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Nature Of Group Behaviour

Within Organizations

Mark Henry
A group is any number of people who interact with one another; who are
psychologically aware of one another; and who perceive themselves to be a group.
Clearly, this brings into play the ideas that interaction must take place and the
importance of awareness So the Oasis concert spectators in the list above are not a
group because they do not fulfill all of Scheins criteria. When we use the words groups
or group relationship we are, more than likely, referring to the existence of a
psychological relationship. (Brooks I 2002)
A team is a collection of people who work with each other to achieve a specific,common
goal or objective. Martin (2005) states that a team implies a small, cohesive group that
works effectively as a single unit through being focused on a common task. Katzenbach
and Smith (1999:15) in their landmark research present a more comprehensive
definition: a team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are
committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold
themselves mutually accountable. Further, they describe a number of groups and
teams which distinguish between different levels of collective performance ranging from
working groups and pseudogroups to potential teams, real teams, and high-
performance teams. (Brooks I 2002)
There are 5 stages of group development and relationship.

Stage 1 Forming:
This is the first step of formation of a
group where individual who have the
knowledge about the target goals comes together
for a common goal. There is high
dependence on leader for guidance
and direction during this stage. The
leader must be able to answer
questions relating to the purpose of
the establishment of the group. initially, this stage is involved with the bringing together
of a number of people who may be somewhat anxious, wary and unsure. Clearly in this
scenario, there are few, if any, ground rules. Ambiguity and confusion reign over the
group. Everybody is busy finding out who the other people are. Members are keen to
establish their personal identities in the group and make a personal impression, and it is
for this reason that considerable anxiety, and even fear, may be generated. Adding to
this anxiety is the potential lack of focus and clarity around the purpose of the group and
uncertainty about the task ahead. (Brooks I 2002)

Stage 2 Storming:

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Members of the group will get to know each other at this stage, their view will put
forward to the house, decisions do not come easily within the group. This stage is
important because if successful there will be discussions on reforming arrangement for
the working and the operation of the group.This is a period of disagreement, frustration
and potential confrontation but every group must go through it. Out of conflict can come
good, and the group needs to cling to this sentiment at this time. The potential conflict is
there because members now feel more confident to challenge each other, and to
express their views more openly and forcefully. There will be some jockeying for
positions of power and frustration at an apparent lack of progress. The storming stage
is important as it raises the energy (and activity) level of the group and can lead on to
significant changes in creativity and innovation. (Brooks I 2002)

Stage 3 Norming:

Here, conflict and hostility start to be controlled, members of the group will have
established rules and guidance to follow, what is accepted and what is not accepted.
The members need to be co-operative in order to achieve their goals.Here, there is a
clear sense of group identity, and guidelines, standards, procedures, roles and
structure become formally established. Emotions are now expressed constructively and
listened to! In organisational settings, it is at this stage that management should
intervene if they are looking to influence the group this stage that that all-important
group rules the rules are developed and established. If the Hawthorne Studies of the
1920s and 1930s (see Chapter 5) showed us anything, it was that group norms can
certainly influence, it is much more difficult to alter, or influence, their members attitudes
and behaviour.(Brooks I 2002)

Stage 4 Performing:

Here, the group has progressed through the 3 stages of development. They will have
understood each other and they can then concentrate on the attainment of the desired
goals. having progressed through the earlier stages, a team will have created some
structure and cohesiveness to work effectively. With these mechanics in place, the
team can now concentrate on the achievement of its objectives. It is at this stage that
task performance is at its most effective. The group should now be close and
supportive, open and trusting, resourceful and effective. As most teams have a limited
life. (Brooks I 2002)

Stage 5 Adjourning:

The group may disband, either because the task and objectives have been achieved to
a satisfactory level or because the members have left. However, before disbanding, it is
important for the group to reflect on their time together what went well, what didnt go
so well and what might they do differently next time and how? Such reflection may be a

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great source of learning for both the individuals concerned and the organisation. .
(Brooks I 2002)

Types of groups are a formal and informal group.

Formal groups are, therefore, consciously created to accomplish the organisations

collective mission and to achieve specific organisational and departmental objectives.
They are primarily concerned with the coordination of work activities and are task
orientated. They are embedded and entrapped in the fabric, hierarchy and structure of
the organisation: people are brought together on the basis of defined roles. The nature
of the tasks undertaken is a predominant feature of the formal group. Goals are
identified and developed by management, and rules, relationships and norms of
behaviour are established. They have been consciously created and organised,
recruited for and put together by somebody for a reason. Formal groups are an
important element of the organisational structure Because the individuals in formal
groups share some commonality of objectives, goals and (occasionally) rewards, they
are more akin to teams formal teams. They assist people to accomplish goals much
less haphazardly than they would in informal groups, coordinate the activities of the
functions of the organisation, establish logical authority relationships among people and
between positions, apply the concepts of specialisation and division of labour, They are
to distribute work, having brought together a particular set of skills, talents and
responsibilities, manage and control work, facilitate the problem-solving process by
bringing together all of the available capabilities, pass on decisions or information to
those who need to know, gather ideas, information and suggestions, test and ratify
decisions,coordinate and facilitate necessary liaison, increase commitment and
involvement resolve arguments and disputes between different functions and levels.
(Brooks I 2002)
Running alongside and within, cutting across and around these formal groups and
teams there exist a number of informal groups, such as the office quiz or bowls team,
the theatre-going group or the t The list is endless. We can define an informal group as
a collection of individuals who become a group when members develop certain
interdependencies, influence one anothers behaviour and contribute to mutual need
satisfaction. Informal groups are based more on personal relationships and agreement
of group members than on any defined role relationships. They simply emerge in the
organisation, from the informal interaction of the members of the organisation. They
may be born out of shared interests, friendship or some other social aspect. What
informal groups satisfy, in a way that the formal group may not, is a sense of belonging,
the idea that we can be wanted, needed and included for what we are and not because
the organisation has put us to work with these other people. These informal groups can
also satisfy a range of other needs. They can, reduce feelings of insecurity and anxiety
and provide each other with social support, fulfil affiliation needs for friendship, love, and

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support, help to define our sense of identity and maintain our self-esteem , provide
guidelines on generally acceptable behaviour, they help shape group and organisational
norms, cater for those often ill-defined tasks which can only be performed through the
combined efforts of a number of individuals working together. As can be seen from the
list at the beginning of this section, membership of a group can cut across the
boundaries created by the formal structure. Individuals from different parts and levels of
the organisation may all belong to the same informal group. (Brooks I 2002)

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