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Degradation of -carotene during fruit and

vegetable processing or storage: Reaction
mechanisms and kinetic aspects: A review


Impact Factor: 0.88 DOI: 10.1051/fruits/2011058


19 649


Caroline Pnicaud Claudie Dhuique-Mayer

French National Institute for Agricultural R Cirad - La recherche agronomique pour le d


Manuel Dornier Philippe Bohuon

Montpellier SupAgro Montpellier SupAgro


All in-text references underlined in blue are linked to publications on ResearchGate, Available from: Philippe Bohuon
letting you access and read them immediately. Retrieved on: 26 February 2016

Degradation of -carotene during fruit and vegetable processing

or storage: reaction mechanisms and kinetic aspects: a review
Caroline PNICAUD, Nawel ACHIR*, Claudie DHUIQUE-MAYER, Manuel DORNIER, Philippe BOHUON

Cirad-Persyst, UMR 95 Degradation of -carotene during fruit and vegetable processing or storage: reaction
Qualisud, TA B-95 / 16, mechanisms and kinetic aspects: a review.
73 rue Jean-Franois Breton, Abstract Introduction. Food processing significantly lowers the quality of fruits and vegetables, which
F-34398 Montpellier, is a major concern for the food industry. Micronutrients are particularly affected, and among them -carotene,
France which exhibits very interesting sensory, nutritional and biological properties. The literature concerning
-carotene degradation is extensive, but the conclusions are very different as a function of the biological,
nawel.achir@cirad.fr chemical and food transformation points of view. This paper proposes a synthesis of complementary
approaches in the study of -carotene during food transformation and storage. Degradation reactions.
Degradation compounds are numerous, including isomers, epoxides, apocarotenones, apocarotenals and
short-chain cleavage products, among them some flavour compounds. A detailed reaction scheme of iso-
merisation and autoxidation of -carotene could be deduced from the literature data. The main pathways
are well documented, but the global reaction scheme is still incomplete. Furthermore, most of the mechanistic
studies are carried out in model systems, thus data may misrepresent -carotene behaviour in real food pro-
ducts. Kinetics during processing and storage. The determination of degradation kinetics permits the
identification of the fastest reactions, i.e., generally those with the greatest impact, and also the quantification
of the effect of the factors which can lower -carotene content. Temperature, occurrence of oxygen, food
composition and food structure are shown to affect the -carotene loss rate significantly. However, the metho-
dologies used to obtain the kinetic parameters are of major importance, and finally, most of the results found
in the literature are specific to a study and difficult to generalise. Discussion and conclusion. Mechanistic
and kinetic approaches each provide interesting data to improve understanding and monitoring of -caro-
tene. The combination of all this data, together with thermodynamic and analytical considerations, permits
the building of observable reaction schemes which can further be transcribed through mathematical models.
By this multidisciplinary approach, scarcely used for the time being, knowledge could be capitalised and
useful tools could be developed to improve -carotene retention during food processing and storage.
France / fruits / vegetables / storage / processing / carotenoids / isomerisation / oxidation /
degradation / chemical reactions

La dgradation du -carotne au cours de la transformation ou du stockage des

fruits et des lgumes : mcanismes ractionnels et aspects cintiques : une revue.
Rsum Introduction. La diminution significative de la qualit des fruits et lgumes au cours de leur
transformation est une proccupation majeure de lindustrie alimentaire. Les micronutriments sont particu-
lirement affects, et, parmi eux, le -carotne qui prsente dintressantes proprits sensorielles, nutri-
tionnelles et biologiques. La littrature traitant de la dgradation du -carotne est trs dense, mais la nature
des conclusions diffre en fonction de lapproche biologique, chimique ou technologique du problme.
Notre article propose une synthse de points de vue complmentaires dans ltude du -carotne pendant
la transformation et le stockage des aliments. Ractions de dgradation. Les principaux composs de
dgradation du -carotne identifis sont les isomres, les poxides, les apocarotnones, les apocarotnals
et les produits de clivage courte chane, dont des composs darmes. Un schma ractionnel dtaill des
ractions disomrisation et dauto-oxydation du -carotne a pu tre dduit des donnes de la littrature.
Les voies principales sont bien documentes, mais le schma ractionnel global reste incomplet. De plus,
* Correspondence and reprints la plupart des tudes mcanistiques sont menes en systme modle, donc les donnes peuvent mal repr-
senter le comportement du -carotne dans des aliments rels. Cintiques pendant les procds et le
stockage. La dtermination des cintiques de dgradation permet lidentification des ractions les plus
rapides, cest--dire gnralement celles qui ont les impacts les plus forts, ainsi que la quantification de leffet
des facteurs qui peuvent diminuer la teneur en -carotne. La temprature, la prsence doxygne, la com-
Received 30 June 2010 position et la structure affectent significativement la vitesse de perte en -carotne. Cependant, les mtho-
Accepted 3 December 2010 dologies employes pour obtenir les paramtres cintiques sont dimportance majeure et, finalement, la
plupart des rsultats trouvs dans la littrature sont spcifiques dune tude et difficilement gnralisables.
Discussion and conclusion. Les approches mcanistiques et cintiques fournissent chacune des donnes
Fruits, 2011, vol. 66, p. 417440 intressantes pour amliorer la comprhension et le suivi du -carotne. La combinaison de lensemble de
ces donnes, avec aussi des considrations thermodynamiques et analytiques, permet de construire des sch-
2011 Cirad/EDP Sciences mas ractionnels observables qui peuvent ensuite tre transcrits en modles mathmatiques. Par cette
All rights reserved approche multidisciplinaire, rarement utilise actuellement, les connaissances pourraient tre capitalises
DOI: 10.1051/fruits/2011058 et des outils utiles pourraient tre dvelopps pour amliorer la rtention du -carotne pendant les trans-
www.fruits-journal.org formations alimentaires et le stockage.
France / fruits / lgume / stockage / traitement / carotnode / isomrisation / oxydation /
RESUMEN ESPAOL, p. 440 dgradation / raction chimique

Fruits, vol. 66 (6) 417

Article published by EDP Sciences and available at http://www.fruits-journal.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/fruits/2011058

C. Pnicaud et al.

1. Introduction gle and double bond alternation causes the

delocalisation of the electrons and makes
Carotenoids are among the most important possible the absorption of light within the
pigments in fruits [1]. These tetraterpenes range of the visible spectrum. -carotene
synthesised by plants are secondary metab- absorbs blue and purple light with a maxima
olites essential for photosynthesis and to at 450 nm and therefore has a strong red-
prevent photo-oxidation induced by light orange colour [4]. These chromophore
intensities. These functions are a conse- properties were initially used for its isola-
quence of the light-absorbing properties of tion, characterisation and quantification on
their polyene chromophore. Carotenoids the laboratory or the industrial scale [5].
consist of two classes of molecules: (i) the -carotene is also currently used as a food
carotenes, which are strictly hydrocarbons, additive belonging to the colouring family,
and (ii) the xanthophylls, or oxycaroten- with the European denomination E 160; it
oids, which contain one or more oxygen is increasingly employed because of the ten-
functions [2]. -carotene, which belongs to dency in the food industry to replace syn-
the first class, is the most widespread in thetic colouring agents with natural ones.
foods. -carotene is encountered at high This additive can be produced by palm oil
concentrations in many fruits and vegeta- concentration or extraction of paprika ole-
bles such as carrot, spinach, sweet potatoes, oresin [6, 7]. -carotene is thus an important
plantain (Musa spp.), apricot, orange, etc. component of the organoleptic quality of
[3]. One of the richest fruits is palm fruit, with food, not only because of its colour, but also
a concentration of 200 mg -carotenekg1 due to its precursor role of aroma com-
(table I). pounds such as norisoprene and monoter-
pene during fruit ripening [1].
-carotenes chemical formula is C40H56.
It is composed of eight isoprenic units with The role of carotenoids in human nutri-
specific end groups or two -ionone rings tion is not based upon the light-absorbing
(figure 1). -carotene is lipophilic, insoluble properties of these molecules but on the
in water and soluble in organic solvents nutritional activity as provitamin A [8].
such as petroleum ether, hexane, etc. Its Along with -carotene and -cryptoxan-
physical, chemical and biological properties thin, -carotene is a vitamin A precursor,
are mainly derived from its large sequence because of its perfect structure of vitamin A
of conjugated double bonds. Firstly, the sin- dimers. Therefore, it is stoichiometrically

Table I.
Composition of some -carotene-rich fruits and vegetables.

