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American Society for Quality

Estimation of the Generalized Extreme-Value Distribution by the Method of Probability-

Weighted Moments
Author(s): J. R. M. Hosking, J. R. Wallis and E. F. Wood
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Technometrics, Vol. 27, No. 3 (Aug., 1985), pp. 251-261
Published by: American Statistical Association and American Society for Quality
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/1269706 .
Accessed: 09/12/2012 10:52

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? 1985 AmericanStatisticalAssociation and TECHNOMETRICS,AUGUST 1985, VOL. 27, NO. 3
the AmericanSociety forQualityControl

Estimationofthe GeneralizedExtreme-
Value Distribution
bythe Methodof
J. R. M. Hosking J. R. Wallis E. F. Wood
of Hydrology IBM ResearchCenter of CivilEngineering
Oxon OX10 8BB
Wallingford, YorktownHeights,NY 10598 PrincetonUniversity
England NJ08540

We use the methodof probability-weighted momentsto deriveestimatorsof the parameters

and quantilesof the generalizedextreme-value
distribution.We investigatethe propertiesof
theseestimatorsin large samples,via asymptotictheory,and in small and moderatesamples,
via computersimulation.Probability-weightedmomentestimatorshave low varianceand no
severebias, and theycompare favorablywithestimatorsobtained by the methodsof maxi-
mum likelihoodor sextiles.The methodof probability-weighted momentsalso yieldsa con-
venientand powerfultestof whetheran extreme-value distribution
is of Fisher-Tippett
Type I,
II, or III.

KEY WORDS: Generalizedextreme-value

distribution;Hypothesistesting;Order statistics;

1. INTRODUCTION case of the generalizedextreme-valuedistribution,is

of particularinterest.Landwehret al. (1979) investi-
The generalized extreme-valuedistributionof gated the small-samplepropertiesof probability-
Jenkinson(1955) is widely used for modeling ex- weightedmoment(PWM) estimatorsof parameters
tremesof naturalphenomena,and it is of consider- and quantilesfortheGumbeldistribution and found
able importancein hydrology,since it was recom- themsuperiorin many respectsto the conventional
mendedby the Flood StudiesReport[Natural Envi- moment and maximum-likelihood estimators.The
ronmentResearchCouncil (NERC) 1975a] formod- estimatorsused by Landwehret al. (1979) are identi-
eling the distributionof annual maxima of daily cal to Downton's(1966b) linearestimateswithlinear
streamflows of Britishrivers.Currentlyfavoredmeth- coefficients,and thussharethe asymptoticproperties
ods of estimationof the parametersand quantilesof of the latter;in particular,theasymptoticefficiencies
thedistribution are Jenkinson's(1969) methodofsex- of the PWM estimatorsof the Gumbel scale and
tilesand themethodofmaximumlikelihood(Jenkin- locationparametersare .756and .996,respectively.
son 1969; Prescottand Walden 1980, 1983).Neither In this article we summarize some theory for
method is completelysatisfactory: The justification probability-weighted momentsand show that they
of the maximum-likelihood approach is based on can be used to obtain estimatesof parametersand
large-sampletheory,and therehas been littleassess- quantiles of the generalized extreme-valuedistri-
mentof theperformance of themethodwhenapplied bution. We derive the asymptoticdistributionsof
to small or moderate samples; whereas the sextile theseestimatorsand compare,via computersimula-
methodinvolvesan inherentarbitrariness (whysex- tion,the small-samplepropertiesof the PWM, sex-
tiles ratherthan,say, quartilesor octiles?),requires tile, and maximum-likelihoodestimators. The
interpolationin a table of values of a functionin method of probability-weightedmoments out-
order to estimatethe shape parameterof the distri- performsthe othermethodsin many cases and will
bution, and has statisticalpropertiesthat are not usually be preferred to them.We also derive,from
knownevenforlargesamples. the PWM estimatorof the shape parameterof the
Probability-weighted moments,a generalizationof generalized extreme-valuedistribution,a test of
theusual momentsofa probabilitydistribution, were whetherthisshape parameteris zero, and we assess
introducedby Greenwood et al. (1979). There are theperformance ofthistestby computersimulation.
several distributions-for example, the Gumbel,
logistic,and Weibull-whose parameterscan be con- 2. PROBABILITY-WEIGHTED MOMENTS
venientlyestimatedfromtheirprobability-weighted The probability-weighted
momentsof a random
moments.The Gumbel distribution, being a special variable X with distribution function F(x) =

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P(X < x) are thequantities Gini's mean difference,has a historygoing back at

