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From: David Pilon, president and CEO of MHALA

To: Art Levine

Re: Mental Health America Los Angeles, the Village and Wellness Center Outcomes
and Clients Served

March 2014


You asked the total number of people that we have served at the Village. That
number is 6,396 unduplicated members since we opened our doors in July, 1990.

MORS Distribution

You asked for the distribution of Milestones of Recovery Scale (MORS) scores of our
clients. We measure the MORS scores every month so they change over time. Here
are the most recent Village and Wellness Center MORS scores for February, 2014.

Note that the Village has fewer members at the higher levels of recovery than the
Wellness Center. This makes sense because as members recover and need less
care, we move them to our Wellness Center.

Level of Recovery

MORS 8 Advanced Recovery 0 0%

MORS 7 Early Recovery 14 3%
MORS 6 Coping / Rehabilitating 85 19%
MORS 5 Not Coping Successfully / 203 46%
MORS 4 Not Coping Successfully / Not 11 2%
MORS 3 High Risk / Engaged 54 12%
MORS 2 High Risk / Not Engaged 1 0%
MORS 1 Extreme Risk 11 2%
No Contact 65 15%
TOTAL 444 100%

Level of Recovery

You also asked for our results regarding homelessness, hospitalization and
incarceration. Below are the numbers of members and the number of days they
spent either homeless, hospitalized and incarcerated in the year PRIOR to coming
into the Village compared to the number of members and the number of days they
spent in those three statuses AFTER their enrollment. Because their length of time
in the Village varies, we have ANNUALIZED the post-enrollment days to make them
comparable to the year prior to enrollment.

MHA VILLAGE ADULT MHSA Outcomes - through February

Total Currently Enrolled

# Pre-Enrollment
Pre Members 149
# Pre-Enrollment Days 5,991
Po # Post-Enrollment 74.50 decrease in number of
st Members 38 % members
# Post-Enrollment Days 3,861 % decrease in number of days

# Pre-Enrollment
Pre Members 106
# Pre-Enrollment Days 12,109
Po # Post-Enrollment 96.23 decrease in number of
st Members 4 % members
# Post-Enrollment Days 1,444 % decrease in number of days

# Pre-Enrollment
Pre Members 252
# Pre-Enrollment Days 52,598
Po # Post-Enrollment 56.35 decrease in number of
st Members 110 % members
# Post-Enrollment Days 34,490 % decrease in number of days

So, for example, there are 149 Village members who were hospitalized for a total of
5,991 days in the year PRIOR to enrollment, but there were only 38 members who
were hospitalized for a period of 3,861 days since they came into the Village.
Our employment data are a bit complicated because we get referrals for
employment services from the Department of Rehabilitation as well as from our
Village FSP program.

During the last year, we received 30 referrals for job development services from DR.
Of those 30 referrals, 17 got jobs in the community, or about 57%.

During the last year, 34 Village members were referred from their FSP team for job
development in the community. Of those 34, 25 got jobs in the community, or
about 74%. We also had 46 referrals for in-house work adjustment services (that is,
working in the Deli, or in clerical or maintenance services).

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