning 9
and occupying II; it being aspecled represents Jupiter in 4). So Moon is the sig
niheator of 4 and connected with 4, 9 and II.
The sub period ruler Rahu is in its own star (Rahu) in 9 and
in the sub fCetu In 3. So Rahu is the signiheator of 9 and
connected with 3 and also with 4 and 11 as discussed above.
The inter period ruler Venus is in the star Mars owning II
and occupying 12 and in the sub Mercury owning 4 and occupying
11. So Venus is the signiheator of U, 12 and connected with 4 and li.
Thus the joint period rulers at the time of judgment arc the
signilicators of foreign travel and also of higher studies. So the
querent will go abroad after 7-6-1970 and before 20-6-1970 during
this very joint period of Moon, Rahu and Venus, when the transit agrees.
Actually he started lor America by aeroplane on 10-6-1970 at 1-0 A. M. I. S, T.
At that time Sun was transiting in Taurus 25 12 in the sub Rahu (the sub period
ruler); Moon in Cancer in its own sign; Rahu in Aquarius 13 T in its own star; Ve
nus in Gemini 28 28 in the sub Venus (the inter period ruler).
Foreign Travel
Question. When shall l go to Chicago.U.S.A. ?
Number. 51 (out of 249)
P lace of Judgment. 23N 2 , 72E 35 .
Time of Judgment. 10-11-1973, Saturday; 2-42 P.M. I.S.T.
Gemini 14.26.40
1 Ketu 7.16
2 pp Cancer 8.2\ Taurus 12.36 12
| - Moon 21.30
3 Leo 4.2\ A ries 8.21 11
Mars 3.33R
4 <a V Virgo 4.21 m Pisces , # 4.21 10 p
5 Libra 8.21 Aquarius 4.21 9
Sun 24.27
- . * Mer. 24.34R
* |Hfc Jup. 11.48 p
6 p Scorpio 4 4 * 12.36 W I Capricorn 5.21 8
j f p
<m t * " Rahu 7.16 4
Ven. 11.32 I + -
, f - * Sagittarius 14.26 AO 7 . i .
Planet Star * Sub P la net S tar Sub Planet Star Sub
Sun J MeR MerR J MeR SatR R >R
# * * Moon V J Jup. M MaR Rahu K R
Mars K S Ven. K MeR Ketu R R
I Sat 10.50R
In this horary map Moon is in the star Venus owning 12 and occupying 6. It is in
the sub Jupiter owning 10. So it is the significator of 6 (employment),
12 (stay in foreign land) and
connected with 10 (prospects). Thus Moon indicates that the
querent desires to go abroad for better prospects in employment. Cuspal Sub lord
12th Gup. The sub lord of the i2th cusp is Raliu. It is in the star K.etu in 12
(being in conj. represents Saturn owning 9) and in its own sub (Raliu) in 6. So
it is the significator of 9, 12 and
connected with 6. Hence Raliu promises going abroad and staying there for a job.
lithCusp. The sub lord of the Jlih cusp is Jupiter. It is in the star Moon ownin
g 2 and occupying II. (Moon being aspected by Sun owning 3 is connected with
3). It is in the sub Mars
owning 6, II and occupying !0. So it is the significator of 2, 11
and connected with 3, 6. 10 and II. Hence Jupiter promises the fulfilment of the
querent s desire for financial prospects in foreign land.
Joint Period
At the time of judgment (Venus Dasha balance 7Y 9M 0D) the querent is running th
e joint period of Venus and Jupiter which continues upto 10-6-1974.
(a) Venus (the period ruier) U the sub lord of the 9th cusp
(foreign travel). It is in the star Ketu in 12 (representing Saturn
owning 9). It is in the sub Mercury; the sub lord Mercury is in
conj. with Sun owning 3. and aspected by Moon owning 2 and by
Mars ownino 6 and II. so Mercury is connected with 2. 3, 6 and
11. Thus Venus is the significator of 9, 12 and connected with 2,
3. 6 and 11. So the period of Venus is favourable for foreign
travel and financial prospects.
But Venus is in the sub of retrograde Mercury, Mercury gets
direct in motion on 17 15 Libra from 20-11-1973 and it crosses
the original point of retrogradation (i_ e. Scorpio 3r 13) on
6-12-1973. So after this date Venus will begin to manifest its favourable influe
(b) The sub period ruler Jupiter as discussed above is favourable

for fulfilling the querents desire before LO-6-1974.

Now Jupiter is in the sub of retrograde Mars; Mars gets direct in motion on 1 55
Aries from 26-11-1973 and it crosses the original point of retrogradation (i. e
. Aries 15 53 ) on 18-1-1974. So the querent will be able to go abroad between 18
-1-1974 and 10-6-1974.
(c) During this time the inter period of Rahu will be in progress (16-1-1974
to i 0-6-1974). Rahu as already discussed will be most congenial for foreign tr
avel and stay at abroad when the transit agrees.
(d) In this case Venus (the cuspal sub lord of 9), Jupiter (the cuspal sub lord
of II) and Rahu (the cuspal sub lord of 12) are the significators of and connect
ed with foreign travel and financial prospects. So their joint period is fruitfu
l for foreign travel. Moreover, the querent is running the joint period of the s
ame planets viz. Venus and Jupiter at the lime of judgment.
Rahu in transit will move from 33 40 Sagittarius to 2631 3 Scorpio between 16-
1-1974 and 10-6-1974, and it will pass through the sub of Jupiter between 7-5-19
74 and 9-6-1974.
