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Lesson Plan Template

MAED 3224
Subject: 2nd grade Mathematics Central Focus: Subtraction within 1000

Common Core Objective: Date taught: 3/24/2017


Add and subtract within 1000, using concrete models

or drawings and strategies based on place value,
properties of operations, and/or the relationship
between addition and subtraction; relate the strategy
to a written method. Understand that in adding or
subtracting three-digit numbers, one adds or
subtracts hundreds and hundreds, tens and tens, ones
and ones; and sometimes it is necessary to compose
or decompose tens or hundreds.

Daily Lesson Objective:

Performance: Students will be able to analyze and solve the three-digit addition problem using a
subtraction strategy of their choice.

Conditions: Each student will work independently and with a partner in order to solve each subtraction

Criteria: Students can earn up to 10 points while working independently to solve the given subtraction
problem. Students will be graded upon the strategy they have chosen, how they showed their work, how
they explained their work, and the answer. To prove proficiency students must earn 8 out of 10 points
on the exit ticket.
Prerequisite knowledge and skills needed: addition, subtraction, hundreds place value, tens place value, ones
place value, regrouping, subtraction strategies

Activity Description of Activities and Setting Time

1. Engage Students will be called to sit in a whole group in the 5 minutes

front of the room with their math notebook
Good morning class, I hope you have all had an
excellent day so far. Today we are going to be
discussing subtraction of three-digit addition
problems. Does everyone recall some of the
subtraction strategies that you have learned before?
Allow students to reflect and talk as a class about how
they would typically solve subtraction problems.
Examples of this might be the standard algorithm,
using 100s blocks, number line, invented strategy, or
a method of their choice. Since students will be
working with larger numbers a brief review of
subtraction with base ten will be done as well.
When you are subtracting large numbers like
numbers in the hundreds place value, what is an
effective way to subtract? Allow students to reflect.
Yes, that is correct! You can use base ten blocks and
counting blocks to represent subtraction, or a number
line to show this as well.
Yes, those are all great strategies that you can use to
subtract! You will be subtracting a problem with three
digits, if the number has three numbers in it what
place value does it go up to? Allow students to
answer that it is the hundreds place value. On the
board I have put up a subtraction problem for you to
solve. The problem is 435-229= ?
The teacher will walk around the room to ensure
students are participating in on-task behavior
The students will take the next five minutes to solve
the problem. Once all the students have solved the
problem, they will proceed to the following activity to
discuss the math they just did.
The teacher will ask:
What strategy did you use?
In which place value did the numbers change?
Why did you choose that strategy?

2. Explore Once the students have finished the warm up activity,

they will then participate in a whole group discussion.
(including solutions of major tasks)
The teacher will select three students to discuss their
method of choice. Students should be discussing how
they regrouped the numbers in order to make a new
tens digit. Students should be discussing the different
place values and how each numbers place value
changed while subtracting.
The students will then be given a second problem to
solve: 634 - 182= ? Students will be encouraged to
try a different strategy from the one they had tried
during the first activity.
For this problem you should be using a different
subtraction strategy than you used previously, what is
another way to properly subtract these two numbers
from one another?
Students will also be instructed to circle where the
regrouping is happening within the problem.
For this problem it is important that students
understand how the hundreds place value changed.
For students who finish this problem early on, another
problem will be assigned: 755 - 388= ? or 388 - 253
During the first sample problem the regrouping
occurred in the tens place, is it occurring in the same
place during this problem?
The students will be working in their own individual
areas for this portion of this activity.
The teacher will be walking around the classroom and
observing as needed to ensure students are learning.

3. Explain The teacher will continue walking around and

observing the students.
The teacher will ask questions such as:
Where is the regrouping occurring during this
What place value is the biggest change happening
What strategy did you use to solve this problem?
Is there another strategy you could have used while
still achieving the same answer?
Does subtracting numbers in the ones place value
effect the tens place value?
What happens when you subtract numbers such as 2
minus 3? How does that effect the next place value?
What do you do when numbers are greater than the
place value can hold?
What place value should you circle to show the

4. Elaborate/Extend The teacher will put the problem up on the board for
all to see.
They will leave three slots for the most common ways
the students subtracted together the two digits.
They will first ask the students how do I set this
problem up properly to add?
If I am using the number line method is it a good
idea to make the numbers easier to subtract, then
adding more at the end?
If I am using the counting block method and drawing
hundreds, tens, and ones blocks how many blocks
should I have?
If I am using the standard strategy how should the
problem be set up?
Where is the regrouping occurring during this
Once I know where the regrouping is happening I am
going to circle it to make sure I know what place
value it is in.
Students should be able to properly answer each
question, even if they did not use that strategy to
Accommodation for struggling student: Student will
be placed in a small group or with a partner for this
activity. This will allow each student to explain their
thought process. In these small groups or partners
they will also be discussing subtraction strategies.
Accommodation for high achieving student: ask
student to use more than one strategy to solve this

5. Evaluate Students will be given an exit ticket with 1 problem to

(assessment methods)
Students should solve this problem using two
strategies. Each strategy should include an
explanation of how they solved the problem, where
the regrouping occurred, and a visual representation
of their work.
Okay class, I am going to give you one more problem
to do to make sure youre as smart as I think you are!
For this question try to use as many strategies that
you feel comfortable with. Be sure to circle the place
value where the regrouping is occurring for each
problem. Try to draw out the problem using a
representation of the numbers with pictures.
Students will be given 1 questions to answer. The
question will be an addition problem that asks the
students to subtract within 1,000 and three-digit
If the student finishes this problem early on they will
be asked to further explain their thought process or
use more strategies to solve the problem.
The problem will be 823- 317= ?

Materials/Technology: Pencils, notebook paper, whiteboard copy of each exit ticket per student

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