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Gurpreet S. Sandhu, T. Brehm and Kuldip S. Rattan
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Wright State University,
Dayton, Ohio 45435, USA
analysis of FLC also provide an insight into the ap-
The objective of this paper is to present the anal- proach for design procedure. Currently for known
ysis and design of a proportional plus derivative and unknown plants, the design procedure consists
fuzzy logic controller (PDFLC) that combines the of tweaking the de nitions of the input and output
mathematical approach with the linguistic interpre- fuzzy sets and their relationships in order to achieve
tation of the control system. The design of a fuzzy the desired performance. If the plant transfer func-
logic controller (FLC) generally involves manipula- tion is known and some assumptions and approxi-
tion of controller parameters based mainly on the mations are made about the FLC, the system can
designer's experience. A mathematical approach is be analyzed using the classical techniques.
needed to correlate FLC parameters with the sys-
tem response but without obscuring the meaning
of the actual physical action. In this paper, math- 1.2 Motivation
ematical expression of a PDFLC is developed and The output equation for a proportional FLC (PFLC)
then used in time domain analysis to see the e ect can be derived [1], which shows that the PFLC is
of controller parameter variation on the system re- a piecewise linear controller with many similarities
sponse. The results from the analysis provide the to it's classical counterpart [1]. PFLC is shown
basis for the design methodology developed. Fi- to overcome the design con ict of classical propor-
nally, the step by step design procedure is presented tional controller in terms of overshoot and steady-
and then demonstrated with a numerical example. state error [7] and gives a system response similar
to that of a classical PD controller. However, PFLC
1 INTRODUCTION still leaves room for improvement in the case of the
classical trade o between rise time and overshoot.
1.1 Background To overcome this trade o , we need to add damping
In the past twenty years, since the publication of term; which means we need to go one step further to
the landmark papers by L. A. Zadeh [10,11] and E. derive and analyze the output equation of PDFLC.
H. Mamdani [6], there has been an explosion in the The analysis of PDFLC output equation should pro-
development of the theory and application of fuzzy vide an insight into design procedure to be followed.
logic to control systems [9]. Fuzzy logic controllers
(FLCs) have proven to be highly successful in the
control of processes, where the transfer function of 1.3 FLC Architecture and Terminol-
the plant is unde ned, but the control action is de- ogy
ned in terms of \if...then..." rules. FLCs have also The basic design parameters of the FLC include the
shown improved performance over \classical" con- scaling factors, fuzzi cation, inference engine and
trollers when the plant transfer function is known. defuzzi cation [3,4]. The scaling factor at the input
To see the cause of this improved performance, we is needed to map the physical values of the cur-
need to analyze the FLC and compare the results rent process variable into a normalized universe of
of this analysis with those obtained from the clas- discourse (normalized domain). Figure 1 shows the
sical controller. The results from the time domain basic building blocks of an FLC (the shaded region).
value of the membership of the change in error in-
put for the change in error fuzzy subset. Urulen is
Error Input Scaling Fuzzification Inference Defuzzification Output Scaling Controller

Signal Gain Module Engine Module Gain Output

the center value of the output for rule n.

The following constraints on fuzzi cation, de-
fuzzi cation and the knowledge base of an FLC gives

Figure 1. Components of a general FLC. a linear approximation of most FLC implementa-

Fuzzi cation maps a set of crisp inputs on to the CONSTRAINT 1: The fuzzi cation process uses
corresponding fuzzy sets. The input sensor value is the triangular membership function.
fuzzi ed by applying membership functions to map CONSTRAINT 2: The width of a fuzzy set extends
the crisp value to membership values in the fuzzy to the peak value of each adjacent fuzzy set and vice
sets. The value at which the membership is max- versa as shown in Figure 2. The sum of the member-
imum is called the center value. Width of a fuzzy ship values over the interval between two adjacent
set is the distance from the center value to the point sets will be one. Therefore, the sum of all mem-
where the membership is zero, as shown in Figure 2. bership values over the universe of discourse at any
Linguistic rules express the relationship between in- instant for a control variable will always be equal
put variables. The rules that describe a PDFLC in to one. This constraint is commonly referred to as
\English" are of the form: RN : If error, Ei , is PB fuzzy partitioning [3,4].
and change in error, Ei , is NB then output, Ui , is a a j, j+1- Centers of the fuzzy sets

