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Gender Yes NO Total

Male 10 23 33
Female 4 4 8
Total 14 27 41

Expected Values

Gender Yes NO Total

Male 11.26829 21.73171 33
Female 2.731707 5.268293 8
Total 14 27 41
Chi-Square Test

SUMMARY Alpha 0.05

Count Rows Cols df
41 2 2 1

chi-sq p-value x-crit sig Cramer V Odds Ratio
Pearson's 1.110951 0.291875 3.841459 no 0.16461 0.434783
Max likelih 1.068695 0.30124 3.841459 no 0.161449 0.434783
Monthly spending on the alcoh
>2500 2500-1000
1 0 4
2 2 2
If yes, how much
influence the 3 3 6
advertisement has on 4 0 8
your purchasing 5 5 0
decision Grand Total 10 20

Anova: Single Factor

Row Labels

Source of Variation
Between Groups
Within Groups

onthly spending on the alcoholic beverages
0-500 Grand Total
2 3 6 15
4 4 4 16
3 3 15 30
4 4 8 24
0 0 5 10
13 14 38 95

Single Factor

Count Sum Average Variance

5 15 3 2.5
5 10 2 4.5
5 20 4 10
5 13 2.6 2.8
5 14 2.8 2.7
5 38 7.6 19.3

SS df MS F P-value F crit
103.466667 5 20.693333333 2.9703349282 0.0316701913 2.6206541479
167.2 24 6.9666666667

270.666667 29

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