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L lsilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan bentuk for atau during.

1. My friend went to Australia a long vacation.
My friend went to Australia for a long vacation.
2. All the students enjoyed singing the trip to Bogor.
All the students enjoyed singing during the trip to Bogor.

1. The projector broke down twice ........ the film show.

2. Mr. Brown has worked here .,,..... ten years.
3. He waited ........ a few minutes, but no one came to the door.
4. I did not see him because I was there ........ only 3 hours.
5. Billy didn't go anywhere ........ that week.
6. The moon gives its 1i9ht........ the night.
7. James has worked on that essay ........ several hours.
8. We plan to go to Switzerland ........ the winter.
9. Let's look around the shopping center ........ a little while.
10. He came to see me ........ my absence.

ll. Buatlah kalimat dengan susunan: as + noun atau like + noun.

1. When I was a little girl, my mother used to buy a doll for me.
As a little girl, my mother used to buy a dollfor me.

2. Roses are very expensive. Orchids are, too.

Like orchids, roses are very expensive.

1. Oranges are in season. Apples are, too,

2. He is a good teacher, He never treats his student like children.
3. When he was a young man, he otten went rock-climbing.
4. Milk is a healthy drink. Orange juice is, too.
5. When she was a famous pianist, she gave recitals every week.
6, When he was a sales executive, he visited many customers.
7. Mr, Brown is an excellent speaker. Mr. Black is, too.
8. My mother is a housewife. $he stays at home most of the time.
L Most scientists attend the seminars, My professor does, too,
10. Many other children love ice cream. Ali does, too.

l. Lengkapilah kalirnat berikut dengan bentuk adiective atau adverb dari kata
kerja dalam kurung.

He usually studies English very . (hard)
He usually studies English very hard.

James sometimes drives his car (careful)

Jarnes sometimes drives his car carefully.

1. Mrs, Budiman is very .... of her son's success. (proud)

2. James slept ... all night last night. (sound)
3. How does Launa work? Does she work .............? (efficient)
4. His new house looks very big and .. (comfortable)
5. The teachers teach their students... (patient)
6. Parents like ihe children to be (obedient)
7. I didn't want to waken him; he was in a ............. sleep (sound)
8. The girl sang . ... at the concert last night. (beautiful)
9. The eggs on the kitchen table seem (fresh)
10. The girl with blond hair dances ... ...... .. (graceful)

ll. Letakkan kata keterangan dalam kurung pada posisi yang benar.
The children play together. (sometimes)
The children somefimes play together.

1. I wash my clothes on SundaYs. (always)

2. lt is late to go to the movies now. (too)
3. l'm sorry about the death of your father. (deeply)
4. Mother tells us stories before we go to bed. (often)
5. We go to school by taxi. (hardly ever)
6. Our neighbour visits us in the evening. (occasionally)
7. lt's late. We have to hurry. (rather)
8. lforget to do my homework. (seldom)
9 Lucy reads in the library. (usually)
10. The teacher comes late. (rarely)

l. Lengkapilah kalimat dengan bentuk kata keterangan dari kata sifat dalam
kalimat sebelumnya.

She is a slow walker. She walks
She is a slow walker. She walks slowly.

1. They gave us a prompt-answer. They answered

2. Mr. Rudy is a wise leader. He leads
3. My sister is a calm speaker. She speaks ......
4. My boss is an efficient manager. He manages .....
5. She is an economical wife. She runs the house
6. Tuti is a careful cleaner. She cleans things
7. lt was a sudden death. He died
8. He was a brave fighter. He fought
9. This is an automatic coffee maker. lt makes coffee
10. Those birds are sweet singers. They sing .

ll. Susunlah "adverhials" yang terdapat dalam kurung.

The teacher is reading the story (in her c/ass, now, patiently).
The teacher is reading the story patiently in her class now.

1. Mary came home (last night, around '10 o'clock, quietly).

2. He was working (at my house, well, yesterday).
3. Mrs. Bown eats an apple (at her house, every day, after lunch).
4. She stopped (in front of the store, suddenly, yesterday).
5. Paul goes (before 7 o'clock, to work, every morning).
6. John was studying (seriously, all morning, in the library).
7. Mother is arranging the flowers (in the yase, beautifully, now).
8. I will try to speak (at the meeting, clearly, tomorrow).
9. We walked (quickly, this morning, to the station).
10. They bought the dictionary (last month, at the bookstore).

Buatlah kalimat-kalimat ini menjadi satu dengan kata keterangan foo.

