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Simplified Flexural Design

for Beams and Slabs

Learn time-saving design methods that comply with ACI 318 strength
and serviceability requirements and minimize building costs

BY DAVID A. FANELLA AND S.K. GHOSH efficiency in structural design, re- get construction drawings in the
duces total construction cost. In owners hands faster and make
n low- to mid-sized stru c- fact, using slightly more materials more money in the process. Simpli-

I t u re s, its often unnecessary

and uneconomical to follow a
design code that encompass-
es all structures. The added design
costs needed to prepare thorough
can reduce overall building cost if
the added material simplifies con-
The following guidelines give
practicing engineers tips on reduc-
fied designs usually yield members
that are more conservative than re-
quired by code, but savings due to
the ease of construction should off-
set additional material costs.
studies that effectively utilize ma- ing design time for smaller pro-
t e rials are nt justified in low - ri s e jects, while still complying with ACI Design Guidelines
b u i l d i n g s. For low- to mid-size d 318-89 (revised 1992). Using these This simplified design approach
s t ru c t u re s, designing for expedi- simple and quick design proce- can be used for conventionally re-
ency in construction, rather than d u re s, experienced engineers can inforced cast-in-place concrete
buildings of moderate size and
Portland Cement Association
Figure 1. Deflections height with usual spans and story
of beams and one- heights. Maximum building plan
way slabs dont need dimension should be in the range
to be computed if of 200 to 250 feet to reduce the ef-
the overall minimum fects of shrinkage and temperature.
thickness meets ACI Maximum building height should
requirements. The be in the range of four to six stories
ACI requirements to justify the economics of simpli-
are shown in this fied design.
figure. To find the Design dead, live, and wind
minimum thickness
loads are in accordance with
in inches, enter the
graph at the bottom American Society of Civil En g i -
axis with the clear neers Minimum Design Loads for
span in feet. Move Buildings and Other St r u c t u re s
up until intersecting (ASCE 7-88), with reductions in
the appropriate span live loads as permitted in ASCE 7-
condition. Next, 88. The local building code should
move horizontally be consulted for any possible dif-
and read the ferences from reductions permit-
minimum thickness ted in ASCE 7-88. If resistance to
from the vertical earthquake-induced forces, earth
or liquid pressure, impact effects,
Table 1 Design Coefficients for Flexural Members

Concrete Assumed Size Reinforcement

Strength, Reinforcement Equation Required
f c (psi) Ratio 12 (34 pb ) bd 2 = As =
3000 0.8% 30.6M u M u /3.94d
Use 30 M u (M u /4d)
4000 1.1% 22.9 M u M u /3.93d
Use 20 M u (M u /4d)
5000 1.3% 19.3 M u M u /3.97d
or structural effects of differential Use 20 M u (M u /4d)
settlement, shrinkage, or temper-
Note: M u is in kip-ft, b and d are in inches, and A s is in square inches. Design
ature change need to be included coefficients are for Grade 60 reinforcement.
in the design, such effects should
be considered separately. They are
not included within the scope of using appropriate load factors and and may result in an answer within
the simplified design techniques strength reduction factors. 25% of the actual deflection, or
presented here. even less accurate. Most designers
All simplified design procedures Choose Member Depth to select the minimum member
comply with provisions of Building Control Deflection depth using empirical length-to-
Code Requirements for Re i n f o rc e d Calculating short- and long-term depth ratios that provide satisfacto-
Concrete (ACI 318-89, revised 1992) deflections can be time-consuming ry deflection performance under