- F(X)}S],
least as faras van Andrae(1872), and ?x/lr U2 is a
Mp,r,s= E[XP{F(X)}'{1 (1)
98% efficient estimatorof the scale parameterof a
where p, r, and s are real numbers.Probability- Normaldistribution (Downton 1966a); and
weightedmomentsare likelyto be most usefulwhen
the inversedistribution
functionx(F) can be written 6b2-6b + bo =U3 = 1(3)l (xi-2xj +x)
in closed form,forthenwe maywrite
is a U-statisticfor estimatingskewness,which has
Mp,r,s = {x(F)}PFr(l - F)s dF, (2)
o been used as the basis of a test for Normalityby
and this is oftenthe most convenientway of evalu- Locke and Spurrier(1976). U-statisticsare widely
used in nonparametric statistics(e.g.,see Fraser 1957,
atingthesemoments.The quantitiesMpo0 (p = 1, 2,
...) are the usual noncentralmomentsof X. The mo- chap. 4, and Randles and Wolfe 1979,chap. 3), and
ments Ml,., may, however,be preferablefor esti- theirdesirablepropertiesof robustnessto outliersin
thesample,highefficiency, and asymptoticnormality
matingthe parametersof the distribution of X, since
the occurrenceof only the firstpower of X in the may be expected to extend to the probability-
expressionforMl.r,s means thatthe relationshipbe- weightedmomentestimatorsbrand otherquantities
tweenparametersand momentsoftentakesa simpler calculatedfromthem.
formin this case than when using the conventional 3. PWM ESTIMATORS FOR THE
moments.When r and s are integers,F'(1 - F)s may GENERALIZED EXTREME-VALUE
be expressedas a linearcombinationofeitherpowers DISTRIBUTION
of F or powersof (1 - F), so it is naturalto summa-
rize a distributioneither by the moments Ml.r0o The generalizedextreme-value (GEV) distribution,
introducedby Jenkinson(1955), combines into a
(r = 0, 1, 2, ...) or by Mlo,0 (s= 0, 1, 2, ...). Green-
singleformthe threepossibletypesof limitingdistri-
wood et al. (1979) generallyfavoredthe latterap- butionforextremevalues,as derivedby Fisher and
proach,but herewe willconsiderthemomentsfr= Tippett(1928).The distribution
Ml,,.o = E[X{F(X)}r] (r = 0, 1, 2, ...).
Given a random sample of size n fromthe distri- F(x)= exp [-1 - k(x -)/}k] k 0,
butionF, estimationof f, is mostconveniently
based = exp [- exp {-(x -/a}], k=0, (7)
on the orderedsample xl < x2 < < x". The sta-
tistic withx bounded by ? + a/kfromabove ifk > 0 and
frombelow if k < 0. Here ~ and a are location and
br= n-1, (j- 1)(j-2)... (-r) (3) scale parameters,respectively,and theshape parame-
=l (n- lXn-2) (n-r)xi ter k determineswhichextreme-value distribution is
is an unbiasedestimatorof /, (Landwehret al. 1979). represented:Fisher-Tippett TypesI, II, and III corre-
Insteadone mayestimatef/,by spond to k = 0, k < 0, and k > 0, respectively.When
k = 0 the GEV distributionreducesto the Gumbel
n- X distribution.
The inversedistribution function is
[Pn] ,n (4)
x(F) = ~ + a{1-(-log
F)k}/k, k #0
where pj,n is a plotting position-that is, a
distribution-freeestimate of F(xj). Reasonable = -a log (-log F), k = 0. (8)
choices of pj,,, such as pj, = (j - a)/n,0 < a < 1, or In practicethe shape parameterusually lies in the
pj, = ( j-a)/(n+ 1 -2a), - < a < 1, yield esti- range - < k < ?. For example,the data base used
mators l,[pj,p],whichare asymptotically equivalent in NERC (1975a) included 32 annual flood series
to brand, therefore, consistentestimatorsoffr. withsample sizes of 30 or more.GEV distributions
The estimatorsb, are closelyrelatedto U-statistics were fittedto these 32 samples by the method of
(Hoeffding1948),whichare averagesof statisticscal- maximumlikelihood:The estimatedshape parameter
culated fromall subsamplesof size j < n of a given rangedfrom-.32 to .48.
sample of size n. In particular,bo = n-l xj is a The probability-weighted momentsof the GEV
trivialexample of a U-statistic,and it is a natural distribution
fork - 0 are givenby
estimatoroflocationofa distribution;
fr = (r + 1)-1[ + a{l - (r + 1)-kr(l + k)}/k],
2bl -bo-U = i )-l E(i-x) (5)
i>j k > -1 (9)
is a U-statistic for estimating the scale of a (forproof,see AppendixA). When k < -1, flo(the
distribution-thestatisticU2, sometimesknown as mean ofthedistribution)
and therestofthefr,do not


