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Geological Society, London, Special Publications

Michael Geoffrey Audley-Charles

Geological Society, London, Special Publications 1974; v. 4; p. 365-378


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1974 Geological Society of London


1. T H E S E G M E N T S T U D I E D

SULAWESI The island of Sulawesi--formerly called Celebes--occupies a critical

but very complex position at the junction of the Alpine-Himalayan and
Circum-Pacific chains. It links along strike with both the Philippine
and the Banda orogens, but lies between the Borneo and the West
MICHAEL GEOFFREY AUDLEY-CHARLES Irian orogens. The island is one of the most mountainous in the
Department of Geology, Imperial College, Indonesian Archipelago and is poorly known geologically, because of
Prince Consort Road, London S.W.7 which the present article is largely in essay form.
Segment: the Sulawesi orogen has a strike length, excluding small
Islands, of about 1300 km. The west margin of the belt consists of an arc
CONTENTS open in the south to the south-east, which reverses its direction of
curvature in the north to form an arc open to the north-west. In the
A. General data on the segment 365 south it is separated from the Sunda Shelf by the 2000 m deep
B. Subdivision of the segment 374 Makassar Strait and in the north it is adjacent to the Celebes Sea.
C. Structural relationships of the The east margin of the belt abuts against the Banggai and Sula
Islands (part of a stable positive area called the Sula Spur) and, to
Sulawesi Arcs with neighbouring regions 376
the south, against the northern part of the Banda Sea. The width
D. References 377 of the orogenic belt in Sulawesi, measured between these margins,
varies from 500 km to 270 km, and averages 350 km.
History: the oldest rocks known in Sulawesi are sedimentary rocks
which have been metamorphosed in pre-U. Triassic times. Then, there
seems to have been a period of general uplift and erosion in Sulawesi.
Mesozoic-Cenozoic orogenic movements commenced during U.
Jurassic and L. Cretaceous times with vertical movements, perhaps
associated with some folding, in the Butung Archipelago and the
South-east and South Arms of Sulawesi. It is possible there were fold
movements at the end of the Triassic in the west of Central Sulawesi
and in parts of the East Arm, but palaeontological control is un-
satisfactory and the rocks have been mapped on a reconnaissance
basis only. The first phase of strong folding began at the end of the
Cretaceous and was completed during the L. Eocene in most parts
of Sulawesi and in the Butung Archipelago (Bemmelen 1949). A
major phase of folding and thrusting of M. Miocene age is reported
from the East Arm, and may also have occurred in Central Sulawesi
and the North Arm. An important phase of folding (locally with
overthrusting) during the late Pliocene is reported throughout Sulawesi
and the Butung Archipelago.
The stratigraphy and structure of Sulawesi are poorly known, for the
density of reconnaissance geological mapping in the island is low.
All published geological maps appear to be based on surveys carried
out before 1942 (see Roy 1961 ; Tectonic Map of Eurasia 1966;
U.S.G.S. 1965). Few topographical maps were available; aerial
photography was not then employed so that many of the published
maps show only the geology of the immediate vicinity of the traverses.
Only three papers dealing with regional geology of parts of Sulawesi

120" 130


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Figure 1. T h e s t r u c t u r a l z o n e s o f t h e S u l a w e s i o r o g e n i c belt, t h e i r c o r r e l a t i o n w i t h t h o s e o f t h e B a n d a A r c s o r o g e n i c belt,

and their relationship with the Sula Spur (shown by coarse dotted ornament).

appear to have been published since Van Bemmelen's The Geology of the western part of the Salajar-Lucipara Arc) curves through 270
Indonesia of 1949. A further impediment to understanding the structural and has a strike length of 1900 km, or of 1300 km if those arcs of small
history is the often uncertain age of sedimentary, igneous and meta- islands are omitted. The lengths of radii of curvature of the principal
morphic rocks. Many of the published ages of the Cenozoic strata are arcs are 500 km for the 'outer' arcs (East Celebes and Tukangbesi Arcs).
based on foraminifera determined before 1948 and names are In the north the curvature of the arcs is reversed: the radius of the
probably in need of revision to bring them into line with recent work. 'inner' North Celebes Arc is 400 km and that of the 'outer' North
Each of the four arms of Sulawesi appears to have a different Moluccan Arc is 550 km.
geological history, but it has long been recognized that the North Arm,
the western part of the Central region and the South Arm have
fundamental features in common which distinguish them from the 3. S U R F A C E SHAPE OF T H E SULAWESI BELT
South-east and East Arms. IN E L E V A T I O N
The present article has been prepared from a literature review: 30 Highest 5% of the ground: 2000 to 2500 m above sea level. Sulawesi
the writer has not visited Sulawesi. is one of the most mountainous islands of the Indonesian Archipelago.
Most of the highest land is in Central Sulawesi, but all the arms are
2. SHAPE OF T H E O R O G E N IN PLAN mountainous and nearly 40% of the land area is over 500 m above sea
33 The Sulawesi orogenic belt (including the North Celebes Arc and level.
33-4 Plio-Pleistocene raised reef limestones have been reported from
the East Arm at various heights. Bemmelen (1949, p. 151) quoted
heights of 400 m, 500 m, 1000 m, and possibly even 2000 m in the
western part of the East Arm (cf. Loczy 1934). An old alluvial surface
20 to 30 m above the present one occurs on the north coast of the
East Arm and indicates minor subrecent uplift (Koolhoven 1930,
p. 207).

38 Gravity data are available as a map on a scale of 1:10,000,000 with
a 50 mgl contour interval for the marine areas surrounding Sulawesi
(Kuenen, Umbgrove & Vening Meinesz 1934). A revised isogam map
"*~"*" ~ e'. e e" e" " j " lee e' t. for the whole of Indonesia has since been published (Bruyn 1951).
oe4 oo ee e
It incorporates the gravity data of Vening Meinesz and data from
land based surveys, is on a scale of 1:10,000,000 and has a contour
interval of 25 mgl.
41 There is isostatic inequilibrium over most of Sulawesi and this is
greatest in the East Celebes and North lV[oluccan Arcs. 42-3 As far as
can be judged from available data the general gravity field shows
pronounced concordance with the main tectonic and topographic
trends of Sulawesi.

