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Who’s school in Taiwan

Wan-Li Ho, Ph.D

Emory University


1. #$%&'()*+,
a). -./Taiwan012345
b). -.12365
c). -.12378

2. 9$%:&+;<)=>?@,
a). AB 10 C
b). 7D 20 C
c). =B 30 C

3. 9$%EFGH,
a). IJ/finance0
b). KL/accounting0
c). MNOP/marketing0

4. &Q8RSTU=A8V,
a). 4000
b). 5000
c). 11000

5. U=A8VW:8R+,
a). 4000-5000
b). 7000-8000
c). 10000-11000

6. 9$%W:*X,
a). 8R+
b). Y8RZ[1\]
c). Y8RZ^1\]

7. 9$%_`aFG?b(;<,
a). cd2edf
b). :dg
c). hij_kl(

8. 9$%mG(jn,
a). op/go on foot0
b). qrps/by bike0
c). ts

9. uv*Qwx/choices0yz{1/correct0,
a). 7=|-.}K~-.•€•‚:8R+ƒ8„
b). 7=|-.}…K~-.•€•‚8R…E„
c). 7=|-.}K~-.•€†8R‡…E„

10. 9$%Eˆ‰~)FGŠ‹,
a). Œ••/Mandarin0
b). -.•/Taiwanese0
c). Ž••/Cantonese0


1.KL’ kuài jì xì accounting department, accounting major (n.)

“”: •:KL’;<)–—C)„
Example: He has worked in the accounting department for more than 10 years.
2.˜™3 yán ji! su" graduate school, research institute (n.)
“”: &šQ˜™3›œ•‡„
Example: The two institutes will be amalgamated.
3.ST z"ng gòng altogether (adv.)
“”: &žŸ ¡¢£STU 80 ¤„
Example: This soap opera has 80 episodes altogether.
4.¥¦E% zhu#n zhí jiào sh$ full-time professor (n.)
“”: ˆ2§¨©:&378+ª2«¥¦E%€†2§¬-®¯„
Example: I have always tried to be a full-time teacher in this college, but it is hard to achieve.
5.°E± fù jiào shòu associate professor (n.)
“”: •ª°E±ª)²–—C„
Example: He has been an associate professor for more than 20 years.
6.³ d#i stay (v.)
“”: ˆ:´µ³) 30 C„
Example: I have been staying in America for 30 years.
7.¶B d%ng yú equal (v.)
“”: ˆ:·¸8]¹1º»—¼¶B½„
Example: My knowledge of physics is practically nil.
8.}¾¿ rén qíng wèi human touch, human interest (n.)

“”: ÀÁÂÃÄ…ÄÅUÆ}¾¿,
Example: Should the press be a little more human?
9.ÇŽ tu$ gu&ng popularize (v.)
“”: µŠz:ÈÇŽÉÊË„
Example: The national language is popularized.
10.˜™Ì yán ji! shì laboratory (n.)
Example: Our country has just established a laboratory for security on the Internet.
11.×Y jù lí distance (n.)
“”: 5µÉ´µ1×YU=^,
Example: What is the distance between China and America?
12.Ø@ k'ng ji#n space (n.)
“”: ÙÚ̬UÛÜ1Ø@ÝÞßà„
Example: There isn't enough space for the equipment in the laboratory.
13.Ÿá diàn xìn telecommunication (n.)
“”: 8R+¬UŸáâã„
Example: There is no telecommunication service on campus.
14.Œä p( biàn common (adj.)
“”: -Š:-.y2å7ÍŒäÊË1Š‹„
Example: Taiwanese is a common language in Taiwan.
15.Eæ jiào d&o instruct, teach (n.)
“”: •Eæ~€çèéuÈê‚zë1Éìzë1„
Example: He taught that wars can be just or unjust.
16.]‹ f#ng yán dialect (n.)
“”: 5µUíåíî1]‹„
Example: There is a variety of dialects in China.
17.7ïðñ dà zhòng chuán b' mass communication (n.)
“”: 7ïðñ1ò¹óÄôõö÷ö=1¥ÍÖø„
Example: The negative influences of mass communication have drawn more and more attention
from experts.
18.ðñ chuán b' disseminate, propagate (v.)
“”: ðEùe^](ðñúáû.
Example: Missionaries went far afield to propagate their faith.
19.üý ji) chù contact, in touch with (v.)
“”: þÿüý!1"¹K#Ï$%.
Example: Steam is condensed into water when it touches a cold surface.
20.&' g( y$n ancient pronunciation (n.)
“”: _劋lU(1&'„
Example: Every language has its certain ancient pronunciation.
21.)* shu&ng kuài refreshed, rejuvenated (adj.)

“”: ˆM:NOPQ)*)2R„
Example: I took a shower and felt refreshed.

!"+,/Discussion Questions0:

1- ./0128€45€65€3y78,‚FG,

2- .éu‚7Í4526.:78+/011H7,


4- .01W:8R1>?3yr@ABCW,‚FG,

5- .wD781?b/EFFG,E8GH(teaching quality)€RIJK€<=åL(variety of
activities) ¶¶,‚FG,

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