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Add identity to SBAR

By Kim Giselle Cudjoe, BSN, RN

Were often confronted with communication us with the opportunity to ask questions,
barriers due to the complexity and diversity seek clarification, and confirm information.
of our healthcare system. Communication SBAR can be especially valuable when
challenges can be a result of human factors, were required to report a critical situation to
such as poor communication skills; lack of physicians in which effective communication
resources to support communication training; is vital to the patients clinical outcomes and
lack of support for active communication in safety. The main objective of using SBAR is
the clinical setting; or an inappropriate envi- to verbalize an emergent condition and
ronment for handoff due to interruptions. receive solution-oriented feedback.
These barriers can threaten patient safety,
negatively affect clinical outcomes, and im- +I
pede the delivery of quality care. Adding identity to the SBAR acronym
Effective communication is essential allows you to identify yourself to the re-
because it allows us to exchange patient infor- ceiver of the information. The use of ISBAR
mation among our colleagues, physicians, is impactful because it forms a systematic
and other members of the multidisciplinary framework for effective communication.
healthcare team. Successful communication Lets take a look at an example.
in the healthcare setting develops therapeutic Identity: Identify yourself, the physician,
nurse-patient relationships, facilitates the and the patient.
development of team collaboration, reduces Good morning, Dr. Smith. This is Nurse
the risks of errors, promotes patient satisfac- Kim, RN. Im calling about your patient
tion and positive clinical outcomes, and Mrs. Jane on 6A, Room 601.
increases the quality of care. Situation: Clearly describe the current
situation, observations, and concerns.
SBAR The patient is complaining of shortness of
One communication tool thats utilized in breath with worsening upon exertion. Her
the clinical setting is the situation, back- oxygen saturation was 88% on room air. She
ground, assessment, and recommendation was placed on supplemental oxygen 2 L via
(SBAR) technique. Situation represents the nasal cannula and her oxygen saturation is
problem thats being reported to the physi- now 92%. Her respirations are 26, pulse is 108,
cian; background is the brief history of the BP is 95/64, and temperature is 101.2 F. She
patient that can help identify the cause of has a cough with mucus production thats
the problem; assessment refers to the nurses green and tinged with blood. She reports chest
observations, including symptoms and vital pain when coughing as a 7 out of 10 on the
signs; and recommendation encompasses pain scale and feelings of fatigue and anxiety.
the nurses requests of the physician or care Background: Provide a clear and brief pa-
plan suggestions. tient background/history.
The Joint Commission describes SBAR as Mrs. Jane is a 65-year-old female who
the best practice for standardized commu- was admitted with the diagnosis of
nication in healthcare. Nurses use the SBAR chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ex-
technique to report concise, pertinent, and acerbation 4 days ago. Her initial clinical
complete verbal information when commu- presentation on admission included persis-
nicating with physicians, engaging in hand- tent dyspnea and chest tightness. She also
offs, and giving nurse-to-nurse shift reports. had a cough that was producing clear spu-
Nursing reports and handoffs need to be tum and chest tightness. She was noted
performed efficiently because they provide for use of accessory respiratory muscles.

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She received orders for a bronchodilator Highest standards
every 4 hours, oral corticosteroid, oxime- Conversation thats standardized and struc-
try monitoring, and supplemental oxygen tured can improve communication, build
for an oxygen saturation of less than 92%. collaboration and collegiality, improve clinical
She has been on enoxaparin for deep vein outcomes and patient satisfaction, facilitate
thrombosis prophylaxis. the continuity of care, and promote patient
Assessment: Whats your assessment? safety. Consider incorporating ISBAR into
I think Mrs. Jane is exhibiting symptoms your practice today.
that may be associated with pneumonia.
Recommendation: Give your recommen- REFERENCES
dations and state any requests. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Pocket
guide: TeamSTEPPS. www.ahrq.gov/professionals/educa-
Dr. Smith, will you be coming to see the tion/curriculum-tools/teamstepps/instructor/essentials/
patient? Would you like me to contact ra- pocketguide.html#.
Cairns LL, Dudjak LA, Hoffmann RL, Lorenz HL.
diology for a stat chest X-ray? Should I ini- Utilizing bedside shift report to improve the effectiveness
tiate an I.V. for antibiotic infusion? of shift handoff. J Nurs Adm. 2013;43(3):160-165.
The ISBAR technique is an important Labson M. SBARa powerful tool to help improve com-
munication! www.jointcommission.org/At_home_with_
practice that needs to be adopted within the_joint_commission/sbar_%E2%80%93_a_powerful_
the healthcare industry, as well as intro- tool_to_help_improve_communication/.
Ortega L, Parsh B. Improving change-of-shift report.
duced in nursing schools, to prevent Nursing. 2013;43(2):68.
communication gaps, promote complete
Kim Giselle Cudjoe is an RN, Utilization Management, at Tennessee Valley
communication through patient handoffs Healthcare System Department of Veterans Affairs in Nashville, Tenn.
and transitions of care, and maintain suc-
The author has disclosed no financial relationships related to this article.
cessfully sustained communication through-
out the care continuum. DOI-10.1097/01.NME.0000475212.01090.46

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Copyright 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

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