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Review TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.22 No.

Why evolutionary biologists should be

C. Jessica E. Metcalf1,2 and Samuel Pavard1
Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Konrad-Zuse Str. 1, D-18057, Rostock, Germany
Department of Biology, 139 Biological Sciences Dr, Duke University, Durham, NC 27707, USA

Evolution is driven by the propagation of genes, traits trajectories of survival and fertility], has led to a flurry
and individuals within and between populations. This of demographic modelling and empirical exploration of
propagation depends on the survival, fertility and dis- several evolutionary theories, addressing, for example,
persal of individuals at each age or stage during their life how variation in stage trajectories of survival and fertility
history, as well as on population growth and (st)age across individuals and between years drives selection on
structure. Demography is therefore central to under- timing of reproduction in monocarpic plants [1]; when
standing evolution. Recent demographic research pro- variation in stage trajectories between years selects for
vides new perspectives on fitness, the spread of buffering of individual variation in stage trajectories in a
mutations within populations and the establishment perennial plant [2]; when covariation between fitness
of life histories in a phylogenetic context. New chal- components affects selection on age trajectories in red
lenges resulting from individual heterogeneity, and
instances where survival and reproduction are linked Glossary
across generations are being recognized. Evolutionary
Adaptive dynamics: extends invasibility to consider the long-term outcome of
demography is a field of exciting developments through a selective process [the evolutionarily stable strategy (EES)] and the process
both methodological and empirical advances. Here, we involved in attaining this outcome (mutation and iterative invasion).
Effective population size (Ne): the size of an ideal (stable, random mating)
review these developments and outline two emergent population that results in the same degree of genetic drift or inbreeding as
research questions. observed in the actual population.
Ergodic: the dynamic of a population when, after an interval of time, the
Introduction population aysmptotically reaches a stable (st)age distribution and a
correspondingly constant population growth rate, which is independent of
Demography, the study of survival, fertility and population the initial (st)age distribution.
dynamics, is a crucial tool for evolutionary biologists. In Hierarchical Bayes: a set of statistical tools using relationships between
conditional probabilities defined by Bayes Rule to break complex statistical
particular, survival and fertility at each age or life-history
distributions into sets of interdependent distributions for which parameters
stage determine offspring production, which defines fit- can be obtained iteratively using Markov Chain Monte Carlo approaches. It is
ness. However, the situation is complex: fitness can be often used to model data resulting from complex underlying processes, such
as interdependence in demographic rates.
estimated for a single individual, a subpopulation of indi- Integral projection models: analogous to matrix population models, but can be
viduals sharing a genotype or phenotype, or an entire based on a continuous rather than discrete population structure (such as size
population, in constant or fluctuating environments and rather than life-history stage). Population structure is expressed as a density
function, so that inclusion of variance within or across individuals is
in density-dependent or independent contexts (Table 1). straightforward and can be directly related to standard statistical techniques.
This diversity makes the appropriate fitness measure a All population measures available from matrix population models can also be
difficult topic. It also complicates the ultimate goal of obtained from integral projection models.
Invasibility analysis: resembles optimization, except that instead of comparing
evolutionary ecology, that is, to understand the establish- fitness measures, a population context is modelled. Repeated invasion of a
ment of a given life history and life-history diversity across chosen resident strategy (which sets some component of the environment for
species. Although more rarely considered, complications the invader) is used to identify the strategy that cannot be invaded by any
other, or the ESS. Invasion is considered successful for strategies that can
also emerge, because spatial structure (dispersal) and invade when rare. Successful invasion is identified using invasion exponents
genetic drift might also affect life-history evolution. Recent (Table 1).
work also indicates that the heterogeneity of survival and Matrix population models: can be stage or age-based and enable calculation of
R0, l, ls, or invasion exponents (Table 1), as well as their stage- or age-specific
fertility among individuals and across generations can sensitivities or elasticities; or sensitivity or elasticity to underlying parameters
profoundly modify estimates of individual fitness. [56,7]. Other population characteristics, such as the stable (st)age structure or
reproductive value, are available.
This brief overview makes understanding life-history
Optimization: involves defining a fitness measure and then locating the
evolution seem dauntingly complex. However, the differ- strategy or trait that maximizes it given a set of constraints.
ent sources of complexity are theoretically and empirically Perturbation analysis: involves calculating changes in fitness corresponding to
a relative (i.e. elasticity) or absolute (i.e. sensitivity) change in a life-cycle
exciting and shed new light on where and why demogra- component. This enables quantification of the relative or absolute contribu-
phy matters in evolution. The recent availability of large tions of a life-cycle component or life-cycle path to population growth rate and
long-term data sets, enabling estimation of survival and thereby fitness.
Transient: term used to define population dynamics experienced by
fertility across (st)ages in several species [i.e. (st)age populations when the (st)age distribution fluctuates unstably. Transient
fluctuations in (st)age structure can persist indefinitely in non-ergodic systems.
The appropriate fitness measure for transient phases of population dynamics
Corresponding author: Metcalf, C.J.E. (cjm29@duke.edu). is still unclear.
Available online 13 December 2006.

