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Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology

on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS-Choose the best answer.

1. Identify the three basic themes in biology:

I. The cellular composition of life
II. The evolution of life
III. The flow of energy through living systems
IV. The mechanisms of disease
V. The transmission of information
A. I, II, and III
B. II, III, and IV
C. III, IV, and V
D. I, IV, and V
E. II, III, and V
2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of all living organisms?
A. adaptation to their environment
B. reproduction
C. response to stimuli
D. multicellularity
E. metabolism
3. A prokaryotic cell differs from a eukaryotic cell in that a prokaryotic cell:
A. has a plasma membrane.
B. contains organelles.
C. has a nucleus.
D. has DNA.
E. is exemplified by bacteria.
4. In living organisms, chemical reactions responsible for growth, repair, and nutrition are
collectively referred to as:
A. development.
B. metabolism.
C. adaptation.
D. genetics.
E. homeostasis.
5. Movement, as defined for living organisms, includes all of the following EXCEPT:
A. free-swimming larvae of sessile adults.
B. the movement of food and water by cilia.
C. locomotion via slow oozing of a cell (amoeboid motion).
D. plants orientating their leaves toward the sun.
E. None of these; all are types of movement in living organisms.
6. One benefit of sexual reproduction over asexual reproduction is that:
A. more offspring can be produced.
B. the offspring are all identical to the parents.
C. the interaction of the genes from both parents brings about genetic variation.
D. evolution will occur at a slower rate when there are two parents.
E. there is less variation from generation to generation.

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
7. Reductionism refers to the method of investigating structures by:
A. studying the whole.
B. studying emergent properties.
C. reducing our knowledge about these structures.
D. studying the parts of the structures.
E. studying many structures together.
8. Which of the following is NOT true of proteins?
A. They determine the structure and function of cells and tissues.
B. They function as receptors.
C. They function in recognition.
D. They are the code for molecules that are important for life processes.
E. They are chemical messengers.
9. Which of the following is NOT true of hormones?
A. They are found in multicellular organisms.
B. They are chemical messengers.
C. They regulate development.
D. They are a type of gene.
E. They regulate growth.
10. Which of the following is most directly associated with the theory of evolution?
A. Competition between members of a population for limited resources.
B. Production of large numbers of offspring.
C. Sexual reproduction producing variation in a population.
D. Mutations changing the gene pool.
E. Changing of populations over time.
11. Using the Linnaean system of nomenclature, corn is named Zea mays. In this name,
the specific epithet is:
A. Zea mays.
B. Zea.
C. mays.
D. Quercus.
E. corn.
12. The domain Eukarya includes all of the following EXCEPT:
A. protozoa.
B. mushrooms.
C. bears.
D. mosses.
E. bacteria.
13. You discover an organism that is eukaryotic, unicellular, and photosynthetic. Based on
this evidence you correctly assign this organism to the Kingdom:
A. Bacteria.
B. Protista.
C. Fungi.
D. Plantae.
E. Archaea.

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
14. Which of the following statements is NOT part of Darwins theory of natural selection?
A. There is some variation within a population.
B. Competition between populations increases variation.
C. Individuals with advantageous characteristics tend to survive.
D. Survivors pass their advantageous characteristics to their offspring.
E. Most species overproduce offspring.

15. To what Kingdom do I belong? I am neither prokaryotic nor photosynthetic, and I obtain
nutrients by secreting digestive enzymes into my environment.
A. Bacteria
B. Protista
C. Fungi
D. Plantae
E. Animalia
16. In Darwins theory of evolution, adaptation involves changes in:
A. genes.
B. individuals.
C. populations.
D. communities.
E. ecosystems.
17. The ultimate source of genetic variation within a population is:
A. mutations in DNA.
B. adaptation of a species to environmental changes.
C. homeostatic mechanisms that compensate for environmental changes.
D. a sensory system that can detect an environmental change.
E. a system of locomotion that allows an organism to escape environmental changes.
18. Which of the following represents the pattern of energy flow within an ecosystem?
A. producers consumers decomposers
B. decomposers producers consumers
C. consumers producers decomposers
D. decomposers consumers producers
E. producers decomposers consumers
19. Which of the following is NOT a concept or term related to evolution?
A. adaptation
B. genetic mutation
C. cellular respiration
D. gene pool
E. natural selection
20. What would be the ultimate effect on an ecosystem if decomposers were eliminated?
A. The consumers would have to eat twice as much.
B. The rate of photosynthesis would increase.
C. All life would eventually cease as nutrients would no longer be available.
D. Energy flow between producers and consumers would increase.
E. Producers would outgrow consumers due to the excess of carbon dioxide.

