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Education Profession

Lecturer: Prof.Parlindungan Pangaribuan, MA., Ph.D

The Roles and Tasks of Teacher

Compiled By Group 1:
Zulfan (4163312034)
Putri Indah Lestari (4163312022)

Bilingual Mathematics Education 2016


Praise and gratitude author prayed to God Almighty for the completion of the paper titled
"The Sense of The Philosophy and The Philosophy of Education ". The moral support and
material provided in the preparation of this paper, the authors would like to thank to
Prof.Parlindungan Pangaribuan, MA., Ph.D supervising teachers as us, giving
encouragement, feedback to the author.
Hope the author hopefully this paper can add to their knowledge and experience for the
readers. For the future can improve the shape of the paper or add to make it better again.
The author realizes that this paper is not complete. Therefore, suggestions and constructive
criticism from colleagues is needed for the completion of this paper.

Medan, 8 September 2016

The Author
Table of Contents

Foreword i

Table of Contents ii
Chapter I: Introducing 1
Issue Background 1.1
Purpose of Writing Paper 1.3
Chapter II: Book Contents 2
Book Identity 2.1
Summary 2.2
Chapter III: Discussion 3
Book Difference 3.1
Advantage 3.2
Weakness 3.2

Chapter IV: Closing 4

Knot 4.1
Advise 4.2
Reference x



Critical Book Review is a task that requires one to review, summarize, and
evaluate critically book. So that we can master and understand the contents of the
book more deeply.
Based on the above understanding it is important for us to criticize the book.
On this occasion, we would criticize the book to fulfill the task Critical Book
Review, Professional Education courses. Biology student as a prospective
educator must be able to understand the material related to the Education
Profession in order to build a quality education system as an educator to promote
the education of children - the children of Indonesia.
Critical Book Report is not just a report or article about the contents of a book,
but is more focused on our evaluation of the weaknesses and strengths of the
book. Through Critical Book Report we examine the mind of the author / writer
based on our point of view, through the knowledge and experience we have.
Now there are many books that provide information about Professional
Education with the goal each. But certainly any useful information to readers.
Book Critical Report in writing this is not to compare from wrong or right, but
looked at differences in technique passed from one book or any other book.


In accordance with the issue background, then the problem can be identified as
1. How process in learning?
2. What the meaning of teacher?
3. What tasks of teacher?
4. What roles of teacher?
5. What must teacher do in learning process to be effective?


1. Review the contents of the book and know the information contained in
the book.
2. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of books.

2.1 Book Identity
Book 1

Book Title : Profesi Kependidikan (Edisi Revisi)

Author : Dr.Yasaratodo Wau, M.Pd
Publisher : Unimed Press Universitas Negeri Medan
Year : 2017
City Published : Medan

Book 2

Book Title : Membenahi Pendidikan Nasional

Author : Prof. Dr. H.A.R. Tilaar, M.Sc. Ed
Publisher : PT. Rineka Cipta
Year : 2002
City Published : Jakarta

Book 3

Book Title : Admistrasi dan Supervisi Pendidikan

Author : Drs. M. Ngalim Purwanto, MP
Publisher : PT. Remaja Rosdakarya
Year : 1987
City Published : Bandung

2.2 Summary
Book 1 : Profesi Kependidikan (Edisi Revisi)

Basic Concepts of Professional Education

In society, the teacher is one of the jobs have long known and still be needed. In
public, the teacher is in the desired wrga The inspirational, drivers, and coaches in the
mastery of certain skills for children of citizens to be ready to build lives and their social
Moreover, teachers can be seen from two sides. The first side of a field of work that
can only be done by a professional in the field of education. On the other hand as
educators who were declared or declared themselves have qualified as a professional
Teachers as office or employment is the type of work yng requires every person who
wants to work has the expertise, skills, skills in the field of education and learning gained
through the process of education and training in a relatively long time (up to college
level) to provide professional service to residents / participants learn. Teachers as office or
employment has been recognized as a profession in the Republic of Indonesia stated
firmly and clearly in the Act No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System and Law
Number 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers.
Teachers as educators is insane or personal ideally from childhood aspired to serve
others. His aspiration to serve others accomplishment by following a process of education
and training in educational institutions of education personnel in a relatively long time
(up to college level) so that he has some knowledge, expertise, skills, skills, ability to
readily devoted to serve the citizens education.
Teachers are people who already have the expertise, skills, and abilities as Ki Hajar
Dewantara philosophy: "Tut wuri Handayani, ngarso ing sung tulodo, middle Mangun ing
wills". Teachers as educators is insane-insan education who have successfully followed
the process of education and training to higher education, and with a loud voice, saying to
people "I was a professional educator".
Definition Professional
Etymologically the term profession comes from the English "profession" which is
rooted in the Latin "Profeus" which means "confess" or "states unable or experts in one
form of occupation". In semantic profession is an office or a job that requires the
expertise of its members.
Good's Dictionary of Education, as quoted and translated by Sutisna (1985), defines
"profession is an occupation that requested the preparation of specialization relatively
long high diperguruan and controlled by a special code of conduct".