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exist.From (9) we have data set is large enough to ensure that asymptotic
large-sampletheorymay be directlyapplied to the
+ a{l - r( + k)}/k,
io0= (10) problem.It is nonethelessvaluable to investigatethe
2i1 -/ 0o= aF(1 + k)(l - 2-)/k, (11) asymptoticpropertiesof a new statisticaltechnique,
for two main reasons. First, one may seek to es-
and tablish the integrityof the technique,in the sense
(3#2 - fo)/(2# - fo) = (1 - 3 -k)/(1- 2 -). (12) that when a large sample is available, the new
methodshouldnot be grosslyinefficient comparedto
The PWM estimatorsf, a, I of the parametersare an established,asymptotically optimalmethodsuch
the solutionsof (10)-H12)for a,a, and k whenthe fr, as maximumlikelihood.Second, asymptotictheory
are replaced by theirestimatorsb, or f/r[Pj,n].To
may provide an adequate approximationto some
obtaink we mustsolvetheequation
aspect of the distribution of a statisticeven in quite
(3b2 - bo)/(2b1- bo) = (1 - 3 -')/(1 - 2-k). (13) small samples.In the presentcase we shall see that
the varianceof PWM estimatorsof parametersand
The exact solution requiresiterativemethods,but
quantiles of the GEV distributionis well approxi-
because the function (1 - 3-k)/(1 - 2-k) is almost
matedby asymptotictheoryforsamplesizes of 50 or
linear over the range of values of k (- 1 < k < 2),
which is usually encounteredin practice,low-order We considerfirsttheasymptotic distribution ofthe
polynomialapproximationsfork are veryaccurate. br. From (3), bris a linearcombinationof the order
We proposetheapproximateestimator statisticsxl, ..., xn,and theresultsof Chernoff et al.
2b -bo log 2 (1967) may be used to prove that the vectorb = (bo
k = 7.8590c+ 2.9554c2, =
3b2 - bo log 3' blb2)bhas asymptotically a multivariate Normaldis-
tribution with mean / = (O fllf2)T and covariance
matrixn- V. The elementsof V and details of the
theerrorin k due to using(14) ratherthan(13) is less proofare givenin AppendixC.
than .0009 throughoutthe range - < k < ?. Given The asymptoticdistributionof the PWM esti-
k,thescale and locationparameterscan be estimated matorsof the GEV parametersfollowsfromthe pre-
successivelyfromEquations(11) and (10) as ceding result. Let 0 = (ock)T, 0 = (ak)T, and write
(13) and (15) as the vectorequation 0 =f(b). Define
(2b, - bo)k the 3 x 3 matrix G = (gij) by gij = fil/bj. Then
a = r(o1 k)( -{(1 + {( + k-
k)-}/k. asymptotically, 0 has a multivariateNormal distri-
bution with mean f(/f)= 0 and covariance matrix
(15) n-lGVGT (Rao 1973,p. 388). The covariancematrix
Equations (13) and (15), or theirequivalentforms has theform
with br replaced by /r[P,n],definethe PWM esti- 3
0C2Wil W12 (Xwl3
mators of the parametersof the GEV distribution. n- GVGT =n- 1 2W212 a2W22 caW23 . (16)
Given the estimatedparameters,the quantilesof the \ awI3 aw23 W33
distributionare estimatedusing the inversedistri-
butionfunction(8). The wij are functionsof k and have a complicated
When calculated using br as the estimatorof fir, algebraic form,but theycan be evaluated numeri-
the PWM estimatesof theGEV distribution satisfya callyand are givenin Table 1 forseveralvalues of k.
feasibilitycriterion,namelythat k > -1 and a > 0 As k approaches - ?, thevarianceof theGEV distri-
almost surely(for proof,see Appendix B). This is bution becomes infiniteand the variancesof the br
clearlya desirableproperty,sinceone would likeesti- and of the PWM parameterestimatorsare no longer
mates calculated using a set of sample momentsto ofordern- asymptotically.
yield an estimateddistributionforwhichthe corre- The asymptoticbiases of the estimatorsare of
sponding population momentsexist. We have not ordern- 1 and can be evaluatedby methodssimilar
been able to prove that this feasibilitycriterionis to thoseof Rao (1973,p. 388). The biases,graphedin
satisfiedwhen plotting-position estimators/r[Pj,n] Figure 1, are negligiblein large samples provided
are used, but no examplesof the criterionnot being thatk > -.4.
satisfiedhave been discoveredin practice. For comparison, asymptotic biases of the
4. ASYMPTOTIC DISTRIBUTION OF maximum-likelihood estimatorsof the parametersof
PWM ESTIMATORS theGEV distribution are graphedin Figure2. These
biases were calculated using equation 3.12 of Shen-
When modeling the propertiesof extremesof ton and Bowman (1977) and are functionsof ex-
physicalprocesses,it rarelyoccurs thatthe available pected values of third derivatives of the log-


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Table 1. Elementsof theAsymptoticCovariance Matrixof the 10 -

PWM Estimatorsof the Parametersof the GEV Distribution 9-
k w1l w12 wl3 w 22 w23 w 33 7-
-.4 1.6637 1.3355 1.1405 1.8461 1.1628 2.9092
c 5-
-.3 1.4153 .8912 .5640 1.2574 .4442 1.4090 x
-.2 1.3322 .6727 .3926 1.0013 .2697 .9139 u1)

-.1 1.2915 .5104 .3245 .8440 .2240 .6815 GD 3-

.0 1.2686 .3704 .2992 .7390 .2247 .5633 2-
.1 1.2551 .2411 .2966 .6708 .2447 .5103 1 -
.2 1.2474 .1177 .3081 .6330 .2728 .5021 0
.3 1.2438 -.0023 .3297 .6223 .3033 .5294 -1 -
.4 1.2433 -.1205 .3592 .6368 .3329 .5880
-2 II I I

NOTE: PWM-Probability-weightedmoment;GEV-Generalized extremevalue. -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Shape parameter k

likelihoodfunction.For k ?> theseexpectationsdo Figure2. AsymptoticBias of ML Estimatorsof Parametersof

