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Math, J, Toyama Univ. Vol, 22(1999), 1-14 _A GENERALIZATION OF NATURAL ALMOST HERMITIAN STRUCTURES ON THE TANGENT BUNDLES Vasile OPROIU* 1. Introduction The tangent bundle TM of a Riemannian manifold (M,g) has many nice geometric properties, and furnishes important examples arising in various geometric classifications. It is well known (see [14], [I8],{19], {5]) that the splitting of the tangent bundle to 7M into the vertical and horizontal distribu- tions, defined by the Levi Civita connection of g on M, and the corresponding Sasaki metric lead to an almost Kahler structure on TM. Moreover, the possibility to consider vertical, complete and horizontal lifts on TM leads to interesting geometric structures, studied in the last years and to interesting relations with some problems in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics. The results from [6] (see also (7], (2), [3], [4], (11]). giving a general expression of the natural 1-st order lifts of the Riemannian metric g to TM allow us to consider an interesting problem con- cerning the general natural I-st order almost Hermitian lifts of g “Partially supported by the Grant 4331/34/64/1998, CNCSIS, Ministerul Educatici Nationale, Romania 2 OPROIU to TM. ‘The present author has studied some properties of a spe- cial natural L-st order lift G of g and a natural almost complex structure J on TM (see [11], [10], [9], and see also [12], (13]). If (Mg) has constant negative sectional curvature, the condition for (TM,G..J) to be a Kahler Einstein manifold leads to the condition for (TM, G, J) to have constant holomorphic sectional curvature or to be a locally symmetric space. In the case where (Mg) has con- stant positive sectional curvature we obtained the corresponding results in a tube around zero section in TM. Recently, the author has seen in [17], a more general almost complex structure on TM (see also [16], [15], [1]). Then he realized that a generalization of natural almost Hermitian structures on TM can be done. In the present paper one obtains a general expression of the natural almost complex structures on TM. The family of such structures depends on four essential coefficients (real valued smooth functions depending on the square of the norm of tangent vector). The family of natural complex structures on T’M depends on two essential coefficients only. Moreover, the base manifold (M,g) must have constant sectional curvature. Next one looks for the natural almost Hermitian metrics G on TM with respect to the natural almost complex structures studied above. An interesting result is that the coefficients involved in the expression of G must satisfy two proportionality properties with re- spect to the coefficients involved in the expression of J. The family of natural almost Hermitian structures (G,.J) on TM depends on four essential coefficients involved in the definition of the almost complex structure J and two other coefficients involved in the pro- portionality conditions. From the condition for (TM, G, J) to be almost Kahlerian we obtain that the second proportionality coef ficient must be the derivative of the first one. From the condition for (TM,G, J) to be Kahlerian we obtain the dependence on three essential coefficients (two are involved in the expression of J, and the third one is a proportionality coefficient). The manifolds, tensor fields and other geometric objects we con- sider in this paper are assumed to be differentiable of class C*° (ie. smooth). We use the computations in local coordinates in a fixed local chart but many results may be expressed in an invariant form by using the vertical and horizontal lifts. The well known sum- * OPROLU 3 mation convention is used throughout this paper, the range of the indices h, i,j,k, being always {1,....n}- 2. A generalization of natural almost complex structures on the tangent bundles Let (Af, g) be a smooth n-dimensional Riemannian manifold and denote its tangent bundle by +: T7.M —+ M. Recall that TM has a structure of a 2n-dimensional smooth manifold, induced from the smooth manifold structure of Mf. ‘This structure is obtained by us- ing induced local charts on TM from usual local charts on Af. If (Up) = (Use...) is « local chart on M, then the correspond- ing induced local chart