Figure 2. T h e distribution of the arcs of the Sulawesi orogenic belt a n d B a nda Arcs
orogenic belt. l = O u t e r S u n d a Arc; 2 = I n n e r S u n d a Arc; 3 = O u t e r B a n d a Arc;
4 = I n n e r Banda Arc; 5 = T u k a n g Besi-Buru Arc; 6 = Salajar-Lucipara Arc; 7 = East
i NN,-.'b % - ~ t There are several outstanding features of the gravity field: very
strong negative values are coincident with the marine section of the
North Moluccan Arc; strong positive values coincide with some
deeper parts of the surrounding seas, e.g. Celebes Sea and Banda Sea;
strong positive anomalies are coincident with the marine gulfs which
separate the inner and outer arcs of Sulawesi and the outer arc from
Borneo. Bruyn (1951, p. 605) remarked that 'It is certainly possible to
Gelebes Arc; 8 = Western Celebes Arc; 9 = N o r t h M o l u c c a n Arc; 10 = N o r t h Celebes
Arc; 11 = H a l m a h e r a Arcs. S = Sorong Fault Zone; T A = T a r e r a - A i d o e n a Fault Z o n e ;
recognize on the profiles across Sulawesi the characteristics of a double
T = T a w a e l i a Fault Zone; FS = Fossa Sarasina. arc. Here (i.e. all Sulawesi except the Minahasa section of the North
T h e area of coarse dotted o r n a m e n t represents the Sula Spur. Arm), however, the curvature is reversed so that the Vening Meinesz

minimum is found on the concave side of the arc. No active volcanoes Sulawesi and the archipelagos to the north and south Pliocene rocks
are present (in the section of reversed curvature). The high positive have been folded. Palaeontological evidence is not sufficiently precise
values coinciding with the deep water of the Makassar Strait are to be certain that these movements did not continue into the Pleistocene
comparable with those of the Banda Sea. As soon as the curvature (see Bemmelen 1949, pp. 149-52, 389-436; Vlerk & Dozy 1934).
returns to normal (i.e. the minimum on the convex side of the arc) Before the age of the tectonic events in the Cenozoic rocks of Sulawesi
active volcanoes reappear, namely Una-Una and those on the North can be correlated reliably with those in other Cenozoic fold belts the
Arm of Sulawesi and the Sangihe Islands. Here the profiles show the faunas need to be reviewed in the light of the biostratigraphy of Blow
standard sequence of maximum and minimum axes, troughs and (1969).
ridges.' 9t-5 Phases of mobility
10. Plio-Pleistocene uplift: Geomorphological evidence for this
event has been reported from all parts of Sulawesi. The process
5. PRESENT-DAY A C T I V I T Y is probably still continuing.
69 The Sulawesi region is seismically active, and the northern half is 9. Late Pliocene phase: This was important and widespread. An
very active. Gutenberg & Richter (1954, pp. 60-61) commented that unconformity with gentle folds occurs in the East Arm (Kundig
seismic activity in the Celebes 'is well above average for the Pacific 1956; Loczy 1933-4; Umbgrove 1938; Bemmelen 1949), in the
belt; intermediate shocks are very numerous and some of them South Arm (Umbgrove 1938), in Central Sulawesi (Witkamp
(notably in northern Celebes) are among the largest known. Deep 1940; Vlerk & Dozy 1934), and in the South-east Arm (Umbgrove
shocks are fairly frequent.' Fitch & Molnar (1970) remarked that 1938; Bothe 1927). In the Butung Archipelago Bothe (1927) and
'The occurrence of earthquakes between 300 and 500 km depths in Hetzel (1936) reported strong folding and thrusting of Pliocene
the Banda Sea region is an indication that the lithosphere is continuous age. The evidence for the age of these tectonic events rests mainly
there. This activity may be a consequence of the marked contortion on the foraminifera determined at that time. It seems likely that
in the seismic zone.' The difficulty of interpreting important features the age of the folding would still be regarded as Pliocene, but in
of the seismic behaviour of Sulawesi and the Banda Arcs in terms of view of the anomalous directions of movement, the faunas might
regional tectonics was pointed out by Fitch & Molnar: 'A zone of profitably be reviewed in the light of Blow's (1969) work. The
intense intermediate-depth activity paralleling the northern peninsula movements might range into the Quaternary.
of Celebes forms the southern terminus of the deep-focus activity 8. Middle Miocene phase: In the East Arm this is the major
beneath the Philippine arc. There are similarities between the con- orogenic phase (Kundig 1956) and involved strong folding and
figuration of this zone and the seismic zone beneath the Banda Sea. thrusting. The presence of an unconformity between U. and L.
Both regions have intense activity extending from the surface nearly Miocene, which may represent M. Miocene uplift, erosion and
vertically to approximately 200 km. Below 200 km activity is less, possible folding, was reported from the Gorontalo and Minahasa
and it is along a plane which dips approximately 45 beneath the sections of the North Arm (Koperberg 1929-30; Bemmelen
respective arcs.' 'East of the Celebes Sea is a complicated seismic 1949). An unconformity between the Oligo-Miocene and the
region associated with an island arc paralleling the northern peninsula 'Celebes Molasse', which Umbgrove (1938) regarded as a M.
of Halmahera. A cross section of the activity in this region shows that Miocene Tf2 unconformity, was reported from Central Sulawesi
the zone beneath the Celebes Sea dips towards the west while another by Witkamp (1940) and may possibly represent an orogenic
zone extending only to intermediate depth dips towards the south-east. phase there. The report of a transgression in the 'post-Tertiary-f'
This eastward-dipping zone is very unusual, and its relation to the (i.e.M. Miocene) in the South-east Arm by Bothe (1927) may be
tectonics of the region is not apparent to us.' More recently, further related to M. Miocene or possibly U. Miocene movements.
maps of the seismic epicentres have been published (Fitch 1970). Local erosion in M. Miocene time in the Butung Archipelago was
Hatherton & Dickinson (1969) figured seismic isobaths to the north, reported by Bothe (1927).
south and east of Sulawesi. 7. Lower Miocene: A n unconformity at the base of the Miocene
Tondo Beds was reported from Butung (Hetzel 1936; Bothe
1927). Umbgrove (1938) reported an unconformity of L. Miocene
6. T I M E R E L A T I O N S (Te4) age from Central Sulawesi and the East Arm, but Kundig
(1956) made no mention of this unconformity in the East Arm.
85 The oldest undeformed rocks in Sulawesi are of Quaternary age. They 6. Oligocene: An unconformity at the base of the Oligocene is
are mainly raised reef limestones, alluvium and coastal plain deposits, reported from Central Sulawesi (Bemmelen 1949). In the northern
many of which are highly fossiliferous. part of the South Arm the main phase of folding and thrusting is
83 The youngest deformed rocks are late Pliocene in age. Throughout said to occur in the Oligocene (Rutten 1927; Bemmelen 1949).