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
21. In the deductive approach to scientific thought processes, we begin with ____________
and make ____________ based on that information.
A. premises; observations
B. observations; premises
C. observations; conclusions
D. observations; inductions
E. premises; conclusions
22. Which of the following statements represents a good hypothesis?
A. Shoofly pie tastes good.
B. The swimming speed of Artemia increases at higher temperatures.
C. There is life after death.
D. Hemophilia is also known as bleeders disease.
E. Since sparrows, robins, hawks, and pigeons are all birds and have wings, all birds
have wings.
23. In the experimental evaluation of a new drug, a placebo serves the purpose of:
A. preventing errors in recording of the data.
B. removing the bias of the physician in charge of the experiment.
C. removing the potential psychological bias of the patient in the study.
D. preventing sampling errors from compromising the results of the experiment.
E. increasing the sample size.
24. If atom X contains 14 protons, 13 electrons, and 12 neutrons, and atom Y contains 14
protons, 14 electrons, and 12 neutrons, then you conclude that:
A. Y is an ion but X is not.
B. X and Y are both ions.
C. X and Y both have filled valence shells.
D. X and Y are isotopes of the same element.
E. X and Y are atoms of the same element.
2527. Use the figure below to answer the corresponding questions.

25. The atomic mass of the atom identified as A in the figure is:
A. 2.
B. 6.
C. 8.
D. 12.
E. 18.

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
26. The accompanying figure represents:
A. two isotopes of the same element.
B. two different elements.
C. two different ions.
D. an acid and a base.
E. a cation and an anion.

27. The difference between the two atoms in this figure is:
A. pH.
B. the number of electrons.
C. the number of protons.
D. the number of neutrons.
E. electrical charge.
28. The molecular mass of C6H12O6 is 180 amu. 0.25 moles of this substance contain:
A. 180 daltons.
B. 45 g.
C. 1.8 g.
D. 45 daltons.
E. 180 g.
29. An atom becomes a cation if:
A. it gains one or more electron.
B. it loses one or more electron.
C. it shares electrons.
D. one or more of its electrons changes energy levels.
E. it emits radiation.
30. Which component becomes oxidized in the following chemical reaction?
4 Fe + 3 O2 2 Fe2O3
A. water
B. iron
C. oxygen
D. rust
E. hydrogen
31. Which component is the oxidizing agent in the following chemical reaction?
4 Fe + 3 O2 2 Fe2O3
A. water
B. iron
C. oxygen
D. rust
E. hydrogen
32. A stalk of celery is placed in a solution of blue colored dye. After one hour, the leaves
have blue fluid in their veins. Which property of water is being demonstrated?
A. adhesion and cohesion
B. evaporation and cooling
C. lower density as a solid than as a liquid
D. high specific heat
E. surface tension

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
33. A pH of 4 is ____________ times more ____________ than a pH of 7.
A. 3; basic
B. 3; acidic
C. 1000; neutral
D. 1000; basic
E. 1000; acidic

34. What is the OH- concentration of a solution having a pH of 2?

A. 1 x 10-12
B. 1 x 10-10
C. 1 x 10-7
D. 1 x 10-2
E. 1 x 10-1
35. When a small amount of hydrochloric acid (HCl) is added to a solution of Na2HPO4, the
pH of the solution does not change markedly. The pH also does not change drastically
when a small amount of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is added to this same solution.
Based on these observations, the compound Na2HPO4 is:
A. able to donate hydrogen atoms to HCl.
B. able to remove hydrogen ions from the OH- of NaOH.
C. acting as a buffer.
D. an enzyme facilitating the reaction between HCl and NaOH.
E. All of the above.
36. Which of the following would most likely form electrolytes in water?
A. glucose
B. ethanol
C. an organic compound
D. an inorganic compound
E. None of these.
37. The two molecules in the following figure represent:

