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Baja SAE BRASIL Etapa Nordeste

Informative 01 Notification of Event

May 25th, 2016 - Camaari

Dear Participants,

The Brazilian Northeast BAJA committee comes through this note to inform to the BAJA teams that
the 2016 Brazilian Northeast BAJA Competition is supposed to be held on November 4th, 5th and 6th, 2016
at Camaari city, Bahia.

Due to the economic scenario that our country is inserted in, we are still facing the same setbacks
and roadblocks as last year to guarantee better and higher sponsorships to run our event. In order to
prevent potential expenses with transportation and hotel reservations, please wait for the official "Event
Confirmation" communication letter from the Brazilian Northeast BAJA committee before starting booking
your travel reservations to Camaari. We from the committee are working to send this letter as soon as
possible it will be sent no longer than 30 days prior to the event.

Regardless of the Event Confirmation letter, each team captain must guarantee the participation in
the event by enrolling their teams by the first established schedule this includes payment. In case of event
cancellation, the enrollment fee will be refunded for each registered team; please, respect the deadline for
registration and payment processes.

All information will be cascaded only through SAE BRASIL website.

Kind regards

Baja SAE BRASIL Etapa Nordeste

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