on TM is (77(U),) = (77HU) thy", y!s.s.y"), where the local coordinates a',y', i= 1,...,m, are de- fined as follows. The first n local coordinates of a tangent vector y € 77'(U) are the local coordinates in the local chart (U/,) of its base point, i.e, x’ = a’ 07, by an abuse of notation. The last n local coordinates y', i = 1,...n, of y € 771(U) are the vector space coordinates of y with respect to the natural basis in the local chart (Uy). A useful concept in the differential geometry of 7M is that of M-tensor field. An M-tensor field of type (p,q) on TM is defined by sets of +4 components (functions of « and y) with p upper indices and g lower indices, assigned to induced local charts (7-1(U), 6) on TM , such that the local coordinate change rule is that of the local coordinate components of a tensor field of type (p.q) on the base manifold M (see {8] for further details); e.g., the components y', i = 1,...,7, corresponding to the last n local co- ordinates of a tangent vector y, assigned to the induced local chart (77"(U),®) define an M-tensor field of type (1,0). Assume that w: [0,00) —+ R is a smooth function and let |lyl|? = geqj(y-y) be the square of the norm of the tangent vector y. If 6} (the Kronecker symbols) are the local coordinate components of the identity tensor field I (of type (1,1)) on M, then the components u(\ly|?)64 define an M-tensor field of type (1,1) on TM. If gi;(a) are the local co- ordinate components of the metric tensor field g on M, then the components w(|lyl|?)gij define an M-tensor field of type (0,2) on 4 OPROIU TM. The components go; = y* gu define an M-tensor field of type (0,1) on TM. Denote by V the Levi Civita connection of the Riemannian metric g on M. Then we have the direct sum decomposition qd) TTM=VTM HTM of the tangent bundle to TM into the vertical distribution VPM = Ker 7, and the horizontal distribution HTM defined by V. ‘The set of vector fields (52,..., zz) on 7-1(U) defines a local frame field for VPM and for HTM we have the local frame field (355... 55)s vhere where fo pe Se Oe Oy and P),(2) are the Christoffel symbols of g. The set (shes Bas shes gh) defines a local frame on TM, adapted to the direct sum decomposition (1). Remark that Th = Th where XY and X denote the vertical and horizontal lift of the vector field Y on M respectively. We can use the vertical and horizontal lifts in order to obtain invariant expressions for some results in this paper. However, we should prefer to work in local coordinates since the formulas are obtained easier and, in a certain sense, they are more natural. Let us begin by considering the energy density of the tangent vector y ele)y'y’, yer (U). L 1 (2) t= silyl? = 59nlyyd Obviously, we have ¢ € (0.00) for all y € TM. Then we can easily obtain the following Lemma 1, [fn > 1 and u,v are smooth functions on TM such that uugiy + vgoiGo; = 9, “ OPROLU 5 on the domain of any induced local chart on TM, then u=0, v =0. Remark. In a similar way we obtain from the condition ud; + vgojy' = 0 the relations u =v = 0. Denote by C = y'34 the Liouville vector field on TM and by C = y's the similar horizontal vector field on TM. Consider the real valued smooth functions a1, 2,03, @4,b1,b2,b3,b4 defined on (0,00) C R. A natural L-st order almost complex structure on TM, defined by the Riemannian metric g, is obtained just like the natural I-st order lifts of g to TM are obtained in [6]. ‘Then the local expression of the corresponding tensor field J of type (1,1) on TM is given by Ig = a(t) ge + bi(t)goiC + a4(t)& + balt)goiC, (3) A aie = a(t) sh + bal t)goiC’ — a2(t) 4% — ba t)anC. Remark that, in the case of the natural almost complex struc- tures considered in [10], [17], we have a3 = by = ay = by = 0. Proposition 2. The operator J defines an almost complex structure on TM if and only if 4 = a3, by = —bg and (4) aydz = 1443, (a, + 2tb:)(a2 + 2tby) = 1 + (ag + 2tbs)?. Proof. The conditions are obtained from the property J? = —f of J and Lemma | by a straightforward computation. Remark. From the conditions (4) we have that the coefficients 1, G2, dy + 206), a2 + 2tby cannot vanish and have the same sign. We assume that a, > 0, ay > 0, a) + 2tbr > 0, a2 + 2tbz > 0 for all t>0. ‘The integrability condition for an almost complex structure J on a manifold M is characterized by the vanishing