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REG.NO: BBM/4598/M14

8th February, 2017



Anthropology means science of man. Anthropos means man and a direct translation of
anthropology is the science of man. .Professor at Wayne state university defines business
anthropology as applying anthropological theories and practices to the needs of private sector
organizations especially industrial firms. Current research initiatives in the field tend to be
concentrated in;

1. Marketing and consumer behavior of foreign investment i.e. Mc Donald a food franchise
business based in the USA that has got various affiliates in different countries India,
China, , UK and others.
They may decide to change the taste or flavor of hamburgers to make it hot with lots of
pepper given that the Indian people tend to like lots of peeper on their food.
2. Organizational theory and culture of foreign investment i.e .A good understanding of
organizational culture to develop meaningful strategies to a certain country.
3. International business in terms of marketing and intercultural communication i.e in China
people bow while greeting while also in other most countries people greet each other with
a handshake.
4. Product design and development. This is creating a new product to be sold by a business
for instance a developer in real estate comes up with a unique design for constructing
project and decides to paint the building with the countrys shade/ colour of the flag to
entice customers in that country.


Psychology is the study of human mind and behavior. Psychological research suggests that there
are plenty of ways to get people to do what the investor wants without persuading.

Here are strategies for getting people to buy your goods and services globally and off course they
will leave you feeling powerful.

1. Help advance someones goals to get them to do you a favour. Basically you help a
prospective client with something they need so that they feel obliged to return the favour
by transacting/investing in your business i.e giving out good benefit on the package for
the prospective buyer.
2. Mimic peoples body language to get them to like you as an investor, this is also a good
strategic way of winning the buyers heart to a business.
3. Focus on what your bargaining partner is gaining to get them to agree to your offer.i.e if
you are selling houses as your business in a foreign country, you should say I want
$1,000for the car, instead of saying I want $ 1,000 for the car . Your foreign customers
will see things in a different perspective and they will probably be more likely to consider
your goods and services.
4. Display an image of eyes to get people to behave ethically i.e Eye impression or a
serious/ ethical look to a person borrowing a book in a private library store gives them an
impression that they are being watched hence doing the right thing returning it back.
5. Ask people for favour or continue sending adverts to people till they just want to buy
whatever the investor is selling. An alert mind may express some doubt when approached
with a request, yet someone who is tired or distracted will likely be less critical and
simply accept the investors proposal of venturing into the business.
6. Fulfilling foreign buyers expectations and exceeding .this becomes very easy to
convince and sell eventually to foreign buyers. They even spread the word to their
collogues as well.
7. Technology. Technology continues to accelerate the pace of change, it creates new
occupations and enables a real 24 hours workplace resulting in levels of product and
services while balance of challenges based on preferences of that country.


It is the study of social behavior or society including its origins, development, organization
networks and institutions.

These are social factors that impact customer needs and size of markets international wide.

1. Attitude toward saving and investing. In certain countries for instance Kenya saving is a
habit that people have adopted highly more so in stocks even high school students save
their their pocket money to buy stocks so as to invest in the future therefore investors
who are thinking on investing their would be open to the above in terms of make
decisions easily.
2. Lifestyles. It is very important we get to know the lifestyle to the country one is to invest
in so as to make good decisions i.e if one or an investor wants to start a hotel in Dubai
will need to know that it is a country whereby people to do not eat pork.
3. Buying habits. The investor needs to understand buying habits of that country i.e Dubai is
very hot an investor might consider starting a cold beverage business in that country.
4. Educational levels. Here the investor needs to understand education level of the country
he wishes to invest in because if he does not put this into perspective it ends up becoming
difficult or next to impossible, because people do not understand the business such as IT ,
Insurance etc.
5. Emphasis on security and safety.i,e Rwanda is known to be the safest place to invest
without being robbed or conned by thieves. This is definitely a deal to investors.
6. Sex distribution. Get to know the demographics/population of female and male so as to
plan intensively businesswise i.e Female tend to like cosmetics more therefore investors
specializing in cosmetics business may want to know the population of female in that
country he intends to invest in as part of making his decisions.
7. Immigration and Emigration rates. As foreign investor its very important to know if
theres free movement for one to do his business ie. KCB Bank Directors who are based
in Kenya looked into the above so as to start business in Rwanda.

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