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Stomatologica Naissi Kruni i sar. / AKRILATI

2007, vol. 23, br./num. 56 str./p 747 - 752






Kruni Neboja1, Kosti Milena2, Anelkovi Maja2

1Medicinski fakultet Ni, Klinika za stomatologiju, Odeljenje za stomatoloku protetiku, Ni, Srbija;
2Klinika za stomatologiju, Odeljenje za stomatoloku protetiku, Ni, Srbija

1Medical Faculty, Clinic of stomatology, Department of prosthodontics, Ni, Serbia;

2Clinic of stomatology, Department of prosthodontics, Ni, Serbia

Kratak sadraj Summary

U radu su, na osnovu podataka iz dostupne literature, opisani hemijski Based on the data from the available literature, in this study are pre-
sastav, klasifikacija, kao i primena akrilata u stomatoprotetskoj praksi. sented basic characteristics of acrylic resins perceived through the
Pored toga, prezentirane su osnovne karakteristike akrilata, sagledane aspect of advantages and disadvantages and their adequate choice in
sa aspekta prednosti, odnosno nedostataka, a sve radi njihovog ade the condition of clinic laboratory practice. Also, the chemical com-
kvatnog izbora u uslovima kliniko - laboratorijskog rada. position, classification and acrylic resins application in prosthodontic
practice have been described.
Kljune rei: akrilati, stomatoloka protetika
Key words: acrylic resins, prosthetic dentistry

Akrilati su vetake smole koje se dobijaju
sjedinjavanjem jednostavnih hemijskih jedi Acrylic resins are the artificial resins ob-
njenja, tzv. monomera, pri emu kao produkt te tained through the fusion of plain chemical
sinteze nastaje polimer. compounds so-called monomers, having a poly-
Proces sinteze monomernih molekula u po- mer as the product of that synthesis.
limer naziva se polimerizacija. Kao hemijska The process of monomer molecules synthe-
reakcija, polimerizacija moe tei razliitim to- sis into the polymer is called polymerization.
kovima, ali za stomatologiju su od interesa adi- Polymerization, as a chemical reaction can go in
ciona i kondenzaciona polimerizacija. Adiciona a different courses, but dentistry is interested in
se odvija bez oslobaanja nusproizvoda, dok se additional and condensational polymerization.
pri kondenzacionoj polimerizaciji oslobaaju Additional goes without releasing side prod-
nusproizvodi (npr. voda, vodonik hlorid i dr.). ucts, whereas in the process of condensational
polymerization side products are being released
(water, hydrogen chloride, etc.). Acrylic resins
Cilj rada
are polymerized by additional reaction.1
Cilj rada bio je da prikae osnovnu hemij The aim of this study was to illustrate the
sku strukturu, karakteristike, kao i primenu basic chemical structure, characteristics and the
akrilata u stomatolokoj protetici. acrylic resins application in dental prosthetics.