ZO, where 1  i  N, N is number of sets for error a - Crisp Input

 number of sets for change in error. In this paper,

belief W- Width of the fuzzy sets

A(a) = aa j+1 a
sets are named according to the standard notation,
j j+1

that is, PB means positive big; PM means posi- j

A(a) = a
a aj

tive medium; PS means positive small; ZO means j +1 j+1 aj

zero; NS means negative small; NM means negative A(a) A A =

j j +1

medium; and NB means negative big. If both the

j +1

aj a aj+1 Input
error and the change in error variables have seven W

fuzzy sets each, there will be a total of 49 possible Figure 2. Two membership functions in the
rules. universe of discourse for the variable a.
The defuzzi cation process determines the \crisp
output" by resolving the applicable rules into a sin- CONSTRAINT 3: The defuzzi cation method used
gle output value. One method of defuzzi cation is is the modi ed center of area method. This method
the simpli ed reasoning method (also referred to as is similar to obtaining a weighted average of all pos-
the modi ed centroid of area method) [3,4]. This sible output values. Therefore, this component is
method uses weighted average of the input mem- also linear.
bership values and the center points of the output
fuzzy sets to determine the crisp output. For this 2 TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS
method, the output membership functions must be
symmetric around the center values. Input mem-
2.1 Output Equation Derivation
bership values are determined on a per rule basis. PDFLC is based on linguistic expression of the de-
The weighted average of the output center values sired control action. Therefore, to derive an output
and the input membership values gives the output equation for the PDFLC, the numerical expressions
expression of the fuzzi cation and defuzzi cation processes are
# ofPRules used to translate the \English" like terms to a math-
rulen Urulen ematical form. The fuzzi cation process uses func-
u= # n=1 tions to return membership values for di erent crisp
ofPRules inputs. These membership functions are substi-
rulen tuted into the equation for defuzzi cation to give
the output expression of the PDFLC.
where rulen is the input membership value, calcu- PDFLC has two input control variables, error
lated by multiplying the value of the membership (desired value minus actual value) and change in er-
of the error input for the given fuzzy subset to the ror (current error minus previous error divided by
the time interval). Each of the inputs has mem- RuleRj;k : = +1+1 , ?  +1 , ; U1 = U
ej e ek e
,  +1 , j;k

= +1, , ?  +1+1,, ; U2 = U +1
ej ej ek ek

bership in exactly two fuzzy sets as can be veri ed RuleRj+1;k : 2

e ej ek e
j ;k
+1 , ?  , ; U3 = U +1
ej ej ek ek

from the generalized representation for both error RuleRj;k+1 : = +1 ,3  +1 ,

ej e e ek

and change in error fuzzy sets given in Figure 2. = +1, , ?   +1,, ; U4 = U +1

ej ej ek ek

RuleRj+1;k+1 : 4
e ej e ek

For the error input, if the error value, e, is between

ej ej ek ek j;k

ej and ej+1 , fuzzy sets EJ and EJ +1 are active. The The expressions for i and Ui from above are sub-
membership in EJ , from generalized representation stituted into equation (5) to yield output equation
in Figure 2, is as
e ,e
= 1 ?U +2 ?U +11 ++2+3 ?U
u j;k +1 +4 ?U +1 +1
3 +4
j ;k j;k j ;k

j = j +1 (1) Removing the common denominator and rear-

ej +1 , ej
ranging the terms, we get the nal expression for
and similarly, the membership in EJ +1 is PDFLC output equation as
e , ej
j +1 = (2) u = e ? e [U +1(,
k j;k U +1 +1 ]+e +1 [U +1 ,Uj;k]
e +1 ,e )(e +1 ,e )
j ;k
+ k j ;k

ej+1 , ej j j k k

e +1 [U +1 ,U ]+e [U +1 ,Uj +1;k+1]

e ? j j;k
(e +1 ,e )(e +1 ,e )
j j ;k

Similarly, for the change in error input, if the value [

j j

U ,U +1 ]+[U +1 +1 ,Uj +1;k ]

k k

e is between ek and ek+1 , then the member- (e ? e) ? j;k

(e +1 ,e )(e +1 ,e )
+ j ;k

ship in EK is
j j k k

e +1 [e +1 U ,e U +1 ]+e [e U +1 +1 ,e +1 U +1 ]

(e +1 ,e )(e +1 ,e )
j k j;K k j;k j k j ;k k j ;k

ek+1 , e (6)
j j k k

E (e) = (3)

ek+1 , ek 2.2 Analysis
and the membership in EK +1 is PDFLC output, given by equation (6), is a function
of error and change in error. The output also de-
E +1 (e) =
e , ek (4) pends on a term consisting of product of the error
ek+1 , ek and change of error, however, this term is negligi-
As required, the sum of the memberships given ble, since generally both e and e are small. For a
by (1) and (2) and also for (3) and (4) is one. For speci c operating point, the input and output sets
the two control variables, error and change in error, are xed and the only variables are the crisp error
with two active sets, there will be four applicable and change in error. This implies that for a speci c
rules, given as
operating point, last term in equation (6) as well
R : if e is E and e is E then u is U as the coecients of both e and e are constant.
R +1 : if e is E +1 and e is E then u is U +1
j;k J K j

