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When a material is subjected to an external force, it will either totally comply with
that force and be pushed away, or it will set up internal forces to oppose those
applied from outside. Solid materials generally act rather like a spring when
stretched or compressed, the internal forces come into play, as is easily seen when
the spring is released.

This experiment (shear test) is used to:
1- Establish a hardness factor of rubber (G) (Modulus of Rigidity ).
2- Establish a relationship between emotion and stress
(to be familiar with the concepts of shear stress and shear strain ).

Specimen :
The specimen is rubber pad the dimensions of this specimen are (150 75 25m m)
where the shear area equals 150 25 mm2 and shear modulus for the specimen is G
= 0.3 Mpa.

GUNT Rubber shear Apparatus is used .
The rubber pad is fixed on the wall by one of its face while the force is applied by
hanging weights on a hunger attached to the opposite face .

Procedures :
1) Reset hour measurement ( measurement accuracy 0.1 mm)
2) Add weights (Hang the first weight).
3) Read the deal gauge (hour measurement) value and recorded it beside the
applied force in the collected data table .
4) Repeat step ( 2) by adding the second and repeat step (3)
5) Continuo adding weights and recording the deal gauge. reading until you
finish the chosen set of weights .
6) Observe the changing in pad elements and record.

( pa) (rad) F(N) (mm)

0.000667 0.000733 2.5 0.055
0.001333 0.002133 5 0.16
0.001867 0.003333 7 0.25
0.0024 0.004667 9 0.35
0.002933 0.005867 11 0.44
0.004267 0.0096 16 0.72
0.0056 0.013333 21 1
0.006933 0.017067 26 1.28






0.003 G (SLOPE)



0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018


G (theoretically) N/ mm2 G(slope)N/ mm2 of error %

0.4 0.474 18.5%
Shear testing is different from tensile and compression testing in that the forces
applied are parallel to the upper and lower faces of the object under test. Materials
behave differently in shear than in tension or compression, including different values
for strength and stiffness.

- Note the non return to zero time after the remove of all weight due to the physical
properties of rubber.
- We can refer difference type of the error:
1- Hour measurement accuracy.
2-Error in reading (personal error)

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