the GEV Distribution: ;- - - c; ----- .
not exist and the biases of the maximum-likelihood
estimatorsare not ofordern- asymptotically.
The asymptoticvariances of the estimatorsare
characteristics of PWM quantile estimators,which
graphedin Figure3, and theirasymptoticefficiencies
are (a) highpositivebias in extremeupper tail,aris-
in Figure 4. Asymptoticefficiency is definedas the
ratio ingfrompositivebias in k; (b) highvariancein upper
tail when k < 0; and (c) fairor highefficiency except
eff(0i) = lim (var Oi/varOi) when k is close to +.5. The maximum-likelihood
quantile estimatorshave lower variance than the
foreach elementOiof the parametervector0, where PWM estimatorsbut have some verylarge biases,
0i is themaximum-likelihood estimatorof 0i. Overall particularlyin the extremeupper tail of the distri-
efficiency is the ratio of the determinantsof the bution.
asymptoticcovariancematricesof 6 and 0. The over- The resultsof thissectionwere derivedforPWM
all efficiencyof the PWM estimatorstendsto zero at estimatorsthatuse br to estimate/r. If the plotting-
k = +.5, but forvalues ofk not too farfromzero the position estimates [r[pPj,n]are used instead, the
PWM method is reasonably efficient. Within the asymptoticvariances and efficienciesremain un-
range -.2 < k < .2, whichis valid formany hydro- changed,but the asymptoticbiases are different and
logicaldata sets,each PWM parameterestimatorhas cannot be easily calculated,being affectedby the
efficiencyofmorethan.7. biases in the/r.[pj,n]themselves.
Correspondingresultsmay be obtainedforPWM
and maximum-likelihood estimatorsof quantiles of 5. SMALL-SAMPLE PROPERTIES OF
theGEV distribution. These are not presentedin full, ESTIMATES OF THE GEV DISTRIBUTION
but Tables 2 and 3 give resultsforvariousquantiles A computersimulationexperimentwas run to
when k = -.2 and for various values of k at the comparethreemethodsof estimationof theparame-
F = .98 quantile. The tables illustratethe main

10 - 3 -
6- 2 -
c 5- x
x a)
U) 4- U
u c
m 3-
a ,\,-------------------------
2- 1-
1 -
-1 -
-2 j1
I II II II II II . I. . I . . I I u
I I I I 1I I I
-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Shape parameter k Shape parameter k
Figure 1. AsymptoticBias of PWM Estimatorsof Parameters Figure3. AsymptoticVarianceof PWM Estimatorsof Parame-
of the GEV Distribution: k:- - - E; ----- e. tersof the GEV Distribution: ; --; ----- .


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1.0 - Table 3. AsymptoticBias, Variance,and Efficiency

of the PWM and ML Estimatorsof the F = .98
Quantileof the GEV Distribution,and
0.8 -
the Efficiency
of the PWM Estimators
7 (parameters = 0 O, a = 1 )
> 0.6 - ,1/

c n x Bias n x Variance
' 0.4 - / k x (F) PWM ML PWM ML Efficiency
-.4 9.41 -64.8 31.5 1,170 574 .49
0.2 - -.3 7.41 -15.3 15.3 369 275 .75
-.2 5.91 -4.4 5.5 147 131 .89
-.1 4.77 -1.1 -.3 64.8 62.0 .96
0.0 .0
I I I I I I I I I I 3.90 -.1 -3.8 30.2 28.8 .95
-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 .1 3.23 .3 -6.2 14.7 13.0 .88
Shape parameter k
.2 2.71 .5 -8.9 7.53 5.62 .75
Figure 4. AsymptoticEfficiencyof PWM Estimatorsof Pa- .3 2.30 .5 -23.2 4.04 2.28 .56
rametersof the GEV Distribution: k; - - ----- .4 1.98 .6 - 2.28 .83 .36
...... overall efficiency(i.e., ratio of determinantsof asymp-
NOTE: PWM-Probability-weighted moment; ML-Maximum likelihood; GEV-
toticcovariance matricesof ML and PWM estimators). Generalizedextremevalue.

tersand quantilesof the GEV distribution. Simula- sextiles(JS).The PWM methodrequiresa choiceofa
tionswereperformed forsample sizes n = 15, 25, 50, suitableestimatorof #,.Severalpossibilitieswerein-
100 with the shape parameterof the distribution vestigated,includingthe unbiasedestimatorb, and a
takingvalues k = -.4, -.2, .0, .2, .4. All themethods numberof plotting-position estimators/4,[Pj,n.The
of estimationare invariantunderlineartransforma- best overall results were given by the estimator
tions of the data, so withoutloss of generalitythe /,[Pj,n]withPj,n= (J - .35)/n,and the simulationre-
location and scale parameters~ = 0 and a = 1 were sults presentedfor the PWM method referto this
used throughout.For each combinationof values of versionofthePWM estimators.
n and k, 10,000randomsamplesweregeneratedfrom Maximum-likelihood estimationof the GEV dis-
the GEV distribution, and foreach sample the pa- tribution is not always satisfactory.The log-
rameters~, a, and k, and the quantilesx(F), where likelihoodfunctionfora sample{x,,..., x"} is
F = .001, .01, .1, .2, .5, .8, .9, .98, .99, .998, .999,were log L =-n log a - (1 - k) y, i- E e-yi,
estimatedby each of threemethods:(a) the method
of probability-weighted moments(PWM), described Yi= -k 1 log { 1 - k(xi- )/a},
before;(b) themethodof maximumlikelihood(ML), and log L can be made arbitrarily large by setting
using Newton-Raphson iterationto maximize the k > 1 and choosing~ and a so thatthe upperbound
likelihoodfunction, as recommended by Prescottand + ca/kof the distribution is sufficiently
close to the
Walden (1983); and (c) Jenkinson's (1969) methodof largestdata value. In practicemaximum-likelihood
estimatesof theparametersare obtainedby findinga
Table 2. AsymptoticBias and Varianceof PWM and
local maximumoflog L. For some samples,however,
ML Estimatorsof GEV Quantiles, and Efficiency it appearsthatlog L does not have a local maximum.
of the PWM EstimatorsCompared WithML In our simulationsof theGEV distribution thisnon-
(parameters =- 0, a = 1, k = -.2) regularityof the likelihood functioncaused oc-
casional nonconvergenceof the Newton-Raphson
n x Bias n x Variance
iteration that was used to maximize the log-
F x (F) PWM ML PWM ML Efficiency likelihood;such sampleswereomittedfromthe sim-
ulations.Such occurrenceswererareexceptwhenthe
.001 -1.60 -1.2 1.7 3.78 2.29 .61
.01 -1.32 -.2 1.6 2.06 1.35 .66 sample size was very small and when k = .4 (see
.1 -.77 .8 1.2 .86 .79 .92 Table 4), and in our opiniontheyhave no significant
.2 -.45 1.0 .9 .88 .88 1.00 effecton the conclusionsthatmay be drawnregard-
.5 .38 .6 -.1 1.92 1.79 .93 ing the relativemeritof the different estimationpro-
.8 1.75 -1.3 -1.2 6.10 6.00 .98
.9 2.84 -3.1 -1.1 16.1
cedures.Similardifficulties withmaximum-likelihood
15.9 .99
.98 5.91 -4.4 5.5 147 131 .89 estimationare encounteredwith otherdistributions
.99 7.55 -1.6 13.4 336 289 .86 whose range depends on theirparameters,such as
.998 12.33 23.9 54.8 1,760 1,430 .81 the three-parameter lognormal,Weibull,and gamma
.999 14.90 49.1 88.2 3,310 2,630 .80 distributions(e.g., see Griffiths 1980 or Cheng and
NOTE: PWM-Probability-weighted moment; ML-Maximum likelihood; GEV- Amin1983).
Generalizedextremevalue. The simulationresultsforestimationoftheparam-


