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Food Journal

Ambria College of Nursing

Nutrition and exercise go hand-in-hand when it comes to creating a healthier lifestyle and

an overall improved wellbeing. This assignment was very useful to record my eating and

exercise habits and realize what Im doing right and what I can improve on. Based on my age

and activity level, my recommended daily calorie intake was 1800 kcal. Throughout the two

weeks, my daily calorie intake ranged from 1500 to 2000 kcal a day. I realized that during the

weekend, I had a tendency to consume more calories than during the weekday. This was most

likely due to the fact that during the weekend I tended to go out socially and did not really pay

attention to the calories I was consuming. My intake of fat averaged to 35% of my daily calories

per day compare to the recommended daily allowance of 20-35% of energy coming from fat.

Although I am within the recommended range for fat intake, I am at the higher end of the range,

and I would like to decrease the amount of fat intake in my diet. My average sodium intake was

2848 mg per day compared to the recommended < 2300 mg per day. Compared to the

recommended daily allowance, my intake of sodium was very high. Although some sodium is

necessary in out diets, too much sodium can lead to health problems such as hypertension. In

addition, excessive salt consumption can lead to edema in the hands, arms, ankles, feet, and legs

(Grodner, Escott-Stump, & Dorner, 2016). My average cholesterol intake was 523 mg compared

to the recommended daily allowance of < 300 mg per day. I was very surprised that my

cholesterol intake was very high compared to the recommended daily allowance. High

cholesterol is very dangerous for cardiac health because it can put an individual at risk for heart

disease. My cholesterol was very high, possibly because I was consuming a lot of meat and dairy

products that are high in saturated fats, as well as consuming fast foods and desserts that were

high in trans fats (Grodner, et al., 2016). Overall, I would like to decrease my fat, sodium, and

cholesterol intake.
The nutrients I did not eat in adequate amounts included: dietary fiber and linoleic acid. Dietary

fiber is important to include in your diet because it helps prevent constipation by promoting the

movement of the digestive system and help maintain regular bowel movements. It helps maintain

the health of your bowels and prevent diverticulitis and colon cancer, as well as lowering

cholesterol levels to help prevent heart disease and help reduce blood sugar levels to reduce the

risk of developing type 2 diabetes (Grodner, et al., 2016). The nutrients I did eat in adequate

amounts included: protein, carbohydrates, and sugars. Protein is important to the diet because it

aids the body in building and repairing tissues. Protein is also used in making hormones,

enzymes, and chemicals, and it plays a role in every cell of the human body. The last of the three

macronutrients, carbohydrates, is important because these foods contain the energy needed to

function on a daily basis. Carbohydrates include foods such as: breads, pastas, fruits, and

vegetables. The human body uses these foods to produce glucose, which the body then utilizes to

provide energy (Grodner, et al., 2016). My activity level was sedentary. I went on a couple of

thirty-minute walks each week. Most of my activity was when I was working on my feet at the

hospital, but overall, my activity level was sedentary. I need to increase my activity level by

incorporating more active exercise, such as jogging or biking.

My three worst dietary habits are: consuming too much cholesterol, eating out too many times

per week, and consuming too much sodium. I work full-time, so it is not always easy for me to

come home after a long day at work and cook a full meal. I am always on the go, and it is easier

and faster to just order a pizza or pick up some Chipotle after work instead. However, I realize

that fast foods contain a lot of cholesterol, sodium, and fats that are very unhealthy. Excessive

cholesterol, sodium, and fat intake can lead to heart disease and hypertension because they cause

arteries of the body to become clogged with plaque, thus leading to a build-up and putting strain
on the heart (Grodner, et al., 2016). My three best dietary habits include: eating many fruits and

vegetables, drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day, and not drinking alcohol.