www.sciencedirect.com 0169-5347/$ see front matter 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.tree.2006.12.001
206 Review TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.22 No.4

deer [3]; and how individual contributions to population lishment of a particular life history over many generations.
growth rate from survival and fecundity can be estimated We then choose to discuss two major challenges in evolu-
in Soay sheep [4]. tionary biology where a demographic perspective is essen-
Such theoretical and empirical developments make it tial. First, (st)age trajectories vary across individuals and
timely to review how new demographic research clarifies environments, which hampers the accurate inference of
evolutionary questions. In particular, we address here how (st)age trajectory parameters and can alter evolutionary
changes in (st)age trajectories of survival and fertility outcomes. Second, survival and reproduction might be
affect (i) fitness; (ii) the spread of a mutation within a linked across generations, which has major implications
population; and (iii) the dynamic interplay between age for the evolution of parental care. Both cases call for
trajectories and selection pressures that lead to the estab- progress in the development of more complex models.

Table 1. Different fitness measures, both for direct comparison and in a population context (invasion)
Fitness measure Formula Description Where appropriate Refs
I. Stable population theory (based on ergodic assumptions)
Constant environments
Comparison Net R0 l mx a,b
x x
Average number of offspring born to Constant environments [43,56]
reproductive X individuals during their lifetime; or
T xl mx a,b Non-overlapping
rate, R0, and x x factor by which the size of the generations
generation population is multiplied after one Rate insensitive c
time, T generation of length T
Finite rate of Root of the EulerLotka equation: Finite increase in population size per Constant environments [43,56]
increase, l lx l x mx 1 unit of absolute time Overlapping or non-
overlapping generations
Rate sensitive c
Invasion Invasion Similar to l but where lx or mx Finite rate of increase of an invader As for l d [56,59,
exponent, W might be functions of population into an environment set by a resident 60]
size N or population size in a strategy affecting the invader through When density or frequency
(st)age class density or frequency dependence dependence are operating e
Fluctuating environments
Comparison Stochastic 1 Stochastic or periodic equivalent of l, Fluctuating environments [2,9,
loglS lim E logN  f
growth rate, lS t !1 t obtained numerically by iteration of 45
matrix multiplication, where matrices 46,56]
for every time-step t are defined
by environmental conditions
Invasion Invasion 1 Rate of invasion of a rare invader Fluctuating environments [56]
# lim E logN i  f
exponent, W t !1 t into an environment set by both
fluctuations in the environment, When density or frequency
and the dynamics of a resident dependence are operating
strategy (acting through frequency
or density dependence)g
II. Unstable population theory (no ergodic assumptions)
Comparison De-lifing N t1  zti h Statistical estimate of the Accounts for non-ergodic [4]
P ti w t 
Nt  1 contribution of an individual population dynamics in
to population growth fluctuating environments
Assumes individuals are
independent (i.e. cannot
include frequency or
density dependence)
Transient dnt 1 dnt  T  dvecA j Captures the response of a chosen Accounts for non-ergodic [7]
A n t I S
sensitivities i duT duT duT fitness measure (population size at t, population dynamics in
cumulative density at t, etc.) to fluctuating environments
transient dynamics Requires, and is dependent
on, a definition of
population structure at t0
Has no single fitness
definition, or synthetic
Invasion Transient As above, but where A also Captures the response of a chosen As above, but where the [7]
sensitivities i depends on some aspect of fitness measure to transient population context is
population size N dynamics in the case of density important
or frequency dependence
Individual measures of fitness (not based on population averages)
Individual finite F l lI 1 1 k
x x
Equivalent to l but based on Where individual-level [57,58]
rate of increase, individual life-history parameters covariation is expected to
lI (i.e. lx is replaced by 1 for each bias population-level
age x at which the individual averages
survived, and zero otherwise)l,m Problematic, owing to
biases inherent in making
predictions based on a
sample size of 1 l
Review TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.22 No.4 207