An unconformity at the base of the L. Miocene Tondo Beds of island of Kabaena evidence suggests there was an important
Butung (Bothe 1927) may represent Oligocene movements. The phase of metamorphism (glaucophane facies) penecontemporane-
uncertainty results from the lack of a sufficiently diagnostic ous with these end-Cretaceous orogenic movements in the South-
microfauna. east Arm (Roever 1950, 1953, 1956). A major unconformity
5. End-Cretaceous to Eocene phase: In the South-east Arm a major between the Cretaceous Tobelo Beds and the L. Miocene Tondo
unconformity is present between the Cretaceous and the Neogene Beds is widespread in Butung Archipelago where it is considered
(Eocene and Oligocene rocks are missing) and represents a period to have resulted from a period of folding, uplift and erosion
of strong folding, uplift and erosion (Bothe 1927; Brouwer et al. (Bothe 1927; Hetzel 1936). The local occurrence in Butung of the
1934; Hetzel 1936; Bemmelen 1949). Here and in the nearby Wani Beds of either Eocene or Oligocene age, unconformable on
but folded with the underlying Cretaceous Tobelo Beds, indicates
an important orogenic phase at the end of the Cretaceous,
~__~ I 250km perhaps extending into Eocene or even Oligocene time. In the
South Arm an important unconformity between Cretaceous and
Eocene strata represents a period of folding and erosion; in the
northern part it marks the onset of andesite volcanism (Rutten
1927; Brouwer et al. 1934; Bemmelen 1949). Owing to the lack
of precisely diagnostic faunas there is some doubt about the time
limits of these movements. In the East Arm the actual contact
between the Cretaceous and Eocene has not been observed.
Kundig (1956) thought it probable that there was a depositional
gap between the Cretaceous and the Palaeocene, and that this
interval coincided with the main phase of ophiolitic extrusions.
The rapid change from abyssal facies in the Cretaceous to nerific
facies in the Eocene seems to indicate strong vertical uplift at the
end of the Cretaceous in the East Arm. In the western part of
Central Sulawesi an important unconformity resulting from fold
o~::~ movements and erosion separates Cretaceous and basal Tertiary
TOMINI strata (which have locally been determined as Eocene) according
GULF to Witkamp (1940) and Bemmelen (1949, p. 409).
4. Intra-Cretaceous phase: In part of the South Arm a siliceous
o -" "~ facies of probable Cretaceous age is overlain unconformably by a
greywacke-sandstone facies that is also thought to be Cretaceous
on the basis of its stratigraphical position and analogous litho-
NORTHERN logy (Rutten 1927; Brouwer et al. 1934; Bemmelen 1949). If
these facies have been correctly identified as Cretaceous there is
BANDA SEA evidence for a period of folding and erosion in the southern part
of the South Arm during the Cretaceous.
3. Upper Jurassic--Lower Cretaceous phase ?: The Cretaceous
Tobelo Beds in Butung are in contact with the U. Jurassic R u m u
Beds and with other older Mesozoic formations. It is uncertain
HAKASSAR( whether this has resulted from tectonic complications or from a
depositional unconformity at the base of the Cretaceous Tobelo
Beds (Hetzel 1936; Bothe 1927; Bemmelen 1949). In the East
Arm there is no unconformity between the Jurassic and Cretaceous
but Kundig (1956) considered that there must have been a phase
of great downwarping during U. Jurassic to L. Cretaceous time,
because of the sudden change in facies from neritic Jurassic to
Figure 3. Location map for the Sulawesi orogenic belt. K.-Z. = Kolonodale zone. The bathyal Cretaceous.
named zones of Central Sulawesi are taken from Van Beramelen (1949). 2. Lower Jurassic phase ?: In the west of the East Arm Loczy

~,200 Isobaths on approximate centre of
dipping seismic zone, in km
0' (after Hatherton & Dickinson 1969)

.~- Negative ~ Zones of isostatic

Positive J gravity anomalies

Region o f major positive isostatic

gravity anomaly

/ 0 0
/ o
..:::+~:~i:!:i:i:i:i:: .

':':-F:-:'~'~':"."'-"' ....... -""'-":->:':'F:':-'.:.'.:.:
'.'F"" . . . . "'"".:-.'.:.>'.~ . . . .

.~:~;.~ .......-.....~:~- ~...~..,:.............
.~,..:...:.:,~ ~ . : .. ~...:.:,~: ..... ... ,~:;;~,"
................................. ~ ~


t Lk

v o l c a n o 4 0 ~ ~0 " ~~ - - ]k Active __ ......_ Faults and

f ~ ~ " I o O "iolites postulated submarine
~ ~ M'"~r~ I~ Granitic intrusions ~ Sula Spur
~ 0 ~ ~ - ~ - I~11 Direction of increasing
~- n- - grade of metamorphism ~ Main Islands

~ + ~ ~ ~ ) + ~ . . . - - T ---'~ ~ Direction of thrusting

I 250kin II I
! ., I
Figure 4. The regional distribution of seismic and gravity features of the Sulawesi and Banda Arcs orogenic belts and their
relationship to overthrmting, ophiolites, acid plutonics, and recent volcanism.

