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: -: a L:i l:n. llnltth $tatux fienalp

WASHINGTON, DC 20510-4402

-:) 2t2 224 2A49
.:,, 202) 224 6331
,June 3 0, 2OI0 AGING
: http:/'www.senale-gov/-hatch

Mrs. Wendy Davis

9066 Sout.h 170 East
.Sanrlw - Ilf ah A407 0
v*-^g / t

Dear Mrs Davis:

Thank you for contactingT me t.o express your strong support
ior extenuirrg unemployrrenL conpensatic;-i p::ograrns. I appreciats-e
hearing from you.
The authorization for the Emergency Unemployment
Compensat.ion (EUC08 ) program expired on rTune 2 , 2010 . Those
beneficiarles receiving tier I, II, III, or IV EUCO8 benefit.s
before May 29, 2010/ are "grandfathered" for t.heir remaining
weeks of eligibilit.y. No new enLrants into any tier of the EUCOB
program are authorized aft.er May 29, 2010.
The Senate is current.Iy debating H.R. 4213, the Tax
Extenders Act of 2010. H.R. 42L3 woul-d ext.end the availability
of EUC08, 100? federal financing of Extended Beneflt (ne; , and
the #25 Federal Additional Compensation (FAC) benefj_t, through
the end of December 2010. While I certainly want to help those
who are facing prolonged unemployment, T voted against H.R. 42L3
because the tax increases included in this bill are unnecessary
and inappropriate and woul-d further hinder our economy from
recovering and providing much needed jobs to Ut.ahns.
I am disappointed t.hat Congressional l-eaders have chosen Lo
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killing Lax increases. I bel-ieve most members of Congress
support extending unemployment insurance to those who have been
laid off and rieed some additional help. Hcwever, sr) many of us
l'rel i erre f hese issues should be proposed and Cebated wit.hout
forcing terrible Lax increases on U.S. citizens.
I am sorry to hear about the economic duress you are facing.
f am so concerned in fact, Lhat I work every day t.o create a
business friendly environmenL in the U.S" which fosters growth
and innovation and jobs. I wanL an environment. t.hat. not only
competes for new busj-nesses worldwide, but wins businesses and
creates jobs here in t.he u.s. because of t.he business friendly
regulat.ory and tax environmenLs.


lTune 30, 20L0
Page 2
r have come forward with, and supported, several proposals
designed to at.tract employers, improve bus j-ness hiring and help
individuals who are eager to work and provide for their families
and it sounds l-ike you are just this type of person. Thank you
for persevering and T will continue !9 e,rork t-n haln \/ou.
Best wishes as you continue to seek gainful employment.
Your Senator,

Orrin G. Hatch
United Stat.es Senator

OGH: ktt.

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