Fruit -carotene content -carotene of total carotenoids Reference

(mgkg1) (%)

Apricot 11 84 USDAa
Carrot 6583 6770 USDAa [92]
Lettuce 1014 47 [90]
Orange 0.11.4 19 [95, 96]
Orange sweet potato 8593 90100 USDAa [17, 90]
Palm fruit 200 54 [76, 93]
Plantain 410 44 [95]
Pumpkin 1231 55 USDAa [5, 91]
Spinach 919 30 [90]

a USDA, Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, http://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp/search/

418 Fruits, vol. 66 (6)

Degradation of -carotene during processing or storage

Figure 1.
Trans--carotene and its main
isomers: 15-cis-, 13-cis- and

equivalent to two molecules of retinol [4, has the ability to be an efficient antioxidant
9]. The enzyme, -carotene 15,15 monoox- because of its highly delocalised electrons
ygenase, present in the human intestinal which can stabilise by resonance reactive
cells and liver, acts on the 15,15 bond, thus intermediates such as carbocations or radi-
forming two equivalent-retinol molecules cals. -carotene can thus protect cellular tis-
from one molecule of -carotene by central sues by quenching singlet oxygen and
cleavage [10]. -carotene is the main impor- scavenging active free radicals that are
tant source of vitamin A, particularly in involved in potentially lethal processes,
developing countries. This molecule also such as lipid peroxidation [2, 1113].

Fruits, vol. 66 (6) 419

C. Pnicaud et al.

Because of this antioxidant activity, -caro- degradation kinetics in order to optimise

tene is often used in food complements or process design. Although these approaches
for pharmaceutical applications. On the are complementary to improve -carotene
food scale, because of its lipophilic proper- retention during food transformations, data
ties, -carotene can be used in oils where it are actually dispersed and they need to be
can protect unsaturated lipids against per- gathered. The first part of this review will
oxidation [14]. deal with the current knowledge about the
-carotene, by its structure, exhibits very chemistry of the -carotene degradation
interesting sensory, nutritional and biologi- mechanisms. The second part will be dedi-
cal properties. However, its significant cated to the study of reaction kinetics, and
number of double bonds makes it very sen- especially the different approaches to mon-
sitive to degradation and particularly to itoring kinetics in food processes and the
oxidation. Indeed, while -carotene concen- effects of storage or process conditions.
tration increases during fruit ripening [15], Finally, the conclusion will evidence the
its concentration stagnates or decreases dur- importance of both approaches to improve
ing post-harvest storage at rates varying as the comprehension and the prediction of
a function of the temperature [16]. However, -carotene degradation to further prevent it
the main critical step for -carotene loss during food processing.
remains during fruit processing, i.e., juice or
puree production. Indeed, the loss of tissue
integrity, contact with oxygen and light, and
the elevation of temperature during thermal
2. Degradation reactions
treatment dramatically increase the rates of
degradation reactions [4, 17]. -carotene is a very reactive compound due
to its highly unsaturated structure, which
The main degradation products identified renders it electronically rich by delocalisa-
after food processing are isomers, oxidation tion of -electrons. Consequently, it is also
and cleavage products [18, 19]. These com- prone to degradation and more precisely to
pounds may lower the sensory and nutri- isomerisation, especially at high tempera-
tional properties of the resulting food ture, and oxidation, due to the occurrence
products. For instance, it was demonstrated of oxygen in food [4]. Molecular oxygen is
that the cis-isomers of -carotene have a diradical, so it cannot react directly with
lower antioxidant properties than trans-- food components, except if the food com-
carotene [3] and generate about two-fold pounds become radical compounds or if
less vitamin A [20]. In addition, some studies active forms of oxygen are produced. Mordi
reported the increase in oxidative stress showed that the products of -carotene oxi-
caused by end products of carotene -oxi- dation by molecular oxygen are similar to
dation [21]. These results show how a food the products obtained in the singlet oxygen
process can be damaging and the important oxidation (one active oxygen specie) [22].
issue is to control conditions such as tem- The involvement of radical species would
perature, light or oxygenation in order to explain the similarity in product formation
improve -carotene retention in processed in the two reactions. Current thinking is that
food. the whole process involves first isomerisa-
The aim of our paper is to present a lit- tion of the all-trans to the cis-isomer,
erature synthesis about the theory of followed by the formation of a diradical, or
-carotene degradation and its application they may both occur simultaneously and
during food processing and storage. The lit- reversibly (figure 2). The involvement
erature concerning -carotene degradation of cis/trans isomerisation in -carotene oxi-
is extensive, and the approaches are very dation was more recently noted by
different as a function of the biological, Mohamed et al., who showed that the lowest
chemical and food transformation points of energy configuration may occur from oxi-
view. Biological and chemical studies focus dative attack of 9-cis--carotene and then 13-
on the degradation mechanisms, while cis--carotene, before trans--carotene [9].
food-processing work is more devoted to These findings show that isomerisation and

420 Fruits, vol. 66 (6)

Degradation of -carotene during processing or storage

Figure 2.
First steps of -carotene
oxidation including firstly
isomerisation, secondly
production of radical species,
and then apparition of cleavage
products [22].

oxidation are closely linked and must gen- in vegetables rich in -carotene because of
erally be studied together. thermal processes such as blanching, pas-
teurisation, sterilisation and air drying [18,
2.1. Isomerisation 26]. Light can also favour -carotene isom-
erisation but to a smaller extent in compar-
Trans--carotene is predominant in nature ison with the temperature effect. For
[23]. However, significant amounts of the cis instance, in the experiments of Chen and
forms can be found in processed foods. Cis Huang, isomerisation of -carotene in hex-
isomers present one or two configuration ane reached the same level in 40 min at
changes at the level of one or many double 70 C in the dark and in 12 hours at 5 C
bonds (figure 1). These molecules have the under 2000 lux [27]. Theoretically, depend-
same molecular weight as trans--carotene. ing on the number of double bonds, a mul-
Separation by HPLC was, however, made titude of mono- and poly-cis isomers can be
possible by the recent use of the stationary formed from a given carotenoid. However,
phase (C30) which provides a good separa- in the case of -carotene, the major cis forms
tion of cis isomers [6, 24]. The cis isomers of -carotene found after thermal process-
are identified on the basis of their spectral ing were 15-15-di-cis--carotene, 13-cis--
properties. Indeed, in comparison with the carotene and 9-cis--carotene, but with a
trans--carotene spectrum, their maximal more significant amount of 13-cis--caro-
absorption wavelength is decreased and tene [18, 26, 2831]. A molecular modelling
they have an absorption band, called the study of Mohamed et al. showed that trans-
cis peak, at a characteristic position about -carotene configuration was the lowest
142 nm below the longest-wavelength energy structure but, among cis isomers, the
absorption maximum [19, 25]. Cis isomeri- lowest energy configurations were 9-cis-
sation mainly takes place because of heat. and 13-cis--carotene [9]. This more signifi-
As a consequence, many studies have cant stability may explain why both cis iso-
reported the decrease in trans--carotene mers are found in high amounts in
and the concomitant increase in cis isomers processed food. Based on the apparition