The boy is ...... ..... short. He can't touch the ceiling.
The boy is foo short to touch the ceiling.

1. The office is very noisy. I can't hear myself think.

2. The job is very hard. We can't do it in a short time.
3. The question is very difficult. I can't answer it.
4. The examination was very long. The students couldn,t finish it.
5. That sport is very dangerous. The children can,t do it.
6. The book was very boring. I couldn,t read it.
7. That dress is very formal. She can,t wear it.
B. The distance is very far. They can't get there in two hours.
9. The fences are very tall. The children can,t climb them.
10. His office is very formal. I don't feel comfortable there.

il. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan memakai kata keterangan

foo atau enough.
My wife has ... .... vegetables to make chicken soup.
My wife has enough vegetables to make chicken soup.

The fried rice is ........ salty for the guest to eat.

1. She thought Mr. Brown was ......... businesslike, inhuman as a matter of fact.
2. The young girl is talented . to be a movie star.
3. The girl is intelligent to win the speech contest.
4. Mr. Artomoro is rich .... to buy whatever he wants.
5. He's .... stingy to buy a good coat for r"iq wife.
6" Michael is respected .......... to be an assistant n, .:ger.
7. His office is .......... cold. There's never any heat.
8. Paulo's briefcase is big . to hold five books and several documents.
9. lt's dark for SAR teams to rescue the injured mountain climbers.
10. The car is large . to seat six persons comfortably.

l. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat ini dengan bentuk presentatau pasf participle.

l'm .. to see the G.reat Wall in China. (amaze)
I'm amazed to see the Great Wall in China.

The Great Wall in China is (amaze)

The Great Wall in China is amazing.

1. To meet with a famous actor is a .......... experience, (fascinate)

2. The little girl was . by the dog. (frighten)
3. l've never read a more . story. (stir)
4. My son wants to have a soft egg. (boil)
5. ljust finished reading a ......... biography of a great man's life. (thrill)
6. I was . to learn that Bach composed music every week. (surprise)
7. I am . by Mark Twain's humorous serious. (amuse)
B. The students were . to learn more about the subject. (stimulate)
9. lt's . to work full-time and go to law school in the evenings. (tire)
10. Laura is ... .. with her job. She wants to find another. (bore)

ll. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat ini dengan memakai bentuk present atau pasf

I was ..... to hear sad news from the radio. (astonish)
I was astonished to hear the news from the radio.

The news from the radio was quite

The news from the radion was quite astonishing.

1. The bonsai lnferesfs Frank Yamamoto.

a. The bonsai is .......... c. The . bonsai is his hobby.
b. Frank is..... .... in the bonsai. d. The. man wants to learn more
about it.

2. The speeches bore the listeners.

a. The speeches are c. The . speeches make them
b. The listeners are d. The . listeners want to leave the
with the long speeches. room.
3. Horror movies frighten the chil<jren.
a. Horror movies are .......... c. movies are not good for them to
b. The children are .......... to d. The .......... children cry very loudly.
see horror movies.

4. The traffic-signs confuse the drivers.

a. The signs are .......... c. The .......... signs make them lose their
b. The drivers are d. The .......... drivers stop their cars.

5. The bus ride fires the passengers.

a. The bus ride is c. The .......... ride makes them uneasy.
b. The passengers are .......... d. The .......... passengers try to have a

l. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan ungkap an: would you /

would you please, would you like, would you mind.

........ to see me tomorrow?
Would you like to see me tomorrow?

ror me?
w; ;i J l";,ffi ;;kil;i':; :?'#::l'"e
1. ..... .... taking off your shoes?
2. ........... ........ drive me to the nearest bus stop?
3. ............ . to go sightseeing after dinner tonight?
4. ............ ..... helping me to solve these problem?
5. ........ ....... to spend a few days in the mountains?
6. ..... speak more distincfly?
7. ...... ..... to play the song on the piano again?
8. .... . extinguishing your cigarette?
9. ............ ........ mailing this letter on the way home?
10. ..... to do your homework at the library?

ll. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan bentuk should ini dengan menggunakan

kata- kata dalam tanda kurung.
What should I do with my old sweater? (give it to him)
You should give it to him.

1. Where should I hang this picture? (above the sofa)

2. How should he answer the questions? (completely)
3. What should we serve for dinner? (steak and vegetables)
4. Who should he ask about the problem? (his father)
5. When should I type the report? (right now)
6. How much sugar should I put in the coffee? (one spoonful)
7. What should I buy for his birthday? (a tie)
8. When should they return the book? (next week)
9. Where should he park the car? (in the garage)
10. Which blouse should Mary buy? (the red one)

l. Gabungkanlah kalimat-kalimat ini menjadi satu dalam bentuk pengandaian

dengan kata rTdan kata willpada induk kaJimatnya.