Jupiter in transit will move from 18 55 to 23 16 in Aquarius between 7-5-1974 an
d 9-6-1974, and it will pass through the stars of Rahu and Jupiter.
So the querent will go to Chicago during this time, in the
joint period of Venus, Jupiter and Rahu.
Actually he started for Chicago on 8-6-1974 at 1-30 A. M. I. S. T. by aeroplane.
At that time Sun was transitting in Taurus 23 20 from the 12th house in the star
Mars (the sookshma period ruler); Moon in Sagittarius 25 IT in the star Venus (th
e period ruler); Venus in Aries 15 30 in its own star; Jupiter in Aquarius
23 5 in its own star Jupiter (the sub period ruler); and Rahu

in Scorpio 26 9 in the sub Jupiter.

Return of Absconding Son
Question. My son has absconded, when will he return ? Number. 91 (out of 249)
Place of Judgment. 23^N 2\ 72 E 35
Time of Judgment 2! 10 1972, Saturday; 9-50 A.M. I.S.T
IX Asc
Leo 9.20
X 2
I ir go Mars
Cancer 9.55
XI 3
4 JO Kctu
6.55 -Gemini 23.55
11 VII 10 VI
Son s -\se Jup
I 5 Sagittarius
U i Capricorn
9 V 8 IV
Vcn. 25 3
Aquarius 9.20 1 HI
Pin tut Sta Si Planet Star Su6 Planet S ter Su b
Sun Ma. V Mer. .1 Me. Satn Ma. J
M o n Sdft .1 Jup. k SaR Rahu S M
Mars M K Yen. V Me. Ketu J V
Hints Consider the houses 3, 9 and 12 for the missing
counting from his Asc. and the houses 2, 8 and II (being 12 to 3,
9 and 12) for returning homewards.
If the cuspal sublord of 12 be the significator of 3, 9 or 12 a person runs away
during the joint period of the significators of 3, 9 and 12.
If the cuspal sublord of 11 be the significator of 2, 8 or 11 a person returns h
ome during the joint period of the significators of 2, 8 and 11.
Moon .
In this horary map the father asked the query about his son. So consider the 5th
cusp as the Asc. of the son and proceed. For convenience the roman letter is gi
ven to each house counted from - the 5th cusp.
Moon is in the star Saturn owning II and III; it is in the sub
Jupiter owning and occupying the cusp of the son s Asc. So Moon
is the significator of II (return of the son), III (running away of
the son) and connected with the sons Asc. Hence Moon clearly
shows that the query is regarding the return of the son who ran away from home.
Cusp XI
It is jointly ruled by Venus (sign lord), Rahu (star lord) and Rahu (sub lord).
Venus is in its own star Venus owning XI and occupying IX;
it is in the sub Mercury owning VII and occupying XI. So Venus
is the significator of XI (reunion), IX (long tour) and connected
with VII (breaking journey) and XI (reunion). This means that the
son must come from long tour by breaking journey towards home for reunion.
Rahu is inf the star Sun on XI cusp and in the sub Moon
owning VIII. So Rahu is the significator of XI and connected with VIII. This pro
mises the return of the son for reunion.
Sons Asc.
It is jointly operated by Jupiter (sign lord), Ketu (star lord)
and Saturn (sub lord). The sign lord of the sons Asc. Jupiter is
in the star Ketu in VII (being in Gemini represents Mercury in
Xl); it is in the sub Saturn owning II. So Jupiter is the significator
of VO, XI and connected with II. Hence the son is on his way to
home by breaking journey. Jupiters sub lord Saturn being retrograde the son canno
t run away but return homewards.
The star lord of the son s Asc. Ketu occupies VII; it is in the star Jupiter own
ing and occupying the Asc. I; it is in the sub Venus owning XI and occupying IX.
So Kctu is the signiticator of J and connected with IX, XI and Vil. Hence the s
on is on his way to home from long tour by breaking journey.
The sub lord of the son s Asc. Saturn owns II; it is in the star Mars Owning XII
; it is in the sub Jupiter owning and occupying the Asc. I. So it i> the signiti
cator of XII and connected with I. This means that the son had run away from hom
e at the time of judgment.
As Saturn is retrograde the son cannot abscond any further, but he must turn bac
Cusps II jnd VII1
The sub lord of both these cusps is also Venus which is the significator of XI a
s previously discussed.
Thus XI cusp, the sons Asc., II and VIII cusps ail promise return of the son for
Joint Period
At the lime of judgment {Saturn Dasha balance 2Y 0M 24) the querent s son is runn
ing the joint period of Saturn, Jupiter, Saturn and Kent which expires on 27-10-
These joint period rulers are the significators of II and XI and they are the cu
spal joint rulers of the sons Asc.
Saturn the sub lord of tlie sons Asc. and the inter period ruler is retrograde. S
o the son is returning homewards from long tour as indicated by Kent the sookshm
a period ruler as previously discussed.
After Ketu the sookshma period of Venus follows front
27-10 1972 and lasts upto 21-11-1972. Venus is the strong
sign ilka lor of XI as already mentioned in the earlier paragraphs. Moreover, ii
is the star lord of XI cusp and the sub lord of II
and VIII. So the querent s son must return home during the joint
period of Saturn. Jupiter, Saturn and Venus.
It was learnt from the querent that his son returned home on 2-1 M 972 Thursday
at 11-45 A.M. I.S.T.. At this time Sun was
transiting in Libra 16c 33? in the sub Venus (the sookshma period ruler); Moon i
n Virgo 4C 28 in the sub Saturn (the period and inter period ruler); and Venus
in Virgo 9C 9 in its own sub Venus.
