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advantage for a few days after returning to sea level Respiratory Ada ptations to Physical
Activity The overall effect of training on the Respiratory System is an increase in its
efficiency to supply O2 to the working muscles during higher intensities of physical activity
Below are the specific respiratory adaptations that improve this efficiency (for Respiratory
Structures, Breathing Mechanisms, Respiratory Volumes and Diffusion) : Respiratory
Structures Increased alveoli, increasing the surface area for diffusion Increased elasticity
of respiratory structures (lungs, alveo li, pleura) Increased longevity (prolonged existence)
of respiratory structure effi ciency Breathing Mechanisms Increased efficiency/economy of
respiratory muscles reduces the O2 costs of the respiratory muscles, reducing respiratory
fatigue Increase in st rength, power and endurance of respiratory muscles 11 Respiratory
Volumes In general the lung volumes and capacities change little with training, at rest and
during sub - maximal activity However, TV can increase during maximal exercise
Respiratory frequency decreases at rest/sub - maximal activity but can increase during
maximal work Maximal VE can significantly increase from around 120 L/min in an
untrained athlete to 150L/min following training 180 - 200+ in elite athletes, due to an
increase in TV and f at max imal exercise Diffusion Diffusion unchanged at rest and sub -
maximal exercise Increase in pulmonary diffusion during maximal exercise Increased
VO2 difference (arterial - venous oxygen difference) at maximal activity (less O2 in venous
blood representing inc reased delivery and extraction of O2 to active muscles ) Outcomes of
Altitude Training The overall effect of all the above efficiency improvements is that VO2
max (maximal oxygen consumption) and the lactate threshold (the start of anaerobic work)
increas e, both of which will improve performance. The main performance benefits are: o
Aerobic performance during higher/maximal work rates is both increased and prolonged o
More effect with aerobic endurance activity that is dependent upon O2, although it will delay
the anaerobic threshold and therefore delay fatigue during anaerobic activity o Reduces the
effort of sub - maximal work, therefore increasing duration of performance o A more efficient
and healthy respiratory system encourages and promote s a lifelong involveme nt in an
active/healthy lifestyle Respiratory System and an Active Lifestyle Asthma and an Active
Lifestyle You need to be able to evaluate critically the following factors in relation to
asthma: o Awareness of symptoms to be able to detect its presence o A wareness of tests to
measure its severity o Understand what conditions trigger its symptoms o Understand its
effects on physical activity/performance o Understand the treatments to help its management
12 Symptoms Asthma is characterised by a reversible narrowin g of airways; with common
symptoms of: o Hyperirritability of airways, coughing, wheezing, breathlessness or mucus
production Asthma occurs in response to a trigger or allergen Measurement Asthma is
measured by breathing into a spirometer and measuring the exhaled volume of air If the
individual improves their expiratory volumes after inhaling bronchodilator treatments, they
are considered to have asthma The International Olympic Committee (IOC) now requires
medical evidence of asthma and accepts a 15% impro vement in forced expiration in 1
second, within 10 minutes of using a bronchodilator treatment There are challenges to this
rule due to variations in triggers. E.g. exercising above 85% intensity for 6 minutes to allow
airways to dry, hyperventilating for 6 minutes, and inhalation of triggers to induce the
asthmatic response Triggers The main trigger is the drying of the respiratory airways,
normally due to water loss from the airway surfaces. This causes an inflammatory response,
and triggers the constric tion/narrowing of airways termed bronchoconstriction
Bronchoconstriction is often brought on shortly after exercise or some hours after The link
between exercise and asthmatic symptoms is termed exercise induced asthma (EIA) Other