R +1 : if e is E and e is E +1 then u is U ( +1)

j ;k J K j
Comparing this equation with the classical PD out-
R +1 +1 :if e is E +1 and e is E +1 then u is U( +1) ( +1)
j;k J K j; k
j ;k J K j ; k put equation, we recognize the coecients of e and
The crisp output control action is determined by e as the proportional constant (Kp ) and deriva-
applying the modi ed centroid of area defuzzi ca- tive constant (Kd ). Equation (6) also shows that
tion scheme to the four control rules and is given these coecients are not constant as is case with
by classical controller, but they vary with the change
P4 iUi in the operating point which changes with the error
and change in error. So PDFLC equation can be
u = i=14
P i (5) expressed as
i=1 u = Kp,eff ? e + Kd,eff ? e + Constant (7)
where i is the input membership calculated by the The terms Kp,eff and Kd,eff are the e ective
\Product Rule" i.e. by multiplying the value of values of Kp and Kd, respectively and are used to
membership of error input in the given error fuzzy enhance the performance of a PDFLC. The e ective
subset and the value of membership of change in
error input in the change in error fuzzy subset and value of Kp is dependent on the error value and the
Ui is the center value of the output fuzzy set for e ective value of Kd varies with the variation in the
the ith rule. The expressions for i and the output change in error value. From equation (7), it is seen
values Ui are that the output can come from either of the follow-
ing, depending on the current operating point.
Case 1 : u = Kp ,e ? e + Kd ,e ? e ginning to allow for faster response.
This case occurs when the center values of both the  Derivative gain should be increased over the
inputs and the output are all equally spaced and in successive ranges to reduce overshoot in the
this case PDFLC is equivalent to the classical PD system.
controller [1,7]. So the response of the system can
be easily found by the classical techniques.  Proportional gain should always be greater in
magnitude as compared to derivative gain.
Case 2 : u = Constant
For this case, where the controller output is a con-  The interval in which the response settles to
stant, the control system is equivalent to an open its nal value should not have any constant
loop system [1,7]. When the controller output is term, so as not to add to any nal steady-state
constant, regardless of the controller type, the re- error.
sponse in this case will be the same as in the case of
PFLC controller with constant output [1,7]. There 3 DESIGN OF A PDFLC
is no way to control this output, however, the rate 3.1 Introduction
of change of output can be modi ed by varying the There are many ways to approach a design of classi-
constant value. cal controllers, however, the techniques have a for-
Case 3 : u = Kp ,e ? e + Kd ,e ? e + Constant mal procedure. Classical design methods can be
Finally consider the PDFLC that operates in the used even without truly understanding what is actu-
region which uses both the e ective gains and the ally happening. However, the linguistic expressions
constant. The system output is the result of two of FLC control action requires the designer to fully
inputs, constant input (Case 2) and the input from understand the physical system. The \if...then.."
a PD like controller (Case 1). The response to unit rules are used to describe the desired relationship
step input can be compared to that for the case 1 between inputs and output, which can then be im-
with the constant term modifying the steady-state plemented using the fuzzy logic control. This makes
component of the equation and it can be shown that it possible to design a controller for a system with an
larger the constant value, compared to the e ective unknown transfer function.To improve on the per-
gain, larger will be the steady-state error in the out- formance of FLC, the membership values and the
put. rules are tweaked till the controller produces the
From the knowledge of classical control, addi- desired response. There are no set of speci ed rules
tion of Kd has the e ect of adding damping and for the design of a proportional plus derivative fuzzy
thus causing faster decay of oscillations compared logic controller. We present here a formal approach
to the proportional compensated system. However, to the design procedure of PDFLC which is a combi-
due to increased damping in the system, the rise nation of mathematical approach and the linguistic
time of the system increases. The objective here interpretation of the system.
is to reduce overshoot and at the same time mini- 3.2 Design Assumptions
mize the rise time. This can be achieved by varying The constraints described in Section 1 are used:
Kd,eff and Kp,eff over di erent ranges of inputs. 1) input values from the sensors are crisp; 2) the
As we know, increasing Kd reduces overshoot, how- fuzzi cation process uses the triangular member-
ever, to decrease rise time of the system, we need to ship functions; 3) the sets in the domain make up
increase the rate of change of c(t), which suggests fuzzy partition; 4) the defuzzi cation method used
decreased damping i.e. low value of Kd initially in is the modi ed center of area method and 5) the
the system. Further, if Kd is increased over suc- rules in the knowledge base cover all possible input
cessive ranges, damping increases in each successive variables. The design procedure presented here is
interval. for normalized inputs. For a non-normalized input,
The insights we get from the time domain anal- gain is used to normalize it rst before fuzzifying
ysis, which form the basis of PDFLC design method and this gain is then used to scale the output.
described in the next section, are
3.3 Input-output Gains
 Derivative gain should be minimum in the be- PDFLC design is an extension of the PFLC design.
Similar to the PFLC design [1,7], a baseline PDFLC 1.2