Lost Documents
Question. Shall I get my documents back ? I have lost them at any place.
- . . . .
Number. 210 (out of 249)
Place of Judgment. 23N 2\ 72E 35
Leo 2.40 7
Planet Star Sub
Mer. R R
JupR M Me.
Ven. Ma. S
2.26 Virgo
11.26 8
# Planet Star Sub
Sat. Ma. Sa.
Rahu V S
Ketu R * V
Time of Judgment. 4-6-1973, Monday; 10-35 A.M. l.S.T. *
A quarius Mars 25.38 2.40
Jup. 18.43R
2 P/sces 11.26 Capricorn 2.26 12
Rahu 15.42
3 Aries 15.1 Sagittarius 6.26 n
4 Taunts 72.26 IScorpio ft 12.26 10
Sun 20.20
Sat 29.19 t _ .+ * * # J i
Ven 5.1 m *
5 Gemini 6,2 6 Libra 15.7 . 9
* Mer 7.9 1 11
Kelu 15.42 r f
Asc .
If the cuspal sub lord of 2 or II be the significator of 2
(movable article which is lost or stolen), 6 (loss to the thief, being 12 to the
7th-thief) or 11 (regaining), movable property will be regained during the join
t period of the significators of 2, 6 and 11.
In this horary map Moon is in the star Jupiter in 12 owning
l and II. So Moon is the significator of 12 (loss), 2 (lost thing)
ind II (regain). Thus it clearly indicates that the query refers to the oss of d
ocuments and their regaining.
11th cusp
The I llhe cusp is jointly ruled by Jupiter(signlord), Ketu(siar lord) ind Rahu
(sub lord). Jupiter is in the 12th, the 12th house denotes
osing or passing away of a thing. But as Jupiter in the 12th is retrograde, it i
ndicates that the thing cannot be lost.
Jupiter is in the star Moon owning and occupying 6; it is tit the
%ub Mercury the significator of II (being in the star Rahu in II).
So Jupiter is the significator of 6 and connected with II.
Kelu is in the star Rahu in 11; it is in the sub Venus which
ispects the lllh cusp. So Ketu is the significator of 11 and
connected with II.
Rahu is in II, it is in the star Venus which aspects the lllh cusp; it is in the
sub Sun the significator of 6 (being in the star
Moon in 6). So Rahu is the significator of II and connected with fS and 11.
Thus the cuspal joint rulers of the 11th are the significators .if 6 and 11. So
the lost documents will be regained.
jRuling Planets
Day lord Sftj/r lord Star
Day. Monday Moon
A sc. Cancer 21 53 Moon Mercury
Moon. Cancer 2 32 Moon JupiterR
Moon is in the star of retrograde Jupiter. So it may be omitted. Ketu in Gemini
represents Mercury; and Rahu in Sagittarius
represents Jupiter. Hence the ruling planets arc Mercury, Jupiter. Rahu and Ketu
Joint Period
At the time of judgment (Jupiter Dasha balance ()v iim |6dj
ihe querent is running the joint period of Jupiter. Rahu and Ketu.
All these three planets are among the ruling planets. They are
the cuspal joint rulers of the lllh house. They are the significators of 6 and I
I. So the querent will receive back his lost documents
during their joint period which lasts upto 1-7-1973. 20
The inter period ruler Ketu will be transitting in Gemini from
15 13 to 14 27 in its own sub Ketu from 13-6-1973 upto 276 1973. So the querent wi
ll regain his documents by this time.
It was learnt from the querent that he received back his
documents on 20-6-1973 at 2-20 P. M. I. S. T. from the host of
the place where he forgot them. At that time Moon was transitting
in Capricorn 25 l in the sub Rahu (the sub period ruler).
Cricket Match * *
Question. Whether India will win the 1st Cricket Test Match against West Indies
which is being played at Bangalore in India ? (Query . on behalf of India).
. ..
Number. 65 (out of 249)
Place of Judgment. 23N 2\ 72E 35\ .
Time of Judgment. 22-11-1974, Friday; 12-35 P.M. I.S.T.
India Asc VII <i , *
IX 3
X 4
XI 5
Leo 23 -
Virgo 25.8
Mer 21.11 Mars 23.37
Libra 29.8
Scorpio Sun 6.11 Ven 10.8 Rahu 17.17
XII 6 Sagittarius 1.8
25.4R i
1.8 12 VI
* I
29.8 11 V
25.8 10 IV
Capricorn 1.20
7 Asc. West Indies
., Cancer 1.20 .
In cases of competition and contest between two rival parties in any walk of lif
e viz. cricket match etc., if the cuspal sub lord of the 11th (success) and that
of the 6th (defeat to the rival) occupy the house 1, 2, 3, 6, 10 or II and be i
n the star of the occupant of the house I, 2. 3, 6. 10 or 11 the team under quer
y will win the cricket match.
West Indies Cricket Team
Cusp XI. The sub lord of XI cusp is Sun. It occupies XI. It is in the star Satur
n the occupant of VI; and it is in the sub Mercury the occupant of X. So ii is t
he significator of VI and connected with X and XF. Hence it is favourable to the
West Indies Team.
Cusp VI. The sub lord of VI cusp is Mercury the occupant of
X It is in the star and sub Jupiter the occupant of II. So it is
the significator of 11 and connected with X. Hence it is advantageous to the Wes
t Indies Team.