Table 1 (Continued )
Fitness measure Formula Description Where appropriate Refs
Lifetime LRS I F I k
x x
Total number of offspring If the population is stable, [13,61]
reproductive produced by each individualm E(LRSI) = R0
success, LRSI
x, age; lx, probability of surviving to x; mx, fertility at x.
See also Ref. [56].
R0 is rate insensitive, so does not capture the importance in differences in relative timing of life-history events; l is rate sensitive and does.
If a density-dependent population has a stable equilibrium, the sensitivity of W to underlying parameters will be identical to the sensitivity of l [59].
A key result for invasion analysis in constant environments is that if density dependence acts on offspring establishment, the strategy that maximizes R0 is the EES (i.e. cannot
be invaded); if density dependence acts on survival at all ages, the strategy that maximizes l is the ESS [60].
E(y), expected value of y; N, population size; Ni, invader population size.
For example, if density dependence acts on offspring establishment, the offspring number produced by the invader at each t will be determined by the environmental
conditions at t, and the offspring production of the resident at t [1].
pti, contribution of individual i to pop growth during time step t; wt, population size at t + 1 minus population size at t; jt(i), performance of individual i (number surviving
offspring + 1 over time-step t).
No direct fitness measure is available but sensitivities can be calculated.
A, matrix of population transitions; u, lower level parameter to which sensitivity is being estimated; Is, identity matrix; vec, operator that stacks matrix columns into a column
Fx, fertility at age x of individual I.
See Ref. [58] for more complex Bayesian approaches.
See Ref. [13] for a comparison between LRSI and lI and Ref. [61] for comparison with the long-term genetic contribution.

Estimating fitness How can we quantify fitness?

When will a mutation affect individual fitness? To compare the fitness of phenotypes or genotypes, a range
Even if a mutation changes the phenotype of an individual of different fitness measures that summarize the full (st)age
in a given environment (through action at any level: trajectories of survival and fertility is available, including
molecular, cellular, physiological or behavioral), it will novel techniques allied to recent approaches in demographic
not alter fitness unless it changes how the individual modeling, reviewed in Table 1. These fitness measures
survives and reproduces across (st)ages. Furthermore, if can be based on individual values or population averages,
the mutation acts at a specific age, the degree to which it in constant or fluctuating environments, stable population
alters fitness depends on the survival and fertility of the contexts or during transient dynamics. Each fitness mea-
affected individual at all other ages. For example, if mor- sure has advantages and drawbacks. Determining the
tality is such that few individuals are alive beyond a appropriate fitness measure is a complex and controversial
certain age, and the contribution of these individuals to topic, but one that is of considerable importance, as different
lifetime reproduction is negligible, mutations acting after fitness measures can lead to different predictions. For exam-
this age are effectively neutral. Consequently, late-acting ple, the predicted evolutionarily stable flowering size for the
deleterious mutations are subject to less selection and plant Onopordum illyricum is different in a stochastic
their resulting accumulation is one possible explanation environment compared to that in a constant environment
for the evolution of senescence. and is closer to the observed value [1]. Until recently, most
fitness measures have been defined within the framework of
How do researchers explore fitness in natural stable population theory (Table 1), but it is increasingly
populations? recognized that transient dynamics might be important.
Empirical work often focuses on the relationship between This is an area of active research [4,7,8].
a trait and a single fitness component, such as mean age at Once a fitness measure has been chosen, the impact of
first reproduction, life expectancy, total fertility rate, changes in fitness components (traits) on the fitness mea-
clutch size, offspring survival, length of the juvenile per- sure can be analyzed using perturbation analysis (see
iod, adult survival, viability, and so on (reviewed in Ref. Glossary). This basic framework has been considerably
[5]). However, traits can be negatively or positively corre- extended in recent years: covariation between life-cycle
lated with more than one fitness component. For example, components can now be incorporated into elasticity ana-
Coulson et al. [3] showed that birth weight in red deer was lysis (e.g. Ref. [3]); the calculation of elasticity in changing
affected by selection on several fitness components, environments has recently been elucidated [9]; and even
including birth rate and winter survival of male calves. more recently, methods for the calculation of elasticity
Using a single fitness component as a proxy for fitness can, during transient phases have been developed [7]
consequently, be problematic. It is particularly advisable (Table 1). However, interpretation of perturbation analysis
to avoid using the offspring number of breeding indivi- is still debated [9] and, again, can vary with the context
duals as a fitness measure. Tradeoffs between juvenile considered. One key complication that we now address is
survival and adult fertility are probable, and a trait that the population context itself [59].
impacts positively on this fitness measure (i.e. adult fer-
tility) might also impact negatively on juvenile survival. Short-term evolutionary outcomes: the spread of genes
This is referred to by Grafen [6] as the problem of the within populations
invisible fraction; that is, the fraction of individuals that Earlier, we reviewed the list of classic and recently
die before the trait is measured. Accurate measures of developed fitness measures (Table 1). However, to
fitness should therefore (where possible) include both determine whether a genotype will spread to fixation,
survival and fertility. coexist, or disappear when in competition with other
208 Review TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.22 No.4

