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La Educacin En Peligro.
Los alumnos necesitan la autoridad del profesor. Puntos

de vista de Alemania, Francia y Suiza.

ghjklzxcvbnmqwertyuiopa Cristina Llorente Cubas.

nger Enkvist, the book's author well aware of the problems of the

educational model that currently prevails in Europe. It takes long years as
an educator and teacher at all levels of education, and has been shown
that the crisis is not confined to one country. Its roots stretch across the

continent and have their ultimate foundation in the substitution of scientific
knowledge and experience by ideology. In this sense surprised at how students

and teachers from countries as diverse as first Sweden and Spain have the
same difficulties resulting from the elimination of common sense and the

principle of authority in the name of doctrines "buenistas"
and homogenizing it will only fit in the mind of those who have invented.

However, this entails a number of consequences such as the increase
in depression among teachers and school violence, or the decline in linguistic

and mathematical skills among students. Even more disturbing is to see the
great difficulties that exist freely in order to denounce the current situation, such
is the degree of infiltration of abstractions and politically correct pressure

from liberal dogmatism.

All the chapters that this book have are all of them interesting because the
author related interesting topics. However I choose one of them which is about
the need for the students to have the authority of the teacher and the points of
view of Germany, France and Switzerland. I choose it because the topics that
are related are very interesting to me overcoat which are in relation to the
pedagogy and psychology.

At the beginning of the chapter the author provides the information about a
German philosophy women called Arendt who related her history, her opinion
about the education now a day and the importance of the immigration especially
in the United States because she was exiled to there when the WWII started.
She think that the enthusiasm of the modern and the new is the problem with
their education and maybe it would be the reason that their education its
wordiest than the European education. She said that the crisis of the American
education could be the combination of the moderns methods of education and
the problems of the massive teaching. She think that this problems could be so
negative for understand the meaning of equality in education because she think
that if all of them have the same opportunities to study the university education
could be wordiest because they would engage in secondary task. Is understable
that she thought that because she have the thinking of a person who lived
during the 30s and 40s years. Then she compared with the Switzerland
education that have a social democratic politics and have the same education
like the USA and have the same problems. In that part of the chapter Im not at
all in common whit the philosophy because its obvios that her point of view is
old and she thought like she was in the 40s yet. But I think she was correct
when she criticized the way of teaching that had in that moment the American
teachers because that was the way of teaching nowadays and I think its not at
all correct because we have been removing matters and another things that
could be important for our formation.

Another problem that she explained is the quiet authorities have the American
teachers because the new way of teaching show the teacher as racks who must
treated their students like adults and autonomies. She said that this way of
relation between the teacher and the student couldnt be possible because its
suppose break the bond between the old generations. She explained too that
this idea have some impacts because this pedagogy method leaves the
student to the tyranny of a group of childrens and if its suppose that they have
to be like adults that situation could be so strong for them. She continues
explained that another problem is that they think the teacher only should teach
them , its mean, the only give them the way of studding not the matter at all
given them the way of be autonomies and do the things by themselves and its
a good road to have the practice and learn but using that way they are taking
away the freedom to think. Another problem she provides is that the instruction
hasnt been a play because if you do that you are infantilized the student and he
couldnt be in an adult life in the future. Another thing is that she didnt think that
the release of the childrens like a continue fight between the duties of
employers and the womens because they didnt have to be in relation of the
presentation and the problems of the society, the only must to be childrens and
enjoy about it. She added that from the young students the education and the
schools are the best way to be in relation with the society because for them
their teacher must be the representation of the society of the moment and have
to instructed them to the future. Then she explained the main problem about the
quiet authority of the adults in the world of the childrens because if that
authority disappeared it means that they refused their responsibilities in that
world where they created the childrens. In that fragment of the chapter in
some parts Im agree with the author because some things that she said like the
lacked of authority in some cases its a big problem for the society nowadays.
But in other cases like the way of teaching like a play Im not agree with she
because I think that the teach and the play could be a special way to make the
children pay more attention than if they only just listened the teacher and copied
the exercises and some tests demonstrated that this way of teaching can
prepared the students in the future better than the other way of teach that the
German philosophy protects. And another thing Im completely agree with she is
that the childrens must be only childrens and didnt forced them to be like
adults and having to deal with some adult situations, just only be a child and
enjoy the infancy.

