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Respiratory Drugs Part I-II

Drugs Class Mechanism

Guaifenesin (OTC) Expectorant

Opiod derivative
Dextromethrophan (OTC) Antitussive whichlacks analgesic or
addictive properties

Mucous membrane
Phenyephrine (OTC) Alpha-antagonist
Central acting,
analgesicdepresses both
Codine ( only one really used) Antitussive
the respiratory center
and the cough reflex
-Exerts antitussive action on
stretch or cough receptors
Benzonatate Antitussive
in the lung
-Peripheral acting

Active sulfhydral
groupopens disulfide
Mucolytic linkagesin mucus therby
( oral or inhaled)
lowering its viscosity thus
facilitating its expulsion

Alpha-adrenergic receptor
Beta-adrenergic agonist;
activateadenyl cyclase
Isoproterenol Sympathomimetic
coupling w/ Gs increase

Beta 2 adrenergic
Albuterol Sympathomimetic receptor agonist( same
mech as isoproterenol)

Theophylline Methyxanthine relax bronchial Sm Musc

Zileuton 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor
Leukotriene Pathway
Zafirulkast LTD4 receptor
Montelukast antagonists

Anti-inflammatory, inhibit
cytokine production,
Prednisone prevent infiltration of
Certolizumab lymphocytes, eosinophils
and mast cells into
asthmatic airways

Activated by esterase in
Ciclesonide Corticosteroids
bronchial epithelial cells
Atropine inhibit of Ach causes
Muscarinic Antagonists
Ipratropium Br smooth muscles to relax

Alter chloride channels

Mast cells inhibition =>

Cromolyn decreased histamine
Mast cell Stabilizers
Nedocromil release

Eosinophil inhibition =>

decreased allergic response

Anti-IgE mAb => decrease

Omalizumab Monoclonal Ab
IgE in plasma
Respiratory Drugs Part I-II

Side Effects

Hallucinagenic @ high doses

-Histamine release
-Resistance to cough suppresison
-Mucus accumulation

Caustic to esophagus if pill broken

Tachycardia, arrhythmia, angina


high doses can cause cardiac


tremor, nervousness, headache,

muscle cramps,dry mouthand

High doses in pts on diuretics,

xanthine derivatives, or renal failure

clearance increasedby induction of

hepatic enzymes (smoking; dietary
Systemic Effx:Adrenal
candidiasis( tx by rinsing mouth with
water after medication), osteoporosis,
cataracts, glucose intoleranceLocal
Effx:Vocal cords, hoarseness

minor, localized to deposition sites

Throat irritation, cough and mouth

Often used w/ anti-histamines (H2),
decongestants and antitussives in many
combination products

Drug-Drug interactions:MAO
inhibitors:isocarboxazid, phenelzine, selegiline,
tranylcypromineSerotonin reuptake
inhibitors:fluoxetine and paroxetine

Adults only

Contraindicated:Asthmatics, MAO
inhibitorsHydrocodone: semi-synthetic opiod; used
to treat acetaminophen, alcohol related toxicity
Contraindicated:patients who cannot swallow
whole pill

Needs to beswallowed whole

Indications:adjuvant for pts with chronic

bronchopulmonary disease, acute
bronchopulmonary disease, pulmonary
complications of cystic fibrosis, acetaminphen

Sc or inhalation administration, rapid acting

less potent, more centrally acting, not used as much
for treating asthma

potent bronchodilator, administered by inhalation

administered by inhalation, see effect after 5-20


Most effective Xanthine bronchodilator ( others:

Theobromine and caffeine),oraladministration,
narrow therapeutic window
oral administration

oral and pharnygeal

Aerosol tx most effective = avoid systemic effects

pro drug
lower dose so no increased HR
High dose = does not enter CNS

Clinical indications:pretreatment with either agent

blocked bronchoconstriction caused by allergen
inhalation, exercise,sulfur dioxide, occupation
asthmaRestrictions:not as effective as inhaled
corticosteroids, decreased use in childhood

reduces degree of both early and late

bronchiospastic response to Ag challenge

Reduction of the severity of asthma exacerbation =

reduction in corticosteroid requirements

Lots of $$, cancer chemo

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