genotypes requires more than a comparison of fitness results are robust to this assumption [18]. However,
values. Short-term evolution is driven by selection, migra- techniques for calculating Ne for overlapping generations
tion and drift. The dynamic interplay among the survival are available (reviewed in Ref. [19]) and resulting esti-
and fertility of different individuals (e.g. through mates of the magnitude of genetic drift can double [20].
density dependence) will impact selection; but also has Sophisticated approaches have recently been developed to
implications for drift and migration (more rarely incorporate the effect of individual differences in survival
addressed). Given accumulating empirical evidence for and fertility on Ne via resulting fluctuations in age-struc-
complex interactions among individuals and populations ture and population size (e.g. Ref. [21]). A key question for
in the demography of natural populations [10] it is timely future research, generally neglected by evolutionary ecol-
to consider integrating such complexity into an evolution- ogy, is to what degree the evolution of age trajectories is
ary perspective. determined by genetic drift.

Selection Dispersal
The population context affects selection because the fitness The spatial structure of populations might be as important
of an individual is contingent on what other individuals in as (st)age structure, because selection pressures can
the population are doing, through: (i) density dependence: change across space. Combined with dispersal rates, this
if a mutation improves the fertility of a plant, but only might significantly alter evolutionary outcomes [22], for
when it is not shaded by its neighbors, the mutation is example, enhancing [23], or diminishing [24] the coexis-
unlikely to spread successfully through a high-density tence of different traits. Spatial connectivity is often poorly
population (e.g. Ref. [11]); (ii) frequency dependence: if understood, but increasingly sophisticated capturerecap-
predators always choose prey of the most common color, ture techniques can provide sufficient information even for
then a mutation for a new prey color will increase survival linking alleles to demographic patterns [25]. (St)age spe-
and will therefore spread until it becomes common enough cific dispersal is also likely to be the norm for most species,
that predators prefer it (e.g. Ref. [12]); (iii) timing effects: if particularly where juveniles establish new territories on
a population is growing, mutations for earlier reproduction attaining maturity. For example, different passerine spe-
are successful because the earlier offspring are produced, cies [26] and humans [27] migrate at different ages; (st)age
the more descendants they leave (discussed in Ref. [13]). In specific dispersal might modify population dynamics by
all three cases, the (st)age trajectories of the dominant altering (st)age structure and affecting population growth,
strategy of a population determine population dynamics with repercussions for selection and drift. Although optim-
and, thus, whether a new mutation can spread. ality models have been applied to the evolution of dispersal
Although theoretical tools are available to handle (e.g. Ref. [28]), the (st)age specific dimension is rarely
dependence of fitness on the population context (invasi- considered and is ripe for development.
bility analysis, Table 1), we are only beginning to under-
stand how such dependencies operate in natural systems. Long-term evolutionary outcomes: the diversity of
For example, methods for estimating density dependence (st)age trajectories across species
in stage-structured populations have only just become Species display a variety of age trajectories. Life span
available [14] and more empirical work is a crucial next varies from a few hours (mayflies) to hundreds of years
step. Furthermore, any interdependence between popula- (trees). Fertility also varies considerably (Table 2). Certain
tion- and individual-level outcomes leads to an inherently broad-scale patterns, such as the slowfast continuum of
dynamic situation (e.g. Ref. [15], reviewed in Ref. [10]). mammals (after removing the effect of size, mammals can