The cost of formwork in a cast-in-place structure wider, than the columns to save formwork costs and
can run as high as 60% of the total structural cost. alleviate rebar congestion.
Designers, therefore, should choose a structural sys- Walls. Use walls with rectangular cross sections;
tem that minimizes formwork costs. Consider form- they cost considerably less than nonrectangular
work economy during the conceptual or preliminar y walls. Use the same wall thickness throughout the
design stages of the project. This also is a good time project to maximize reuse of equipment and hard-
to consult a contractor for his recommendations on ware. Always maintain sufficient wall thickness to per-
economical formwork design. The three basic princi- mit proper placement and vibration of the concrete.
ples in formwork economy are the use of standard Wall openings should be kept to a minimum because
forms, repetition, and simplicity. Here are some sug- theyre costly and time-consuming. When necessary,
gestions for different member types. opening size and location should be standardized to
Slabs. Avoid offsets and irregularities that are labor promote reuse of formwork and minimize mistakes.
intensive and increase overall material costs. Depres- Columns. Whenever possible, use the same column
sions in the slab should be designed by adding the size throughout the entire height of the building. If size
thickness to the top of the slab; keep the bottom changes are necessary, make them in 2-inch incre-
face flush. ments. Typically, no more than three different column
Beams. For a line of continuous beams, keep the sizesexterior corner, exterior side, and interiorare
beam size constant and vary the reinforcement from necessary. Along with constant column dimensions,
span to span. For a joist floor system, use wide flat use a uniform symmetrical column pattern with all the
beams as theyre easier to form than beams project- columns having the same orientation and shape.
ing below the joists. Use beams that are as wide, or Square and round columns are the most economical.
normal loading conditions. Deflec- graph (Figure 1). Enter the graph by deflections. Calculate deflec-
tions arent likely to be a problem with the clear span, ln, to find the tions for these special cases.
when overall thickness meets or ex- minimum overall thickness that
ceeds the length-to-depth ratios for satisfies the ACI code for deflection Size Member to Resist Bending
uniformly distributed loads. control. Moment
ACI doesnt require deflection Dont use the graph in special Using length-to-depth ratios to
calculations if the overall member cases where spans may be subject choose the minimum beam depth
thickness of beams and one-way to heavily distributed or concen- for deflection control doesnt guar-
slabs meets the minimum value trated loads, or to members sup- antee that the member will be
specified by ACI. The ACI values porting or attached to nonstructur- strong enough to resist the bending
can be simplified into a single al elements that may be damaged moment generated by the applied
loading. The depth, width, and
amount of reinforcement deter-
Often engineers focus too ings greater than 6 inches. strength. A simplified design equa-
much on material savings and 5. Use the largest bar size pos- tion can be derived for beam width
ignore designing for c o n s t ru c- sible for the longitudinal reinforce- and depth if a reasonable assump-
tion e ff i c i e n c y. Saving material ment in columns. tion is made for the amount of rein-
might actually lead to signifi- 6. Use the fewest possible bar forcement.
cantly higher c o n s t ru c t i o n sizes for a project. Deflections are rarely a problem
costs. Consider if the rebar 7. Specify the largest stirrup with beams having a reinforcement
weight savings are o ff s e t by in- Bruce Suprenant
ratio ( ) equal to
c re a s e d costs in fabrication,
about one-half of
placing, and inspection.
Proper reinforcement is crucial the maximum per-
to the satisfactory performance of mitted. To calculate
concrete structures. The following the required width
notes on reinforcement selection (b) for a specific
and placement will usually provide concrete compres-
for overall economy and can mini- sive strength and
mize costly project delays. reinforcement
strength, assume a
1. Show clear and concise rein- reinforcement ra-
forcement details and bar tio, use the calculat-
arrangements in the contract doc-
ed factored mo-
uments. This issue is addressed
by ACI 315-80 Section 1.1, De- ments (Mu), and
tails and Detailing of Concrete Re- determine the ef-
inforcement: ... the responsibility fective depth (d)
of the engineer is to furnish a from the selected
clear statement of design require- member depth. As-
ments; the responsibility of the sume d = depth -
detailer is to carry out these re- 2.5 inches for
quirements. beams with one
2. Use Grade 60 reinforcing layer of bars and d =
bars. Generally, bars smaller than
Structural steel details have an depth - 1.25 inches
#6 cost more per pound and re-
impact on construction costs. for joists and slabs. These calcula-
quire more placing labor per
pound of reinforcement. tions are shown in Table 1 for dif-
3. Use only straight bars in flexur- bar size and the fewest varia- ferent compressive strengths (f c )
al members. Avoid truss (bent) tions in spacing. When closed and for Grade 60 reinforcement.
bars; theyre difficult to fabricate stirrups are required, specify two- For a concrete compressive
and place, and structurally unsound piece closed types to facilitate strength of 4000 psi and Grade 60
where stress reversals occur. placing. rebar, the equation relating section
4 .S p e c i f y bars in single layers 8. Check fit and clearance of re- dimensions and required flexural
for beams. Use one bar size for inforcing bars in congested areas, strength is bd2 = 20Mu. Since the
each reinforcement layer at a especially beam-column joints. structural analysis provides the re-
given span location. In slabs, 9. Use or specify standard ACI re- quired strength and deflection con-
specify reinforcement spacing in inforcing bar details and practices.
trol selects the beam depth, the
whole inches, preferably at spac- 10. Avoid field welding of rebar.
beam width can be calculated.
When frame moments vary, deter-
mine the width for the largest fac- Use this equation for re i n f o rc e-
tored moments. For economy, use ment ratios up to about two-thirds
this beam width for all similar of the maximum ACI-permitted re-
members in the frame. inforcement.
If the depth determined for con- The simplified equation for flex-
trol of deflections is shallower than ural reinforcement is applicable
desired, a larger depth can be se- only for members with rectangular
lected with a corresponding width cross sections with Grade 60 ten-
(b) determined from the above siz- sion reinforcement. For members
ing equation. Actually, any combi- with reinforcement ratios in the
nation of width and depth can be range of approximately 1 to 1.5%,
determined from the sizing equa- the error in using the equations in
tion with the only restriction being Table 1 is less than 3%.
that the final depth selected must
be greater than that required for References
deflection control. A similar sizing 1. Simplified DesignReinforced
equation can be derived for materi- Concrete Buildings of Moderate Size
als with differing properties than and Height, second edition, 1993,
Portland Cement Association, Skokie,
those listed (Ref. 1). Ill.
When sizing members for econ-
omy, use whole inches for ove ra l l 2. Building Code Requirements for
beam dimensions, specify slabs in Reinforced Concrete, (ACI 318-89, re-
2-inch increments, and use beam vised 1992), American Concrete Insti-
tute, Detroit, Mich.
widths in multiples of 2 or 3 inch-
es. Use constant beam sizes from
span to span and va ry re i n f o rc e- David A. Fanella is coord i n a t i n g
ment as re q u i red. Use wide, flat structural engineer and S. K. Ghosh
beams rather than narrow, deep is dire c t o r, engineered stru c t u re s
b e a m s, and make beam widths and codes, for the Portland Cement
equal to or greater than the col- Association.
umn width. For overall construc-
tion efficiency, use uniform depth Editors note
and width of beams thro u g h o u t If you are interested in learning more
the stru c t u re, va rying the re i n- about simplified flexural design, the
forcement as needed. Portland Cement Association (PCA) is
conducting one-day seminars on the
Select Moment Reinforcement subject in various U.S. cities from April
through June, 1994. For more informa-
A simplified design equation for tion about seminar dates and loca-
the area of tension steel (As) re- tions, call PCA at 708-966-6200.
quired can be derived (see Refer-
ence 1, pp. 3-4 for derivation). This
relationship is As = Mu/ d(con-
stant). The constant in the denom- PUBLICATION #C940338
inator depends on the concrete and Copyright 1994, The Aberdeen Group
reinforcing strengths (see Table 1). All rights reserved

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