common allergens inducing asthma are: o Exhaust fumes, air pollutants, dust, hair and
pollens EIA is more common in cold weather sports, as cold air is dryer than warm air and
therefore is more likely in winter when the respiratory airways are processing ice - cold air
Ice surface spo rts like ice hockey and skating act as triggers due to the ice resurfacing
machine pollutants and chlorine in water triggers swimming - related asthma Performance
Effects Asthma and related respiratory problems are increasingly common in athletes,
particula rly elite aerobic athletes However, the respiratory system can limit performance in
people with asthma 13 Management of Asthma Medical Treatments o Normally treated by
inhaled medications (bronchodilators) which are reliever (coded blue) medication whi ch
relax muscles around the airways, and are normally taken before exercise or in response to
symptoms o Corticosteroids are preventer (non - blue) medication which suppress the
chronic inflammation and improve the pre - exercise lung function and reduce the s ensitivity
of the airway structures. A daily dose for mild asthma is the normal treatment Non -
Medical Treatments o A warm - up, at least 10 - 30 mins at 50 - 60% max HR provides a
refractory period for up to 2 hours, after which exercise is possible without trig gering EIA
o Dietary modification of reducing salt and increasing fish oils and (antioxidant) vitamins C
and E have also shown to help reduce the inflammatory response to EIA o Caffeine is also a
bronchodilator, but the IOC limit on caffeine is 12mg/ml Inspir atory Muscle Training (IMT)
Increased respiratory effort is a major principle symptom of breathlessness; hence, there is a
strong relationship between the strength of the respiratory muscle and the sense of respiratory
effort IMT cannot cure asthma, but it has shown to increase airflow and alleviate (ease)
breathlessness. Therefore, the benefit to asthmatic athletes may be greater in terms of
performance as well as control of the symptoms For competitive athletes, when asthma is
short of the IOC criteria fo r pharmacological treatments, non - pharmacological approaches
may be the only way of minimising the negative impact of EIA on an athletes ability to fulfil
their potential IMT therefore, reduces the use of medication and improves quality of life
POWERbrea the is now available on prescription and show that IMT is now a well
established drug - free method of managing asthma The more obvious management
strategies are simply to stop the conditions that act as triggers in the first place. For example:
o R efrain fro m endurance training when suffering respiratory infections o Avoid exercise in
cold/dry air conditions o Or if unavoidable, minimise the effects by wearing a mask to cover
the nose and mouth to enable exhaled air to help raise the temperature of the air inhale d 14
Smoking and an Active Lifestyle You need to be able to evaluate critically the effects of
smoking on the respiratory system with reference to a lifelong involvement in an
active/healthy lifestyle Health Effects Impairs natural development in teena gers Impairs
lung function and diffusion rates Increased damage and likelihood of respiratory diseases,
infections and symptoms outlined below o Asthma o Irritates/damages respiratory structures
(cilia, alveoli, bronchioles, trachea and larynx) o Narrows/constri cts respiratory airways o
Emphysema (diseased elasticity of respiratory structures) o COPD (Chronic Obstructive
Pulmonary Disease) o Cancers of respiratory structures o Shortness of breathe, coughing and
wheezing, mucus/phlegm in the lungs Performance Effects Smo king decreases the
efficiency of the respiratory system to take in (VO2 max) and supply oxygen to our working
muscles It also works against the positive long - term adaptations made from being
involved in physical activity Smoking therefore, impairs performa nce at all levels
Smoking mostly affects endurance - based exercise, especially high intensity maximal
activity like triathlon It also reduces respiratory health in general, so even something as
simple as walking will be impaired
Pengendalian Pernapasan