Although adaptive dynamics approaches [16] have pro- be categorized along a continuum from species with late
vided us with a novel and intuitive solution to analyzing maturity, few offspring per reproductive event and a long
this problem, the invasion criteria most commonly used is generation time, to species that reproduce early, have large
invasion when rare. The fate of an invader in a population litters and a short generation time), are relatively well
once it has successfully passed the status of rare is rarely understood [29]. However, many species deviate from these
discussed, but might have complex implications for popu- general trends: for example, the small precocial mammal
lation dynamics and evolutionary outcomes (e.g. Ref. [17]), Cavia magna produces few juveniles with high survival
and be important for progress in the field. when they are expected to produce large litters of
altricial juveniles [30].
Drift Although the foundations of a cross-species
Drift refers to the fact that, purely by chance, some understanding of demography have been laid [31], several
mutations will become ubiquitous in a population even if major aspects remain unclear. For example, mortality in
they increase neither fertility nor survival, and even many species increases with age (senescence), although it
slightly decrease them. The population context matters can also remain constant (e.g. hydra [32]) or decrease (e.g. a
for drift because the key variable driving this stochastic monocarpic plant [1]). Recent models have begun to
process is the effective population size, Ne, which is influ- address such patterns. For example, Baudisch [33] showed
enced by fluctuations in total population size and (st)age- that the force of selection does not necessarily decrease
structure, as well as by variance in reproductive success. with age if fertility and survival increase sufficiently with
These are accurately captured only by (st)age-trajectories age. This might explain why some species do not senesce.
of survival and fertility. Theoretical work often makes the More generally, advances in mechanistically based theo-
assumption that generations do not overlap and many retical demography (e.g. Ref. [34]) provide a framework for
Review TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.22 No.4 209

Table 2. The diversity of age trajectories

Organism Average population Comment Ongoing research areas Refs
trajectory of survival
and fertility a
Humans Mortality is high for infants and is then low until maturity, What causes senescence [52,53]
corresponding to the initial drop in survival. In late (, mutation accumulation
adulthood, mortality increases gradually (senescence) or antagonistic pleiotropy
and survival continues to falls away. Maximum recorded or optimization of resource
age is 122. Fertility peaks at 30 and then falls to zero allocation)?
at 50 (the age of menopause) Why do humans have the
highest fertility among
Why do menopause and
post-reproductive life exist?
Hydra (lab Over a period of four years, mortality was low and How can a species escape [32]
population) showed no sign of increase with age; consequently, senescence even though
survival diminished gradually. Fertility (both asexual and (presumably) mortality in
sexual reproduction) remained approximately constant natural populations is high?

Species with Juvenile mortality is high; mortality then slowly How can mortality continue [34] b
indeterminate growth decreases in association with increasing size, so that to decrease (negative
mortality can continue to fall even after the start of senescence)?
reproduction. Fertility is also associated with increasing In the absence of density
size. Theoretically, growth could continue and size could dependence, can growth
increase indefinitely, but practically, growth is limited by and therefore fertility continue
resource availability, usually driven by density to increase indefinitely?
Monocarpic plantsc Mortality decreases with increasing size. Once the age Why do many monocarpic [1]
at flowering is reached, individuals flower and die plants delay reproduction?
How can broad ranges of
different flowering sizes or
ages coexist?