Indian Cricket Team
Ilt/t Cusp. The sub lord of the l fth cusp is Mars. It occupies
the 4th. It is in the star Jupiter the occupant of the 8th and it is
in the sub Saturn the occupant of the 12lh. So it is (he significator
of 8 and connected with 4 and 12. Thus it is unfavourable tj the Indian Team.
6th Cusp. The sub lord of the 6th cusp is Venus the occupant
of the 5th. It is in the star Saturn the occupant of the 12th and
it is in its own sub. So it is the significator of 12 and connected with 5. Thus
it is disadvantageous to the Indian Team.
In view of the above position the Weo Indies Cricket Team
will win the 1st Cricket Test Match against the Indian Cricket
Team. In fact the West Indies Cricket Team won the match which
was being played at Bangalore in India, from 22-11-1974 27-11-1974.
In this case Sun (the cuspal sub lord of XI) is itl tf1e
\tar of retrograde Saturn. But Sun is the significator of VT the
house under consideration. So the point of retrogradation does not
come in the way of promising the matter signified by VI.
Question. Whether my cousin sister is pregnant ?
* r . * - # - f l
Number. 101 (out of 249)
t ,
P lace of Judgment. 23*N 2 , 72*E 35 .
t t
Time of Judgment. 2-2-1971, Tuesday; 8-15 A.M*. LS.T,
XI Asc
Leo 25.53.20
Ketu 0.54
i - It ,
Asc I 3 Libra t r
Mars II 4 Scorpio
I i I
2 6.52
* t
12 X
11 IX
io VII!
.. Ven. 2.50 til 5 Sagittarius 26.52 * Mer. 28.30
f r
Sun 19.16
IV 6 Capricorn
8 VI
Rah* 0.54
Aquarius 25.53.20
A r
7 V
1. if the cuspal sub lord of the 5th :
(a) occupies the fruitful sign Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces and
(b) is the significator of 2, 5 or 11 the woman concerned is pregnant.
- 2, If the cuspal sub lord of the 5th :
(a) occupies the barren sign Aries, Gemini, Leo or Virgo and
(b) is in the star of the planet in the barren sign, then the woman concerne
d is not pregnant.
The querent put the query for his uncle s (his father s younger brother s) daugh
ter. The 9th house denotes the querent s father, the 11th his uncle; so the 3rd
house becomes the Asc. of the cousin sister. For convenience the roman letter is
given to each house counted from the 3rd cusp, so proceed accordingly.
In this horary map Moon is in conj. with Saturn owning V (pregnancy to the siste
r). Thus it clearly shows that the query refers to the pregnancy of the sister.
Cuspal sub lord
Cusp V. The sub lord of V cusp is Ketu. It is in its own star (Ketu) which is in
the barren sign Leo in X. So Ketu is the Significator of X. Ketu as the sub lor
d oT V cusp and as its own star lord is in the barren sign. Moreover Ketu itself
is not favourable for conception. Hence the querents cousin sister is not pregna
nt at the time of judgment.
In females Moon denotes fertility. In this case Moon is in conj. with Saturn the
obstructer in the barren sign Aries. So the querents cousin sister is not pregna
nt at the time of judgment.
Later on, in the medical examination it was revealed that she was not pregnant.
Table* Stars, Subs and Sub subs
Star. Ketu : Aries i, Leo, Sagittarius 00 00 to 13
1. Sub Ketu 2. Sub Venus t 3.
Sub Sun
Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
K 0 00 00" V 0 46 40" S 3
00 00"
* V 0 02 43 S 1 08 52 M 3
02 00
s 0 10 30 M 1 15 32 Ma 3
05 20
M 0 12 50 Ma 1 26 39 R 3
07 40
Ma 0 16 44 R 1 34 26 J 3
13 40
R 0 19 27 J 1 54 26 Sa 3
19 00
J 0 26 27 Sa 2 12 13 Me 3
25 20
Sa 0 32 40 Me 2 33 20 K 3
31 00
Me 0 40 04 K 2 52 13 V 3
33 20
0 46 40 3 00 00 3
40 00
4. Sub Moon 5. Sub Mars
6. Su6 Rahu >
Sub Sub Sub Sub * Sub
M 3 40 00" Ma 4 46 . 40" R 5*
0 33 20
Ma 3 45 33 R 4 49 * 23 J 5
51 20
* i 3 49 27 1 J 4 56 23 Sa . 6 .
07 * 20
J 3 59 27" Sa 5 02 36 Me 6
26 20
Sa . 4. 08 20 ft Me 5 09 59 K 6
43- 20
M 4 18 53 K 5 16 . v36 V 6*
50 20
t K 4 28 19 V 5 19 19 S . 7
10 20
V 4 32 13 S 5 27 06 M 7
16 20
S 4 43 20 M 5 29 26 Ma 7
26 : 20
4 46 40 5 33 20 7
33 * 20
7. Sub Jupiter 8. Sub Saturn
9. Sub Mercury
Sub Sub ii * Sub Sub * Sub Sub
J 7 33 . 20" Sa 9 20 00" Me 11
26 40"
Sa 7 47 34 Me 9 40 t f 03 K 11
42 42
Me 8 04 27 * t K 9 58 01 V
11 49 19;
K 8 19 34 V 10 05 24 S 12
08 12
V 8 25 47 S 10 26 31 M 12
13 52
S 8 43 34 M 10 32 51 Ma 12
23 18
M 8 48 54 Ma 10 43 24 R 12
29 55
Ma 8 57 47 R 10 50 57 J 12
46 55
R 9 04 00 J 11 09 . 47 Sa 13
02 02
9 20 00 11 26 40 13
20 00
V 13 20 00"
s }3 42 12
M 13 48 52
Ma 13 59 59
R 14 07 46
.1 14 27 46
Sa 14 45 33
Me 15 06 04
K 15 25 33
15 33 20
4. Sub Mars
Sub Sub
Ma 17 20 00"
R 17 22 43
J 17 29 43
Sa 17 35 56
Me 17 43 19
K 17 49 50
V 17 52 39
s is 00 26
M 18 02 46
(8 06 40
7. Sub Saturn
Sub Sub
Sa 21 53 20"
Me 22 13 23
JC 22 31 21
V 22 38 44
s 22 59 51
M 23 06 1!