Definition Professional

Etymologically the term profession comes from the English "profession" which is
rooted in the Latin "Profeus" which means "confess" or "states unable or experts in one
form of occupation". In semantic profession is an office or a job that requires the
expertise of its members.
Good's Dictionary of Education, as quoted and translated by Sutisna (1985), defines
"profession is an occupation that requested the preparation of specialization relatively
long high and controlled by a special code of conduct".

Distinctive Profession

Characterize the profession in terms of several aspects:

1. functions and social significance: a profession is a job that has an important social
2. Aspects of expertise and skills: to realize this function required a certain degree of
expertise and sill.
3. Obtain the expertise and skills of routine, and is solving problems or dealing with
critical situations through the theory and the scientific method
4. The body of science: that the profession is based on a discipline clear, systematic and
5. Period of education: the effort to learn and master the body of knowledge and expertise
/ skills requires a long training period and do college level.
6. Applications and socialization of professional values: the educational process is vehicle
for disseminating professional values among students
7. certain code of conduct in providing services to the community.
8. The authority / power to a member of an opinion / decision
9. professional responsibility or autonomy
10. Recognition and rewards: in return for a long education and training, and all services
provided to citizens

Characteristics of Professional Teachers

In KBBI (1990) explained that the traits are typical signs that distinguish something
from the other. This feature is something that is going to be different with something else.
The teaching profession, as an office also have specific signs that can distinguish it from
other professions. Position doctors have signs distinctive when compared with jabata
teachers can be distinguished and treated differently.

Understanding Professionalization

Professionalization word refers to the process said. The word implies a process of
runs something changes, social progress goes on, a series of actions, deeds or
management that produce products (KBBI, 1999) which can be defined as the movement
of something moving constantly according to the usual rules or should be run.

Book 2 : Membenahi Pendidikan Nasional


Profession is an occupation, can also be intangible as positions within a hierarchical

bureaucracy, which requires specific expertise and has a special ethics for the job as well
as the standard of service to the community. The core of understanding the profession is
one must have certain skills.

Professional, Professionalism

A professional carry out their work in accordance with the demands of the
profession or in other words have the ability and attitude in accordance with the demands
of his profession. A professional carrying out its activities based on the professionalism,
and not by amateurs.


Professionalization means make or develop a field of work or professional

positions. Professional organization is an organization of professionals within a particular
profession such as PGRI, IDI, IKAHI. Professional organization aims to improve the
ability of its members in the fields of profession, and protect the rights and obligations of
members of the profession. A professional organization has a code of ethics or
professional ethics that must be obeyed by its members as a community.
Demythologizing Professional Teacher

1. Social status
2. Status Profession
3. Gender
4. Politics and Power
5. Science
6. Professional Organization

Book 3 : Admistrasi dan Supervisi Pendidikan

Importance of Teacher Participation in Education Administration

Participation of teachers in the school administration is very important and a must.

Participation should be interpreted as opportunities to teachers and principals for the
member an example of how democracy can be applied to solve various problems of

Meaning of Democracy in School Administration

The implementation of democracy in the school administration should be taken to

mean that administration as an activity or series of activities of leadership, with the goals
of the school and ways to achieve them are developed and implemented.

Some opportunities Participate

1. Develop an educational philosophy

2. Improve and adapt the curriculum
3. Plan supervision program
4. Plan staffing policies

Code Teacher

1. Teacher devoted entirely to foster students to form a human construction, air-Pancasila.

2. Teachers have professional honesty in implementing the curriculum in accordance with
the needs of individual students.
3. Master held communication, particularly in obtaining information about the children,
but refrain from any form of abuse of authority.
4. The teacher creates an atmosphere of school life and maintain relationships with
parents as well as possible for the benefit of students.
5. Teachers maintain relationship with both the community around the school and the
community that is more straightforward for personal gain.
6. Teachers individually or jointly strive to carry out and improve the quality of the
7. Teachers create and maintain relationships among fellow teachers, both based on the
work environment and in the overall relationship.
8. Teachers jointly maintain and improve the quality of the organization PGRI as a means
9. Teachers implement all the provisions that the government policy in the field of

3.1 Book Difference

The material on BOOK 1 are:

3.2 Advantages
3.3 Weakness


3.1 KNOT
Teacher is one who gives knowledge to their students and is responsible for
educating, teaching, guiding, directing, assessing and evaluating their students to
be useful in the future.
The main task of a teacher is grouped into three, namely, the task of profession /
professional, humanitarian work and civic duties.
A teacher must know his roles that is:
1. Teacher as a leader
2. As a business teacher Learning
3. Teachers As Model and Example
4. Teachers as administrator
5. Teachers as Advisors
6. Teachers As Reformer
7. Teachers As Pusher Creativity
8. Teachers As Emancipator

Wish all students bilingual mathematics education and the world of education,
always trying to add insight into the Profession Education mainly because they so
potential can develop well.

Nurdin, Muhammmad. 2010. Kiat Menjadi Guru Profesional. Yogyakarta:

AR. Ruzz Media Group
Sutomo. 2007. Manajement Sekolah. Semarang : UNNES PRESS
Djamarah, Syaiful Bahri . 2005. Guru dan Peserta didik dalam Interaksi
Edukatif. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta
Martiana. 2003. Pengertian, Peran, dan Fungsi Guru dan Guru
Internasional. Di Unduh pada 19 Februari 2017.

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