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Table 4. FailureRate of Maximum- Likelihood and n = 25, and theirbias, thoughoftenlargerthan

Estimationforthe GEV Distribution forthe ML or sextileestimators,is not severe.The
standard deviations of the PWM estimatorsfor
n > 50 are well approximatedby theirlarge-sample
n -.4 -.2 .0 .2 .4 values given by (16) and Table 1. Maximum-
likelihood estimatorsare the least biased but are
15 .1 .6 1.7 3.8 12.4
25 .0 .0 .0 .3 1.9 more variable than PWM estimatorsin small sam-
50 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ples. Even at sample size 100, the asymptoticinef-
100 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 ficiencyof the PWM methodcomparedto maximum
NOTE: GEV-Generalized extremevalue. Tabulated values are numbersof failures
likelihoodis not apparentin the simulationresults.
to converge of Newton-Raphson iterationsper 100 simulatedsamples. Sextileestimatorsin generalhave largerstandardde-
viationsthan PWM estimatorsand have some sig-
nificantbiases in smallsampleswhenk < 0.
eters of the GEV distributionare summarizedin The statisticalpropertiesof estimatorsof quantiles
Tables 5 and 6. Resultsforthe estimatorof k are of of the GEV distributionwere evaluated for many
the greatestimportance,since this parameterdeter- combinationsof quantiles and values of the shape
minesthe overallshape of the GEV distribution and parameterk, and only a few representative simula-
the rate of increaseof the upperquantilesx(F) as F tion resultsare presentedin Table 7. The most im-
approaches 1. Apartfromthe case n = 100,whenall portantaspect of quantileestimationin hydrological
the methods have comparable performance,the applicationsis estimationoftheextremeupperquan-
PWM estimatorhas, consistently, the lowest stan- tiles,particularly forheavy-tailedGEV distributions
dard deviationof thethreeestimatorsof k,its advan- withk < 0. Table 7 givesthebias and standarddevi-
tage being particularlymarked in small samples, ation of the estimatedupperquantilesfortwo GEV
n = 15 and n = 25. The PWM estimator has in gen- distributions,one withk < 0 and one withk > 0. Re-
eral a largerbias than the otherestimators,but its sults are presentedfor the ratios x(F)/x(F) rather
bias is small near theimportantvalue k = 0 and is in than forthe x(F) themselves, since the formerquan-
any case relativelyinsignificantcompared to the titiesare moreeasilycomparedat different F values.
standard deviationin its contributionto the mean For sample size 100 the threemethodshave com-
squared errorof k. The sextileestimatorof k has a parable performance.In small samples the upper
large positivebias in small sampleswhenk < 0, and quantiles obtained by PWM estimationare rather
its standarddeviationis generallylargerthanthatof biased,but theyare stillpreferable to themaximum-
thePWM estimator. likelihood estimators,since these have very large
Similarresultscan be seen forestimatorsof ~ and biases and standard deviations.The errorsin the
a, althoughthe differences betweenthe variancesof maximum-likelihood quantileestimatorsarisechiefly
the estimatorsare less markedthan is the case with froma small numberof simulatedseriesthat yield
estimatorsof k. In general,PWM estimatorshave large negativeestimatesof k and consequentlygive
smalleststandard deviation,particularlyfor n = 15 verylargeestimatesofextremeupperquantiles.