A. ionized structures.
B. enantiomers.
C. secondary structures.
D. geometric isomers.
E. polymers.
38. The highly polarized nature of compounds containing carboxyl groups can be attributed
to the presence of two:
A. highly electronegative carbon atoms.
B. highly electropositive carbon atoms.
C. highly electronegative oxygen atoms.
D. highly electropositive oxygen atoms.
E. highly electropositive nitrogen atoms.

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
39. This functional group is weakly basic because it can accept an H+ ion:
A. hydroxyl
B. carbonyl
C. amino
D. phosphate
E. sulfhydryl
40. Hydrocarbons are hydrophobic because:
A. the covalent bonds between hydrogen and carbon are nonpolar.
B. they contain functional groups.
C. they exist as isomers.
D. Both A and B.
E. Both A and C.

41. The chemical interactions of large organic molecules are largely determined by:
A. their solubility in water.
B. their functional groups.
C. their polar nature.
D. isomerization of these hydrocarbons into other forms.
E. the hydrogens bonded to the carbon atoms.

42. Which of these terms is most inclusive?

A. monosaccharide
B. starch
C. polysaccharide
D. disaccharide
E. carbohydrate
43. A chemical reaction in which polymers are synthesized from their building blocks is
A. hydrolysis.
B. condensation.
C. oxidation.
D. reduction.
E. dissociation.

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
44-45. Use the figure below to answer the corresponding questions.

44. The process illustrated in the figure is called:

A. condensation.
B. protein synthesis.
C. hydrolysis.
D. dehydration synthesis.
E. denaturation.

45. The products of the process in the accompanying figure are:

A. amino acids.
B. molecules of glycerol.
C. representative of a glycoside linkage.
D. enzymes.
E. monosaccharides.

46. In which of the following reactions must the equivalent of a water molecule be added in
order to break a bond?
A. fatty acids + glycerol fat
B. glucose + fructose sucrose
C. glycogen glucose
D. alanine + glycine dipeptide
E. glucose cellulose
47. Glucose dissolves in water because:
A. it ionizes.
B. it is a polysaccharide.
C. it has polar hydroxyl groups that interact with polar water molecules.
D. it has a very reactive primary structure.
E. it is hydrophobic.
48. Amyloplasts are organelles that store:
A. fat.
B. starch.
C. protein.
D. lipids.

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
49. What macromolecule is composed entirely of beta-glucose units?
A. starch
B. chitin
C. glycogen
D. cellulose
E. protein
50. Which of the following is NOT true of lipids?
A. They store energy.
B. They function as structural components of cellular membranes.
C. They function as hormones.
D. They are nonpolar.
E. They have many oxygen-containing functional groups.
51. Which of the following molecules is not grouped with the lipids?
A. prostaglandins
B. steroids
C. cholesterol
D. carotenoids
E. None of these; all are lipids.
52. A molecule of a saturated triacylglycerol contains:
A. the maximum number of double bonds between carbons in the fatty acid chains.
B. the maximum number of triple bonds between carbons in the fatty acid chains.
C. the maximum number of hydrogen atoms in the fatty acid chains.
D. fatty acid chains with both amino and carboxyl groups.
E. alternating single and double bonds between carbons in the fatty acid chains.

53. Which of the following statements concerning unsaturated fats is correct?

A. They are more common in animals.
B. They have no double bonds in the carbon chains of their fatty acids.
C. They are generally liquids at room temperature.
D. They contain more hydrogen than do saturated fats having the same number of
carbon atoms.
E. They have fewer fatty acids per fat molecule than do saturated fats.

54. An amphipathic molecule has:

A. two polar ends.
B. two hydrophobic ends.
C. a hydrophobic and a hydrophilic portion.
D. only one hydrophobic end.
E. only one hydrophilic end.

55. Which of the following statements concerning steroids is FALSE?

A. They can function as hormones.
B. They are exemplified by cholesterol.
C. They consist of four attached carbon rings.
D. They are synthesized from isoprene units.
E. They contain phosphodiester linkages.