Acta Stomatologica Naissi, decembar/December 2007, vol. 23, broj/number 56

Prema osnovnoj hemijskoj strukturi, ovi ma- According to their basic chemical structure,
terijali najee pripadaju estrima metakrilatne these materials most commonly belong to the
kiseline.1 U stomatologiji se koristi vie estara esters of methacrylate acid. Several methac-
metakrilatne kiseline, ali najiru primenu ima rylate acid esters are used in dentistry, but the
metilmetakrilat (MMA). Akrilati su dvokompo- wider appliance has the methyl methacrylate
nentni sistemi koji se sastoje iz tenog dela i (MMA). Acrylic resins are dual component
vrstog, koji je u obliku praka. Agregatno sta systems consisting of liquid and solid part in
nje komponenata (tenosti i praka) odreeno the form of powder. Aggregation state of the
je stepenom polimerizacije MMA, kao osnovne components (powder and liquid) has been de-
supstance. Naime, tenost je nepolimerizovani termined by the MMA polymerization degree
MMA, odnosno monomer, dok je praak poli as a basic substance. Namely, liquid is a non-
merizat metilmetakrilata (PMMA), tj. polimer.2 polymerized MMA - monomer, while the pow-
Ovim materijama namenski su dodate i druge der is polymeric methyl methacrylate (PMMA)
supstance. polymer2. Other substances have been inten-
Tenost, pored MMA, obavezno sadri inhi tionally added to these materials.
bitor polimerizacije, ija je uloga da sprei eve In addition to MMA, liquid compulsory
ntualnu neeljenu, polimerizaciju koja moe da contains polymerization inhibitor having a role
se inicira pod dejstvom toplote ili ultravioletnog of preventing eventual, unwanted polymeriza-
zraenja tokom skladitenja preparata. Kao in- tion initiated by the heat or ultraviolet ray ef-
hibitor najee se koristi 0.006% hidrohinon. fect during the period of storage. A 0,006% of
Ostali sastojci (umreiva, akcelerator) prisutni hydrochinon is most commonly used as an in-
su samo u pojedinim vrstama akrilata. hibitor. Other ingredients like (cross linker, ac-
Praak, pored PMMA, ima u svom sastavu celerator) are present only in a certain types of
inicijator, plastifikator, anorganske supstance acrylic resins.
i pigmente. Inicijator neutralie dejstvo in- Powder, along with the PMMA, in its com-
hibitora i pokree reakciju polimerizacije. Za position, has initiator, plasticizer, inorganic
ovu svrhu koristi se obino benzoilperoksid substances and pigments. Inhibitors effect is
u koliini 0.2 - 1.5%. Dibutil i dietil ftalat se neutralized with the initiator and starts the po-
akrilatima dodaju kao plastifikatori. Anorgan- lymerization reaction. For this purpose usually
ske supstance, kao to su zrnca stakla, cirkoni- is used benzoyl peroxide in the quantity of 0.2
jum silikata, aluminijum oksida, doprinose 1.5%. During the polymerization plasticizer
poboljanju mehanikih karakteristika. Akrilati (dibutil phthalate) is added with the aim to in-
su prozrane, bezbojne materije koje je potreb- crease the elasticity of the acrylic resin. Inorgan-
no obojiti kako bi priblinije imitirale tkiva i or- ic substance like glass fibres, zirconium silicate,
gane usne duplje koje zamenjuju. Kao pigmenti aluminium oxide, are contributing the mechani-
koriste se soli ive, gvoa, kadmijuma i dr3. cal characteristics improvement. Acrylic resins
Akrilati se najee klasifikuju prema are translucent, colourless matters that need to
nainu iniciranja polimerizacije i konzistenciji. be coloured in order to imitate the replacing tis-
sues and organs of oral cavity more closely. The
I Prema nainu iniciranja reakcije polime salts of mercury, iron and cadmium are used as
rizacije:3,4 pigments3.
1. Toplopolimerizujui akrilati su oni kod
Acrylic resins are usually classified:
kojih se proces polimerizacije inicira i odvija
pod dejstvom toplote u vodenom kupatilu. I As per initiating polymerization reaction
2. Hladnopolimerizujui akrilati polimeri mode3, 4:
zuju se na sobnoj temperaturi. Za razliku od Heat/polymerized are the acrylic resins by
toplopolimerizujuih, sadre akcelerator, koji whom the polymerization process is initiated
razlae inicijator polimerizacije na slobodne ra- and unfolds under the heat effect in the water
dikale, ime se aktivira proces polimerizacije. bath.
Kao akcelerator koristi se amindimetiparatolu- Cold/polymerized are the acrylic resins po-
idin. lymerized at room temperature. Unlike heat/
3. Svetlosnopolimerizujui (fotosenzibilni) polymerized, cold/polymerized acrylic resins
akrilati su oni kod kojih je vidljiva svetlost contain accelerator for decomposing polymeri-

Krunic et al.:

aktivator polimerizacije. Za potrebe polimer- zation initiator to free radicals thus activating
izacije koriste se specijalni aparati koji proiz- the process of polymerization. The amine dime-
vode vidljivu svetlost talasne duine dijapa- thyl paratholuidin is used as an accelerator.
zona = 380-760 nm. Light/polymerized are the acrylic resins by
4. Mikrotalasnopolimerizujui akrilati ovr which the polymerization is activated by the
avaju pod dejstvom energije izazvane mikro- visible light. Special devices producing visible
talasima u mikrotalasnim peima. light are used for the needs of polymerization
with diapason of =380-760 nm.
II Prema konzistenciji: Microwave/polymerized acrylic resins are
Akrilati mogu biti tvrdi (krti), odnosno meki hardening if exposed to the microwave irradia-
(fleksibilni).5 tion.
Konzistencija akrilata zavisi od koliine
plastifikatora u hemijskoj strukturi. Naime, II As per its consistency:
meki akrilati, pored uobiajenih komponenti, Acrylic resins can be hard (fragile), that is
sadre vei procenat plastifikatora, to uslo soft (flexible).5
vljava njihovu izraeniju fleksibilnost i nakon They are mutually different by the quantity
zavrenog procesa polimerizacije. Koliina of plasticizer in the chemical structure. Beside
plastifikatora se, u zavisnosti od preparata, kree the usual components, soft acrylic resins con-
i do 30%.6 Prema vremenu trajanja elastinosti tain higher percentage of plasticizer thus caus-
meki akrilati dele se na kondicionere i lajnere. ing their flexibility after the polymerization
Kod kondicionera elastinost traje nekoliko ne- process has actually finished. Depending on
delja, dok se kod lajnera taj period prolongira the preparation, plasticizer quantity varies even
i do 3 godine.3 Vremenom, usled isparavanja up to 30%.6 According to the duration period of
plastifikatora, akrilati gube elastinost i postaju elasticity; soft acrylic resins are divided to the
neupotrebljivi. conditioners and liners. Conditioners elasticity
endures several weeks, while the liners prolong
that period up to 3 years.3 Gradually, due to the
Karakteristike akrilata evaporation of plasticizer, they are loosing elas-
ticity and becoming unusable.
Kao i svi gradivni materijali koji se koriste
u stomatologiji, pored ostalih karakteristika,
prvenstveno treba da budu bioloki prihvatljivi, Acrylic resins characteristics
odnosno da su kompatibilni sa oralnim tkivima.
Brojna istraivanja ukazuju da se radi o bio- All materials used in dentistry should in
kompatibilnim materijalima, kod ije primene the first place be biologically acceptable, that
je potreban oprez. Naime, na lokalnom nivou is compatible with the oral tissues. Numerous
uoena je inflamacija na mestima gde akrilat research works are pointing out that it is about
dolazi u kontakt sa sluzokoom usne duplje biocompatible materials whose application de-
(slika 1).7,8Takoe, u radu sa ovim materijali- mands caution. Its been noticed that locally, in

Slika 1. Inflamacija oralne sluzokoe prouzrokovana rezidual- Slika 2. Alergijski kontaktni dermatitis nastao u direktnom
nim monomerom kontaktu alergena (monomera akrilata) i koe
Figure 1. Inflamation of oral mucosa caused by residual Figure 2. Allergic contact dermatitis caused in direct contact
monomer of allergen (acrylic monomer) and skin

