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META Conference 2017

Teaching English to SELFIE Generation: emerging trends and challenges

Requirements for Publications

General requirements for the articles

We welcome original articles that havent been published before.

- Length of the article 5-7 pages, including bibliography, A4 page format, justified alignment of the text;
- Structure of the article should be organized as follows:
o TITLE (all capital letters) (centered alignment)
o Name and SURNAME of the author, scientific degree (right alignment of the text)
o Affiliated institution, e-mail (right alignment of the text in italics)
o Summary of the article in English and/or Romanian (250-300 words) (justified alignment of the
text, italics)
o Keywords (justified alignment of the text, bold)
- Sample

o The article itself (font Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1,15; page margins 2x2x2x2 cm,
justified alignment of the text). Empirical investigations and studies should include at least the
following sections: problem or object of study, background and hypothesis, method, results,
discussion and conclusion. If there are pictures, tables or any schemes or figures in the article,
they should be of good quality and can be embedded in the text or as appendices. Every picture,
table of scheme should be entitled and numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text.
If you give references in your article, please, use the following format [2, p.17] . The complete
list of references should be presented at the end of the article in alphabetical order. The standard
style rule is as follows:
o References
a) Books
First surname of the author (comma), using initials for the first and middle names (full stop),
italicized title of the book (full stop), location (colon), publisher (comma), year of
publication (full stop, hyphen), number of pages in the book (full stop)
Example: Marzano, R. J. The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework
for Effective Instruction. Athenes: Heinle ELT, 2007. 221 p.
*If more that one author, same as above, just enumerate them using commas.
*If more than three authors it would be enough to include et al..
b) Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Title of the dictionary in italics (slash), surname of the author (comma), initials (full stop,
hyphen), location (colon), publisher (comma), year of publication (full stop, hyphen),
number of pages in the book (full stop)
Example: New Oxford American Dictionary/Corporate author. USA: Oxford University
Press, 2010. 2096 p.
/ . . [ .]. : , 1999.
1055 .
c) Journals and Magazines
First surname of the author (comma), using initials for the first and middle names (full stop),
italicized title of the article (slash), editors of the journal (enumerate by using commas,
double slash), journal title (full stop, hyphen), year of publication (full stop, hyphen), issue
number (full stop, hyphen), pages of the article (full stop).
Example: Frank, J. Raising Cultural Awareness in the English Language Classroom
/Anderson D., Chinnery G., Fay D., et al. // English Teaching Forum. 2013. num.4, vol.5
d) Web resources
Author, Year of Publication (i.e. year when web page was created, if known), Title (in italics),
available URL (in the format: http://internet address/remote path) and the Date Source was Accessed
[in square brackets].
Example: Jon Agar, (2004), How to reference electronic sources. Available URL:
http://www.hps.cam.ac.uk/research/webref.html [accessed 21 March 2014]

Articles should be sent to the following addres:


no later than 10 Aprilie, 2017

(articles submitted later will not be published)

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