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Multimedia and Education: A Reflection

Aja Harvey

Drexel University

Multimedia and Education: A Reflection

Multimedia is a category of tools, innumerable in its stores. Before this course, I had not

given much thought to how complex the use of multimedia could be within education. Now, as

the course has come to an end, I have learned how valuable it can be in a classroom, beyond

watching a video or simple online research. The use of multimedia to enhance student learning

is invaluable, as we move forward in the 21st Century and continue to make technological

advances, more careers will be dependent upon that technology, and so it is the natural

progression of education to incorporate it into the classroom.

The DDD-E Model

The DDD-E model for creating multimedia projects is exceptionally effective at

organizing the process of designing a project and simplifies it in a way that helps to keep creators

on task and constantly evaluating the work throughout. While completing the project for this

course it really helped that I was able to check myself and make sure I was still in line with

previous work and the learning goals of the project. Identifying the common core standards,

NETS standards, and multiple intelligences to be addressed by the designed project immediately,

I had a constant reference to look back on.

The DDD-E helps to keep the entire process organized for both teacher and student. In

order for the project to work, the teacher must create a thorough plan that accounts for all things

necessary to give students the tools and instruction necessary to complete a successful project

that demonstrates their learning. For students they cannot create a successful project without

going through all the steps and taking the time to understand exactly what they are doing and

learning during the project.


Multimedia in my classroom

In my future classroom, I hope to utilize multimedia in various ways. I am optimistic for

a classroom equipped with technology such as a document camera, smartboard, and several

student computers. I want to be able to use all of those tools to give students exposure to

technology and the opportunity to do more with their learning. I see myself working with

younger students, Pre-kindergarten through second-grade, so the use of multimedia would be a

bit more difficult to incorporate into student work; in such cases, more adult involvement would

be necessary as the students would be learning the basics. I could see using multimedia as a way

to challenge higher level students to go beyond, such as keeping their writing journal online and

incorporating graphics, such as clipart to help visually tell their stories.

Teaching to multiple intelligences

Incorporating multimedia into my classroom will serve as an effective tool in considering

and teaching to the multiple intelligences that will be found among the students. Through the use

of multimedia students will be able to express themselves academically in ways they never

thought, breathing new life into the act of learning. The abundance of multimedia forms, allows

for student learning no matter their strongest intelligences. This is especially beneficial to group

projects where student roles can be assigned relative to their strongest intelligences; a student

with strong interpersonal intelligence could be assigned the role of project manager, helping keep

all group members on track, and serving as the voice of reason when there are difficulties, for

example (Ivers & Barron, 2006). Teaching to students preferred method of learning is important

so that we as educators can be assured that understanding is genuine.


National Educational Technology Standards

In teaching to a students preferred method of learning using multimedia I will be

strongly holding to the following NETS-T (ISTE) standards: facilitate and inspire student

learning and creativity, and engage in professional growth and leadership ("For Teachers", 2008).

In order to effectively incorporate multimedia into my classroom, and most importantly student

work, I have to continue learning new resources as they become available, that way I am

providing all my students the necessary tools to inspire them in their learning.


This course was quite enlightening. Multimedia is such a powerful tool, that can provide

students with a voice they may not have known they could have. My goal is to use multimedia

in ways that give students the inspiration they need to express themselves in new and creative

ways. I hope to use it to the continuing benefit of my students, pulling from their strengths to

help them reach and surpass their potential. Multimedia can fuel learning in a way never

imagined only decades ago, and so it is important to embrace it and welcome it, as the 21st

Century makes its mark on education, leading our schools to a new age of learning.


Ivers, K., & Barron, A. (2006). Multimedia projects in education (1st ed., p. 7). Westport, Conn.

[u.a.]: Libraries Unlimited.

For Teachers. (2008). Iste.org. Retrieved 21 March 2017, from


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