Fruits, vol. 66 (6) 421

C. Pnicaud et al.

order of compounds, which can give an idea have attempted to improve knowledge
of the succession of intermediary products, about the reaction scheme.
Marx et al. also stated that, among the cis As suggested in the detailed reaction
isomers, the 13- and 15-15-di-cis--carotene scheme deduced from the literature (fig-
were predominant at low temperature, ure 3), it is supposed that isomerisation
while 9-cis--carotene was formed under could be the first step of oxidation, leading
more severe conditions [26]. The amount of to a diradical of -carotene which can easily
the different isomers formed is thus very be attacked by oxygen on either side of the
dependent on the thermal conditions but cis bond. This radical attack followed by
also on the solvent and the state of -caro- homolytic internal substitution gives the
tene (see section 3.). epoxides, which appear as initial products.
The stable final products, the apocaroten-
ones and apocarotenals, could be formed
2.2. Oxidation
from the epoxides.
In comparison with isomerisation reactions, 2.2.1. The initial oxidation products:
the resulting products of oxidative reactions the epoxides
are much more numerous and different in
terms of molecular weight, chemical func- The oxygen can attack the -carotene mol-
tions, etc. -carotene can be oxidised ecule either on the -ring or on the chain.
according to three pathways. Indeed, oxi- The homolytic hydrogen extraction could
dation of -carotene can be either autoacti- be easier at the level of the -ring. Indeed,
vated (autoxidation), or induced by light the molecular modelling study of Mohamed
(photo-oxidation) or catalysed by enzymes et al. showed that this position was prefer-
(enzymatic oxidation). Enzymatic oxidation ably attacked by oxygen species because of
can occur in fruits essentially because of its long lifetime and low energy [9]. This
lipoxigenases. However, bleaching can computational study also showed that the
inactivate these enzymes. For instance, oxygen attack could be preferentially done
Dutta et al. observed higher -carotene on the trans-isomer, the more stable form
retention in bleached pumpkin than in fresh of -carotene. To identify the resulting prod-
ucts of epoxidation, Rodriguez and
pumpkin puree due to enzyme inactivation
Rodriguez-Amaya carried out a controlled
by heat [5]. Also, during the storage of dehy-
oxidation of -carotene in a model system
drated carrot slices, Koca et al. found lower
with chloroperbenzoic acid in ambient con-
decoloration rates for blanched than
ditions, in the presence and absence of light
unblanched products [32] (table II). Regard-
[19]. They identified -carotene-5,6-epox-
ing photo-oxidation, Chen and Huang com-
ide, -carotene-5,8-epoxide, -carotene-
pared the effects of temperature and light on 5,6,5,6-diepoxide, -carotene-5,6,5,8-die-
-carotene degradation and found a kinetic poxide and -carotene-5,8,5,8-diepoxide.
constant increased by a factor 24 during The 5,8-epoxide groups are also known as
oven heating at 150 C compared with illu- furanoid groups. The supposed relationship
mination of 2000 lux at 5 C, proving that between these different epoxides and die-
the effect of light was negligible compared poxides is presented in figure 4. At the level
with that of temperature [27]. Also, Rod- of real food, analysis of carotenoid degra-
riguez and Rodriguez-Amaya did not find a dation products during thermal processing
major impact of light exposure on -caro- of citrus juice (75 C100 C) confirmed that
tene degradation in the time scale chosen the isomerisation of the epoxide function in
(21 days) [19]. In addition, photo-oxidation position 5,6 into a furanoxide function in
can be easily avoided during a process by position 5,8 was a common reaction for sev-
preventing light around the product, and eral xanthophylls [33]. Organic acids liber-
also by dark packaging during storage. ated during the processing of fruit juices are
Finally, autoxidation is the most difficult strong enough to promote rearrangements
phenomenon to prevent during food of 5,6-epoxide groups into furanoid groups.
processing and storage and some authors To the contrary, no evidence was found on

422 Fruits, vol. 66 (6)

Table II.
Kinetic values of -carotene degradation for different products and processes according to the literature.

Product [-carotene] Process Process temperature Kinetic data Reference

determination range
(C) k Ea D z
(min1) (kJmol1) (min) (C)

Sweet potato chips trans--carotene Storage 1040 2 106 64.2 1.1 106 23 [17]
(HPLC) 2.7 105 8.2 104
Dehydrated carrot slice Total carotenoids Storage after blanching 2757 2.7 106 66 8.3 105 25 [32]
(absorbance at 450 nm) 3.6 105 6.4 104
Storage without blanching 2757 1.5 105 39 1.5 105 43 [32]
5.9 105 3.9 104
Storage without blanching 5080 32 60 [97]
Orange juice trans--carotene Microwave heating 7085 0.020.65 188 100 3.5 11 [49]
Colour Ohmic heating 5090 0.020.57 79 125 4 25 [53]
Infrared heating 5090 0.070.61 53 32 4 37 [53]
Microwave heating 100125 0.580.78 14 43 179 [53]
Carrot juice Heat treatment 104132 25 [98]
Citrus juice trans--carotene Thermal treatment 75100 0.002 110 1300 85 20 [33]
(HPLC) 0.01
Pumpkin pure Total carotenoids Thermal treatment 60100 0.004 27 575 287 77 [5]
(absorbance at 450 nm) 0.008
Papaya pure Total carotenoids Thermal treatment 70105 0.002 21 1150 104 [99]
(absorbance at 450 nm) 0.006 384
Fried plantain trans--carotene Deep-fat frying 120180 87 34 [48]
Safflower seed oil trans--carotene Thermal treatment 7595 110 20 [100]
Degradation of -carotene during processing or storage

Fruits, vol. 66 (6)

Oil trans--carotene Thermal treatment 120180 88 34 [47]

C. Pnicaud et al.


Figure 3. the ability of -carotene to form furanoid a 5,6-epoxide or furanoid compound, in

General overview of the directly without going through the 5,6- which case the cleavage products are named
degradation scheme of epoxide intermediate. epoxy--apocarotenals and epoxy--apoc-
-carotene. arotenones (figure 3). The complete range
If the attack of the oxygen molecule is
done on the polyene chain of -carotene, in- of -apocarotenals and -apocarotenones as
chain epoxides are formed. In this case, well as diapocarotene-dials that can possibly
oxygen attack is preferentially done on cis be formed from trans--carotene have been
isomers (figure 2), due to the higher avail- detected during an experiment of mild oxi-
ability of the -electrons in these cis config- dative cleavage by dioxygen induced by a
urations. The in-chain epoxides have been ruthenium tetramesitylporphyrin catalyst
identified as precursors of cleavage prod- [34]. All these cleavage products are presented
ucts [34], namely the apocarotenones and in figure 4. In the experiments of Rodriguez
the apocarotenals. and Rodriguez-Amaya, epoxidation with m-
chloroperbenzoic acid and oxidative cleav-
age with potassium permanganate led to
2.2.2. Apocarotenones
products identified as -apo-8-carotenal,
and apocarotenals
-apo-10-carotenal, -apo-12-carotenal, -apo-
Cleavage can occur (i) from a chain epoxide 14-carotenal and -apo-15-carotenal, along
which can be formed directly from a cis iso- with semi--carotenone and monohydroxy-
mer, or (ii) from a second oxygen attack on -carotene-5,8-epoxide [19]. These products

424 Fruits, vol. 66 (6)

Degradation of -carotene during processing or storage

in chain epoxides


were detected in model systems and some 4-oxo--ionone as cleavage products formed Figure 4.
of these products were also found in mango after degradation of -carotene mediated by Detailed formation of epoxides
juice, acerola juice and dried apricot. hypochlorous acid [36]. Non-enzymatic [19] and -apocarotenals and
-apocarotenones [34] from the
Increased cis isomerisation was also cleavage of carotenoids was supposed to be
degradation of -carotene.
observed and cis isomers of the oxidation carried out primarily by oxidants liberated
products were detected. by polymorphonuclear leukocytes.
From a mechanistic point of view, only
2.2.3. Short-chain cleavage products
the dihydroactinidiolide was submitted to
Some authors concentrated their work on investigations on its formation pathways,
short-chain cleavage products (maximum of and at least two reaction pathways could be
9 atoms of carbon) and mostly on noriso- evidenced (figure 3). Bosser and Belin
prenoids, known as flavour compounds. described a system able to generate free rad-
These compounds are issued from -caro- icals to cleave -carotene, giving rise to
tene, apocarotenones or apocarotenal -ionone, 5,6-epoxy--ionone and dihy-
cleavage. Most of the works aimed at char- droactinidiolide [37]. Under these conditions,
acterising the products formed by degrada- in another study and at 37 C, two main reac-
tion of -carotene. For instance, in oak tion pathways could be put forward [38]: one
wood, -ionone, 5,6-epoxy--ionone and would involve a free radical oxidising mech-
dihydroactinidiolide were identified [35]. In anism, leading to -ionone, then to 5,6-
biological tissues, Sommerburg et al. iden- epoxy--ionone, and then to dihydroacti-
tified 5,6-epoxy--ionone, ionene, -cyclo- nidiolide. This way links the 5,6-epoxy--
citral, -ionone, dihydroactinidiolide and ionone to its precursor -ionone. The