is one where the center values of all the fuzzy sets 1

are equally spaced and PDFLC behaves like a clas- 0.8

System Output

sical PD controller, which can be modeled as 0.6


u = Kp ? e + Kd ? e (8)

The fuzzi cation process assumes that each input 0.2

variable is normalized in the range of -1 to 1. For 0.4

Change in Error

a system with normalized error, the change in error 0.6

0 0.5 1 1.5

input may not be in the range -1 to 1. Therefore, we

Time (sec)

may need to scale change in error. Equation (8) can Figure 3. Step response of a prototype second
be rewritten where Kp is used to scale the PDFLC order system
output as
Figure 3 shows the variation of error, change in
u = Kp(e + (Kd=Kp )e) (9) error and the output with respect to time. It is ob-
vious from the plot that to obtain faster rise time,
damping in the system should be minimum in the
where Kd =Kp is a scaling factor for the change in interval where change of error goes from zero to
error input. Selection of these scaling gains is de- negative maximum. However, to obtain speci ed
scribed during the design procedure. overshoot, Kd,eff should be maximum, when the
3.4 Approach to General Design Scheme change of error varies from negative maximum to
The design procedure described in this paper is based zero. This implies that, there are two opposing re-
on the analysis and design of PFLC [1,7] and the quirements of Kd,eff in the range zero to negative
analysis of PDFLC described in Section 2. Since maximum of change in error. There are two possi-
manipulating the e ective derivative gain can de- ble solutions to this problem. First using the sign
crease the overshoot that might be caused by larger change of \change of change of error", as switch or
proportional gains, PFLC is designed rst to meet ag for changing the damping in the system. Sec-
the rise time and steady-state error speci cations ond solution which is discussed and is used in the
as described in [7]. Using these xed center values following sections is the one which uses the modi-
for the error and output fuzzy sets, the objective cation of the rule base to allow maximum control
is to nd the center values for the change in error action initially to get required rise time.
fuzzy sets so that the system also meets the over- 3.5 Design Procedure
shoot speci cation along with meeting steady-state
and rise time requirements. As described during In this section, a step by step procedure to design
PDFLC output equation analysis, damping should PDFLC is presented.
be least in the beginning so that we get the desired Step 1:
rise time and then it should be increased over the
next intervals to cut down the overshoot. This step consists of designing the PFLC to meet
the rise time and steady-state requirements using
Another important point to remember during the design method described in [7]. The center val-
the design of PDFLC is that the constant part of ues of the error and output fuzzy sets are selected
the controller output should be zero in the region, along with the constant Kp .
where the response nally settles, to avoid adding
to the steady-state error of the system. Therefore, Step 2:
the goal is to vary Kd,eff with the change in er- Keeping the change in error fuzzy sets equally spaced,
ror in such a way so as to meet the overshoot and the scaling gain for change in error Kd =Kp, is se-
steady-state requirements, along with with the rise lected such that it maps the change in error to -1
time. For this purpose, it will be useful to look at to +1 range. This controller with the change in er-
the step response of a system. ror fuzzy sets equally spaced is called the baseline
controller, since this basic controller is then modi- requirement.
ed to meet the overshoot speci cation by varying 1.2

Kd,eff .

Table I. Equally spaced change in error fuzzy set

peak values.