(1933-4) considered that the Triassic rocks were folded prioI to thus lie outside the Sulawesi orogenic belt. To the west of the Sulawesi
the deposition of Jurassic strata. Umbgrove (1935) suggested orogenic belt basement rocks are not known to crop out within 200 km
that in the west of Central Sulawesi there was a phase of folding of Sulawesi.
after the Triassic, followed by erosion after which marine sedi-
mentation recommenced during the Cretaceous. No rocks of
8. S T R U C T U R A L R E L A T I O N S
definitely Triassic age have been reported from western Sulawesi,
however. So although it is possible that there were fold movements m-17 Two major faults have been recognized. The Tawaelia Graben
and erosion during the Jurassic in these parts of Sulawesi, it zone (Brouwer 1947) strikes N-S in Central Sulawesi and probably
cannot be regarded as proved. extends north along strike to cut the North Arm and southwards
1. Pre-Upper Triassic uplift and erosion appears to have been along the west side of the Bone Gulf, passing just east of Salajar.
widespread in Sulawesi and Butung. There m a y have been The age of commencement of movements along this structure is not
associated folding but this has not been established. The evidence known, but it separates zones 2 and 3 and so seems to be an important
for these events has been discussed by Bemmelen (1949). feature related to the evolution of the belt. It appears to have in-
87-9 The initiation of mobility associated with the Mesozoic-Cenozoic fluenced the distribution of sedimentary facies on either side since the
orogeny could be regarded as the marine transgression near the Cretaceous and it limits the distribution of metamorphic facies. The
beginning of the U. Triassic that appears to be a widespread pheno- extent of its movements are unknown, but it appears to have acted as
menon in Sulawesi. a graben during Neogene and probably earlier times. Mylonite
occurs along part of the fault zone where igneous rocks are present.
81 The oldest rocks deformed for the first time during the Mesozoic-Cenozoic The other major fault--the Fossa Sarasina--also appears to behave
orogeny are fossiliferous Upper Triassic strata reported from the as a graben in Sulawesi, where it has formed a fault valley. It appears
East Arm by Loczy (1933-4) and Kundig (1956). Loczy (1933-4) to strike N N W into the Makassar Strait. It m a y be much younger
and Kutassy (1934) regarded some rocks in the western part as than the Tawaelia structure, but its age of initiation is uncertain. The
Permo-Carboniferous but Hetzel (1935) referred to them as 'very Fossa Sarasina and other faults in Sulawesi have been discussed
doubtful Permo-Carboniferous'. In the east of Central Sulawesi, recently by Katili (1970).
fossiliferous U. Triassic was reported to be the lowest exposed member
of a continuous succession up into the Cretaceous (Umbgrove 1938).
Fossiliferous U. Triassic Baito Beds in the South-east Arm and the
9. R E V I E W OF O R O G E N I C D E V E L O P M E N T
Einto Beds in Butung (Bothe 1927) are the oldest rocks deformed for
the first time by this orogeny there. 132 GEOPHYSICAL EVIDENCE OF OROGENIC STRUCTURE
78 Basement rocks: Crystalline schists of pre-U. Triassic age have been Fitch (1970) stated that data gathered from shallow focus earth-
reported from the south-west of the Gorontalo section of the North quakes from 1961 to 1968 show that thrusting and normal faulting
Arm (Koperberg 1929, 1930), from the Neck of the North Arm are the dominant modes of deformation in the Philippines, Sulawesi
(Egeler 1947), from the western and eastern parts of Central Sulawesi and Bands orogenic belts. The conclusion reached by Ritsema &
(Kundig 1932, Williams 1937; Brouwer 1941; De Roever 1947; Veldkamp (1968) that strike-slip faulting is dominant was based on
Bemmelen 1949, fig. 171), from the South-east Arm (Dieckmann & data that Fitch (1970) claimed was inadequate by modern standards.
Julius 1925; Koolhoven 1932; Brouwer et al. 1934; Hetzel 1936; Another recent paper is that of Hatherton & Dickinson (1969.)
Bemmelen 1949), from Butung (Bothe 1927; Hetzel 1936) and from Mechanism solutions from submarine seismic zones on the convex
K a b a e n a (De Roever 1953). From the South Arm they were described sides of the North Celebes and North Moluccan Arcs show evidence
as pre-Cretaceous crystalline schists (Rutten 1927; Brouwer 1934; for underthrusting of lithosphere beneath the island arcs. Fitch stated
Bemmelen 1949). The age of these basement rocks has been determined that there 'is no evidence from focal mechanisms supporting the
from the unconformable relationship of the unmetamorphosed Meso- existence of underthrusting along the eastern end of the Sunda Arc
zoic (U. Trias or locally Cretaceous) on the metamorphic basement. (i.e. the Banda Arcs) even though a well-developed inclined seismic
To the east of the Sulawesi orogenic belt very similar basement zone exists beneath the arc in this region . . . the close approach of
rocks to those just described have been reported from the Sula Islands the Australian continent may have disrupted the simple under-
(pre-Liassic crystalline schists, Brouwer 1921); they are generally thrusting in the region'. Also 'inclined seismic zones beneath the
regarded as lateral extensions of the pre-U. Triassic crystalline schists (Bands, North Celebes and North Moluccan) arcs show that activity
of the Banggai Islands (Bemmelen 1949; Klompe 1954, 1957; Kundig at deep and intermediate depths is in general confined to narrow
1956). There seems to be strong evidence for regarding, as Klompe slab-like regions of the upper mantle'. He claimed that seismic
(1954) did, the Banggai Islands as belonging to the Sula Spur. They evidence from this region and other inclined seismic zones 'supports