Ma 23 16 44
R 23 24 07
J 23 43 07
2. Star : Venus : Aries
/. Sub Venus Sub Sub
S 15 33 20
M 15 35 20
Ma 15 38 40
R 15 41 00
J 15 47 00
Sa 15 52 20
Me 15 58 40
K 16 04 20
V 16 06 40
16 13 20
5. Sub Rahu
Sub Sub
R 18 06 40"
J 18 24 40
Sa 18 40 40
Me 18 59 40
K 19 16 40
V 19 23 40
s 19 43 40
M 19 49 40
Ma 19 59 40
20 06 40
8. Sub Mercury
Sub Sub
Me 24 00 00"
K 24 16 02
V 24 22 39
S 24 41 32
M 24 47 12
Ma 24 56 38
R 25 03 15
J 25 20 15
Sa 25 35 22
25 53 20
, Leo, Sagittarius 13 2. Sub Sw/i
Sub Sub
3. : Sub Moon
Sub Sub
M 16 13 20
Ma 16 18 53
R 16 22 47
i 16 32 47
Sa 16 41 40
Me 16 52 13
K 17 01 39
V 17 05 33
S 17 16 40
17 20 00
20 to 26 40
Sub Sub
J 20 06 40
Sa 20 20 54
Me 20 37 47
K. 20 52 54
V 20 59 07
s 21 16 54
M 21 22 14
Ma 21 31 07
R 21 37 20
21 53 20
9. Sub Ketu
Sub Sub
K 25 53 20
V 25 56 03
S 26 03 50
M 26 06 10
Ma 26 10 04
R 26 12 47
J 26 19 47
Sa 26 26 00
Me 26 33 23
6. Sub Jupiter
s 26 40 00"
M i-* 26 42 00
Ma 26 45 20
R 1 i 26 47 40
J Sa 26 53 # 40
26 59 00
Me . * * * 27 07 20
K 27 11 00
V* 27 13 20
K 1 27 20 00 V
4. Sub Rahu ! t t
Sub Sub
R 29 13 20"
J 29 31 20 #
Sa 29 47 20
Me 0 06 20
K< 0 23 20
V 0 30 20
s;- 0 50 20
Mu 0 56 20
Ma 1 06 20
t j 1 13 20
7. Sub Mercury i1
Sub Sub
Me 5 06 40
K 5 22 42
i 1 - V 5 29 19
S 5 48 12
M 1 * p 5 53 52
Ma 6 03 18
R 6 09 55
J 6 26 55
Sa 6 42 02
\ j 7 00 00
3. Star. Sun : Aries, Leo, Sagittarius 26 40 to 30 00 Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 0
0 00 to ]. Sub Sun Sub Sub
Sub Sub V
M 27 20 00
Ma 27 25 33
R 27 29 27
J 27 39 27
Sa 27 48 20
Me 27 58 , 53
K 28 08 19
V 28 12 13
s 28 23 20
28 26 40 i* ,* *
5. Sub Jupiter i *
Sub Sub
J 1 13 20
Sa - 1 27 34
Me 1 44 21
K 1 59 34
V 2 05 47
S 2 23 34
2. Sub Moon
3. Sub Mars
Sub Sub *
Ma K) OO Q 26 40"
R 28 * 29 23
J 28 36 23
Sa 28 42 36
Me 28 49 59
K 28 56 36
V 28 59 19
S 29 07 06
M 29 09 26
29 13 20
6. Sub Saturn
Sub Sub
Sa 3 00 00"
Me 3 1 20 03
K 3 38 01
V 3. 45 24
S 4 06 31
M 4 12 51
Ma 4 23 24
R 4 30 47
J- 4 49 47
10 00
M 2 28 54
Ma 2 37 41
R 2 44 00
I r i _ <
3 00 00
8. Sub Ketu
. Sub Sub
K 7 00 00
V 7 02 43
S 7 10 30
M * 7 12 50
Ma 7 16 44
R 7 19 27
J 7 * 26 27
Sa : 7 32 40
Me 7 40 03
5 06 40
Sub Venus *
Sub Sub * *
V 7 46 40"
l s 8 08 52
M 8 15 32.