Survival (red curve; i.e. the proportion of individuals surviving to each age) and fertility (blue curve; i.e. the mean number of offspring produced by surviving individuals at
each age) on an arbitrary scale.
See Ref. [34] for a model including such dynamics based around rockfish, a group of species whose longevity varies between 12 and at least 200 years.
Image reproduced with permission from Barry Rice.

compiling data across the range of species to clarify the The second type of variation can arise for several
underlying processes driving age-trajectory evolution. An reasons: (i) differences might be a direct outcome of envir-
interesting direction for future research is collection of onmental variation. Some seeds might land in patches that
demographic data on more species across the tree of life. are more resource-rich than are others, entraining differ-
This would provide a deeper understanding of the dynamic ences in age trajectories of survival and fertility. Such
interplay between age trajectories and selection, and variation will not have a genetic component in that
would clarify the extent to which age trajectories are offspring might not at all resemble their parents; (ii)
constrained by phylogeny [35] (as yet unclear). individuals might respond adaptively to environmental
variation [36], altering their (st)age trajectories to best
Going beyond aggregate (st)age trajectories match environmental conditions. In Drosophila [37] and
The most widely used fitness measures are based on other species, lifespan can respond plastically to caloric
population averages (e.g. the net reproductive rate, R0; restriction: if resources become scarce, individuals reduce
the finite rate of increase, l; and the stochastic growth metabolism, allocating resources preferentially to survi-
rate, ls, defined in Table 1). However, in most popula- val; (iii) variation might persist because different (st)age
tions, even in a constant environment, individuals differ trajectories have equivalent fitness, enabling the long-
from one another, leading to variance in the number of term coexistence of different genotypes. For example, some
offspring produced over the life course. This variance has individuals might allocate more to survival at the expense
two components: (i) the difference between individuals of competitive ability, whereas others might suffer higher
that survive to reproduce and those that do not (this mortality but monopolize resources and reproduce more
variance will exist even if every individual in the popu- frequently (e.g. Ref. [34]); (iv) variation might persist
lation is strictly identical and has an identical risk of because, over the timescales considered, new mutations
dying, and can be estimated using mean age trajec- have not had enough time to go to fixation or be driven to
tories); and (ii) individual differences in fertility and extinction.
survival (some individuals might be more fecund, or As a result of all four aspects listed above, natural
more robust than others). populations will be aggregates of individuals with different
210 Review TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.22 No.4