the hypothesis that slabs of lithosphere constituting lateral inhomo- in parts of the Banda Arc (Timor and Left). Brouwer (1919) thought
geneities in the upper mantle beneath island arc structures act as that the crystalline schists in the Lesser Sunda Islands (e.g. Timor)
stress guides'. might, at least in part, be Permian in age on the basis of a reported
On the basis of shallow focus seismic activity, Fitch (1970) defined gradation between them and fossiliferous rocks in Left. Bemmelen
boundaries of plates of lithosphere that differ in detail from the plate (1949) doubted the reality of this gradation and postulated tectonic
boundaries proposed by Le Pichon (1968) largely by the introduction wedges to explain their association. The field relations in Left need
of the Philippine Sea plate (Fig. 5). Fitch has drawn the tentative re-examination.
boundary of the Pacific and Asian plates cutting through the East Syn-orogenic (Triassic-Jurassic) history: L. and M. Triassic strata are not
Arm and North Arm of Sulawesi. This interpretation seems un- known in Sulawesi, although their presence was postulated by Loczy
satisfactory to the present writer on the basis of the published accounts (1933-4). U. Triassic neritic limestones and shales and a paralic
of the geology of these regions. facies occur in zone 4. There may have been a period of erosion in
zones 2 and 3 during the U. Triassic. In zone 4 sedimentation from the
U. Triassic to the L. Cretaceous seems to have been fairly continuous
in shallow marine environments. Relatively gentle fold movements
m a y have occurred locally during this period.
Syn-orogenic (Cretaceous) history: During the Cretaceous there must
have been considerable downwarping of zone 4 for the facies change
rapidly from neritic to bathyal, suggesting a correlation with the
development of the Outer Banda Arc. In zone 2 Cretaceous deposits
appear to belong to two very different facies; one is neritic-paralic,
the other bathyal and similar to that of zone 4. It is possible that
tectonic dislocations, presently unrecognized, m a y account for this
anomalous association. Alternatively, the east and north of zone 2
may have been downwarped to provide a bathyal environment
similar to zone 4, whilst the west of zone 2 remained close to sea level
producing neritic sedimentation. Another possibility is that the bathyal
environment has been mis-identified. Perhaps the calcilutites and
siliceous deposits were laid down in a quiet sea of moderate depth in
which little terrigenous sediment entered, so that deposits similar to
bathyal facies were produced.
Figure5. Plates of lithosphere within the Sulawesi and Banda Arcs orogenic belts (from Syn-orogenic (late Cretaceous-L. Eocene) history: At the end of the
Fitch 1970). Plate boundaries are defined here by shallow focus seismic activity, Cretaceous and possibly extending into Eocene times, there was a
shown by the solid curve and by a peeked line where the boundary is poorly defined. major orogenic phase which resulted in folding and local over-
thrusting. It has been identified in zones 2, 3 and 4, although its effects
appear to vary greatly along the strike of the zone, e.g. it appears not
to have had much influence, beyond possible uplift, in the East Arm
(zone 4). Accompanying this orogenic phase was a major ophiolite
Pre-Upper Triassic history: The oldest rocks in Sulawesi are pre-U. eruption in zone 4. Greenschist metamorphism probably occurred
Triassic crystalline schists with intrusives. The schists have been during this time in zones 2, 3 and 4. In zones 3 and 4 there was also a
produced by regional metamorphism of mainly sedimentary rocks, glaucophane-schist metamorphism contemporaneous with this phase.
the age of deposition and provenance of which are unknown. The Granodiorite intrusions into zone 2 occurred at this time as well as
true age of the pre-U. Triassic metamorphism is not known. Kundig volcanic activity during the Eocene. The direction of folding and
(1956) and Roever (1956) referred to the crystalline basement rocks thrusting, as well as the development of ophiolites in a belt around the
as Palaeozoic or pre-Palaeozoic, but apparently without evidence Sula Spur, seem to indicate the important role that feature was playing
other than regional considerations. In the South Arm of Sulawesi the in the evolution of this region. In addition the downwarping of zone 4
crystalline schists can only be shown to be pre-Cretaceous in age, but and perhaps parts of zones 2 and 3 in a belt around the Sula Spur
their metamorphism is likely to have been of the same age as elsewhere. suggests a direct comparison with the U. Cretaceous downwarping
Possible Permian history: The apparent absence of Permian rocks from of the Outer Banda Arc in front of the Australian shelf. Orogenic
Sulawesi is surprising in view of the extensive Permian marine deposits movements were widespread in the Banda Arcs at this time.


'' ; :" .
~,~ "' " "1- ': ... . . . ~"~ , ",
,, .. ~ : ' . . -~-.:.!,
~'+.:~-~ "-- .. :.. .... . + + + ". - , ; ,-..:
P. . . . . .~, .~,, t~.~.,-,.- .... ".-F .: "" _~.. ~.. "'
~ "l'_Lt---~ '" . .;'1":i --J:~.'.:'~--~'_ "- ,- ' r . I . .... ":


..:~- f... GAI

~+ . ~ .. _ _ SULA IS.
/~--,-- ."
+ ar','-_~-- " ~
.~ " .:-

, __--

IOOkm !

Ouat . . . . . y a,,uv,om
~" ~.-.~,.'," :at" Reefs etc

(~i:! "" _ ~ P Palaeogene

. x ~ [ ) f ~'~11 undifferentiated

.!: KABAENA IS.i ~ .B.U~T U N G IS. ~ Intermediate tosuite,


including some intrusives
Granite & granodiorite
t 0~ BESI IS. ~
i" SALAJAR IS. ~ ~'~
Basic rocks, including

V 'i" "
Figure 6. Geological sketch m a p of Sulawesi (redrawn from a geological m a p published by the U.S.G.S. 1965). Blank areas in
Sulawesi and the Sula Islands are areas for which no geological maps are known.