of its Nijenhuis 6 OPROIU tensor field Ny, defined by N(X,Y) = (JX, J¥] — J[IX, Y¥] — JX, JY] - (XY), for all vector fields X and Y on M. Theorem 3. Let (M,g) be an n(> 2)-dimensional connected Ricmannian manifold. The almost complex structure J defined by (3) on T'M is integrable if and only if (M,g) has constant sectional curvature c and the derivatives of the coefficients a,,a2,a3 are given by: a= Eo (aiby + ¢ — 3caz ~ Actagbs), (5) 0, = spar (2aabs — arbi — a3), a', = hag (tabs — 2earas ~ 2etaabs). Proof. From the condition Na( 4, 35 (6) 2a‘,(a3 + tbs) — a2a5 = 2asbz — ayby, (7) a3 Ro; + a2ba(go:FGo; — 90; Roe) + (aya, ~ yz + 2ta4bs)( 40,5! — goid}) = where Rj; are the components of the curvature tensor field of V and we set Rh, = y Rh, and Rhy; = yty'Rh,,. Differentiating with respect to y* in (7) and then taking y = 0, we obtain (8) Rhy = C5? gi — 9), where a ay , = ao) 2 — @,(0)), which is a function depending on ,...,2" only. According to Schur’s theorem, ¢ must be a constant in the case where n > 2 and * OPROIU M is connected. Replacing Ri; of (8) into the equations, obtained from the condition Ny(;. 45) = 0, we obtain the expressions aj and a’, in (5). Then the expression of a’, can be obtained from one of the relations (6) or (7). The remaining relations obtained from Nagar a 0 as well as the condition Ni(3%, 34) = 0 are ful- filled identically by the expressions a,a4,a', in (5). Remark that the relation ara’, + ajaz = 2a3a4, obtained from (4), by differen- tiation with respect to ¢, is identically fulfilled by aj, a, a’ in (5). Remark. The relations (4) allow us to express two of the coefficients a1, a2, 3, br, bz, b3 as functions of the other four; e.g. we have ab — aad + 2103 a ay + 2tby (9) a= Remark. ‘The condition Ny = 0 allows us to express, in an equivalent way, the coefficients 6,,b2,b3 as functions of @,a2,43 and their derivatives. by az Bind tBetenahtevnl mot 1 = a tal olay dela (10) by = Ma BaBta| oh peu} 2etanah-bar ah ai —afat Delay dela) by = titi tenaaatdetasas—2otane 3 = GPa —2otag— dere ‘Then, by using the first relation in (9) and the expression of a, ob- tained from (9) by differentiation with respect to f, we can express by,Bo,bs as functions of a1,a3 and their derivatives Remark. The second relation in (9) is identically fulfilled by the expressions 6;, 62,53 in (10). Remark. In the case where ay = by = 0 we have: 1 aia, —e c- aa) a, = —, b= 7) b= a a — 2tal (aq — ct) (compare with the corresponding expressions from [10] and [17]). 8 OPROIU 3. A generalization of natural almost Hermitian structures on TM Consider a general, I-st order, natural F-metric G on TM (see [6], see also (7], [2]. (3), [11]). given by Pore) 9 0 (Q) Glos = cage itoisos AG ar Gas) = Gis + Lasoigo;> mane} 6.8 W(, ) = GS, ) = capi; + dog0i90;, GSe in) OS agi) ¢3gij + 4590:90; where cy, ¢2,¢3, d), dz. dy are smooth functions depending on the en- ergy density t € (0.00). The conditions for G to be positive definite are assured if (12) er + eds > 0, cp + 2tdy > 0, (ey + 2tdy (co + 2tdz) — (cg + 2tds)? > 0. These conditions are obtained by evaluating the expression Glu! ge + wi ug + wi5), where vw i,j = 1,....n, are arbitrary real numbers. Of course, we shall be interested in the conditions under which the metric G is almost Hermitian with respect to the almost com- plex structure J, considered in the previous section, i.e. GX, JY) = G(X,Y), for all vector fields X,Y on TM. Considering the coefficients of gi; in the conditions GIS AS) = GS. 35) Sat Sa? (13) GU gpI 5yr) = sg aa) GU BAS) = (SS) ay ByF 5e7 OPROLU 9 we obtain the following homogeneous linear system in ¢,¢2 and 6 (a3 ~ Ler + afer — 2araze3 = 0, (14) ae, + (a3 = Ley — 2arages = aaycy + aayez — 2ayazC3 = 0, where the coefficients @1,a2 and ay are related by (4). The system (14) has the nontrivial solution (15) yp = Aa, ce = Ata, cy = Ady, where 4 = MZ) is a positive smooth function on (0,00). (Recall the assumptions a > 0, a2 > 0.) Next, considering the coefficients of goigoj in the relations (13) and using the system (14), we obtain the following linear homoge- neous system fulfilled by ¢, + 2tdy,¢2 + 2tdz and ¢ + 2tdy: [(a3 + 2tbs)? = 1](ey + 2tdy)+ Hay + 2b }P(c2 + 2tda)— ~2(ay + 2tbhy)(ag + 2tb3)(cg + 2éd3) = (az + 2tby)?