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Due: Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Dear Parents and Student,

The second and final test for social studies unit 7 will be a

Students can begin the test as early as Wednesday, April

5th. The student will be allowed to use their social studies
book and internet as well as any notes or handouts that
they may have. The test is due back NO LATER than
Wednesday, April 19th. Tests that are turned in after this
date will automatically receive 10 points off per day it is
late. After five days, a zero will be the final grade.

Should your child misplace their test, they can print off a
copy of the test by going to Miss Cooks classroom website.
Chapter 16 Test America Changes

Name Date
Vocabulary Match the definitions with the correct terms.

Definitions Terms
a. lets a user charge goods and services and pay for 1 impeach
them later
2 sit-in
b. a law that gave veterans funds for education, home
3 credit card
loans, and other benefits
4 discrimination
c. a strategy that was used to protest against segregated
lunch counters 5 G.I. Bill of Rights
d. to charge an elected official with a crime 6 veteran

e. unfair treatment of people based on race or gender 7 freedom ride

f. bus trips by African American and white protestors to 8 minority group

integrate bus lines
9 suburb
g. basic freedoms and protections
10civil rights
h. someone who has fought in a war

i. a group that is distinct from the largest group in a society

j. a community outside a city

Key Concepts Choose the letter of the correct answer.

6. Which of the following BEST describes the general situation in postwar America?
A low unemployment C population decrease
B Great Depression D equality for all

7. What was Levittown?

F the site of a bus boycott
G the reason interstate highways were built
H a large suburb of affordable homes
I the title of a popular television show
8. Use the list below to answer the question.

transistor radios
direct-dial telephone service

What would be the BEST title for this list?

A Signs of the Great Depression C Sources of Political Change
B New Peacetime Technologies D Effects of World War II

9. What new form of music swept the nation in the 1950s?

F chamber music H jazz
G hip-hop I rock-and-roll

10. What was one effect of television?

A Entertainers became major C A band called the Beatles
national stars. formed.
B Baseball became the national D Richard Nixon was elected
pastime. president.

Use the photograph below to answer the next two questions.

11. The sign in the photo was an example of

F civil rights.
G segregation.
H African American culture.
I integration.

12. The enforced racial separation

revealed by the sign was one cause of
A African Americans struggle for
B Elvis Presleys popularity.
C the formation of the United Farm
D the womens movement.
13. How did President Harry Truman further the cause of civil rights?
F by supporting the efforts of Martin Luther King, Jr.
G by starting the war on poverty
H by proposing legislation to guarantee voting rights
I by issuing an executive order integrating the armed forces

14. Sit-ins were intended to end the segregation of

A buses.
B lunch counters.
C schools.
D the armed forces.

15. Who was the first African American Supreme Court justice?
F Thurgood Marshall
G Clarence Thomas
H Roy Wilkins
I Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

16. The Great Society was born during the presidency of

A Franklin Roosevelt.
B Harry Truman.
C Lyndon Johnson.
D Ronald Reagan.

17. What did Title IX do?

F It opened school athletics to girls and women.
G It guaranteed African American voting rights.
H It provided Head Start programs for children.
I It set up affirmative action programs.

18. Which answer choice BEST explains why the environmental movement came into being?
A Women were demanding an end to their unequal treatment.
B Workers in the grape fields in California had to endure terrible conditions.
C The release of chemicals into the environment was causing significant harm.
D Native Americans wanted to end the discrimination and poor living conditions
they faced.
19. Which of the following was one of Jimmy Carters achievements as president?
F freeing the hostages in Iran
G pardoning Richard Nixon
H increasing oil imports
I negotiating the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel

20. What was one effect of the Watergate scandal?

A Many Americans lost faith in government.
B Richard Nixon was impeached.
C Iran took American hostages.
D Gerald Ford was elected president.