Ma 8 26 39
R 8 34 26
J 8 54 26
Sa 9 12 13
Me 9 33 20
K 9 52 13
io 00 00
46 40
4. Star. Moon. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 10 00 to 23" 20 /. Sub Moon
2, Sub Mars 3. Sub Rahit
M 10 00 00" Ma 11 06 40" R ir
53 20"
Ma 10 05 33 R 11 09 23 J 12
11 20
R 10 09 27 J 11 16 23 Sa 12
27 20
J 10 19 27 Sa 11 22 36 Me 12
46 20
Sa 10 28 20 Me 11 29 59 K 13
03 20
Me 10 38 53 K 11 36 36 V 13
10 20
K 10 48 19 V 11 39 19 s 13
30 20
V 10 52 13 S 11 47 06 M 13
36 20
S 11 03 30 M 11 49 26 Ma 13
46 20
11 06 40 11 53 20 13
53 20
4. Su6 Jupiter 5. Sub Saturn
6. Sub Mercury
Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
J 13= 53 20 Sa 15 40 00 Me 17
46 40
Sa 14 07 34 Me 16 00 03 K 18
02 42
Me 14 24 27 K 16 18 01 V IS
09 19
K 14 39 34 V 16 25 24 s 18
28 12
V 14 54 41 S 16 46 31 M 18
33 52
s 15 03 34 M 16 52 51 Ma 18
43 18
M 15 08 54 Ma 17 03 24 R 18
49 55
Ma 15 17 47 R 17 10 47 J 19
06 55
R 15 24 00 J 17 29 47 Sa 19
22 02
15 40 00 17 46 40 19
40 00
7. Sub Ketu 8. Sub Venus 9. Sub S
Sub Sub Sub sub sub sub
K 19 40 00" V 20 26 40" S IT
40 00"
V 19 42 43 S 20 48 52 M 22
42 00
S 19 50 30 M 20 55 32 Ma 22
45 20
M 19 52 50 Ma 21 06 39 R 22
47 40
Ma 19 56 44 R 21 14 26 J 22
53 40
R 19 59 27 J 21 34 26 Sa 22
59 00
J 20 06 27 Sa 21 52 13 Me 23
05 20
Sa 20 12 40 Me 22 13 20 K 23
11 00
Me 20 20 03 K 22 32 13 V 23
13 20
20 26 " 40 22 40 00 23
20 00
Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
5, Star . Mars : Taurus. Virgo, Capricorn 23
20 to 30= 00 7?"1
Gemini, Libra, Aquarius 00
00 to 06 40 t |
f. Sub Mars 2. Sub Rahu 3. Sub J
upiter I 1
sub sub p j sub sub r sub sub
1 :
Ma 23 20 00 R 24 06 40 J 26
06 40 J
R 23 22 43 J 24 24 40 Sa 26
20 54
J 23 29 43 Sa 24 40 40 Me 26
37 47
Sa 23 35 56 Me 24 59 40 K 26
52 54
Me 23 43 19 K 25 16 40 V 26
59 ! 07
K 23 49 56 V . 25 23 40 S 27
16 54
V 23 52 39 S 25 43 40 M 27
22 14
S 24 00 26 M 25 49 40 Ma 27
31 07
M 24 02 46 Ma 25 59 40 R 27
37 20
24 06 40 26 06 ~40 27
53 20
4. Sub Saturn 5. Sub Mercury 6. Sub Ketu
Sub Sub 1 r Sub S Sub Sub
Sa 27 53 20 Me 0 00 00 K r
53 20
Me 28 13 23 K 0 16 02 V i
56 03
K 28 31 21 V 0 22 39 s 2
03 50
Y 28 38 44 S 0 41 32 M 2
06 10
S 28 59 51 M 0 47 12 Ma 2
10 04
M 29 06 11 Ma 0 56 38 R 2
12 47
Ma 29 16 44 R 1 03 15 J 2
19 47
R 29 24 07 J 1 20 15 Sa 2
26 00
J 29 43 07 Sa 1 35 22 Me 2
33 23
30 00 00 1 53 20 2
40 00
7. Sub Venus 8. Su> Suh 9.
Sub j Moon y
Sub Sub Sub ubb Sub Sub
Y 2 40 00 "Li if S. i- 4a 53 20 M
~ 5 33 20
S 3 02 12 M 4 55 20 Ma 5
38 53
M 3 08 52 Ma 4 58 40 r j- R 5
42 3 / 47 f A
Ma 3 19 59 R 5 01 00 J 5
52 47
R 3 27 - 46 J 5 07 00 Sa 6
01 40
J 3 J 47 46 Sa 5 12 20 Me 6
12 13
Sa 4 05 33 Me 5 18 40 K 6
21 39
Me 4 26 40 K 5 24 20
Y^ 6 25 33
K 4 45 33 V 5 26 40 S 6
36 40
6. Star Rahu : Gemini, * t i r Libra, Aquarius
06 0 40 to 20 00 I ^
1. Sub Rahu f{) r,; 2. Sub Jupiter
3 Sub Saturn
Sub Sub > 1 ,A ,> / Sub Sub
Sub Sub
R 6 * 40 00 J 8 40 00 Sa
10 26 40"