Fruits, vol. 66 (6) 425

C. Pnicaud et al.

second would involve a thermal process, Some compounds identified in the liter-
leading from the 5,6-epoxy--ionone to the ature are not in figure 3 because their mode
dihydroactinidiolide exclusively, at 37 C. of apparition/degradation remains unclear:
Free radicals and variation in pH value did dioxetanes [22], monohydroxy--carotene-
not modify in a significant manner the yield 5,8-epoxide [19], ionene and 4-oxo--
or the kinetics of this reaction. From a more ionone [36], dihydrofurans, carbon dioxide,
theoretical point of view, according to pre- uncharacterised oligomeric material, traces
dictions from calculations of minimal free of alcohols and supposed carboxylic acid
energies of oxidation [39], for -carotene, the [40], and polymers of -carotene [41]
favoured cleavage would be -cyclocitral observed together with degradation when
(C7) and -apo-8-carotenal (C8) whereas -carotene was heated and exposed to air.
for the 9-cis-isomer, the favoured cleavage As all the compounds found as degrada-
bond would be the cis bond (9-10), giving tion products could not be integrated, fig-
rise to -ionone (C9) and -apo-10-carote- ure 3 is necessarily a simplification of the
nal (C10). Experimentally, Wache et al. real reaction scheme. Moreover, this scheme
showed that higher ratios of 9-cis--carotene does not take into account the radical nature
increased the formation of dihydroactinidi- of the reactions. Indeed, the initiation, the
olide [39]. However, the authors were not formation of the epoxides, the -apo-caro-
sure whether the 9-10 cleavage site was tenals and -carotenones, the successive
favoured, as proposed by the prediction, or chain shortening of the aldehydes to the
if the 9-cis-isomer was first transformed into ketones, and the formation of dihydroacti-
its epoxide and then cleaved at the 8-9 level. nidiolide have been explained in terms of
All these studies support the idea that at least free radical peroxidation chemistry [40].
two ways can be followed to produce dihy- Epoxide formation has been shown to be
droactinidiolide, as shown in figure 3. accompanied by the release of an alcoxyl
radical that may continue the chain oxida-
2.2.4. Unclear reaction pathways tion [22, 42, 43]. Also, more -carotene per-
oxyl radicals are formed at higher concen-
Whilst this general degradation scheme (fig- trations of -carotene. Thus, both epoxide
ure 3) is supported by the findings of Mordi formation and -carotene peroxyl radical
et al. [40], some other compounds were also formation enhance the chain oxidation.
found. Epoxides, dihydrofurans and carbo-
The studies which allowed building this
nyl compounds, but also carbon dioxide,
reaction scheme also have their own limits.
oligomeric material, traces of alcohols, and
In most cases, experiments were carried out
probably carboxylic acids were formed. The
in model systems. This is a good way to
main products in the early stage of the oxi-
investigate a research area from a theoretical
dation were shown to be 5,6-epoxy--caro-
point of view, but does not necessarily fit
tene, 15,15-epoxy--carotene, diepoxides, reality in food, as illustrated by the work of
and a series of -apo-carotenals and -car- Rodriguez and Rodriguez-Amaya, who did
otenones. As the oxidation proceeded, not find in mango juice, acerola juice and
uncharacterised oligomeric material and the dried apricot all the products detected in the
carbonyl compounds became more signifi- model systems [19]. The lack of studies in
cant while the epoxides degraded. In the real food products renders impossible the
final phase of the oxidation, the longer- establishment of clear correlations between
chain -apo-carotenals were themselves food nature and composition and the pre-
oxidised to shorter-chain carbonyl com- ferred reaction pathways. Moreover, mass
pounds, particularly -apo-13-carotenone, balances are never complete in studies
-ionone, 5,6-epoxy--ionone, dihydroacti- about carotenoids, especially in real foods,
nidiolide and probably carboxylic acids. due to the very high number of compounds
The oxidation of -apo-8-carotenal and ret- involved in the overall reaction scheme. It
inal under similar conditions was studied is obviously very hard to fully quantify all
briefly, and the main products from the compounds during one experiment, not
former compound were characterised. only due to the time needed for the analysis

426 Fruits, vol. 66 (6)

Degradation of -carotene during processing or storage

itself, but also because some of these com- which impact -carotene degradation is
pounds can stay in the product; so an extrac- therefore important for the choice and the
tion stage would be necessary before design of a process or the selection of the
analysis, or can go in the gas phase, where best storage conditions to provide products
loss can easily occur between their produc- with higher nutritional potential.
tion and their quantification. Even though,
nowadays, the use of HPLC, mass spectrom-
etry and Electron Spin Resonance (ESR) 3.1. Kinetic model for -carotene
makes the identification and the quantifica- loss
tion of a very significant quantity of degra-
dation products possible [44]. However, Most of the studies in real food report a one-
analytical techniques still have their current order reaction with respect to the concen-
limits, especially in quantification limit, tration of -carotene:
which may prevent full quantification of all
[ carotene ] t
compounds. [ ln ------------------------------------------------ = k t ] (1),
[ carotene ]
Considering all these difficulties to estab- t=0
lish a complete degradation scheme of
where [ carotene ] is the content of
-carotene, and above all the influence of
-carotene, k the reaction rate constant, and
the foods nature and composition on the t the time given in s (SI units), or more fre-
reaction pathways, the examination of deg- quently in min.
radation kinetics appears to be completely
necessary in order to i) identify the most Some authors also use the representation
important reactions in terms of rate, and ii) usually used for microorganism inactivation
quantify the factors which can affect the kinetics during thermal processes:
kinetic values.
[ carotene ] t
[log ------------------------------------------------ t
= ---- ] (2),
[ carotene ] D

3. Kinetics of -carotene where D is the decimal reduction time in

degradation during fruit min, i.e., the time required to reduce the
-carotene concentration by 90%. D is
processing or storage related to the reaction rate constant by
D = [ln(10) / k].
The level of -carotene in processed fruits
and vegetables is essential in nutritional and The use of a one-order kinetic is realistic
commercial terms for the industry since in many cases. From this model, the degra-
fruits and vegetables are the principal dation rate constant or decimal reduction
sources of -carotene and vitamin A precur- time can be easily calculated. However,
sor. The guarantee of a maximal preserva- some studies tested superior reaction orders
tion of -carotene is thus an interesting by linearisation methods [46] or non-linear
commercial argument. But labelling a fruit regression [47] and found a better fit of
juice with a guaranteed content of -caro- experimental data with orders superior than
tene after processing and during storage one for trans--carotene degradation in
requires good knowledge of -carotene non-polar solvents. This fact may be
degradation kinetics for the determination explained by the competition with isomer-
of the optimal shelf life. Indeed, significant isation reactions particularly important in
losses occur during processing and storage, these types of solvents [27].
and many factors such as time, temperature The concentration of -carotene can be
or occurrence of oxygen can significantly obtained by HPLC [17, 33, 48, 49]. However,
affect -carotene retention. For instance, in in kinetic studies, the spectrophotometric
orange sweet potatoes Wu et al. found from method after extraction is more usually
8% up to 66% of -carotene loss by using employed because of its lower time and
different food cooking processes [45]. The money cost [5, 32, 50]. However, this method
quantified knowledge of the parameters may evaluate not only trans--carotene