Acta Stomatologica Naissi, decembar/December 2007, vol. 23, broj/number 56

ma, od strane lekara, odnosno zubnih tehniara, the places where acrylic resin is directly con-
opisana je kontaktna alergija (slika 2).9,10 MMA tacting the mucous of the oral cavity, an inflam-
moe u veim koncetracijama provocirati iz- matory process appears (figure 1).7,8 Also, in
vesne respiratorne poremeaje.11 Potencijalno everyday practice of doctors, dental technicians
toksini efekti najee potiu iz monomera a contact allergy has been described (figure
koji se nije vezao tokom procesa polimerizacije 2).9,10 MMA can, in higher concentrations pro-
(tzv. rezidualni monomer). Njegova koliina voke certain respiratory disorders.11 Potentially
zavisi od vrste akrilata i naina izvoenja poli toxic effects are originating from the mono-
merizacije.12,13 Pod pretpostavkom da je reim mer who did not bind during the polymeriza-
polimerizacije izveden pravilno, procenat re- tion process (so-called residual monomer). Its
zidualnog monomera kod toplopolimerizujuih quantity depends of the type of acrylic resin and
akrilata kree se od 0,2 - 0,5% odnosno 1 polymerization performance pedantry.12,13 As-
- 2%. Kod hladnopolimerizujuih akrilata ta suming that the polymerization regime has been
koliina iznosi i do 5%. Prema standardu (ISO performed accurately, the percentage of the
1567:1999) maksimalno dozvoljena koliina heat/polymerized residual monomer goes from
monomera za toplopolimerizujue akrilate 0,2 - 0,5 that is 1 - 2%. With the cold/polymer-
je 2,2%, a za hladnopolimerizujue akrilate ized t acrylic resin hat quantity amounts up to
4,5%.14 Osim rezidualnog monomera, kao po- 5%. Maximum allowed monomer quantity for
tencijalno iritirajue supstance mogu delovati i the heat/polymerized acrylic resins according to
formaldehid, benzoil peroksid, dibutil ftalat, soli the standard (ISO 1567:1999) is 2,2%, and for
ive, kadmijuma i dr.15,16 Uzroci iritacija vie the cold/polymerized acrylic resins is 4,5%.14
su fiziko - hemijske nego alergijske prirode. Besides the residual monomer, as potentially
Akrilati su materijali koji imaju zado irritating substance, the formaldehyde, benzoic
voljavajuu transparenciju, malu specifinu peroxide, dibutil phthalate, salts of mercury,
cadmium, etc. can act as well.15,16 Irritations
teinu, bez mirisa su i bez ukusa. Jednostavno
caused are physically chemical rather than of
se obradjuju i repariraju. Da bi se neka protetska
allergy nature. Acrylic resins are the materials
nadoknada od akrilata integrisala u stomato-
with the satisfying transparency, small specific
gnati sistem, neophodno je da, izmeu ostalog, volume, odourless and no taste. They are treat-
poseduje odgovarajue mehanike i fizike ed and repaired easily.
karakteristike. Moe se rei da ove njihove In order to integrate some acrylic resins
osobine nisu na eljenom nivou.17,18 Naime, prosthetic dentures in the orofacial system, it
akrilati nemaju potrebnu vrstou i tvrdou, is necessary among other that it possesses ap-
poseduju neto niu otpornost na abraziju od propriate mechanical and physical characteris-
eljene, kao i manji modul elastinosti, to ih tics. One can say that these features of acrylic
ini krtim i lake lomljivim. Skloni su da ne- resins are not at the desired level.17,18 Acrylic
znatno apsorbuju vodu (do 2%), to je posledica resins do not possess necessary hardness and
konstantnog oslobaanja malih koliina rezidu- firmness; they possess a bit lower resistance to
alnog monomera. Apsorbovana voda deluje kao the abrasion, than desired and smaller elastic-
plastifikator i eventualno dodatno kompromi- ity module which makes them fragile. They are
tuje mehanike osobine.19 Njihova rastvorlji- prone to absorb water which is the consequence
vost u vodi i oralnim tenostima slaba je i nema of constant release of residual monomer small
kliniki znaaj. quantities. Absorbed water works as plasticizer
Akrilati nisu dimenzionalno stabilni materi- and eventually compromises the mechanical
jali (deformiu se za vreme polimerizacije, de- features additionally19. Their solubility in wa-
jstvom rastvaraa, zagrevanjem) i dr.1 ter and oral liquids is weak and has no clinical
Poroznost, odnosno prisustvo sitnih, obino significance.
golim okom nevidljivih upljina u strukturi ovih Acrylic resins are dimensionally stabile ma-
materijala, takoe je nepoeljna. Porozan akrilat terials (they are deformed during the polymer-
sklon je prelomu, a moe da utie i na promenu ization, by solvents impact, heating) etc.1
boje nadoknade, ime se umanjuje njen estetski Porosity, the presence of small, invisible by
efekat. Pore su predilekciono mesto za retenciju the eye, cavities in the structure of these mate-
hrane i mikroorganizama, zbog ega iritativno rials is also not desirable. Porous acrylic resin
dejstvo akrilata moe biti naglaenije. is prone to fracture, and can also influence the


