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EHRC project commissioned Papei development workshop First round of reviews: lequest

researcheis to examine how- (Academy of Management for additional data and

headhunteis implement Davies conference) - advised to drop Resubmission integrating
refinement of conti ibution
additional data: we
Review- recommendation IT and draw- on diversity claims. Resubmission with
regarding their new*- Voluntary management (DM) theones, to additional data and DM conceptualize the change
agency of headhunters as
Code of Practice (VCC). conceptualize headhunted as literature.
doing diversity work. 'accidental activism and
Second round of reviews: contiibute to both IT literature
Practical impact: repoit
(dispersed peispective and
publication in Maichand Reconceptualization using request fiom new reviewer to
launch at 30% Club, w-ith diversity management add additional data & change maiginal ides in institutional
business leaders and policy change) and DM literature
hteiature and submission to theoietical fianting using new
(motivations and strategics of
makers in attendance and media peer-reviewed academic IT to conceptualize
external diversity actois).
coverage journal (Human Resouice headhunters change agency.
Management Journal. ABS Fundamental lecasting of the
Round three of reviews:
Confeience piesentation in June 4"). Focus on relational papei by drawing on both DM
dynamics between request to tighten focus and
(Equality. Diversity & and IT literatuies Focus on
Inclusion) using institutional headhunted, clients and field dynamics, where theoietical contribution claims
candidates. headhunters are marginal Acceptance for publication.
theory (IT) framework.
change: actors

O 2013 o 2C14 2C15

Authors publish practitioner "X Conference presentations of paper in

Norw a> is the only countiy- w-ith
report (FFR) outlining role of Oslo and Vancouver received
fully implemented gender Authors arc frequently asked to multiple stakeholders in
feedback on theoretical perspectives,
boaidioom quotas. EU contribute on panel discussions determining effectiveness of
steering us to macro level change
Commission proposes EU-wide with practitioners and academics voluntary approach.
quota with mixed public either for or against quotas
First round of reviews: feedback on
response. Seveial countries Practitioner^ arguments Authors set out to develop an the wide scope of the paper, request
adopt diffeient legislative for against both hased on organizing conceptual
to focus and conceptually develop
frameworks UK government emotional rather than evidence- framewoik for oui know ledge
further some of the theoretical lenses
leads opposition to quotas in EU based arguments. Academic of quotas. Initial review- of
chosen. Second round of reviews:
process and develops alternative arguments against based on interdisciplinary literatuie on
quotas reveals they create feedback to give more emphasis to
appioach (Davies Review). tenuous links to various
ethical tensions and dilemmas, normative inquiry for future
performance measures. conceptualised in terms of 1/ research, and to be more prescriptive
Authors publish annual repoits Motivations: 2 Legitimacy. & in discussing implications (i.e.
monitoring the take-up of UK's 3 Outcomes recommend national quotas
voluntary appioach (Davies Authors develop arguments in strategics as opposed to merely
Review), developing an academic book chapters theorizing the ones currently used).
Review- narrowed to investigate
undeistanding of its stiengths comparing UK's consensual four theoietical lenses: Social
and limitations. Authors write WoB appioach with those of Identity Theory; Social Capital Acceptance. Paper brings focus to
advisory leports for UK and EU othei countries, and discussing Theory: Stakeholder Theory: & research on quotas, synthesizing
policy-makers highlighting the unique cultural and Institutional Theoiy multi-disciplinary literature, w-hich
aiguments for quotas and othei institutional factors. Submission to 4* journal. can in turn inform organizational
voluntary measures. theories.

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