Fruits, vol. 66 (6) 427

C. Pnicaud et al.

concentration but also its cis-isomers and in the previous section, -carotene is sup-
oxidised products which also absorb at posed to degrade in various products,
450 nm and with different response coeffi- mainly cis isomers, and oxidised and cleav-
cients than that of trans--carotene [4]. age molecules. The real reaction scheme is
Lastly, some kinetic studies also propose a much more complex, reactions are of high
kinetic evaluation of -carotene loss from dynamics and are therefore hard to monitor.
the monitoring of a physical property sup- Indeed, the evaluation of kinetic constants
posed to be correlated with -carotene con- is complicated by the simultaneous appari-
tent, such as colour. This measurement of tion and disappearance of intermediary
-carotene content is convenient since it products whose lifetimes can be very short,
avoids a significant experimental effort. rendering tedious their detection and thus
However, the resulting kinetic data are quite their quantification over time. To overcome
meaningless from a chemical point of view these difficulties, Zepka et al. proposed a
since colour may come from other pigments simplified multi-response model according
and, during thermal processes, other reac- to the reaction scheme in figure 5 to repre-
tions such as Maillard reactions are sup- sent carotenoid degradation in a model
posed to occur at the same time and also cashew apple juice [51]. The mechanism
impact the product colour. Therefore, involves parallel irreversible and reversible
before using colour as a representative coupled reactions of both trans--cryptox-
property for -carotene loss, a correlation anthin and trans--carotene to yield, respec-
study must be done. Lastly, Zepka et al. pro- tively, degradation compounds and mono-
vided both carotenoid concentrations and a cis-isomers. Therefore, thanks to the global
colour parameter to evaluate -carotene monitoring of the two types of products
degradation in a cashew apple juice model (volatile and non-volatile, respectively),
[51]. They evaluated and correlated both they could have access to the different con-
responses via the same kinetic constant stant rates, discriminate the two pathways
rates. The resulting kinetic data provided and even evaluate the temperature effect.
useful information for the quality control of In many food systems, the most impor-
carotenoids and the related juice nutritional tant extensive variable toward the reaction
value during the thermal process. For rate is temperature. Therefore, the temper-
instance, it could be calculated that ature dependency of a reaction is important
E* = 1.9 (E* being the total colour meas- and useful information to design and deter-
urement), which is visually perceived, pro- mine time and temperature couples during
motes a 16% reduction of provitamin A common processes such as pasteurisation,
value, whereas E* = 3 implies a more rel- sterilisation, canning, etc. In the literature,
evant 36% loss of the provitamin A value. the temperature dependency is often given
This is obviously a result of interest for the by the Arrhenius law, resulting in the calcu-
juice industry, due to the ease of controlling lation of an activation energy:
colour changes in comparison with the time-
consuming chemical analysis. This type of Ea
[k = k 0 exp -------
- ] (3),
information is also available for orange juice RT
[52] and papaya puree [53]. Other authors
suggested that in model systems, the light- where k is the kinetics constant rate (s1), k0
ness index (L*) seemed to be a good indi- the Arrhenius pre-exponential factor (s1)
cator of the decrease in -carotene (for a first-order kinetic), Ea the activation
concentration, while the changes in the red- energy (Jmol1), R the ideal gas constant
ness/greenness index (a*) coincided with (8.314 JK1mol1) and T the absolute tem-
the production of the volatile compound perature (K).
-ionone [54]. The temperature dependency may also
The majority of the kinetic models used be given by the Bigelow model:
to describe -carotene degradation are
D T2 T1
uniresponse kinetic models represented by [log ------1- = ------------------
-] (4),
equations (1) or (2). However, as detailed D z

428 Fruits, vol. 66 (6)

Degradation of -carotene during processing or storage

where D1 and D2 are the decimal reduction tional heating methods leading to shorter
time for the temperatures T1 and T2, respec- processing time but also higher -carotene
tively, and z is the temperature sensitivity or degradation. For instance, Fratianni et al.
thermal resistance constant in C. found a -carotene degradation of about
Conversion of Ea and z is obtained using 50% after 1-min microwave heating at 75 C
the following relationship: [49], while Dhuique et al. found the same
degradation after 250 min [33]. The D values
2.03 T min T max R are even higher for products such as papaya
[ Ea = ------------------------------------------------------ (5). or pumpkin purees, having high viscosities
that limit the heating.
For each process (table II), the kinetic
3.2. Kinetic data for various products study of -carotene degradation at different
and conditions during storage temperatures enabled the calculation of the
or processing reaction temperature sensitivity, expressed
in activation energies (Ea) or the thermal
The literature gives kinetic data for several resistance constant z. Nine values of calcu-
types of products, liquid, solid and for dif- lated activation energies are higher than
ferent process or storage conditions. Thanks 50 kJmol1, corresponding to z values infe-
to the previous equations 1 to 5, kinetic data rior to 34 C. This can show a peculiar tem-
obtained with the D-z and the k-Ea models perature sensitivity of -carotene towards an
were summarised for several processes and elevation of temperature, which is not nec-
temperatures (table II). essarily the case for all vitamins. For
instance, Dhuique-Mayer et al. found acti-
Firstly, it can be observed that reaction
vation energy of 35 kJmol1 for vitamin C
rates k or decimal reduction times D are very
degradation against 110 kJmol1 for -car-
different when obtained during storage or
otene in citrus juice [33]. Heat seems to acti-
during processing. Indeed, during storage D
vate nearly all -carotene degradation
values can be easily expressed in months
pathways. It has been evidenced that heat
[17, 32], while they can be expressed in
induces isomerisation of the all-trans--car-
hours or minutes during processing [49, 53].
otene to the cis forms, which can be
These large differences are due to the sig-
explained by the more elevated electron
nificant temperature dependency of the
mobility with temperature increase. Heat
degradation reaction to temperatures.
also favours oxidation. Indeed, the forma-
Indeed, storage usually occurs at tempera-
tion of a free radical is a reaction presenting
tures below 50 C, which is not the case of
a high activation energy (from 146 kJmol1
thermal processing whose temperature may
to 272 kJmol1) so it can be facilitated by
vary from 60 C, for pasteurisation treat-
high temperatures [55].
ments, to 100120 C for sterilisation, and
even to 180 C for deep-fat frying treat- However, despite this tendency, activa-
ments. However, temperature is not the only tion energies (Ea) and thermal resistance
factor influencing kinetic rate constants. values (z) are supposed to be independent
Indeed, even for similar products and/or of products or process conditions. However,
process conditions, rate constants can be values of Ea range between (14 and
very different (table II). For instance, for the 188) kJmol1 and z values from (11 to
same product and the same drying temper- 179) C. They exhibit therefore a significant
ature, kinetic data may be different because dispersion. Therefore, sensitivity to heat is
of the use of a blanching step inducing obviously very dependent on the process
enzyme destruction (see section 2.2.). More and product. Indeed, the -carotene reac-
markedly, for orange and citrus juices, the tion is very dependent on the presence of
D values obtained for conventional heating co-substrates (see section 3.4.1.) which may
are much higher than those obtained for be found in very different concentrations in
microwave, ohmic or infrared treatments. different food matrices. Lastly, a global
This fact may be due to the much more effi- measure such as colour may include other
cient heat transfers with these non-conven- reactions. In addition, activation energies

Fruits, vol. 66 (6) 429

C. Pnicaud et al.

Figure 5.
Simplified -carotene
degradation scheme of
carotenoids in a model cashew
apple juice by Zepka et al. [51].

Table III.
Values of kinetic parameters obtained for the simplified -carotene degradation
scheme of carotenoids in a model cashew apple juice [51] described in figure 5.