Another part of the chapter the author provides another intellectual member
called Durkheim who added that a classroom its like a small society because
you can obtain some knowledge through the acquisition of other knowledge. He
added too that the children could started to have small obligations like have the
material or be punctual because that implies to start to formatted a children in
an adult given them some obligations and responsibilities. At the same time its
important that the children see that their teachers be abide by the rules and not
all its a play because their family and their teacher are their models. Another
thing that Durkheim considered important its the sanctions and the punish
because he explained that its a way to show to the childrens that they must
follow the rules ; for example he added some examples like if the children break
his toys some teachers should punish him unable to play with the toys but he
explained that in that case the teacher must teach to the children that he
mustnt break anything not only the toys. He added too that its not convenient
that the teachers mix the students with a good behavior with another that not
because they can be influenced. Finally he added that its important that the
child started to understand that its important work in groups because he started
to say us and not only me and he started to build the base to the society and
he said that the teachers must only be the moral force to the classroom and
have the control of her class because she have been respect but given to her
students the opportunity to be independent and formed their own future.

In that fragment of the chapter Im completely agree with the author in all of he
said because I have the same think of the way of teaching and in relation of the
authority of the teacher in special about the way to give to the children some
independent and rules because I think this is the best way to formed a children
to the future and the society, I think its more important the way to formed the
childrens than the way of teaching them.

Continues with the chapter another intellectual member appear, thats the case
of the French writer Camus. He added his own experienced with the primary
education and his school. He explained that he grows up in bad conditions and
the teachers and the schools are the best shelters for him.

Thats a good way to see that in some bad conditions the education and the
schools could be the best road to scape of some things. He explained that the
school is for he and his best friend like the poetry given them some freedom
when the teachers explained them some things about the world and the things
that they can find outside. In short, he explained the gratitude he has with his
teachers and the way they teach him because for him it was the best shelters in
a moment that the things are not at all well.

In that fragment Im totally agree with the author again because I suppose that
all of us we had in a moment of our live some teachers who are detestable and
other that we never forgotten and in the case of the author its true that some
teacher teach us with some explanations that are like a shelters for us in
relation with all of our problems .

At the final of the chapter appears other intellectual member , the Switzerland
psychology Guggenbhl. He talked about the problems of the bullying, he think
that the way of resolve it its treated the guilty and try to explained it that its
wrong. He explained that the problem could be that this conflicted its not
treated liked it would be treated and the society not see it like a big problem in
the school. He added that the teachers didnt see it too and for example the
verbal bullying its the beginning of the problem and they didnt do nothing about
it because they dont see that some childrens could be aggressive because its
normal that the childrens acted differently with the presence of adults or not. In
short he didnt accepted that the childrens have been authorities, the adults in
that case the teachers must be with them in the groups to prevent the possible
problems like the bullying .He ends added that the problems of that childrens
who harass the others could be to the influenced of their family or the society of
nowadays and he emphasizes about the problems of the society and the
immigration. He added that nowadays maybe the solution that we are doing is
that some parents spend more time with their sons and given them all the time
that they need it and maybe it would be the solution to the problems of the
schools and specially with the bullying because if a children have a good model
to follow he didnt have problems and mustnt be influenced by others. Another
problem is that some parents think that the school and specially the teacher
must be the educators of their sons and its not the solution because some of
them want that the teachers say them what they have to do with their sons and
its a problem because teacher only teach not be the mother or the father. He
ends with the problems with the new teachers about that problem of bullying, he
said that the problems is that probably the students didnt answer like they
wanted it about this way of teaching and lose the respect with the teacher and
started the problems in the classroom.

In this last chapter Im agree with the author in some things like the role of the
teacher to be only a teacher not the mother of the father, and another thing Im
agree its the way he raises with the bullying and of course Im completely agree
with the last part about the feelings of the new teacher who want to do better
than the olds generations of teachers and try to impose their knowledges but in
the case that the students didnt answer it its probably that the feeling could be
like disappointment and confuse and maybe the problems in the classroom

Is for that , that I want to change the way of teaching and Im agree with some
parts of this chapters and in general with this book which can help us giving us
advice to the future.

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