Fruits and vegetables are carbohydrates that the body uses to convert glucose into energy. In

addition, they are good sources of many minerals and vitamins, as well as adequate sources of

dietary fiber needed to maintain a regular digestive system (Grodner, et al., 2016). I aim to eat

some type of fruit or vegetable during every meal, as well as snacking on fruits and vegetables

during the day. Water is an essential part of daily living. We need it in order to survive and help

the body function properly. It plays a role in digestion, temperature regulation, waste removal,

and the transport of nutrients (Grodner, et al., 2016). In a typical day, I will drink three liters of

water. Lastly, I try not to drink any alcohol because of the serious health consequences it can

have on the body. Alcohol has a serious impact on the liver, and it can lead to problems such as

hepatitis or cirrhosis. It also can lead to hypertension, stroke, and certain cancers (mouth, throat,

liver, and esophagus) (Grodner, et al., 2016). According to the nutrient report, I need to keep my

calorie and carbohydrate intake the same; decrease my fat intake; keep my protein intake the

same; increase my intake of vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K; keep my intake of vitamin A,

vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, folate, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and choline the same;

decrease my intake of sodium, increase my intake of calcium and iron, and keep my intake of

potassium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, and zinc the same. Vitamin D deficiency

is dangerous because it helps the body utilize calcium and promotes strong, healthy bones.

Vitamin E is essential in the diet because without it, a person can develop vision problems.

Vitamin K is important because a deficiency can lead to a risk of bleeding or severe hemorrhage.

Calcium is important in the diet because a deficiency can cause muscle cramps, neurologic

symptoms (confusion, delirium, hallucinations), and an increased risk in developing

osteoporosis. Iron is important in the diet because a deficiency can lead to iron-deficiency

anemia. The body requires iron in order to make hemoglobin. Without it, hemoglobin cannot

adequately transport oxygen to the bodys tissues. In addition, I would like to increase my

activity and exercise habits by increasing the amount of exercise I perform every week.

My short-term goals for improving my diet are to decrease the amount of times I eat out a week

to two times per week and to decrease the amount of sodium intake in my diet. My long-term

goals for my diet are to decrease my cholesterol and fat intake and limit eating out to twice a

month. My short-term goal for increasing my exercise routine is to exercise for at least thirty

minutes three times a week. My long-term goal for increasing my exercise routine is to exercise

for at least thirty minutes six times a week. I would also really like to train myself to run a mile

without stopping.

Based on what I have learned during this course, I made modifications to my diet in order to

improve my health. I focused on meal preparation for the week on Sunday in order to prevent

myself from going out to lunch or dinner. I found that it helped to prepare food for the week so

that I wouldnt be tempted to buy fast foods. Although I did eat out a couple of times during the

week, I tried to look up the menu online and figure out which foods where low in cholesterol,

sodium, and fat. I incorporated less beef and pork in my diet, and I ate a lot of salmon and

chicken breast during the last week. I also focused on eating more fruits and vegetables, and

eating low-fat options of other foods. Also, during the week, I made an effort to go biking after

work three days out of the week, and I found that it really helped with my stress levels, and it

was a great way to spend time with my family. I would say that overall, I was successful in

implementing my new plan because I have made an effort to decrease my cholesterol, fat, and

sodium intake because I realize how much of it I was consuming and how dangerous it is for my
cardiac health. Overall, I really appreciated the experience this assignment gave me because it

made me more conscious of the foods I was consuming and the nutrients they contained. I do not

generally consider myself unhealthy, but I realize that the foods I was eating were not good for

my health in the long-term, and I was putting myself at risk for heart disease and hypertension. I

also realized that eating healthy and exercising helped my overall sense of wellbeing and levels

of stress. I felt like I had more energy, and eating healthy helped me feel less sluggish throughout

the day. I would like to utilize these tools for my family and myself because I want to instill these

healthy habits into their lifestyles because as a parent, I want to set a good example for them.

Overall, Im eager to keep up my healthy lifestyle and enjoy the benefits it will have to my


Grodner, M., Escott-Stump, S., & Dorner. S. (2016). Nutritional foundations and clinical

applications: A nursing approach, (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.

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