Kinetic parameter Reaction 1 Reaction 2 Reaction 3


k60 C (s1) 8.3 2.8 107 5.8 1.1 106 15.4 1.1 105
k90 C (s1) 3.1 0.6 105 6.1 1.4 105 18.5 2.2 104
Ea (kJmol1) 114.2 18.8 78.2 10.5 82.8 8.4

found under 100 C with a significant tem- the formation of degradation compounds
perature range (50 C to 90 C) [33, 53] may was much faster than the isomerisation
be hard to compare with a process above process. From these data, a rough estima-
100 C with a narrow temperature range tion of the activation energy Ea,i of each indi-
(100 C to 125 C) [53]. Therefore, activation vidual reaction was possible (table III),
energies found in the literature must be assuming a linear behaviour of the classical
taken with precaution. In many cases, they Arrhenius equation between both tempera-
are calculated empirically and are valuable tures. The activation energies of the irrevers-
to design process conditions only for a given ible formation of degradation compounds
application. In addition, they give no further (reaction 3) and of the cis trans back-
insight into the degradation mechanism isomerisation reaction (reaction 2) were
and, therefore, no transposition can be almost the same, and are both lower than
made for other products or processes. that of the direct formation of the mono-cis
Some studies followed not only -caro- isomers (reaction 1). That means that reac-
tene degradation but also degradation prod- tion 1 is the less favoured one, while reac-
uct apparition. Zepka et al. identified the tions 2 and 3 are equally favoured.
reaction rates according to the reaction However, the [k3 / k2 ] 30 indicated that
scheme of figure 5 at different temperatures the formation of degradation compounds
from 60 C to 90 C in a cashew apple juice was a highly entropic process, probably due
model [51]. From the values of kinetic con- to breakdown of the large all-trans mole-
stant rates they obtained on the basis of both cules into shorter-chain derivatives. In addi-
carotenoid level and colour parameter tion, the present mechanism allowed the
changes (table III), it was clear that k3 was calculation of the overall activation energy
largely superior to k1 and k2, indicating that for the thermal degradation of the main

430 Fruits, vol. 66 (6)

Degradation of -carotene during processing or storage

all-trans carotenoids in the cashew apple may react with oxygen to yield a -carotene
juice model as (Ea,1 Ea,2) + Ea,3 = peroxyl radical, which may react with
118.6 kJmol1, a value comparable with the another radical to give stable products,
values detailed in table II. attack another -carotene molecule to
induce an autoxidation of -carotene, or
Such an approach is very interesting from
attack a substrate such as lipid to generate
a mechanistic point of view, since it supplies
lipid radical and induce chain oxidation.
evidence to complete theoretical calcula-
The -carotene radical may also undergo
tions and studies carried out in model sys-
-scission to give an epoxide and alkoxyl
tems. In this study, the authors proposed a
radical, which may continue oxidation. The
model which tends to refute the idea that
effect of oxygen is thus a major one.
-carotene degradation would preferen-
tially go through a first step of isomerisation. In real food products, most of the studies
It would have been of great interest to com- consist of comparisons of carotenoid deg-
pare their results with those obtained with radation (or retention) level when food is
a model in which the isomers would have submitted to different oxygen levels. For
been the intermediary products between instance, high oxygen concentrations have
trans-carotenoids and cleavage products. been associated with high levels of carote-
This could have been a way to discuss the noid degradation during storage in dried
two supposed reaction mechanisms. What sweet potato flakes [57], in pasteurised
is certain is that degradation products mango puree [29] and in semi-preserved
increase with processing time and temper- tomato sauces [58]. The occurrence of oxy-
ature. That is the case for isomers [18, 19, gen during processing has also been inves-
56] and also for oxidative products, although tigated: it was found that low-pressure
they are more reactive and harder to meas- superheated steam drying and vacuum dry-
ure [19]. ing led to less degradation of -carotene in
carrot than hot air drying because this last
process was the most aerobic [18].
3.3. Effect of oxygen Some authors attempted to define more
precisely the relationship between oxygen
The antioxidant activity of -carotene con- and carotenoid loss and thus related their
sists either of physical quenching of singlet degradation kinetic constant rates to the
oxygen or scavenging reactive oxygen spe- oxygen level around the sample. Dried
cies. This antioxidant activity being part sweet potato chips stored at 40 C and
of the degradations that -carotene can flushed with nitrogen had a degradation rate
undergo, occurrence of oxygen in food can constant of 12.4 2.4 108 s1, whilst
obviously impact the -carotene degrada- those flushed with 2.5%, 10% and 21% oxy-
tion rate. gen had respective degradation rate con-
However, at first, the effect of oxygen was stants of 3.51 0.61 107 s1, 5.95 0.25
mostly studied from a mechanistic point of 107 s1 and 9.87 0.44 107 s1 [17]. In oil
view. In the self-initiated oxidation of -car- of gac fruit, a Southeast Asian fruit, the rate
otene with molecular oxygen, the rate of of -carotene degradation was found to be
oxygen uptake was shown to depend on the 5.0 0.5 108 s1 and 1.04 0.17 107 s1
oxygen partial pressure [40]. Perez-Galvez at 45 C and 60 C, respectively, when sam-
and Minguez-Mosquera also stated that oxy- ples were flushed with nitrogen, whereas
gen was the more important limiting factor they were 8.3 0.2 108 s1 and 1.57 0.5
in carotene degradation in lipid systems [12]. 107 s1 at 45 C and 60 C, respectively, in
Tsuchihashi et al. even proposed reaction controls [59]. Decreasing the oxygen level in
pathways for the reaction of -carotene in the atmosphere around the food unmistak-
lipid systems [43]. Peroxyl radical was sup- ably decreases the -carotene loss rate.
posed to add to -carotene to give a stable Unfortunately, few data are available con-
-carotene radical which may undergo sev- cerning the quantified impact of dissolved
eral competing reactions. It may react with oxygen on -carotene degradation rates.
another radical to give a stable product. It The authors who worked on this subject

Fruits, vol. 66 (6) 431

C. Pnicaud et al.

generally carried out their measurements in which -carotene was almost totally con-
organic solvents or oils, taken as model sys- sumed under practical storage conditions at
tems for carotenoid degradation because the room temperature in air.
degradation pathways were more eluci-
Such models can be very powerful tools
dated in lipids than in fruits or vegetables.
to investigate effects of the different param-
Some authors experimentally studied and
eters acting on the degradation of the
kinetically modelled the autoxidation of
carotenoids and, conversely, to provide
-carotene in n-decane as a solvent under
quantitative data on the process and storage
various conditions of temperature and initial
conditions to carry out in order to minimise
dissolved oxygen content [60]. The kinetic
carotenoid loss. However, development of
model was based on a chain reaction mech-
these mechanistic models involves the
anism composed of 7 reactions: 2 initiation
reactions, 2 propagation reactions (includ- knowledge of the oxygen concentration in
ing 1 reversible reaction) and 2 termination the medium. Besides, the models cited
reactions. In another study, Takahashi et al. above were based and validated on exper-
presented a kinetic model of -carotene oxi- imental contents of antioxidants or oxida-
dation in the presence of an antioxidant (- tion products, but not on oxygen content.
tocopherol) in n-decane (19 reactions Thus, the influence of oxygen which is
including the co-oxidation of both caroten- obtained from these models can be disput-
oids) under various conditions of tempera- able. In fact, due to technical limitations, it
ture and constant oxygen level varying for is hard to obtain data about oxygen concen-
each temperature between (20 and trations in oils, and even more difficult in
40) mol% [61]. The kinetic model proposed fruits since they are solid. Furthermore, in
took into account the concentration of all real food, the measurement of oxygen sol-
reactants including oxygen and quantita- ubility is complicated by occurrence of oxi-
tively described the oxidation of both -car- dable compounds which tend to disturb
otene and -tocopherol over a wide range measurements. From the literature, it can
of temperatures, oxygen contents and initial only be said that oxygen solubility would
antioxidant concentrations. decrease with an increase in temperature
and dry matter in aqueous products and
The same approaches were carried out
would be higher in oils than in aqueous
not only in n-decane but also in oleic acid.
The authors observed that, when oleic acid products [6467]. For instance, the oxygen
was the solvent of the reaction, internal oxy- content in water is 13 mgL1 at 4 C, 9 mgL1
gen mass transfer from the atmosphere into at 20 C and decreases to 0 mgL1 at 100 C,
the oil had to be taken into account, prob- whereas, in oils, it is around 30 mgL1 what-
ably because, in this case, oleic acid also ever the temperature in the range of 20 C
consumed oxygen due to its own oxidation, to 50 C. In the case of solid foods, oxygen
and thus oxygen transfer was the limiting transfer is limiting because of the low oxy-
factor. Internal oxygen transfer was thus gen diffusion coefficients from the atmos-
included in the proposed kinetic model, phere into the food [68]. However, the
which was based on the reaction mecha- knowledge of the diffusion coefficient of the
nism consisting of the oxidation of -caro- oxygen in the food is a parameter very hard
tene (7 reactions), the oxidation of oleic to achieve experimentally. Despite many
acid (2 reactions), and the cross-reaction of improvements during the last century, oxy-
-carotene with oleic acid (1 reaction), i.e., gen quantification remains nowadays the
a total of 10 reactions [62]. In a last study [63], main bottleneck to enlarging knowledge on
oxidation experiments with -carotene were the oxygen impact on food products [2, 69].
also performed in oleic acid solvent but with Some recent oxygen probes (optical fibre of
the addition of -tocopherol. In this case about 100 m in diameter, for example),
again, internal oxygen transfer was taken based on luminescence quenching by the
into account. The kinetic model was based oxygen, should help researchers to investi-
on a reaction mechanism involving 25 reac- gate this area since these sensors present the
tions and simulated well the time over advantages of consuming no oxygen and

