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August 3rd, 2016

8:00am- The Entrance ticket index card is at everyones spot and the slide is up to do this alone without talking
to anyone. What do you remember about CFU from the 3 day institute in June? (Rayna) Entrance ticket: (put
your name on it and Rayna will collect it)
Angel will make sure we have a popsicle stick for everyone.

8:20-8:40- Brian welcome

8:40-9:15- Crew (Rayna) welcome back, meet new folks

-8:40-8:45- Reading- Rayna read it from the slide. Poem from Leadership retreat (Angel will scan and send it

8:45- 8:55- Thats Me (initiative) and debrief (Statements: went swimming this summer, paddleboarded, did
some hiking or backpacking, read a good book, went to a concert, completed a home project, traveled
somewhere outside of Colorado, had a staycation at home, discovered a new restaurant, saw a great movie)

8:55-9:10: (Greeting) Concentric Circles (introduce each time, getting to know you and goal setting- project the
question) (each time introduce yourself and your role and favorite color, food, birthday- easy stuff.

Questions: What was a highlight of your summer? What is something you are excited about this year? What do
you find most interesting about working in an elementary school? What is a professional goal youd like to set
for yourself this year? What steps will you achieve to reach this goal and what supports might you need? ( 2
minutes each time)

9:10-9:15- Debrief- use sticks and ask what they heard from someone without saying names.

9:15-10:15- Work Plan intro (leadership team and admin) Work Plan organizer:

10:15-10:30- Break

10:30- 12:30- Portfolios (LT and rayna)

Philosophy: Why do them? What are they for? Accountability. Motivation and engagement. Fantastic way to
authentically reflect on growth, assess, presentation skills
2. The FCE chosen structures for portfolios. Ask Fist to Five.
3. Show films
https://drive.google.com/a/eleducation.org/file/d/0B9eoZubf_VtcUExZakh4OXJJVDg/view?ts=57735e71 (5:48
http://eleducation.org/resources/challenge-at-the-heart-of-deeper-learning (just the section at 7:47 where they
are using crew to make goals for themselves) These goals and trackers get put into portfolios as evidence of
growth, along with their habits trackers..

4. Teams can go off and look at this folder. Make your portfolios your own. Share a google folder with portfolio
docs, portfolios (digital and non digital) and outlines?

12:30-2:00- lunch

2:00-3:15- articulation/team time

3:15-3:30- closing circle- Brian

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