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Referencias bibliogrficas sobre pos-modernismo

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Sarbin, T. R. (1986), Narrative Psychology: The Storied Nature of Human Conduct,
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Sarup, M. (1989), An Introductory Guide to Post-Structuralism and Postmodernism,
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nentrality: thrce guidelines for the conductor of the session~, Family Process, 19 (1): 3-12.
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Wangberg, E (1991), Self reflection: turning the mirror inward~,Journal of Strategic and
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White, M. y Epston, D. (1990), Narrative Means to Therapentic Ends, Nueva York,
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Dulwich Centre Publications) (trad. cas~.: Medios narrativos para fines teraputicos,
Barcelona, Paids, 1994).

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