432 Fruits, vol. 66 (6)

Degradation of -carotene during processing or storage

allowing high spatial resolution in all mate- to promote rearrangements of 5,6-epoxide

rials [6870]. groups into 5,8-furanoid groups of caroten-
oids [33, 73].
3.4. Effect of food matrix Lipid unsaturation: Liu and Chen studied
-carotene degradation in an oil model at
Because of the diversity of fruits and vege- 60 C and 120 C [56]. Higher degradation
tables and the complexity of their composi- rates were found in saturated fatty acids than
tion, the effect of the food matrix on in unsaturated fatty acids. They stated that
-carotene degradation is very difficult to unsaturated lipids were prone to reacting
understand. Two major factors can be evi- with oxygen and therefore could enter into
denced: the composition in itself, and the competition with -carotene. However, on
structure of -carotene in the food, which is the contrary, Goulson and Warthesen [74]
dependent on the type and structure of the and Budowski and Brondi [75] observed that
product: liquid, solid, emulsion, etc. carotene degradation increased as the
degree of oil unsaturation increased. They
3.4.1. Effect of food composition considered that this higher rate was due to
the faster oxidation of unsaturated lipids
Composition is very different among the producing radicals likely to attack caro-
various vegetables and fruits according to tenes. Lastly, Perez-Galvez and Minguez-
the different genre, species and variety. Mosquera evidenced that carotenoids could
Even in the same variety, composition var- react with oxidative products of lipids but
iations may occur because of the climatic did not find any differences in carotene deg-
conditions. Moreover, sometimes, in the radation in different fatty acid substrates
same fruit, composition difference may [76]. The influence of lipid unsaturation is
occur as a function of its different parts. thus unclear.
Therefore, kinetic studies are very hard to
conduct on real products, explaining why Antioxidants: Many biological studies
some authors have attempted to elucidate report interactions of carotenoids with other
some kinetic parameters on model food. antioxidants, and particularly with vitamin E
and C. Vitamin E is a generic name gathering
Water: It has been evidenced that the eight tocochromanols (four tocopherols and
lower the water activity, the faster the -car- four tocotrienols). Tocochromanols are also
otene degradation. During isothermal stor- lipophilic and can be encountered in oils
age at 40 C under air of dried sweet potato containing -carotene such as palm oils [77].
chips, water activity (aw = 0.130.76) had a These molecules proved to have a better
significant impact on carotenoid degrada- chain-breaking action than -carotene, par-
tion, with rate constants varying between ticularly in free-radical-induced peroxida-
5.71 107 s1 and 3.95 107 s1, respec- tion [11]. Besides, some works report a pro-
tively [17]. Previous research on freeze-dried tective role of tocochromanols, particularly
sweet potato cubes also showed higher lev- - and -tocopherol, against -carotene
els of -carotene degradation at lower water autoxidation [78]. This protective role has
activities [71]. been shown in lipid models such as purified
Acid: The effect of acid on carotenoid triacyl glycerol fraction [79] or in oleic acid
degradation has been reported in a few [61, 63]. Some degradation studies in oil sys-
studies. Mortensen et al. studied degrada- tems even showed that carotenes and toco-
tion of carotenoids with nitric acid and mod- chromanols had synergistic effects in their
erately strong acids, such as trichloroacetic protective effects. Indeed, in a membrane
and trifluoroacetic acids [72]. The interme- model, a combination of -carotene and
diary reactions were mono- and di-proto- -tocopherol inhibited lipid peroxidation
nated carotenoids, which exhibited a long greater than the sum of the individual inhi-
lifetime (hours) in the experimental condi- bitions [80]. In vitro, interactions were also
tions of the study. It has also been shown demonstrated by Packer between -caro-
that organic acids liberated during the tene and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in low-
processing of fruit juices are strong enough density proteins [81]. Ascorbic acid was

Fruits, vol. 66 (6) 433

C. Pnicaud et al.

proven to act synergistically with -carotene and that higher levels were reached in non-
to prevent oxidation and -carotene loss. polar solvents [27].
However, as ascorbic acid is hydrosoluble, The solvent in which carotenoids are sol-
interactions with -carotene are possible ubilised may also have an effect on their glo-
only in particular amphiphilic structures, bal degradation. Indeed, in polar solvents
such as cellular membranes or emulsions. such as water, the oxycarotenoids proved to
Metals: Contrary to antioxidants, metals degrade much faster than the carotenes [33].
have an oxidant role. Polyakov et al. stated On the contrary, in organic solution, Ola-
that -carotene offers little protection tunde Farombi and Britton found initial rates
against metal-induced lipid peroxidation of oxidation superior for -carotene than for
[82]. Indeed, as unsaturated lipids, caroten- lutein, an oxycarotenoid [86]. They sug-
oids can be oxidised by transition metal gested that lutein, with its hydroxyl group,
especially at low pH [83]. Metals studied in was more polar than -carotene and may
such reactions are iron [83] and copper [78]. possibly react less in a non-polar solvent.
The protective effect of the food structure
3.4.2. Effect of structure on -carotene has been particularly investi-
gated in tomato products during heat treat-
During processing, micronutrients in fruits
ments [87]. The main results showed that
or vegetables are firstly degraded because
-carotene was more sensitive to isomerisa-
of the first steps of tissue breakdown during tion than lycopene. Indeed, the heat treat-
cutting, blending or crushing. Oxidative ment imparted changes or deformation of
reactions occur as a result of the contact with the physical ultrastructure of the cell wall
ambient air but degradations may also occur and organelles, and -carotene with its two
because of the disorganisation of initial cel- bulky -ionone rings could hardly reorgan-
lular structures and solubilisation in other ise and bear these changes as lycopene did.
solvents. In plants, carotenoids are located Similar results were obtained during hot-
in the chromoplasts. Microscopic studies break processing of tomato juice and even
reveal that within the chromoplast, -caro- of tomato paste; the amounts of trans- and
tene can be either in a crystalline form or cis- lycopene isomers remained almost
partially solubilised in lipid droplets as a unchanged, whereas increased levels of cis-
function of the vegetable [29, 84]. For -carotene were found [88]. These different
instance, it has been shown that, in mango, studies evidenced that the nature of the
-carotene was preferentially solubilised in structure where carotenoids are deposited
lipid droplets and also that a large portion and the physical state of the pigments are
of cis--carotene naturally occurs [85] crucial for the stability of the all-trans con-
whereas, in carrot, it is mostly present in figuration.
crystalline form and the all-trans isomer pre-
dominates [26]. Furthermore, the addition of
grape oil to carrot juice before heat treat-
ment enhanced the 13-cis--carotene forma- 4. Discussion and conclusion
tion (18.8%) as compared with the control
(6%) [26]. This fact was attributed to the par- Industrial food processing is often incrimi-
tial dissolution of crystalline carotene, nated in lowering the nutritional value of
present in the intact carrot in lipid droplets, products. Therefore, there is an increasing
indicating that the solubilisation of caro- demand to understand and prevent the deg-
tenes was a prerequisite for the formation radation of nutrients during processing and
of cis-isomers. It was also noted that the storage.
reverse reaction, isomerisation of cis- to The first approach consists of the estab-
trans-isomer, occurred in partly melted solid lishment of reaction pathways which can
-carotene when -carotene was heated at lead to nutrient losses. In the case of -car-
90 C and 140 C [41]. Chen and Huang otene, it has been shown that both isomer-
added that the level of isomerisation of isation and oxidation could decrease the
-carotene was dependent on the solvent content of this vitamin, corresponding to