Syn-orogenic (M. Eocene-L. Miocene) history: Eocene to Oligocene neritic 135 METAMORPHISMIN THE SULAWESI OROGENIG BELT
deposits, mainly shelf limestone in zones 3 and 4, are thin and often
Metamorphic rocks occur in all the four arms of Sulawesi, in some
absent. This m a y be due to a period of uplift and erosion following the
small nearby islands such as Kabaena and Butung and in several parts
folding and introduction of ophiolites. In zone 2 a paralic facies de-
of Central Sulawesi. The considerable literature on these rocks has
veloped during Eocene to Oligocene times as well as some lime-
been summarized by Rutten (1927), Brouwer (1947) and Bemmelen
stones. The Eocene volcanic activity continued through Oligocene
(1949) and the most recent publications are by Egeler (1947, 1948)
and into Miocene times.
and Roever (1947, 1950, 1953 and 1956). The general conclusions
During the Oligocene the main orogenic phase of folding and
reached by Roever (1953, 1956) are as follows: (1) The oldest phase
thrusting occurred in the north of the South Arm (zone 2). There
of regional metamorphism in Sulawesi occurred before the U. Triassic
m a y also have been some fold movements in zone 3 and part of zone 4.
and probably produced the epidote-amphibolite facies of Central
Granodiorites and diorites were intruded into zone 2 during Eocene
Sulawesi (zone 3) and the amphibolite facies of the South-east Arm,
to Oligocene times. During the L. Miocene shelf limestones were
Butung and K a b a e n a (zone 4). This regional metamorphic phase,
widely deposited in Sulawesi, in zones 2, 3 and 4.
which may even be pre-Palaeozoic according to Kundig (1956),
Syn-orogenic (M. Miocene) history: The main orogenic phase in part
belongs to an orogeny older than the Mesozoic-Cenozoic orogeny.
of zone 4 (East Arm), involving folding and thrusting, occurred at this
(2) A younger regional metamorphic phase which produced green-
time. There is a suggestion of some fold movements at this time in
schists and glaucophane schist facies in zones 3 and 4 is probably of
zone 3 and the north of zone 2. The direction of thrusting was towards
late Cretaceous or early Eocene age. (3) A phase of strong over-
the Sula Spur. The M. Miocene was the time of a major orogenic
thrusting in Kabaena (zone 4), which was post-Eocene in age (or
phase in the Banda Arcs.
possibly late Eocene or even mid-Eocene, as Kundig (1956) suggested
@n-orogenic (U.Miocene-Pliocene) history: A molasse facies was de-
for the East Arm) produced dynamic metamorphism. This dynamic
veloped in zones 2, 3 and 4 during this interval, perhaps as a re-
metamorphic phase m a y have also occurred contemporaneously in the
sponse to uplift and erosion following the M. Miocene folding phase.
North Arm (zone 2) (Brouwer et al. 1934) and in the South-east Arm
Very similar behaviour at this time is found in the Banda Arcs.
(zone 4). According to Kundig (1956) the greenschists and amphi-
Locally neritic and littoral depgsits developed in zones 2, 3 and 4 and
bolites in the East Arm (zone 4) were associated with the eruption of
in zone 2 volcanoes were again active and important intrusions of
the ophiolites.
granodiorites occurred.
Syn-orogenic (late Pliocene) history: Towards the end of the Pliocene
there was a widespread period of folding in all parts of Sulawesi
(zones 2, 3 and 4). Thrusts developed in the Butung Archipelago and B. S U B D I V I S I O N OF THE SEGMENT
the movements appear to be towards the west. This seems to be an
anomalous feature of the regional tectonics and m a y indicate the The Sulawesi orogenic belt is here divided into five structural zones
waning importance of the southern part of the Sula Spur, perhaps delimited somewhat arbitrarily at the 1000 m isobaths. The Banggai
associated with its subsidence in that region, where the sea is now Islands have been included in the Sula Spur, which is regarded as a
more than 4000 m deep. The U. Miocene to Pliocene granodiorite separate structural feature.
intrusions of zone 2 may be associated with this orogenic phase. Zone 1 is wholly submarine, but has distinct northern and southern
In zone 2 there was volcanic activity at this time. The late Pliocene parts, the Celebes Sea Basin (Krause 1966) and the Makassar Strait
interval also saw a period of folding throughout most of the Banda Arc. Fracture. At the south of the Makassar Strait the sea floor shallows
Post-orogenic (Quaternary) history: The Quaternary history of zones 2 and opposite Makassar the zone may be cut off" or pinch out. If
and 4 appears to have been one of uplift and erosion, following the late zone 1 of the Sulawesi orogenic belt connects with zone 1 of the Banda
Pliocene fold movements. The behaviour of zone 3 appears anomalous. Arc orogenic belt, then it must do so at 500 m between the Doang-
The part of zone 3 in Central Sulawesi seems to have been uplifted and doang shoals and the coast near Makassar. There is some geophysical
eroded, as were the Tongian Islands, whilst most of the zone is sub- evidence for regarding this broad ridge between the South A r m - -
marine and m a y have subsided. Zone 1 subsided during the Quater- Paternoster Islands and east J a v a as a structural feature connecting the
nary (Krause (1966). Zone 5 by analogy with zone 1 also possibly Western Celebes Arc with the Inner Sunda Arc of Java. The geo-
subsided. It seems likely that in general the Quaternary evolution of logical history and igneous activity of these two regions offer support
the region has emphasized the relief between the marine and non- for this idea.
marine zones by adjacent processes of uplift and subsidence. Volcanic Zone 5 (the Foredeep) will be considered next, for like zone 1 it is
activity has occurred during the Quaternary in the nolthern part of wholly marine. Where zone 5 lies on the convex, outer side of the
zone 2 and in zone 3 (Una Una). Banda Arc orogenic belt it is a deep water zone always over 1000 m

Table 1

1 2 3 4 5
W. Celebes
Celebes Arc and Western Part
Sea N. Celebes Intra-Celebes E. Celebes of
Age andfades of the Elements Basin Arc Arcs Zone Arc Foredeep Sula Spur
Quaternary Volcanics X X
Quaternary Littoral and neritic X X X x not Obi
Quaternary Evidence of subsidence x only Obi
Pliocene Littoral and neritic x x x
Miocene-Pliocene Granodiorite intrusive, x
U. Miocene-Pliocene Molasse x
U. Miocene-Pliocene Paralic
U. Miocene-Pliocene Littoral and neritic x
U. Miocene-Pliocene Volcanics x
Oligo-L. Miocene Volcanics x
Oligo-L. Miocene Neritic x x x
Eocene-Oligocene Granite, granodiorite and x
diorite intrusives
Eocene-Oligocene Neritic x x
Eocene-Oligocene Paralic
Eocene Volcanics
U. Mesozoic-Eocene Glaucophane schists X X
U. Mesozoic-Eocene Greenschists X X
U. Cretaceous-L. Eocene Ophiolites x x only in Obi
U. Cretaceous-L. Eocene Granodiorite intrusives
U. Mesozoic Bathyal x x not Obi
U. Mesozoic Neritic x ? in Obi
L. Mesozoic Neritic and paralic x Juras, but no
Pre-U. Triassic Basement crystalline schists x x x

Note: x =present
Principal orogenicphases: S=strong; M=moderate; W=weak.

