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This chapter presents the discussion on the background of the study,

statement of the problems, objective of the study, hypothesis of the study,

significance of the study, and definition of key terms of the study.

1.1 Background of the study

It is an avitable fact that English language is one of the foreign language and

the most widely used around the world. Many people want to learn and master it

because it is one of the important language. However, they sometimes find some

difficulties and some of them surrender when they learn English. Now, all schools

in Indonesia there is English as one of course that students have to learn. So, they

are able to get knowledge about English easily.

As a developing country, Indonesia really needs English because Indonesia

government is trying to improve all aspects which are usually faced by all of

countries. One of these aspects is education, which is essential to improve more.

In Indonesia, English is learnt and taught at elementary school, junior high scool,

senior high school even at university. English means that something important for

the students to be taught at school. In the fact, many students in Indonesia do not

like English bacause they get difficulties, boredom, and confusing when they learn

English. So, as English teachers, they should be able to motivate the learners in

learning this foreign language. As we know, motivation is one of important aspect

to make students enthusiasm to learn something. Harmer (1993: 3) claims that

motivation means a kind of drive that encourages somebody to pursue a course

action, it should be done by every English teacher in order that the students are

inetersted to learn this language. English teachers must be able to manage the

teaching-learning process by using certain method, so that the students will like it,

and they wilbel not boring and despairing because of English.

There are many methods in teaching language, and one of them is small talk

method that was acquainted by Hunter, 2012. Small talk is one of teaching

English method that requires each student to talk (Hunter: 2012). So, every

student has much time to speak English. Speak or

communicative more, it will help much to develop students

speaking performance, such as the fluency, accuracy and

complexity in speaking (Guse, 2011). If the students always

practice to speak and communicate each other by English, it will

become the students habbit, so that it will be able to develop

students speaking performance fastly and efficiently

In learning English there are four skills which are necessary to be mastered

by the learners. Alexander (1983: 3) claims that in learning English we have to

learn at least four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four skills

are important. However, of all the four skills, speaking seems intuitively the most

important skill than others(Penny: 2007). Referring to the title, the writer limits

the explanation to the speaking. Speaking skill is very importan skill that must be

mastered by every language learner bacause one is called mastering a language

when the learner is able to communicate well. In order to master this skill, the

teachers as the educators have to use a good method in teaching-learning process.

In this case, the researcher concerns to the effect of using small talk in

increasing students speaking performance of the second grade at MA.

Daruusaadah Poncokusumo Malang.

1.2 Research problem

Based on the background of the study, the research problem can be

formulated as follows:
How does the effect of using small talk in increasing students speaking

How does the effect of using small talk to the students confidence in

speaking English?

1.3 Objective of the study

This research is conducted to describe the effect of using small talk session

in increasing students speaking peformance which include students speaking

ability and students confidence of the second grade at MA. Darussaadah

Poncokusumo Malang.

1.4 Research hypothesis

Based on the research problems above, the hypothesis can be formulated as

Small talk affects in increasing students speaking ability.
Small talk affects to the students' confidence in speaking English.

1.5 Significant of the study

For teacher: the researcher expects that this study can be useful for

teachers as a reference method to teach English, specially in teaching

speaking skill.
For students: the treat of small talk hopefully can increase students

speaking ability and students confidence.

For future researcher: this research can be utilized by other researchers

as a tool to develope a similar research will be.

1.6 Scope and limitation of the study
This study focuses on speaking skill, small talk method that is used to

increase students speaking peeformance which include students speaking ablility

and students confidence. And then, the limitation of this study is to know the

effect of using small talk method in students speaking performance of the

second grade at MA. Darussaadah Poncokusumo Malang.

1.7 Definition of key term

In order to clarify the key terms used in this study, some definitions are put

A change produced by an action. The result of students speaking

performance after the treatment (implementing the method).

Small talk
Small talk is the name of method that represents the use of conseling-

learning theory to teach language, specially in teaching speaking skill. The

new method that will be tried to increase students speaking performance at

MA. Darussaadah Poncokusumo Malang.

Speaking performance
Speaking performance is how the students perform their speaking which

include the students speaking ability and students confidence when they

are speaking, specially speak in front of many people.

Speaking ability
Speaking ability refers to the skill of the students to communicate or say

anything orally in transferring their ideas by using English which is

emphasized on the students skill to use the target language effectively and

appropriately in communication.

Confidence refers to how the students perform when they speak English,

and how the way of conveying their speech.

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