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Higher Education Analysis

There are many skills, competencies and stocks of knowledge that I have to practice in

the field of higher education. I believe these all go hand and hand to ultimately benefit me as a

higher education professional. Some important skills and competencies that I have learned and

translate into my role is knowing how to best advocate for my students, create healthy

communication with stakeholders and aligning my work with being a part of just and ethical

society. Most importantly, something that I have to practice and am still developing is how to

articulate my words to create dialogue instead of defensiveness. Many stakeholders and

administration tend to take accountability and praise for the program, but do not want to take

accountability or hear how they partake in perpetuating systemic oppression for our students.

Thus far, to foster growth within the program I have had to push boundaries professionally in

hopes that someone will listen. In order to foster growth within our community, it is important to

be analytical in identifying structures and perspectives. Knowledge of budget and finance,

organizational leadership and policy and governmental procedure are also components of

knowledge that are integral in my profession as a higher education professional.

My current action plan for continued professional development in the field will of higher

education will involve attending conferences, workshops, and networking. I intend to become

more involved with NASPA and networking to create relationships that will be integral to my

students success as well as The Blueprint Program. To further myself as a professional, it is also

important to take opportunities to present and lead workshops and discussions. Another part of

my current action plan is to incorporate continual assessment of current effectiveness in

programming and analyzing and resolving issues to benefit my students. Outside of attending

conferences and workshops, it is important to keep up to date with new research and articles
being published within higher education. It is also important to contribute to the work of research

and publications in higher education. As The Blueprint gains support and experience, I intend on

doing research on the potential benefits the program poses for higher education institutions.

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