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Human Dignity Revision

Human Dignity=Respecting people by giving them their basic needs such as Food, shelter,
security, health & Education.
Homelessness: By being homeless you lose your human dignity because people don't
respect you and you don't have a safe place to live. Charities for homelessness: Simon
Community;1969; Dublin College students; Outreach for rough sleepers: Soup & Sandwiches
to people on the streets, they have Supported Housing, look for appropriate accommodation
and help people to move out of homelessness. Give Advice and Information Service (in
partnership with Focus Ireland), Support ppl in new homes e.g. Life skills training.
Bullying: A bad behaviour to a person that happens often & makes them unhappy. Can be
Physical, Verbal, Spreading rumours, making them feel left out, cyber bulling or embarrassing
them. Can have physical effects e.g. sleeping problems or panic attacks/emotional effects e.g.
depression or stress/ effects on school work e.g. attendance or poor grades.
Special Olympics: an organisation which aims to build a world of acceptance & inclusion for
everyone, set up in 1969;Eunice Kennedy Shriver; non-profit organisation; intellectual
disability;200mil ppl;200 countries
Discrimination: Treating people unfairly because of their race, nationality, religion, class,
gender, sexual orientation or disability.
Racism: Discriminating against (Treating people unfair) because of their race e.g. skin colour.
Prejudice: People thinking others are bad for no real reason and not knowing much about
Stereotyping: Saying that all people from a particular group are the same
Travelling Community: One of Irelands most deprived minorities. 25,000 travellers (1% of
Irish population). 1/3 of traveller have no clean water, heating, proper toilet facilities or
electricity which lead to health problems and die 10-12yrs younger than settled people .They
are discriminated against (suffer discrimination). Often refused access to shops, pubs,,
restaurants, hotels and wedding receptions and have difficulty getting car insurance. They are
stereotyped as dirty, dangerous & bring criminals taking away their dignity & leads to
discrimination. Organisations like Pavee point & the Irish Traveller Movement show
people that travellers are discriminated against & fight for better conditions for them and
create a better understanding. The Equality Legislation has helped stop discrimination
against travellers.

Rights & Responsibilities Revision

Human rights: All the things in the world that we are entitled (allowed by law) to.
Responsibilities: Its our job to respect others rights & not stop them from having their
rights. Denial of Human Rights: People not getting their rights. Human Rights Activists:
People who fight for human rights e.g. Martin Luther King & Nelson Mandela wanted to
end racial segregation/ Malala Yousafzai fought for girls education.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR): List of human rights with 30 articles.
International UDHR day: Dec 10th. Written in 1948 by the united Nations to help countries
find peaceful solutions to their problems and stop wars like WW2 (1939-1945) when about
55mil ppl were killed happening again.
Amnesty International: Founded:1961.Why: British lawyer, Peter Benson wrote to defend 2
Portuguese who were jailed for raising their glasses in a toast to freedom. 1.8mil members in
over 150 countries. They write letters to people in power to highlight human rights abuses
around the world. They especially try to help tortured people & those wrongly imprisoned.
1 in 7 children around the world are child labours. Worse in poor countries. Ireland: The
Ombudsman for Children Act (2002) was a law that allowed the Ombudsman for
Children's Office to be set up in 2004 . What they do: Protect kids rights in Ireland, gives
Advice to the Government about what best for kids, Researches children issues and Hears
complaints on children's behalf. Worldwide: The UN Convention on the Rights of the
Child (CRC) is 54 articles summarised in the following areas: Survival rights, Protection
rights, Development rights, Participation rights
Animal Cruelty: Not looking after pets, Lab experiments ( Vivisection)-needed for medical
research but some say computers can do it, Blood sports, Breeding & killing them for skin &
fur, factory farming in bad conditions. Animal Welfare Organisations: ISPCA,
Compassion in World Farming & Irish Council Against Blood Sports.

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