Table 5. Bias of Estimatorsof GEV Parameters

Bias (e) Bias (d) Bias (k)

n Method -.4 -.2 .0 .2 .4 -.4 -.2 .0 .2 .4 -.4 -.2 .0 .2 .4

15 PWM .10 .05 -.02 .00 -.03 .00 -.06 -.10 -.11 -.12 .11 .03 -.03 -.08 -.12
ML .03 .03 .05 .05 .04 -.07 -.07 -.07 -.06 -.07 -.04 -.02 .02 .04 .03
JS .11 .08 .06 .04 .02 -.05 -.06 -.07 -.08 -.08 .10 .06 .03 .01 -.01
25 PWM .06 .03 .01 -.01 -.02 .00 -.04 -.06 -.07 -.07 .08 .02 -.02 -.05 -.07
ML .01 .02 .03 .03 .04 -.04 -.04 -.04 -.03 -.03 -.02 -.01 .02 .04 .05
JS .06 .04 .03 .02 .01 -.03 -.03 -.04 -.04 -.05 .07 .04 .02 .01 -.00
50 PWM .04 .02 .01 .00 -.01 .01 -.02 -.03 -.04 -.04 .05 .02 -.01 -.02 -.04
ML .01 .01 .02 .02 .02 -.02 -.02 -.02 -.02 -.01 -.01 .00 .01 .02 .03
JS .04 .02 .02 .01 .01 -.02 -.02 -.02 -.02 -.02 .04 .02 .01 .00 .00
100 PWM .02 .01 .00 .00 -.01 .00 -.01 -.02 -.02 -.02 .03 .01 .00 -.01 -.02
ML .00 .00 .01 .01 .01 -.01 -.01 -.01 -.01 .00 -.01 .00 .00 .01 .02
JS .02 .01 .01 .00 .00 -.01 -.01 -.01 -.01 -.01 .02 .01 .00 .00 .00

NOTE: GEV-Generalized extreme value; PWM-Probability-weighted moment; ML-Maximum likelihood; JS-Jenkinson's

(1969) sextiles.


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Table 6. Standard Deviation of Estimatorsof GEV Parameters

Standard Deviation (E,) Standard Deviation (a) Standard Deviation (k)

n Method -.4 -.2 .0 .2 .4 -.4 -.2 .0 .2 .4 -.4 -.2 .0 .2 .4

15 PWM .32 .30 .29 .28 .28 .33 .25 .21 .19 .19 .20 .19 .18 .18 .19
ML .32 .32 .31 .30 .28 .28 .25 .23 .22 .21 .36 .32 .29 .27 .23
JS .33 .31 .30 .29 .28 .32 .28 .24 .21 .21 .25 .24 .23 .23 .23
25 PWM .24 .23 .22 .22 .22 .24 .19 .17 .15 .16 .18 .16 .14 .14 .15
ML .24 .24 .23 .23 .22 .21 .19 .17 .16 .17 .24 .21 .20 .18 .17
JS .24 .23 .23 .22 .22 .24 .21 .18 .17 .16 .19 .18 .17 .17 .17
50 PWM .17 .16 .16 .16 .16 .17 .14 .12 .11 .11 .14 .12 .11 .10 .11
ML .17 .16 .16 .16 .16 .15 .13 .12 .11 .11 .15 .13 .12 .11 .11
JS .17 .16 .16 .16 .16 .17 .14 .13 .12 .11 .14 .13 .12 .11 .12
100 PWM .12 .12 .11 .11 .11 .12 .10 .09 .08 .08 .11 .09 .07 .07 .08
ML .12 .11 .11 .11 .11 .10 .09 .08 .08 .08 .10 .09 .08 .07 .07
JS .12 .12 .11 .11 .11 .12 .10 .09 .08 .08 .10 .09 .08 .08 .08

NOTE: GEV-Generalized extreme value; PWM-Probability-weighted moment; ML-Maximum likelihood; JS-Jenkinson's

(1969) sextiles.

Estimationof extremelower quantilestendsto be combininginformation froma numberof indepen-

less importantin practicethan estimationof upper dent data sets. Such a "regionalization"procedure,
quantiles,so simulationresultsforthiscase are not based on the PWM estimationmethodforthe GEV
given in detail. All threemethodsgive comparable is describedin Hoskinget al. (1985).
resultswhenn > 50, but forsmall samplesthe PWM
estimators have smallest standard deviation and
small or moderatebias, and are generallyto be pre-
ferred. The Type I extreme-value distribution, or Gumbel
All the methods of quantile estimationare very is a particularlysimple special case of
inaccurate when estimatingextreme quantiles in the GEV distribution, and it is oftenusefulto test
small samples with k < 0. It is of course to be ex- whethera givenset ofdata is generatedby a Gumbel
pectedthat a quantilex(F) cannot be estimatedreli- ratherthana GEV distribution. This is equivalentto
ably froma sampleof size n ifF > 1 - 1/n.Nonethe- testingwhetherthe shape parameterk is zero in the
less it is sometimespossible to obtain usefulesti- GEV distribution. A test of this hypothesismay be
mates of extremequantilesfromshortdata sets,by based on the PWM estimatorof k. On the null hy-

Table 7. Bias and Standard Deviation of Estimatorsof GEV Quantiles

k = -.2 k =.2

F= .9, F = .99, F = .999, F =.9, F = .99, F = .999,

x(F) = 2.84 x(F) = 7.55 x(F) = 14.90 x(F) = 1.81 x(F) = 3.01 x(F) = 3.74

n Method Bias SD Bias SD Bias SD Bias SD Bias SD Bias SD

15 PWM -.06 .34 -.02 .55 .15 1.12 -.04 .23 .08 .32 .25 .56
ML .01 .50 * * * * -.06 .23 .02 .79 .44 8.10
JS -.08 .34 -.05 .56 .14 1.20 -.06 .22 -.01 .33 .11 .64

