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Week 3- With a King & Without a King

Part 1- Without a King

Read: Joshua 1-8; Judges 1-2, 6, 7, 13 & 16. Take notes as you go. This parallels with Disciple week 8.

Our topics here include: Entering the Promised Land, Jericho, Apostasy, Gideon, & Samson. Joshua
stresses what occurs when the people obey God. When the leadership he sends is obeyed and the leaders
are faithful. Judges stresses what happens when the people do not obey and when they act individually
instead of a united community. The people desire direction, then disobey it! (Sound familiar?) Many of the
judges that God appointed were less than perfect people. Yes they were leaders with charisma, but still
human. Gideon and Samson were two called by God to be judges. After they serve His purpose we dont
read any more about them. They are not noted for great spiritual qualities but for their willingness to hear
and respond to the call of God. Did you notice a pattern in Judges? Apostasy-> punishment-> penitence->

1- When Gideon was approached by an angel of the Lord, he was hiding in a wine press from the
Midianites. What is the irony in this? (Judges 6:12)

God can call whomever he wants to serve. We see this in the bible, start to finish. Samson was a hot head,
acted without thinking and loved the ladies. We can identify with a sinful nature. God calls leaders to give us
a sense of direction. Good godly leaders give sound direction; disobedient leaders lead people astray.

2- From what weve learned over the last two weeks of readings, what kind of people do you think God
chooses as leaders?

3- What makes you think a particular leader is chosen by God?

4- Describe a time when God called you to be a leader:

5- Gideon didnt have much faith it seems like. Even after he was visited by an angel, he still demanded a
sign. How do you demand signs from God?

6- How do you think the Israelites would have described God (from what you read this week)?
Part 2- With a King
Read: 1 Samuel 1-3, 8-10, & 15-19; 2 Samuel 11-12, & 21-24; 1 Kings 1-4, 8, & 10-12. Take notes as you
go. Parallels Disciple week 9.

Power tends to corrupt, we see that from these readings. The people demanded a leader, and they got one.
Be careful what you wish for! A king could be a good idea; he could bring unity & security. -Or- A king could
be a bad idea, and increase taxes, restrict personal liberties, or be corrupt. Wnd where does God fall into all
this? The powerful Philistines were coming, and they had a king. As opposed to the loose union of Hebrew
tribes that were fighting. Philistines had strong leadership from a king and the Hebrews knew that. So GOd
sends the prophet Samuel to anoint Saul as the first Hebrew king. Saul starts off great, but quickly struggles
to keep his authority in tact. He was anxious about his throne, suffered from depression, paranoia, and
jealousy of David. What a king.Next king is David; handsome, smart, godly, & likable.But he was also an
adulturer, liar & murderer. It seems as though he was a better person before he took office.

1- How do you see that same scenario played out in your own life? At work? In government?

2- Why do people put such high hope in their leaders?

Solomon, son of David, was born a spoiled rich kid. He maintained a jet-set image with homes, pools,
women, horses & chariots. Queen Sheba even came to see all his wealth for herself. During his reign the
economy soared, trade flourished and construction boomed. Before his bubble burst, he was king of the
world. But his fall was faster than his rise. The people were weary of bureaucracy, arrogance and the kings
opulence. Solomon's palace was twice as big as the Temple! Oops. Eventually Solomon gets distracted by
all of this and forgets God. Solomons sin was apostasy. With all that wisdom he had, he couldnt remember
thee most important thing of all. After he died, the kingdom crashes, then divides into the Northern &
Southern kingdoms. Does it seem that the people were far better off without a king?

3- What responsibility do people have toward their leaders; to help them guard against vulnerability?

4- What kind of leadership role are you in right now that people are counting on you?

5-How can you identify with the weaknesses demonstrated by Saul, David & Solomon?

6- We try to be faithful to the one true God, but we are lured by other gods. Name some:

*Respect all leaders; but give true allegiance to God.

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