You come here. I give you some money.
lf you come here, I will give you some money.

1. They go to that hotel. The rate is cheap.

2. The people go to Bandung. They have the return tickets.
3. lt's a nice day. We go for a swim.
4. You do as ltell you. you succeed.
5. We cateh the last train. We get home after 10:00.
6. You send the telegram now. He gets it this evening,
7. Somebody comes. You ring the bell.
8. You take a taxi. You get to the concert on time.
9. We need several servants. We buy that big house.
10. They go to town. They buy somefl-ring for rie.

ll. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah ini dalam kalimat pengandaian

(if) dengan memakai kata-kata dalam tanda kurung.

Where will you go if you have a lot of money?
I will go around the city if I have a tot money.

1. what will you do if you meet Mr. Brown? (ask for his advice)
2. where will Peggy buy a red hat if it's not too expensive? (at the store)
3. What will you wear if you have to attend the bauquet? (formal clothes)
{ who will play the drum if John happens to be absent? (nooert;
5 what will she do if she buys that car? (have to use all her
6 What will she do if she learns to operate a computer? (look f6r a new job)
7. where will they go if it stops (to the theater)
8 When will you leave for New York if you get your work finished on time?
9. who will invite him if we have areception? (our sisierl
10. where will you go if you have timetomorrow? (to the beauty parlour)

f. sempurnakanlah kalimat-karimat dengan kata penghubung when, as, while

dengan mengubah kata-kata dalam tanda kurung.
contoh: John (walk) across the park when I (meet) him.
John was walking across the park when I met him.

1 W" (sit) on the park bench when it (start) to rain.

2. He (fall) down as he (run) for the bus.
3. When the war (break) out, he (live) in the city.
4. The idea (come) to me while I (drive) to work.
! W" (have) a ftat tire while we (cross) the bridge.
Q The wind (blow) very hard when I (go) out thiJ morning.
7. Martha (buy) groceries when the fire alarm (go) off.
8 He (injure) himself while he (play) basebalt.
9. I (find) out that the wall had cracked while I (clean) the house.
10. I (see) your picture in the magazine as r (turn) the pages,

ll. Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan kata tany a wh-

dengan cara menyisipkan kata-kata daram tanda kuiung.
contoh: what was shanti doing when you returned home?
She r,lzas listening to classical music when I returned home.

1. what were the refugees doing when the planes appeared overhead?
(walk along the road)
2. What did you see while you were crossing the bridge?
(the accident)
3. Where were they going when they ran out of gas?
(to the beach)
4. who did you see while you were going for a sight-seeing ride?
(my school teacher)
5. Where were they running when the storm broke?
(under the bridge)
6. what did he lose while he was seeing the sights of the city?
(his watch)
7. what were the children doing when their father arrived home?
(play in the snow)
8. What did your sister drop while she was washing up?
(two cups)
9. What were you wearing when I met you last week?
(a new evening dress)
10. What were you doing when it began to rain?
(walk to the station)

l. Jawablah pertanyan bentuk could berikut sesuai dengan perintah dalam

tanda kurung"

Could you make a dress a few years ago? (No)

No, she couldn't. She couldn't make a dress a few years ago,
but she can now.

1. Could you make your own bed last year? (No)

2. Could she buy expensive dresses when she was a student? (No)
3. Could you stand the weather the first time you came? (No)
4. Could she take shorthand quickly a few years ago? (Yes)
5. Could the teacher explain the algebra clearly yesterday? (Yes)
6. Could he open the door without the key? (No)
7. Could you enjoy being out in the rain when you were child? (Yes)
B. Could you remember all the answer for the test last week? (Yes)
9. Could the people end the meeting on time this morning? (Yes)
10. Could they find seats on the train this afternoon? (Yes)

ll. Berilah jawaban pendek dan jawaban panjang dengan menggunakan kata

Will you send the money tomorrow? (No)
I hope not.
I hope I won't send the money tomorrow.