a n d locally over 4000 m deep. I n the Sulawesi region zone 5 lies on 1969) a n d geologically poorly d o c u m e n t e d , so several alternative
the concave side of the i n n e r arc, a n d its d i s a p p e a r a n c e from most o f tectonic interpretations are possible. A l t h o u g h few epicentres o f
the Sulawesi orogenic belt m a y be associated with this reversal of i n t e r m e d i a t e a n d deep focus seismic earthquakes are reported from
geometry. T h e i n t e r p r e t a t i o n of the relative positions of zone 5 a n d this p a r t of zone 5 (of. Fitch 1970), we m a y n o t expect geophysical
the Sula Spur in the N o r t h e r n B a n d a Sea is open to discussion, a n a l o g y with zone 5 of the B a n d a Arcs, because the n e a r b y deep
however. T h e identification of the deeper w a t e r ( > 1000 m) i m m e d i - Philippine trench a n d the volcanoes of H a l m a h e r a have no equivalents
ately west of the H a l m a h e r a Islands as the c o n t i n u a t i o n of zone 5 of on the convex side of the zone 5 of the B a n d a Arcs.
the Sulawesi orogenic belt is one t h a t m i g h t not find general acceptance, Zone 2. T h e western limits of zone 2 are d r a w n a r b i t r a r i l y at the
b u t it does seem to o c c u p y the outside of the convex outer arc (of the 1000 m isobath, except south of Makassar where (as discussed for
N o r t h M o l u c c a n Arc). This region between Sulawesi a n d I r i a n Barat zone 1 above) the limit is taken at the 500 m isobath until n e a r the
is geophysically complicated (el. Fitch 1970; H a t h e r t o n & Dickinson t r e n c h in the Flores Sea. F r o m there the margins of zone 2 c o n t i n u e

eastward as part of the Salajar-Lucipara Arc at much greater depths m a p and with some support from shallow focus seismic activity
in the Banda Sea. The inner margin of zone 2 is drawn at the 1000 m (Fitch 1970), appears to be a more consistent interpretation than that
isobath until the Banda Sea. This eastern margin coincides locally offered by Klompe (1954).
with the submarine fault scarp on the east of the South Arm which One problem is the relationship of the possible western extension of
extends from the Tawaelia graben in Central Sulawesi to the east of the Sorong Fault zone, to the north edge of the Sula Spur. Visser &
Salajar. In the north the margin separates the Sangihe ridge and Hermes (1962) suggested the fault extended south of Obi and south
islands from the Gorontalo Trough and the Sangihe Trough. The of the Sula Islands. Alternatively it m a y extend south of Obi but
northern part of zone 2 (Northern Celebes Arc) is characterized by north of the Sula Islands, so that west of Obi it could coincide with the
a line of active volcanoes and a zone of epicentres of intermediate north limit of the Sula Spur, or it could occur north of Obi separating
focus earthquakes. that island from the Halmahera Islands; this last interpretation might
Zone 3 m a y be called the Intra-Celebes Arcs zone. Mostly it is account for a line of shallow focus seismicity along the postulated
submarine and is deeper than 1000 m or even than 9000 m. Two land extension (Fitch 1970). The south margin of the west part of the Spur
areas are involved in this zone, one is the Poso zone of Central Sulawesi presents the greatest problem; the positive isostatic gravity anomaly
and the other is the Tongian Islands and the volcano of U n a Una. extends south into the north of the Banda Sea where the sea floor
O n Sulawesi the western margin of the zone is coincident with the drops rapidly to 4000 m south of the Sula Islands. The present writer
Tawaelia graben and its northern and southern submarine exten- follows Klompe (1954) in drawing this south margin around the
sions. In the south this zone is continuous with the Intra-Banda Arcs southern limit of the gravity anomaly; this seems to accord most
trough (zone 3 of the Banda Arcs). Zone 3 is coincident with a zone closely with the tectonic behaviour of the East Celebes Arc and the
of positive isostatic gravity anomalies over most of its length in the Outer and Inner Banda Arcs, although this hypothesis receives no
Sulawesi belt, but this feature does not continue into zone 3 of the support from present seismic activity.
Banda orogenic belt.
Zone 4 is the East Celebes Arc, which to the south and north
continues with structures called the Tukang Besi Arc and the North C. S T R U C T U R A L RELATIONSHIPS
Moluccan Arc respectively. At the southern end the arc is inter- OF T H E S U L A W E S I A R C S W I T H
preted to be continuous along strike with the Outer Banda Arc NEIGHBOURING REGIONS
(zone 4 of the Banda Arcs orogenic belt. The zone is characterized in
both the Sulawesi and Banda orogenic belts by a strong zone of Sulawesi separates four major geological provinces: to the west and
negative isostatic gravity anomalies. The seismic isobaths drawn by south-west are the Larger Sunda Islands and their shelf, partly
Hatherton & Dickinson (1969) suggest important differences between represented by Borneo and J a v a ; to the south and south-east are the
zone 4 of the Banda Arcs and part of zone 4 of Sulawesi (the South- Lesser Sunda Islands which form the Banda Arcs; to the east is the
east Arm). Their contours suggest, however, that the East Arm of Vogelkop and Bomberai of Irian Barat (formerly called west New
Sulawesi m a y occupy a similar position to an inclined seismic zone as Guinea); to the north are the Philippines which form part of the
that indicated for the Outer Banda Arc. island chains that mark the boundary of the western Pacific. Each
The Sula Spur: Stille (1945) and Klompe (1954) regarded the Sula different part of Sulawesi appears to have geological affinity with some
Spur as a detached part of the Australian continent. Kundig (1956) important aspects of one or more of these four major geological
referred to it as a 'small stable intra-orogenic craton'. Wegener (1966) provinces. On the basis of the linear belt of strongly negative gravity
interpreted it as a structure due to New Guinea penetrating the region anomalies that characterize the East and South-East Arms of Sulawesi,
of the Banda Arcs by the north-west drift of Australia relative to Asia. the East Celebes Arc has been regarded (Kuenen et al. 1934) as an
Fitch (1970) claimed that seismic evidence suggests the Sula Spur extension of the Outer Banda Arc (structural zone 4). It is believed to
'currently includes one or more plates of lithosphere'. continue northwards into the North ~vIoluccan Arc (Visser & Hermes
The north margin of the western part of the Sula Spur is drawn 1962). There is uncertainty about the correlation on gravity data
at the 1000 m isobath. Klompe (1954), and others later, took this between Butung at the south of the South-East Arm and Buru because
margin through the middle of Obi so as to exclude the ophiolites. The this part of the Banda Sea does not display the strong negative gravity
present writer follows Kundig (1956) and Fitch (1970) and considers values that characterize zone 4 elsewhere. Westerveld (1955) noted
on the basis of the geological history, the isostatic gravity map and the that the submarine floor of this part of zone 4 was marked by a series
shallow focus seismic activity that the northern limit of the Sula Spur of strong ridges and trenches striking NW-SE, which he suggested
should be drawn north of Obi. Eastward from Obi the northern limit probably marked the sites of transverse faults striking in that direction.
is here drawn at the north edge of the Obi-Pisau-Kafiau-Batanta The absence of the strong negative gravity values m a y be associated
ridge, which on the basis of topography, the isostatic gravity anomaly with such faults. The correlation of the Outer Banda Arc with the