demographic perspective is essential to understand the

Box 1. Human demography and evolutionary biology implications of this (co)variation for evolution. Recent
Demography is central to evolution, and it is therefore unsurprising methodological advances, such as Hierarchical Bayes
that human demography contributes to the study of evolutionary approaches, can be used to partition and structure models
biology. A first major asset is data availability: more information is
of variation in aggregates in a demographic framework
available on humans than on any other species. Data sets often
contain thousands of records, repeated measures on individuals, (e.g. Refs [40,41]). Advances in pedigree analysis also
considerable environmental information and even complete genea- enable heritable variation in (st)age trajectories to be
logies. Such data can be used to test evolutionary hypotheses, such distinguished from environmental noise [42], but sufficient
as the role of parental care in the evolution of post-reproductive life, data are only just becoming available. Allying such esti-
that could not be tested on other species. Considerable genetic data
mation of individual demographic (co)variation with mod-
are also available. Coupled with knowledge of human demographic
history (bottle-necks, migrations, etc.) genetic data enable the els for predictions of evolutionary outcomes is an area in
quantification of gene propagation (e.g. Ref. [62]). Conversely, considerable development (e.g. integral projection models
genetic polymorphism and evolutionary models inform our under- [43]; or indirect approaches [44]), with many unanswered
standing of human demographic and social history (e.g. Refs. questions, even at the most basic level. For example, it is
Theoretical advances in classical demography in fields such as
still not clear, even for humans, what fraction of variation
period and cohort effects, unstable populations, migration, hidden in age trajectories of survival is heritable, what fraction is
heterogeneity and so on, will also contribute as greatly to environmentally imposed and what fraction is due to
evolutionary biology in the future as they have in the past. For plasticity.
example, the demographic theory of unstable population dynamics Environmental variation through time might not only
[65] might clarify evolution in non-stationary populations, an area
where ecological models are recognized as being inadequate [66].
generate variation in the age trajectories of individuals,
Contributions might also be methodological, informing estimates of but also impose selection pressures on this variation. For
age trajectories in unstable populations via information from two example, in some cases, the more survival and fertility
census points [67] and so on. vary through time, the more ls is decreased [45] (this
If demography serves evolutionary biology, evolutionary biology
breaks down if environments are autocorrelated [46]).
also contributes to demography. Failure to forecast population
patterns resulting from increasing longevity [68] led demographers Vital rates with the biggest effects on ls (as identified by
to turn to biology. Evolutionary biology provides specific predic- perturbation analysis) should therefore be buffered
tions on aging [33] and also contributes to our understanding of against variation, as a result of selection, so that we might
diseases whose rampant effects are linked to rapid evolution, such expect fewer differences between individuals at any given
as influenza (e.g. Ref. [69]). Demographers and biologists are also
time. This is the case in some natural populations (e.g.
increasingly working together (e.g. Ref. [70]): a synthesis of
techniques and discoveries made independently in both fields will Refs. [2,47]). Another complication connected to heteroge-
successfully inform both in the future. neity and currently opening up a new field of investigation,
is that environmental conditions can lead negative
covariation between selection pressures and the genetic
characteristics of survival and fertility. Why is this varia- variance that they will act on, so that little evolutionary
tion challenging? First, fitness outcomes might change change is possible [48].
substantially. For example, Rees et al. [1] showed that Having outlined challenges arising both from estimation
individual variation in growth changes the predicted opti- of individual (st)age trajectories and modeling heteroge-
mal flowering size in monocarpic plants (i.e. the fitness neous populations, we now turn to cases where even accu-
estimate corresponding to the mean growth curve does not rate estimates of individual (st)age trajectories might be
accurately portray fitness for individuals within the popu- insufficient, another current key challenge.
lation). However, this challenge can be met if individual
variation in growth is specifically estimated. A more com- Going beyond trajectories of survival and fertility
plex example learnt from human demography (Box 1) is Within the framework of stable population theory, age
how aggregate measures of survival can obscure indivi- trajectories of survival and fertility enable calculation of
dual-level patterns. Average population survival curves the (st)age-specific contribution of one (st)age class to the
flatten off at advanced ages. However, this flattening might total number of descendants. This provides us with the
not accurately reflect the survival trajectory of an indivi- tools to dissect evolutionary processes at the individual,
dual, but might be observed only because frail individuals population and phylogenetic levels. However, these tools
die early, so that only individuals with overall lower mor- are not sufficient if age trajectories of survival and fertility
tality are present at late ages [38,39]. Understanding the are linked across generations. For example, offspring sur-
evolution of aging requires information about the relative vival often depends on the age of the parents at childbirth.
fitness of these two types of individual. However the frailty This occurs in humans owing to an increase in germline
attribute constitutes a hidden heterogeneity among indi- mutation rates with age in males [49]; or to increased risk
viduals, which can never be directly measured, but is of a child with Downs Syndrome with age for females (of up
important because survival is a dynamic process. to 35% for ages 45) [50]; and has also been recorded for
More generally, individual age trajectories of survival Drosophila [51]. Generally, the result is a decrease in
and fertility can (co)vary in complex ways as a result of offspring quality with age of parents.
direct connections between fitness components (reproduc- The issue of linkage across generations also arises
tion can decrease survival) or indirect connections (growth where parental care is required for offspring to survive
can affect both survival and fertility; e.g. Ref. [1]). Because and reproduce successfully. Adults can increase fitness by
of the dynamic aspect of survival outlined earlier, a investing time and energy in existing offspring instead of
Review TRENDS in Ecology and Evolution Vol.22 No.4 211

current reproduction. They thereby contribute to fitness 4 Coulson, T. et al. (2006) Estimating individual contributions to
population growth: evolutionary fitness in ecological time. Proc. R.
without reproducing, even during post-reproductive peri-
Soc. B 273, 547555
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