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Personal Philosophy of Education

Dulce Meneses

California State University, Long Beach


She stares at the paper filled with questions; she cant read a word in the first question.

What does the word mean? What does it say? She gets anxious and begins to surrender. The

word she could not read was diabetes. The question on the paper read: What are some causes of

diabetes? Her mom has diabetes and she could tell you exactly what the causes are for diabetes

but was not able to answer the first question because she struggled with reading the word

diabetes. The letters get switched in her mind sometimes and it makes it difficult to read what is

on paper.

Special Education has had a negative connotation in the past and in present day still does.

Students in general education with disabilities are stigmatized as inferior or not equivalent to a

student in general education without a disability. Philosophers of the past like John Locke and

Aristotle have aided in this negative stigma. The integration of special education and English

Language Learners with general education is a primary focus of mine. The education system has

reluctantly approached this vision, yet still far away from our destination. People with

disabilities are more like people without disabilities than different, are equals, and should be

included in all aspects of society. (Snow, 2005, p. 2). As a future special education teacher I

will promote knowledge, daily living skills, job preparation, citizenship and active members of

society. Every single student is a human being, we were not born endowed with knowledge, this

was acquired through experiences and people who helped us along the way. As an educator I

will push for self-efficacy. Special education and English Language Learners require supports,

assistive technology and accommodations; do not confuse this for inferiority or dependency.

As the population of English Language Learners increases in urban schools it is

imperative as educators to accommodate and provide ample opportunities to practice learned

skills as one does with any sport or newly attained knowledge. Supports, opportunities to

practice, assistive technology and accommodations are tools required for learning just as a

programmer uses a computer and a carpenter uses a hammer to complete their job. Students

with disabilities and English Language Learners require these tools and opportunities to flourish

in a least restrictive environment, therefore I will promote that students with disabilities and

English Langauge Learners be placed in inclusive settings when appropriate. My belief is that

all students benefit and learn skills of collaboration by working together. Students with

disabilities and those students without disabilities learn from each other, a symbiotic relationship,

exchanging information, skills and ideas. Collaboration amongst administration and educators

must be strong, holding open communication, respectful relationships amongst team members,

practice diplomacy and professionalism at all times. (Whitby, Marx, MacIntire, & Weinke, 2013,

p. 34) I will collaborate with general education teachers to provide those supports necessary so

that all students may excel in becoming active members of society.

As an educator I will work closely with the IEP team members to set and implement

those goals that promote self-efficacy, equality, academic growth and leadership. I aspire to

work with a district and administration that provides support to special education programs. I

look to implement opportunities for students to practice their skills acquired, making use of

community based instruction opportunities; these opportunities will allow students to practice

their daily living skills. English Language Learners require individualized education plans

tailored to their individual goals. The ultimate goal is to be mainstreamed into general education

settings but in order to reach the desired goal a plan needs to be set with those specific steps

needed to achieve inclusion. I will utilize individualized education to collaborate with other

educators and administrators to set appropriate goals to integrate students and transition them

into general education settings. As a professional I will be mindful of possible inappropriate


placements in special education and work to correct these conditions. I will remain diligent,

persistent and will speak for justice and equality for my target population. As a professional

educator I will utilize my knowledge of the laws set in place like IDEA for students in special

education. General education teachers and administrators focus on the collective best interest of

the class (Whitby, Marx, MacIntire, & Weinke, 2013, p. 35). I will utilize my legal knowledge

and laws when collaborating with general education teachers and team members to set

individualized goals for my students and work with those team members to set goals for the class

as a whole creating a win-win situation for both parties.

The implementation of daily living skills, community based instruction, inclusion

settings, job preparation, and promoting self-efficacy are a part of my philosophy. As a

professional educator the collaboration with administration, development of IEPs, and providing

a least restrictive environment for all students is an essential part to individual growth. I will

challenge my students to grow socially and academically. I will seek and create opportunities for

special education students and English Language Learners to receive instruction in a least

restrictive environment. I will work collaboratively with the district, administration and fellow

educators to provide those supports when needed and set appropriate goals, placing the needs of

the student first. I will promote equality and utilize legal knowledge to correct conditions or

placements when not appropriate. As a special education teacher I will provide my students with

the necessary skills and knowledge to enable them to be active, equal members in society.


Snow, K. (2005). From Pity to Equality: Whats Your Position? Revolutionary

Common Sense, 2.

Whitby, P.J.S, Marx, T., MacIntire, J., & Wienke, W. (2013). Advocating for Students

With Disabilities at the School Level. Teaching Exceptional Children, 34.

Whitby, P.J.S, Marx, T., MacIntire, J., & Wienke, W. (2013). Advocating for Students

With Disabilities at the School Level. Teaching Exceptional Children, 35.


EDSP 480 Personal Philosophy of Education Assignment Scoring


Student: ______Dulce Meneses_________________

Total Points: / 30

Evaluation: Ex = Exceeds criteria; M= Meets Criteria; B = Below Criteria; O =

Off topic, missing, or unacceptable
Criteria Ex M B O Comments

Demonstrates a clear vision that

will guide future practice, (not a
description of current practices
and/or experiences in special
education) (3 points)

Demonstrates reflection on the

relationship between general and
special education in diverse,
urban schools where students
who are second language
learners will be served. (5 points)

Demonstrates a comprehensive
reflection on ones own legal,
ethical or professional values of
educating students with
disabilities who are a language
minority. Relating ONE program
theme area of Individualized
Education, Collaboration, Cultural
Responsiveness, Evidence-Based
Practices, or Advocacy &
(15 points)

Demonstrates an understanding
of the current literature in the
field of special education. Uses
appropriate citations and
references per APA format.
Minimum 1 citation provide
reference (5 points)

Demonstrates effective writing skills


grammar, spelling, and use of people-
first language.
Adherence to 3 pages max. (2 points)

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