J 1)1 6 58 00 Sa 8 -54 14 Me
10 46 43
Sa r r 7 14 00 Me 9 11 07 K
11 04 41
Me 7 33 1 00 K 9 26 14 V
11 12 04
K J* 7 50 00 V 9 32 27 S
11 33 11
V 7 57 00 S 9 50 14 M
11 - 39 31
S r 8 17 00 M 9 55 34 Ma
11 50 04
M rf 8 23 00 Ma 10 04 27 R
: 11 57 1 27
Ma 8 33 00 R 10 10 40 Ji
12 16 27
8 40 00 10 26 40 1
12 33 20
4. Mercury i r 5. Sub Ketu
6. Sub Venus
Me 12 33 20 K 14 26 40 V 15
13 20 sY
K 12 f\ L 49 22 V 14 29 23 s 15
35 32
V 12 l 1 1 55 59 S 14 37 10 M
15 42 12 4
S 13 13 14 52 M 1 f 14 39 30 Ma 15
53 19
M 20 32 Ma 14 43 24 R 16
01 06 \ / V
Ma 13 29 i i 58 R 14 46 07 J 16
21 06 % .4 >1
R 13 36 35 J 14 53 07 Sa 16
38 53
J 13 f i 53 35 Sa 14 59 20 Me 17
00 00
Sa 14 IL1 08 42 Me 15 06 43 - K
17 18 53
14 26 01; f) 7. Sub Sun Sub Sub S 17 26 40 i\n A 40
8. 1J f M 15 13 Sub Moon Sub Sub 18 06 20 V U / 40 9, Ma
17 26 n :: r Sub Mars Sub Sub 19 13 #1 40 20
M i 17 28 40 Ma 18 12 13 - R 19
16 03
Ma *7 32 t4 00 R 18 16 07 J 19
23 03
R 17 34 20 J 18 26 07 Sa 19
29 16
J 17 40 20 Sa 18 35 00 Me 19
36 39
Sa 17 45 40 Me 18 45 33 K 19
43 16
Me ,17 52 00 K 18 54 59 V 19
45 59 1 f
K ,-,17 57 40 v 18 58 53 s 19
53 46 A
V re 00 00 S, 19 10 00 M 1 / 19
56 06
18 0 06 40 19 , { * 13 20 20
00 00
Sub Sub Su6 Su6 Sub Sub
1. Sub Jupiter 2. Sub Saturn 3.
Sub Mercury
Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
J 20 00 00" Sa 21 46 40" Me 23
53 20"
Sa 20 14 14 Me 22 06 43 K 24
09 22
Me 20 31 07 K 22 24 41 V 24
15 59
K 20 46 14 V 22 32 04 S 24
34 52
V 20 52 27 S 22 53 11 M 24
40 32
s 21 10 14 M 22 59 31 Ma 24
49 58
M 21 15 34 Ma 23 10 04 R 24
56 35
Ma 21 24 27 R 23 17 27 J 25
13 35
R 21 30 40 J 23 36 57 Sa 25
28 42
21 46 40 23 53 20 25
46 40
4. Sub Ketu 5. Sub Venus 6.
Sub Sun
Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
K 25 46 40" V 26 33 20" S 28
46 40"
V 25 49 23 s 26 55 32 M 28
48 40
S 25 57 10 M 27 02 12 Ma 28
52 00
M 25 59 33 Ma 27 13 19 R 28
54 20
Ma 26 03 24 R 27 21 06 J 29
00 20
R 26 06 07 J 27 41 06 Sa 29
05 40
J 26 , 13 07 Sa 27 58 53 Me 29
12 00
Sa 26 19 20 Me 28 20 00 K 29
17 40
Me 26 26 43 K 28 38 53 V 29
20 00
26 33 20 28 46 40 29
26 40
7. Sub Moon 8. Sub Mars
SuZ> Rahu
Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
M 29 26 40" Ma 0 33 20" R 1
20 0"
Ma 29 32 13 R 0 36 03 J 1
38 0
R 29 36 07 J 0 43 03 Sa 1 .
54 0
J 29 46 07 Sa 0 49 16 Me 2
13 0
Sa 29 55 00 Me 0 56 39 K 2
30 0
Me 0 05 33 K 1 03 16 V 2
37 0
K 0 14 59 V 1 05 59 s 2
57 0
V 0 18 53 S 1 13 46 M 3
03 0
S 0 30 00 M 1 16 06 Ma 3
13 0
0 33 20 1 20 00 3
20 0
l. Su/; Saturn 2. Sub Mercury *
3. Sub Ketu
5ub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
Sa 3 20 00 Me 5 26 40" K 7
20 00"
Me 3 40 03 K 5 42 42 V 7
22 43
K. 3 58 01 V 5 49 19 S 7
30 34
V 4 05 24 s 6 08 12 M 7
32 50
i 4 26 31 M 6 13 52 Ma 7 36
M 4 32 51 Ma 6 23 18 R 7
39 27
Ma 4 43 24 R 6 29 55 J 7
46 27
R 4 50 47 J 6 46 55 Sa 7
22 40
J 5 09 47 Sa 7 02 02 Me 8
00 03
r> 26 40 7 20 00 8
06 40
4. Su bKen us 5. Sub Sun 6. Sub M
Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
V 8" 06 40* S 10 20 00" M 11
00 00"