e -1 -2/3 -1/3 0 1/3 2/3 1 0.4

Step 3: 0.2

Keeping the output sets equally spaced, the \over-

shoot test" is conducted [7]. The center values of
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Time (secs)

change in error fuzzy sets are multiplied by a con- Figure 5. Response for controller outputs shown in
stant \a" and the response of the system is ob- Figure 4.
tained. The value of \a" which gives the required
overshoot is selected. Step 4:
Figure 4 shows the plots of the controller out- The change in error fuzzy set center values are de-
puts for error xed at zero value and peak values termined by a graphical approach. The plots of
of change in error fuzzy sets multiplied by two dif- baseline controller and the \overshoot test" con-
ferent values of \a". The plots are not linear, as troller are overlaid as shown in the Figure 5.
expected, since the output fuzzy sets values, as se- Overshoot

lected in step 1, are not equally spaced. 1.0

Controller Baseline




a =0.5

a = 1.0

(0,0) PS PM 1.0

Change of Error

Change in Error( e) Figure 6. Overlaid plots of baseline and overshoot

(at Error =0.0)
Figure 4. Plots of controller output with respect to For seven sets, the center values of zero fuzzy
e for di erent values of \a" set (ZO) is zero and center value of PB fuzzy set
is one. The center values of PS and PM fuzzy sets
Table II.Change in Error fuzzy set peak values for are selected by taking the values at the intersection
overshoot test. of the baseline controller and the \overshoot test"
NB NM NS ZO PS PM PB controller with the horizontal lines drawn through
e -a -2a/3 -a/3 0 a/3 2a/3 a the output fuzzy set center values for PS and PM
(obtained in the Step 1). Since we are assuming the
Figure 5 shows the plots of system response for controller action to be symmetric about the origin,
these two controllers shown in Figure 4. As the the values for NS, NM, NB are same as that for PS,
value of \a" decreases, the e ective gain Kd,eff PM, PB but with negative sign.
becomes larger (slope of the controller output line
increases), the rise time increases and the overshoot Step 5:
decreases. So, we keep on decreasing the value of The nal step in the design of PDFLC, as discussed
\a", till the system response meets the overshoot in the Section 2, is modi cation of the rule base. As
pointed out earlier, during the initial phase of the Table III. Fuzzy set (Error (e) and Output
response, when the change of error is negative, we (o/p)) peak values for the PFLC designed.
have two opposing requirements on the two sides of
the peak of change of error, which suggested that NB NM NS ZO PS PM PB
e -1 -0.26 -0.1 0 0.1 0.26 1
we can not use just the variation of Kd,eff with o/p -1 -0.26 -0.2 0 0.2 0.26 1
change in error.
Since controller action has to be maximum in
the beginning, so we modify the rule base to achieve 1.2

that. For example, Figure 7 shows the modi cation

of the rule base in the PB error region to give max-

imum controller action. 0.8

Error Error 0.6


Error Error
NM NS ZO PS PM PB PB PS NM NS ZO PS PM PB PB 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
Time (sec)

ZO PS PM PB PB PB PB PB ZO PS PM PB PB PB PB Figure 8. Response of the system for PFLC


Figure 7. Modifying the rule base  Keeping the change in error fuzzy sets equally
spaced, a value of Kd=Kp is selected in such a
Once the controller output curve is decided, way so that the change in error is scaled in the
simulation should be run to check the working of range -1 to +1. For this example, a Kd =Kp
the design and nal tweaking can be done to further value of 0.007 was selected.
improve on the performance of the original design.
 Overshoot test is conducted as described ear-
4 NUMERICAL EXAMPLE lier and it is seen that \a" = 0.3 meets the
overshoot speci cation.
For the system shown in Figure 1, let the transfer
function of the plant be given by  Using the graphical approach described in the
45 design procedure, center values of PM and PS
Gp (s) = (s+15)( s+3) change in error are obtained as described in
Figure 9. The center values of the fuzzy sets
The goal is to design a controller to satisfy the fol- for the nal design are given in the Table IV.
lowing speci cations Overshoot Test (a=0.3)

1. Steady-state error to a unit step input is less

Controller Baseline (a=1)

than 5%.
2. Maximum overshoot to a unit step input is less

than 10%.
3. Rise time should be less than 0.1 sec.
To design PDFLC, following steps were carried out: PM 0.26

 Design a PFLC to meet the rise time and PS 0.20

steady-state error requirements. Using the de-

sign method described in [7], the center values 0.06 0.667

of error and output fuzzy sets (given in Table

(0,0) 1.0

III) and Kp value of 12.0 are obtained. Fig-

Change of Error

ure 8 shows the response of the system for this Figure 9. Graphical approach for nding PS
compensator. and PM of change in error sets.
Table IV. Change in error center values. we have derivative gain to add extra damping at
later stages of the response, proportional gain can
-1 -0.667 -0.06 0 0.06 0.667 1 be raised to give better rise time, during the begin-
ning of the response and 3) zero error region should
 To obtain maximum controller action in the not have any constant term in it's controller output
initial phase of the response, the nal design equation. The step by step design method is listed
step is modi cation of the rule base in PB and then is demonstrated with a numerical example.
error region (Figure 7).
 Figure 10 shows the system response with the REFERENCES
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Time (sec)

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