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
56. The most abundant molecules in this structure are:
A. structural proteins.
B. polysaccharides.
C. triacylglycerols.
D. phospholipids.
E. polypeptides.

57. The primary difference between the amino acids commonly found in proteins is in their:
A. R or variable groups.
B. number of potassium groups.
C. number of phosphate groups.
D. number of carbonyl groups.
E. number of asymmetric carbons.
58. Regulatory proteins:
A. defend against foreign invaders.
B. store nutrients.
C. catalyze a specific chemical reaction.
D. control the expression of specific genes.
E. strengthen and protect cells and tissues.
59. The following amino acid would be characterized as __________ based on the chemical
properties of its side chain.

A. nonpolar
B. acidic
C. basic
D. hydrophilic
E. electrically charged

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3

60. At which level of protein structure are peptide bonds most important?
A. primary
B. secondary
C. tertiary
D. quaternary
E. globular

61. Proteins with alpha helical forms exhibit this property:

A. strength
B. elasticity
C. heat stability
D. rigidity
E. All of the above.
62. If tyrosine and isoleucine undergo condensation, the new bond that is formed is
between the:
A. oxygen of the R group and the hydrogen of the amino group.
B. carbon of the R group and the nitrogen of the amino group.
C. carbon of the carboxyl group and the hydrogen of the R group.
D. carbon of the carboxyl group and the hydrogen of the amino group.
E. carbon of the carboxyl group and the nitrogen of the amino group.
63-64. Use the figure below to answer the corresponding questions.

63. In the figure, ionic attractions would form between the R groups of which amino acids?
A. 1 and 3
B. 2 and 4
C. 3 and 5
D. 4 and 6
E. 3 and 6

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
64. Hydrophobic interactions would occur between the R groups of which two amino acids
in the accompanying figure?
A. 1 and 4
B. 2 and 5
C. 3 and 6
D. 2 and 4
E. 3 and 5

65. All of the following types of chemical bonds are responsible for maintaining the tertiary
structure of this polypeptide except:
A. ionic bonds.
B. hydrogen bonds.
C. hydrophobic interactions.
D. disulfide bonds.
E. peptide bonds.

66. This functional group forms cross bridges that help stabilize protein tertiary structure:
A. hydroxyl
B. carbonyl
C. amino
D. phosphate
E. sulfhydryl

67. Molecular chaperones are proteins that mediate the folding process of:
A. other proteins.
B. amino acids.
C. lipids.
E. sugars.

68. If the differently shaded portions of this molecule represent different polypeptide chains,
then this figure is representative of:
A. an amino acid.
B. the quaternary structure of a protein.
C. a steroid hormone.
D. cellulose.
E. a carotenoid.

Mrs. Laux Take home test #1 AP Biology
on Chapters 1, 2, and 3
69. Which of the following statements is true of proteins?
A. Proteins lose some or all of their normal activity if their three-dimensional
structure is disrupted.
B. Proteins are composed of ribose, phosphate, and a nitrogen-containing
C. The activity of proteins is independent of temperature and pH.
D. Denaturation is usually reversible.
E. All proteins are enzymes.
70-71. Use the figure to answer the corresponding questions.
70. The molecular fragment represented in the accompanying figure is:
C. a protein.
D. a nucleotide.
E. a polysaccharide.

71. The type of connection between the atoms at the point labeled 1 in the
accompanying figure is:
A. a peptide bond.
B. a glycoside linkage.
C. a disulfide bond.
D. a phosphodiester linkage.
E. a hydrogen bond.

72. Which portion of the following molecule is most directly involved in transferring
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 1 and 2
E. 2 and 3

Type on a separate sheet of paper your answer to the following question. Do not
staple the paper to the scantron. Scantrons also should never be 3 hole punched either.
73. Sickle cell anemia is a genetic disease caused by the replacement of one amino
acid in the hemoglobin molecule. This replacement changes the shape and
function of the hemoglobin protein in dramatic ways, which can sometimes be
lethal. How can the substitution of one amino acid lead to such drastic results?


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