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1. Definition(Geology, Structural geology)

2. Aim of geologist
3. Roles of geologist
4. Historical growth
5. Main branches(description)
6. Major earth layers. (description)
7. Beginning & history of development of geology.
8. Basic knowledge of geology.
9. Scope of geology & principle element of geology
10. Geological consideration (road & railway and slopes & surface excavation work
example )
11. Importance in dams,building,tunnel and airport
12. Common element of earth crust & % amount by weight.


1. Definition
a. Mineralogy
b. Minerals
c. Minaroloids
2. Main characteristics./condition
3. Classification (formation and uses)
4. Formation of mineral
5. Which properties of minerals is used to classify them in the field?
6. Which calcium minerals forms from sea water evaporate and how?
7. *** Rock forming minerals? % of different Rock forming minerals in the rock +
importance in civil engineering.
8. Hardness of mineral
9. Hardness value of 10 minerals
10. Mohs scale of Hardness.
11. Minaroloid ? example
12. *** Synthesis pattern of clay minerals
13. 4 important types of structures in clay minerals (sketches)
14. Particle association in clay suspension
15. Discuss:
a. Cleavage
b. Hardness + determination
c. Tenacity
d. Quartz
e. Gypsum
f. Calcite
g. Bauxite
h. Fracture
i. Streak

16. Difference:
Minerals & Minaroloid
Cleavage and fracture

Rock cycle:

1. *** Rock cycle ? flow diagram

Igneous rock:

1. *** Formation of it
2. Composition with sketches
3. Different types of texure
4. Extrusive igneous rock? Discuss
5. Igneous intrusion (sketch)
6. Common intrusion (sketch)
7. Metamorphism (defn+Types)

Sedimentary rock:

1. Various structures
2. Physical properties
3. Formation & utility


1. Various types of folds (sketches)

2. *** Metamorphism ? types
3. Metamorphic rocks are denser than other types of rocks,why?
4. Draw a fold + describe all parts
5. Different part of folds and faults(sketch + description)
6. Classify fold on the basis of position of axial plane
7. Causes of folding + faults. Whats problem are created by the presence of this
features in the earth crust?
8. Fault? Fault terminology(fig)
9. * How to improve quality of in-situ faulted or fractured rock beds?
10. Defines/discuss
a. Petrology
b. ** Landslides(with causes & prevention, measures to control). Causes of
down slope movement of rock or soils?
c. Mudflows
d. Land subsidences
e. Slikenslide
f. Laccoliths
g. Lava flows
h. Acidic rocks
i. Granites
j. Limb
k. Axial plane
l. Axial plane of the folds
m. Plunge
n. Glabors
o. slates
11. Differentiate
a. Strike and dip
b. Normal fault and thrust fault
c. Plunging and non-plunging fold
d. Hade and heave
e. Throw and sliken sides
f. Thermo limineascence
g. ** Crest and trough
h. ** Limb and axial plane of fold
i. Dome and basin
j. Anticline and syncline
k. Colour and strike
l. Fluorescence and phosphorescence
m. Colour and lustre

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