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Subject English

Class Year 2
Date 3rd January 2014
Time 0810 - 0910
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Hooray! We are back
Learning Focus Listening and Speaking
Content Standards 1.2, 1.3
Learning Standards 1.2.1 Able to participate in daily conversations:
a) exchange greetings
d) talk about oneself
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
a) answering simple Wh-Questions
Lesson Objectives By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. exchange greetings with friends
b. talk about themselves
c. answer teachers questions based on the picture stimulus in the TB
Teaching aids Picture, Picture Cards
Activities a. Talk about the picture by answering Wh questions:
teacher asks pupils to refer to TB page 2
teacher reads the dialogues, pupils listen carefully
teacher asks a few questions to check understanding
eg: What is the boys name? Where does he come from? -Where does he live?
What is his hobby?
b. Introducing hobbies:
teacher puts up hobbies chart on the board
teacher explains what is hobby
teacher reads the hobbies, pupils follow
teacher asks pupils to choose 1 hobby and tell their friends by using the
structure: I like ______________ .
teacher asks pupils to name other hobbies
c. exchanging greetings:
teacher drills the pupils on Wh questions and corresponding
teacher demonstrates by choosing 1 pupils to become pupil B and teacher
becomes pupil A
then, teacher distributes questions strips and pupils work in pairs
Pupil a: Good morning.
Pupil b:Good morning.
Pupil a: What is your name?
Pupil b:My name is Pat.
Pupil a:Where do you live?
Pupil b:I live in Rumah Panjang.
Pupil a :What is your hobby?
Pupil b:I like drawing.

c: Extension activity:
Complete exercise in AB page 1
teacher includes the teaching of capital letters, the question mark and full stop
Assessment : B3 DL1 E1 Able to talk about:
( d ) oneself

Reflection :
Pupil a: Good morning. Pupil a: Good morning.
Pupil b:Good morning. Pupil b:Good morning.
Pupil a: What is your name? Pupil a: What is your name?
Pupil b:My name is ______________ . Pupil b:My name is ______________ .
Pupil a:Where
a: do you live?
Good morning. Pupil
Pupil a:Where
a: do you live?
Good morning.
Pupil b:I live morning.
b:Good in _________________ . Pupil
Pupil b:I live morning.
b:Good in _________________ .
Pupil a
What isis your
your name?
hobby? Pupil
Pupil a
What isis your
your name?
Pupil b:I
b:Mylike ____________.
name is ______________ . Pupil
Pupil b:I
b:Mylike ____________.
name is ______________ .
Pupil a:Where do you live? Pupil a:Where do you live?
Pupil b:I live in _________________ .
Pupil b:I live in _________________ .
Pupil a: Good morning.
a :What is your hobby? Pupil
Pupil a: Good morning.
a :What is your hobby?
Pupil b:Good morning. Pupil b:Good morning.
Pupil b:I like ____________. _____________
Pupil b:I like ____________.
Pupil a: What is your name? Pupil a: What is your name?
Pupil b:My name is ______________ . iisisii____________inii______
Pupil b:My name is ______________ .
Pupil a:Where do you live? Pupil a:Where do you live?
Pupil b:I live in _________________ . Pupil b:I live in _________________ .
Pupil a :What is your hobby? _____________
Pupil a :What is your hobby?
Pupil b:I like ____________. Pupil b:I like ____________.

iisisii____________inii______ iisisii____________inii______

_____________ _____________

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