434 Fruits, vol. 66 (6)

Degradation of -carotene during processing or storage

about thirty identified degradation products drawing general trends, among them the
and at least as many reactions only in the ones cited above, but the quantified impact
case of autoxidation. Still, not all autoxida- of each parameter is still difficult to obtain.
tion reactions have been fully elucidated. The drawback is that knowledge cannot be
That means that if enzymatic oxidation, pho- capitalised. Therefore, the data are very dif-
toxidation and eventually co-oxidation with ferent from one study to another and are just
lipid substrates or other antioxidants had empirical data valuable for one food and
been considered, hundreds of reactions process application in similar conditions. To
could have been found. Yet, all these deg- improve kinetic models, a more precise
radation pathways could potentially occur reaction monitoring should be done in order
in a real food product. to control, anticipate and predict degrada-
tion reactions better. In particular, monitor-
Under these conditions, the second
ing of apocarotenals, apocarotenones and
approach, the kinetic one, seems obvious.
oxygen would be helpful. However, the the-
Among all the possible degradation path-
oretical pathways are numerous, thus a pre-
ways, which ones are the fastest and thus
cise monitoring of all degradation reactions
which ones will predominate for a given seems impossible. Moreover, some reac-
product submitted to a known process or tions may be strongly correlated and it can
storage conditions? Concomitantly, the be hard to precisely attribute a quantified
development of analysis automation tech- product to a specific reaction. A multidisci-
niques encourages researchers to sophisti- plinary approach could help to simplify the
cate kinetics monitoring of degradation monitoring of reactions. A literature review
reactions during processing. Therefore, dif- and thermodynamic analysis are interesting
ferent studies report kinetic parameters such to highlight the more probabilistic path-
as reaction order, rate constant and activa- ways. The examination of degradation
tion energies for particular degradation mol- kinetics is also necessary in order to identify
ecules such as cis isomers. As extensively the most important reactions in terms of rate.
detailed in our review, some evidence can The analytical considerations and the liter-
be pointed out on the basis of kinetic anal- ature review combined with the thermody-
ysis. For instance, it is clear that -carotene namic and kinetic data allow the building of
degradation increases with processing time an observable degradation scheme which
and temperature, and for all degradation should represent the predominant path-
pathways. Furthermore, Arrhenius and ways. This observable degradation scheme
Bigelow models are adequate to describe should include the main factors affecting the
the influence of the temperature on kinetic fate of the studied compound, such as time
rates. It can also be said that the environ- and temperature, for instance, and should
mental level of oxygen significantly impacts be expressed through mathematical lan-
-carotene degradation: the more oxygen, guage, as Zepka et al. attempted to do in a
the faster the degradation for both process- rough way [51]. By improving the complex-
ing and storage. On the contrary, the lower ity of the reaction scheme, a modelling
the water activity of the food, the faster the approach could combine mechanistic, ther-
-carotene degradation. It has also been modynamic and kinetic considerations, as
shown that the occurrence of antioxidants has already been done for other chemical
such as tocopherols (vitamin E) or ascorbic reactions in food; for instance, the Maillard
acid (vitamin C) could lower the -carotene reaction [89]. Such models are very powerful
degradation rate, whilst metals such as iron because they permit one to capitalise a lot
or copper could increase it. In most of the of information. The effects of the factors
kinetic studies, one-order kinetics is used involved (duration time and temperature,
and is generally realistic. However, the for example) can be quantified and the
majority of studies exhibit only a global and behaviour of the system can be predicted,
unique degradation response such as colour which is very interesting from a knowledge
loss, which hides the mechanism and dis- improvement point of view. Conversely,
simulates the degree of freedom in the con- these models allow the establishment of the
trol of reactions. These studies allow operating conditions necessary to obey a

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La degradacin del -caroteno en el curso de la transformacin o del

almacenamiento de las frutas y verduras: mecanismos reactivos y aspectos
Resumen Introduccin. La significativa disminucin de la calidad de las frutas y verduras
en el curso de su transformacin preocupa mucho a la industria alimentaria. Los micronutrientes
estn particularmente afectados y, entre ellos, el -caroteno que presenta interesantes propie-
dades sensoriales, nutricionales y biolgicas. La literatura que trata la degradacin del -caroteno
es muy densa, pero la naturaleza de las conclusiones difiere, en funcin de que el acercamiento
del problema sea biolgico, qumico o tecnolgico. Nuestro artculo propone una sntesis de
puntos de vista complementarios en el estudio del -caroteno durante la transformacin y el
almacenamiento de los alimentos. Reacciones de degradacin. Los principales compuestos
de degradacin del -caroteno identificados son los ismeros, los epxidos, los apocarotenales
y los productos de clivaje de cadena corta, entre los cuales figuran los compuestos de aromas.
De la informacin sacada de la literatura se puede deducir un esquema reactivo detallado de
las reacciones de isomerizacin y de auto-oxidacin del -caroteno. Las principales vas estn
bien documentadas, pero el esquema reactivo global permanece incompleto. Adems, la
mayora de los estudios del mecanismo se llevan a cabo segn un sistema modelo, por lo que
dicha informacin no puede representar bien el comportamiento del -caroteno en los alimentos
reales. Cinticas durante los procesos y el almacenamiento. La determinacin de las cin-
ticas de degradacin permite identificar las reacciones ms rpidas, es decir, generalmente, las
que tienen los impactos fuertes, as como cuantificar el efecto de los factores que pueden dis-
minuir el contenido de -caroteno. La temperatura, la presencia de oxgeno, la composicin y
la estructura afectan significativamente la velocidad de prdida de -caroteno. Sin embargo, las
metodologas empleadas para obtener los parmetros cinticos son muy importantes y, final-
mente, la mayora de los resultados encontrados en la literatura son especficos de un estudio
y difcilmente generalizables. Discusin y conclusin. Los enfoques de mecanismos y de cin-
ticas proporcionan, individualmente, datos informativos interesantes para mejorar la compren-
sin y el seguimiento del -caroteno. La combinacin del conjunto de esta informacin, junto
a otras consideraciones termodinmicas y analticas, permite construir esquemas reactivos obser-
vables que pueden posteriormente ser transcritos en modelos matemticos. Mediante este acer-
camiento multidisciplinario, que hoy apenas se emplea, podran capitalizarse los conocimientos
y podran desarrollarse herramientas para mejorar la retencin del -caroteno durante las trans-
formaciones alimentarias y el almacenamiento.
Francia / frutas / hortalizas / almacenamiento / procesamiento / carotinoides /
isomerizacin / oxidacin / degradacin / reacciones qumicas

440 Fruits, vol. 66 (6)

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