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SSS Standard Operation Tasks (SSNC)

Siemens SSS Standard Operation Tasks (SSNC)

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This course is subject to the European Export Control Restrictions.

2002 Siemens AG
The reproduction, transmission or use of this document or its contents is not permitted without express written authority.
Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, including rights created by patent grant or registration of utility model or design,
are reserved.
Technical modifications possible.
Technical specifications and features are binding only insofar as they are specifically and expressly agreed upon in a written

II MN2513EU09S1_0002
2002 Siemens AG
SSS Standard Operation TasksMSC Database Administration
(SSNC) Siemens 1

Sub-sections Mobile Subscriber Administration 2

Introduction to CCS7 3

Administration of the Signaling Network 4

SSS Standard
Operation Tasks
Administration of Circuit Connections 5


Global Title Translation 6

Charging Data Administration 7

System Data Administration 8

Appendix 9

MN2513EU09S1_0002 10
2002 Siemens AG
Siemens SSS Standard Operation Tasks (SSNC)

In elektrischen Anlagen stehen zwangslufig bestimmte Teile der Gerte unter Spannung. Einige Teile
knnen auch eine hohe Betriebstemperatur aufweisen.
Eine Nichtbeachtung dieser Situation und der Warnungshinweise kann zu Krperverletzungen und
Sachschden fhren.
Deshalb wird vorausgesetzt, dass nur geschultes und qualifiziertes Personal die Anlagen installiert
und wartet.
Beachten Sie bitte die ntigen Sicherheitsanforderungen und leisten Sie durch ein problembewusstes
Verhalten Ihren Beitrag zur Verhtung von Unfllen jeglicher Art. Gefahren fr Leib und Leben / Leben
und Gesundheit bzw. Verletzungen, die aus sicherheitswidrigem Handeln resultieren knnen, sind von
einer Haftung durch das ICN Training Institute ausgeschlossen.

High voltages are present in certain parts of this equipment. Some parts can also have high operating
Non-observance of these conditions and the safety instructions can result in personal injury or in
equipment damage.
Therefore only trained and qualified personnel may install and maintain the system.
Please ensure the necessary safety requirements are met and, by demonstrating a responsible
attitude, play your part in avoiding accidents of any kind. Danger to life and limb, life and well being or
injuries that could result from actions adverse to safety are excluded from any liability on the part of
the ICN Training Institute.

Algunos elementos de este equipo presentan tensiones altas. Incluso algunos componentes pueden
presentar alta temperatura.
No observar estas condiciones y las instrucciones de seguridad puede causar daos personales, as
como daos al equipo.
Por lo tanto el sistema debe ser instalado y mantenido por personal cualificado.
Tenga presente los requerimientos de seguridad y contribuya a la prevencin de accidentes de toda
ndole, actuando consciente de los problemas que pudieran surgir. El 'ICN Training Institute' no se
responsabiliza por daos y perjuicios resultantes de actuaciones contrarias a los aspectos de
seguridad y que pongan en peligro la salud y la vida de las personas involucradas.

Des tensions leves sont inevitablement prsentes des points spcifiques de cet quipement
lectrique. Certains lments peuvent aussi avoir en service des temperatures leves.
La non-observation de ces conditions et des instructions de scurit peut engendrer des dgats
personnelles ou un endomagement du matriel.
Pour ces raisons seulement le personnel form et qualifi est permi dinstaller et de maintenir le
Veuillez tenir compte des exigences de scurit ncessaires et contribuer la prvention des
accidents de toutes sortes par un comportement conscient des risques. L'ICN Training Institute
dcline toute responsabilit pour les dangers menaant le corps et la vie / la vie et la sant et/ou les
blessures pouvant rsulter d'actes contraires la scurit.

IV MN2513EU09S1_0002
2002 Siemens AG
SSS Standard Operation Tasks (SSNC) Siemens

Sub-section reference
Sub-section identification Pages
1 MN2513EU09 MSC Database Admin. S1_0001 1 - 74
2 MN2513EU09 Mobile Subscr. Admin. S1_0002 1 - 188
3 MN2513EU09 Introduction to CCS7 S1_0001 1 - 44
4 MN2513EU09 Signaling Network S1_0002 1 - 110
5 MN2513EU09 Circuit Connections S1_0002 1 - 200
6 MN2513EU09 Global Title Translation S1_0001 1 - 104
7 MN2513EU09 Charging Data Admin. S1_0001 1 - 148
8 MN2513EU09 System Data Admin. S1_0002 1 - 108

This document consists of 976 pages.

2002 Siemens AG
Siemens SSS Standard Operation Tasks (SSNC)

The training materials that are handed out are meant for training purposes only. The
accompanying document is not a replacement for the official system documentation,
and is not meant for self-study. The official system documentation is the only licensed
reference work for carrying out work in the field. This student file is your own

At the end of the course, your course conductor will give you some course evaluation
sheets. We ask you to fill out these sheets and would be pleased to receive
suggestions for course improvement regarding the carrying out of the courses and
materials used.

We at Siemens AG wish you successful training.

Training management

VI MN2513EU09S1_0002
2002 Siemens AG
SSS Standard Operation Tasks (SSNC) Siemens

I confirm, that the software made available to me during the courses from the ICN
Training Institute for training and practice purposes, will not be further copied outside
of the training.

Furthermore I assure that no software will be copied on to the training PCs, without
the explicit consent of the trainer.

With my signature on the attendance list, I confirm that I will adhere to both of the
above requests.

2002 Siemens AG
Siemens SSS Standard Operation Tasks (SSNC)

VIII MN2513EU09S1_0002
2002 Siemens AG

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