21. What was one result of the end of rationing and the increase in the number of
manufacturing jobs after World War II?
A Goods that had been rationed were no longer available to the armed forces.
B Many more women went to work in factories.
C Companies produced more consumer goods, and the standard of living of
Americans improved.
D Consumer demand for goods such as cars grew so fast that the government had to put
rationing back into place.

22. Which statement BEST describes the postwar impact of television in the United States?
F Tens of millions of American households had televisions by 1959. Television had a
impact on peoples lives.
G The government took over television in 1955. From then on, the government produced
all programs.
H By 1960, most Americans had webcams connected to their televisions. People stopped
using the telephone in favor of video conferencing with each other.
I Few Americans purchased televisions. Television had only a minor impact on
American life.

23. What did American manufacturers do once they no longer needed to make war supplies?
A They made consumer goods for people to buy.
B They sold things instead of making them.
C They gave their profits to charity.
D They went out of business.
24. What did 1960s folk singers sing about?
F dancing in the streets
G the need for society to change
H the need for society to resist change
I being happy in suburbia

25. What was one way suburban life was different from city life?
A Most people lived in apartments in the suburbs.
B Most people had less money in the suburbs.
C Most people had very few children in the suburbs.
D People needed cars in the suburbs.

26. What was the significance of Plessy v. Ferguson?

F It integrated schools.
G It protected free speech.
H It made segregation legal.
I It ended discrimination.

Use the photograph below to answer the next two questions.

27. Who are the African Americans in the

A the Chicago Seven
B the freedom riders
C the Little Rock Nine
D a famous Motown group from the 1960s

28. Why is there a soldier among the students

in the photograph?
F President Eisenhower sent U.S. Army troops to enforce the school desegregation order
in Arkansas and to protect the African American students from violence.
G The students are about to begin classes on a military base.
H The students are being arrested for trespassing following a sit-in.
I The soldier is attending high school under the G.I. Bill of Rights.

29. What legal concept did Brown v. Board of Education seek to overturn?
A habeas corpus
B separate but equal
C the Thirteenth Amendment
D checks and balances
30. What is the goal of affirmative action?
F to make up for past discrimination
G to ensure equal pay for all
H to protect the natural environment
I to make public transportation available to all

31. What was one of the goals of the Great Society?

A to encourage discrimination
B to end poverty and racial injustice
C to create the first income tax
D to rely on charities to improve society

32. Use the passage to answer the next question.

The passage above comes from

F Title IX.
G The Feminine Mystique.
H the Equal Pay Act.
I the Civil Rights Act.

33. What was the theme of the book Silent Spring?

A the effects of poisonous chemicals
B the first Earth Day
C the Environmental Protection Agency
D the dangers of global warming

34. What did Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter have in common?
F They both had to deal with the Iranian hostage crisis.
G They both tried to restore Americans confidence in government.
H They both were elected by large majorities.
I They both made the economy stronger.

35. Who said, Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem.?
A Richard Nixon
B Gerald Ford
C Jimmy Carter
D Ronald Reagan
Critical Thinking Write your answers in the space provided. YOU MUST use COMPLETE
SENTENCES to receive ANY credit. Notebook paper can be used if you need more space.

36. Name three things that show that the American economy was booming after World War II.

37. Name three figures who broke the color barrier, and identify the area in which each did so.

38. What do credit cards tell us about the economic situation of the 1950s? What was one result of
many people having credit cards?

39. When did the United States commit to building interstate highways? The highways are now called
the Dwight D. Eisenhower System of Interstate and Defense Highways. How do you think the
highways were related to defense?
40. What was the ruling in Brown v. Board of Education? How did it affect American education?

41. Describe three programs or laws that went into effect during Lyndon Johnsons presidency.

42. Women and African Americans worked for equal rights in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s.
Identify three other groups that worked for greater opportunities during those years.

43. Who were the Little Rock Nine? What hardships did they face? What did they accomplish?
44. Contrast the presidencies of Lyndon Johnson and Ronald Reagan. Explain two ways in which they
differed from each other.

45. Do you think the womens movement improved womens lives? Why or why not?

The Growth of Our Country

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