Takoe, kontrakcija i ekspanzija koje se colour of the dentures disparaging it aesthetic

deavaju tokom procesa polimerizacije pre effect.
dstavljaju potencijalni uzrok napona unutar Pore is a predilection place for food reten-
samog materijala. Posledice oslobaanja unu- tion and micro organisms due to which irritat-
tranjeg napona mogu se manifestovati po ing influence of the acrylic resins can be more
veanom osetljivou protetske nadoknade na stressed.
The contraction and expansion during the
prelom. Sva ova svojstva variraju unutar samih polymerization process can also present the
grupa, to je rezultat neznatnih razlika u he potential cause of tension in the material itself.
mijskoj strukturi, homogenosti akrilatne smee, The consequences of inner tension releasing
a ponajvie u reimu polimerizacije.20,21 can be manifested in higher sensitivity of pros-
Bez obzira na pomenute nedostatke, jo uvek thetic compensation to the fracture.
su nezamenljivi za svoje indikaciono podruje, All these characteristics vary within the
a od svih stomatolokih disciplina imaju naji- groups itself as a result of insignificant differ-
ru primenu u stomatolokoj protetici. ences in chemical structure of acrylic resins
Kao gradivni materijali akrilati se koriste u homogeneity and mostly in the polymerization
izradi baza ploastih mobilnih zubnih proteza regime.20, 21
Regardless to the mentioned disadvantages,
(primena datira jo od 1937. godine)22, vetakih they are still irreplaceable for its indicative ar-
zuba, faseta krunica i mostova, privremenih fi eas and have the wider application in dental
ksnih zubnih nadoknada, kao i za potrebe pod- prosthetics from all dentistry disciplines.
laganja i reparatura nadoknada, napravljenih od Acrylic resins as materials are used in pro-
ove vrste materijala. cessing mobile dentures bases (application dates
Kao pomoni materijali, akrilati se upotre- back in 1937)22, artificial teeth, facet crowns
bljavaju za izradu individualnih kaika, zatim and dental bridges, temporary fixed dentures,
modela pojedinih zubnih nadoknada, nagriznih as well as for needs of reline and dentures repa-
grebena, eventualno baznih ploa i zagriajnih rations.
As supplementary these materials are used
bedema. Pojedine formule MMA uestvuju u
for the individual spoon, certain dentures mod-
strukturi nekih materijala za trajno vezivanje els, occlusal bite, eventually base plates and
fiksnih zubnih nadoknada (cementi na bazi occlusal rims. Certain MMA formulas are par-
smola i glas-jonomer cementi modifikovani ticipating in the structure of some materials
smolama).23,24 for permanent bonding of fixed dentures (resin
Za razliku od krutih, meki akrilati se ko- based cement and glass ionomer cements modi-
riste za podlaganje baza ploastih zubnih pro- fied by resins).23,24
teza, privremenog ili trajnog karaktera, u strogo The soft acrylic resins, unlike hard ones, are
definisanim indikacijama, zatim u izradi obtu- being used for reline denture base temporary or
rator i maksilofacijalnih proteza.25 of permanent character in strictly defined indi-
cations, and further in the processing of obtura-
tor and maxillofacial prosthesis.25
Kao i ostali materijali koji se koriste u
stomatologiji, ni akrilati nisu savreni i malo The acrylic resins, like other materials used
je verovatno da e takav ideal biti ostvaren. in dentistry are not perfect and it is little likely
Postojei akrilati imaju izvesna ogranienja, to accomplish an ideal of perfection. The exist-
ali iskorieni u punom potencijalu, zauzima- ing acrylic resins are prone to a certain limita-
ju znaajno mesto u stomatoprotetskoj praksi. tions, but utilized in full potential still take the
important place in dental prosthetics. One can
Moe se rei da njihov adekvatan izbor, pedan-
say that adequate choice of, acrylic resins pe-
tan postupak polimerizacije i odgovarajua ob- dantic polymerization treatment and appropri-
rada protetskog rada, uz sve to i korektna oral- ate prosthetic work processing, along with the
na higijena predstavljaju odluujue faktore correct oral hygiene present determining factors
uspeha i dugovenosti protetskih nadoknada for success and durability of prosthetic dentures
nainjenih od ove vrste materijala. made of this kind of material.

Acta Stomatologica Naissi, decembar/December 2007, vol. 23, broj/number 56


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Adresa za korespondenciju:
Doc. dr Neboja Kruni Address of correspondence:
Klinika za stomatologiju Ni Ass. Prof. Neboja Kruni, DDS. MSD. PhD.
Bul. dr Zorana inia 52 52 Buld. Dr Zorana inia
18000 Ni 18000 Ni
Srbija Serbia
Tel:+381(0)18226216 Phone +381(0)18 226216
e-mail: krunic@junis.ni.ac.yu e-mail: krunic@junis.ni.ac.yu


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