(cy + 2tdi)+ (16) +[(ag + 2tby)? — 1](c2 + 2td2)— —2( ay + 2tb2)(as + 2tbs)( cs + tds) = (ay + 2tby)(ag + 2tbs)(er + Qty + +(ay + 2tbj )(ag + 2tba)(e2 + 2tdy)— =2(a) + 2tbr)(az + 2tb2)(e3 + Btds) = Remark that we preferred to work with the functions ¢ + 2td. 2 + 2tdy and cy + 2dy as unknowns, instead of did; and dy, the a+ td system (16) being very much similar to the system (14). oe OPROLU The system (16) has the following nontrivial solution: cy + 2tdy = (A+ par + Bhi) (17) y+ 2tdy = (A+ 2ye)(a@q + 2Utb2), cy + 2tds = (A + 2tpe)(as + 2tds). where \ + 2ie = Mt) + 2tu(t) is a positive smooth function of t € 0,00). It was much more convenient to consider the propor- tionality factor in such a form in the expression of the general so- lution (17) of (16). The conditions (12) are automatically fulfilled due to the properties (4) of the coefficients a), @2,43,b1,b2.b3. OF course, we can obtain easily from {17} the explicit expressions of the coefficients dy, dz and ds: dy = Nby + play + 2dr). (as) dy = Nb + (a2 + tbr), ds = Nby + jolag + 2tbs). Hence we may state: Theorem 4. Let J be the natural, 1-st order, almost complex structure on TM, given by (3), where the coefficients a1, 42. ds, b1,b2 and by are related by (4). The family of 1-st order natural, Rieman- nian metries G on TM such that (TM,G,J) is an almost Hermi- Lian manifold, is given by (11) where the coefficients e.¢2 and cs are proportional to ay, az and a3, and ey t2tdy.¢2-+2tdy and cg+2tds, are proportional with a, + 2tby,a2 + 2tbz and ag + 2thy, the propor tionality coefficients being \ > 0 and + 2tu > 0. Remark. In the case ay = bs = 0 it follows that cy = ds = 0 and we obtain the almost Hermitian structure considered in [17]. Remark that the functions used in [17] are slightly different of the functions used in the present paper. Moreover, if 4 = 1 and p: = 0. we obtain the almost Kahlerian structure considerd in [11] Consider now the two-form defined by the almost Hermitian * opRoLy 1 structure (G.J) on TAL ONY) = GOXIY). for all vector fields Y.¥ on TM. Proposition 5. The capression of the 2-formn Qin a foeul adapted frame (2. on TM, is given by or a a Wasa) = X 9 (Sy 5y?) 0 Vij F HGor Sus or, equivalently (9) 2 Ages + pegvige Wylde! ly + Vj," is the absolute differential of y’ Remark that the system of local I-forms (¥ LWytidahsece. dv") is the local frame for the cotangent bundle to TAL, dual to the local frame (2 a 1 Theorem 6. The almost Hermitian structure (TM,G.J} is almost Wahlerian if and only if ne Proof. The expressions of dd. dj. dgo; and dVy" are obtained in a straightforward way, using the property Vsge; = 0: dd = NouVyi, de =p'goiVy'. doo: = gixVy* + gorPide’. dV yh = = Ride’ Ndr’ + PAV yi A det. ‘Then we have = (gis + Ades + dyiguigu; + 1edg.go; + Haoitgn,) A Vy! A deel FOAgi; + 19 0nG0) dV yA det replacing the expressions of dA.dye.dgij.dgo, and dVy", using. again. the property Vegi; = 0. doing some algebraic computations with the exterior products. and using the well known symmetry 12 OPROIU properties of gj. 0, and of the Riemann-Christoffel tensor field. as well as the Bianchi identities. it follows that l . : dQ. = (0 — 1) gis 0% — goigin Vuh A Vyl Ade! Therefore we have dQ = 0 if and only if pe = Thus the family of general almost Nahlerian structures on TM depends on five essential coefficients a).a3. by. 63,4. Combining the results from the theorems 3, 4 and 6, we obtain that a general nat- ural Niahlerian structure (G, J) on TM is defined by three essential coefficients ay, a3, 4. However, these coefficients must satisfy the supplimentary conditions a; > 0,a; + 2th, > 0, > 0. Examples of such structures can be found in [17] (see also {11]). The author thanks the referee for his helpul remarks and correc- tions, leading to a general improvement of the paper References [Uj Ti, K., Yaguehi, $., Ona Riemannian geometric construction of a Wahler structure on the punctured tangent bundle of the projective space. Bull. Yamagata Univ. Natur.Sci.. 14 59-70, comple. (1997), [2] Jany8ka, J., Vatural 2-forms on the tangent bundle of a Ric- mannian manifold, Rend, Cire. Mat. Palermo, Serie I, 32 (1993), 165-174, Supplemento, The Proceedings of the Win- ter School Geometry and Topology January 1992. en [3] JanySka, J.. Remarks on symplectic and contact 2-forms in relativistic theories, Boll. Un. Mat. 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