25 PWM -.04 .27 -.01 .45 .11 .88 -.02 .18 .05 .24 .14 .39
ML -.01 .32 .16 .97 .74 9.59 -.04 .17 -.04 .29 .02 .86
JS -.05 .27 -.02 .46 .09 .89 -.04 .17 -.01 .25 .05 .42

50 PWM -.02 .19 -.01 .33 .06 .61 -.01 .12 .02 .16 .07 .25
ML -.01 .22 .05 .40 .18 .86 -.03 .12 -.03 .16 -.02 .28
JS -.02 .19 -.01 .33 .04 .59 -.02 .12 -.01 .17 .02 .27

100 PWM -.01 .14 .00 .24 .04 .42 -.01 .09 .01 .12 .03 .17
ML .00 .15 .02 .25 .08 .43 -.01 .09 -.02 .11 -.01 .15
JS -.01 .14 .00 .24 .03 .40 -.01 .09 .00 .12 .01 .18

* Values thatvaried
widelybetween differentsets of 1,000 simulationsand consequentlycould not be estimatedaccurately.
NOTE: GEV-Generalized extremevalue; SD-Standard deviation; PWM-Probability-weighted moment; ML-Maximum likeli-
hood; JS-Jenkinson's (1969) sextiles. Tabulated values are bias and standarddeviation of the ratioR(F)/x(F) ratherthan of the
quantile estimator,x(F) itself.


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pothesisHo: k = 0, the PWM estimatorkis asymp- Table 9. Powers of Two Testsof the Hypothesisk = 0
toticallydistributedas N(0, .5633/n),so the testmay Against One -Sided and Two -Sided Alternatives
be performedby comparing the statistic Z = (sample size 50, nominalsignificancelevel 5%)
k(n/.5633)1/2with the criticalvalues of a standard Applications
Normal distribution. positivevalues of Z
imply rejectionof Ho in favor of the alternative For Modified
k > 0, and significant For Z Test Likelihood-Ratio Test
negativevalues of Z implyre-
jectionin favorofk < 0. k k< 0 k>0 k O k<0 k>0 k O
The size of the testbased on Z forvarioussample
sizes is givenin Table 8. In Table 9 the powerof the -.5 .96 - .94 .97 - .96
-.4 .90 - .85 .93 - .88
Z test is compared with that of the modified
-.3 .77 - .68 .80 - .72
likelihood-ratiotest,which was found by Hosking -.2 .54 - .43 .57 - .46
(1984) to be the best test of the hypothesisk = 0. -.1 .25 - .17 .25 - .17
Tables 8 and 9 are based on computersimulationsof .0 .05 .05 .05 .04 .06 .05
50,000samplesforeach value of n and k. The Z test .1 - .18 .11 - .25 .17
has poweralmostas highas thelikelihood-ratio .2 - .50 .37 - .57 .43
.3 - .83 .73 - .89 .80
and forsamplesof size 25 or moreits distribution on .4 - .96 .93 - .98 .96
Ho is adequately approximatedby the standard .5 - 1.00 .99 - 1.00 1.00
Normal significancelevels. Since the statisticZ is
verysimple to compute,the Z testcan be strongly are also plottedin Figure 5. The Z test of the hy-
recommendedas a convenientand powerfulindica- pothesisk = 0 in the GEV distribution yieldsa test
tor of the sign of the shape parameterof the GEV statisticZ = 1.00. This value is not significantand
distribution. suggeststhat the Nidd data may reasonablybe as-
7. sumedto come froma Gumbeldistribution.
As an example we fitextreme-value 8. CONCLUSIONS
to the 35 annual maximumfloodsof the riverNidd Estimators of parametersand quantiles of the
at Hunsingore,Yorkshire,England. The data are GEV distributionhave been derived using the
taken fromNERC (1975b, p. 235). In Figure 5 the methodof probability-weighted moments.These esti-
ordereddata values xl < ... < xnare plottedagainst matorshave severaladvantagesover existingmeth-
the corresponding Gumbel reduced variates ods of estimation.They are fastand straightforward
-log (- log Fi), i = 1, ..., n, whereFi = (i - .44)/(n to computeand always yieldfeasiblevalues forthe
+ .12) is the Gringorten(1963) plottingpositionfor estimatedparameters.The biases of the estimators
the ith smallestof n observationsfroma Gumbel are small, except when estimatingquantiles in the
distribution.The returnperiod of xi is 1 - 1/Fi. extremetails of the GEV distribution, and theyde-
Gumbel and GEV distributionswere fittedto the crease rapidlyas the samplesize increases.The stan-
data by the methodof PWM, and the estimatedpa- dard deviationsof the PWM estimatorsare com-
rameterswere as follows(figuresin parenthesesare parable withthose of the maximum-likelihood esti-
standarderrorsof estimatedparameters):Gumbel- matorsformoderatesamplessizes (n = 50, 100) and
= 108.6 (8.6), a = 48.5 (7.4); GEV- = 105.8 (8.2), are often substantiallyless than those of the
a = 42.5 (6.7), k = -.13(.14). The fitteddistributions maximum-likelihood estimatorsfor small samples

Table 8. EmpiricalSignificanceLevels of the StatisticZ for
Testingthe HypothesisH: k = 0 Against
One -Sided and Two -Sided Alternatives 4 400

k <0 k> 0 k 0

Sample Size 10%* 5%* 10%* 5%* 10%* 5%*

15 10.3 4.3 7.3 3.7 8.0 3.5 I

25 10.4 4.6 8.4 4.3 8.9 4.1 < - _- 2 5 10 20 50 100
Reburn period
50 10.5 4.9 8.9 4.6 9.6 4.7 0
100 I I I I I
10.4 5.1 9.4 4.9 10.0 5.1 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5
Gumbel reduced vor lobe
200 10.4 5.0 9.7 5.1 10.2 5.2
500 10.5 5.3 9.6 4.9 10.2 5.1 Figure 5. DistributionsFittedby the Method of PWM to 35
Annual MaximumFloods of the RiverNidd: GEV distri-
bution; ----- Gumbeldistribution.