East Celebes Arc has also been proposed on the basis of these lands of what he called the 'foreland belt' that included Sula, O b i a n d western
possessing a Mesozoic (and possibly Palaeozoic) history that dis- Bomberai. Visser & Hermes (1962) a n d H e r m e s (1968) considered
tinguishes t h e m from all the surrounding regions. U m b g r o v e (1938) that Misool a n d western Bomberai form part of the B a n d a Arc prin-
a n d Teichert (1939) referred to this zone 4 as the T i m o r - - E a s t cipally because they were submerged d u r i n g most of Mesozoic time.
Celebes Geosyncline, a n d Teichert thought it a n extension of the The present author favours the interpretation that regards Misool a n d
Westralian Geosyncline of the C a r n a r v o n basin. western Bomberai as part of the Sula Spur a n d distinct from the B a n d a
T h e South A r m of Sulawesi, together with the Palu zone of the Arcs.
central region a n d the North Arm, expose granite intrusions a n d Although the definition of the limits a n d correlation between the
acid extrusives which suggests some affinity between this zone 2 a n d various structural zones of Sulawesi and the n e i g h b o u r i n g island arcs
the larger S u n d a Islands (Borneo, J a v a & Sumatra). I n contrast, in is open to debate, it is generally acknowledged ( U m b g r o v e 1949;
the East a n d South-East Arms extensive outcrops of ultrabasic a n d Holmes 1965) that Sulawesi represents the j u n c t i o n of two m a j o r
basic igneous rocks predominate, which as Brouwer (1930) observed Tertiary orogenic belts, one is the H i m a l a y a n - I n d o b u r m a n - I n d o n e s i a n
are characteristic of the B a n d a Arcs. orogenic belt a n d the other a b r a n c h of the Circum-Pacific orogenic
T h e North A r m of Sulawesi is usually regarded as a southerly belt.
extension of the chains of island arcs a r o u n d the western Pacific.
T h e Philippine Arc passes south of M i n d a n a o into a s u b m a r i n e ridge
with islands a n d then into the M i n a h a s a portion of the North Arm.
This correlation is based on the strong topographical feature with D. R E F E R E N C E S
a c c o m p a n y i n g chain of active volcanoes (zone 2) which separates the
belt of strong negative gravity anomalies of the North M o l u c c a n Arc BEMMELEN, R. W. VAN. 1949. The Geology of Indonesia. The Hague (Government
Printing Office).
(zone 4) from the strong positive anomalies of the Celebes Sea (zone 1). BLOW, W. H. 1969. Late Middle Eocene to Recent planktonic foraminiferal bio-
T h e structural relationship of the South A r m a n d the western part of stratigraphy. In: Bronniman, P. & Renz, H. H. (Eds.), Proceedings 1st Inter-
Central Sulawesi (zone 2) to zones 3 a n d 4 is uncertain. T h e south of national Conference on Planktonic Microfossils, Geneva (1967), vol. 1. Leiden (Brill),
zone 2 lacks active volcanoes ( N e u m a n n v a n P a d a n g 1951) a n d strong pp. 199-421.
BOTHE, A. CH. D. 1927. Voorloopige mededeeling betreffende de geologic van
gravity anomalies in Sulawesi. T h e acid igneous rocks of this region Zuidoost Celebes. De Mijningenieur, 8, 97-103.
have suggested some possible affinity with the Larger S u n d a Islands BROUWER,H. A. 1919. Geologisch overzicht van her oostelijk gedeelte van den Oost-
to the west a n d south, but Westerveld (1955) proposed that this Indischen Archipel. 07aarb. M~inw. Ned.- Oost-Indig, 1917, 2, 145-452.
region was a n extension of the I n n e r B a n d a Arc. He suggested that the - - 1921. Geologische onderzoekingen op de Soela Eilanden. 07aarb. MOnw. Wed.-
southern part of the South A r m was part of an arc that connected Oost-Indi~, 1920, 2.
1924. Bijdrage tot de geologic der Obi-eilanden. 07aarb. Mijnw. Wed.-Oost-
Salajar with the B a n d a Islands through a series of s u b m a r i n e ridges Indig, 1923, 63-136.
with a few islands such as K o m b a , G u n u n g a p i a n d the L u c i p a r a 1930. The major tectonic features of Celebes. Proc. K. ned. Akad. Wet. 33,
Islands. This arc is characterized by weak positive isostatic anomalies 338-43.
a n d locally in the B a n d a a n d Flores Seas by active volcanoes. At the - - 1 9 4 1 . Tektonik und Magma in der Insel Celebes und der indonesische
Gebirgstypus. Proc. K. ned. Akad. Wet. 44, 253-61.
present time there seems to be insufficient available geological or - - 1 9 4 7 . Geological explorations in Celebes: Summary of the results. In'. Geo-
geophysical evidence to support or reject this hypothesis. logical Explorations in the island of Celebes. Amsterdam (North-Holland), pp. 1-64.
Two major strike slip faults, called the Sorong F a u l t zone a n d the BROUW~R,H. A., H~TZEL, W. H. & STRAET~R,H. E. G. 1934. Geologische onderzoe-
T a r e r a - A i d o e n a Fault zone in Irian Barat by Visser & Hermes (1962), kingen op het eiland Celebes. Verh. K. ned. geol.-m~jnb. Genoot. 10, 39-171.
m a y through their possible westward extension have influenced the BRUYN, J. W. de. 1951. Isogam maps of Caribbean Sea and surroundings and of
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development of the m a j o r arcuate zone of the East Celebes Arc a n d DIECKMANN,W. JULIUS, M. W. 1925. Algemeine geologie en ertsofzettingen van
its extensions into the Philippine and B a n d a Arcs. Zuidoost Celebes. 07aarb. Mijnw. Wed.-Oost-Indig, 1924, 11-65.
Stille (1945) a n d K l o m p e (1954) suggested that the region of the EGELER, C. G. 1947. Contribution to the petrology of the metamorphic rocks of
Sula a n d Banggai Islands where crystalline schists crop out, m a y repre- western Celebes. In: Geological explorations in the island of Celebes. Amsterdam
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