1. Will Michael forgive Pedro? (Yes)

2. Can they get to the theater on time? (Yes)
3. ls Miguel planning to take a trip in June? (No)
4. Are the Crawfords coming to dinner next Wednesday? (Yes)
5. Will Maria break her date with him? (No)
6. ls Joana tired of giving parties by herself? (No)
7. Were the students confused by all the characters in that novel? (No)
8. Are we having spaghetti for dinner? (Yes)
9. Does Mrs. Farias like to live in a big city? (Yes)
10. Did Ali read about the robbery in the newspaper? (No)

l. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut ini dengan too atau either. Jangan lupa
menambahkan kata kerja bantu.

John doesn't want to have dinner now, and Susy
John doesn't want to have dinner now, and Susy doesn,t either.

'1. I didn't read today's newspaper, and Eddy

2. The football game is usually on television, and the baseball game
3. Harry doesn't like spicy food, and Anna
4. The bank was closed yesterday, and the post office
5. Sally made a bad mistake in her report, and Kathy
6. Miguel shouldn't take a long trip, and Marta
7. We would like some toast, and they
8. I won't watch violent movies any more, and he
9. Mrs. Farias is very proud of the children, and her husband
10. Mr. Yamamoto can't see without his glasses, and my father

ll. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat ini dengan so atau neither dengan

menyertakan kata kerja bantu yang tepat.

Elly comes here to borrow a dictionary, and ..... Mary.
Etty comes here to borrow a dictionary, and so does Mary.

1. She wants to become a teacher, and ......... ... her sister.

2. They ate lunch in the cafeteria, and ......................... Bill.
3. He didn't borrow any money from the bank, and .. ....... she.
4. Mr. smith gave his son a birthday present, and ...... ........ Mrs. smith.
5. You shouldn't waste your money, and ............... l.
6. Ellias Pical is a brave boxer, and ..... ..... poranco and Dick.
7. Mrs. Green can't sew well, and her daughter.
8. The windows were broken, and .. . front door.
9. Michael won't buy a new house, and .... .... pedro.
10. I can leave the office a little early today, and .. ...... he.

l. Ubahlah kalimat-kalimat tanya bentuk wh- menjadi anak kalimat dengan

memakai ungkapan pembuka dalam kurung.

What time does the guest arrive? (Please tell me )
Please tell me whai time the guest arrives'

1" When will you study in the (l have no idea)
2. How does John pay his bills? (Can you tell me)
3. Why did Frank decide to work independently? (Do you know)
4. Who is Miguel going to the movies (Please ask her)
5. What did the bartendersay? (Please tell me)
6. When will you speak to your (l want to know)
7. Why did Gary Crawford leavehome? (Do you have any idea)
8. How can Mrs. Farias learn to cook so ( I wonder)
9. Which dress is Mary going to wear for the (l don't know)
10. Where did Billy and Jack have their (Please show me)

ll. Ubahlah kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini dengan memakat noun phrase: wh- +
to + verb.

Can you tell me how I will open the bottle cap?
Can you tell me how to open a bottle cap?

1. Ask Mother where we should hang these pictures.

2. We are learning how we can speak English fluently.
3. They haven't decided when they will hold the next meeting.
4. He is not sure what he should do after the exam.
5. She asked me who should repair the alarm clock.
6. I don't know which section of the book I should summarize.
7. He told me how many people we should invite.
8. We are not sure when we should send these letters out.
9. Please tell me how many lessons I should study for the test.
10. Why don't you tell her how she should make vegetable soup'

l. Sempurnakanlah kalimat-kalimat ini menjadi bentuk present pertect fense.

I (not get) my salary since last September.
I haven't got my salary since /asf Sepfember.

1. Henry (not have) a holiday since the year before last.

2. You (take) Joana out to dinner recently?
3. They (stay) at the same hotel every year for three years.
4. She (read) all the works of shakespeare.
5. My son (be) in the United States for three years.
6. I'm sorry. I (forget) the title of that book.
7. Pedro (keep) in touch with Marian?
8. The Ortegas (not live) in Colombia for ten years.
9. That boy (not wash) his face since yesterday.
10. The company (increase) its production by twenty-five percent.

ll. Ubahlah kalimat-kalimat ini menjadi satu kalimat dalam bentuk present
perted fense dengan memakai for atau srnce dalam tanda kurung.

I never see him.
I saw him in 1990. (fo0
I have never seen him since 1990.