Pusat kontrol (RCC)
mengatur paru
respirasi (pernapasan) dan ditemukan di medulla oblongata dan
merespon dalam hubungannya dengan CCC dan VCC
Saraf / Kontrol Neural

otot pernapasan berada di bawah kendali saraf tak sadar

RCC memiliki dua adalah

sebagai; itu
pusat ekspirasi
yang bertanggung jawab untuk stimulasi otot-otot pernapasan saat istirahat
dan selama latihan

pusat inspirasi
bertanggung jawab untuk siklus berirama
bernapas untuk menghasilkan tingkat 12
15 napas
Pusat inspirasi mengirimkan impuls ke otot-otot pernafasan

Saraf frenikus
untuk diafragma

ke interkostalis eksternal
Ketika dirangsang, otot-otot ini kontrak dan meningkatkan
volume rongga dada, menyebabkan saya
nspiration (aktif)
Ketika rangsangan mereka berhenti, otot-otot rileks dan mengurangi
volume rongga dada, menyebabkan berakhirnya (pasif)

pusat ekspirasi
tidak aktif selama istirahat pernapasan
sebagai kedaluwarsa

pusat ory
Meningkatkan stimulasi diafragma dan eksternal interkostalis
Merangsang otot-otot inspirasi tambahan untuk inspirasi (yang
sternocleidomastoids, scalenes
pectoralis minor
), Yang
meningkatkan kekuatan kontraksi dan kedalaman inspirati

pusat ekspirasi
Merangsang otot-otot ekspirasi (
interkostalis internal
rektus abdominus
), Menyebabkan ekspirasi paksa
yang mengurangi durasi inspirasi

Pusat inspirasi segera merangsang

otot inspirasi
untuk menginspirasi. Efek bersih dari atas adalah bahwa intensitas latihan
meningkat, kedalaman pernapasan menurun dan
laju pernapasan
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Syaraf Pengendalian Pernapasan

Reseptor utama yang mengirimkan informasi ke th

e RCC selama latihan
dalam medulla dan carotid arteri mengirim
informasi kepada
pusat inspirasi

di PPCO2

Penurunan PPO2

Penurunan pH (peningkatan keasaman)

terletak di otot dan sendi sen
informasi kepada
pusat inspirasi
pada gerakan motorik yang
kerja otot
mengirim informasi ke
pusat inspirasi
meningkatkan suhu darah
atau reseptor peregangan di paru-paru mengirim
informasi kepada
pada tingkat inflasi paru-paru
saat inspirasi

yang Baroreceptors merangsang pusat ekspirasi aktif
berakhir. Hal ini akan mengurangi durasi inspirasi dan karenanya meningkatkan
laju pernapasan
Pengaruh Ketinggian di Respira
Sistem tory

Paparan ketinggian tinggi memiliki efek signifikan terhadap kinerja

dengan mempengaruhi proses normal respirasi

Pada ketinggian tinggi (di atas 1.500 m) yang PPO2 di udara atmosfer
secara signifikan mengurangi
, Yang menurunkan effic yang
iency dari
proses pernapasan

Tabel berikut menunjukkan perubahan dalam PP dengan perubahan ketinggian

0 (Sea Level)

ketinggian Traini
ng dapat digunakan sebagai
(Apa pun yang meningkatkan
Bantuan pelatihan
Efek utama dari Altitude pada Sistem Pernapasan

Penurunan PPO2 di alveoli = Hipoksia karena penurunan PPO2 di

udara atmosfer

Penurunan PPO2 menyebabkan

gradien difusi

Penurunan O2 dan Hb asosiasi selama respirasi eksternal

Mengakibatkan penurunan transportasi O2 dalam darah


Menyebabkan penurunan O2 tersedia untuk otot

karena pengurangan
gradien difusi dan O2 dipertukarkan selama internal res

efek bersih
menurun VO2 max / kapasitas aerobik yang menurun
kinerja aerobik dan
meningkatkan timbulnya kelelahan otot
Efek lain dari Altitude pada Sistem Pernapasan

meningkat udara dingin

kehilangan air
sebagai menghangatkan udara / membasahi di paru-paru
yang mengarah ke

Penurunan otot O2 kemoreseptor merangsang pusat pernapasan

untuk meningkatkan tingkat pernapasan =

efek jangka
menurun PPO2 meningkatkan Hb dan RBC produksi
yang meningkatkan respirasi eksternal dan O2 transpo
Pelatihan ketinggian

Alasan utama untuk Pelatihan Ketinggian adalah bahwa karena hipoksia

kondisi tubuh beradaptasi dengan meningkatkan pelepasan
yang merangsang peningkatan produksi RBC dan
peningkatan capillarisation

Karena itu
, Ketika kembali ke permukaan laut, daya dukung O2 (VO2
max) meningkat dan selanjutnya akan meningkatkan aerobik


Kebanyakan penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada manfaat yang signifikan untuk
di ketinggian dari pada permukaan laut

Tinggi ketinggian preven

t atlet dari pelatihan di intensitas yang sama seperti
mereka bisa di permukaan laut karena udara hipoksia

Setiap adaptasi yang terjadi

tidak signifikan dan pendek hidup; begitu
hanya ada
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