s 8 28 52 M 10 22 00 Ma 11
05 33
M 8 35 32 Ma 10 20 R 11
09 27
Ma 8 46 39 R 10 27 40 J 11
19 27
R 8 54 26 J 10 33 40 Sa 11
28 20
J 9 14 26 Sa 10 39 00 Me 11
38 53
Sa 9 32 13 Me 10 45 20 K 11
48 19
Me 9 53 *% 20 K 10 51 00 V 11
52 13
K 10 12 13 V 10 53 20 S 12
03 20
10 20 00 11 00 00 12
06 40
7. Sub Mars 6\ Sub Rahu 9.
Sub Jupiter
Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
Mu 12 06 40" R 125 53* 20* .1 14
53 20
R 12 09 23 .1 13 11 20 Sa 15
07 34
J 12 16 23 Sa 13 27 20 Me 15
24 27
Sa 12 22 36 Me 13 46 20 K 15
39 34
Me 12 29 59 K 14 03 20 V 15
45 47
K 12 36 36 V 14 10 20 S 16
03 34
V 12 39 19 S 14 30 20 M 16
08 54
s 12 47 06 M 14 36 20 Ma 16
17 47
M 12 49 26 Ma 14 46 20 R 16
24 00
1. SuZ> Mercury 2. Sub Ketu
3. S *b Venus
Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub Sub
Me 16 40 00" K 18 33 20" V 19
20 00"
K 16 56 02 V 18 36 03 S 19
42 12
V 17 02 39 -s 18 43 50 M 19
48 52
s 17 21 32 M 18 46 10 Ma 19
59 59
M 17 27 12 Ma 18 50 04 R 20
07 - 46
Ma 17 36 38 R 18 52 47 J 20
27 46
. * *r- R 18 00 15 J 18 59 47
Sa 20 45 * 33
J 18 00 15 Sa 19 06 00 Me 21
06 40
Sa 18 15 22 Me 19 13 2% K 21
25 33
18 33 20 i }l | 19 20 ao - 21
33 20
4. Sub Sun ; / . . 4 r 5. Su6 Moon
6. Sub Mars 1
Sub Sub j Sub Sub . Sub Sub
t 1 ,
_ ) s 1 4 21 33 20 M 22 13 20 Ma j
23 20 o o
M 21 35 r 20 Ma 22 18 53 R 23
22 43
Ma l 21 38 40 R .22 22 47 J 23
29 43
R, J 21 41 00 1 J 22 32 47 Sa 23
35 56 1
21 47 00 Sa Me 22 41 40 Me 23
43 19
Sa 21 52 20 22 52 13 K 23
59 56
Me 21 58 40 K 4 23 01 39 V 23
52 39
K 22 04 20 V J ! 23 05 33 S 24
00 26
V 22 06 40 S 23 16 40 M 24
02 46
? \; 22 13 20 23 20 00 l i 24
06 40
7. Sub Rahu 8. Sub Jupiter
9. Sub Saturn
Sub Sub Sub Sub M Sub Sub
t .
R 24 06 40 J 26 06 40 Sa IT
53 20"
J 24 24 . 40 Sa 26 20 54 Me 28
13 23
Sa 24 40 40 Me 26 37 47 K 28
31 21
Me 24 59 40 K 26 52 54 V 28
38 44
K 25 16 40 V 26 59 07 s 28
49 51
V 25 23 40 S 27 16 54 M 29
06 11/
s 25 43 40 M 27 22 14 Ma 29
16 44
M 25 49 40 Ma 27 31 07 R 29
24 07
Ma 25 59 40 R 27 37 20 J 29
43 07
U *
(a) See page 160. Suppose a planet say, Moon occupies any degree in the area bet
ween 26 40 Aries or Leo or Sagittarius and 10 O Taurus or Virgo or Capricorn, it m
ay be said that Moon is in the star of Sun. r - ,
T, w
r | } * i,r :r LLs
If Moon occupies any degree in the area between 29 13 20 Aries or Leo or Sagittariu
s and 1 13 20 Taurus or Vigro or
j i ^ 11* t , ( j i . * * f .. i
Capricorn, it may be said that Moon is in the star of Sun and in
/* OX ^ ^
the sub of Rahu (see 4. Su bRahu)
/A 1
/ //
If Moon occupies any degree in the area between 29 47 20 Aries or Leo or Sagittariu
s and 0 06 20 Taurus or Virgo or Capricorn, it may be said that Moon is in the star
of sun, in the sub of Rahu and in the sub sub of Saturn (see 4. Su bRahu Sa
29 47 20 Me 0 06 20).
1 w > r *<*-< : I * l T ^ . . 1 . .. _>f
The area of sub sub for Saturn commences at 29 47 20 Aries or Leo or Sagittarius an
d ends at 0 06 20 Taurus or Virgo or Capricorn and so on. li
i* y l Vrt ^ r L at ** j
(b) Suppose Mars is in Leo 1 40. This longitude is covered in the area between 1 34
26 and 1 54 26 which is jointly governed-by the star lord Ketu, the sub lord Venus a
nd the sub sub lord Rahu. So it may be said that Mars is in the star Ketu,
* C
in the sub Venus and in the sub sub Rahu (page 158.2 sub venus.)
y fj J** r ^ jT 1 XA .* * . # ^ A y/
Suppose Sun is in Gemini 22 33. This longitude is covered In the area between 12 32
4 and 22 53 IT which is jointly ruled
I 0* P* J> / V y r L . .
by the star lord Jupiter, the sub lord Saturn and the sub sub lord Venus. So it
may be said that Sun is in the star Jupiter, in the sub Saturn and in the sub su
b Venus (page 164. 2 Su Satur/i)
This table showing the star lords, the sub lords and the sub sub lords should be
understood as explained above.
Yrs. D M Yrs. D M Yrs. D M Yrs
1901 22 23 1926 22 44 1951 23 04 1976
23 25
02 24 27 44 52 05 77
03 24 28 45 53 06 78
04 25 29 46 54 07 79
05 26 30 47 55 08 80
06 27 31 48 56 09 81
07 28 32 49 57 09 82
08 29 33 49 58 10 83
09 29 34 50 59 11 84
10 30 35 51 60 12 85
11 31 36 52 61 13 86
12 32 37 53 62 14 87
13 33 38 54 63 14 88
14 34 39 54 64 15 89
15 34 40 55 65 16 90
16 35 41 56 66 17 91
17 36 42 57 67 18 92
18 37 43 58 68 19 93
19 38 44 59 69 19 94
20 39 45 59 70 20 95
21 39 46 23 00 71 21 96
22 40 47 01 72 22 97
23 41 48 02 73 23 98
24 42 49 03 74 24 1999
23 44
1925 22 43 1950 23 04 1975 23 24
Ayanamsa (A. D. years 1901-1999)

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