1. Harry doesn't write to Alice now.

He stopped writing to her when she moved to Singapore. (since)
2. He doesn't eat meat. He stopped eating it five years ago. (fo0
3. I don't take a bus to work. I bought a car. (since)
4. He is a Sales Manager. He was promoted two years ago. (for)
5. I gain a lot of weight. I stopped exercising. (since)
6. She wears jeans. She left school (since)
7. The company is out of business.
It stopped the operation about a year ago. (fo0
8. I try to solve the problem.
I started the operation about a year ago. (fo0
9. He drives the same old car.
He started driving it five years ago. (fo0
10. I am a teacher in this school. I graduated from college. (since)

l. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat ini dengan memakai kata sandang a, an, atau

a (tanpa kata sandang).
What time are you going to play ?
What time are you going to play ....O..... footbalt?

1, ................... oil is the main product in this country.

2. ..................., applicant for the job was waiting to be interviewed.
3, What ...... bad storm we are having today.
4. The lawyer gave his client ...... very good advice.
5. He requested .. prompt reply to his letters.
6, Joana and her mother went .. .... downtown to do some shopping.
7. she was excited about ....... beautiful bird she had just seen.
8. The company takes care of ail the travel documents.
9. He does not have ...... single regret about what he did.
10. They are planning to buy..... house someday.

ll. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat ini dengan memakai kata sandang the atau
(tanpa kata sandang).

Most of the students live in ................... neighborhood.
Most of the sfudenfs live in the neighborhood.
1. I like vegetables, but I don't like fruit.
2. As a sailor, he has crossed ..... pacific ocean several times.
3. My father likes to watch football games on television.
4. There is a refrigerator in kitchen.
5. Some of .... boys were punished by their teacher.
6. ............ . meat that we bought yesterday was spoiled.
7. Canada is a big country in ............ North America.
8. The country got its independence after ..., second world war,
9. ................ one of my children is going to ,............... elementary school.
10. .......... ...... police are arresting two men on suspicion of murder.

l. Sisipkanlah tanda hubung dalam kalimat-kalimat berikut dimana perlu.

1. The running track is being creaned for next month's competition.

2. There have been a lot of anti American protests since the raid.
3. About seventy two participants have sent in their entries.
4. lt is said that two thirds of the world population is poor.
5. We are looking for a three bedroom apartment.
6. The well written doeument has to be sent out today.
7. This motor is self starting.
8. They can find the details in the above mentioned paragraph.
9. The real estate agent rents well equipped offices.
10. We have a one hour break for lunch.

ll. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat ini dengan memakai tanda hubung dari kata-
kata dalam tanda kr.lrung.

1. All the pies and cookies are (processed with machines)

2. I ordered my steak (done well)
il; ;";;i";;;,.?fr:ffi":3;il,,:iiffi
For breakfast, they have .. eggs.
(painted with hands)
(have feet with webs)
(boiled soft)
6. with
The scenery is beautiful ........ trees. (covered with blossoms)
7. These clothes should be .... (dried in the sun)
8. is
The company . against fire. (insoved by itself)
9. We ate ... ice cream at the party. (made at home)
10. some
They carried .. packages. (wrapped with paper)

l. Lengkapilah kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan kata sifat dalam tanda kurung.

Susunlah kata sifat itu secra tepat dan benar.

1. I got tired of collecting coins. lrifuur, ugly, old)

2. The girl is very good at mathematics. (charming, young, school)
3. Jane is wearinE a .......... dress. (green, new, good)
4. There is a ......... mirror in the house. (old, French, beautiful)
5. We kept the ........ jewelry in the box. (Egyptian, gold, antique)
6. They hired a .....,.. car. (Japanese-made, new, red)
7. She doesn't like to put on shoes. (brown, old, ugly)
8. We live in the .......... house. (old, spacious, white)
9. Who ls the girl with . hair. (brown, dark, beautiful)
10. We always wear sweaters to work in the winter. (old, black, heavy)

ll. Gabungkanlah kalimat-kalimat ini menjadi satu dengan memakai kata even.
Mulailah dengan kalimat kedua.

1. Laura is unhappy. She came to work late. She made some errors in her
typing. She lost her key on the way home.

2. Mr. Yamamoto's market is famous. lt sells fruit and vegetables. lt gives

quick service. lt gives discounts to regular customers.

3. Mr. Green stays at work the longest. He comes in the earliest. He goes
home the latest. He takes the shortest lunches.

4. Pedro enjoys himself a lot. He loves parties. He lives from one dance to
another. He calls each one of his twenty girl friends every evening.

5. Ali had a great day today! He talked to Bill at the World's Fair. He had
two ice cream sandwiches. He played ball with his father.

6. The cowboys in the film were very skillful. They rode their horses expertly.
They shot their pistols fast. They sang romantic songs sweetly.

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