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(n = 15, 25). PWM estimatorsof GEV parameters are both positive, so (B.1) reduces to bo - 4b,
and quantileshave asymptoticNormal distributions, + 3b2 < 0. But we can write
and the large-sampleapproximationto the variance
oftheestimatorsis adequate forsamplesizes of 50 or bo -o 4b1 -+ 3b2 = n(n- 1)(n- 2) (-x
(i + xk);
more.AlthoughPWM estimatorsare asymptotically
inefficientcompared to maximum-likelihoodesti-
mators,no inefficiency is detectablein samplesofsize (B.4)
100 or less.The PWM estimatoroftheshape param- thusbo - 4b1 + 3b2 < 0 almostsurelyand, therefore,
eter k of the GEV distributionmay be used as the k > -1 almost surely.Results(B.2)-HB.4)are easily
basis of a testof the hypothesisHo: k = 0, and this provedby inductionon thesamplesize n.
testis simpleto perform, and accurate.
powerful, Furthermore, since
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS a = (2b, - b0)k/{F(1+ k)(1 - 2-)} (B.5)
This cooperativeworkwas supportedby theInsti- - -
and 2bI bo > 0 as notedbefore,k/(1 2-k) > 0 for
tute of Hydrology,Wallingford,England. We are all k, and r(1 + k) > 0 because > - 1, it follows
greatlyindebtedto J. S. G. McCulloch (Directorof thatwe musthave c > 0.
the Instituteof Hydrology),P. E. O'Connell, and R.
T. Clarke forinitiatingand sustainingthis research
Part ofJ.R. M. Hosking'sresearchwas carried APPENDIX C: ASYMPTOTIC DISTRIBUTION
out at the MathematicsResearchCenter,University OF THE b,
of Wisconsin-Madison,with the support of U.S.
ArmyContractDAAG29-80-C-0041. The statisticb, may be writtenas a linearcombi-
nationoftheorderstatisticsofa randomsample: We

For theGEV distribution

we have from(2) and (3) br = n- 1 ()Xj, (C.1)

fr = Ml,r,O where c- = (j - 1) ' (j - r)/{(n - 1) ... (n - r)}

and x < x < ... < x is the ordered sample. As
= [ + a{l -(-log F)k}/k]F'dF n- oo and j- oo withj/n- 0 (0 < 0 < 1), c{r is
asymptoticallya functionof the plottingposition
= + a(1 - uk)/k}e-(r+ 1)udu, j/(n + 1): in fact, c(r
{j/(n + 1)}'. It is straightfor-
wardto verify thatbrsatisfiestheconditionsofTheo-
rem 1 of Chernoffet al. (1967), and fromthat theo-
u = - log F,
remit followsthatbris asymptotically Normallydis-
tributedwithmean fr, and variance
=( + a/k) e -(r+1)udu- (a/k) uke%-(r+ )u du

Jo Jo
n- v = 2n-1 {F(x)}r{F(y)}r F(x)
= ( + oa/k)(r+ 1)- -(a/k)(r + 1)- 1 k(l + k)
x<y -
x {1 F(y)} dx dy. (C.2)
providedthatk > -1,
A similar argumentapplies to any linear combi-
= (r + 1)-`[L + a{l - (r + 1)-kF(1 + k)}/k]. (A.1) nation of the br (r = 0, 1, 2, ...), and it followsthat
APPENDIX B: FEASIBILITY OF PWM the br are asymptotically jointly Normallydistrib-
ESTIMATES OF THE GEV PARAMETERS utedwithcovariancegivenby
The PWM estimatork satisfies(13), and therefore vrs = lim n cov (b,, bs) = j (grs+ sr), (C.3)
> --1 providedthat

(2b - bo)/(3b2- bo)> 2. (B.1)
Now grs = 2 {F(x)}r{F(y)}S F(x){l - F(y)} dx dy.
x<y (C.4)
2b - bo n(n-n( 1) (x - ) (B.2)
)i>j To evaluate the g,s for the GEV distributionwe
and considerfirstthecase k > 0 and let

Irs = 2 {F(x)}r{F(y)}s dx dy (C.5)

^3b2-bo (B.3)
n(n- 1)(n-2) i>j>k


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so that The resultsstated in this Appendixare valid for

- arbitrarypositiveintegersr and s, thoughonly the
grs = I,+ l.s r+ 1s+ 1 (C.6)
cases r, s = 0, 1, 2 are required for derivingthe
Substituting(7) in (C.5) and makingthe furthersub- asymptoticdistributionsofPWM estimators.
stitution u = {1 - k(x - )/a}1/k, V = [ReceivedJune1984.RevisedDecember1984.]
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